Aclu v Dod Doj Questionnaire Regarding Detainees 00001678
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Department 'of l~stic.e Insp:ecJ;or General-Que.s,tionn~ireRe.9ar,din~ Deta'inees; O.OJ.-OIG INVEST,IG'ATIVE QUESTIONNAIRE FOR~EVIEW.A~D USE d"NLY BY-INDIVIDUAL FBI RESPONOENTS , , , .' tra NOT FOftWARD OR OI~SEMI~,ATE ' , , QUESTIONNAIRE ID: teSt-O.O.001,6,7~l AS'of ~h~ IClst time this qu~tlonn~ire.WClS ~av~~, ~me rf2.quire.d f.ields: hav~ n«;>~ ~een c9~pleted. Please.reView yoUr resifonses. . Please provide7the following' iriformati6n: 1. f.irSt Marne: 6 &. 7¢ PER AGREEMfE!'lT 6 & 'Ie PER AGREeMENT 6 &,ZCPERA(;REEMENT 6 &7C '6 ~ 7C ~pec'aJ Ageflt 6 &7C,PERAGREEMENT 2.. Midgl~ ;In!t!af: 3~ Last name:- 4. Entered oli DUt.Y' DCite (EOO): 5:. CurJent Dl-;t'isfo.n/Field Office: 6~, Cl-!rreQt job titl.e; .7. Directdial bffice.'telephone number: 8. FBI t~lr phqHe' nlJm'ljer: .6 ~1CPERAGREEIV1Eiit 9. FB,I p.ager number: 6; 79P!=RAGREEMENT io., Best cQptaet number f o r y o L r . : 6 ~ lC PER-A"GREEMENT. 11. At any trme alterSeptemoer 11, 20.01/ aid yeu Serve as., a meriitier .o,f the U.S, Military, or as an 'empIQy~e or contractor of the. FBI,or any other gpvernment agency, at .Guantanamo Bay,. Cuba; Iraq; Afg~<;lnist~fT; 'or in areq$.controll~ py ~he l).·S~ MllitCjTY or i;l. U.S. in\eIJig~n~~ sewi~e irFcQnn~~tjqn with . the, .gli)Qal war on !¢rrQt1 @ Yes 0 No 1.2. Enter the numbeJ bftime:sy.ou, Were deploYed oHissigned to·each ofthe}QiloWing Ib:Palior)s. by the, U:s. M.i1itaryoF a US: H~ua ntanama Bay~ Cuba;: Jraq~ A~ghanistan~or 'in :any areas' controlled int~lIig,e,~~serYr~ej,:3' , Forceach deployment or asslgnmenfcomplefe ·the following seCtion., location rselect one) . DeP.I~jm~nt"or 1I55igiuTI.erit tiegp~'~i(orDeillo..vriiJil.iit·$Ir:a55!glfrfulnt e.n.d~i1 on . . . ,,, a~ou.~ '. or abo.ut. .~Gu~ntana~m6"'BaY, . .,..... -. '. " ~~a. 0.7/28/2003. 12/2:3/2.0.03: w~s .the ;geD.eral r'l~tt.l r~ p:urp6~e: bj :YQur a~'igr' ahd a!=tiv(tiel7.'? ,:~ What .. Ad ministfative 11b. Please .provide. the' names ofthe.spedfic,camps, bases( or facilities where you worked. FBI MainOffiee: lic.' N9J:~: if Infp'rm!3.fioh' abpuj: ~ :sp-~ci(iccanip~ b~ser orfaC:ilit):'· i$ C1a;ssified :aQqve SE~RET, pIE~ase, .ch'ec"k, here DTi~lu.d'e in YOlw~nsWer that .y,olr have ·"additiQ.!1qlinf<;mnation da~sifi~ ·a.Qove !SfCRET"'~' and, if you' know, 'id,entifY the.c1assifiUcition.lev.el, ticket, :compaitment, prog ram"i>r .other desigpation tha~.appll~t9 t~e,tnform.at10n. pO" n9t Include the~add.ltlol1al c1assffJeP rnfprfT\atio.n In your OIGQ-005413 q!.l"e'stionnaire response~. Name ~12~. ........ _ Pid YQ,t,I jqintly' in~~.rvie\y pi'" , .. '''' - .... __ Witb. what kinds :0 ,.. .... ,,; _ ... ' ~ .,.~ __'_, ' ,_, b7C in~~rr6gate any det.ajn~~ YJitn t1on-F~I per$'onnel? ... _~ to rec~ive it. b6 Position aSCi ". --':"'".-------_--1L --::-. t bIG personnel with ,the necessary clearance will contact you $ "4' .... of l1on-FaT p~rsonl1el 0 Y:es ~. _ ... NQ _ _ '_- - .. ........ _ _ - ...... ......... • 1 ... ...... "_'..- .... _ dip 'yOL! workjointly?' tIfF : o Qther u.s. Military .L(S. inteliigetl~ ag,eh'cy' :: '0 forelg'n military or intglllgence agency : 0 a.ther ' :0 " =:::::::;:::::::::::::::;:::::::::::~::=::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ 12f- Did you jointly: plan 'any"detalnee Interview 'or interrogation strategy;, objectives" or tactics with' non,FBI p e r s 9 n J l i l 1 ' ' , ..... _' _ _ • , .'-'f~ __ ~._" wo,'.., o 'Ie? _,.....--..''"4 .0 N,0 '__ -t A..-._'_._._:_' __ '_'-'" _~ .... "_' With what kinds af noh-FBI personnel did you .w,orkjairitly? D CITF . ' 0' .Other U.S. Military o U.S,'ag'enw D for~ign millta-,ry or Intelligenc~ agency o Other' -- - - - .-. ... >- ..... - - - .... - - t"'" - .... - .... - ... - -. - - - - - - - - - - ... - -- ... - - - - :129-. ~Wer~you =ever-othirWlse Inv"Qlved In detalne,~~nt;rVlew~ ~__ ~ , ' '_' - .,.. - - '_~_~C5_, <;>_~eJ_, - - - - - - .... - - .... - - - - - - - - - ' ~ - - -- > ~ . :l . : ~,: IA. - or intirrogatiQn~~With- rton=F'B! -persbnTiili-> ~' ,: ',' Trai.nin,g Prio,r ta,Over.$eas Jj~pJoyment'or~~s.ignment 13'. DId you re<::eive any tr.airiing, in'sUilctio,n, or,guidar'ite specificall.yin-'pteparatidn for ariy<ofypur overseas deployments ai' assignments?' bYes: 14. 11'\ p~~paratiorHCir ' ,0No ODo Not Recall a'ny, of yourbVers,eas Qepl6ym'etJts pr aSsignments, .did you receive. any' trciiniOI), instriJdiori,.~r,gli idanCe ,cOncerning the ,!ita tida'fa s of -tond iJct app Iicable to lhe treatment/ intervie1A!r, or interrog,ation',of:detainees by FBI personnel? OYe~ ODot'Jot Re.C;~H OIGQ-005414 15. In preparation for any of your overseas deployments'or assignments, did y.ou receive any training, Instruction, or 'guIdance ~ncemlng thestdnd~rds <?fcond!-lc~ applrcabl~ to filterview, or jlite(ro9atiQn bf.detaine~s by "em-FBI pers.onnel? 'OYes ,0No ~hetr~tmel'!t, ODQ 'NoJ Recall 16. In preparqtion for arw-;of your overseas, \1epJqYrne,nts or qs~jgnrn~n~s, did YOLJ receiye'pr)Y training, In~(UctIQn, or-guIdance confernlng what Y0!J were s.upp~ to do If you -observed od,.earOa~.o(Jr th~ tre.atnierit, 'interview" itiJ¢rro'g~tiQn.of bY FBI personnel, which YQ!J he.lieiled .to Qr be inappropriate, [fnprofessional, coercive, abusive( or.