Aclu v Dod Doj Questionnaire Regarding Detainees 00001292
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Depar~ment'of J~s.tic.e In~pec~Qr GenerCJI ~Qu~s,ti~nn~ire Det~in.ees Jj.QJ.-OIG INVESTIGATIV.E QUESTIONNAIRE FO.R: REVIEWAtoUi USE dNLY BY-INDIVIDUAL FBI ItESPONDENTS ... ' . DO NOT FORWARD· OR Dis.sEM·i~ATE ' . ,. QUESTIONNAIRE IP: teSt-O.0001~9.~· ·As·at 1=""~ I~,st time thi.s,q~~.~iqnnair~.w~s !:!a\(~~j' ~ome require.d f.ieI4s: !l~Vj3:n9t Pleas~',r.e:View your responses. I. " . _.;.. ..,' ',,:,5 :~';. ,"'~" .",~.", .;c.•;::,'. A. ".:' ~ ~e~n,cQmpl~~ed. ., ;";,, '., P'~rson~IInfprm~ti()n Please provide; the following' information: 1. Fi(!1r liqme. i, Mldp)e In!tfpf: '3i Last name:. 4,. Eritered oh nuty Date (EOD): :~: cur.r.ent DivlsiQnlfield Qffice: 6. 9.!XTel)t Jpb- ~i.t1e;· 'J. Direct,dial bffice.lelephone humber: '8• .FBI t~1I phOrie' numl5¢r: .~~, fBI ppger nutntierf roo 'Be~~ c:Qotaet nur,n~er fOfY0U'; 9 ~:r¢ PERAqREEJ¥1!=N.T ·68,.7C.P.ERAGREEMENT 6 &, 7.C PERAGREEMENT 6 & 7C ~:8. ic $ped~1 Agent 6& rc.PERAG.REEMEN.T ~ ~. 76 PER'/\Gfu=EM.!E,NT '6 '79.PE.RAG~E.EJV!!=Nr~ '6 & 'lC PE~AGREEN1ENt *' B. B:ackg·tou'nd of Speciffc D,eplo-yme'nts or Assignntents 1-1. At any time ciItB[~Septeli,.lfer1J"t 20.01, did you '·a member of tlie U.S. Military, or as 'an 'employee.or contractor of- the. FBtor any other g'overnment agency., at Guantanamo Bay( Cuba; Iraq; : :Afg'!!1; 'or'ih areq~ ·controll~by·the \J:S. ,Militqry or,q U.S. int~lIige[l~~' ser¥.ice in':~qnne,ctjQn wit~ ~he· :9 i9pal w.~r on !~rrpl? . , @·Yes 0 No: 12:. l:nter the number of tim.e:s you.;.d~piQyed orassig ned to ~ach' -pfthe,foh6.Wing 16tati.ons, ,(Guantananio Bay~ Cuba;. Iraq ;;A~9hanistanr.or in :any, areas- controlled by'fhe. U:S. Military or a u.s. 'intelljgenc;:e s«;::rVi!:~J.;~~ . , For.~~th deplo\iment or assignment .complefe·the"following section•. LocatIon (s'~lect one)' r"".... «.... .~r~~Jli~t~~~ ... .. .' DepJpyrri~.n1:Qr ll~~ignrrifirit'bel'J!ln' $iiJ"o(DepJ~.Yrii~l1t 9r~55ignr:n~nt~,~,de!l abo.~t. .or ab.out, . on. 12/01j20JH 01105/2001 i~~l. What wa~ the~9¢n:er;a'l natur'~ cjM p:l,Irp·q~~. qf'Y.QUr:assigri.rnenta'hq 'a1=tryft!~~? Pro·Cess·;and int.ervieW;detainees that were bro!J~ ht 10' K~mdalia r ,Airpott. ttb. Please provide, the' names of the.specific<camps)<. basesr or facilities where you 'Worked. ~~n~.a·~ar Ai(pprt; KatJ,l.!I'a[ldShe,bregha9 , .._. .,_." "......., 12~. NQJ:~: If infp'rrn~Jion'~bpu~ a ;srie.cifj~ ',camp,,. ()r 'fac:il itV" i$da:ssifi!=d :aJ:j9.v~ SEeRET, plea~ ch:ecK: her~ Dr include in YOljr :ansWer that Y-!:>U' have ll~ddit.iQnal·in(Qrmaiidh tl.assified ·apoYe ··SECRETr.'~· and,: if Y.OU koow( 'iB.entifY'the,dassification lev.el, :tiCket, ;c0mpatfment~ program, :.orotber d~igna1ion .th.~t.ap'~·II~s ~9·t~ejn~ormatlol) •. po not 11"!9,1l:lde the-add.itlonafclass(fied fn(orm.atf9.n Irryour OIGQ-005289 qu-estionnaire re~sponses:. bIG personnel with -the, n:ec:essary clearance)NUI qmtact you tq,ret~jve it. ~an:te Positio~ b6 b7C '=D~id-:--YO-_,U-J~·.!fntIYint~ryiew~t- iili~rro~~te~any ~~~airi~~~~~-h~~~I ~~;;n~1i ------- --'- --- ~.-: a L....r-::"::2:":"'¢-. : ' ·~i2f. Did You}~ihtIY iFE31 personnel? plan:any 0 Yes , 0 Nq ~ ~t~in~ i;t~';ieW7 or-l~t~rrb~~tion ~st~tegY;6bjectii~ , ta-cti~s- or : with ~;ri- -.; I ' : . 0 Yes ~ No· : ::t2g.)Ji~r~;YQ4 ~yer-Qthi~j~ inVdlv~ jrJ J~rn¢~ interY(ew~ ~r intirtog~,ti9n$ -witlJ-~ci.I1:FBI -g€r.s~nnai =, ,Oy~? ~ N'9 ~: - --)--.., ---'- ---- - L~~a~io-;; r-'~:, . \,5e e, D;pj"o~;nf;r~Q;sJg-;;;;nt b~;;';n:o;' --PepioY;;n£ about or.abo.ut, j~iQ~nI~tjiB ;r-;;,i!!-;;;;nt;.nd;i1-o~ -- . i : 11101/2:002 01/10/20'0.3; 12a., What:Was the general nafu're arid purpose Ofyolirassignmenland .adivities? Process ' Interview de~fn~e~, ~t7~he $he~reg.h:an p'rison ~b<;lt·W'!lS l,!.nqet <;Jenera! bQstornt~ cPJTI,mCll)d 12p. ple9~e'Rtl5yid~'th~ nam¢S of the~spe.dfi¢.'c,;~mp:s, .bases! ~~i1.iti¢s wh~r~ yo,u Wof~ep. Shebr.eghail 'and also Kabul . 12c. Note: If rnforrfiation about a ,specific-"camp', 'base, or facility is .classifieda!Jove 'SECRET, here D( inclUde' in your 'answer th~t you baye "a'dditiona.l irifor;n'1cltion ,dassified ,ab6ve '§EGRET/'" <;I.Dd, \f YQU. I:<now, .Jqen~lfy~h~,c1i?~sifJ<;a.tiqn. [e.v~.I, tlcket1 Ggmp?lrtmE?nt~ prQ9ram,,~oP'Qth~r tleslgn~tlQri Jf)a,t~ajipJie'$ to the: inf<;5rrn'aticH1. Do riot 'include the.:~dditjQnal dassffieil inforrnatio.n ifi'lout cfuestipnriaire'tesp6'n'ses; OIG personnel v'lith the' necessary, clearance W.iII contact y.ou to receive it. or n, ,!_..- ':""- -,- - -- - --~ --- ---- -- --- - --- --.-.-- - . . . -- ...,--- .... -,.. . - -- --,- - - - - - - -- - ~--- ----- -"\'I. ~~!!·!lE;~~let.e~titr{,;~¥'~~~,~~~'!.~~Slt.!9ll~~JI!~~,!\~,JJ1~!I3rQ:~~C2rr.n~lt2_~h_9.-rllYQ.u_qrre~!ly!ey.9!!~q. ,~d~ri,;g, Y9!Jr deploYm:elJt;or,~ss.ignment.: ' ~ - ~ - .........