Aclu v Dod Doj Questionnaire Regarding Detainees 00001453
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Department'of J,us.tic,e In~p~ctor Generoal Ques.tionnaire Re9arping Deta'inees D.OJ.-.or:G I NVES:r.IGATIVE QUESTIONNAIRE FOtt REV1EW ANO" USE b"NLV B'(INDI'YIDUAL FBI RESPONDENTS , Q'Q NOT FPRWARD'OR.DI~EMiNATE ' QUESTIONNAIRE 10: test-O,0001453 .As·of ~he.lasttimethis ques,tionn,aire w~s ~a~~d,. some re:quire.d 'fields' hav,e n<?t ,b~n c<?mpleted. PJeas~,t¢:view,your reSp·onises. ' ~~'~'" I IiP¢r~on~1 Information' Please proviCle:the follbwiJi~' information: 1, F-i(St l1am¢, ',i., Mld~le Inlt!?!I: 3'; Last name:, 4•. Etiter.ed. an no!)' Date' (EOD'): ::;:' tiJrreflt 'PiYlslqn!Field Qffice: ,6. 'ClIrrel)t Job titl.e: J; Direct'dial office.telephone, number: Sf FBI cell phone' .nurtl~et: 9: FBI pager nutnh~r: W. ,~es, q>ntaet nur:nberfor-you~· 6 &,76 PER A~REEJ¥IENT 6 & td,PERAGREEMEN,T 6 & 7.C PER AGREEMENT ~ & 7C ~ ~7C $l'leG[al Agent 6 &, ZC,PERAGREEMENT 6 ~}j¢ PER,AGREEMf;NT 6 &1C;;.PERAGREEMENT 6&,.7CPERA(3REEMENt B.•. Ba'ckground of S'pedfic D:~ployme'ntsor ASSignMents 11. At any time afterseptemt>er 11, 20.01, aid y,bu serve;a's a member" of the U.S. Mjlitar'y, or' as iin 'employee.or contractor of the. FBI,or any other Qovernment agency:,. at'Guantanamo eay( 'Cuba; Iraq; ; Afgl;1~l)l.stClrr; 'or-ip ~re~s'con!roll~ .qy·~~e 1):8', Militq.ry Q.!'.a U.S. intellig~m::~ ser:Yl!3e irrcg!1r;Iectlon'with the' ,gIPOcH Y\1qf oN .t¢rr~a @·Yes 0 No 12. !=nter the .ntunber 6( times you, were:.d¢pJQy.ed or ';!js$i.g ned t¢ each. of ttleofoilov,ring IcYGaUor)s .(Gtiantanaino Bay) :Cuba;, lraq}.Af9hanistan;or hi any. areas' controlled by the U.S.·rY1i1it~IIY or a U.S~ int~II.!Q:~llGe seriic;:e)~'Qne: . For..e ach deployment assig,iiment .complete the followi~~ seCtion. Location 'select one)' ~epl.DW1,~nt or i1~5igmflent·.lieg~n ,on,pr Dei;JIQyrQeJ,it ~1I' assignij'Jen.t!iln,ded on or . . . " . , ' aboll.J;· ,or about tG~'a'il~riahj(BaY 01/02/2r503: 02/13/20,05 i2a. What \Vas the ~ene(al riat~r~ anp p.utp·q~~ oj-your assjgrim:erjt,a)l9 :ar:tlvitil:!s,? Administrative A~efitJInterv.iewin~Agent 12b. Please provioe:the. names of the.speCific.camps,. bases[ or facilities where you worked. qimin.a! Inv~stig~~ive,r?<Force,(t):TF)}JOint Te~rQrislT1 Ta~k.forc;e ~ GUqm.aflam~/c;a!'!}p'· (>elta 12(;; NgJ:e: IJ iilformE(fion: Clb.out a:sp.ecific :c'amp~, b.a·se; or'faCiI it't is.c1a~sjfied~ab:9ve SECRET, please pheck. her~' 0, ih,c1ude in your .answer ~hat 'you have "i;ldl;! it.iooal infQrmation tta~sil1~d .above 'SECRET/\" arid t If you know, identify 'the.ClassificatIon, level, 'ticket, :<::omparfmentt program/·,or.ether deslgnatlon tha~ applles.t<? t~e ·(nformatipn. .Do n9t incJude the ,~dcJitlon~J classified inf0rma1:r<;>n In-your OIGQ-005351 qU'estipnnp'ire re~pl:>nse~. DIG, personnel with, the necessary clearance Will q:mtact you to receive it. N,am'e Position ~ Sr ~S 'Superylsory Special Agent ,S!Jpervisory Special § , . )~@!!Il P~v!s.!.o_n~s_~L!a_n!a_n3~.9J~.aY.:.qJSl!.d1'la.!(~T__ . ' :I2e. Did you jointly interview or interrogate any detainee with non-Fer personnel?' . ' 0 ,b No Yes - .... - ... - - - .. - - . - - .. - - - - - - -- - .- - - -- - - ... - - - -- - . - - -.. . . With -:- . w/iat- kind$ of n.on-FBI p,e'(sonfi~1 :0QITF ~jd ... ,you wor'K jointlY?' ~ ..., . - ' ~' : 00ther,US. Military, : 0' U.S. intelligence agency ~ F.or~ig~ military. \?r inteUigem:~ ,a,gency ,: 0 other p ::~.~: .12t ::,::::.:::::::::'::==;=: Di,dy,oujpjrjtly' plan,any :.:.~:: :':':':':~~': .Q~tainee ,intelVteW ~F~IJ)er$OhneJ? ' :. .:\iil1th what' ~Ind·~-9.(nqn~FBi 0 CIT,F ~ =-:::: ::.:.~ :.;::.:: ~~: :.:::::~:~:::::::: =-! or iriterrogati~n strategy" Qbjeqivesi ortaqics with' oon' @,Yes. 0 N'd ~~r$nn~I ~i~ .; yqu W-;~k j-;int'ly? - - - - . - - .' - - - - - -, - - - - - - - -,"' - - - - - - ., ; 0" O!h~r u.s. r'fiJi~~(y .: 0" u.:s'; iotdligente: ~,eo¢y, : 0 'F.oreig.[I,m'Hitary or intl~lIigenteagenCy ,,' t ,~D ,O'the_r . - ..... __ ~l:2g~. • .... __ ....... _ ...... __ ~ ...., .... .- - _ ........... __ .. _ .., ""' _ ., -'> ~ ..... _ -. __ '"- _ ~ .......... _ ....... _ ~ __ ...., ~ 1- W ... . ' .' :Wer.e Y9U ~ver-qthe~ise 1n;~lv;{' in-'~it~i~~e ,jnterv~ew;'~~ i~t~rr;'g~tibn~ -with~~pn:FBI-~rsonneri -,:, ~ Yes '0 No > ~Please' d~s~ribe: Pt~lIll1iflarY'fl")f~rVieVv'5'Qf :cJeta!I1~.~s r~ntly a~~iy~ Cit Call1P' Delta. :inClljdetJ N9n-FB1 in.tervieWers PI1S,~n~military p~rsonJJel. ~' -, --'---~------~--'----'-----~-----~---.-------~----------~-~------------~--. . A. Training p'rior to pver~eas Deployment 13'. Old you rekelVe Clny training, ..: . or ,Assignment Instructlon'~:or'goldance str~ificany overseas deployments or assignments?' , ".~. In preparation for ant-of your . ,@Yes ONo ,()09 Not Itecall 13a. Who prOVided this training; instruction, 'or 9,uidance, ,and where did you receive it? ~Trv10 Coordinator provided pap~r hando\J[ 'of information pertaining' to- deployment. OIGQ-005352 b6 b7C i3b. Describe the Subject on which you receiYe9 thiS-training, instruction or gUid,ance. $pecific,guidal1ce on deploYrTJentto,GTMO for MiamJ Division personnel; DYes (!)pQ NQtRe~all ONo 15', In preparation fer aQY of your Ollerse<;1S gep!oymepts or'assignJ1T~nts,..dJd YOU' r~ceive.any training, inS!:~<;tion, or gl:lidance 'collcemfn,g thestandards of conc!.l,I~tfjPP'licabl~ to tl1~ treatm~ntr .Interview,. or in,terrogatibn of.detainees by nQn-FBI p:ers.onnel? ONe OYes 15;.ln preparptioll for. any 0f your overseas geployment~ 'or assfgnmentsJ did y.0u rec;eive,any training, , . instrucj:iorir pr ,guidance concemfng wMt 'Y-Qu w~re<$uPP'.os'e(t to do if Y9u ,o~5el"\!e9 9r .h.~ar~ ?b.Qut the,tre,atment( intervieW~ or interrogati'on'Uf detainees by FBI personnel;whith'you beli~\{~d' to, be inappropriate! unjmifessionalrc<iercfver 'abusive, Qr unlawful?' 