\inlaWfUI? .01"es 0N6 ODo Not,Recalr 17. In pr'¢pa~tfpn fqnm'{9fyour ()Ver~.M~~epio5'.m~l~ or ass.ignmeiits,.dfd YOl)o receive.any traihih'g,. iiJstruction,.6:r:guidance conCerning what You W.e.r~ supposed to do' ifyb.u observed ,or.' heard ~bout , the'treatmemt; interuiew" or ihterrogation:of detainees bY non-FBI per-sonn'el" which yoli 'belieVed' to, be. inapP!1Jpria,t~i unp'ro~~~,on,al,''COercii:re, abusive" or ul)I,awfuf'?' B. Training During Over:s,eas'tieploymentsprJ~,ssigmnenjs 18. During .any of youI' overseas deployments or assig nments, did you receiVe any:'training, instruction;: :gr;g~id,anG~:con~erni.n.g th~;~tSlJ:ldqr\1~ P'f.~ol1du.ct'?IPpliq~l?le ~d tb.~ tr-eatmentj int~rv!~Wf or (nterr:ogation.of ~tet~in~.e? ,by FBI ~rs'Qnn!;!11 . :<!)'ye:s. ON,b' lS,a'. Who prOVided. thi$- ,training,. il1struetion/,9J gpldcmc;e? I .000 Not Retail b6 b7C I lSb. eriefly d,eserib.e the.substance·ofthe trainil'!g.t instruction, orguidance provided to:you. General reminders, that our' standards fot interV,iewit\Q do'n't chah§e-while.aLGTMO Ute. Was::anY6fthe:t(alnin'g,'Hi~tr,uttibn, qr guieta-n'te p'rQYid~ iii'Writltig? . :o.Ves .:0No, :b Do, Not ~ecall '' 1:9. DJ,.Jtlng a.ny ph:our ov¢rse~15'detilpymeritsor cjssign'lTients, :dId Y<:lU receiv.e: ,any training; lrl'strl,fction~. . o(guidanee,cQncefnitig t.he-sta'~l:IarJls of:~ohdtfct ajJplicablB to the.treatiflent,'iilterVlevi, or interrogation of detainees by. non-FBI personnel? " (:) Do Not~ecqll ,20. OLlting i3ny ,of your overseasj:lepJdyrnents or assignm~nts',did you receive aliy training, instruction, or·guld~mC'e,c0ncernibg what you were:siJpp6sed to d'o 'if you . QDserved ,ot"heard .abo.urthe: tre,aJl')1~n,!;r Interview~ OJ Iflten::ogatioff of d'et9inees I,lY.FBI perSQn.nel, which YQu p,elle\lec! to be" ilJapP'rQP'rii;lt~, ,unpr9f~,sjo,m;11; cperdv.~, abl,J!?iVe, or un,laWf~)? ' Q D,<;> Not R.~ci;\1J OIGQ-005415 ,'iOa. who provided this training J instruction, or guid.ance? I I' ~20.b. Brieflydesdrib.e thesubstancie of the tr'aining,( instructioh, 'or guidance provided to, you. Repo'rt inappropriate benavior tb the OSc ' histJ1.lCtion, brguldal')~e provide;! in wrl~ing? iOc; Was..any qf the traihing; byes '0 @.No Do Not Recall .2,1. DlJ rin!j ~iny ,cif you r pv.erse~s d~ p.ldyments q r ;;l5Sig nm~rit~, ,d ig y9,u req~ive any- t.@,ining f j hst'rjJction, or gUidance.cdn~erningwhat·you .we.~:supjJosedto db jf .you obserVed or heatd,aQQutthe, tteatment, inte'rVieV(,. 'Of: interrogationi:lfdetainees by 'non-FBI. personnel, which you helieved to be Ingppropr!ate, unprof~siona((;.;abuslve, or q!1ra~!J17 . .6 Dg ~Qt:ReqllJ <5 No :0Yes b6 b7C . ~Ha. Who' provided this training/ instructionl' or;guidance7 .1' - I" . . ' . , :21b. erjefly describe the'sup.stanC:e'o'fthe train'jng', ifJstructioil F or' 9.uiqariq3 provld'ed to 'you. To]q riot tq partitip<,tt$, and report,anything. pb,serve,d . ;.2'~c., Was·.any ,orthe lrai,QinQ, instr.uction, 'o~:guida!1ce proyid,ed 10 .aVe's e.N6 ·01 Db, Not B.eGCiO,. Ie. A~~quaGY of Tr.:~ining .2i.)~·YOI,l,r~9Pir:ii~:n,~id, you receiVe' :aci~quC!~e,'traiiiing;'lnst·r.U~ron,' o,~ gUi~aoc~rei~~ir19 to, sti:l'Ild.a~d~, of Cdt'l'd,u<;t by FBI.and non'..,FB.I per!?QIi~~1 :r~1.qtirlg· .detaInees prfo'r to.your-deployment to tre.;lt.rri!=rj~,iritervi¢W~pr or a-ssi{(nrneiit? int~rr6gation.oJ 23:. In your'opinion, did you' receive 'adequate trai'riihg, instrueti0n r orgiJitJahte reJatlng'··to:shind~uds :of cqn,dl,lct bY'F'BJ ans:j non-fBI personnel relating t~, treatm,<?ntJ 'foterylE,lWi or jnt~rr.Qgatior:l..'0f ~~tainees'during' ¥9.ur d.e'ployment Q'cClssig nment? 0''y~ 0. No ~4. Iii 'y,6ur orii'tjio)'l, did' Y9U r.e~l3iv¢ :ac!eq!Ja.te-. t~;;lining,. j'n~tr.uctjQfl, ..Qr''gui.dC!nc.e c0n¢~rni(fg' what ~o1J were sU'pp6s¢d to.'dp ifyo'u: Qbserved'of heard:al:ioutthe treattnerff, iritervi~,o.r int~rr:qgation .of detainees, by 'FBI 'or non-FBI pers0nnelJ 'that you believed .was jnappr6pria~~, unprdfessional" :coercive" abusii;le', '01" I,Inl~WfuIT o Yes 0 2S.:COptjonal) .In wbat ways' can ijsSi£jnni~rjts? No th~ .FBI improve'training' on thi.s subject 'forTunJn~,qeplqyrn:~nts,or' OIGQ-005416 \0. Comments 26. Please provid~ 'any ridd.itional information concerning training for .ove,r:sea,s deplo'Yments or assig nments of FBI personnel you believe Is relevaht., . In,tr9du~tiQn: tp Part III: In: ~hls l>ectJon', W~ ate 'seeking JO(QlJTIqtlon regarding ,a Wld.e: rang~ Q( interview or interrogation Jechriiques ~hd other types' of detainee. treatment alleged. to liav.eOcclirr:ed. YOll ~houlq nOt assume, just f:>ecause we,areaSKif\9 abQu~ a partl<;ular tec::.hnique-or practic~, tliar-we, have Goncl.