-. -- -; - - -.- - - - - - - .... -'"':-' ~ -- - ,P.osition ~j""oint~i~t~iViewQr- inie~.:Qi~fu,~a~,Y d~taj~e~~~~9~~~~~f~{rs~p~~?- -.- --,-'- ~ -~ _._----: IL_._. , ._. ~ __._. Q y~? ._.__. '$ 'N~:r " b6 b7C ,I ._~--_-_--.-----~-----I :12f. Did'intIY' plan any d,i:tainee iriteNjeVt/' or·interrog.a,tion :strnteqYi.·es, or'tactics Wtth non- ~ iF131 per.sor'llieI7 ,I I r'\ t;;>;; 1 ! V Yes .~ No, ) ,~j:2g~. -W;';~:Y~~ ~~~r:-othi~fs~ jnvQfv~ Tn~ J;t~i~~~;jnttirvi~Ws ~r'i~t;rrog~tjpn~ wlth~~o-O=fBI '~ a Yes @ No' A - - - - -.- - - --- - -.-.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.- - - - ~ -personoel7'-;' : - - -.- - ':"'""- - - - - - -.- -,- -.- - -.- - - - - - - . .L' :~ .. '/~.':{~': - '. :;.~. '''''\'' IA. Training . ~- •• ~ . :.-;: ' , '• • : I to' '. ~ .'::: .. ." •• ~ ~ -: ~•• 'l. Prior 'to Overseas D.eployment or Assigilmeilt 1;3.~· I;>id YQU T~$jve ~ny·training, ir)struJ:.tiqn, or g!1igi:3'nce 'specll'ica](y in'p(¢p~ratipn (or ~ny'of 'i9U~ OY.etseas deployrnents Qr q~{si.gnmentS? 0Do Not Re~<:iil OIGQ-005290 14. In preparation- for any,of'your overseas deployments or assignm~nts, did you receive any,training, I i· instruc;:!:fon, or guklance ~nc,emlng the,stanqards of condl-lcr applfca1?le to ~he,tr~tment, intervi¢W, or iriJer,rogatlQn of detaihe~s by 'FaI perso:nn~l? G)Yes 0Nb' :ODo. ,Ncit Recalr 15. In pr.eparation for any of your overs~s.~eploYrnerts or a?~ignlJlentsr d(d you receive any t~inIng./ Ih~ruct:lpn, br'gufdc:mce <pli~etnfng lb~,$tandards,of,cohqU,ct applitabfe'to the trea~m~n.t, IhtervieW" or irit¢r.rdgati9h'Qf'detaine~~y ,IiQn-FBI p'ersonilel? eNo 00'0' Not Retail i~,~ tn. p,rep,aration for allY of Y..o.u r ov~r~~~ deP:loy,m~ts' 91' Clss'ignm¢l)gvd id you re~ejye.~ny' trn.ini ng" , in~trlJeti6n, or ,guJdahte cQiicerii'irfg 'what ,ypu Wer.e s.IlPP:OSed .to: dQ if~QLi pbs~hteQ or h~td :flDbut the'treatment, .intervieWi' or ihterrQgation:bf detajnees by: FBI p'ersbrioel, 'wtiicn you 'believed,to, be inapp'n:iprfatel, unprofessfonal~ coercive(,a'busfve~ or'unlaWful?' - :0'00 Not Recall 17.. ti,. prep;;H?\t;Jprd'or any'qfYQur ,o~ersea$'C1epIQyrtiet:lt~:,or ,as~ignrhe.llt~, 'did '{ou r:ece'v.e,'~ny..trainjng, , in'sfruCtion,'or'99idance :coliteniirig 1I\I:ltat ,:y:ou'weresupp'osed to do ifyou 6b.serv,ei:l ,.6'r he~rd 'a.bout' ; the'treatmentr 'intel\liew~, or interrogation"of detainees by' non,.FBI personnel; which you believed· to p~ It;I!3 pproprlat~1 unprofessionaL, 'coer,clve, ~bu,slv~; or :0Nc)' B. 'Training. During, .overseas bepioyments or'Assi:gnments i!3'" Dl,!riTm ~I1Y 9 f 'YO[1r qverseps d~ploYTJ1ent$ Of assig.nmeT]ts( dla YQU a.ny trpin.i!').g, h.15tr!:lq:igni, Qf ~iJ.i4.9nl<:e~cQI)~~rning the stal:t~t~rd~ qf ~c>nd_uct·appl!t:aI:He' to th:e·tre~tmehtJ]nt~rview, Qr interrA~atiQn ¢If detain!=~s. by FBI pe'tsl:mn~17 '~No t,!t D\Jli~g pny 'Of Y0!:l.["oversea,~cQepll?,yments or a!?sjg,nrnent~; d!Q 'YQu r~C:,elve ?ll1y't~'rnflJg', !n~tru~tI9n, Qt'g),ljqance..cQi)Geto'i,n:g 'th~ ,st~.ndard~ pf cpn,auo; :a~JjIiQable: ~~:'tli¢'l'lt, int~rYi~" 9T Interro,gatlon of detainee.$', by n()n-F.BI p,~rsOnriel?' :Qyes, '2.0.. iDurlng.-any .~f YQl;Jr Pv~r~gs,depl()ym.e!1ts pr' assjg nmel'),ts, did you recelv~ Q,ny tr:a fnlng J. I n?, 9nIUid,qh.c¢-<;:oncet'.ri''iri,g wh~tY9,l) w~r:e ,s,t.rp-pos,~ t9: ,db if YQu . QbserY:e.d ,Q.r h¢ara 9PQUt' th~: treatm:ent!'iriterviewr or h'iterr.6,g.atioi'(bf.detaih'ees. by F.BI personni:!l:rwhich you belieVed to be' inappropriate, unprofessional,'coercive, abusive, or unlawful? 0Ne' ,bDo 'filet ReGaJl OIGQ-005291 2·1. During any of your overseas deployments or assig nments', did you receive any training~ instruction L ~or'guldance concerning what you were .suPposed to do if YPu'observet;l or heard ,about the' -tr.eatment, inteNie.w,. or 'interrdgation of ~,etail)ees by n9h-FBI perS()nn:eI, which yoj..l'b:elieved to b:e Inappr6ptlat~, unp:rbfesl;ional, c;oetclve"a.b!lsiv~, or' u,nlaWful?:Qyes '0No- '000 NotReccill I~. Adequacy of Training ;2:4.lny,?ur·opinio,ri, 'dj~ YOlJ reeeiye ac;l~quC!te tr~.iniJlgJ in$l::ruc;tioQ,'~r.9uic;lance rel<;l~,ing, ~o'sta,ndard? ,of cqO?!\.ltt byF~I,and nqn-FBI perspnnel relating to trea:tlnentj interview; or interrogation of ,detainees. pripr your-deployment or a:ssi~nme/J't? to ... _ _ -. ..... ..:. . ' - -. w o Yes -.l _ ...... _ 0 No ._-.... _ _ .,,;:, ' ' ' .. _ ...... _ ... '__ ;.r __ - -_. _ _ • 2;1a,. Please c;I~qibe th~ wq,ys"i,n which )/0,U, b~Ii,eve the ~ra!nil1g; in~fnJc;:ti0n'orguiqC!n~~'¥,Ja$ il!adequ C j - r e : , , ..', ' ' I neYE;:( r'~ce!Ved,:any' fraii'!lng -or ,91,1 ic;la'Ji¢¢. The goly gu)qance ~e r~eilieQ ,during rtiyfjr~t dep.l~ym¢n~ was, that detainees_ at:Karidahar Airport, were tb be 'advised cif their LJ~S, C6ristitutlo'nal. Rig hts- (Mirandcib 6 warnlngs),.whlch I thoug ht was absolutely, rid reu IOU~ ~he -team 'leader 8QreecJ with me, b 7c bL!t ~be heqqqUq_rt~rs:p~rsQnn~l-an~ tbe:tW9 ~ew'Y0rk a~.ent~-W!th· we;shou.l~ ~~v{se·them o.rU~s.