0D.o Not RecaU fl. Ii, p,r:~parqtipn:for ?ny Cifyol,lr 'overseas' ~eployments ,or.ass!gnme:ntsr tI id yo.u r:e.teiv.e.anytrainingr ·or IrrsfrlictIQf1,..or'·gulda'nce coricenilng whi3t you \vere,supp,Osed to'do ((you 6bseW,ed heard 'about ' the!treatment[' interv.iew~ or interro9at'ion'of detainees by non-FBI personnel, whi<;:h you believed, to by ina,pprop riateJ'urJprpfesslonal, 'coE?re!ve, ~,buslve, ()r !1:nlawfuI7· ' 'OYe,<;, :<!:lDti Not ,Retail . .., " ·IB. Trainiri-g. Durirt'gOverseas Deployments or'Asslgnrne'nts leo Qurlng ,?,ny. ,ofYQ!Jr overseas:deplo,y!Tlents or asslgnment~i d.'lt) you receive anytralning j Illstr.ucti9n, or.g!.lid?lI1C~'C(:>nt;C;:.r.n:ing ,th~C$t~I1~ta.rd$ ~f C.9nc;ll,l¢:'applic9pl~t(),jritervi~f QT In~errogatlQn of d~~ajn~¢s-.bV FB(persqnJiel? ' i:!)yt:$ ,QNo ODo Not Re~air 18<;1. Wh6 proVid~d thl$ trainingr, iri,sti'U(:liol\, or ,guidance'? , TD'( FBI p'er~onhel as~ig(ieQ tp GTMQ, in,¢Il,iditig ,13,~havjQr'i:,l! IXi}alys,is,Uriit pe~onhel. 18b~ Briefly .descrlpe tjle sUb5~ance.of.thetfi:llnlJ:lg, It1st~u~l(m, Of gUidan!=e provld.ed to'Y9l;1: powerporht.presentatidn Lipan a'rrlval; handoOts of-Interviewing/interrogation :fjuldan'ce; Merbal g u i d a n e e . ' ' , . , 18<=:. Wf3,saby ofthe'W:iining, fnstruction, :br' suidan,ce provided rn writing,? '@'(es GNp b bo,j\Jot Reqlli 19. DQrihg any'of yoUr' overseas deployments of assi('l,nmenfs, did you receive any training, [nsti'uction, or ,9 uidance.concernlng the. standards of,conduct applicable to the, treatment, interview! or ' inhirrQgation 'of ~~taine~s by non-FBI p~rsonner? . "QN.o '20,. During any oryour,overseas deployments or assignments, did yO'u 'receive an'{ training, inStrUCtion" OIGQ-005353 orguidance'concewlng what you were sL!pposed to'do if you observed Dr I)eard about the treatment, Interview, or Interroga.tiQn' of ge1:.ainees by FBI personn~!" which you b,elleve9 to be ina'pprbpriat~~·rofessiQnal, cQerciv¢" abusiv~," or unlawful? ayes ONa 0.00 Not Recall :2J.., During ,C{ny of your Qver~eas q~p!oYm~nts,or <;l$sig nmen~s, ,~l.d yop r!=~e.ive c:m.y t.r:ailling, qr gUia~n.c~ conce'rning whi;lt YQU, W~re 'SU!'-ppsed tp do IT yo,u 6bS¢rVed Qt h~a.r9aQouqhe, ' treatment, interview, or in'terrogation of.d.etainees by non-FBI personnel, which you believ.ed to be inappropriate, unprofessfonal, (;;oerclve, abusive, or unlaWful?' :bves, -ONo ,@D,o Not, Recall .Ie. Adeq ....~py 'of Training 22:in-Your'opinio,o/did· you [~~eiye:adequate:training, rnstructiQn;:or:guidance r~laiing to 'standards' :of <;onduct by FEUahd 'noli-Fer personnel relatJn~f to tr$atnj~"it, ,interview, -Or illte,rrogation o,f . or assignment? ' .'detail'iees, ptiQr' to'y,oul;'deploYment , . . . > •• o Yes B No '-'-i2~: PI~a-S~de;;fb~ t.h;·w~is;i~· ~-hi.GttyOQ -Ji~lrey.~ ;heT~~(oi~g~ rnsrr~(;lk;;; Q~ g~i~~~ce~;C1~- --- -,- -,"", inadeq uate: Tr'alnlng,lnstructibn, :and guidance s'el:ri'led .Inadequate dUe to the ay:riamit elivirbnment.:'a'lid locatlbti. This facility was ,started during the "war"on terrorism"; and the,use ofGuantanamo Bay',as a detention' facility (i:~ . , !1Q~ sovereign t¢rr:it~rYi- nqn-L!.q. 'citiz~ns in cu~tog)a!,situ?ltipn.b.ei,ng interv.lew,E:'4 atl~t .' iofer(Qgate11, 'unrawful.~h-emy tombatants, vice prJspner of war status,) did not seertl'f:;Qn.dUGive for FBI __a!t~~pt-s~~1-,d~~'p[~C~$.: .I~i~l~ 1Il.¥ :'pp.ifi[o_n:. __ ' .. ~ , . 'l2:3/J;n yo.ur:ppTilion, Bid YQu r:e~eiY.e ;!1de,tl.'.J?lte· t~~.inih9' instruoQoJ'), 'Pt gUicta0ge relatin,9, to s.tanc;l.ards; :of condu'ct' by FBHmd non-fBr petsonnel relating to, tr:eatmeht, inte'tview,. ot interrog,atioh of .detainees durin!j your deployfneiit';o.r,:assiglimerit,,? ' . . - - ..... - - .. - - 'Oy~ - ,- - - ... - - .. -- - - - - ..... - ,.,., - - ... - - ........... @No ........ -"_..... ... -.. .. ........ . - ." .... .... '" 2~,Cl' PI~;:ls~ <;Iesvti~,~'the w?ysjn, Which YO\] ~~lieve' th~ ,tr:;;litiing,instructiq'n 9-)" guida,nc~ VIla!? ' ~ """. ~ '- inad¢Quate,: . 1sn't this :the same.'qliestior1 as 1/:'2:2? " __ .. _ ~ , ".., ... _ ,... "", ~ _ ~. w ...... _ ,.. v ,. w, _ " ~ .... _ ....... ' _ ' ~ ,•• ' ~ ... _ .. ,.. . ....- ,, _ _ V' .. __ ... ' -;' .', _ : .... _ ............ -. , __ • _ ~ ~ ..... -.. ....... • '" - .... ' ,~ ~ .' __ ..... ~ _ ~ 24.1n your:o,pini,bn, did you re~eiVe a,dequate, Hair'iing, Instt,udibnr,9r.gu1da'ntet;;oncerning What y.ou w,er'e su-pposed 'to:,do If you 0bseNed 'at heard abOutthetreatmeht(, lJ;lh~tvIeW"or interrogati6n of ,d.etainees; by'Fer or non-FBI personnel, that you believed was inappropriate, :unprofessfonal; ;coercl~~i abl!slyei dr unla~r? o Yes _. . ., ",..- ~ .' ~ - '.~ •••• - < • ..' __ ... - ..., ' _ . ~ eo •••••• ,.. 0 ..... _ • ~ No .'~ .. _, ~ ... _ .. _',,. • • ,24a. PI(;!ase describe, the.ways'ln Which you beli¢Ve the tralnrn~( llistructJon,or;g~idanceWa's inade'guate: Tdq. hot r.eGaIl 91,1idal'jce ()n' re.!:>po!1qing~0 hear~y reg,c)rping, inap.p:rgpria~e; !.Joprofes,sional, c~r~iv~i .abosive gr....u.nlawfu! actiVity i3~ GTMO. Also, se~:cin,swer to__22~. >4_-"" "'" _ _ _ _ 1'C.."' >-_ "'" K"''''''''''' ""'._.'fW' ..... - . 1"'4 - -,... . . - _ .... ,....,... - _ > ~ ~ ~,_ :0: ..... ~ ...... ..,..-,.. 1""'" """ ""t I't*{~ J-. _~i_:W- "1-loot """(- .......... ..",_.""._ ~ -""' .. / OIGQ-005354 2.5. CORtional) In what ways· cal') the FBI im'proye training assig nments? ' on this ,subject for f.uture deployments or Ensure FBi Personnel haVe 5uffident instruction oh legality ,of environment they. are being senno -- joiht interviewfng/interrogati.on !11",Iir:nbo"' cuS!:pd i?1 s-i~uC?tions. '10. Comments 2'6. Please provide any additional info(mation 'co./icernin:g traili'jng, for·overseas deploymentS-or assl~fnments of' FBl personnel you .believe Is relevant. (1) Have CD"Cs provide leg;:!! guidance to, FBI personnel deploying overseas; 'including country. specific inTprmCltion. When I join~q the FBIr ~ '$igned: a p:aper,:~d:yising i would accept tra-vel the req\.lireme.nt 'of .tr?lVel as' part ,of my. j9,b~ .but r·dq ncit retail <;lny' infQrniatkwad~isih!1 pf my status, rights~ responsibilities" ~rjdobli.gatiQns' a,s ,a U.p. (ec(erallaw'enfortement office'r iii ,tile iQternatiooal,emJironniehti.. (2), ~roYJqe; instn,I~,tiq(l,<9Q Fe~ respopsipiJit!