\-ldec;l that it in fa~t' 'We r~ogJ:lize tha,t-sonie'qf'thes~:t~,c;hniq\.!es·orp~<;tices may'9t trm~~ b,e ri~c;e55'pry fOJ',s;;ifetY ang,s,~.wr.i.t'{ ili:a detemtiQIi ~ettilig. In',additioh, ,We re~qgliizej:hat;'$i;>m'e ofthe~5~ techniqu,es or pra:dfces.h'iay- ha.Ve been authorized for iJse oymilitary ot' .other government personnel. With respect to ~Gh .i~.ent!f!e4.teGh~lqueT pra~t!ceJ' or type :of',coFld!lqt.d~crl.bed l)el9w, .w~;are:seekiQg itJfo'.J.Tn~tiQh·,<;lP.Q.ut i~~ 9_q~4rr~·n.c~,d~ring ,or in ,cQnli¢:cJ;<fn witlith¢ intenti~W ~r iri~~r.r,~9~tipJ:l~fa an,:r delal'ri~er,o'r" dJ,iriog th~ ,det~ntioh ,o1':a detai.riea. btayon'd what is:,n~::led~d for- sa'f~ty securilV: .In .iflat.contextl.:we will ask you to .tell, us Whether ,one :or more' dfthe.followin~ ,statements are true:: ' 1. I Rersona,lly"'Obsented this'conduct. I:opserv,ep .get~il1l¥!.cS) in 9 'con~iti<;5n ~Dat led h1e;'tpj)~Ji¢ve: that ,this C;gridy,c!:. h~id '9,ccl,Jrt:~'c;L 2.. 3'. ,4. D:gt"ine-e,(s) ',told me that ;thls.. cQnducthad ,oc.¢urred.. Others,who obs~rVe.d this~cQtiducf.:aes¢rjbe.d it to 5'. I have relevant Information classified above "SECRET": '6'. I ney~r 9Q$~rved thl~ wnc!.l!~ nor h~prd :9QQut it from 'som~IJ~'Wh9 ,di~,. me,. 0 I personally observed 'this-.conduct. b:, 0 r'-oQseryed ~et,ci,in~~(s) in a!onth~,t led m~ to bel,ieve that ~nis ~9n.dUl:<t ~ad ncc:u.rred. 9.. 0 Deta'inee(s) told r:n~ th.<;l,~ t,h,i~ conduct had "oc9urred~ q. 0 Others whQ 'observed 'this ConduCt,described it t<;> me: e;, 0 L hav.e :r~revant iIJforma'i:ian 'Clas5tfi~~ pb'ove ·~S:~t.RE!'l. f. 0 i' n~ver Qbs~r:vep thi,S t<;mdud,nor hffir~ 'PPQutit from,sqrtleone w~P did. 0'. .~ ~_ ' "r ., " _, ' , ~ A .~ '... .. • ,..... A,_ '28. Depriving a det9inee.of'c16thing a. 0 I, personal!yobserved this 'conduct. b. 0 I. observed dei:ainee(s} In a ,conditiorrthat led me to, bel1eve thaUhls conduct had .occurred. 0 c;I. 0 q. Detr;liree(s) ~old. r:n,e thqt tpi? qonduct opd occurred,: 0thers Wh!) qb~ery~d 'this: GOnpuct ~,~s.Y.r.ibe.d it 'to m~., ... _ .... , .. OIGQ-005417 ; f: Itr .. -. . ( II never observed this;conduct nor'heard about it from 'someonewho' did. '29. Depriving'a deiairree: or-sleep, br interrupting ?!e~p by frequent 't:ell.relo:c<;ltion?!Qr:oth~r methqds a. 0 I D.. Q. .d. e, f. 0 0 0 p~rs6rially ob~nled this ·c6ndu¢t. bbseNed.detairiee(s): in aCOlldition that led 'me ~o· believe thatl\iis conduct had .occUrretl. Detainee(s) tbldme that this. cond'uct had .occurrEd. Others who observed this condiIct described it to'me. 0 II. have releYant information classified above "SEGRET"'. ltl L ne.ver'observed thls.:conduat nor'heard 'about it from someone· who did . .30. S~a~ll1g a detaln~ 0 r p~rsonallY'observea this contlu ct. b, 0 I ,observed,detciinee(s): in ,a.cbnditioll that led me to believe that this c6ntluct haa '.o<tcurred .. c. 0 D"etalnee.(s) tqld me thaUhlS,- ~bn d.u¢t had .occurred. 0. 0 Others' \'Iihb -obServed this cctiriduct oest=:rioed it to me,. e. 0 .t have relevant information i3lassifled a'bov.e ",5ECREF',. .a·. f. 0 I never observed this.conduct no f heard ab0u't'it from 'someone who did. Si.lIsing water'to' p.rev.~ntbreathillg I:>Y a .cIetain¢!e. 'or to. t;:reate the sensation ofdrown,ing a. D 1 persOnally observed this ,conduf;:t. b. o II bbs:eYv..ed detaii'iee(s) in .a:tOnd itiorl' that 'led me: to believe .that. this c;bhdlitt had ,oc.turred. '. c: !Detaine.e,(s) told 'me that 'this <tondliC,t had -o.ccu.rt8d . o d. o lothetS' who:obser·ved this e6ndUct described it to me. .e. 0 r have relevant information c1assi tied a bmie "SECRET,II • f. o !f neVer o,bserved this'conduct no(,heard :abotit it from someone who did. .•• • - - - ¥'-'~ --. . .. _.- . --_ ........ _-_..... - - .... OIGQ-005418 32. Using hands, rope, or anything else t6 cho.l<e Or Strangle a detainee a. 0 I personally observed this"conduct. b. Co. o !Lobserved detainee(s) In a~Gondition that led me to believe that thIs conduct had occurred. o ,Oetainee(s) told 'me that this conduct had 'occurrec;i. d. 0 Others ~'(hQ obsery~t! tQis c~nd uc~ desc::ribe9 it to 11}~. e. 0 L have relevant information classifiep al1ov~ "S.ECRET'. To 0 I never o/;ls~rve9 this 'COflpuct nQr'heard about it from sqmeqne'Who (lid. a'. o II personally o.bserved this.conduct. b, o !Iobserved 'detafnee(s) in'a cond ition that led me to befieve that this conduct had occurred. c. d IDetalnee(s) told me that this. conduct had :occurred. _.d. D. l~t~er:s: who 'observeq ~~fs' cen:d uct described it, to. me. e.. o !r h~;ye,re(eYant i.nf9rma~IQIi <;(qssi'fi.ed..Cl!?ove ":5ECREr't., t 0lI neVer op~~rved tl1ls'c9!ldu<:.t.norh~rd about It fr61')1'sQD1ebhe'\:"Jhp"qLd~ 34. tHher tr.eatment or action caU,S'irlg 'Sl!:mlfiq:lot IJhysical pain Qr- injury" J),r ta.using disfjgurement or . ~~h , a.. per~nqny ol)s~rve.cJ this 'CQndu~t, ,c. o lr pbserved, det~ln~e(s) in :a.'c;:ondltion' thClt led me to believe tpat.this ~oJ1d,ucthad occurred.1 o ;[)e.taine~~~) tQld 111~ that tbi~ COTJd'lJet gad oq.:urred. ~.: o I) ;O'thers whoob~erv~d e: .0 Ir ha'i{erel~,!,an~ f. .this !=.Qnduc.t d~'s,qiQe9 i~ tg m~. informatlotT <;:19 ssjf(e{f ·a.b9ve ·"~EGREJOl,. mjr 9Ps:erved this ,c9ndud I1bchE!?rd ,abpuf it fn;:\m'sdrneon:e~wbo-qip. 35. Placin,g a' det<;l.lnee·po a h6t.:surfate. or QUrniiiga detainee 'a: o II personally observed this.,conduct. !I' b. D. pbse~ed} in a,cond itjol) that led me to believe thatthis <z~nquQ: h~d 'oGwrred•. c. o (Detainee(S} told me that thls cond\Jct. had - -_. . 