- ¢Q'nsti,lUtiQnal 8,lgllts. Wh~n.r 'O!,jt bTlef~ Dlrectqf Mu~lI~r h~ !Nas unaWqO;~ t1i~t w~:wer~ .advising detainee's of iltheif" Miranda ,warnings. He 'said 'we shbuldhCiV¢, been iF! OIi ail interviews,. TIJe: FBI. Was, ndt'a 'partdfthese",critical interViews- just after'g/l1 bedaUse Militafy 'Intelligence"did hot W~nt' us advising someone and then they invoke and any' time. sensitive information they- mIg ht lrc!ve would . _~e .Io~t.· '. ,'".,_, .... _ .... ~. A, ... _ , . . . . . ,. _ ' . ., • • •• • •• ,_ ... _ • __ .. ' ", _, , , .... 23:, In your·opinion/,did y'0u receIv.e adequate training I instruction,..,or gUidance relating. to:standard's 9f cond~!=t py'FBI and f).on:-F,~I perS0nnel rela~irJ9 to tr~tmentf 'interview, qr interr()g atjgn 'of :9~t.qrnees);IW)ii.9 YQUr d~pIQym~nrQ:r~s~l~ hm~hp _____ ... ....... _)wO ~_."" _ - .... _ ... ~ Np :O'Yes 'looI_, ,'_", _-.... _- .... ' _ _• - "'"' _ ' _ ' ' - _ '_ _.... ,_ -'" _ _ -<: _ _ -t -< _, 2'3a. pfease desGribe>thewc\ys'ln which you believe the training, instruction'or ,gUidance -was Inad~quate: ' _ , _ ., '" ..." . . . . . _ 0"" .... _ w _ ., - _ • - -.. - ~ ..... _ ''', _ _ ... ........ .._...... ..... ~ _ .... _ .......... __ • __ .... ,~ _ ----I; , ............. '- _ ... • 24.10 y'!)ur~pin{orJ,.'gld: YOl) r~_eiye · training,. instr.uGti9nr,or·gui~:qIiCe,ccmGeroing V9!J '!=, ;SQ,PPQS:~, ~<?,d~ jfY6.4. 'pl:l~erV~ ~t he~rdahblJt the ueaj:li1elij:, int¢rvi¢W, 'or In~~rrQg~tlp'n' of :detainee~:, DY: FBI.or: lion-FBI ,pe'fsannel,:tliat you believed was iriappropriate, linpiofe'ssibfial, ,coercive" 'abusiv.e, or Utllciwful? ,OYes 0 No -2~a.- PJ~a;¢~~'ribe'th;w~ys~i~ ~hich-YdU b~liiv~ th~ tr~inil1g: i!1;i~~tid~6r~U\d~riC:e 'wa~ ----~ ---, irj.adeqiJate: _ , " This to-pic.was·hejier discussed. I ,guess in 'the fu'turethey should at leasfti:ilk-aooutJe. - _ _ "'( ... ' _ - . _-. -_._~ '""._-_. ' _ _ "_ _ ' _• • - ' _ .... _ .... ' _ - _ >00'_ _ ... ~ _ _ - _ ' _ _...... _ _ ...... _ '_ _ 25. (Optional) Tn.what way?,~n ~he FBJ 'improve training ,Oil this .... .r ,_ .._ _ ...... _ . - _' . .~ subject fpr flJture deployments at' OIGQ-005292 -assig nments? - 10 . Comment~' 26, Please provide.any additional information'concerniJ1g training for overseas deplo¥ments or I, assignmenJ;s of FE}I personnel you believe Is relevant. . . m'~A~~~'· ,'.- ~ ... .. ' -, ¥ 'w~" ""'~'ro. .... '~ .!:'.: . . . '1, ~ '. <' , . , ~_,:,"~~:'~1·;1...~._ ..:.. ',·,:>;;· '--:"'~.'".:: In~rodl;lction to Part}l~: In. th!s'sE\ctfoni:~e'areseeklngJ~ror:rnation regarding, q wrde:range,of 'intervlew or interrog,?l~Jdri~~<;hnique~~np 9ther typ!=s' of,~~tai,liee'trea~ll1~nt 'pl1eg~ to h9V~ gccu,rreJf. ' '(ou ~h,pj.Jld hl:iP:iss,(.trtle,,'jl,lst Q~$3.!.",se 'vYe,~.r~cl'sk,ihg, ~bqLJl a pan:icl\lar Je~hnlq~~ qr.R.rqcti~e! th!!lt we. n~qv.e :concluded that it. in fact,occulted. We reco\:J:nize that ,some of these techniques.oi: p'fclctices' hi2jy-aUJmes be necessary Tor scife1¥ and' security, in 'a'detention ;setting,. In acfdifio,n.l we rec:og,nizelhahome of'these .teqhniques:o(' praGti~~ may ./1.C:lV:e .jJe~n: auth9~zed foru,se by militc!'Y or :o~hel.' gO'llernment personnel. I I WJt,h resp~ to: ,~ch .l~e,l')tifl.¢d, tl:,€;hnlqu.E!, p.r~Ptl~el 9r'typ:e of c6ndu.c~,d~crlb.$.1below.,. wg?ar~ :SE!~kirig 'infO'Matlon about. its ocm.i,rrerice during 6.".in ,connection viitli the interview.,cr interrogation. of :a. detaineer 'Or durin:g the~detention.of a detainee beyond w.hat is:n'eeded ,for safety and,securlt¥, In ~h?lt co'nt.ext,. -we Will a~k Y.9lJ to tell l!~ I(.\!heth~ran~ or m9r~ of the f611qwihg fst9t~me!lt? ~re ~ru~~ , 1. 1 ~r,5ona!lYQb$'erv~d -this t'ond!J~t Z. I,obs~fVM .d,e'tafo.e¢(s).ifIa cQnditlpji tHatlep. "tOs=:tb Q¢!.ieye tllat thr~cofiduct had pccu'fi:.ed •. 3~. Detainee(!i) told me that this Eonducthadoccurred., 'J-. ~; Q-. Ci?ther$:who. Q..b~ery~.9,:th)~<;Qnq,(J9~·d~s,cJ:i!?e.9 , m~. J.: h:aV~T~leV?l1r Ihf()rm~t[91i C::.IP~S!f!~(f ebQV~""SE!ZRET·,. I he.ver obs.e'r.v.ed thisc;Q'OQuct n,QJ .h~ard ,~b:out. it' from ,~QMeo:lj¢.·wh().d,id.• :2i peeriyrng;a detainee. offeod ;;I. b" c, ~ .Cf • or wat~f o II p:e(SQrialiyobselV.ed this.~COridu~t., D. II' obse(\ied de~aihe'e(s) in:a 'condition-that led m~, to !leriey~ Jh8t ~his cqrlquct haq Q'c~lt.rIe~. o Detainee(s:). tpld me tHat 'this, conduct ha,d :occ,iJr'red, o lmfJ.e~rS: who obsefved thiS. conduct d,~scribed ittP: me. -~ e. 0 ! " i I. ha'~e releVant Itlf6rrifatlbti Classified aBoVe "SECRET". f. 0' r never·observed this~~ondu~t I nor hear.d about it from sOmeone'who. did. ; ,:28. 'Q:.~p'riVin!L~,~d_eta~~. ofclo~!:!.i,r:!9. ___.____.