Aclu v Dod Doj Questionnaire Regarding Detainees 00001659
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Department'of JJJS,tiq3 In'spector Gen'eral QU!i!stipnnaire'g t)etain,ees r>.OJ.-,OI:G INVESTIGATIVE QUESTIONNAIRE ~OR R;EV1EW'A~I5 USE ONLY BYINDIVIDUAL FBI RESPONDI;NTS . ., DQ Nor FORWARD OR DI.~EMI~ATE . ~U.ESTIONNAIRE 10: teSt-O.O.O.oJ,659 As·af tl1~ time thjs qu~~i'onnaire.w~s sa\(~¢1~ ~~me require.d (Ields: hav~ t:1Q~ ~een C:;Qf1lpleted. PI eas~' r.e:vie.W·ybilr resifonses. ',' ','" A. .' ... P'~rson~1 Infprmation Please provide'thefollowing information: , 1. First name. 6 &. 79 PERA~REEJ1!1ENT 2. Mld~j1e In!tjpf: '6 & '7c PERAGREEJiiJENT 3'; Last name:, 4. 'Entered' btl D:ut''i'Date (EOD): 6 & 7C PERAGREEMENT S.:· Cur.r.etlt DMsiQn!Fjeld Office: ~ &-1C ~.& .1.C 6. Cu,rrel)t fob. ~itl~: . ,7: Direet:dial bffice..telephonenu'mber: B•. fBI :eell phone' num'ber: 6 &.7C,PERA'QREEMENT Q~ 1(:; PER)I.QRE~ENT ~peclal Ag~!1t 9.. F~I ppger ~utnber: .~~ 7CPERAG~E'EM~NT' 10'. Best qmtact nurnberfofyou':6i:t ICPERAGP..EEMENt B. S'ackgtound .of Spe-cific D.eploYn\Efnts or Assignments ,1:1. At 'an'y time aij.erSepterriber ll( Z001, did yEiU ·serv.e·as·a member of the U. S. Military, 'or as an employee ,or contractor offhe· FBI.or any otheqjovernment agencY)I at Guantanam0 ea¥;( CiJba; Iraqi Afg~anl.stcm; 'or ip art;:a~n::ontro".ed!JY"V)·e UJh Militqry. Qr,a V.. S. in~elligen~€} servjc;e il1·q~nne_ctjon'Wit~· ~he .9(9bal ~~r on ~~rmr? . @·yes 0 No '12. Enter the numbe.r ,6ftime};·¥ou wete.d~pioy~d Qr:asslgn~d to·eachofthe.followihg IQ'caU,oJis. .(GiJantarlClTnO Bay~ Cuba;, lraq;-Afghahistani or .ili·any areas controlled b.y the, U.s, rYIlHta'ryor a U.S. s~rV(C¢};TW9" For ,each' deployment or assiginnent .coll'!plete the following section. Location (select one)' . D\lpIDyrri~~ ~r',a5,sigmjient'lieiJ~~';n' pI' Depl~yn1eilt'or'ii.5~ign,,:nent:,e.n,de~D.n. " .' • }~r.~q: ~Za .. allo.ll.t or abput.. 2/2004 ~/2004 What was tlie ;geri:e~ci) ~nq p,u...p·q~~ QfYQurass,jgj;m~.lit~hd 'ap;iVities? G:eneral FBI Investi9atio/Js, 11b. Please provide, the: names of the..spedfic,camps, basest or ~cilities where you worked. 'Q:jr.n]fA?h 1'2<:. Note: If information about a 'Speciflc'camp~ base, or facility is;C1ass~ied above 5ECRET~ 'please:check here. Dr :include In your answer that you have ·!·additlonallnformatlo'n.alassified abov.e iSECREJ/'1; if you kn~wr jd~Qfify the-<;:I!3s~jfication..reyel, tick~t, ..comRf~rtmerit; prqwam,'or other d,esig>nation 'that ,app:lies- to tbe·.infQlJ'J1ation •. Do not incluqe. th~,ad,dJtional. classified inforrilati6ri in .your OIGQ-005233 qU'e's,tionna'ire responses, DIG personnel wIth the necessary clearance will c9ntgct :you to req::ive it. I Name l--- __' Positio!1 '__'_' ~'~ b6 g'!?~e:.n~S_0!TI_'1!9~n2.~~ b7C :12~. D,kl YQl,I jpjntly itJ~er\(ieW or i{lt¢rro9.ate any detphie~ with non-FaI per$"ohnel? ; : O~ 0~ : ':i2f Dld-Yo-uJ~rntli p.~n-a~Y d~t~Tnee in-terview.;t-int~rrb~ati~n~st~tegVf~ 6bj~iV~ ~r tactlcs-with ~on- ~ ~FaI personnel? . 0'Yes ,0 No - ':"With"Wh~i' kifids'6{n'Q~~F~i :i>~r~rirfu[ ~jd Y'6~ Wb~~ jbintly:?,- - ," -- - -. - .- - ' - - --- .- - .- - -- - -- : D.CITF 0'OtherU.S. Military, : D U.S. intelligence agency' ~ ;0 :: 0 F.ore;jgn rnilitaryor itJtelligenGeag,~pty QJh~r -, - - ... - - . .... ..... - .... ... . ... - - . - - ,. ... ... - - -, - - - . -, -- . - - - - _. - - . - ... - - . - . - ... - .... - - - - . . - - - .. ,:12g. -W~r~::Y:O~ ~v;r-o1hirWls~ l,nv~fy~ in:cTit~lrte~TnteNi~w'i·~;'fht~rrQ~~Bb.n-s.~with-,ndn~FB1-~ts6nncl?: -:, • ~ -. ,. ." ~ ..... .......... ~ >' ,~ Np O'Ves :' -----------------------.---_._------.-----~-------------------------~._;~--.: ...' A.. 