'OCCUI:Ted. , . OIGQ-005419 d. e. o I lOt hers who observed this cond uct described It to. me. o ir have relevant information classified above "SEtREf". f. 01~ never obs~rv~d this 'C9!lduct n9f heard gbout it from some0!1~ whq did. 36. Using ;shackles ofp,tb¢r restraints a. 0 in a prqlong~ manner I· 6bserveCl this cbriCluct. 0 I observed detairiee(s) iIi a·cbnditionthat led me to believe that this co'ndu.ct had -Occurred. c. 0 Detainee(s) told .me that this' condud had occurred. d. 0 Others who observed thIS conduct described it to me. e. 0 L have relevant Information' classified above l'SECRET'\ f- IB I, nev.~r 0p!'ierved th.IS ·cond.u<;t .n()f' hea.rd 'a.hout it fn;>m someone wfJo did, b. b. 0 I p~rsonal!y observ.ed this .conduct. 0 r,·;observed ..defainea(sJ Ih a-condltlonthat led me to be[Jeve 'tbatthls coti.d·uct e. o ,Detai"hee(s) told. me that this conduCt had .occun:ed. ·d. 0 Otners who'observed 'this EonduCt'aescrihed it 'to ·me. 0 I have·relevant information classified Clbove ·!SECRET". a. e. I had o,ccurr:.ed. II f. ~ I never observed" this5conducl nOf heard about.rt from 'someonewho did. a. 0 I petS6Ii~lIy· oosef'led this ,conduct. ..Ii 0 I.oDserved detai'nee(s). in a c9riaiti6h that h~d tmHo believ.e tlii:lt'ttiis condLict had 0.cdn-reo. c. 0 Detalnee(s} told hie that this cond'u.Ct had .occurred. d. 0 Others who observed this lZonduct described it to me. .e. 0 I naverelevarit information" Classified ciDo~ie "SEem" . f. 0' I never.observed this'conduct nor heard about It'from someone. who did. OIGQ-005420 ·3S. ~Ie"ctrlcal shack.()r{ a de.talne~ a. 0 I. persOnally obserVeCi this con-clu"ct. , b. D LobserVed i C. 0 D'E~tainee(s) d. 0 Others, who observed this conduct described it to me. e. 0 IiI I have relevant Ihformatlon classified -above ..SECRET·... f. detalrie~(s} In Clcond itlon that led me to bellevE! that this conduct had occU'rred .. told ine that this conduct had ,occurred. --------_..... _:"-"'--~-----'~----'------'-------~------'- I I nevE7r' observed this "CO-!1d uc:t nor heard ab.out it ftoJ:11 SGmeone "'(ho ~ id. '40, T.hteatenln-g tc;> 'r!se:ele,ctrkaJ ·~h9c;:k on a 4etaine~ a. 0 I per&mally oDserved this 'condlitt. 0 c. 0 Loo5et'i:ed cfetaine~(sJ In 'a,c6Jid ition tliat let:!' -me to tl.el1~\le tMnhis tot'idutt (1a'd ,6<tcur.r.eCl. Detalnee(s)toICi ine that -this Go'riduet had ,occorred. ,d. 0 Otber's. w,ho obserVed this Goi:lduCt desdjIJed iHo e, D I have relevant infarmation' classified above ·.'SECREf'~. f, 0 L nev:er 0 bserued' this :cond uct nor haa rd ·a bout. It 'from someone who dId. b', : me. , : . . '4,1, lntentionally del~'j'irwor~,el1yil,1g. :detajneje: r:n~dical a, 0 L per$:iriaJiy' dhsepv:ed tlij's .c.6htltH~t. b. 0 I:obse'rved de'talilee(s) in a:con"d itioh that led me to b~lie'lie .tliatthis. co'hdu.ct had 6.ccurr#l. c. " o IDetajn~e(s} told me ttiat ttiis Goricl'Uct had-.occurred. cd. 0 Others who obser.ved'this coriduct described it to me. ,e. 0 r have relevant, information classified above '~S·ECRET". f: 0 I never observed this'conduct nor'haard·aboutit from someone who,did. '42. J'!oodlrjQ or bl(nclfo!ping a det?linel;'.o~her thr;m .during t[al.lsportatiqn .0 -cl I per~nafly ob,s~rved. this ~otJda.ct. b. 0 I olisetved detainee(s) in:a cbl'idition that led c. 0 Detairiee(sJ told me: to this, conduct nad 'occurred. me th;:lt this, cooou,ct had Q<;;curroo. , OIGQ-005421 d. e. o 'Others who observed this conduct described It to me. d t. 0 I have relevant Information classified aboye' "·SECRET". r ~~erobserved thi~'a;lOquq "9r h~rd (;lbout it from someontrw!l9 did. 43. Subjecting a detain~ t,Q'-e?CI;remely cpld l?f hot roqm telTJpercul/res' fQ( extended" peri.od;; a. D I per-senaJly observed this ¢n):luct. b. D I bbserved detainee(s) iii a,condition that led me to believe tbat this conduct had·o<rturrefl. t. D D.etCSlnee(s}told me.lhat this conduCt had '600jrred. d. C! 'Others who 'observed this cl:mduGt described it to me; e. D L have relevant-InformatIon classified Ebov.e I',SECRET". t, 0 I, ne,v,er-opseFY,eq thjscond,uct n'9r neqrd ,abo\,jt it'from:;sorne9n~:wl1o did. 44..S'4bjectjng ~ .Qe.talnee·~9 loud music -. a. D I perSonally .observ.ed this,Com;lu.ct. b. D L"Oboorv.ett d~talnee(s) In :a.t6nd Itlon ,that led me- to. belle\ie that this q)rtdllct had C', D Detainee(s) told me that this oonduct had _occurr:ed. d. :Other's who obseiV~d ~this conduct described it to me. e. 0 11 hav.e relevant information dassified above'lSEGRET". t: D 1 neverobserwed this'conduct nor:heard-about it from'someone who'dld. o~cur'tetl. I o g, Pl~?lse proyi~e;me~pr!rQ~irTg~tet.iJ:ne:frf;'\A{hic.h lhjs cg))qf,lt1;-·occtJrr~._ Frq", ,(M,/~fiY'IY. f9'",a) ~r Mf\'YYYJ t~ (MjD{YYY'f f~t"'et br M/YY'I'I) h, T~ det~lnee.r~l t~te9 In -t,hIS w~y w~re rOC9t~ ,Cl.f the·!I1: '1. ,Iif GU,ant<;ln~i!lO . 