___._. § 0 II'Rersonall this condllc,t. Y oboorved _·'••_...._...u·... .•.. ,>. '-'_..' '''s__ ~ ''"SI2.. _. ::: w ___ .f. _.J • e.•. 1 .h __ ••. ___ : t .~_ •• (J,S' ... ..k..... $2_ .... 6. __ to a t_. = •. L.. . _.. OIGQ-005293 , ., ' 0 c. 0 d. 0 e. 0 f. 0 b. .. . -- - , I observed detalnee(s) In a cond Itlon that led me to believe thaUhls conduct had 'occurred. " •• c ' ' " -, Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had 'occurred. Others' whf? observed this cOl1duct-descriqed it to m~; I, h~ve relevant Ihformatlon classified ~bov~ ..SE¢RET·.... I n~v,er;qbs,erve~ this'cQnduct.nQr hearp-abqut it .from s,qmeone. who did. 2·9·. 'Deprivin'g'8 petair1!=e.of>-,sIe6(?; or interrupting siee~ by frAAuent cell relol=.ations·or.6ther niefhoos: . 0' r personally observ,ed this eonch-iet. a. h.. 0 I,observed detainee(s}In a'coAd ition' that led me to believe that this conduct had ,oecurred~ 0 tL D. e. 0 'f: 0 c. Detalnee(s)'told me that this conduct had occurred. others who i)~ser:v~d t,his ~0nd u<;t ~escribed [t'to me; I. b,av.:~ rel,ev9nt rnforma~!(m c1a:~?H'J~.g '?l.i?t;>v~. ·~SI;C8-E:t"·. I ney~r· 9.~.S,Eirv:~:C! ~hi.s qJ.I').C! \lc.t 119r' hea r.d 'a QouJ It Jrom:~metlnewho ~ Id. -g. PI~.~?e proviq~ Jj:l~ ~,pprQXi.mat~ tIme rra.m~ .dl,lring. which fhj~: cO,ng'!-:f~t,o·ccurr~~i. From Jl.f:200~2.lQ Ql!2'QO,3 Dae> Not Recall h. Th'e '4ei:~'ln~e(s) :trea~!'ld In 'thiS w.ay Wer~ 10,¢~tedat t~ Jil'ne In: 0 :GLI;;int~n.Clmo 20 I~q 1, 3 0 Afgtfaoistan •2J: D ;other Location . 50 E>o-Not . Recail . I. Please identify the,oetalnee(-s) by name ,and number': . r: did not see specific detaineesr but.1 saw- a detentloh center in 'kabul that was maintained by·the cIA 'N.h~r~ they· ased IquQ mUsic'; . J. Weas,e' identify the' perSoh(s)'whp .tr'.eat~d the: detairiee(s). in this manner, ih'cludillg their name(s) arid government agencYUe~): k. Please id.etitify- any.'otlief. FBl p~rsolrnel (:Jr non-FBI pers6noel whO,olJ'served netafiiee(s.l treafeo in this. manner:,.iricl.utlirig their oame(s) and aget1cy(ies)~' . s~ I I. This.c,QJiClu¢t oCcl-\rr~.d in' :cQntiectip'n with: " b6 b7C i:O .One: detqrnee 2.0 Sexel'aJ deta in~s (2-4) :3 $ Many detainees {more thah' 4) .4 d Do Not Recall OIGQ-005294 m. (Optional) Please deScribe the 'relevant circumstances in more'detail: we tr Were 91~efi a tbt:lt,of this faqllty wheh wf! {lrst g01: to l<:ab.l!1. p;~r the \l1$it' the liurn~~r'tWb' man at the "Station' told us we should not 'go back there unless we .wanted be ~i:t:Ofa Cof!gresslonal hearing at some later date. Thls- info was reported up to:SSA ithoul: any resPP!1~e::orguipance. . b6 h7C .30. aeatlng a deh11nee a, 0 1;, 0 0 t p1:!rS!:m<;llly QD.5eIV.ed thi~ J;;orxiw:;t. ',otiiierv.ed 'detaij;ee(~} It) 'a'C:cind i~ion'that I~ me,to belIeve that.thiS: q;liduttJia:ct Q,ccilr!"¢d, C, De~ainee(sJ t.old /tI~ th 9 t thi~ ~bnQu!=.t h~tl Oc;qJttE!:d. [] d, OtherS", whQ .bbsel'Y~ thiS''Sglb,ed It t6 me. e. 0 f. 0 I have'rele\!abt inFormatiO.n classified anove. '~SECRET"·. I. never obsefv.eo tllis,conClud nor hearCl'ab"odt it.troni_sOmeorie.who did. ~31.lJslng water to prevent breathIng bya detalnee.orto create :tf.Je sensation of'drownlng a, 0 l p¢l1i9naJly QPp-erve,d thls con~ue:t. b. 0 r~~rved d~taine-e.(~)' in a cpndltion that led.m~:to peliev.~ t.hi:!.t.this,,:ui,ih,JC!: bap :oct:;urre~. t: D. ~betaine.e(s:j tbld me that .this: ~"Or'iduet had -.occurrfi::L ..iI 0 Others, who bbserved .this tonduc:t' described i~.t(l, rn~ e: 0 r ba'tre 'rele:vatit Inforrnatlo.n·'cias,sl!ied ~bQv:e '!SE.GREfjj·• f. 0 I never ooserv-,et1 thih:oili:iuct nor:hffi(d about it ftOm;someQ·rie.wtio dId. ;:32. Using hands, rope, ,or: anything else to:choke or strangle a detainee· ($; 0 r p'l;:r~nally' ob:~rved this :~on!1ud. b. D' ~t/)b:se'rve~ detaine,¢t~): In';a t~nditl.or( th~t, I~ Il)e to b,eJle,,:!i'l that,thls c:p!'ld!Jtt.hqd dcq.oie.d, c. 0 ·De,tainee(sj fpl.d tn~ tnat't~l!;>:qlrfdut:lh?!p o'Cc!Jrr~. o.~hen; whQ pbse:h{~ tl}iS, C:6,nd.t,J!:;.t 11,~i:.tib~ it to in¢. d. 0 e- O fhav:e r~ievah{ infiirmatlon t1assifiM aboV,e ·SECRET'''. i: 0 I nev~r¢(l Hiis 'conduct ,nOr' heard .ahOl-!l it'fiorn sdrneuneWhQ did. OIGQ-005295 33.. Threatening other aqibn tq calise physical pa'in, injury, disffgurem~ht" or death a. D r personalfy obserVed this:<:o-nduct. b. 0 , I,obserVed detaloee(s} in:a ,cbnd itioh that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred. c. [j Detainee(s)'told me that this conduct had occurred. d, ,~;, r; 0 0 !if Others who observed 'this cond uct described it to me., r hSive relevant rnfor~ation Glassiff~~ ~~ove ','S:ECRET", I,l)evero~serve'(.j tl;lJs <::ond.l!~t oi)rnecrr;d aboyt it from ,somepnew1]o did. 3!r, Other tre~trn~nt or ?~iol1 ~using signlfi,cant p:hysi~1 p,afn or injury, :o.r cau'sln'g ,df5fi,!l!Jr~m.t~mt or .d¢C;1tb ., 0 b. 0 <;:;, D, g, 0 e, 0 i: '0 a. ,35. r. personally. obsel'\led this:conduct. I observed det:alne~(s) In,a:col)C;lit!of) thC!t led Tl1e to bel!