'TrairHng P'rior to ,Ov.erseas· P,eploymeni ,or Assignment 1~. Did, YPU rec~ive any trciininYI In'$trl:!ctlQ,O'', or ,g,f,lld'ance 's-pecln:;a'lIy :In prep'i'l.ratiPrt. for ~u')y.':of ¥Qu.r dverseas.,d,eploymelits, or a'ssiJ,iIJ'menfs? . .. ,eYes ON'o ' , ' 0Do Not Recall .13a. Who pr,oV,ided'this trainihg!, instruction, or Q,uidance, arid where tlid yoil receive it? FBI CIRG ',at Quantico iSh. IJe~eribe the ~.ubj~Q:o,n whi<;;h:you re!:eiV~ this traini'ng'j instruction 9r gU'idance.; General' conditions in 'Iraq, logistics, medical, paperwork. Q'(es 'PNo, i5', In preparation for any of your overseas deployments or assignmentsrdid' you receiv.e any training, Ins~ructlqn/oLg4idance 'COncer:rying th'e' stan~a.rd~' ?rcon8,uc~CJ ppllca,bl.e'to·tlJE?' tf8.?lt~.ent( " intervieWtor jnterrQgatiQn pfdetain~e~ by tian'-F.Bl ,pe~sonn¢l? . abo No.tRe¢all i6. In pr.eparation for any-of y.our overseas deployments;or assignments, did you receive,any training,. : Instr\Jctl9nt or:guiqance 'cQn~emll}g wh?l~ yOIJ were' suppo~ed, to dq if-yo,:! observE;!,d 9r h:eard about,' the tre~tinent, intervieW, or in~errQgatkm of'detaYnees: by FBI per$~nlj¢l,,. whlch you 'bell~Y~ tQ OIGQ-005234 be inappropriate, u!1professional, coerciye,.?Jbl.!sive, or unlawful? :0 Yes 'ONo 0D-q NQtRecal); 17. ril preparation for any 'of your overseas depioyments or assig.nmi£nt'S,did '{-ou, receive'any training,. Instr.uctlon, or:guldance concemlng what 'you wer:e: supposed to:do if you .obsenced :or heard about the:'treatm~nt,'interVieW, Qr rl1terrogptl~l"J qf detSlinee~ by nJ>n-~~l p~l"$onn~lr' y(hich YQ.lJ Qelie.y~ t9 b~ iriappropria,t:e"Linprp,fesslolial! q>erdv,e, ,abusiv!3, pr uiiia\~(ul7' $No 'IB.. Trai.h~ng: Du!i,,~, Overs~as ~:n~plpym~mts.or I ASsig'nment;s. i{t ~urlng 'allY .bf your p,yer~qs. '9~plo_Y'TI,ents' or a-ssj~nm.Emt~,~iQ y.~u re,c~lve- any't@lh'lrig, 'jll$ti"!Jctlbn;' br ,guidance .concern ing the. s.tand ar.ds, of :c:ondu(:t apjjlica ble to the,treatment, iilter:vrew:- or' interrogation ,of d,e'tainees by. FBI personnel'? ' '. , :@Yes ONo. 18a. Who' ptovided this' trait'irng,. ii1stfuetiofj.r,or·guld~'1rice? .000 Not.Recall . O:n SCeiJe.Q)n'1ma,nder is,!>; B r[¢'Iy .d¢SCrIR~ the sU.bst.ance. Qf th~ ,tra In'lng I Instruc1;il;>li( or 9 IJ id;:u1C~ p'roVI.~~<;I ~o:ypu, 'l\dVls~d ~o',hqodle~,I.~teryl~wS~l.h t~~,;~!Y1e n1an~er as af!y. fBI i.nt!'lrvfew. ·lS<::. Was~any. :of ·ti;le: tRlihlrlg. ]nsfnk:tion~ 'or g'uidcrn.£e provid eel in' writing?' 'OYes @.Np '0 D,o.Jl.jbt R~~~I! 1 or 1'9. DurIng any 'of,0verseas.deplbYrrie~ts asslgnments~ dId 'yoil receive ~nx tralnlng.1. InstruCtion7 ,OJ y u.J~anc;~\c~l1cer.O,j~g t~~:~~an,dar~s of CO'1duq: a.l?pli5'~~!~. tp the t("eatm.en,t, mte:ryiew}, o.r in~e'rroq,at.ion ..of tl~tajh~.¢,s bY, n~>n-Fal' p~~qnn~l? :0y¢;. .Q..Nb 'O,Qci Npt .R(:cali proYi~189 th'js. ~r~iJl)h·g,. in~t'ruction/:-oj g,uld.aJ1c.e? Q'n sgene:corn.m<;lnd~r . 1.9ti, Brlefly,'d'escribe tne s(Jbstance:ol:tne tr.afnlng.1. instruction, or g,i.lldance prOVided to. you, . Mvlsetl .to,handfE;!.InteYvlews In the', $ClmeTilanne.r' a,s any FBl inter-view.. 19(.. Was"MV p1' th¢ tFCilnin-!:J, 'ih$tJ].1ttibli, :or '9~jaa'oce proylt;let;lln' w~iH'ng? . bYes @Nb 0' Do Not Rec:ali lQa" ,\.AIM 20:. During ,piny of'yOlJ,i" Qxr.~rStS,rs, Pf ;:l:ssl.gnllie~t~,.dlc{ YQI,J r~c~,iv~ ~ny traltfl1l.9, '1I1stru!:,tIQj,~ '0'1' g,I,Jid'ance c~hcerning:Wh'at:y:o.i.t we.~ sLi'p'PQS~. to db ,if yO\! QPserVea Of n~ard .aDouf the, ~rea,trhent! lritervlew.~.:or. ~riter~g:a'tlon ofdeta.lnees bV FBi p~rsOnnel/. WhiCh inap.PfoP.nate, UI')P.rof~~ont;ll, c.oercive, qbl!s,ve~ -.of ~nl9wfu 11· you belleved:to be, OIGQ-005235 be inappropriate, unprofessionalj .bves coerciye~.apusive, or ',0No unlawf!Jl? aDO Not Recall .Ie. ,Adequacy. pf Training Vour,Q'p:lnion, .did' yoil receiVe :adequate trainJnQ, instructidh" or .guld,a'nc~ reJatfn~r to stahdards, ,of Conduct by F'Bland !)On-FBI personnel relatin~f to. treatnient! irif~rJiew, or interr:09citio,fi,of detainees prior to your dep'loyment 'or assignment? 