~, during ,~rme:d co~f1.lcts:{)r ~llflng ;qec!are~ WClrS. I was ti;lught to i'nten(iew$·an9 ihtervieW]interroga,t~(subject~/s4SP'eg,s. Nq trqlning Was t:irovi~ed, o,o'iriteWiewing and Interrogation of Prisoners of War b)'·tnO.r:e s"e~ifitaJly "U,nlawful Enemy C()m'll'alahts";~ {3.) Advise FBI p,ers()'nnel :of 0 bliga'tions rega rd ing the reparting of questionabIe activ.itiesc b¥· peers from Qth~J int¢llig~n~e.Qrgj:l!1iz9fi9!Jsjn ¢1')v.iroJ;lrn~nts 5u<;:h ,9;> GTM,b.. ,APP9.rentIY; ~qflJ~' .higl;1""y~'-u,e d.~t~ri!;1~,~' were "silentl']'! frqm'ttie':gener;ar p,CJ,1ulatfoh .?It camp~ DtJlta. As Admlnlstfc3Jlye,Agent, '1.(NelS: reqllJFeO to: report :a' set numtier 6fl:letairiees b,eii19held.r. yet s,6.rne w.ould be 'taken ,aWay by ,U rlKnowh' iotelHgenee, personnel.(nOn-FBI) ,and the r~porting' 'number Would have tc,r,thang.ei . {4) If t ClIJ1 corr~t, ·GpCltl~(;lnamo ..Bay· Naval Ba,se Is, 'dn fEc!S€l;f PfPpel1yfmm tUba; therefore~ it's not: ~b nsiOered :spyerelgn territory for the "iNa ron terrorism" but there- i~ a LJ.o S rri iJit~l'.ry:bas'e lncit ticGu pies the 'space. 5'0,. no Legal ls Io'cated.there. 'Yet.Naval 5e'curity Police havejuflsdldlon for,violations ~rorrYr;nJ~t~~f on th~ base'? .:Yvh?:'!t'exa:ctJv. 'is t:r,~ ~tat~s' ofGT,Mo 'and taITlP,.Delti;l'? An,cj W~9~ rol~ .d.ges the "FBI t[!l!Y h,av€', 1I,1'$,[J'ch em ~n~lr(~)r:lr)1~:nn Wh~~ rQles ej'O the~CIA'l D,H~" ,Cu,stCims, ,NYP-D, ~n~ military intelitg¢ri€e h'av.e' in' thiS ,enVlrQnnient a,S; Well? 0 ~~~<A.;;>@@,,~nt~~~ ",,-, ~"~=F5ri.r~~!,.,.,,, .~, ~v~~~~~.... ""< " '", "...',," - ','._..:;. ;Introductibri lo Part:III: Tn this ,section, we:are.seeking Informatio,n reg'ardlng a w.lde, range of Intervlew'or interrogatfon techniques and either types: of detainee' treatment alleged to have occurred. yoy should nt;>t.:AS$Umei Jt;ls~' .b.eqau,se we,ar.e:asklng, a~out a part!cl,llar tecl:m'iquew pr;3etJee, t,hat'we have cQm::!ad e,d' that' i.t in 'fu~t, Qccurred. ' W~ r~c~griize .t,hf},t '$.l;Srne pnh¢$~ t~Ghn.iqu.~s 'or pl:.qq:j$;:e~ m.ay CJt tim,e~ 'be, r)ec¢,S$~'ry for ..$a'fety' ~nd $,E:Cl,IritY in ij ,d,etenti6h settiftg. In. aCId ttroii/, Vie recognize :th'at'.s'om~ of'th~se :techniqUes>or practices may-haVe heen authorized for Use by military 0r other 9.overlirrieht personnel. :with fesp~ct to each iflentifiep ~~chn)gue, practice, or'type of COIJPt,Jct d~c;.rl~ ,l;>,~19W" W~;plJ'l ,s~~king inlQrmation ,abput its: Qccurr'~n~~~urh'lg ,or in c9nne~ti9n with th¢ iJ:lter.yiew Qr 'int~rrQgi;ltipli pf a 'detainee;. or during' Uie detention :o,f a detaHtee- beyond What is' n~eded 'for safety and, s.ecurity: fhat context,; w.e w.iII ask y'0U to ;tell us whether ,one or more' of the following .sfateme'nfs -are true:: In i. I perspnalJr qpsel'Ned t'his t9nduc~. , 'll. I.:obs~ry¢tl ge.t'9l.n~.(s.) in ~n:Qliditlph :th,~:t le~ me tP. believe::that thi~ci;>nd.u~ h~d ;oq:urred, 3'. [;).etciinee(s),{oJd ,me tHat this. conduct had occurrEd. ,4. Others who 06served,.this. fZonduGfdescribed It to me. OIGQ-005355 5. I have relevant information classified above'''SECRET". 6. I ne;v~r,Ob:servec!' thl~~Qnd!.Jct nqr h~drd ,about I~ .from'someqn~who d,id . .27. Depriving a detainee, offQodor water a. 0 b'. 0 r personarlY observed thi!fconduct. t obserye,d det<;linee(s) in ;a,cond itiol1 th?lt led me to believe th?lt this conduc~ had ,oecurred. d c. O Detajne-e(s) tol!i mel ~hanh)stondU(;t ha 'O'CCQ rred. d, 0 Others V'i!oo Dbsetv¢9 ~hi~ cond,uctdeS:l;:(ibed it tQ' m~'; ~" 0 I fiav~ rel~vant infqrmatron' ,c1assifled~;ilfo~e. "SECRET'''. f. 0 f ii$\ler 6bSenf.El(l tlils,:c~ntll,ll:t I'ldr b~td _ -'-;--------...:..--------f 28'. Deptivill'ga detainee ofclothhlg a. 0 I p'ersonally ~b~rveq thIs cqnduct. b'! 0 I, ob,seryed, d~taln~e( s) il1 a ;'cond itioo' ';it I~ me' tq' believe th?\t.tf1is fOJl:d.lIct hCld 'occYrrea. ·c. 0 Petain~(~,t()l~ rh~ th~t t~i!;yC91:.l9VGt Qad oq:urred'" Others' Who Qbserve,d .t,h/S; ~:pndj.lct d~s(:;ri Q" D. e'.' 0 t f. - - h?lv.e relevant InfQrmation' ~la~slfied 9 b, o fI n'ever o.b5en(ed this, co,n~uc.t nor<h~r.d~:i;lb'qut'it'from Sbrneoh¢ who,.did. 29'" De,privJng :8d~tainee' of SI€'¢p" btintefr1Jptln'g sleep, ,by freq !/erit ,cell ,reJci¢ci~jbns"or other:- methcids , 0 I' per~nanY"O;bserv~dthis:cqn(lllct. b, D. Cobserved"detp\n~~(~) in 'a,condition a. . led W~ to believ:ethr;rtthis cqndu~ had uc£urred. c. p Q'etaine'e(s),to,ldroe i:h!=!ttbis ~Qnduct h;;l,d'Q~urr-eQ. d. ~ Otners who 'ol!~er,veq -t~ls conduc~,g:e~tri, beg It to, me; 'e'. f, MI ha'!e rele'!ant InfQn:na--rl.on c1asslfi~d 0 t' n~Yer Qb?erV~(! aQ ove: ·~'SECREr". this <:;¢n.du~t ncsr heard' •g:, Ple~'s_e proV/,de the' approXimate time fram.e' d l,lrlng which thlS,c.ondutt occurred. From' :01/02/2'0.03 to: 02/13/2003' 00'0 Not ~e~Jf h. The detainee(s3 lreateCl i ® 'GLJantanarriQ in this way were. letatea at the titile in: OIGQ-005356 ,- 20 I~q 3 0 Afgh~mistah 4 d Other Location 5 0 Os Not ReallI I. Ple:ase-ld~ntlfy the detalnee(s) by name and number: Hea rsay, on status of detainee -with' Internment Serial N'u mber #6,3' (name unknown). ,j. 'P'lease, Identify the person(sj who .treated namef:s) <;Inti ,gOYf=rnment ag~·n.cY(ies): th:e deiaineet~)iri this manner, includIng their Lonty remember.daily briefings advising of:operations conceming ISN #6'1. I did ,not,obs.erYe:it dir-ectIYI. nor dol know exactly, who:conduded the. activities. 'k. Please. Identify arW.Other FBI persahnef or n'on-FB! 'personnel Who.