Aclu v Dod Doj Questionnaire Regarding Detainees 00001854
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O~partm'ent·o.f J,!Js.tic,e1:"~pe(:tor Ge'neral Que,sti,onni:lire R~~~'r,din~ t)etain~es D,OJ,-prG INVESTIGATIVE QUESTIONNAIR.E FOR: .ReVlEW.AND liSE dNLY B'(IND'IV,IDUAL FBI ItE'SPONDENTS '" ". , P'O NOT'FORWARD.OJt DIS;SEMlrJATE- . " , qu.eSTIONNAIRE II): test-O.0001S.54 As-of '~!J.~ I~st time, q4~tic;»:ln~ire W;;l~, ~a~~~~ $ome req!Jire.d fields: hav~ n9~ ~e!3n cqfPpleted. Plecls~;t¢.'v~ew'ybur:responses. _ • ':". '~". Please pi'ovide:tne iriformCitiQn: 1. Fkst name:. " ' •• ' •• ~.JI '~.:' ... .. ':. : " "~,,.. ,~~,...~..,:..~ ',= ., .. ~ . .'.:.~ ~ ... :'.<'~: ::~'~'J~:-:' , • • ... ~' •• - ••' i,.' ..".;.". ~&,7¢PERjJ.q,REEM!=N,'r 6 &..'7C PER,AGREEMENT 6 &-7C PERAr;iREEMENT ~ & 7C i".lY!i~Q.le Inlt.!91: '3'~ " last name: 4., Ente~d o.n ,Duty Date (E.00) : .-:>: t~n:ellt Dl'{lsi'~r'l!Fi'erd bffi<;:e: ?: CL~rrel,1t job ti.Ue; .7. Direct dial office.tele·phone ni.miber:: 8. fB~ ,tell lJhon~ numbet: -9; FB.! page~ 'J;lun:lb'er: 'fa/Best q~ntact nUlJ1ber for yo!-!,~ ~ ~:7C $pe<ii,a.l. Ag,e!1t 6 & 7C,PER,AGREEJllJENl Ji !!<:'7C PJ;R,AGREEfYlENT 6 §.].G PE~ AG~i:MENT "6 ~ .le PER.AGREEMENt .B. S'a:'ckg'round of S'p~cific O',e'ploymel1fs or As'signments ;11" At.any tiine a'fte)'$ep'tember J.l( ,2D.01., did you serve".asa rileiftberQrtlie u.s. Milita'r"y r .or as Er~, 'employ~ or c(;mtractor or the FBLor any other government ag~ncYr at <;uantanamo Af'gt!alJi,stqrT; or'jn aJeq$·qmtroll~ py'~~e W.$. .gl9Qal ¥{~J."otl !eUQl:?, Mil!tary ora 0 (!)·yes 1,2. t:oter the Bay/. CiJbaj lr.aqi , ' ~.S. infeO!g'~n~e s~Wi~e tn"S'ql')l)~c~jon.y.rit~ ~~~, No nur:nbe,r Dr' tlrne:s'-you. w!=r.e !J~pIQY.e.d on:jsstgn~, to each' of.the.fpilowlng (p~(Wons, . lraq,;,:.Afg,hanistan; ,or in,any. areas contfolled by the"U.S'. ti1i1itar';t ,of a u.s. .(~ua~tariatnQ B~y~ tuba~ !nt~IUm:m~e servjq:~:) :T-w9 For.each deploy.ment or: assig,n ment .complete the'following section.. [)~plpym!ii}lt onil!~!$lI:lIrierit'b~g~~ L~~atiofJ (sel~C;t one)' ciliou,t \rGici' , . '11/11/20:03. , . :of.. ~.. Depl~jn1~nt or....s~igri.i:hent.ei1,(ftll( o.n. or ll~"u't, 01/15/2.004 l,2a. Wtjcit wa.~ ,the :Q~r(e~al riat~ r'~ aN! i:1lfrp'Q~e qf YQUr~ssig niTi¢rit, ~nd actlvtti~'~? Coi.Jrilefterr-orism i'nVestig.ator ~'2b. Plea~e prov!de;fhe ~ames of the"spedfic.camps, bases! or facilities ~here YlD~'worked. B~ghd~d Jrit~r.nati9!,!C\IAi~por:tf talTIP' V!.¢1:0tYj carpp c;rqppeJ, A!?l,l, Gl1rai~; pri,$ODr_ qmp ,Sla'i'~r, Xs~~ Cooliti!:~n P[b~i.$IQnalAu.~MriPl, CIAS.talJ(m-B.;lgh~~d., .:1..2c. Note: If inrormati.bii a'bout ';:1 .sp.etific,eari1p'" basel b:rfa<;i1ity js.cli!issifred above SECRET, please.:th,eck !Jere. Dr. include. iii your answer that you have,"a,dditional information ,olassitled aoo-ve ·SEC.~ET,""an9, If you know, 'Identity th,~ c1<;lssif!cafion'level r tl~ketr:co!'T1partm~l')t, prQgram,-:or'other X OIGQ-005153 designation that applies to the information. DQ not indude the apdifion:al classified informatiprt in :your qiJestforinaire' .responses;, QIG. PFlrsonnel witli the necessary clearance will "Contact y.ou to receiV~ it. . Positi.oit On S:c;:eneComrilandFlr d~taTne~wltfi-non::-F~I p~rsbn;~17-:(!) Yes ;0 No Name SAC Edwin Worthington. :i2ej5\d" y.olijOintiY~lntervlew or-intermgi3teany .. , ----'-- --- ---- --- , ._-----------------------------------------~------------~--------------~~ • With' what kln~s (?,f nO'n-F~j p~r~nl)~1 dId YOu workJ9il1t1Y7 ':'0 GiTF : 0 .OJh~rl).S. MiifJary : O.u.S, inlelljgeoi!:e agerk(y' : [j .foreign military Of' inl~lIigenceagency : Itl.oth~r .: Iraqi :..- ' -, Pol(t.e- -', - .. - - -' - -- - _' - - - - -' ¥ - : - • - - - - -' .:; -' ~ - - - - - - - - I' y; ~bj~iy~~ pr ~;~lG; ~~h ~,;n- -: ~ ~~ O~ . ,:'With wh~t' kind·s~Y~~~:FBi p~r~~~'n~l-did y~~ ·~~~k:j~j"ntIY·7' -..', ..~ ~. ". ~ -" " .. -- .. _.. , '.. : i2~~ [j!~~.Y9-u:jo(nflyp[an~~Y.d.~~i!{~~jnt~r:vreiv-:~r-rnterrog;tioQ~st~t~g ':F131 p~r~)1!1~17 . . .~ O.CITF ~ 0 lJ.~" intelUg~_np~ <;lg'ency" 0 fdreig.l1.miiiUfry·or ihtt~lIig.ehce·.ag.encY : Rt O:~,heT U,$:. Military :~ ~ DO'tliei:" '. .< , -~ . , . . .. _-~-~--------~--~--------------------------_._---~-----_._--- . :12g:. -:-W~r~;Yb~ ~~~r-oth~r:Wis~ ihv-;i~~ ih.d~t~ih~~jiriten;~~; .~~·ilitet;~g~tio.n~-;ith - n~-n:.FBI-fkrs~i1her? -:: ---~~-~--_ :0 No, ~: L~.~.~.-.ti(),~- r:_:.I.e.~.·; :n:)- - ---.- -- -.- - D;~ioY;;fit~ cir-:-a;sig-;;.~;rii.ii~g~; in:ot --jjePblli~eiJt-;r~;sinrih1;~ ;nd~i~~- - .' .: 0 Yes \: ~S~~ ·l·~Ei. WHat was thege,ti~~a'11)9t~r~ a b() II.t or a out. olf14j2QQS 04!lS/20Q~ anI:! p.(Jrp'q~~ df;yo,ur;a~sjg(lrtJ'~nt 'iloqap:ivitl~s? :CQuhte1'terrorls.m'lnvestI9.atPr . ~~b. Please provide. the names oT.the::specific;campsi. base~; or facilities where you worked. Balad Airbase . i2l:;. NQt~: ~f jtlform~tiqfr ~,Q9Llra,~:mej:ificocamp:/ base, qrla¢(lify;is,c1~s~ifie9 a!Jove.,SEGRET, plea$:~~~~~ h~re; 0, ih<;llJ~e. in Y'?!.IJ:' .answer .thaty'Qu· haY~/(~Jld(tl9'.ni;:lI 'informC'!tiC!h 9Ias~ifi¢g. aqQY~ 'SECRET/" and, if yoll khoW/ Id.entiry:the;c1assificatf6n.levelr 'tIcket, ,comp'artment, prOg·ram/or·.otlier· d:esignation ,that ,applies tGrthe··lnformatlon. Do not include the:additionalclassilied information in your qJ,Je~~iqri.n~ire· person~1 W'it~ ttl§' nec~$.sary de~r;:(IJ:<;~ Will. cqjli:aet you1Q r~c;;eiy~ it;,.. r.-a ~~.:.... - 7 - ~ - - - - --~ -.-:.- - - - - - - - - - ~""";'--,~--_.;-.