1$.'ln :yourQpinion, did, you rec,e~veadequat~ t~ining.r instruclion,()r gl--!idance rel~ting to'standards ~qf lXlIJdJ)ct by'FBHmd non-FBI persqnnel re)q;tng tQ treatm~nti :\nt,erviewr. or interr~gationof petain.e,es '(j'u ring..vdur de-ployment, or ~ssi9 nmert1? ' , ',~"y~ ONo 2g...IIi your ,opinion, did you receive adequate hainin.9.r instruGtieo, 'oriJuidance cdnd~'r'ning what YOU ·were suppo~eCl to:dO'-lf;you observed or heard about the treatment,. Intervlew,- 'or'lnterrogation of :c!eti;l,in~si by :~f?t pr non::F~f J}'ersQnn~', ~hat you b~Ii~Ved ~asJnap'pr9J)r1at~; u.nproJesslpnali :<;o:erc!ve, :,abusM~l pr unlaWful? ' is.{OptIOhal) Inwhat ways:caJi tile 'FBltrnprovetraiJiitlg .bnthis;sub1.ect for{UtiJr¢ d~ploymenJs or :a,ssigriments?' ,.' iG, RrQI1Jde':any additional. inJerJTJati9.rl.'c.o[)(~ernjnq tf~ir:ting, 'f0(QVers~a~.deployme'1ts,or Q'ssig nments Of FBl p~r:$Qflnel ypu b'ell¢ve l~ r~tevant.. ,Irytro~4C::~9n ~o Val1';EII: It) thi,~~~e~tiQni. we,.are ~eeking, lof9rmCltibl} regar:ding' ~ Wig~' range,of 'i,nJe.-vievnYt 'interrQ'gali,dil XI=c;;bni"Ques ?IJ'19 ptl:J:er j:ypeS.,Qf.getaineE;:tr~9tr'n,ent -alleged tQ h;;w~ p:c~urr¢tL, y.~tl) shb1-!JQnot':crs~Qrfi~, just bJ~Ga1J,s:e.'W,e;~r~~s.f<lng,ap,but ::t p~rt.lcgla.t t~tJiniq u~-pr pra¢t,i.t~, thcIt,~We hav.e. ,condud ed that it, iIi fact.6'ccCltred. We receg nize ttiat,seme of tlie'se techniqti,es:.or ,p'ractices 'may· at times b~' n~c~ssary fGlr safely e;tnc;l secL!r!ty in a det~n~lon, ?ett'inq, In' add iti<?,nj wer~com1i?e :thaksome o.ftne?~ technlqUEi~'?"or pr~9~fces: m.,ay'h'av~ be~n' ;3uthorlzeg for us.e, qy military or oth,er ,g Qvernrnent personl1el. With respect -to'-each Id¢titifle.d te,clirliqUEll practicer Qrtype ofcoliductOe5crib,ed below~ we are seekillg, Information-about its occurrence 'during.-or in connection with' the interview or in'terrogation of a 'cf~tainee~ 'Qr dur!ng, the 'de.te!ltlpnbfa,detCiinee 'beyon~ wha~ IS'"ee~~d:J~r safety an'! security; Jn~ tnat 'CQn'text, w~ w.iII ask yc;m to Jell us w.h.J=t.her:6n!= or more qf-the f9119-~ing$teh1~l1t5 ar~ t~lJe:: OIGQ-005236 1. r'personally:observed this conduct 2, I,:o.l?serve(detaln~(~) In ~ '-CPlJ91t1on t~9~'I~ me- t9 believe. ~ha~ this' c;ond4ct. had ;9Ccurr~. 3. D.etaine~($l.tQld me that thi~.,qm'due.t hadpccurred. 4,$, who. ob~M~(f ,thiS. cO.J)P,lrct·_cle$'crlb~eit It to me. 5', I have televanfinformatian da'ssified a bmJe II SECRET" , ;6: ~,never-obseryedthls cO,ndy~nor heard about it'Trom .someqne Who diet 2.7, D.epriYin'g a de~aiJ1¢e QffQq'd ,or wa.ter 0 b., D a', I personally observed this;conduct. Ioobserveddetainee(s) in -a cond itiorr that led me to believe thatthis conduct had ;oceurred. c,. d Detainee(s) told me 'that this: conduct had ·occurred. d .. 0 D qtf:!ers, wlro observed this COTlduct descrlQed It, to me. e.. I have reievant infofma~lo!1 dassr~i~~ qbove l~q~G~ErJI.. f. 0" i never OP@rv.~9 this '€ond,u<,:t ,tlO~ ·.I1l:X!r~ ,ab.o.ut it froJTI sqmebne. Whp did. ;.2,8. D.ep-tiYi)lg:a ~e.tairt~, of cloth irig a., 0 \1 personally.o:bserved b. d r'obsebred de"taiheets) ,c. 0 0 Detainee(s}told me 'that.this conduct had 'olZeurred. d, o e" this condUl':)t, in C)';cona itioinhi::lt led me' to thatlhis cOl)duct haa.occu'rred. qthe~ whg obselY~c! this condu\'td'escril~ed it t,0 m~., r have,.. relevant, . -. ini'brma'tton' ':" ...... ,"classified . ' ..- above - ,,' "SEGREF". '. '-'.- f----j' r-. :~ . IB l~ ' ney~r'o,bs¢rv~9 th(s '<:;Qpqu,c,t r'lorhear,a :9 QouJ it .from, who.. did.. . . . .. " , , " , '~4:9. :peprlVlng :R:deialn~e of:,SIl:~p;, 9-f ,~i:e~p by 'f[eq,uent !=j3J1 :relpca~lpns ..or:oiper rne~fiqd!!' b. o II. p~i's0ria"y ob'serveil thiscQhauet. .. o (r observed deta-inee(s;): In'a condltionthat led me, to. believe thanhis conduct had occurred. Co D.1Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had 'Occurred. a'. d. [j lmhers who observed this conduct described it to: me: ~. o b::h, releva,nt rnf(?frn~t!olJ ~Iasslfied -abOVE;! ·!.$J:CRE;T'·\: f. 011 never observed thls:conduet; n9r.heard ~b.out it.(romsorneo.n~ V{~o qid. OIGQ-005237 -30'. Be.atlng a deta InE:e 0 I. personally obserVeo this coni:lu.d. b. 0 I observed.detalnee(s) In ·a.condition that led me to believe tbanhls conduct had occlirred. C. 0 Detainee(s) told me [hat this conduct had .occurred. .