-obsehietr detall'1ee(s)-,Ueated in this manneri including their name(s} and agency(ies): ' ' I. This'conduct oc::curred in connection with:, " , 10 .One: d~t~jnee' i O"$~~~.~!·detain~~~ (g-4) 3Q 4.0 I : MariY.:detai~e-s '(more, thanA): DQNotRealll m,. (op~~o,n~,l) p:1~'se des:c!r'i!?~,the, r~'1evcmt <;;irC;:,l!ll)sta'I:I'C~~ in 1)100re,:i!~taii-:' : : ~30~ Beatihg: a defainee : 'Cll.. ~'. c: 0 I$Onally'observ~Q Hils 'c.;~>nqut,t. 0 I. 9bserv:eQ;~,etai'ne'e(~) In:o wn9 iti<:),Jl' ~hat led m~ tq Qelieve th9t!tbls, c9l'\duc~· had 'qcqme.d.. o .Qe,taih~$.(S) 'tQI(:I,rne ~hi=!t th!~ ¢on9 !i~~ ~a,9 9o;:urt~, d. 0 O~hE!t:Si ~hq Ql1sef\!~Q, :th't$,' c'Qml.uc~ ge$~r)b'~ It ,to: me. e:. 0 t~ hav:e r'e~Yant informCltion c1assif1etl above. "S'EcREr'J'. , '-- f. It] I never·ob:;enled this ,,¢Qna'ud nor heard a15dut it frQrri someone'Who, did. < 31. Using water to prevent bteathil'ig a: by.' -a detainee, or to create the ser'tsalion of drdwniri.Q tbis <;ondl,lct, 0 I· personal.Iy' observed . b. 0 Lopserver:! d,eti;jinee,(s)' il) :cn::pnc;! ition ~b?1t led me to' believe that:this conpu!;± c. 0: , ' , B~t~in~(s) lQlq me thatt.hl~ c:<>.nPlJ.c't hap 'oc;c;urred.. d! 0 Others y,rho obseJ;Ve'g ~his ponduct tf~~ribed It to me; , h~ occ~rr~d .. - - OIGQ-005357 .. -, " , e. o I ha'Je relevant Information classified above '!SECRET". f: Itl" II never observed this':conduct nor heard about it from someone who did. 32. Using h;:lI1ds; r¢pe, or .anytt'\ing else to.cho~e a. b:. c. d. e.. f. or st~ngle a d~taJI1~ 0 I p~'rs6nally obs~rVed this.conduct. 0 0 0. Others who observed this c0nduct described it to me. .. o Jr,ob'seried detainee(s). in 'a cohd itiofl t.hat led me to believe thanhis conduct. had .occUh:ed. o 'Detainee(5) told tile tliafthis. cond'utt had .o.cC:urred. I nave relevant iDrbrmatlon classified -above'!;SEGRET" , I never observed fhls.:condud nor 'heard 'about It from someone who did. , 33'•. Threatening Qther aqion fp ·'physiGCII. paini.lnjury, d i~fig.urelT!entr or:d~ath _a. b. .c. d. e. f. . 0 ~'p~r$CiriaI!Y ohserved this.conduct. 0 I .obser't,eddetainee(s) in;a .corid itkiii that led me to believe that this conduct bad oe-currea. 0 m~laiJ.1ee(s) told me thatllils condlJ.ct bad occurred . 0 Others who ;observed thiS' co'no uct described it to me 0 I have -relevant iriformatiorr ~Ias.sifjed ab.ave "S'ECREp:. 0' r never obs.erved this,.conduct nor heard about it from someone who did. ·q4.. .cHhertreatment or act:ion ~::(3,U~ing signlfitpnt- p'hysical .pain pr if!Jury, or ~ausj'ng disfig..u tement or :,death' ·a. o iI p"(:~r~·nal!Y,.6bserVed ·b. 0' IL6bserved.detaiheeIs) in ·~1.C!0nditioh that led me tb believe thatlhis conduCt had ·.oGcurred. this:~onduct. : &. O'loetainee.(s) told me that this lSQflduct had ,occLii'red. d. e. f. g. 0 Others who observed this condl:lct describeil it to me: 0 1- ~ave relevant. informi'ltion ~Ia~si~ieq ~~ove. "·$.EC~!=T". 0 I. never a.bserved this 'Cond.uc~.nt?r.h~rdq·bpl.!tI~ from.. sor:n;e0.!1~ w~o did, PI~as~ proviqe the g'pp.(Q~im~tetim~ frame,during. 'lYhkh this C;6ndljcro~q.m~. .. OIGQ-005358 ODo Not Recall From 01/02/2.003' to 02/25/2003 h. The petain~e(~) treqted, in 1 0 'Guantanamo ~his way were lo:c;:ate9 at the ~ime in: 2,0 Iraq 3 O.Afghanistan 4 0 ,Other Location SODa Not' Recall r. Please identify-the detainee(s} by name and number: 'I,do not remember'l'{hjch.det.ainee (ISN# 9r'nam¢)J, but he had:a large gash on-the top'of his n~g. T~~:detaln~ aq~i?ed thC1t th~ inJulY Was:a ~¢Sult 9fthe h~dph,qn~$:pla'cedqn his h~Cld !:luring the trari~?lJort ,(to' Cuba), .~nd j:he' yVound had not h~aled \/Veil sinte his internment at Ca!JIp Delta. Ldo not'recall ifthe,peta-iriee:adrriittetl to being ill a ,great deal of pain, but the'Wblllid ' looked rather'severe. r' j. 'Plea~e iden~ity the:· p,ers6n(srWh9treate~ ~h~, detain¢~('s) in this mCllJn~r,. inclu9ln'g their nam,e(s) andgoverlimeritagenty(jes): Unidentified military personneLdi:Jri'1fi transport. k. piease' identifY anY-.other' FBI personnel or non-FBI persormel who ohserVe'] detairiee{s) treated' this manner, indu'ding their- name(s} and a,~eney.Ue's): In I. This ,conduct occurred Iii connect'ion .with:, 1 0. ,O'ne d'etalnee ,2: \) .s'ey.~r~1 detail1e~~.(2-4J ,3 9 MFlnydet?,inees '<;>re.\han 4) 4: ''0 Do, Nqt 'Recall m. pie';;1S:e de's:'¢ribe. the naturE;l'an~'circumstal1<;e,s; of'the trea,tmeht or.action:· '~.5. placing 0 ~. 0 <:;. 0 'ct ~ 0 e,;, n ,:a: f. 0' a, d,etain~.on a ho~ SUrfu~E; Qf burnihg 'a detai,nee --------------- 1 personally observed fhislconduct. it obseryed'd,etai,nee(s). in a'co,nqitiQ!l ~hat t,f?' believe t~qt this c::onqUGt. naqQc6urred. ! Ueta!l)ee(~) told ~e th~~ thi~, <;o,nduc~ ~ad :occ~rred,: -----------'--------{ Otbers who ,O!?98rved this qmdl1!=t d~,~ribed it ~o- me.' "-----------------; if have relevant: i.iJ.formQti.on I;:lasslHed ,above: "SECRET". ---------------: I I)~\ler oQs,erve~ thiS ~9ndqct n<:>r heatd ,ab~U.t it fr91Jl $.Omebn~ Who .('IiP, 3:6. Using 'shackles.or'Other restraints iii o'proionged nianne~r_ _-..- _ OIGQ-005359 " a. 0 I persona(Jy··q.bserved thi$ "COnclu~t. b .. [J Iobserved detainee(s} in a condition that led 'JTI~ to ~elieve that thi~ cQrrduct had o-ccurreq.. 'D~tainee(5)-tblp me that l.his cbnp.uft hado'cC;lJrretL 0 c~ d 0 Others whQ 9b~.eryep. • >. t.hi~ !=PJi~,uct cre$c;:"rib~ j't tq. m~ - 0 I have (er~ya.rit iI' C1assifi¢d ~I:>.<)V~ "S~CREf·' .. 0 I. n~ever 9b:~erv.ed this cqnduct npr h~rcj ab9u,tit from sorrjepne whd (:nd. e. , f. , g: Please provide .the approximate tirrieft'ame ·durlng whIch this' cohduct-occurred. From 'Ol/02/L:003 to' 02/13/100'3 000 .Not· r{ep:tli h. Tl)e':!letalne~(s) treated .1.1'1 thIs way were' located atth~ time I.ri: :l, 0 'Gu:antanarrl6" l 0 Iraq ~ Afgnqni~,tan 0 4- tJ 'Qt~r Lqc~ti9n 5q D.d Not R~cali I.. PI~selqentlfy t~e4~talnee(~~ Oy· name al)d nUIT,l.ber:. .,'term' "pr91.oilg~c! ma(iner" .