--._~-- -:;-- ~-- - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - . - -""":-:"" - - - - - . - - . ~.!.~<1_Jl~<::l~-id~~~fJi" ~X' !;)e,~~ ~~~ e~sltlo_n~?.! .!~~ t!r:D~"-tlJ~f~ 2~r~.JlJl.§!L tp~~tJ9.!J! Y~ll_ c!i~es!!Y .!:~.9!J:~~: .~£I~rJI}9_ yo_uf 9~liI2Y'!!ein_t:'Q! fl~5.!9J1.!ilefi!·~ .Na!l1e:P9~itip'n OIGQ-005154 L I ' , ~W~ ,_II~~d}~'lffi~!VJE.0S _, , :12e. Did you jointly intehiieW. or interrogpte 'any detainee with non-FBI personnel?Yes ,0 NQ' o ':-W;t~';h~t- ki~ci~-~f '[l~~.:'F~i, p;~r~riil:~rdid"'Y6~ ,: 0,'eITF wbrk'jbintiy?'- .' ,,-'-', .. - ,d • _ ... ,__ .-__, - , ."" ... - • "-- h6 _ .'."- - • - b7C • - : 0' 'Other-U.S:. Military .: D. US, imellig,ence agenCy ,~ Ii:( ,For~IgI),Q1'lIlt9ry or i!1tellige.':'CE;~gency :: 0 9th~.r .. -~----~----------'------~---~----'---~---~--~.----~-~----~~~-7-~---·-----~· :i2,f. 'Dip YO!J jointly pl~n :any ,de~C!in~ jnt~ni!~Y'f' Qr rni.~rr9ga,tiQr1 ;Sir'c!~!=gYr ci~ject.iv;!$'r Or tci<:j:ic.s w.ith' no.o:.. ,: ,:FBl pef:5Qhnel? -. tv Yes Q No ... ... . . ~ With Wh~£ kill,ds~~f 'nqn~FBI R;r:~;;ntl'eidj~ Y9U ;V""a~~Jqi~i~? . -_. : ~ etrf . ~- ~ ~ _.. ~. --,- . ~ - .--- ... -. _... -- - .. ~ Itf Other U.S; Military .: 0 us. i,nt'elljgenc~ cigency,' ~ Iii F.orelgl1 military or:ihtelligence 89,'ency :0 . ..... _ P'" ,.' Other' ... _ _ .... ~. ..... _ _ ."" _ _ ... -6' ~ _ ~ _ "';'_ ......... _ ......... _ ....."" ._ _ ,.. _ ... _ _ "".'" _ .... ' __ ~ __ 1,29, W;r~'''Y9~ ~v~r-9t6:erVtfs~ I~Y9:fy~ 'in,d-~~n.~e (1l~;rVi~~S··9r~in·terr.~;ga'ti0;s,-witn- :: ' .):;' - - ... - __ -.- """Il - --- - '0 - -.. - - - - - - .... - - -.- - - - - - - - _ - _ - - - .... ."J.'~ - " ... '-I _ , - .... ~_ _ • oo-~~:~I -p~r~?~Q~i'-:: :o, No Yes ,.., _ :: - - - - - - _ - _. - - - - - - _.- - - - -'- - - - - - -": A. Trainh'i'g Prior· to Overseas' Deployment or Assignment i.3, bl~ ypu rec~iy¢ <my trai,Qfn'g'( InstNtt'iQ'n, 'Qr llui~~ln!=~ ~p''e!c;lfk:ally in pr.ep:arptipn f9r a'l;Iy"of y.9J,1r Q'iets$'as ,d~pJbYrj1ents or <j,s?jgnments? l:?a. , ,~YE!5 ,ON.o .0:0.0 Not',Rec"JI Who 'proQ'id~ 'this, training!, iostr'u~c:tioo",br·guid~·ncei.c;lrid whe(e di~'you rec,eive it? F~l-(:I~G l,O'cate~ at .Ql:l!=lnJ:i~, VA ' . 13b.'i~e th.e .sUbJ~cj:. 0fl.:whlch yo.u received -t~I& t~inil1g, in.struction <;>r 94fdal1<;:e:. Flr:earms". Local CultUr.e, :currentlntelliflencer, Medical Emer,g'encres r lraq theater Ogral'Jiza~ions';Struc~ure" QYes OIGQ-005155 15. In preparation for any'of your'overseas deployments or assignments, did you receive any .training~ , .l,nstniqlpn, or guTdanc:E1. conc:~mlng the .standard s 9fC;Qnduc~ ~pplicable to ~he.treatm~nt; IntervieW,. or in~er,rcgatj~mof,detaine~s by nQnMFBI pers,bnn~I'? 'OYes 'ODQ NQj Recall . 0No 16. In. prepa@tion for any of your overseqs dep}<?vrnents or a,ss.jgnr:n~nts, dfd you. rece!ve ~my , In~ruCJ:IQo, br'guldqne:e GOn~emlng what ' 1,01..1 were ~upp~ ~o d'q If yoy 'o'bserved or'heard. :app,u~ th.e tre.atment, intervieW" Qr iiiterrogation,of i:Ietaine:es bY FB.I p.ei"s(mne!, wbich yo.!l l)¢Ji.eyed .t.o be inappropr;ia"ter unJ)rofes'sitj'nal,.dQ~rcivel"abusiVet or unlaWful?· " ·0Do Not,Red311 17. In pr~par:atiprrfQr ~ny:<?f yOl)r 9Ver$,ea~ ~eprdym:eJi.t:s,or '~ssJgnl'nE!li~, ..dIQ Y~lr na!:~lve any t(airiii1'g,.: instruction, bY'gujdance 'cdJitemirig 'what ·y.ou W,ier.e' supposed .to. do ify-ou obsetved or heard ~ab·6.ut . the treatment, intetview"or Interrogation.of detainees bY nonMF,BI persorir'lel,:whicH }i,oli :believed to'pe. if)apprqpriat~1 ul'Jprof~~~ion~l,'~coerch/e, abusive-,. or uJ1la~fulj , .QYes. B. Tl"ainin'g During ·OverS.e'as .Deployments or'ASSlgnment's 18. During any ,of you r ,overseas depleyments or assignments, did you receive any'training, instr.uction;;*j.ahG~, conq~mi,n,g th~::st~lJdClr~s. pf ,cPI1Quq; ~q ~he tre~tm~.n,,.··9.r , ln~~r'p~';;ltlon .o.f petalnge$ PV FBr ~rs'o.n!:1¢1? . o.Ves. 1~ •. Dyri.l1g ;~HrY '9f ¥0J.l r o;v:~r~p,s' depla.vrnents 0 r ~s~ig.nl1ler:rt!?; c! id yey receiye any t,@inJng" il,lstr,I.!',gti 9n" p:r:g\JJ~,(;lh~ ·t.(mc.~rning th~.5tan.d~rd~ qf'cpndQq: 'qj:1pH<:q~I~' tp th:e;tr~9tmerit,']n~~rvie;W" qr interro.9'atl~n'9f fQ,a,. 1191i-fBI p,~rsonn'eI7' ·$,y'es '0 No who 'pro9ided ·,this..ti'C:Ht:ilhg.,.lIl$'truC,tIQn("or ,g'Oioanc¢? O,Po Not..R~all Jj.S. Army T~mpo'raJY's~reening f~clllty 'St~ff, ,B.~[adl ,Iraq , 1,9bJ3riefly d~c;ribe' tne'9fthe~r~inil'Jg'l .instq..lqfion, Qr gl.d~C!Jl~~ provtd'ed ~~J yel!, Deta'inee: handling' arid interrogatioh techniques -as well:as..sfandafds of treatment and (,:en911.G~. '. .. 19c. W~s -any of the-traihing.L 'Ihstructlon, .or .gu ida nce provided in 0ye§ ·Ol'Jq· Q' Dq No~ R6G?lll wrIting?· :20. During any.of your o\1etseas deployments or assignri1ents~ CIid yoU' receive ariy·trcirnjn~h 'iilsfruGtioi:i i ''O~:g. ~ rdall~~,'£?nC7.rll~llg "Yh'ilt .Y0l! '1'ere ·~u ppp~~ ~o Qe'lf yqIJ ·ob'ser.veg .01' ~~ rd ~bou\t th¢" . . tre9~rT!~nt, !nt~rvl~.wi. or mt~rr9gpt!O.nof by Re.r~n.n~l.r whl~n YQu b~lleYed ta be rn:a:!?'propr.late, !In'PrQf~slol1;;1I, cQ'er~iY~~, clbl:rsiV~t or unl;:tWf.u'I7' Fa:r OIGQ-005156 Qyes .@ Do ~ot Rec~1I dNo 21. During any. bf yelU r o\1"erseas ,aeployrh~Jits or asslg omeilts, did you, receIve any'tra Inlng, Instruction, org,uldance:concernin9 what you were'sul?posed to do' if you 'observed ,or hear.d about the tre?tment, interv.lew;.. :O( il1t~rrogatlorH)f getpinees by OOr-,FaI personn~l, w.hich you believ~d to , be .I.nal?prO(jrlat~j,. Cqerciy.e, 'abusiye,. ,or ,Unlawful? 2.1a. 