-------------.-.- :---.. r--.----d. 0 others who observed this conduct descrfbed it to. me. e. 0 I ha~e relevant Information classified above. "5 EtRET't. f. 0 1. observed this conduct nor heard about' it from- someone who did. a: • " , .- " , f ' • 0 I persdhally ob'serVed this .cohdud. b'. 0 LooseNed. iielaiflee[sJ ih-a:~ohCliti.on·th'atletrme to, f)~l.leve .that thfs ~0ri'd'Uct had ·octuFi:ecL e. 0 , Detal'nee(.s) told me that this tdl'ldutt had .occ·urr-eel. ·a. 'd. q Otbers' who observed this conduet described it to me. e. 0 I have relev.ant Information classified ebov.e '\SECRET"". f. 0 1. nev:erobserved' this 'conduct nor'heard about it (rom someone who did. 82.U~!n'g, hand.s; rq-p.e, '(w~any-thing'else. to;i~hpke OJ strang'le ~ deti:li.h~: =~;;;:;...------------ 0 I P'et~rially 6bseWecf thi,s condu.Ct. o. 0 I:ob'served.detairieets) ina·cohditi6hthat led me to' believe that 'tt'tis, conduct. had 'Q.ccuhed. c. 0 Detainee(s') told me that this condlict had ·.occurred. d~ 0 otheFs' who observed 'this condUct desctibed it tO'me. ,e: 0 I have relevant i,riformatioh Classified cloove,I'SECREP\ t: ~. t observed this conduct nor 'heard ·about it from someone'who did. a~ ·33. Threatening qther action to'~ause physical p.ain, injury, dlsriguremenP/ o['d~ath ' ~i. 0 D. 0 I' persqnally'ob$€.rved' this condllct. I observ.ecl.tfetainee(s) in a,condition that ied me to beiieve thciUhis conduct had :otcurred.. c. 0 Detairiee(s) told me that this condu,ct bad ·occurred. OIGQ-005238 , , d. e. D ' ., , fathers who observed this 'Condblct described It to me. o II have relevant information classified above- "SECRET". f. ~ It' never'O'bs~rved thHve<;>nduct nor ~eard about'it from some0n~:w~o did. 34. Other tr~atmerit or actiqn' causing slgn'jfj~nl phy:si~1 p'gin or injuryr Of cau:si'ng disng,urement or aeath a: D I personally-observed this,:conduct. b. 0 Lobserved detainee(s) in ,a'cond iUon that led me to believe that this conduct had :occurred. c. 0 Detai!:l~e(s) told me that this condl,lct had 'Q~curred,. q~ 0 ot~ers whq 'Obseryerj this condl:lct'de~c;:ribed i~ to lTJe" e;, 0 I h<;lve relt;.Vant inf9rm,atWn J:lc;issifled qP9ve "S~CRET\ t: ~ I nev~r' o.l;>~erv.e_d. t~f~:G:o)lp u~t nOf' hecjrd ·about it frQm 'sqrne()n~~ Whq. qid. a', D r personally' o.bsetved b. q Labserved detainee(s) in a eond ition that led me to believe that this <londuct had ,occurred. D 0 lDetainee(s) told me that this conduct had ,occur-red. G. 'do: this cohduct. ' " ',. ~ '~~ o it l 0 I, l1~v~r 6p~rV~'~ ~ .' . ' this <;9l)quP,t ,Jl9rt)~r.d 9IJolil it from ~Q.!T1e.qn~wh,a did" '3.6. tJ~(n~ 'sha'ckle~ tr oth~nestrail1ts IIt,a, prQI(mg~ D D c. -d', D. D e. 0 I Others who 'thIs ccmduct described . . observed . . .' . It to me. . have ,rel~Y,ant i'nfo.rrn?ltio.,.) claSSified gpove "SECRET". manner a. I perSonally obserVed' this,conduct. b',l I :0oseived dstafnee(s) in 'a .c::ond itien fhatled me to, believe thatlhis mndud had oCE,urred t ,I D'etainee(s)'told me that this eonduct had 'occurred. Others who observed this conduct: described it to me, , " v..... . I.have relevant Information' classified ' . , . ,. , . " above J~SECRET'''' ,~ , ~ F'-... > -, , ,. , • ~,. , ' , ~, F' ," ~ L never'ob.serve$! thiS cQndu,d oQrhe,ar.d !aQout it :troill ~meone:who, ,pid. OIGQ-005239 37. Reguirfn-ga detainee to maintain, or restr:ainih~ a :d etai nee rn, a 'stressful or paiMul pqsltion a. o 11 persOnally observed thfs;condlict, b. D. c- D I,observed detalheets} IIi a ,condition that led me. to belJeve that this conduct had occurred. Detainee(s)'told me that this: conduct had occurred. 