~ve t,hclt;tn!s'condL!q' h?d 'oq::urred,. D~tail1~e.(s),tqld me that this:q:m9l,l<::t baQ'Occl,lrred. 8the~ ~ho oqservl?,~ ttyi!? <::o.n:9vct;d~scr.i.bed 1~"tO D1~. I hcN~ relevant Inform,atlon c1as,sJfi.~d Clbov~ uS'ECRET" ~ 1. o,bS'erved tliiS condutt )for' heard ·abo.ut it from S~fneo!1~'wbt>' did; PJ~icili~ a a hot ,surfat~ bt !:ill'rnin'9 'a',detainee 0 I personally observed this,conduct. b.. 0 ['observed'detalnee(s) In a,coAdition that led me to'. believe that this conduct had :occurred. C;.. 0 Di?tainee(s) told 'me that t~is. c0nduc~ n,a,d :oc::curre9, tJ: 0 8thel"S' WD:9 9bser:v~d. th,is cqJ.1d!lc~. de!?Cfibed i~ t,9 qJe. e. 0 t have rel~vant informatjo'n cJc(s.~lfiep A!,l?'ov~ "~.ECJ~ETj, a~ f. r~f I rr~ver 9Q.s'erve~ tht~,cQJ:l9yct nor t)~rd :a~Qulit from's(jrn~on~'1[IIh9'dlQ, 36. :U$ltig ,shatkles or Q.thetr~strain.t.s,in, a pr6lon:ged n1,anne( ELQJr personally observed this Gondlid. , , ; OIGQ-005296 , ,. , b. [j ['observed detalnee(s) In a,condItlon that led me. to bellev.e that this conduct had 'occurred.- 0 ·d, 0 fe, 0 f. 0' c. Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had :occu rred. O~hers'wh0 observed tt)i? co~du~td~cri!?ed it to m!=. [have relevant IOformation cla~sified ~bov~ "S ~REr". [ n!=ver"ops~rv~d' thi,s'cQnc!uGt n9r h~rpQbqutit from sQmeone who did. 3;7. 'R~gi..litirig·.!3d~.ta'lne:e,t6 maintain! pr (est~inih9 a': a. 0 I persOnalfy,obServed this coildl.lct. .b., 0 I,;observed detainee(s} in a-condition that led me to believe that this conduct had ;occurred·. :c; D Oetalnee(s). told me tflatthis .conduct had occu rred. l:j! D. btbe~' wh9 obseryed l~;s cond uc;t ~re~cribed i,t t~ me; 0 1. h~Y~,re~~~ant'rnf9rm:at!<~n: ~1.a~~tffe.9 :a~ov~, .~S: 'f. 0 I.1}~ver;:9.Q?~rv.ep thfs·C9f1Q\-lCJ I1gr hE?3rp ia,p9l!t, e: sa. Fori;:ing ~ detain'ee. to.' perform derti~nd tng phy:slcal a'~ o II perro'nally, observed ttHs .condtkt. b. D c, o ;Detainee(s) told me thatthis' conduct had ,o'(;curred.· ir.,observed detaine'e('s} in.a ·cond itiori that led me' to: Delleve that-this eohdtict ha'd :oecllrred. d. O· ;o.thers. who observed this conduct described it to me; e. o II have relevAnt. informa~ion c1assifieg above: ",5 f, 0' IInevero.bserved this heard :about . .,. conduct nor ,,.. .. .- ..... , i~ fro~ .3.9,. }.",.. , "" ', , ,' ~meone wt}o C! id. Us.!n!l.ele~trica·r~ho!=k .on a petainee a. 0 b', 0 €'. ' ,j L p'er.s6nal!y observ.ed thiS :cond,utt. Lobserved detainee(s) in a condition that led,me to. believe that thfs c0nduct, had .6ccu·rred'. o iDetaiilee(s)'(61C1 me tliat fhis condllGt h-ad ijcc'urrea. d.- O,IOthers. who observed .this eond uat described it to me. 'e. f. 0 0 I. ~qv,e relevant l~for!TI~.tion,dassr~ie~ ,~bbV~ ", I [Iever'o.bserved, thIS 'Con,duGt nqr neqr~ C!b9l,lt OIGQ-005297 40. Thre; to use electrical sno,cko-ri ,a, 0 r persooalty observe~ a detclinee ~I:lis :cqnduct. b. D Lobs~(v~d,<:!in'ee(s) in a-cond iijon that c. D' D~talne'e(sj ~. e. 0 tol9 m~ thpt Jed ,me to be!iey~ thqt thi~ conduq: had 'Q~c;urred. this, conduct hap oc;curred. Others' who pbsery~,d 'thl$; q:md'!lct de'sqlbed It to' m~;, o iI have relevant Infbrrtiatioh'):las'!iified BboV.e. "S.EGRET". f- IEf I nev,er obp~rve'~ th!? cQnclu~t npr'h~rd ~abdli.t i~ fr(jm ,sPmepne Wh9' dirl. 41, Jntentionally~'dela,yin!1,or-:der:iyirig ,detaidee medical tare a. b'o' o II, p~r;so,nal.lY ~.b~rv~<;l ~h,s 'condu~t. o II :opsf;rvei!' c;let;:;line'e(~) io .Cl'cppd,n ~h?lt, led, lTle to ~~li~:V~ th~t t,hi~ C(?n'cjuc~ har;!Q~c\JrreP. C;~ D. (DetaJnee(s.) t.ol~ .m~ t.hat t{ti~ t.ond\J~t. hqd lQe;;c'Yrre,d. ~, o Id~hers' ~h9 t;>bsery~ this G,QnQ Uc;td~~cdb~d ~, D. if Ii;we releVcmt in(orl1)13.tion'd13ssified gQ'oVe '':$.EC,R£T"·. jt t!?; IlJ,~: f. 011 n¢V¢f'Qoser:v.ed this~cQnd UGt lib.t he,~:lfd 'abp,ullt from '$OrTl'eQn~·WhQ dj~. ,42'. HO'odil19 ,or bllhdfold ing a ,detainee'other ,thah d.u ring 'ttCllisp-0,rtatlon a,;, b.. c. ~. ei f: o II persol)al,lY'''qbserved this ·<;onduct. o !r,o/Js~rve'Cj ,det~ln~~(s): ,In \a'cqn<;l1tl(;m-th~t led .r:n~ t9' bellave thClt:this conduct hpdoccurred. o !p~tqi,IJ~(s)' tol~ .f1l!= that this' col)Cluc:;t had oq::4JTe<;!, 0 Qthers, w,hp 9b~er.v~ ;tbJs conp1-(ct d,!eg i.~~9' me. 0 t have relevant IIJ(ormati9'n -clas'sitJed 'a bpy~ '(s.:Et~'!•. 0 l' n!=ver d.b:;erved' this COrlpuc.t npr h~r.d ;3bbtJ,t j't frdTT1 som~pne:·who; ditt. -43. Su.bjecting, i;I ,detain.e¢: to e>rti:eniely C:old or ~t room te'mpetatutes"for extended pMbds [aJQ]r personallY observed this:condud. OIGQ-005298 b. 0 I observed detalnee(s) In a condition that led me to believe that this-conduct had 'OCcurred. c. 0 IOetainee(s) told me that this conduct had :occurred. d. 0 O!hers' who observed 'this co~uet descriQed it to m~: e.. I hav~ relevant Information dassifie.d ~bov~ "S·E~RET·'. 