'eVes 'o'NQ vJ,hQ. proviQ¢d thiS training" instructibn,;Qr gukiance? W.S ,ArmY Ttel11PQ~.rY S'cre~n';:i1itY 5t9ft, B~I~9;. Iraq ,000 Not Rec.aiJ 'Hb. Brlefly:describe the substance of the trainin.g.~ instruction,., or'guidance. provided to·you. D,etaiheeabuse rep:ortirig "ptoced,ures 2.1t:. Wa"$ 510Y' qf th,e train:itl~~ :jllstr':Uctio~, ,or :g~.ii:l;:mce pr6V'ided In:'Wrltlhg} Qv'es ON'Q 0 DO: Not Recall ' .Ie. Adequacy, of Train'ing "'-'" 22: i~ y'b~~ ~~pjhjb;i;':did"YdU'-~~~~iv~':~{i~,q:~;t'e:t~~hi'~g; 'i'rt'~~~cli6~~6r1i liid~ce '~~I~i'ihg"t~·:~i~bd~td'~ -- :of condLiiit by 'fBI ahd non-FBI pers0iYnei .relating' to/fr.eati'nentl .InteWlevit 'oilnterrog.atl,oh .of .~etainees prior to:Y0ur,deployment,or'assig,nment? ' ' 0 No C'Yes :' ,~22~:'P'~as~'~d~~ib:~,ihe:~~y~,:j~ WhiCf! ,yoU 'beli~ye the training,. in;irudidn.~r;g~id,a~ce·'Wa~ Ir:ladequafe: ' ' ., . ,Techniql,les and standards;wer~ not briefed prior to·t!eployment. ... /WO "'" _ _ . _ . - . _,... "'!" ..... _ _ •._ _ ..... _ "''' _ . ''''''!. .... . . _ .... '""'!.- ._. .e..... - -.__ ~~ you r'~eIYe ad~quat~: traininQr IhS,trui:tiQrl, 'Or .9uida'n.<=-e telat'ing' to:st~n'(jar.ds~ (o,f c0.nduct by FBi and non-FBI 'personnel relating ,to' treatment) interv.iew., or interrogation :of . :d~tail)e~s' <juring, your t!~Rlo,yment~ra$sig,nmeon 2~:.In Y0ur:opinion, :did, @:Yes 0 No Q.4.ln 'lour ORinip!!, ,df9 YRI,l receive pJj~C()Jql~' traihi,rig~, in's:tn,l¢:iq.n, Qr:gl,lid.qn~e cQ!l.f~ming :WQ9l you.. :wer::e ~u pposed to aOlfyou ,t5b'served or' heard, about the treatment" Inter,vlew, .Qr i.ntE:rro·fJatlqn 'Of detainees, by FBI or noh-F.BI person'nel,:that you believed was inappropriatei.lJ11prcifessional, ,cQerdve, ,abusive~ or unlawful?' 0yes C' N.o :25. (Opti<?,nal) In yvha~,w.C!ys €a11 t~e Fi;\I ir.nprove:~rafJ)[ng 'QI1 thL? !5ubjee~ 'for fut,ure ~eplo'l"rTJe:nts>or :;:l $.signm ems'? ID.eommerit~ OIGQ-OOSlS7 26. Please provid.e 'any aoditional infO.tmatio:n concerning, training for QVe.r.seas .deployments. or assignments of fBI personnel you believe is relevant. .I,l1trodu~.tion' ~o Part III: Tn tliis.s~~tiAnr, we ~i:e 'seeking ihformation reg,qrdjng,'a "wide; r.ange of 'inferVie.v...r 01' inferroQ,at,ion .techniques and other .fypes of detainee.ti'eatmentalleged to, have 'occurred., 1b~ sl1oul~. Tl9):.i3ssurnedust·are,'a~klng, aQout a r.artiq,rI;:lI; ~echnlque,or pfClctkef that\Ve: .~av~: '<;Q'h.¢luQe9, ~h~l jt in: fq~~. ~ttqlrr~d. We retqg'nize thClH,ome' qf tli¢s¢,t~hnique? :or p@'qit§' m;;:ty. ~t tjm~s' b'e: n'e~e);$9!)' fQr;s?lf~W!3tip 5¢(:ur1ty In d (t~~ei1tJQn :~e~rn9.,' I,rr-atlq ttlonl we r~~6gn~lZe .thC\l [S~m~:of-the~e lechniques 'o,rpractices; m'ay have .been aulhprizeO Jor use by· .'riiilitafy or 'other ~o.Y.ernnient personnel. With rl;§p~ tg 'e'!ch iq elltiT!~,d te,chh iq l,I~, [lfactiq:lr. 'gr 'typ'~ of!=ondI..(chf ~4ri,be9, b~lo\tf t. we '!:Jr\= see!dng 'jnfpt'rrfC,ltiQIi '~t5.qut its.,6C;~4tt~tiC;l? ,d~ri~g :or'in~Qrin~q~i9ri. ~i~h th~ in~ervi~W or ifi~¢rJ:qg;:lti~n~f a d~tair.1E;~,e",o'.r' dorin'g the di;!teiltio.n of.~ l:.letait(e~ b!eyond what is·~leed.ed f<;it' s~fety and,se!=,uri.ty: Iii that ,contexti; we w.iU ask y.ou -to tell us :whether ,one 'Or more oMhe,·folldwin9. '?fatemerits ,are true:: ' 1. r,pe:r~(ma!ly' qb,~rve9 thl~ ,conc!l,l.cJ, ·2; I;'ie.q a~!a'lRee(~) In: a cpnd1f:(9.n-tpq,! I~,(;f lJl!=!. t.qb~l!glY~ Xh?t !hi'?~ d9h~l;l~ h?cf Qccvrr~ . .'3. D,etainee(s) tord ·r'iielliat .ttlIs.. c.QliduG!:: had .6ccurreCl" '4" G.thers'wti6 obserVed this ,conduct described it to me. 5'-. r have relevant information dassified above:'!;SECRET". '(i, t Il,~y~r:qpse.rv~ thi,s,tOJl~l;l~~ nqr heprd gbQI,l,t',,it (ror:n~sQITI~9n~:whQ"c!lq" '27. D'epriving,;a .detainee, o{fo.6d or water a-. 0 r. personally observed thls'co.nduct. b" 0 ~:obsel;Ved det.~i~ee.cs) !n a;cond itiou t.hat led ~'. q petaine;e(?): t,qld me: th§t this qjnd\.tc~ hpg 'q'CCllrr.~ .. Others 1Nhoobserv~ 't!lis conduct d~sl::r(bed l~ t<;J (Jlt;l.•.. iI· 0 e, me, to beifeve that'~~is c;on,duct had 'oq:urred.., o .1' have relevant 'informatiqtr:cIassrfietl ab'oVe'l"SECRET"', f. ~' ~ il~v~r QlJs~er'{~9 thl$ 'c9fltlu~t nQr ~earp a!JC!l,l~ it (rOIT! Wf)1e.R)le::WhQ(lIg. 'a-. 0 I personally observed fhls"conduct. b: D. I,o/:)~fYed ,q~t,q'I,T)ee(5) in .a.'Ci:oml itio[l that led J1)E ~o' believe thaUhis <::DflduGt had tl"cu[Ted. C" O. [)e~gi!1ee(s} tQld . d., 0 . ~. 0 me, th,gt ~ttis e<;mduct had :q<;curred~ c;)th'e~ Wh(lo!?~fV~d :thTs qmduc.l>d:escribed it, ~o m!?" {. J:1av~ re:l~vaflt IrlfQrmatlon clas~lfle<;l ~~'9V~ ':S~CREP. OIGQ-005158 ., I:!J:gJr. never observe'd this conduct nor heard about it from someone who did. g. please provide 1l1e ~ppr9Xim~te):!me ft1:lme 'dl)rlng Whi~h t,his con~l!et occurred. Fr<1m' i212QQ~ ~o 12}2Qoa .DDp Not Recall h., The .detaih~e'(s}treat~d In tl1i~ way wer~ Iqca,ted at the tl!T1€ 'In; 1 D Guantanamo 2, '0·traq . ~ D AfghalJls.t~n it D Other Location .5 D Do Not Recall , ,. -' I;. PI!?'ase·.id~.ntl1YJh~.~d¢t~ln~(~). Urikriow.n .. by . < ' na'm~ and~ nur't1b.~r,~ j. PI~a,s~ igentjfy th~,p~rson(s) WhQ tre~te'(f the d:etainee{s) II) this mC\nl1er.i- fnducUn,g ~heir · n~ine($ran<;l govEjrri'merit :agency(ies): , ·L:.!h,krjow.o U. S. Army personnel 'at Abu Gh'raia Pr.ison, k. PI~a~ ide·Qtify,a·rt9.:Q~her FBI persQnn~1 br tiQii-FBI .pe.r~6ij'~el 'WhQ:ob.$r\{¢~d (j¢ta(n~e(s): t.r~Cite.d' In this, marihet"lncludlrfg' their name(s.) :ana agency'(Je's): tfone .. . " - . L Tfii~·'condL1etoG:qmed in.tonnec;tiQn wittF ., '1; (,:) .Ooe det~rn.