0 Others who observed this conduct described It to me. e." 0 l' hav,e relevant fnformatlon qlassiJ~g ~~ove '!SECRET''', f; IiI I ~e.vero/;>seryed tbis cor:tduct !19rhBCj~d 'aboutjt -frpm sorneope who die{. d. ,3,8,FiJr~lng ',a. b:. €; a detain~ to ,Perr()rJJl demcmding physical$~ o ~ persOnally,ooserv.ed this ,conduct. D D !r-.observed det~iillee(s) in a·,eo.niliti@n that led me to: beneve' that this conduct had .Dccu'rred. IDetai'nee(s) told me that this cone! aCt had ,OCGU ri:i:d. d. o.!Others who 'observed this conduct'descrlbed It to me., e', D iI,llqY~ rel~yarit information ~Iqssifj~ :q!?9V~ "·S~G~ET'·. f. 01('0b~rved t,h!s'conduct nor heqrd·ab.Qut itfrom.some~:>new~o dld~ 0 I personally obsetved, this conduct. b. 0 I,obserV¢d detainee(s): in :a,cond itionth'at led me' ,to beli~Yetliatlhis a.J c; q d. 0' ·Others wh'o observed this cGnduct described It to e; 0 co'nduct had occurred. Detalhee(s) told me that thIs conduCt had 'occur'recl'. me. I. have relevant information classified above, !!SEtRET". f, 0 r neY~r0'b5erv~d thislc0ndlJ~t OPf h~r.d ,~bQ~t i,t from, sOl1JeOfl~'w!l9 did, 40. Threatenjng t<;> usE!. e,lectrical shqck.'on g detainee, a.1 0 b.1 I personally obserVed this ;conau¢t. 0' !'Clbserved detainee(s} iii :a,corid iti6n th'at led me, to believelbat'this cGnduct had ·ottcuf(ed., OIGQ-005240 , , , e. 0 0 0 r hpv.e.relexant, infQfTl1qtlon c1asslfi~ ~~Qve ''SECI\EJ!'~ 1': 0 [ nev~r opse,rve:d this col1qu~,t,nor heard ,about' it frQm sqmeQne'W'h.o. did. c, d .. 0 b. D c, 0 a. d. 'e~ Detalnee(s) told me. that this-conduct had occurr.ed, others who observed this conduct described It to me. I perSOnallY observed this .cbndu.ct. I ,observed. detafne,e(s) in a c6,nd ition that led me D'etainee(s) toM me that this conduct had ,occurred; D Others who obserwed thls'condl:lct d'escrlbeo It to me.. O. I; relevant inrorQ1~~i(;m,c1assjfj~c;I CJP'ove "'S~GRETJ'" f. 1t:1' ( n.~~~r thi? '<;Qr:J,d,us;t ':'lor t)~x~ 'C! b!'lut!t 'ff9I'f1'~,lJ:1~.9n~:w.~o ~ i~, ·a. 0 t pe'r:sonally,ooselVed this .conduct. b. 0. I'obSefved aetallleets) in 'a·..conditioh fhat lea me c. 0 d. to bel ieve that'this' cond.uct .haC! .acceJ'rred. to. oelieve that:'this·aondltcr had .6cc\irred. Detainee(s) told me thZitfhis conduct had ,o.cclfrted. o ,others whe observed 'thls conduct described It to' me. 0 L have rele.vant information classified aboye "S.ECRET!\ f. 0' r.',o,bserv~d: this 'C0(ld~d nor h~rd '9b.out it from s~meo[l~'''Vh(') qi,d.. e. 0 I persOnally, ooservell this-'conauct. b.. 0 I obs~rved ·detalnee(~} In'a,cond Itlljn that let! me to. believe that this conduct had -occurred. e. 0 D,etainee(s) told me that this' cOl'ldud Had ,ocdkred. d. 0 OfherS, who obserVed tli'is conduGt.des~iibed if to me. e. d r have relevant InformatIon classified ,abov.e !·SECRET"·. f. 0, r t:lev,er' Qb~eryeq this :cond.uct rr9r hE'1j r9 "a b9l:1t [t from S0IJleO!J~ "Vh9 did. .a', \ \ OIGQ-005241 ,44. Subje,<:tin~ a detainee to IOl,ld music a. 0 I persOnally o,bsei'v.ed this conduct. b. 0 I,obse'rved' detalnee(s} in a ,cohdition fhat led me to believe thanhls'conduet had occurred. c. 0 'Detainee(s)'told me that this conduct had occurred. 0 Others who observed this cand uct described It to me. d., e" 0 l' t'!C;lv~ rel~Y?nt information ~lassiJieg ~~ove' ",$'ECRET,\ r, Irl r. neverolJserveq th,s Gond.uct'n()rtll~C!rdabo", from som,~on~ wf:t~ did, 45. $u,bjet:ting ~ petaine~ to brightflt;lshlng Ifg~h:.;::ts::..'.::.o:...:rd.:;;a:;;.r.:.;k::.::ne.:;;s:o.::_s~~_ _~~_ _~~~_~__ a. o !I persofial!y observ.ed this conduct. b. 0, ~ \obserVed detainee(s) in ,a 'C0,hC1 itio n.'t hat led 0. d. 'e. f. me .to, beneve that 'this C'ondum had .Qadifrea. o !o,etal'nee(s) '101(1 me that this conduct had .occ'uri:ed. o IOthers who observed th,is condl:lctdescribed It to me. o I~ I1qV_~ relevant information tlC!~sifjeQ qQove I~SECRET!.!·. 0. It oever'dbservecf' ~h'? 'COn~,~c~ nor heqrq .ab,9ut It i'mrn some9!1e w~o' did I :'46, Ispratlng a qetainee for an ~xtend~ period a. l 0 II personally"observed this cohdu,ct. b. o II .ob~rved de'tajnee(s) in.a ,cotid ition that led lne to beli~ve that this cOhduct, had ,.occUrred. c. [] ~Detaihee(s) told me that this condUCt had ,o(;;currecr. o IOthers who observed thls' conduct'described It to. me. Ie. o II have releyarit j'nformation classified above 'lSE<:RETIJ'. d. 