0 f. Il'l I·ob.s:ervl:;d thjs'~nd uct tlQr hear$! Qbqut i~ .from someone whp did. .44. SUbiec.tili[ a d~UUrieeto Joud tnl1sR;: a. 0' I personally"observed this.Conduct. b. 0 ['observed·detainee(s}In a:cond"itio n'that led me to' believe that this conduct,had :occurred. c, 0 Detalnee(s) told rrie that this cond uct nad occurred. d. 0 O~hers who observ~ -this cond UG!" de~eribed it to 1lJe; e, 0 r, ~cw:e relev~nt fnfor~,at!orr c!a~5:ff1 't: 0 r n~v~r:o,b~rv.ep. thts-q)!1duGt nQr", g. p~_a.?~ proYid$ jh~ ~.Pllr.9~i{na!a time ,"fra,me dl,lrl'19. whl¢h ihj$. ~.nQ_l:!Qt:p'c<:;t,!rr~. From (MlDJYY'f'f furm~t or M/YY'iYJ to (M/D/YY'iY format ;6r Mf'IY'IYJ OD" Not Recilll h. Tile j1et<;lJMe($) trea.t.~ In this WqY Vi,ere io.cated ~t fh¢ ~itne 'In: .1 0 ·(~l1~n~~f'\ifITio 20 Ii;iq 9 ~ Af:g tianistarl 0 ,Other Location SJ] Do No;t Reqlll .~ I. Please.ldentlfy"the,detalnee(s) by hame and mii'n ber~ Too many. ), piease identify the. 'pers6n{s"l""Whci .t.reate"d th-e,detainee(sj iti .thls niadner, intJiJdlng tht::ir nab'te(:s):and $lQ\ierr'lrhentag-ency(:les)t CIA k. PleaSe ideTiti!Y-any'ol:tief: FBI personnel Of non:"fBI·personnel'wlio-·6~seNed detai'nee[s)" trea"ted, ,in.this. manner, Induding' their name"(s) and agenq'(ieS): Sli I . b6 b7C I. Thj~.cprldUd occurred, In "tQnrtectJlin .with 1 0 One: detijln~ 2 ,dS~etaJ detaih¢$ (2-4) 3@ ritariy: detainees {more thcm.4) c4 d Do Not Recall ..... _. .. OIGQ-005299 rho (Optional) Please describe the:relevant circumstances in more detail": M (>J'evlousiy; rep{Yrted. 4$, $l)bjectiog a detaine~ t() bright flc;lshing IIgh.ts 'Or ;dClrkn~sS" a'. 0 I perSonally dbserVed this ~bndU~t., b, q ~L6bserved detalnee(S) Ina,c::ondltlQt1 that led me to believe thattlils conduct had .occorred. e: D .Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had ,occurred. D Others who :obselll.ed this condl:lctdescribed ft to me. e. D' r have relevant Information classified abov.e I!S,ECRET·~. d., t: - or " never observed this 'cond uet nor hB'3ra :about it from someone who'd id. ._" , "---'- - ' ' . :'-:"""'_':"._'-' -_:..-:-,'_ .. '-' .-_--'--------- ,46.. 1solatiOg a detainee 'for an ¢xtend~ period a. -D b. ,c. I :d. e .. f.. I perSohallyobserved this,cohduct. 0 L6bserved tlefaltie~(s) in a,c<)J1dition that ,led me to believe thanhis condutt.t:iad 0 DetcHnee(s) told me that this conduct had .occurred. 0 Other'S' who obsetv.ed -this condiJct descrihed it to me. 0 I· have releyant information classified above ·!SECRET w• 0 I never observed thls'cqnduct nor--heard 'about It from someone'who did. -47. Using guct tape to ;a. b. c. d. e. f: o,cturtetl. restraIn, ~9g I 'or pu nts.h ac;:l~tain~e' o if j:iersOJi~ny observed this conduCt. D II observed detilirie.e(s} in a·cplid itian tnat led me 'to belieVe .tt.iaUoi's c6ndli,ct. had "o~curr:ed. o lDetailiee(s~, tdld me toat tnis cOJ:uj'uct had i>,ccurr'ea. o lOtherS who observed this lrondiIct described it to me. d ILhave relevant information classified a'bove 0lr never observed I'SEtREfll. this"conduct nor heard about it from someone who did. 48-. Using rapid response te,a.msand/Qf for!=ed cell extractions OIGQ-005300 0 0 c., 0 tL 0 I, per~nally:ob~el'\led this cqnduct. a. b i, e. f. I'Observed d~tainee(s} in ~ qmd.ifiqn ~hat led m~ to I,l~neve th~t t(lis con:du~t h,ap'dc~urred. ,[j~tc:linee:(s')'tol~ m~ thap.his' condl,l\:t had m;:cQrred. Others' whQ pb~,er.Y¢d this, C:OJidu~t des,C'ribed It tQ tn~ o II hp\(¢ relev~int ihfQrmation' tl~ssifj~ Clboye, "SECRET','. o I, never qb,s,erved thl,s condu~t npr'h~n! ab9l,1,t It 'from,sQIl1l:p,n~ wh9' gid. '49. Using iU'nilit8ry Working ;oog ali or near a,detairiee',other tha'n,during C1etaf'nee:transpoftatibn I, p!'lr?OnaJ,ly @bse['?eQ, \h~? :coQducf, 0 P..: 0 a. c.; 1 observe~ d,etpinee(~) in ,a:¢9n~,i1:iOlYthat-l~d me ~9 Q,c;liev,e thSlt;tJ1Iscgndut;:t- had 'occurrerJ., o 'DE:!taine~(&Jtol~ metn~t thIS t9nqu¢t h~d 'o:cC\lrr~. 9. 0 qther:s' wbp :qb$erv~91hj?,p~n~!,Itt d.~s:~rlbe,9 it t~' me:. ' e: D l' h'a'le,reie,yailt j'nformc;ltfpn {:Ips.$ifie,d i;lb,dYe, "'SECRET"'. t 0' r' never o.Dsel'\l¢,d, tl:1i$:Cdntluct no,r'hl=ard.8 bbU~ it fn~m,SOril:e9~ne.Wh9 did. ,50. Threateti.iJig 'to',use'tullitary wo'tking oogs;6ti: or tiear a ,d.etalJ'leea~, 0 l' p~r$0naO'y"O'bs!'!rve.d~~I~~oncj,L!.ct. l!:J 0 I:observeddetainee(s) in ,a:cpng ition that led me h,l bel!~ve thgt 'this COtl~u'ct n?o octurre,d., 0 O¢~~jl1ee(?J tpJd me t:ngt tbl~: c:;,ond u~,t hpq 'O~<;:I) r~~. <;I, 0 'Ptb~~ V{ho :ob~rV~9 this cb,nq)1l::.t de~~'r1bed It ~9 rl')~ e;' 0 t'l)aVe relev?,/rit ibformation t1as,sified a boye: i~S,~C'R~" , f, !if ,1 o~v¢r 9!