0D6Npt 2 D Il<\q 3.0 A(ghan'lstar1 4 0 O~her LoCation sO Do Not Recall L PI¢,3se,itientify-the:detair'iet:(S) UNKNOWN '. hy name and . . nl:lmber: 'j. pre.Cf~e /«~n1ify ~h.e: p~§On(s) wh~ 'treC!t~d the de~~ineers)' in ·tnis mat)(Ier.... lnd\-lding th'eir OIGQ-005422 riarrie( 5) and government agency(ies):. UNKNOWN " PI~se K. laentify'anyother fBI personnel or non-FBI personnel who obse(\led detalnt:e(s) treated in this maimer, including their narrie(s) and agenC'j(ies)': UN~O~ , I. This cQriduct occurr.ed in. .tbnn~ction with: 1 q One'detainee 2 S~v~ral detaln~ (Z-4) g '0 Many detainees (nlore than '4). 21- '@ Do Not Recall a m. (Optional) Please ~estribe the relevant circUmstances: in more,.aetail: Heard 'Frpqf time to ,time: tha~ detaine~: were..stibj~cte.d to tock musiG. l)1l'known de<;ilJ.ei 'Ieyers. 'This treatment was·c;ondtkted bYri.6n-FBI pers,O"nn,el :45. 'SubjecUng a tietciinee to orightflClshing lights ,or darkness ',a, 0 0, 0, Lobserved'detaihee(s) in a condition'that led me to belieye that this conduct had ;'Occurr.ed" 0 'petalneet~j tq)d IJI~ that tl1ls col1d,uct hac! ,{)c~l!rre<t C¥f I. personally- observed this 'conduct. whIch ~hls, conltu¢t qC¢utred. From (M,/D/YYYY format or M(YYYY) to '(MJDtyYYYf6:rh,'at of: M/YYYY) ~'b'o Not Itecall 11, Ttl$' 'c,t~tairi~e(5) trE¥!t~"d in ttiis 'WtJy wer~ loc~ted ~t ~h~ ti(l):~,ln: 1 0 Gli~i)tqhgmQ ~.D Iraq , :g'. Please P,'tQyide ,the ~pprQ~lmCl~e ~ime frame during 3 [j .Afg han istan ,4 [j 'other Locati0n 50 09 ~oh Recall i. 'Please, Identify the.detalliee(s) by name and nuniber::: l:Jn~nown j. ,Pleas,~ identify th~ pe'rstlJl(~) whb ,ttE!ated th~: det:aine~(s) in thi$' mcmngJ, i6c1.ud ing their' name(s),arid a~jeh~(ies): " " Unknown ~. ~Iease identify' ' . any other FBI persohl1el or 'don-FBI ,person'nel who obserV,ed detainee(s) ,treatea OIGQ-005423 in this rriannerr.induding their name(s) and :agency{ies): Unknown I. This'conduct occurred in connection with: b dnadei:~i~ee " . . ......, . i 2'0 $..eyeral ge,tainees (2-4). 0 M~ny .cletaineeS' (mp:re.than 4J 4'0 Do' Not Recall 3 m. (op.tlona!) .PI~se de?'Crlbe th:e releva.nt circumstances: il1l11qre:tletail: In.gene-ral discussions With persons'not reca'Ued .it'was said that detain~es from tiiTle to time We'reS~ b~~t~d to ,~tr.db:e Iig hts. 'This .tre~rm~ht iva~ cOll'd uciEii tiynOh-F~I ·p~rsQn~el. . . '., . 4,6. Isolating a deta'ihee [Pr'an extended period a. o 'I perstlnalltobserV,ed thls,condu:Ct. b'. 0 ~_obsetVed deT~jjneeXs) iri'~:u::ohd itierl. that led me to. belieye thaUhis eondl1ct had .occutr;ed. G: o iDetaihee(s) told me thciHhis conduct had ;occurted. d, d e. 0 1. hoXie relevant information classified above "SEGRET"·. 0 I. ne)l~r· thi~ ,conquGt nor heard :abQut it from someo!1~'who did. f. 0 b. D a, lOthers who obsel1led this conduct described It to me. ..~--_. I persbnal\y observed this conduct. I .observed,detainee(s} Iha,;c6hdition that, led me to. believe that this conduGt, had occurred. C-'. d ,D,etaihee.(s) tola me that this c0ndu~t had .oecuir:ee1. d. D lOthers. who observed {his conduct·d,es'cribed it t'o me. e. f. 0 I have releval1t lnT0rmation classified a'bove "SECRET'''. o II. never observed this'conduct nor heard about it from someone who did. ~Mr. Usin9 rapId re:;ponst;! team!i 2nd/or for~d cell eXtractfon,S· D r i>er~n.aj)y <5.b;S~ry~a tlii.s ¢<wauct. b. D r ,observ,ed. detainee(s) iri ''a .cond itioh t.hat led me to- beU~ve thanhis. corj'du~. had -occurred. a.. OIGQ-005424 c. D Detalnee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred. d. 0 Others. who observed this conduct described it to me: ~. D 'Fhave relev~nt information c1?ssif(!=9 Cll;>ove'~SEGREr'\ I 1': D I nev~( observe.Q thls"conquer nor heard ·~bol,lt· it from st!T)1eone'who dlq. g. PI¢ase provide the apprOXimate time frqme' during. which thi~r cdriCluct Q'cc:urred. From (M/fJfYYYY format -Or M/YYYY) to (MiD./YYY'ffQtrnat or M/YYYY.) 0Do Not Reca"J1 h. T.he oetalnee(sl treateQ 1 0' Gu~ntan.amo in .this wayyv~r~: Iq.<;:at~9 at the tim~ 'in: . 20 'Ira'q 3D.Afghanistan 0 Other Location 5 0 1;)0 N0t Recall "4 J. Please Identify the>det'alnee(s) by'name arid liiJmb~r:' Unknown .j. ·r?lease identifY the_'p¢f~nJ;s) whb .tr¢afe{! the. d¢1;;trne~(s) iii th!~ ma:nh~r,. in-C;luctjng their . name(s) and goVernment agency(ies)-; . lJSfV1 MP's'- . . k.PI~ase identify' a!lY other FBI personnel or non-FBI personnel who.. observed detairieef$} treatea In thIs mahner; Inclliding their name(s) ana aglimqr(les);' . u.nknQWri· j'; Tfils;~qndu'ct l:?~¢.u~r:e9 . • ' . iJ) ·~~mJ:l¢.eti9n ,Wi!:rf: f Q ,one <:I~t.ajnt* 4. Q S:~v¢ral de,tain~e:$ (2-4) 3 0 many detainees (more than 4) 4'{) Do Not-Recall ro. ~OptionaQ P(ea$e d.e$Crlb_e the releVant¢ir.cumsta.nces Ih'more·de:tcHl:. In.di.stussionswith MP.s it.Wa's:told to me,that t~rt~in tefforisedetain~~:whOw,ould .npt .<;:bmp)y wJth :speCifl~ Instructlo.ns would. be' removed form their celJs with 'force..Never heard of. fBI personnel participating in any cell extractions. 49..Using iI. milita'fy working ,dog .Q'n.or· near a .aefciinee ;other. than .during .:detainee transportation a, D 1. per~J;lany observed ~bis tonduct. q•. 0 I QP$8rvep-c:jetajne'e($) fn .i;l 'c::o nd ifiqn th~t!~ me. to'l:?~Ii~y~ c. D Qetajnee{s) tQI~ 'm~ .th9t ,this: qmq (J~t nap ,oq;~rred .