'f, ~ !~: I)evef<'~b.(le.rv~~ tl)lsiconq~c.t a. b. 0 0 n9f h~fd ~boJ,Jt iHrQm sol1J~9f1e~Y>!J1o-~id~ I personally\ted thiS :condutt. observed detainee(s) iii 'a co rid iti6n that led me to beUeve thanhis condud had .ottcufteCl. -, OIGQ-005242 · .. c. .. .. ... ... o 1Detalnee(s) told me that this conduct had ·occurred. d. 0 Others who observed this conduct described it to me; 0 f; 0' fhave relevant inform~t!on c;:1~ssif(~ a~ove "SECREP\ e. I I nev~r'obs~rve,d ~tJls:c;:on~Q~.t,n()r heard about-it frorrr sqrneone'Wh.o. did. d. 0 I personal\y observed this .cOnduct. 0 Looserv.ed .detainee(s) in a,condition that led me to believe that this conduct .had .occu'rred. 0 Detainee(s) tOld me thatthis conduCt had :occurred. EJ lOt hers. who observed this conduct described It to me.: ·e. o II. h~v,e relevant· inf,of{TI?ti<;>n clas~i(r~q qbove "-SEGREi"~. 'a. b, 'Co f. 0 (n~y.~ro,1?s~rveq ~hLs:eol}duct !1pr h~:rd,~b.ou~,!~ tn;>ln' sqlIl~.O!1e w~o t; :49~ .U$.ing a; military lIYprI9ng 'Pgg Qn :Pf 'ne;::ir a -detainee btbet thaI) t1urirj"g' 'detqil'lee' transpq(ta.tipn ' a. b', 0 I. personally ,observed this conduct. 0 I:obsepved detafnee(s} in 'a',Condifieh that le<I me to. believe thatl:nis conduct had .occurred. d. o ,D'etainee(s}told methcit'this cond'ucE had :o.ccurrecL o 19thers, who observed this conduct described -it to me. e. 0 r have relevant infermation classified -above "-SECRET"" G•. . . f. Itf I-nevero:bserved thls"C0n~uc~ n9f ht=qrd a~ol!t"i~ fr:ornsolT1.~one1lY~o did. ,SQ.!=nlng t9 ,use,mnl~~!lY w.o(~Jngd9g~,onqr n~r a d~tain!=e; a. 0 r persOliaUiODserVed this :coiiduct. 11. 0 I observed detalne~(sJ In 'a,cond Itlenthat led me tb beUevethaUhls c6nduct hai:l.o·ccufred:! It.. 0 Detai'nee(s) told me that this conduct 'hi'iCI.ow.irred. d', o 'OtherS who 6bset:Ved tliis cbildUd·i:!es,,'ribetl if to me. e. 0 1 have relevant information classified abov.e !lSECRET\ , ." observed M···. ..thlsnwduct ", ,. nor ..."heard ,,'. about . ., .it, from :" someone.who ,. ',,' did. .... t" Itt I . never I ~. OIGQ-005243 S1. Usin'g ;spiders~ :scorpTonsj :S1i.akes/ or'otner' animals on' or near a detairi'ee a. 0 I personally observed this:cohduct. b. 0 . r:observed detalnee(sJ In 'a.cond Itlon,th'at led me to. belJeve that tnls conduct. had occurred, G:. d. e! r. 0 Detainee(s) told me that this condl:lcthad ,occurred. o pthers who obseryed til is cond uct described it to me. o .r h~.\],~ releyant: infc;>rmatfon c1? I;l~ove: ·~SfCRE.l:·\ I o I.l)ev..er0p~~l'Ve~ thi!:? CQIJd4ct !1orheq~Q :ab0l!t it from someoflj:! wt)o dIg. c52.. Thr.eatening 1p use ~p.t~er's,,~.orpions, ,sna ke~;. ()r other animals. on'~, d~~aihe~ a: 0 I .b', O· 'LQbserved detainee(sJ perSdnaJ~ oDserv.ed this',cOnduct. e'. in.a eonaitiQn'that leCl me to, believe' that 'this conduct had .acd"'ffed. o lDetalnee(s)toICl rile that thIs conduct had .oc<::'urr.ed. d. q 10thers who observed this cond I:d descri'bed ·e:. 0 1. I~f It to me. ( hgv~ relev~.rit. information cl~ssifi~~ 'C! ~ove "'$EGI~EF';·observed, thl~ '~onduct nQr hear ·~3.; Disr.e'spec,tful'sta~etnents/'r"dr..a~i' o II p~rsonaIlY'0bs.elved this 'cohdOct. 0 rbbs.ei:vea detairiee(~J in 'a co.nct iti0itt hat led me'to believe tli~Uhis co.nduct had o,C'eurr:ed. o !oetalhee(s}t6Id 'me thaUhis conduct had ,occurrEkl'. a.. b., C, d. D lathers. who observed thls conduct descrlbed It to. me. e. 0 r. hav,e relevant rnformation classified a boye !\SEtREf'I. !~; l}~V~f'ob.?erv~d' thi.s'C;;9{1dl!~~ n9r h~r f· o ~54. $.h<;lVin,g a d,etaine:e's facial qr qther o II personally ob'ser'led this ·~on·(ju~t. o lr-nbserved detainee(s) in:a tond itio"r.'lthat led me, to believe that tllis cohduCt had -octcurr:ea. ~. b. '" OIGQ-005244 =t c. D \Oetalnee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred. D e. D "f: 0 d. 