\s . ~bjective --.what length (If tini~e is tpri'slperi:~f prorQ.(lg~·?·Spme intervreW$,of'detc'liliees lasted severai hduts, aM sometimes. the. detiHnees:wou Id .remain shackled ifthey'W·ere.c0nsider.ed threatening')o, the loterv·ieWers. 'j: .BI.e,,!,se: ld~J1tlff the perso~(~) 'whQ ve.ated th·Ef. !=!eta!n,ee($) iQ th i~ mC!n~r.i iJ::lcl,uQ il1g nc!rnets) .qhd go~ernm¢hta~ency.ue~): Unidentified military, non-FBl,. a'ritl FBI personnel. ~beir or k. Ple!=l$¢, t&~li~jfy any:qther fBr p:er.sQllnel no'n-fBI per~on'i'feJ whQ op.served delai.I1¢t::Is) treated In thls,nianherr intllfding their na-ni¢(s) <anti E\~e[l~(I@s!: ., I. This.conduct occurred in connection with~ t '0 One,defaihee .'i..O 5everal detainees (;t-4j :3.0 Many detainees (more: tha,n' 4) 4'0 Do·Not 8.eq:i1l m. (Optional} P"lease.describe the relevarit circumstances in more:d.etail: Th<ere were'several ihterViewirig Agents assiQned to GTMO. ~- I do)iofrecall each name', 37. Requiring a~detainee·t(j maintain, or reStraining o 0 a detainee iil, a stressful.or painful position 1[' Personally'observe,d thlsc:;ondll.ct. OIGQ-005360 · . . b. 0 I observed 'detalnee(S) In a ,cand itlon that led me to bellev.e that thIs conduct had 'occurred. c. 0 Detainee(s)-told me that this conduct had :occurred. d, e; t. o !qthers wh9 observe9 this cOl1duct descriqed it to m~; o I hav~ relevant Information l:=lasslfled Above. "SECREr'). 0" ir nev,er,o~~.erved thiscQndud ,nor hearp 'abQuJ it trolT) soll1eolle. ",vho d,id. 'as. For~in~ a de~~lii~,to perfQrm'-demandiri9.Jili.y.;:..;Sic:.;t~",,'I...:e:;;,:'~:.:;e.;.:;r:C:.;.;is:..:;e:...· a. r n b. 0 ,c; 0 q. 0 r personally, a.bserved _ this :Conduct. I,:observed detainee(s} In acondition-fhat led me to' believe that-this conduct had;occurred. Detainee(s:) told me that this conduct had m:curred. Othe~' who obser,v~d ll1i~ l2onauttQe~cribed it tp me. e: o it hC\~~,rel~v~ntInfon:nat!on clas~ifi~g :9 !?9V~, I~S~Cp£f'''' a~ O,lt perso'nally oliserved. tftis,conilLid. -r: 0" II never ·observ.~:d thf?,'.C<;mguet nqr' !l,t?3 (~ ;a,i?qYJ'lt frqm :sqlTle9n~ who dI,d.. b; D lI.observed.detaineels) ina·cohdition that led me to believe that,this conduCt 'had ,0caifred. c, d d. 0' !nthers who !Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had :occurred. observed this conduct-described It to me, D II have relevant information classified qbove"SECRET,J,. f, 0" !r never nbse~ed t.hfs .co.nd,yct I)<,)r' heard :-~b.9lJt i~ frolllsom~one,wl1o 9id. e. '4.0. Threatening to J,lse·electrical.shoqkort a 'qefain-ee a. o !r persOnally obserVed this conduCt. b', 0 [,obse-rved detai'nee(s) in a'condition that-led me to believe thatthis conduct had occu'rred, d, o ;Detaiilee(s)'t61d me tMt fhis C0,nG(JGt had·,occurr,i=d. o 'Others who observed this conduct described it to me. 'e. 0. r hav.e relevant t'nrormation c1assiffed above I~SEGRErJI.. e~ , ,'., . .' f. 0 1- !]ev~r·obs~rved .... , _.. • - ,i, • ~hi? -conduG! nQr heqrd ,about· it from someo!1e'1}~hoqjq. OIGQ-005361 4-1. llitentioftallydelayin,g ,o'r denying 'detainee "tne'dical ~ar.e D I perS9nany observecJ this 'co.nducL D I:obser~ed de~gin'~ets) in,a'cond itjon that led me ~o bel,ieve thClUhis cOfTduct had ·o~c;urred. c, D D~[ainee(sj told 'm~ .that this, conduct had oc;cQrrec!. 4, D Others who observ~ thl~ (:'~ndlJ~t des(:rl1:)e~ It ~~J r:rre, e. D I h~Ne r'eievant inforrilatioh' i:las~ifje,d aboVe, liS EO RR" . f. 0 r· ne\(er ob~:¢tv.e~r thfs.cOndut,t't1P( hFXlrd ·aboLJJ it .from .somel>n~ Wh9 qld. a: b, 42. flooding or blindfbldilifj a ,detainee other than during tratlsportaticin ,a. 0 I p,ersonally 'observE;}Q thls ,con~4ft. b. D i:9Pserved detc;iin~'e{~) in a l::9nd ition ~h?lt led fl1~ t9 Qen~ye thot t.h!s cQr:rd u(:~ had 'o.qC;;!Jrred. c, ....:.. q ioet.a.il1ee(s) to.lg :me ~~C!t ~hi~· t,onduc.t hpd rO,t;:.curfeQ, 9:, D 9tbers Vih'p. 'QQS.~JY~P ,this..Good u<;~q~.s'crib.~d it t(;>, rn~, e· o !I' naye relevant. inforl1JC!tion'.Glassified .~~ove 1~?tCRflol,. f, 0 r iie'l1er 6pseP\te-d this'co.httu~t,flQr ,9:' piease: p~ov.lde heard :about it from som:eone who did. me appr.QXimate timefrcime.d,arlng· Which :thls,cond.u¢t occurred. From D2j-07/1.003 to-02(o.7/2D03· h. The. .d,etainee(s) treated t1pq No~ P-E1ca)): . in .this way were. ideated ,at the ~iine in: 10(alJahtanarrlo ' 2. 0 Iraq 3 tI Afghanistan 4 0 ·0ther Lm;:atic5n 5 D [)O NQt Re~1I i. Please (dentify the detainee(s) by name ano' number; . Seve~l C!~t!3.ine'~? (I .d~' not; i-~~II all :o.f th~{r1SNs. or name?) . .j. Plea'se: identify' the persofifs),whO treated th:e a,etainee(s) name(s)' and 'government agency(ies).: ' in this manner, iritludih:g their IJniQentjfie<;! mjlit~rl perS<imnel. k. Please Identify any:othel" FBI personnel or non'-FBI personnel who .observed detalnee('s)' treated i,n .this m,annerj fn!=lu{(iog their ni;lrn~(~) andpgency(i~s): ' OIGQ-005362 Various personnel watched the Incoming transportation of the ·detaInees. and their.subsequent wait,in the fenced area, L This condu.ct occurred in connection with:, ~ ,0 bne: de~ajn~e ,.. . ,. -, 2 P Several qe.tajn:e~ (2-4). 0 M~ ny d.etainees· {more: than 4,) 3 4 a Do' Not Recall hi. (.op.tipnai) PIE¥ls~ ~e$Crlb~ ,t\1~.rei~vant c1rcumsta'nces' In'ffiore'detaiJ: If\lmed'iCjtely after transpo.rt from Afgli~nistan to GUCintanarrio Bay, 'S~v¢rar ~:I'e,ta'in~~were'prac~d, in a .fetll:~d.-ih a~ea (th~ ·pumpkin patch") ac,ljacentto Vf~ medical trailer-at carrip Qelt:~. The, tletainees~were'prirriaj'ilyiTlade:tosit in kneelin~t position, witn blindfolds'and iflrerriember' correctlY"earphones and 'surgeon' masks Qverthelr noses and mouths.,Some:detalnees'fainted In ,th,~ h~ataJ19, were immepJ9iely r,eviveo ~y. m..~kal p,er~nnd As I was not ~ir'~t1y iJ!,;'olve~ Iii the tr.~n-~Rort, nor do: I have kiiowl¢dge ·t!f Us tn.lllt<VY ppllty on tralJ~port of "un!!=lWf(J1 :e~eJ'ny. canibata'rits" Lam riot in.,a po.siti60':to;assUnie this:adivity w,as'l:le~bhd. the'scop'e of the military's .duties.