>s'~r\(~~' ~his:C9ridlJ~t npf h~r.d ,a'l;>o.!Jt: it friJmsQn:tepn~:whQ~Jd. <:; 51. Using spiders, 'scorpions; 'snakes,:or other a'ollilals on' or ,cf.. o J perso.n~.HY o~serv~d th!? qqm!uc;:~. I;ob,seryed det.Cll.rl'1ge(s} In 'p,-cqndJtlorqhat led IT!e ~P' be!leve thaNhls <::9nd_u~'.\lad'Occarred, 0 c;, 0 b. d., , ,. near a d~.talrie-e Det~ine~(~) t.old rn~ tnat thiS cOhduct had 'Q~cJ.lJreq .. o iO(herp. whQ opserv~g-,this .cOlJq u<;:t d,e~~ribe,~ .. -.. - ._.- . -.,,~ .. ~.- •• v ••• • 0 ••• . ~- ~- - -~.. " it ,to m~; . . '.' _-~. - ._ .. .., _.- .-- "-" - --_ .. --., ... .... _ _ OIGQ-005301 e. 0 I have relevant Information' c1asslfled above ~SECRET~·. t: 0 I never observed this.conduct nor heard about it from someone who-did. ,52:~ Thr~tenll)9 to use"spiders, :scorplons, ,sn,a~s-, or 9the,r .animals on.a detainee a. 0 I p~:rsOnal'ly ob~rv.ed this .cOndw;:t. D. 0 0 d. 0 e. 0 f. 0 C. .de"(ainee(s} In 'a ,c6nditi6fi t,tiat led me ,to believe thatlhis. conduct had occuited. Detairiee(s) told .me that this Conduct had Jko'.J(r:e(l. Othei"S' who observed this tend uct.d.escribed it tp me. l. have releyant Inl'onna'tron classified '··SECREt". ne.ver observed thls.conduct nor"heard about It from someone-who did. ,53", D.isrespegful statement~r nandling, o'r~ctions involvi.rig th~ KQr:an .a. 0 l'pei1;bili'll!y db'~rved tliis.cQndoct. 0>serv.ed, delairtee(s) in:a cbnditi6n that led me to belleye tbat this cOnQuet baa ·6d:Ut'r-ed. ,c. 0 l1etalnee.(s) told me that thl~ condutt had .ocdlrr.ei:l. d. 0 O.the"fs who obserVed tti1s cOnduct oeScribed It to me: e. 0 r have relevant iriformation classifiecJ a'bo'v.e "SECRET"'. t: 0' I never'·observed this:conduct nor heard abourl!-from 'someol)awho dld. D. 54. S·haVirig.a detain,*'s- facial or o.ther h.atr: ·.tb el1lba'r.ra~:"Q[ hUl:niliatea de~illee tJ [' per.sona_liy o;hsE!PJ.ed thls:c.oriduet. D. 0 ! 6h.sei:V.ea,detainee(s) ih .a.conditii:mthat led me: to t!JaUhis <;andliet had .oceuned. c; 0 Detainee(.sJ ·told ·It'e that 'this torid uct had occurfed. rl. 0 Others: who obsel'ved thIs "ctl'tlduct q,eSc:'rlbed It to me. a. e. d t: 0 I have relevant hifoi"mation classified aboVe "SECREr'. r never',ob'served tfiiscondllc£ hbr:heard aooutit from Someone who. did. OIGQ-005302 5:5. Placing a woman's clothing on a detainee ( a. D I personally observed this ,conduct. D 'I:observed detainee(s) In a ,Gond ition that led me to believ.e that this conduct had ,occurred. <;:. D Detajnee(s) ~old me that this condu!=~ had 'occurreg. '<11 D Others who obser:v~t! ~bis cEl,nductdescrlbed it t9 rn~ e, 0 I. hav~ relevant rn'l'ormatfon classifiep ,ClQOVe "SEGJ~ET'\ f: 0 I nev~r observeQ thJs:conpu,ct,n(jf'heard about itfrqrn someon~ who did. I b', 'ct. 0 I persoriallyobserved' this.conduct. b; [j I observed detainee(s) in 'a Gond itiorr that led me to believe that this conduct had 0ccurred. c. [j Detalnee (s) told me that this, conduct had :occurr:ed'. 0 Otl1ers who_<:,bservec! thi~E0l1d, uct descriQed it ,to, me.. . e. 0 ~ hpve re~vqnt I.IJJprmatioo d(rssifi~ ab.ove U$'E.CRITl; r.. 0 I nevero,b~!2rv~~ thls,'colidu~t.[I9r'l1§!Clr9.~bo,ut tt frorrLSQtrleon~~h.o,g!d. d. '5:1. Hold,ing, o,etainee:{s) wll9 w.~te, not, offidalt~ra~kh9wi~d.ged pi'" ,regist~r.ed tM p e r s b n . ' ;d~tainjrfg .-'--- as: such' by'the agi::ln'tY . D I, p~r$9nally o,bserveq this ·c.OI1~u.ct. D I.observed ~et(iinee{s). in a~coJ)(fiti9[1thqt led me to' befieve that,this conduct :c. D De~.inee(s) tqld m~ t.h~t lhi~ comh.!.s:t ~ad :oq:urreP, d'., D 'Others who .Qpserv~d tnTs c'QndUGt,d:es,cri'beP it to' me. ~', D t have relevan.t ilJfbrmatl.on: <;:lassiU,ed <3bpv~ ·~'EGRE:r·!. q;, b~ f. 0 had 'occurred., I. n~ver obs~rJe9 tbis,c<;mdu(::J: ,nor heard abput it frgm'sdmepne,:wbo,:dip. 5.8. S€md ing ad,etainee:to anbj;hef c6Qn~ry for mor~..agg.t~ssive interrogation D b, U c. D a'. I personally obser:ved this,conduct. I 'opsep(.ed d.etaln§~(s) in a'conditiQO that led [11e, to belJeve tnqt:this condu~t !iad,'Q(~<;urred. (je~~iree(?) t~ld 'me t~,qt t~ls ~qnd!Jct ha~ ·o~ur.req.( - .. , .. .. " OIGQ-005303 . , .. , . '" ( D lathers, who observed this conduct described It to me. d, o II have relevant-information classified above' "SECRET"" e. o i~' ~~ver obs~rv~d this 'c90duct nQr heareJ about it 'fr<;lm some0n.~ whQ ~id,. f. 59. Threatening t9·send a d~ta'inee tQ anothercouDtry for dete,ntion prtnQre aggress,ive irtterrpgalion a. 0 I persOnally. 6bs.eived this GOndLid. D r observed detilirlee(sJ In a.cbiid,itioh that led .me to beUeve thanhis co'nduCt e. 0" .Detainee(s) fold me that this conduct had ,Q,ccurred. d . D Others who observed this condl:lct described It to me. ,eo 0, I have relevant Information classified above \~SECRET"'.. f. 0 I, ob1jerved t~'s,:COIJd.l!ct !l~)f' ~eqXd 'ab9~~ it ,from: som,eone'W~o did. b. a. 0 'I personally J:>l)serv.ed b. D had .oc:cufred. this.,condu.ct. Lo15seN,eddetali1ee(s) Ir1'a:cond Itio!:l. ~liat led me'to belieVe thaUhis cbndUct had ·Occurr.etl. c, o lDetai'nee(s) {old me tliat this conduCt had ,ocl:;uri:i:rl-. 