~ ~ ~ $~)1e'ra'l (24J ,3. Mi:my iletcUnees (more t~an 4) it DO. Not: Reo:ill ' a a m, (b,{i.J;IOtiCli)Plea$.e.d~tlb¢ the:.r~leyant Gli'C,ur'nstarlce$ iii m<1r,e'deta'il: · ~,tJC!<:I wgl~eq <thrOl~gh:the':Wing ?t :Apu 'G.hra,ib 1,'VMre)Ddivigual ~~lIs held.,detClin:ees. ; th!=ir celJs With 'pn Iy underWear on. JtWas. ~plciine:d by ftJ~ Army sergea'f1t was,aiJ approved techhique. . "'. S,9rne' were: in r'n.~: that it, :'2:9. D<eprivii'i~Jii:\' det.ain'ee of sle¢p~ or iiifer'rUpting sJeel1 by fre:quenttell relocations Q(,otne'r methods a; 0 L personally' observed this conduct. b, (j I 'observed detainee{sl in a cORd itionthat fed me to beriey-e that this conduct had occurred. ~. 0 D'et<;llnee(s) toI,d me that thi~ conduct l1ad ~Qccurrt¥1., 0 Others 'who Qbserv,ed ~his cendu~t.pescribed i~ to Ill~. 0 I hav~ r~I~'yant il)fi:>rm.~tf(m cJ~l~sifJ¢p _qb9V~. 1r.$ECR~". it fr9m,sQrn¢on~w.hQd.i,d. 0 'I q,Qssrve'd·this c9'ndu(:t nor hepr,d:abpu± . .. ... .. .. d. e. f: ... OIGQ-005159 ...._-----------------------------------_. -- Q. Ple'as'e 'p'rovide the apprQximate time frame"during :whlch t.his:c;QI'l,ducl,oq:ui:r.ciJ. From '12/21)03 to' i2/20,(}3: h. The ,detalnee(s1 treatea in this way .wer.e la,cated 'at the time ili:1 0 GLIailtanamo ' Dllo Not ~ecall 2 ~ Iraq' a [J Afghanistan 4 '0 ,dt~r Location 5 0 OQ, N,b,t Reqlll ~~ please :rcj~n~lfy·the de~?ln~(~) by ~a!TI~ ~nd (ll!'11 Q~r: .l!iikn-q.WD . .j. ,Please identify the peci;on(s}.:w~o treated. the aetainee(s;' in tl:'iis manner-" in'dudJn9 their name(s) .and ,go~ernment .ag,enCY(ies)': ' ,!JnlqiGlWn. l)..,S. Army p'~f~"9nnE;r,~~ Abu G~r.?I,l.b Prison·, , :k. Plea'se,iifenfify,any'other FBI per50nnel6r non~FBI personnel whQ~observed' detainee{s} treated' 'In '~fll~,.m;:mnE:l}1[l<;IU~Ing their name{§] .';lnp agency(lg~): . None I. This"qlhdu'ct 0Gcurred iii ,tonrledioh with:' b lOne de,t~Jnee 2 ,,0 Sev.eral detainees (Z-4) 3 0 ~any det?3illees .<more; t~an 4} 4 Q D9 Npt R~II ,t 'm. a', IO~pfional) Please describe:the,relevant circumstances in m0re'detail: o }I" peroonally 0bserved tnls conduct, Ii [j L.obseryea detaihee(s) In a c€lndition that led me to belieye that this Gonduct had 'occurred. c. O,10 e tainee(s) told me that this conduct· had :occun:ed. ~: 0, b~heq> who d~serv.eq this con;duGl1QE?S~r(~ jt,~o, r[!e., e~ 0 I ~a\1,~ re!evan,t informatiOl,l c1assffieg abQlZe "SEC~"'. f. M r n~v.e.r'op..s~rv~~ this '9? nr;llJ.ctno,r: he,a rd 'a bput it frqrn '$brn~b,ne Whq djd. ~'i.U, WatE:!,r to prevent b-reathing b,'Y ~ :d.etall'lee or i<J. treate .the ~'en'satl!:iJt Qr prpwnlng OIGQ-005160 D t personaHY'ob~n(ed thi,~,c;oJ1duc;t. D rQbserv:~o d,etalnee(s) in -a q>hcj,itiqn'that led m~ tp belleye tl1attl1i~ c;onduc;t c. D O~~aineets}tol~ ,m¢ that this C'on~lJf:t had 'oc<;urr:etL g. D Pth~rs' whQ 9bsenr¢.d. t,his ~Ql1duct de,$.Grfl;led it to' me, e. D t h~\l.e rel~varit, il'lfQrmatioh' di;is'slfie:dabpve "SECRET'r, . a~ b, , had oc;qurred. f: ~. I, nJ=~er c;>b:>.erved ~his conduct n9r'h~nrab~(),t it 'from·sPIl1~p.n~who' ~i.d. '3l. Using' 1i\:1I1ds, rope, ,oranythirig .else to,'choKe or strang lea ;detainee a. D. r. peJ?Ol'JaIJY',ob~rvec;l. t~j~,·CQfld,~ct. D I:,ol;>'ser-vet! ·c:l.etaihee(~llli :a:<;:9nd ition:tb?lt-Ied me t~)' q,elieve th~t't.hls, conducr had 'o.<r(:ur(~d., 'C" D Detaine~($) told me tha.t this ~onduc.t hpd .qC:;:<;:l!rr~. ~L D Pther:s whp :Qb$ery¢;this cqmhlct d~Uib~ it tl:;> tn,e: e: D r hav.e releyant l'I')Torm9-.tfon classified ab.9ve, II'S:~CRETh'. t ~ r ri~ver 6tis,erv:ed ilii$-<;6nCluc:t ,'for h~rd..abQJJt itfrOIlH;ori1:E!pna whQ dj~. ~'.: '33. Threatening ,other actloh' to:.dlUse pnvsjcal p,Hn, injury, d.isfigur.e'meht" or:death a~ D, r personafJy"0'pserved ~hls tonquct., •~, D .Lo~~eJyeq detainee(s) in 'a'conditiqo that i~d me tp- beiit;ve that, this tondu'ct /:lap <;:; D !D~~ainee.(~)' !o,ld rn~ thClt lnJ~' ~9nq Uf:,t hfld o'cc\:l rr:~, d. 0 Qth~[S, Vl(ho ob~ervgq 't,~j~ !3'qnc;l!-( IttQm~ e: O' l' hav~ relevant ItI{qrma!icm cla~slfieq :ab9.Y~ '~ECRET".. f; ~. r n~~¢r 9bs~n.(ed' this·.cpliduct nprh~rl:l aD9JJ~ it TrQtn'sOni~~me"Who;d.1d. 34. 'Other'treatment or action ,taush'lg sig:nifica'nt (ihysltal pain death, . " oCGurred., or injury, or cai.lsln9disflgurement'of ' , . . , D L per~narly~qb~nled this:<;;onduct. b.. D' f.Q,bserved ~~t.alne~ts) In 'q, t9nditl~m. that led me t9 Relieye lhat this cq'l).dl,let h?l,d a,ccurred. c\ D petta'inee(s) tql~, m~ thAt this: cp,tJ9u~t /:lap occurr~. ~. D Oth¢rs who 'pbserve,ct tlli!? p,es~rihe~ it tq: me. q. OIGQ-005161 '" e. f. 0 I Itl' I , , have relevant Information' classified above '(SECRET". never observed this:conduct nor heard about it from someone who'did. 35. Placing a detelinee on a hot su~te qr burning ,a detainEte . 0 I persdnally ob~rVea this conduct. b. 0 I ,oose'ry'ed"defaineeEs) in 'a c6nd ition that led me to believe thatlhis, cohduct haoo,c.tlirred, .t . 0 Detainee(s}told me that this: cond'uct had ,o.ccurred. d. 0 others' who observed this c:;oriduct described it to me. e.. q r. have relevant information classified above: !'SECRET" . a. f. It:[ 1 ne.ver observed thls..conduGt nOF'heard allOut it from 'someone who did. "36.,l)slng sh~ckles OJ .Qther rEtstfaints in·a pr()fo\lged manlf~r :a. It:[ r per:Sdn~lly observed tljis:Co.ndutt. b. 0 I observed detainee(s) In :a.cond ition that led me to, believe tbat this condu"ct hado(!,curred., <:; 0 Detalnee(s) told me that this condlJ.ct· bad .occurrea. d. 0 Others who observed :tHis oesGribed it fo me. 0 I have relevant information dassified abov.e l~SECREf!l~ f: 0 I never observed this cona uet nor hea rd about' it from 'someone who' did. e. g. Please pr9vjde tne' aPP(oXim.