· . . , 43. S:U-bj~tin£( a d¢ to j~Ktt:erfiely cc{lct .or hOt yo6ri1.temperatuf¢~ for extended p'eriC5d.s q. 0 I, P!!Y'Qb~~,r:ved.t!1(S copdljct, 0 [·ol;>ser.yed, det~J.n~~(s) tn a'cond itlQn thdt Ie<:! m~ to <;:~ I 0' lD~ta.i,ne~,(~) to,ld ·me tr~t tnJ?-.c;PI1Pud h?,ld -q~cl,lr~. b! cr. 0 e. 0thet:S Wt19. 'ob'~erv~q 'tOiS- ~Qh~uct (;l'e.~Gr.ibeg it to. !l1e.' o II have releYqn~ Information' .cI~$sifi~d al;rove ':'$.ECRET;'. f. [ff r (I~ver Qbs~rve,9, thjs.tq,nQQc;E Ilpr hearg capQulit whp, gld. 44. Subjecting a. b,elIev.e tha,t ~hls conduGt had ·occIJrred. a't6 (ou'd 0 r. personally,observed rilusj~ this 'conduct. 0 ~ro~9E!rve~ .. ~~tafl)~~(s} in:9. 'c;ond ,t!p'IT t.hat led T1}8 to belieye tD~t-'~his cqnduct: had ·oc~.u.rrecl. G;. o !Detai!1ee($) told rn~ ~h9t this cOlld u~,t hpd qcc,lWe.d ~ d. \Qthers wh()'ob·~erv.~ this tonquctde.;s~ribed it tome: b. ' o §:!. p f. ~ t t'lav~.,r~r~v,at:lt i,nf9j-ma~i.O:I) ~I~?sjfi~q ,~l>.Qv~, ",~'E~·{(ET!!·: r n~ver QQ~rve!i thl? c;qn'p lJ,~t nor hea (d ,aQqu~, it 'fn>m $5ri1eq.h~ Who' <:l.19. OIGQ-005363 45, SubjJ:!.d:II'lg ,a detainee to bright flashingJ!.ghts pr .darkness a', 0 I persenally observed this,.conduct. o lI"Observed detalnee(s) In a,condition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred. b', co, 0 Detainee(s) told m,e that c!... 0 t~is c0rJduct had 'qc::r;urreQ, o.~~ers W!1Q obseryeq this c0.mjuctdescribed it t9 m~, 0, t have 'relevant information cla"!;sified .aQ'ove· "SEC.RET'!. t 0 I n~v~r ob~erve.d this'conduct flQrh~rd .abqut [t from sqmeonewho Q,ld. e, 46" .Isolating ~ det~in~ t:Qr .an eXterid$d perio'd, 'a; D ~ personally observ.ed this .conduct. b. Iti d I observed detafnee(s) in 'a,cond iti<m' that led me to believe thatthls Gonduct had.occ::urred. c, d, - D Detalnee(s) told me that this concl uct had .occurr.ed: qt~'ers, who 0bserved this c(:m:d uc;t described it ,to 1Jle.: ---,-_ .._---- ,el D I h9V~ :re[ev~n't i.lJf9rmatiorr CJC\SSIf(eq .ab.9ve 9 ECftET'! " f: 0 I ne\!er'ob~rv~,d thIs coriducLn~r heard.~b.~!Jqt.~[0!r_~Tet111,e wh9 did, II ,From .Ol!02!2~.03, to.Q2/i312003 -- 00,0 Not. Recall h. The t1~t~lrree<.i) m~ate~ In ',tilts .w:ay wer~ Jo_~a,re~ 'at tb~ fim~ 'ir)': i 0 ,Guant~n!3mQ 20 Iraq 3 0 :A~Q na nistcfn 4 ~ 0 0 other l.:oc:::ation Dd.N9~ R!=call f. Please:identify the:detailiee(s) by name and. mirtiber; Sev~ra1 det?li'l1ees (I$~s and, tlC!,meS'I do no.t r.~Uh Special ~lrc4.mstance of'ISN #(5'3'($ee an?wer f~·2.!ili) j:,Please: idehtrfy: the" perS6ri.{s) who .treated rame(s) at:'d governmentagency(les): JJnJd~n~lfled I'J1l11t~rY. pers.ol1n,el.. tne d.elainee(s}io.this' mann!=r., iri'cluding th'IW . k. Please-Identify any:other FBI personnel or non-F~r,personnel·who observed detalnee(s) treated in ,thjs' mannerr' Incru_~jng ttre.irname(s) ';;md ,agen~ynesl: I. 1hls conduct occurred in connection with~ ,1 6, On~ detaine~ , , . ,. " -' OIGQ-005364 CV S,ev.eral detainees .(2-4) :3'0 Many d.etainees (more than 41 2 4 0 I"{l. Do- Not Recall (o:ptionai) Please9~rlb.e the .r.el!=vanrdrcumstam~~.'in mQr.e d,etail: O}1E:; Wing 9f qqm'p D~lta.held de~il1ees In'lso)a,tfQn ce.lls, 'away fr,?m' ~h.e ~en~rar p6PI,JI~tlqn' (much akin to tegu,lar priso,n's in 'the, U,S.) ..According to MllitarY Police(,th'e,.detaioees,w.ere iriv.bNetl in miSconduCtl which requited their-being sent to,'the:isolation celis. Throug h direct ooservatloh '~uring tGuq; of.~mp ~)~Ita, I observ:ed d_et9ifl~ in the, 8,oweve,r".·a!F1al)l ijotf~miliC!r w.ith lJB r:nili~ary· GQrrectiql1.s pTqcec,! u(e$, nor d,o r ha.\7~ kr19WI~ge q'f U$' pr.i~n sy.stem prQced,u'res, I am l,rr no P9slticm .tq deterrtlln.e if ~~~h 15.r..actlce Is, beyon~ the scope. of ,their ~fl6. ' . ·47. Using 'dl,Jct tape. .tQ restrain, ,ga'g , 'or punfsl1 a 'detafn~e tr peroonaJly oose£'ted this,coMuct. , __ 'a'. q b,. 0, jLobserved detainee(.s) in a cOfld ition that led me to believ:e thatthis conduct had 'Oc<,:uned. c, o 'Detainee(s) teld me 'that-thlscond,ud had occurred. d. 0 QttJers. w~o nb.serye9 this plrdu.qyd~sq!bed 11:;t9, m~: 'e., 0 Ie hav..e fe)~v.al1,t, i!1formq,tiqn, d?ls§i~ie,c;l ~l?9,!e Il,S.EG~ET". f: 0 I f!~Verob?,erved this <;;o.n~u~t nprheard-aqqut it.from.?olJ1~one:Who,did,: ,48. a. b. U,:{(ng rapId reS¥lo:nse .t~ms And/6t fon:::ed' cell 'extractions 0 I personally observed ttils.condlJct. o II observed detainee(.s} in a,condifian that led 'me" to, believe that,this' uonduct had occurred. ,c. 0 Q. 0 e. 0 f-: 0 DE~fainee(s) told me that this cond uct had ,occurr.ed'. Ot~ers'WhQ o~serv~'Q thi~ cqnductdescr!bed It t9 rn~. [hav.e relevant information' clasSified aboye·I!;SEb'R'ET". _ _ _'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r _ _ . : . . _ ·_ .-'_ _ ' _ . . . . . .: - -.... _ _ • _ _ _ _ _ _ " ~ " " _ ' • __ a __• _ __ . ~ ' . _ ... _ _ ~ l r n~ver ob~erv~d ~his,'condu,d :nQ.r' h~rd '~bQl,ll it frorn·$QllleOI1~Whp ~,id. 49, Using a (hifitary, wgrking dog,on 'Qr" 11~( a detC,lin:ee'other than dUl:ing -~,etain!O!'e, transportati~m II personally obser'v,ed this .condu~t. ,a. 0 b. q II ,obserVed detainee{s) in :a,c::ond itian that led me to believe that this cO'fld.uct had .occurred. OIGQ-005365 c. d. e. r. 0 n 0 0' Detalnee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred. Others who observed this cond uct described it to me; r hav~ r~lev~nt informCltion ~1'!lsslfi.~ a~ove ":SECREr~I., I never ob!)enle'Q ~his'conpu~t.nor heard 'about it from',somebne'who did . .so.. Thr~ctt~lJjlig t.o u$e military wc;>tk,ing d,qg,s on' ,or near a delail)ee ' 0 b. 0 a. ,c; - I perSanal!y observed this ,conduct. Lobserved detainee(s) in a coooition that led rile to belIeve that this conduct had .occurred. O· Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had :occurred. d. 0 Others, who 0bsel1led this c:ondl:lct describ.ed It to me.. 