'o.thers, who observed this conduct d'escribed it to me. r h1=lve ,rel~v~nt informqtion <;Iassiff~ C!l?ov(~'ISEc.R!=P\ I nev~r' observe,~ t\llsconqut:t ,nqr h-~.rdabolit it'frorrrSC!meQn~wh(). did. .5'5. PI?ltlhg a lNoiTian's'c!othing qn:a ,detqinee' a. D I personally observed thiscbnduct. 'b. 0' Lobserved detaine,e(s) iii a conClJtion tliat led me to believe thafthis cond,uct had ,occurred. D IDetainee(s) toM me that this conduct had ,occurred; d. D Others who obserwed this conduct'descrfbea It to me. e. D I hqY,e rele-v:ant inr.of!Tlati9n clas~r~r~ qbove "6~GRE1"·. f. I~f r, n~\l.~r 9J>serve4 t!lr$'C<?l}du~t l10r heard, a~9.ut!t fr9.!TI S<?r:ne,qn.~'V{f}o' . Co ~id. -56, Touching ,9 .detainee or ading tQ~ard adetaine; 'in,C( sexuql manner ',a. ; ,'. ) D r persOnally-,obsetved this conduct. D J«lbse'rved detaineets) in chcond ifi0h that led me' to. 6elievE that'this aond uct had .oceilrr:ed~ c. 0 Detainee(.s}told me that lhis c6liditd had i>,ccurred'. d. D -Others, who observed thiS condyctdescribeCi it to'me. e. 0' I have relevant information classified above "SECRET"" f. o it nevero'bserveq, thIs :,oooduct nor 'hecnd 9bOllt it from somepne who Qid.. b. '57.~ .HgJd'lng .detain~($.) \,\,h.Qw~r~ npt offid,aily'ac!.<nowle9ge<f '9J r~gls.ter:ec;l ~s such byt,h~ <lg:en?:y "d¢taJriihg ~he pe.rspn. ,a. D I pet.50rlaJ~y observed this,conduCt. b. 0 Lobserved detainee(s) In a condition that led me to'believe that this conduct had 'occurred. c. D pe,ta!!1,~(?) tolc;! r,TI§:! tha~ t~is s:o.nq~ct ,ha~ ~c~lJrr~: who this It to.lT!e~ 4: D Others' . . . -observed ..... . conduct'described . .', e: D I have reI~vant, information ~Ias~ifi,ed al10ve '\$:ECRET\ f. 0 r never:observed this/conduct nor.heard' about , '.'- .......... . ' .. . . .it.from . . .someone,Who did,. ~ . ' .... """ ...... ~ "' -.-" " _ •• _ _ _ • . • • • ,"_ _. _. -'-0 • _ •• --. ...... .. -.,~ , ',.,' .- ....... .. , .. . ..... .. OIGQ-005245 -" 58. S~o\::ling it detainee to af'lo~her country for more'aggressiv.e ili.t.errogatiori L personally ob~erveq this :cqnauCL a, 0 b. o II o Dse(Ved. cle!<;1ineets) il,l a·condition that leci ,me to- bdlev.e that this co'ndqct !"lad oGcuned. 0 4- 0 ~. e', Oetalne:e{sj tol~ me that this Gonduct ha9 .cccarred .. Others' who bbsery~,d thl.~ {:pnd1Jct described It to me:. D I heNe relevant rnforniatlbfl' tlassiffe:d abOve "SECRET". f: 0 r-n'e~er ob~'¢rv¢d tJiis.cQndu~t nprlJ~rQ :abpy.t· i~ from somepne Who' oJd. 59. Threateriingto .sefid.a detainee to for detentlon·or ttibreag'gre.$'siv:e iilterrbga'tiQn D. r, p,er?9,n~lJY' 0bserv~d this 'condu~t: t>~ 0 1,oQse(Ve~"pet~in'~e(s) jlJ :o'gmdit:;-o:n th?lt: led me to' Q~ljeye tbiilt th!?, q)[Jduct pac! 'QG.Cl,Ir~ep. C;;, D. t<;>.19 'rrte thqt t:~ls: !,;,()lJdm:J (1q:,d DG,curr!=iJ, p. 0 .Qth.ers wh'!? qbseryed tni~' GPnqm;t d',esc,dbed jt tet m~;, ~:, 0 l' h~ve rele'Vpnt iljforrnCl.tiontlassified .q'!;>'dye "steRR"', f. 0 I,',opseN.e'd this.:cQnauCt iiur'hea'rd .ab,o.ut it from sorlleone·\Vhti dJd. a. I '60. Threatening' to tdke actlon..agalnsbl detainee'S familYpersonaIIY'o:bs~rv~d this <;onduct. ~! 0 I 0; <;!. o !robs~rv:ed de~~n~e.<s).ln ,c;t'cond1t1<;)I)·tha.t led me to believe that trls cond,u.ct' hi'ld occgrred,! o [D'Stai.nee.(s~"tqI9 f1ll=; that this CQr,Id,uct h~d oc~urrecL o !C)ther~ who ob$erv~q ,this con.d!1Gtdg$,criQ~ i~ to' 1Jl~: e: 0 f. 0 t- n~er (j,b~rvE!d' this' con'dlJct n:ot h~ rd c.' t have releva!1.t Information <:ICissltled a~oye< 1~$:EtRET" . abbO~ it from sOrT,eone who: did, .. , ,5.L Ot~r t(eatril.eht or' action se\ier~ [i] D II personally observed this:conduc.t. ertlO,tiomH or pSy~hblogj(:altr:auma to a ,detclih'El'e, I OIGQ-005246 , 0 c. 0 d, 0 e. 0f. 0' b, ,·t>.z. r observed detalnee(s) in a cond ition that led me to believe that this conduct. had ·occurred. Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had :occurred. Qthers whl;) observed t~i;; conduct de;s<;:riqed jt to m~; r have rel~v~nt illf,9rmatiQn. classIfied Abov~;".sE¢RET" '. ~ n~\·obs~rve~ thfs'cQnqucLnor abqutit from sOlTleone:w!1o djd. oj:h~r r~ligjous:or~Xl.l,ai.harasSh1eht,6r hum.'iHatfOii Qfa detainee ~: D II persohaHy observed this,coftduet. D Lobser:ved detainee(s} in a condition that led me to' believe that this conduct had ~ccurred. D Detalnee(s:)'tdid me tnatthls.conducthad o€curred. D lO~hers' who ol?served t,l1ls c0nd uet g'e~crjbed it t9 me. 0 [. ha'y.~ relEwapt flltorlJl:ation ~Ia~§if!~~ 9~9V~, ·!.sgG~!=T·'" . 't; 0 I a. b·.. c, 'Q! n~v~rob,s,erv.~p thi.s'(:9nc:fU~t ,nqr:' ,h~rp :9~Q4~,lt fr()m:SQrneQrj~ who 9!d.. :~3, '~ther tteatm~nt of,?!' i1ej:ajn'e¢ !ha.t ih'yo\J.r,9J:l'iiiiorr W~'s. unp'r9f~,~$i~tyq!. UllJ!\.lly or ,agg res:$J,v.e '~\?J!=~~!,~b.~.~IY:~!.~<!!. a~ tb. " _.'__."" ~,.... ".'~" __....... ~ , _,,__ ''- , ... __..',,,__ t ...~_. __",_,__'.• [j I. personany observed this conduct. o 1r:-o~s~[.ved. c:,letal,m~~(s) In a c~mti~iolJ ~hat led Jl)~ to' b,e1iev:e ,th~nhi$ c()nduct ~ad occurred" 90, D 1Detaine-e(s} told -m!etOqt :tbis c~mduq; had !()ccur~ecI. ,c!. D Other,s' Wt'lb ob'~.erv:~c! 'tl1i~ ~QnduC:t g~$\3.(i.b~q it to, me, e. D ,I ha~e reJeyant Inf9rr:)1atl~n 'CIassJf/¢d. a1to,\?e "'~ECREti\ f.' [tl' r n~Ver q,bsetved' thi~ ,t6i1dud nor hearp 'qbQut ft fr9h1 SQ.meQfle,1tihq,· d'jd,. _l~'Ug:;tl9ljtifi~j@l·~_,:,:':::" ::,~}:..." ~, '64..Did you' absente any impetsbnaticin.of FBI persorlhel by'anyone during -ah intervieW o.r interrogation of :a:.detainee'?, . , ,d Yes, 0 No Did, ~ny d:etpine!= or other p,ersbn ~ell you that he- or she had Witnessed the impe.tsoriati6h persOnnel 'In' connection with:'a detainee iilterview or interrogation?, .Ga. OVes' '0 of fBI No. OIGQ-005247 ;66. Are 'YOU aware'of arw "sham"·or "staged" qetaine~' interviews or interrogatio!1s 'CondlJcted fQfMel11bers' ofthe U.S, Corigre.$.s,Qr th~ir slaff?' OYe:;; ,0 No -6,7: I:crYl:;lur ~nr.>,, dio anY' m'ilit,ary «;>r ili~ellige!lc'e person neil 'ever p.eny or d~ri'!Y FBI ac;c~? ~O'q .d¢talhee:the FEU wanted to' qu!=Stion because the,detCiitieg.'had sustained injUrIes aft;erhe-was Gap.ture.d? OYl;~, G>No . o Yes; ~l0his 'of her p~tticjpa.ti,on in;ql",(>bserY~,trO:n' of~. ci .detainee intei:vleW.uf interrogation' because :of the-.interview· or 'interrogation ,methods being used?, () Yes' .~. N'u ' , 0 6.9.; Were. you everlQid. .that'~nPther FEU ~nYpJ6¥~::eh'-a~d 70,. DUring ',any ,QfyoJ,lt Qv.¢rseC!~.d,epJoyrneJits: ~r ;;(~,sjg nment:s~ :(:.\Ig YQu rep,ort MycQnc~rn:s r~:g~r~:ilng -any ,deta'Iri~ intervieW-'.or inter-fo.galiOn practice§~ or' dthenypes of. de.taInee1teatriient, it> an FBI 'supelVisor?' ' 0. 0 No; 71--: -a.ny ()f Yl:tur·(j:y,~f~e:t? :dep,I9,YltJ e qts ~t ~s~ig.nment~;; dig 'Y04 n=p'Qrl <;Jny- c;pnc:~.r{lS r~~~rdJng , .any:detaih~..:infeiYieW or' interrogation p.tactitei) or', ofa~taine,e·t.r~tment you' obsenieil Qr heard abo,lity 'to;a..nQil-FBI s.upetVis6r' or either n'on-fBI,personnel? . 0: '0 No, ' "l2..l;lqVe yqu ~ver been qreJ~re9 'Qr,(Hr~~~ r.r9t"t9 ,repQ.r1,'qr-discourag,eq in- a'ny-w?y-ft:o.rn rep.orti,ng, ol5.~ervati9n:$ Qr .CiIl~g:atiQn-$ t¢Jat~d t(;j .d;et~Jne~ trecj~rri¢nt, inter?iew ()t i nterr:og~tion :a~t.il5.hS 'Qr p.raCt:,i!=e.s?' . o.r' 0. Yff.,s' 0, No. 7-;3. H,aveyol! ·exp~ri~Ofed ,any actual or thf~~t~ned. retalia.ti9n f<;)r reporting, .Qb:seryations:or,a:U~g,i=\ti<:>n~ "Qfp¢t?iili,eEnt~C!tti:JE!O:t PI" il:l~¢rvi~IJ':H:?r ihterNg~ti5?l'1faq;i9li~ qt pra~tic~s?- Q Ye,~, . '$ No- 74. (Optional)' !'tease provide any additional comments,reg,arding the r.eportlng .of concerns· related tcr IbtervieW-'pf itlt~lT()g~!Jqq,t.eGJ:rriiql,1~?i !:1.~t~ntiQg P.r.CJg:i.~~?1 ,gcotner .~et.g'iM·~ tr~tm~l:!t· ~~'~~'., 1'!:?- :Wl;reyolu:!eb.r,lef~di 9th\=t'thCl,n th~:staijQard: de~rl~f'ln Fb.-772, CqriCennn!;j v.o,ur~v$r~as· assig:nment(s) or depIQymerit(s) cifteryou ,completed the 0, Yes. deployment{~) Of ~ssig riment(?)? -0 No, OIGQ-005248 76. Additional Comments and Recommendations·: Thank y.ou for 'four,c.a'operation: '1i'l.tompletiri.9 this, questitirinaint OIGQ-005249