~te time fr?llTle',d,urlng wbic.h thjs:oonduct .occurred. 'DDo Not Re¢all .Frdm 'pi/eGOs' fO Q4/?'OOS !l, The ;.de~~i!1~,~J s-J: trE¥lt~g JI) t~i~ w~y., -w.~r~ !o:c;:~~ed ·at the ttrrre in;· :!; q 'Gu?lnt?lnqmo 4 0 'Irag 3. D A{gn.anlstari '4 D Otiier LocatiOn 5 D Do Not Recall i., Please'j(j¢.ntify thEa,d.~tain~(§). by ham~eand. nUiiJb~r>: Unknown ' j, ,Pleas~ ic;f:entlfY the ·person{?) wh9 treate!i, the l;I.eta'ine~(~)'jrJ this r:nCj.nn~r, fnc(~qing their,andJi<1vernrrfent,~gen:cy(i~~): , . ..AII -Quam 'and Int~rr(jg~tor personnel B~lad'~ Ternpbr-ary' $~r~enjng Faclll!y. at OIGQ-005162 k. Please identify'any other FBI persOnnel or' non-FBI personnel whO.observed detainee(s) treateo ~ joth;, maoner ;O;:;:)heir namel51 aod aneorvOe51' I b6 b7C I. Th!s,~ondlJct 09Cl,Jrr.ed, in :qmri.edi6h with: 1, Qn~ d'etajne~ a ~ a ,Several detain'ees (2-4) j 0 Many_ detainees .:emore than 40 'Q!J ~ot- Recall rho (Optional) Please 4} descrlb~the relevant. cIrcumstances In m0te.detall~: ,This treatrhe'rjt indud,eo :eXtended use of haridcuffs and 'Was appto:v.ed for detaineeSiwhP wer.e deemed security;' concerns. :37. ReqLiirir'1ga,detainee~6 malnfairi r 'o'!,- r.eStr'ainin~r a 'd,etaihM iilr a 'stressful 6t palnfulposltibO a~ 0 I, p~r?OnC!1Jy- 0:b~rv~d, ~J:lls,c0ndu~t. b',: ,.....~LOP~~rv~q·~~.~~in~e(~) -.:. o '?' a:?~n~it.iO:I1 HIl:~t I~d me ~9 ~.;nevelli~t:th.i~',C~m~u!~ha~ 'o~c~rr:ep. JTie ~tlpt.t.bis. GQI1d,u~t ha~ qCi;:UJ:T~. '~t 0 pth,ets whp '9b~!'Yed this GPn9uc;t,d~.s'crib~t1 it t(>:m~.; C" i8el:ain~(s,)'to.ld 0 I' ha,~~ rE;!'I~vpnt InTQTmati9Il ~1C!'~srfled a'bov,e. "~J;C:RET·". f. 0 I, n~v.¢t,Qb'ser-v.e·d. this,;co.ntluct~nO:r h~rd abo.u! It froiT) 'som'eQn¢,WhQ .dId. ~'" 38. r.orCirig '3, ,detatnee fo ·p.eriorri1·a~mailc'J.lng PhysIcal exertlse ' r a. 0 perS0n~lJY ops~rveQ ~hj~ 'c;<mduc~, I?, D- r op$e,rv,eq :/;Ietail')'ee'(s}!1) a';C;S>~ ition' ~h~t- !~d me to b'~Hev~ that this cp'ljdOd:. ha,C! ·~<tqfrreq .. c; -.d, 0' fO~ta.i,nel=.(s·) tQldm'si that thiS' cOt'!dLlct had oq:;urr~. -----0 Qthers ~ho cibsel1!~d :.l.his. l:pn(JQct d,es~rlbejl It Jo m~ e. o .t' ha\(ie relevant IlJtormation:'<;:lasslfj~d~b~ye' "~'EC'RET"·. f. o Ii ~.b;;el\(ed· this ,cQnduc,t .nor h~ rf.! .a bblJr it fri:;im' sQlT]'epl1j:, whci: ~ id. ---- 01GQ-005163 b, .. I observed detalnee(s) In a·conditlon.that led me to believe thatthls conduct had occurred. c, Detainee(s)-told me that this-conduct had 'Ocrurred. 0 0 d, 0 e, 0 qther? w~q obseFVed t~i;> con.dUl;;t-descri~ed \t to m~ I hav~ re~Vant Information. dasslfTed above "SEC;RET". !'. Il'! I n~er'obS:erv~.d ~hfs'CQn~uGf npr.hear.d-abo.ut it frorrp;Q'!leolle:who d)d. AU. Tht~tehing to .use 'eJecttical 'sh,btk i>rt ~ del<'!lnee 0 I persOnally observed thiS conduct. 0 .observed·detainee(sJ in a"coAdition that led me to' believe that this conduct had ::ocomed. c, D Detalnee(s)'tOld me tflatthls conduct flad o'IXun:ed. d, 0 bothers" whq _o~~rv~~b.js oonquct ~'escribed it to me; e! 0 (hav_~ relev~rit fnrorp-latjon qa~~i.fie9 .a~ov~ ·'S.EC~. a, b, f. Il'! . nf?yer o.Q.~rv.~.c! ~hj~'C9flfJu~~ f!(:u"hear~ a~o.,=,.t Itfrorn:~m~qn~ wn.o c!!d. " -41. rntE!litlonall'i delayirYg:oLderry;lng deta'rnee n'ledictll tare, 0 ~, 0 c. 0 d. 0 e, 0 a, f. Il'! peisnnally;obSei:ved this ,cond'tjct. Lob.serVed (fetaineeIs): in a'·corMlition that led meto believettlatthis eohdiJ:rt had:oCcufred. Detainee(s) told me that this condud had :o"Ccurr,ed. b.thers who observed this amduct described it to me. r have rele~ant, jnformation c1assifi~ <;lbove- u-5EGB,ET'\ ~ nev~r o.hse'rved ~~is cond.!Jct nl?r h.ei!rd ..~~oyt it fro,l1.1 ~meo1Je,:wlp ~jd. ,42. 1:I.6pdh'lg .or b,lindrofdiilg a,detaine;e'othei' .than during tr.ansjJtil:tafiQh, 0 [ personally observed this .cOnduct. b.. 0 [:observed dereJl1ee{s) iii ac::6ndltlon that led me to believe that'this GoildiJct had .occurred. e- O Detainee(s) lolCl roe tliat this' cohautt tiM ,.6c€:'lfrted. d, 0 Others: who obselVed ,this conduCt described It to me. . O. I, h~,e releYant JnIbfT!1ati9f.1 dassi(ied ,above "SEGRRru •.• !, Il'! I·l)ey~r·o.b.selVed th(s ~lJduc~ nor !leqrd'<;lb!Ju~,it from who dje!, a, ~ . OIGQ-005164 ,43. 'SubJecting ad.etaJnee ti>. .extrem'ely told of hot 'room temperatures, for extended p¢riotls a, D I personally ohserveg ttJis :cond'uct. b.: D 't:obse(V~d de!qin¢e(s) il) a-c<;md ,bon that leQ .me to' believe thatthis conquc;t hC;1d o·~<;urreq., c; D d: D O~talne~'(sj tolp m~ that this. Gondu~t hap ,occurred. Others' who 'Observed this ~omjuct described It to'Il)'e. e', 0 l' have relevant lriformatioh'l:!as-Sified abb~e, "S~cjREf". f: Ifl I n'~yer bb~~rVed:ttii$, cqndu~t ,npr 'h!'Xl rd fmrn .S9li1eone-Wh9' dJd. -44. -Subj.ecting'a detainee to loud, n'i1,lsic ,a! b', 'ci· d.. ¢'. f. L... 0, .r. p~r$Onal!y <;tbserv~Q ~hi,s:conduc;:t. D I:0!;1S!=rve~ detpfnee(s) i11'a~cgndiiiorgh?i~ I,ed me t9 ~~lje:Ve tp?Hjlis cqnd!lct had 'qac4rred. D Det,ajllee(s.) t91~ .m~ that tnls c,qlJd.!J~t {lpd :O,~<;urreir, 0 Others' w.h'9 Qb~ery:ed this GpM,uc.t d,es'cribetl jt t{>, rn.