'e, 0 r. ht:lye relevant fnrOfJJ:1?ltic;>n. dassifi~d abov~ "SEG~Et'\ f. ~ J n~v:efo.J>s~rv.e~ thr?'~ol:\dl,l~t l10r h~xd,abputA frQ!TI s<illJT~g!1e .. who ~i~: , si, USiiitJ' 'Spider$,.·s,corplbl1s~ 'a. _ o It personally' oo-served this ~C:onduct. 0 c. 0 d, 0 e. 0 b. f. s.n~keSj or other anlmal.~r::o~.~_'~_._t...;;;l...;P.,...e_!.a_iri ... ....~..... e_._ _~ t:obse'riled'detafnee(s) in 'a,cona itioh fhat led D.etciinee(s),told me: to. believe thatJ:his Gonduct had .occurred., me that this canaud hado.ccurred. Others who ob'served th'is condl:lct described It to me. [have relevant information classified ·~SEtRET";. 011 never observed. th(s"conduct nor it trom someone'who indo . heard ,. 'ab0ut '. , , '; , , ' ,. ,a. 0 I persOnally observed this ~b'nifuct. ' , I.obsenied 'detalrlee(s) In ·,a,.ccmdjtidn that led me to belieVe thanhls cOJ'lduct had ·occur-red. b:, 0 ,C- D Detainee(s) tord me that'this coilduct had .occurred. d. 0 others who 6bsebied tliis co-holiet des€f.ibed if to, me. 0 I have relevant Information classified abov.e, !'SECRET",. f. 0. I. observeq this cOQduct,nor h~rd :abbutit fmlT) someO!l~ e. w~o dJd. OIGQ-005366 53. Oisrespe:ctful s.tatements, handlin9,. or>a(;tions irtvblving the: Korah a. D I p,er-sonalfy observed this;conduet. b. D 0 c. I·observed detalnee(s} In ,a· condition that led me' to. believe that this conduct had occurred. Oetainee(s) "toM me that this conduct had occurred. d. D Otners who observed this-conduct described [t to me. a< D r'. hav.e relev?,n.t information d?l~stfjE!fl ~.!?ove, N.s:ECRET',". f, D I fleveropseryeq t~l!? ron~.4ct n'!?r n~~q a"~p.l!t it from sorpeon~\oY~ c!'jd, .g. pl~~S¢. provld~'t~¢ appr9~in'lc::t~$ tin'l~ fra:rne·dl,Jring which ,this-COrid.Y.ct9CculTe!i'. From 01/02/200.1 to" o2h.3/200~ . 000 Not Recall . . , h, ~he deialn"e¢{s:) 'In 'thlS way -Wer~ JQP!"t~dt the t[r:li~'l'l~ :i Itf Gu.i;lntan:am9 2 D lra~ 3D Afghanistan .4 d 5D btll:er L-o€atlOn po Nat Recall i. Please· identify the.~etalnee(s) by: name: and nlJmber: not recall lSNs, or names '(but fD-302s of interviews. should reference statements-made. (eg~r9Irm' ~~~~)ne;es \l,p~e;t:'wl~h ~rrrp:G4a.r~$ C!11(I thErg!J.ard~$;tl9!rrg 'cell ?e3·r~.hes ~mft0!lC'nrl1g (seard'ling -thrdugR). kcl:rans, 1. Please 1d.entifY' the person{s) :wnq.treated the detainee(s) h, this manner/- indtidin'g their name(s) and ,government:agel1GY(ies:): Unidehtitj~ 'rrti1itar.y 'p~rso(lnel. . ~. ~ll?3se 1d~ljtifnmy' -qther' FM perso'nn~1 qr nQ.n~FBI peniol")n,el who: o~sefVe9 ~eJar!1~e(s) t.~~~ed. Onhls.manner,' in~h:JdJ{1g thgir narnets.) an~ ag~n'cy('~sh .1, 'T;;is;txmdl1d oceu[(ed iii tonn¢ciip,o ,wJth:' 1 2 0. $:n~ .dei:.ain~ a .Sever:al (2-4)' 3, (j Many- detainees :(rriore than i1:) -4 '0 Do Not Recall l'h'e.terrri' '~diste"sp'~tflll· 'fs extr.em@.iysubjedive. in .tnl~ sJtuation. b.¢Jainees. freq.u¢;ntlY. ¢Oh'lplairie.d "about the Camp Gua·r.ds-sear:G~i':'9'thrOjjgh their"Kbra"ns ~urrn'g cell sea,rthes. OIGQ-005367 54. $having:a detainee's facial or .other hair tq embarras.sor humlllate a detainee. 0 I. persdnally obserVe.a this ~olidu'ct. b. 0 detalliee('S} 10":<3 cond ition that led me to· b.elleve that thIs cbndu.ct had occurred. t- -..,.O Detainee(s) told 'me thatthis conduct .... had .occurred. -d. 0 Others who observed this conduct descrrbed it to me, e. 0 I have relevant rnformatlon classified above, '!SEC.RET'I.. a~ _ ' V _ T_ _ " _ f. 55. 0: _ ......... _._......-_,...___ ._~~p _'07"' ••• _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I "--~'-~'--'-'-I ~ I never o~serve~ thls.',c0nduct nor heaI."Q about it fror:n someone who did, Pla~ihg a. wpma'n's'C;!dthing qn'a detairv;!e D I persOnall,y observed this .cQndu~t. ~. 0 L:ooserved .detaineefsJ iri. :a~G6'naiti6n'lhat le(nl1~ t6 l)elieve thanhi~ conduct bad ·o€cur.r.etl. e. D iDetal'nee(s)'told me that this tonduct bad .occur'red. ·a. d. q Others who ?Dserve'd this conduct desGribe(J if to. me. e. D I hav.e relev.ant information classified abov.e "SECRET"" f·l0' I. observed' thls;conduct nor heard about It'from.someone who did. :,)Q. touching :a'qetaineeor actirr~ t9w~rd·apet?lin~.eIn'?! ~exualm(;lI:mer a.. _ D IpersoriaJly' 6b~rv¢d' this conClut.t, B. 0 !.1lb'ser.ved detainee(s) in a condition that led me to b~li~ye that this conduct had 'occulted. c. o IDetai ne~'(s) told· tne that this C:ond ud had :occu tred. .d. el Others who obserired 'this conduct described it to'me. e. 0 I have relevant information' classified above "S·ECRET". f. 0 I never observed this..conduct nor'heard about it from someone who:did. , . 57', tlolding: detainee(s) wh9 were, [Jot qffi~iC!IIY.··a<;kf1\:lwleQged or rE:gfstE;red as by the' ~gency d~tainihg the p:ersorl: D I perSonalty observed tliis;c(mduct. ti. D r obserVed detaihee(s) in.a ;coAd.ition that led .. .. .. . a. . me. to.. belieye that this c0nduct..had .occurred. .. .. OIGQ-005368 o c. [Detalnee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred. d. . 0 !O.thers who observed this conduct d'escribed it to. me; e. 0 r h~.3Ve [eleva,nt inforrnqtfon c1~.s~j'fi~ C!1;)Qv~ "$ECREf'}', f. >'I ~ neyer"observe;d ~hrs'cor)~ubt.nor heard abol;llit frorr1"~met)ne'who~ld. a. 0 r p~rsonally .Observed this ,c:Q'nduet. b. 0 I.obserV.ed detainee(s) iri a condition that led me'to believe that this oonduct had ,occutred. ·c, 0 D"etainee(s) told me fhat .this Gonduct had ~occurred. d. 0 o.thers who .obserlled tflls c:onduct described It to me.., ~. 0 [ hqv,e releyant inTpflJlj:ltio/ll. dassifi~ C!bov~ "SECREf''', f. >'I I'.J;l~ero.~~rye~ t.l"!r~ 'CO'1dul,;! n'9r h~r~ ab.out!t ~lV!Tl ~.o!'W.~ho ~Ip. 59: Th...eate,ljli~ to sen~' <:~C!~ta'[nee to another 'coulJhy fo( d~t~nllbn or.more. a_g'~ ressl,ve: itlten;agalian ~. h. <l•. d. .e. f: 0 r, perSonally -oBserVed. this .co.n1itfct. 0 I 'otlseNed. detainee{s} in -a .cond itioh that led ine to believe thi'3t:lhis rondiJrit had ..occurred. 