• q; 0 others who Db~ryedthisctlrtd!1Q: ltescribe'd ina me; ~h~t tpis cQl1duc.t b~q ·ocq:Jrr~(;1.. OIGQ-005425 e. 0 f. 0' r never.observed this.:conduct nor heard about it from someone who did. L have relevant Information classified above ·!SECRET". SO, Thr.eatening to mHitClry f1o"9~~...:·Q;.:.n;..;o:..:-r...:n.:..:e::.::a:.:.r..:;;a...:d;.;:e;,;:.:ta::.:T~ne~e~ 0 0 I p~:rscinally ob~Ned this C6no~ct. c. o IDetainee(s) told Jiie that this cond'uct had .occurred. d. 0 others: who observed this c0iidLJct described it to e.. q a. b:. f. I otsserved det'aiiiee(s} in.a·condition that led me to believe thanhis conduct had o.ccurred, a. me. I have reJeYant information classified above: !·SECRET"'.. ~ 1 ne.ver'observed thls'conduct nor'heard absut It from someone who' did. ,'.Si. 1I.sing spid erSt ,scOrpiOrl~1 :~n~kesr ·or 'oth~r anima Is·on pr near p ",eta i[Jee: 0 r perScin-any oliserved this conduct. -' b. U r-- _ I..obser"ed ..detainee(s) hi 'a.condition that led m~ to believe tbilnliis conduCt had ,oiti:UrreCl.. c. o !Delain~(S}tQld me had :o,Ccurred. d. 0 Others: who nbserved tHis aihdi.ict deScribed if to me e. f. q I have relevant information C1assifieda'bov.e "S·ECREr'. 0' I never' 0 bserved this·:conduct nor heard about'it'from"someone who d'id. st. Threatening to )Jse:spiders, scprpJonSi .sn:ake~1 or Dther :anirnals pn,a detaipee a. 0 1 Jfe.rsorially observed' this conduct. b. 0 I obse'tV.eddetainee(s) ih.a cohdition that led me: to beiieve that thiS: <;br'lduct bad o.c.turred. ·c. ·0 Detai,he~.(s)told't'h.e tliat this ~oriduct tlad ,o,cturr.ed. .d. 0 Others who,obselited this condUCt described It to. me. ,e. o 'I haVe relevant ihformation classified aboVe. "SECRET". t: ~ r iie\lEk QMeiVed this condLict hor,heard :pQ0Ut itfrorh,s6ni-eone, who aid. OIGQ-005426 53. Dfsr.e_sp~1 statementS', handling, 6.r:actions involving the Koran o II personally observ.ed this_.conduct. a. 0 C;. 0 g.. 0 b, , ~:,observed detalnee(s) In a.conditlon that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred. De,tainee(s) told IJ1E that this conduc.t had ·qccurred. Othe~ whQ ~bserve4 tois c0ndl!ctd'eseri~ed it t<:> m~; e. o II have relevant inrormation c1as~ifiep .~~ov~· "SECRET", 'f. Jtf it never observep this'conduct nQr heqrd about it frQJT1 sqmeQn~'wh()' did., 54. Sh~v.lng·a d~~~ilie¢"~: fadal pr 9j:h~r"ftairtg emba'rrass'9t humilJa,te' a ~etalnee . , 0 b. 0 a~ I persenally: observed fh'is.conduct. I,observed'defainee(s) in·a condition that led me to that this conduct had .occurred. c. d Detalnee(s) told me that thiS' conduct had ,occurred. d, o 'Qtbers wh.o observeq this c()lJdu~t:described it to. mf;:. e. 0 f: 0 '. - I h9ye rel,~Y9nt to.f9rmatiQ.l) GI;;l5.sified. ~b:ove "$:'E:CRj:T'I" r never observi:l'd' thls.iconduct nor heard ;about Itfrom,wmebne'who: d·ld. • ' "'. • .0<', • "". "';.' .' , ' ••.• ", • " : g,. PI~.~s,e PJoyfd'e ~he (;IPp(<>Xim~t~ time fra'me.:Quxi·n.9· whlc.h thfs: c.oIiPlJ<;t Qcd.u:rr~. ' fran" ,(Ml'o.'/YYYY format' or M/YYYY) to ·(.M!D/YvY'{"fo.rmat or: M/YYY'f,) 000 'No! Recall , h,; Tlte det'aln:ee(s) ~(?=at~d. 1,n~hi.s: .w.a.y Y' J9.¢?l.t:eq aHh~ trm~ 'in: ~ ~ 'GlIant-a'nam9 .20 Iraq 3D Afgh'aoisla'A .4 0 :0ther location ,5 0 Qo, NQt R~II f. Please,'identify the detainee~s) by name and. number·: unkflQwn j. identify the persqli(:s) who lrei3;:ed nam,eCs) an\:! gi:>.vern'm-ent age"ricv:lies);: US['iJ MPs: ., the. detainee:fs) iii thi~: mar'me:r., .' induciin'g their ' . k. Please· identifY'-any -olher FBI- personnel 51' Jion-FBI personnel 'who observed detairiee(s) treated In thIs manne:r" In~lud'lng theIr name(s) and 'Cigency(les): ' Ev.~rypl)~pt 9TMO' f. ThIs .co]1dlid :0~!=!,J rre:~ ;n' 'con li~ctlP:n with: 0 :Q'ne. d'etairiee, 2 Q se:verai de.taineeS. (2-4) .1 . OIGQ-005427 . 3.0 Many·detainees·(more_th~n-4) 4 0 06 Not Recall m. CO'p.tipnal) 'Please:des:crlbe-lfle-rel¢vaht cj(Cumstanc:es in mQre d¢tail; We V:/er~ ,aqv!sel! R.9 MPs; t~a.t If a de~~lnee was removed trom ~ 'cell py 'f"fee, that tJ1elr head and 11lciat hair was: shave9. ~5'. Pli'!eing a woman's. Clothing 'Or) a detaInee· a. 0 I person,ally o·b.~rv'ed ltiis,cOn.i:h.f~. P. 0 rOb5e:'l¥.exfdetaine~(s) in j)'c6rid'itibn that led me: to bef~~~ that-this condQct had occurrecl. G. 0 Detainee(s) tbld ;Tfe that thTS:I:Ot'Kttict had , d. 0 OtheJ'S' wb'o obServed this conduct jj~ci:ibe<l it to. me. e. d I have relevant information classified aboVe I~SEtREr'. f. 1<1 r never observed" this conduct nor-'heard about it from.someone who·did. . ,56-.. Touching i=l··d~t~ineeor-adil1g toward a de4tlnee j{J,a sexu~1 m~mner a. 0 D. 0 c. 0 ld 1<1 e. 0 t- [ per&m'ally o~:sewe:ir thls,condu.ct. I 6.l:5seIYe-tl.d:etailie,e(s) !Ii. -a:coli.d ition that ied mE! to belie:v~ that this .conduct had :otcutretl.. Detainee(s) told me that this cond.u.ct had ,6cCurred. Others: Who blj:sel1led this rot'idtl.ct d'escrlbi&! me. , I" haVe relevant infon'na"tion dasSified abQVe "SeCRET". o never.observed this .conduct nor heara from Someorie.·'\vho-did. Ple~s.e provld~ ,t~e aPPJ9x.ll!1C!~e trrn~ ·fra!'T1e~Ufrng. lNl1lch ihls' cOrjdUft.U(?GUrra;l. F-:OfTl: (M/D/'hi'Y fqrmaf qr t:11'("fY'f) 'rq (M/D/YYY' Qr M/YYYJ;) .