~ 0 r h~~e relevant iI:\forrt:JClJipn:dasslfied ~!;Joye ·~s~t~'l. D I_liey~toDserie:d' this,~cQnQutt J1Qr h~rd ':abp,ut it froin :SQm'eonewhQ p)d. - - 9: Please, prpVid e: tl1e; a'pproXimate ~lr:tIe: frari1~ durIng From :12/2'Ob3 to 12j;W:G3 Wh Ich ,this, cOnduct btcur~ed. D Pt> No~ ~~c~1f h. The detainee(s) tteatea in :this wa'l were, idcate'd :,at the time in:,' 10 Gliantanam'o elfLlraq' ,:3 tI Afghanistan 4 D 9~f')'er Lo'cation QD DR N~t R¢~II OIGQ-005165 .... .. k. Please iderHify any6ther, FBI p-ers6nnel or' non-FBI personnel'who,observed detainee(s) treated in this mariner, inclui:ling their name(s) and agency(ies): " ~o.n~ . (. Tbis,conduct p~c.ur[ed in' connection wltH: 1 :0 'One detainee 2: 'Severa.l i:letairie~ (2-4J 30 Many :detaine:eS-(nibre'than 4) 40 00 Not Recall a PI~se describe the, relevant cir;a.unistarrces ril. (Optional) iii m.ore d,etail: ,A. pO(:ta'ble stere.o/CD pj~yer was, playing m~,sic iO/I[.fIY inlO'a c;:elf-tb, p.urpo,rt$:ll'l, J<e~p, the ile:talnee ,awake. Th~e lerigtH time befn9 kepl·civiake· was' u'nkribwh of to,me. ' , 45. Stl bjecting 'a ,a~t~inee.lo Bright f1a.shing iiglits 'O'(Qarkne~S: a. 0 r. personally',observed thisrconduct. 0; 0 I:observed'detalnee(s) in 'a.condltion that led me to believe that this GonduCt had ,ocl;;urred. 0 p~tatnee(s) told me tnat t~;s cOl1d act;' hE!d 'qc<;:urred .. a, 0 bttrers who obselYed thi~ a:mduct'd,escrjbed it to: me.. e. 0 I h~v,~ relevant i!1foTn;Jaticm c1a?s]fie9 ,a.l?,~ve "'sECRET!.: f. I~r t never ,Qbservetl' this ~onf!u,Gt nor h'ea r~ aQql,lt It from:,(me,Whb ~ l(j. C;. ·46. 'Isola,ting I a detain:~e fQr ~r'i ~)(telid~ 'per!<:id a. ItT r per-soJially_obserVed this.eohducL 'b-, [j I observed detcHnee(s) in a'condition'that led me to belieye that· thIs, conduct. had occurred. 0: d. 0 r---''e. 0 G. Oetainee(s)-told me 'that.thisconduct had occurred. Ot,hers: W~0 ol;Jseryed this co,n~uct'd~sqibed ,itt() m~. I haVeTele.vant iorormatjqn c1aSl?lfied .abov~ "S-E¢,REt'l~ : p II l)~ver;o,b,s.e!V'e~this ,q9..lJg.u~t 'n9f .hear~ :Cl b9u.t. iqrqm S<;Jrnep,ne: "",tJo gid .. .. f. ' , .I. .. g. "fease dtovide {he .approximate .tim~ fra'tnedutihg which .this.condutt OCC:UiTed. From :ot/2005 to 04/2Q05 .000 Not Recall h. Th~'9~taihee(?) trecMg 'in 'tlil~ way were:JQY.'Clt€fj a~ th~ lim~ in,; :t; 0 ·Guantanamo _ .. _ . _ _ _ •• ____ • _, • __ • • • _ M • • ".' . _ ..____••.••__ v._~ .._..• __ .._ . ··._.·..v·······.·. .. -" , ........ ---- ..-.. _.-~ ..- ..... _._.._.._. - . ..... - .. . .... ~. .. .. . , OIGQ-005166 20' lta,q 3 _4 5 D Afgh~m'istan 0 Other Location 0 'Do Not Recall , 1. Please:ldeiltlfy the detalnee(s) by name and humber: All,detainees IQCated at the'Temporary. Screeni ng facility in Sa lad (, ,Iraq. J~ 'Pleas~, Identify the: perSO(i(sj, w~o,.treated th'e, detCilnee($1 in this manner, indud"ing their natne(s) an'd gov~rnni-ent.:ag~'ncY{ies): , All guards .ani:! staff at the'Temporary Screening Facility in Balad r , Iraq" a U.S. Army facility·. k. Please idehtify, any·other' FBI personnel! or non-FBI ,p.ersoimel wno obs:erV,~d det~jtiee(s) In this manher-r inciu'dln'g their hame(s) ahtl ag¢nc~y'(IeS)' . AIr FBlarfd ,noil-fBr ~efSl;)Jis :asslg.l"~9, t9 .this fai=flitY.' I~ lhi~;s:qndu,ct tlccu~re~ In: .<;0.n11~~i9n Wi\:tj,; ~ :0 ·0m:r\1~ trea.t¢d 2.0 'S~yerarp~tainees (2-4) 30 MarJY , {!l1ore than 4). .4:Q DQ;Not Recall Ea-¢I'i :detc{ili¢'e w.a:;, kept :i!i a s,il19 I¢ <:¢I) c16s~ :O:fffrortl"pll Qtt\er c¢lI~, WliiJe th'El ~~1Is, rn~intairi~~ ,low Ilg,ht"I:db Ii'ot ,dmsitler tl:1e'detaln~es Kept In those tellS-as being kept In darkr'u~Ssr I.e. the. IighhN'as.suffiden'Hor fea-dr~~ the Koran. . ,4.7. .usirlg"dlJGt tape to r::estrain,;.ga!h ·Of 'punish a d,etainee' a; Q. <:." ~. e. f: o JI, per,so,nC! o.b~·rvep th),s'cond4~t. o l~ ob~~v.ed.,d~t..~i,ne~(~J it) :~~~9:tJ~J~lo[l ~~at I~ ,l1)e tp' pe!ieve thC!t; ~q.ntl~ct· ~~d 'qqc;:u.rr~~ .. o !Det<)ll')e~($)' ~.old 'J11~ t8<)t thfs, t-onq:uct hp,.d 'q~q.lrr:~. o !Otl:leTS' II'{hO 9bse;rv~~ tbis ¢olld.\.lct <;l.~seri.bed me;~, o 11 bCj)l~ 'reley~nt ihfqrrnat,ion' ~Ia$sifi~d ·!=ibQY~,"S·(:CR!=T"·. o fr. n'e\(er obS'erve:d t~ls,c~ndu<t tr9r'h~ra :abpu,t it 'from sPrn'e9Jle,Wh9 9id. 48', U.sJfig rapid res'p,o'ri,se te-?lms ·ana/OJ forCi::d :¢ell eXtractions a. 0" L personally '0 bserved this_·conduct. D. D Ioqs~rved de~qtT)ee{s) II:! :c;l,'condlti,<m that led r:ne to believ~ t~atthis condu,ct had Gccurred. .. . .... .. .... .. .. ... ... .. .. .. ..- . .' , OIGQ-OOS167 c. 0 Oetalnee(s) told me that thiS' conduct had -occurred. 0 o.thers: who observed this cond uct described it to'me. e. 0 r have relev~nt lnform~tion c1~s?ifi~ a~ove II:SECR!=T~\ '1': 0' I never o\:>served this con£:jud,nor h-eard '?!boi,J!'it from sqrne<me'who. did, d. a. 0 b, 0- r ,observed detainee(s)' in a co.nilition that led -me to believe that'this conduct had ,occurred. c. 0 I persOnally observed this ,conduct. Detainee(s) told me that this condue\: had ;occurred. d, 0. ,Others who observed this conduct descrihed It to me. :~: o II, hc}.V,e relevant lnroqnatign, c1assffjeg qbove "SI;GRET"'. f. I~r I. n~v_en).l>s~rve4 thi? c0Qd(J~t 1'1'01' h.eA.rd ,ab~u~.!