0 Detainee(slt6ld ·me that.this condilct haa -ocaiiied. 0 Others who observed this rond uet describei:l jt to, me. 0 I have rele.vant information classified above "S.ECRET'l.. >'I ~ nf;ver ob~ryec:l.thls 'CQnduct 'n9r heard aoout It from- some.oJJe·'Vho did. '60; Threatening tQ take ac~IQn aga'lnsta c;letaln~e's'f<lrtilly a. 0 [. personallY' ooserVeO this::rof1aud. b. 0 I observed detalnee(S) In a cbnd !tIe,", that led me- to. belieVe th"at"thls conduct. bad ·OGCufreiJ. :Detaihee(s)·tbld me that this conduct had ,occurred. c. d·. 0 othe"r:s. wtio observed this cCiiichjd described it to me, e. 0 have relevant Information classified ·a"bov.e '·'SECRET'''' f. >'I I,,:!ev,er ob~FVe~ th,s t::ol]dUl;;t ~or h~r~ ~bout it -from soQ1,eone'1J"{.~o d!~. o OIGQ-005369 '&1. Other treatment or action Gausing 'severe emotional or psycliologfcal trauma, to, a' detainee a. o fi personally observed thfs.conduct. 0 I,obserVed detalnee(~} In a,condition that led me to believe thatthlsconduct had occurred. c. 0 Oetainee(s) toM me that this conduct had occurred. d" 0 Others who observed til is cond uct described it to me.. I e" o it have relevant informatlqn qlassined a~ove "SECRET''''. r: Irl' 1 nev,ere);>serv.eq tl1ll? cOl}duct npr h~rcjabaqt i~ from, who qid. b. 62. Other religipu's :br hi;lrCl'$Sment or humiljation'ofa :de.tainee' r personal!Y'ooserV:ed this ~cQndi.Jct. a. 0 b. o jLobserved detciinee(s) in a'COM ition:thiit led me to believe'that this cond.lict had ,oecurred. d, o (oetalnee(s}'t0Id me that this conduct had .occurred. o lathers who obserYed this cond uct descrihed it to me.· 'e'. 0 I, h.av~ ,releVqlll, information, c1ql>,?ifj~ ~I;>ov~ II,$EG.!(EJ". f. 0 e. (never'observed t.h!~'conduct,nor.heardab~ut it from some9!le w~o did. t:3, Other 'i,r:e,atmerj,t p.fJr d,etafnee thae in'yo.ur b.l1ihiorYwa'S '!.lnprpfesslona.!i un'duh(hats!Jdr :a,ggresSiye, ~peJcive, :aousive( a: - .0 or unrawfol I p'ersonally observed this, conduct. b, o II'observed detainee(s) in a ,condition that led me to' believe that this conduct hadocGurred. c. 0 0 Oe~ainee(s) t,old 'me thatt,his' conl:luc~ l}qd :o·~cur:red. V'{/19 o\;1ser.vetl ~Ns !=Elf)d1!tt pesqibed it- t.9 m~' e, D. t ha,ve relevant i1:lformation c1as~lfje9 Cl!?'Ov~ ",SECRET'. f. 0 .1 ne'i!'er obs'erve:d thi$.cgndw;:t nor' he,arq ·apdu,t· it from'~m~~me'whQ:d'jp. d, O~~er,? ".. _~-~~@j~~. ,II' :64. Did VQU QP.serve any impe[.\;'oi)atloff -qf FBI persl;mnel byanyone dUring an Int~hlleW 9r :iliterrO'gatlon 'of a ,d~tainee? ' ·0 Yes . 0. No OIGQ-005370 '65. Did alit detainee or-other person tell YO.IJ that he or she had WitNessed .the 1m pets6natlcm of. FBI personnel'in connection' with .a' d'etainee interv.iew or interrogation? Yes Np. -6.6. :/Are you C'jv{ of any ",sham""pr "'staged- d~tainee interv,iews' or int~rrpga~lpns ~on~ucted for Metn'ber-s of th~ U. s.. Conwe~s: 61' their stam DY~s, 0 No o tv .f>i. To your kno.~l~ge{ did .anY' (flilitary br. im~lIigel:Jc.t;! persQrtriJ:i1 eve:r de,ny 9.r ~elay detai'ne.e the FBI wanted to question Qe~aus~ the .~eti:line~·nact OYes F~Lacq:~,s$ td.:a stlStained injurie,s after he .was captured? $No ·.6~~. @jg. YQl:! :~v~r ~ncJ y'p~r PAr):ic.iPClj:ion II') or ob?erv?t1or'( of!'3:de1:~in~~: rn1:~rv.i€;w:p'r inter[o.Q$ltion l:?:eH:l'.l1se of th..e lritery·leW· Qr Interrtl'f!qtlQrf meth.Qps being I)~'d? G' ,y~? .0 No: , '69';We're you ·eVenoldlhaf. aootlier:FBI .employee e·ftded his OJ ber partidpatioh in 'qr ob.ser:\latlo.~ of, .a 'detainee intenJiew or- il"lterrog,ation because ·ofthe.fntervlew. or interro.gatian methods' being used? 0. Yes' 'G): Na. . 70. Dur:jhg:clny 'of yollr Qver,se~s:d.ep'Il)Yrhent,s or as~ig nrn:ehls, Bid you r~p'dlt 'aliy I'egardjng, .a.ny .d!'!talnee:lritervle'v.iJ' or. 'Irlterrogatl.6.ri -practlce's, or .other'tYpes :of det-cl"lnee: trea~rhel)t(, t<fan FBI su'pervisor? . 0: ¥,es-. ,0 No.. 70a, is{ti lOR. Djd the rep'cirt re.late ~0··C9t(d.l,IC;:~,~y. FEn Qr non-FB~ Jlerso.h!J§lI? and to JMHo: did ,¥ou'ooake this; feport? b6 b7C 1 DFBI P~sO.nnel 2 0Noh,.FBI 'Personnel ld~i1'tifY th'¢",?ge.nqy. ~ith·Which·the,riQn~FB~ p,er:S9lJnel w~r.E;'9ffili<;lt¢d" CITF Sup-ervlsor -:- N.CIS :stClLast Name unk'nQwn) 70.c.. Wa?, t'h is,' r.~P9r:1:·11l wr!Vng'? . 1 DYes. 2 0'No . . b6 b7C 70d.}' action taken in response to. your report? i DYes, 2DNo, 3 0'Da Not Know 7L DUring_arw 'of your overseas :deployments.·.or assignments,.. ai~ you r.eport.any concerns re,gatding anj\ .detaiile.~·intenijew .or inter; .or otherlypes of de'tainee:tn:atmeni you obser.V.ed or heaid about,; to:.a hOn-.FBI' sujiervisor or otHer n:on-FBI per:s()nnel?' OIGQ-005371 .a Yes (!) No 72. Ha:-l~, you ~'er be~n Qrd~re9 pr dir.ected, noJ: t.t> r.epQrt, or',discpur:ag¢<j in anY·w.?\Y fro,m rep.orting, ob.serIJations or am~gatibns r~iatect to 'Q.~tpjnee treatm~nj: or intervje;w or inferr:og;:iti9h 'actioN; hr' practices?, 0 No. 7$.. H~veYP!J "e?<perlent:~ all¥ act!-!~I or threatenej:J rel~liati9n: f9r r~p0rtj!1g o~~rv9tio,ns:or:,all~g?ltiq~~ of J:!etaJn'el: treaJm!=n~ qr In~l:,rvlew, Qr inte.rroga~IOl1 a~iqn:~ ~r pr:a"ctJ~e$? Qvef>, G> ~o 74. (Optional)" P[ea~ pf.ovjd~ any: a,d,~itjonal ,C;OmfT1~nt~ regarding thE; ~epoitil)9 ·of ~~mc~rns relate~ ,to jriterviey.l Qr jri!err.QgatiQh l:~h'nkiu~, Q.¢.t¢nti~n j>r.a'q:ic~~, 'or other de~~ln¢!= treatment. • ~ • 'I); • '~_'~""@}j'~_""" • .....' .. ~ ." • 01... • • ~ ,. 1 .,._ ", ' ll) ' , •. ' C 0 ... ~ ' -:; \' . ,::'<.. ».~' _:~ ""r'" ,;',,""".':"\""'1 .:-.',;' • ~. '..... ~ .. , 7,!? :W¢.reyou ~eprl~f¢Q, p!hentlan th'¢,.st.antlard C1ebrl~f In FD-T72,.~Ql1C,err.rlng v..cur:ov~rs:e,as: assigti'ment(s~ or;depJoyffient(s) after 'you' co'mpleted .the ,depldiment[s}-or assi9nment($}? ().'Yes, ,0 No . 76. Additional Comments and R:ecommendations'~ " Thank- YdLJ for .yotir ,ci)'Qper:atibA' 'j ri cdriipletih'9 this: questionna'ire OIGQ-005372