@o.o Not ~call h, The detaineetsJ treated in this way. were located at the time in: i 0" G"uantanamo g. :1 O.Trag 3D AfghanrsJi'tn --4 0 Other L-o"qltlo"n 5 0 OQ-Not Recall L Pleas_e-jQ~tify th~'i:Je;ti;line¢(sJ unKnown . QY name afld number: - . OIGQ-005428 j . .Please id,entify the, persen(s) who tr.eated the detainee(s) in -this manner/. including their name(s) am! government agency(les): Told it Wa.s, q rnlneary interrog?llor f~male. \<:'. Please identify any.other FEll per$Onnel or non";F.BI personnel who'o,bserv~d deta.ihee(s) tr.eated in thjs mahner,- Induding their na,rne(s.) and agencY(ies): Llnknown I. This conducLoGc::urred In connection With: 1 0 One detainee 20 Sev.eral detainees (2-4). 3 Q M!3,ny ,{fetcrj(1~e? {rrlOre; ~han 4} 4 0 00 No.t Req'lll At one point I had heard that a female,'lnterrogator- had, exposed her' breasts to a detainee, Don't know whc> or 'even t.he time, rrqme -pr .if It: was tru~. ,,97. Hold In,g 'detaihee(s) who were not officially acknOWledged Of reg,istered as such by·the':agency. detaining t.he: persbn. ' " , ,a. D I personaJly obSerVed tliis Cj)liauct. 0 I,~6bserv,ed ..detalnee(s) Ina-"cond itlon that led m~ to belieVe thatthls' coridUct had 'occurr.ed. c. D Detainee(s:) told me that thi's conduct had ;o,ccurrea. (d. 0 Other's' who 6l:iserved ;thi9 e0ndiJd describe-d ft te me. e. 0 r have relevant InformatiOn' ciassified abov.e "SECRET" • b. f. [tl' I. never observed' this 'conduct .a, D b, D c. d. ,e:: 0, nor heard about it from someone who' did. I pers.dn~Oy, obserVed this ,t6tlCluc,t. I 6t5S:erV:$'tl.detain~e(s) 1ft a .cohO itioil that ied rile to oefjeve ',thaUtjis :con:d.w;:t had ~O'cclJrrei:l. o petalnee(s) told me that thIs cond'utt nad .o,ccurr;ed. o 'Others: whO observed ,this Gond uct described it to'me. r haVe re1ev.atit information ~classified ~60y,e "SECRET". f. [;1 I never observed thls,oonduCt nor hea,rd :ab'otit it from.sOmeorie whO did. OIGQ-005429 ,59. Threatening t() ,send a d'1ta1nee to another country for detention' or more aggress,iye In~errQ9aiIQn a. 0 b,. 0 ,0 I persdnally obserVea this :conauct. Iobser.v'ed detalriee(s): In aconditioh that led me to, b.elJeve that this conduct had occUrred. Detainee(s) told me that this cond uct had ,occu rred. ........- . 1:0d. -[j O.thers, who observed this ,conduct described it to'me: ... "'---~---~-----~ - -- ...... ._--~--.-.. -~~----~~_ . ..-.-._~~~--- .~. ~ i 0 I hav.e relevant Information classified above. !·SECREf'\. f. 0 I never'observed this 'conduct nor hear<;l'ab,aut it (rom someone, Vl(ho ~id. e. :G:O. Thr~tening t9 take aC!IQ"ri'lgainst a d~taihe!='s'family a. 0 Ii. 0 e: 0', -d. eI ~ personally obserVed this .conduct. to5servea,detaineersTirr'~:H:0iidlti6h that led' me to, b¢Ueve that'this-condudt badoGcurtea. Detal'nee(s) told me that this tondutt had .ocClJrred'. Others, who 'oDservea this conduCt d'esGfibed it to me.. e. 0 I have relev.ant information' classified -a bov.e ',IS£CRET". f. Itt 1. 0 bserved this ,cond uct norhea rd a bout. it 'from SOmeone who did. a. 0. r persOn~jiy, dbse:ii/ea thjs tontlu,t.t. .- C. o ~,.bbsetved, detaine~(s) in 'acond itioh' that led :jne to, believe,that'this' conduct hadocGurted. o !D~tailie¢(s) told me that thj~ c.onc!tlct had :occurred. ! b. d. d .e; 0 I have re:levaot information dassifiecJ above '~StCREP'. f. 0 others who observed this conduCt'descr:ibed it to'me., L never 0bserved this,conduct nor.'heard ,about it fmm someone who'did. 62. Oth~r,reilgiogs 'Or~exlial har:as~ment or humUjation ora c!etain~ a. 0 r pi:(scHiafiy observed this cQndO,¢t. O. 0 I opsetv:ed detainee(s:) in 'c) cond ition that led me:: to .that this conduct' had ,occur'red. c; 0 Det~linee(s' told me that this condu.ct had ,occurred. OIGQ-005430 , d. [~f Others who observed this conduct described It to' me. ,e. 0 I have relevant information classified above "SE'CREr". !1ev~r observ~d th!s C9!1duct nor h~rd about it from some0n.~·wh9 d'id. o ir f. g, ~Iea!?e p,roVide the a'ppr9ximat~time Tr9£Pequrfng whiGh this"c(;>ndL!ct-o~urred. F~Clm :(M/bf'(YYY format Qr MJYyyy) tp (MjOjYYyy fQrm'at -qr M/YYYY} 0:0'6 Not. R.ecall, h. Th~ ,detain~~<.s) ~re.a,~¢ thi~ W9Y w~re: I01=at~9 at the ~im~.It'!: ,1 0' Guantan,qmo o 2 'Iraq 3. 0 Afghanistan ,4 5 0 0 other Location Do Not Recall i.'ideiitify the;detainee(s) by name and nLn:hber: unknown oj. P,I,eas,e: identify the,:p@r.~n(~)'Wh9 ~reC\ted th~: de1a'ihE?¢(~) In t,hls: manner, Includln.g th¢ir 'hamets) ahd go:v'e.rlim'ent::agenty(ie,s}:' , was told 'it iNa's a military friterrqgatO't' ' or k. piease identitY any other' FBI persbtinel non-FBI ,p,ersohnel ;who 'in this manner;, including' their' hame(s) and agenc'i(ie's}: . . . obserVed detain~e.cs) treateci ' ' I. 'Thls',conduct "occurred Incorinecrion with: t -0 One detainee :2 ,0 Sev~rC\1 detain,ee$ (2-4) 3'0 Many qetai,ne'es '{nwre, t/lati 4} ,4:e lit Ob N6,tRe<:;Q1l P,ie,ase deSyrlbe th~.tiatut¢ ancl'circumstanJ:e~ofthe treatment oractitln:; ,tiearcj ,ag<;l!J:1' .il') vCJgueterm~ ~hC)t milltflfY int~rrq~~tor~ had a de~al.nee \iVatch gay: po~n'a~~ In cvrothe:rcircum:st~IlCe;a det~ine:e had ,a!l.Is~aeli flag waved ,at them or Jtr,SOme fa~hi9n !:lJspl?lye:d .to them. No way to v:~dfy qr kripw if it was t~e. 6,3. 