~ (r9rn SGr:rre0!l~ wt)o ~id. 5~t: Threp~enil1g t9 use n;i1Ii~ary M(or,l9ng qpgs on pi"' near a d~ta.fnee ·a; o ,L pe):spnal!y 6ose'Ned thIs :c(Uid,uct. 0 , I 'obserVed detafDee(s) in '8 ;eondifiorl that let! me' to. believe thilt:this coriduct had ,occtl' G. 0 Detainee(s)'fold me that this conauct had ,6cci.i'rred: d. 0 others. who observed this condl:.lctdescrlbed it to me. e. 0 I have relevant information classified above '!S.EtRET":. f. 0'11 never o:bserveq tni.s 'CQnduct nor heqrd -qbout it from s<;JlJl~one who d,id. b', -5~. U~fng ,spidersj :St::orprons~ sl)a I<Eq5, qr ,oth~r anima Is qn. PI" near a ,,a Inee :.a. D I persOlially- cibsei'Ved this ·coili:luct. b. 0 I,observed detalrtee(s}: IIi a,cOrid ition'that led me to believe that thiS' t6'nduct had .o'G-curre,d. t: o !Oetainee(s) told me that this conduct haa .occurrffL D lathers Who ,obserVed this cOnduct des€ribed if to me. [j e. r have relevant Information' c1assffied abov.e !'SEtREr\ T, 0' r never observed this:conduct 'nor heard -<3 bout it Trom -someone who did. d~ • • I " , '" _ • ~ • • • • , • • , • •• ' OIGQ-005168 ,52. ThreateIirng to use spiiJ~(s, scqrpicins, snake's, qr other animals on,a detainee a. 0 r. pe'rsonally observ.ed, this:conduct. b, o 1I',obserVed detalnee{s} In a.,condition that led me, to believe that this conduct had occurred, c. 0 Detainee(s)·told me that this conduct had occurred. d, 0 Others who observed this conduct described it to me. . 0 r. hav~ relevcmt Information ~I~sslf~g 9.~oye ":SEC.RET''', .f. lil jI nev,ero/,lseryecj thj~ G:on.d.l!~t rr9r>ou:t,iF frof!l :sorne~mewf1o ~jd:, ' 'e, ;5.~. ·O'is'respect.ful sfafemerit,~, handllng"Qr,actions i,nY.olving th~ Koran 'a. b', 6. 0 I persdnally,observ.ed this ,co.nduct. \0 c1:observed detainee(s) in a COi1aition that led . me to' believe that this conduct had .occurred. o !Detatnee(s) tord me that this coridact had .occ'urt€d. 0 Others who observed this cond I:Ict described it to me., e: 0 I, hgv,~ relevant lnforro,aticm, dqs~ifj~g :qP''()v~ "'$~GJ~ET!I'. f. l~llI never-observed' tn!~'coJ:td,~ct nor,h~rd · from'sOlrr~~ne wh.o·dld. d, e, o II personally'obsetved this cohdu,tt. o !I ;bbserv~ddetaine¢(s) in.'8 c~rid,iti9hthat led me to believe that this conduct, had ,Qqcurrep, o iD'E~talhee(s) told me that this cond'uCt had ,occurte<f. o (Others who observed .this cond uct described It to. me. ! o II have relevant Information c1assffied above. !\S'ECRET"'. f, o lr nev~.r (Jbs~rve(f tNs lcom~ud \19r' ~l?3rd 'C)J~'O~t. i~ Jro!T1, sO,me9fl:e:'y.iho' d'jd" a., b. c. d, I ,5$, 'pfacing a woman's clothing on ,p qetaillee' ;'3. b. 0 I personal1y6bse-rved this :coriC!uct. 0 I observed detainee(s) in'a cond ition that led me to beUeve .that this conduct had ·ocrcui'r.ea. ... ~ OIGQ-005169 , ., ; c. D Detalnee(s) told me that this conduct had 'occurred. d, [j Others. who observed -this conduct described it to me; I e. D rl:1~v,~ relev?l,nt i'nfor~~tjon c1a~siJ!~ ~~ove "'SECRET~', )': 0 L neve!' obs~,rve:d t,hl$,'oorrq uqt ,nqr h-ea,rd '~bout It frorry,sqrneone' wh.a did, , ..;56. TQ)..tC;liin9:ij d~ttijlle~Qr a,ding ·toWard a <:\~taJn~ 'iff<;l' seX4al nif\nner a. 0 I persoilal!y bbserv.ed this ,eondiJi::t ,b. ,c, d. ~~, n Lobserved. detalnee(s} in a Co.nditioJ'rfhat led me to believe that.this ~onduct had .occu'rted. 0 0 0 D'etainee(s) told me that this conduct had ;occurred, to 0 others, who observed this conduct described It to me. , I have relevant information dassified above "'SECRET'!', • • . , . . -. " ~ .,' ¥ :t.1:1t?y'~r0·RselVe4 thfp ~0Qdu~t nor h~rq C1bQut,it ff9m S9QTe9!1~l/-{!1o' d19' , , ..sZ.;Hqlq'll:lg'.de.tcilnee,f:s). wlw .were n0,t .detaining the persOn. , a; 0 9ffida!ly 'atlg:lpwleP9¢d pr regi~~ere<;l a'.$ such bythe,ag~l)l:Y ' , I personallY observed this",condud. b: [j I,observed detarnee(s} in-a'coAdition that led me to believe tliaHhis.c0nduct had 'Occurred .. D h:>e~alnee(s) tQ,ld me ~~?t thl~ c()nqu~t, ha~ Q~~urred, d. D k~ther~ w.ho obser.ved t~is' ce,nd.uet d,e~c.dbed it 'to' me', ~, ~, r: ~ ~ ~'~v~ :r~I~Yc:snt iDf9.rmatiQn Gla::?~ifi.e..cI Flb'Qv~' ';$~CHJ:T", D 11. n~v~r pgs~rve~ t~l? ~n~ u~t nqr 'h~rd ~d Rpu~ Itfro.m ·~!Tl¢.QO~: WhQ :dlp, g,. P.1~.a~!= 'Pr(;iyjd~ 'the ~p,proXlmatetiin~ fra'me :d~rlli~, whi$:,h t,h'rscon'd,l,lct .Qccl,I'rre,d, From 12/2003 to, 12{2003' DO.aNot Reeall : h. T~e~in:~taln~e{s) .treated .in tnls Way. V'{~rre loc'ate,d ~t the tlril'e in: ~ D .~.liati~tl,9mo 20.Ira,q 0 Afghanistan ,40 other location sO Do Nqt Recall 3 , I. Please'identifythe'detainee(s) by name ana number: Do' n~t recall , ~ , OIGQ-005170 j. ,Please: identifY the perSbn(s) Who treated the detainee(s) in this manner, including their nam~(s) al\d government agency:(I~): May be.a boy.e S EGRET k. P'I~se Identify any'o~her FBI perso,nne! or non;'~BI personnel w~o'o,bserv~d. det~Jree(s) treated in thj~rmann¢r, indl.lOing their hame(~} and. agenGY(ies}: D.o, not recall. I. This conductoGcurred in conneCtloh With: 1.0 One detainee 20 -S'e\7.eral detainees P:-4} :3 Q Manydet9~n¢e~, {rT.l9re; th~n 4} 40' Do NotRecpll ,58. S¢ndil1!;l,.,a' d,etain~e to, ~hQthe(c9Utltr:Y 'fOf more,aggr..essiY.e itlt~.rrogati.o,n· :a. b', C. 0 0 0 I. personally··observed (his 'conduct. I.observed'detaihee(s) In,a condition that led me to believe that this conduct had :Dccurred.$) tqld. rn~ tryat this condt,lct h<;ld :occurrecf. ~Q~hers, yvho observ~d, t~ carrd uctt, d'~scribeq i~ to. me. .. e,. 0 ~ hav~ r¢teve:t.n~ tlJforJTl~tion da,!?slfi~ fl bov~: ';~E~.R!=T'!;; f: 0 { il$'.!er Qb%~rVe9 this ,c9nputt nor hea r,9 :a D~U~ it fr9rh $q,m~Qh~',w6<?' <;l ip. 0 I per.sonallyo:bserved, thiscohdiJct. b. 0 I ob~rved detainee(s) in a'condltion that led me to believe that-this conduct had ..occurred. c; 0 Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred', 4, 0 bthers: who observed thIs conduct·descrlbe<:t [ me: e. 0, t hav~ rerevaDt iOTormatioll' c!assifiep ~,b'ove: l~SEC:REfJI. f: 0 ~ nr:;v~robperv:e~ thts :cgnpl.!ct I1gr ,heard a,~outitfr<?m;sqlT1e0ne vino di(j.. 'a.. , • > • • ' , ' " •• '60. Threate.ning to take attkm'aga'inst a detarni:!e'!:;:fatnify OIGQ-005171 0 a'. I personally observed this,conduct. b. [j ~·observed detainee(s} in a'condition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred. o iDetainee(s) toW me that this condl,ld: ~aq :occurre;l. c. 1;1. ~. f. 0 0 0 q~het? ~ho 'observed thIs condlfct. <;!esq!petj It t~ me: I have relevant in'formati~~clas~ie9 ~al~ve, "SI;C,RET"'. --- rn!=v~r pbserved this;tonPll~t nor h~rd'aQ.put it fromsqnieone-who did. .- 61. O.ther tr.eatrn.ent br a,etion causing .severe emotional or ps,ychologlcal tr:auma to a detainee a. 0 1. personally observed thiscondu0t. b. 0 I 'observed 'detalnee(s) Ina cOfldltion that led' me. to that this c;:onduct had :occurred. o !Detaipee(s'j,tqlcj me that this condu~t hpd Qccurred", q) o 10tiJerp wh90q$ery~d t.n1s q:mdl.!~t c[e$eriJ;l~ it tq f1le:.; 'e. 0 I h,?ye..rel~varit IIJfi;>rn:I~tf9n ~1~lss.lfle~ CJbQve "SECRET" ~ f. 0 I n~er <i>pl>-erve:cl this '<;o~d l.!~t .no't /lea I'd ~abQ.lJt it from: '$~m~p:n~ 1.Ynb ,~i~. . e.., b. 0, 0 'c o lDetainee(s}told me that this condud had :occum:rl. a'. d. 0 e. I petsor'iaHy.obserVed this eoildud. t'observed'detainee{S) in.a cond ition' that led me to· believe that this conduct had ·occurred. Others Who obseevecl this conductc!e$cribed it to me;, 0 JI have relevant Information classified 'above '~SJ~CRETI'" f: I0 ; f!~~e;.~b~~~~~: thi.s:~Qnr;l~~t Tlor.h~rp '~bq~t'i~ In?~'sOfT1~on~ w!lP d'id. , '6.4-~ QJher tu::a~rrierit Qt'~ d~~,a in.e~ .that in'. wu r.griiriic>n was u nprbf~.ssipri:qJ, .lJn~ llly' h9r.~n or:ctgg're~~l\!~J ·.coerciXle, abusive, .or unlawful . , ' 0 1- perso,n,?I,ly o,bserv~d tlii~~ond:uct" 6,: 0 I?ob,~rye.~ detalnee(s) Ina 'cong It10O- th~t leg me to' ~eHev~ ,~~?t'tDls c;:onduq had :occurred. <;:. 0 iDetaine~(s) tql<;l rn~ t(i<;Jt thiS cpnduct hpd Qccurreq. d._ o lathers whoQ!?~r:;y~C!'this CQI)~uct deS¢Xrbe~ it .to lJ1e, . ... ... __ .. . .. ..... .. .. .... .... ......... -a., •• v.,,-_ ••• J ....... , ••••• .. ".,,, , _ .v ••• ." ... . "---. ----.- OIGQ-005172 ·. e. f. 0 'I have relevant Information classified above' '~SECRET", [tf I never observed this.·conduct nor heard about it from' someone who' did. BD\Yh '~~'@j~~ , ij (i4. Dig yqu impersonatlon.of FBI by',anyone during :an interview or interrqgation of 9b~rv~'an:y. pl::rspnn~1 'cr$i!'ltainee'? '6/?,;, Did, ~IW·detaine~· on)~·h~.r p'e~SQn tell YQu :~h,at ~~.9r ~h:e h;:ld ~itness~d t,hE;'! .irnp~r~sonati9r1 9,f f!3! personnel In cQnne~iqrr with 'a' detclines:: intefYiew Qr interrogation? , D~ 0~ 66. 'Are you aware of any, "sham~I, or ~staged" detai nee; interviews or interrog ations mnd ucted 'forMem bers .ofth~:·U.S,. 'Conaress'orthelr st~ff? . , .0 YeS', @ Np' '67. To your knowledg~; did any military or intelHgence personnel ever denyor'delay FBI access. to a .d~~Jne~ the FBI 'iN~mt~d ,to Q.U,~ti(:m be~a4se'th-e.Qetaio~~ h,qd S)J~tajl)ed injwies a~er he mr~ captyr~d? ,6Y~s '0No 68. Did VOIl ,ever .end yhur: participation iii .or- obse'rvatiori ,of a ~detainee. ihteni.iew. or interrogation because of'-the Inter-view or interrqgatlon methods'befng. used! b,Yes E)' No. 6~'. We.r~yql! ev~n9Jq;I ernployee'e,nde~ his'Of h:~r:,P?lJt.icipa~ion 'in o.r,'·obs~rv;:'!tion of,:?!.' ihteJyieW:Qr il1J~rrQgatiQn D..egi~IJ~,Qf the"int.~rVl~Yd):r ifit~r'rQg~ti9ri .M~thp~!:;:, b'eing !)~~? . 0: Y:'e~ .@ N.o ' 70",. Dur'i.@:any :bf-you'r o~ersea$ qepl()y.meJ;lts, 'O~ Cl~sig nmen~.~( qid Y9~ re~ort a~y '~9n,cerns regard i'W, <lny 'get~in~e i1:W~rv,lew or ,il)tern:;>9'<;ltlon p~et:I~es~Q( ptber.ty.p~~s lif 4~t~lne~: tr~tll')~nt" ~q. ~n F~l , -, - "7 sup.erv..Iso,r. Q Yes' 0 No. 7i. Dur'in,g any of'your overseas deproYITlents or assfg nments,i did ·you report any ~oncerns. regarding. <;,lny ~e~lnee In.t~rvl~w p'r Interrqga.tlolJ p~e;tlq~~ qF p~her types 01' 9.~t,~lne~~trEXltrnent ,y0l,J ~ Qb~rv.e~ Qf h~r.~ qQ.9.ut, ~9.'~ ~9n,-F~t s,uR~ryi$Qr 9r pj"~rri~n~FB';r'p,~r~~,illj~r( Q Ye'ff .~, Nb '7-2:'-. Hav~e you :ever beeM order:ed err directed, noMa report{ ',of:discQUrag'ed in anyWay from repoitih9.r obsep:@tiC?nso'r a!.!egations related ~0.c!etainee t,~tmE!Jit o~ Interview Qr Il)terrQgatiQn actiQ'1s 0t P'rgctic;~s? OIGQ-005173 73~ you .expe(ien.c~ any"9f threatene9 retanati9.n for reporting ~b,s~rvations or all,egations .qf f1~t~lnee-treatment :qr Int~rvlgw 9r InterrogC!tl.o~a~l9.n~. qr prac~Ic~? Q. ye.!? 0 No ' 74;-: ( Plea,~ proVIde any C!d,d,~HanC!1 commeflts (~g:afditlg tl1~ repDrt.i~q ~f COijt::erns: re!<;lte~ t9 ipt,erv.:iey( ~r int~~[Qgqtjpil t¢c!'!ntQ,ues; Qet~n!iQn. pi'PQ:i.e;e?, or ~Jh~l" ~¢!$.:l~tnen.t.Th.~.Hm'e,in 2Q.Q5·~l B~I.~.d :W~;i~ sp~.nt at.~ LinlqL1~ pnp se!1"5ltlv.e fi;lclilty wllere;de.tain"ee~!?:w.¢re 'only' ~e.ml1or.arlly held. ThiS. [aGility' WaS' l1o~'categorited as.a detentior'r facility", anCi thereby; had different stanila-rds from d.etentron facilitIes In the theater. The, facility operated' with great.0.vers[g'ht -and' supervision frqr.n very bjgh-JeveIs'in:tbe rt:IiIltarv., . , ?5,.:W~re. you qE!brlef~, o~h'?(thi;lP the,stanq<;lrd 9.el;lrl~fjn FD-;7n; c,<mcerrifng 'YQJ)r Qy.~r?€as, , i:l'ssignment(s) or .d~pf6Yn'leJi~(;S)·after yo.Ll tqmplet~j:l th'e':deplpyrn'etlt(s)' or as~jg,nl1ii:m.t(s.)? ,0 Yes 7..6. Additional. CommentS':aod 0 No. Recomm.endatipns~ :some.cif the'questions.seem 'a' bit too vague: teo be answ~red with', a~y; 9 reat:c0mfort.. For~mpler #.6-1 ,C?lllIiQ~ .b'e':~n~were9 wit!) ~l1yl'G:erta)nt.Y. ~ith9!·tt- ~nPwlng .wh~~ is eJ11~ti9n~1 tt?uroa, . Thcml< YQ:u' for yo\tr 'Co,op~e:ra,tjon' in comptetjn~ thiS::que~tionna.ire OIGQ-005174