'qth~r ~r.eC!tr.nen~ o,f a d}qtE!IF1~'e th~t Iii -youJ opJI1.H;>ri 'wa~. u nprj:?fes.slol'l9I, undI,lly har$h or <199 re~sive, :cbercive, ab,usive" or unlaw.'flJf ' ,a: b, c. d., q II perSonally observed this condu'et. o II :observed detainee(s) in a cond ition that led me to believe that this conduct had ,occurred. o (Detainee(s) told me that this cond-l:Jct had :occurred. o lathers who obse~ed this cond 4qt d€$crlbe<J It to rpe. OIGQ-005431 - , e. 0 f. 0' r never observed this:conduct nor heard about it from'someone who did. I have relevant Information classified above ·!SECRET". '.$0 r@YI&~4H@;@jfjB~ IT ,64. Dir;! you ob~rve. any impersonation of FaI personnel by ~nyone during, an interview or int,errqgation qf detainee? y~s '~No :a '9 :6,5., Did, any detainee: or 9fher' ~~son tell'YQU that he,9f sHe ha9 ~itn.ess~ed ~h.e imper;$Qna~ion ~f f~I 'per;'f ~QnnectiQrrwitha qetCjinee lnterYi¢w or i1ij:errogatiQi1? 0~ O~ , a. PIe9S~ Provk!~ the'Clpprqxim~te timefrarn.e during'which this conduct 9ccurred. 0Do Not-ReCall 'From (M/OjyyyY fpmi'cwor M/YYY'O tg '(t-i/DtVYVY fbrrrt~tQT M/'iyyY) l?;, T.h~,d~~~in~e(§) tr~t~~' in this w.'9.Y w~ce:lqcC!t~d, :aqhl?, tlrp~ itt: 1 ~ GU§lntanC!rno ' ',2. 0 lrq-q "S 0 Afg hanistai1 -4; 0 father Locatio,ri .5 0 Do 'Not Recall .'p. PI$a's~ jden~i(Y t!:le ~tet;;lir'ie~(~) 'by name ,and )1umb,er to: the' peSt 'Qf yow'" ,r;ecbRedibn: , .imknowh ' ~. ,p.leasel~Emtii'y',th~ p~r.son(~) wh'p trea,ted the'~etaln,ee(s) In ~til~~m.anner, l!1c;:l'uplngi Ifyqu 'r~afJ{ their rji;lme($) ~an-d Y9v~rrlITi~nt ager'i<;y{ie's}: • :unki\,<Mn ,e. The name.s of ~tn~'dther FBr persorinel, ~lid ,the name-~' ari'd government ag,~hct qf 'per,sohnelI WhOrirT believe sawthe'detain~e(s). treated In this:mannet'are: ' oorr-:'FBI :t, Thisccdndlllrt,occurr.ed. in coimectibn with: 10' :0 he 'detainee -20: Several'detalnees' (2--4) ,:j: q J'~lgny:de~,~inees' (Ql9r~ th~n' A} '4, @ b.Q N.o,! ~eC?1l .'g. ('OPth;>nal) Please d~rib,e t,he reJ~vi';lnt'dn;:uf!l$tQ.ns:~~· (I'!' f)1ore; , _PO ripg -my 's,?:<:onddep Iqyment the~e \Ner~ .l1..!mt?r~ t~at de~~jnees wer~: ~elling p~rsonn~1 that ttJey', had been iliteb/iewed ;alread~ (juring. the n1g'h.t by F.BI :agents. TQ th¢, niy- knqwledge FBI .p·ef;so.nnel cohdLicteil interviews: outside of normal inteNiew'ing periods. It :was,believea that 'this was,becoming a common ocuurence 'because detainees were. more responsive to FBI Ag,ents. than 'tiIA or contra<;t:,rnlli,t?lry in'terro·g.ators, Pig,ain iOl)l !..Jnv~d,fj~d rumprs, .rid: .66. ,Are you aware of an,y "sham'! or'''staged!' detainee intervlews or interrogations: conductedforMembers of OIGQ-005432 ih~ U:s. COngress pi" their staff? QYes @'No '67. TO. 'lour I<:OQwledge, did ai:1YriJilitary or intelligence. perso.rto~1 eVer- deny (ir delay ,FBI access to. a detainee the FBI wanted to question because-the,detainee had sustained injuries after he was captured? ' '0No •.I"lil!,j'll"\Yh .. "'~ ..... ,' • ~ :".: '., ," :' :: : ..: (',. , .. :.. '.68,. Dld ·¥bJ,.l.e.ver:end 'y.Qur 'p~'lItidpatiQIi iii pr b!i.setvation· of.a d~tajn~e intervieW' Of inte.ltOgatioh becatlse of the. interv.iew: or interro.gation meth.ods. tieing. used? t) :'(e~ ,~. N9. ·.69~Were y;ou .ever told that-another FBl,employee;encfed· hls.;or her partlclpatron In'Or observation ot;..a ·P~!?l.iIJ~ iritE;!!Vievv g:r itJterrogat,i,Qn b~9~(J~~ ~'f ·t~, in~ervje.w 9rrnt~rrog~ti911.rn~tb(),~~· ~~.iflg 'Q$~g? .0 '(,es: .@ NO' 10. Durin',Q, any. of y6Llr,overseas .depI6y"rtlents· or aSSignments, did you' r.epo~ l,In,Y"eomierhs-iegard ing. ~ny .det;~j{'!ee i[)~~rvi~W or J.nt~fr9ga((Qn P;@!i:ti,C.~Sl·(?'I9ther ty·p~~ ,of ~~t~jl;1~e tr~tm.ent.) to. an' .Fa,I :s~pervis'Or.-? o v~~ G,) NQ '7:1. DuriA~ ah)', of i1eplpytn.enls or' assi9.iim~nts" did y.oiJ :reportariY'.c6.tic~rr'rs iog' any detainee, intervfew:of interrogation practices or other types of:deta'inee. tr.eatment 1fou observe,d or· ~eard abOlJ~'i Je"a ~o~-F):j.+ su~rVi.~or or !Jthernon-FBI,:per~ol1nel? Q Yes: ·0 NO" , 7.2~ HaVe you ,eVer been' Qretereff or:o irected ii'ot:tq' repo.rt, 6r'.d IS.i:;ti.uhlg'eq iri' anY'way fTpm r¢p'oltiMg'" .6bser:vatlbfls or aJleg,atlQhs (elated .t~, 'd~l:ali'teE! treatment or Ihtervfew. pr Interro~'atloM.actlons Qr practices? 0:'fes '0" NQ' 73. H~'ye:Y9~ ~pe.ri¢nc¢d ~ny. '9ql,lai 'pr thr~'<iten¢d r~t.ali~.tfpl'l fQr r,i;!po.rting· ,Q~.s~rYa~i9I1s .6)' -all~g9.~190·$ ~O:l~taine§ t~eatrn.ei1t 0'( j'nJ;~fyiellY or .in~etr.ogatlori.Cjjj;ii)'ns or p@«;:ti~e$'?' . :0, Yes' G? f\JO' 74. t-0p~iOh,~'I) Ple'as:e p'r9,!iQ.~ pny 9QpitLd)'191 ¢Qtn[l'1~n.t.~ regar~ing th..~ re'porting '9f c;Qnterns' r¢la.ted ,tp' inte.rVi~W Qi" inferr6g'atjo:n t$:.hniqU:~sj'd,~.t~Won i>rnGtlte~, p'rot.h:er;, ~,~.:~.:.:'._ .O:~·., .:_,_ .. :': lS. Were :y0u debfiefed r othet'than the ,sta ridard debrief in. fD-(7Z2~, eoncern ing YOll t o1lerseas assignment(s)'or deployment{s). after you completed the dep.loyment(s) or .assignment($}?· :6 'Yes. 0" No' 76~ Additional C!:>mments .;:In,q B:eepmrri~nQ,atiQns: OIGQ-005433 '- Tnarik yqu "f¢r your .cooperat.ion jh corjipleting .questionDaire OIGQ-005434