0 d. e. [j Qtners, wh0 ciIJserlied this Eonduct d'eScdhed it 16 me. II have relevant information classified above: !15ECRET". f: 0lr never observed this'conduct nor heard about it from someone:who'did. ,a,. 0 1. peYS9naily ohperV.ed this ,coilduc,t. b. D I .oBserVed det~ine¢(s). ili'it corfd itjon' tli'at, lea 'me to believe thciftllis e6Mud ha'EI ,.o.c,curred: Co D IDetalnee(s}told me ttiatthis concl'uct had .occUrred., . d. D Others: who observed this cahdiJct described it to me. .e: D r hav'e releVant information' classified abWe "BE'CRET'\. f. 0' I never observed this;conduet nor heard about IHrom someone who did. OIGQ-005304 62. Other r~nglou,s.or,sexualha~C!ssrnentOr' hum.lllatlqn ofa d¢talnee, 0 I. p!:!.rsdr'lallY obserVed this cohou'ct. b. 0 [observed detalrtee(s) In a cond iticin that led me 'to. believe that this co.nduet had octlltred .. c. 0 DetaiiJee(s) told nie that this conduct had ,occurred. ..... i'd. 0 Others. who observed this cond uct described it to'me. e. 0 I have relevant Information classified above, \!SECRET'l. f. 0 I never o~served this conduct nor heard ·ab.81-!f it rrolIl someone who d'id. a. ".-;- .----------,,--~._-~---_. ._--~ ~-----------------~--.- '{53:. ,qther i;re"atmel)t cif cf d~tq il1e~ 1.hat 'in Y9..ur opinion '~dS unp'n?fe~~i9nal;uil~ljly .nar;sh or:~ggr~ssiye.1 Goereive', 'ab,u$ive, Qt .unlaWful a;. 0 I perro'rially obServ.ed tills condUct. b. C!. I-observed'detainee(s) In'a"condition'that led meta belieYe that this c:;:onduct had occurred. 0 Detainee(s),tcild me that this· conduct had :occurred. q.~ 0 O~J:lers who obser.veq t.~ls cend lJ,c;t cj~$~r.i.Q'eg \t to m~. ~. 0 I have -relevant Information c1ass:med above: "SECRET'!_ to &1 I never'o.b,~.erv~d this 'OOJi~~tt :npf lie:ard :a QO~~' itfrqrn 'sol1Jep,ne' WhQ did. c: _ili:::m.~@j~~.,:,··::·:·l:~:,:.''';'.'<':·-11. 64. Did you. ob's.elv.e,ailY imp~rs6na~iQn of FBI p;ersPlin"el'jyone during an IntervieW6(iriterrogatioll of :a .d e.ta"i nee? . Q Yes :~~: Dj~ ::iily ~~~Ihee. .~r',P9n teJi YbU tll~~. h~ ~r :sIre Iia:d Wlt!i~~~~. ·th13 'llTj p"~r:SQflatiq-1l pi F~t pets.o.hnel in. eonnecti6n" with~; detainee interview or' inter'ro.gati6rt? Yes ~ No. '6q.. Are Y.9l:! o aware: of ,any ':sham~" 9r ;]!stageq" d~t?llne~' i.nterviews:,~r;ltiPf1? Wn.du~~eg [Qr Mem.1?·~r.?· <?qh~·l)~·S. qQn~tes:s .Qr ~I)eir ~~atn QYes' ',~7~ Tq your knowledge,.c,!i9 any military .orintel\lgenc~p~rsonrH:iI'~verpeny pT Q.elay ·FeI.acc~s to 9" . oet?li(l¢e th~ FBI w.ant¢d to· q.ueSt.iOri ,becauseth:e .d·~t~ine~hatl ,~istajri~.(f !JijWie$,:after he' vva~ i:;aptyr:.eQ? . QVes: (V·No OIGQ-005305 ~il. Dld you ·e.ver 'Sl)q your pa~lclp~tlo(l I.n or o~,seryatlql)-9f ~ In,te.rv1el;'Y o.r 1n,t.errqg9tJon b~~Us~ of ~he' tl1terv~w or""gt)p,1i IT\eihods· being .!J.~d?· . Q,Ves 0 No '6~; W~re yQ.!J eve.r ,told j:f)at.ani;>th~r FBI ~iTfp'16y~ .end~d. his at h~r participa.tion in of Q6s~rv~tjon Qfr . a detaInee intervjeW n'r intenog;3tlon because :of the'j'nterr:09at16n methods being used? o Yes. <!). NQ 1P:. P\lr:1li.g, ~1I'JY of y~ul' b1~r~a~.d~~lqytnehts"Qr ~!fslg nmsn!s" iltd y{;l.l! rep'Clr:t flny.c9'n"¢e.rn,s r¢.g~rd Ing any idetainee 'interview 0 r.' interrogation picictices, .or. 6ther.tY:p~s Of defaiIiee' trea"tmen't,. to: all" 'FBI ,supervisor"? • "0. Yes 70.a. Wlierj aM fo whom did 'You: .make this' r.~po'i:t:7 s~C1 '0 No: , . h6 b7C 76b, Pld~ort ~elatl? t~·" FBI or nOfl-.fBl persqnn~r?: 0 f~I Pe):"s:onnel 2 0"Nofi-FSf Persdnnel .1 f~ ent· 'a'9,e.nfY. w.~tt1 ~hJ~~ 70e. OIf\ thet np r:'-FBt p,er'§<l!lne! ~~r~. ?!.fflljgt.ed. Was·this: repqrt, In ,wr'itiOgJ 10Ves-, 2'ON~ 70d Was :cin'y action taken- In tespons'e to. yo.uj" report? +OY~~' 20Ng. 3:I£1'Do Not Knew, '7L DUrin!rany.-ofyour: oyerneas deplqyments:.or assi&,OIllen1s, .did·you repoct.any cl'lnaerns regarding any. , interview ·9'£ interrogation..ptaCtic~s lor Oilier ty'pd ef,d.e'fuiflee. tteaUti.eht":YQiJ: observed or heard .abo~f, t~:a n:on-FB.I. supervtso.r dr ·:other ri,on'-FB~ personilet~' O:¥es 0 No. . 72~ Ha.Y-¢:You '~¢r' ~~e1:J Qrdere~( (i,r ~ ir¢etet[ no.t t9 repQrt" d,.:dls:c.q(lrqg:e~ 'rn ~ny"w.?"y fr~r:n re''ing r observat,ions Q('alleQatioo'$: re)ated 'to;d¢t~inee tr' tic' irtferVl¢.w or loferr.ogp~i9j1 actio.r'fS 9'( ~~ . . . 0' YeS' '0' Nt:> . 7~:.I;I?ve'Ypu ·~pef.i~~ep ..9ny .a9t!J.~1. ~r th.rea\en~ r~t~liat(9.!l' wr t~PQrti.rlg d.t,>.s~rV9tiQ~.~Oar. 9li~?ltions Qf ,Qeta.ln'ee tr~tment ·Q.r Irt~e.rylew gr in.t~:rr~g~tI9li·a·ct.lqr(~.~r. prp'c~lq:!$! . q:y~~ ~·~o 74. ~,Qptto!Tcll) P,[~p'~ prqyide anY'a~qitionaJ ~0mrnen.ts reQ.arding :th~ .r:eportl~g, :df ~onc~~ns. related t<;r jli!ervi!=W. or jil~etfi1satiqhl:~c:::hnlqu.~$i pe,t~ntlon pragi.c~~... br bther Qet.9in¢e tr~9~meoJ. OIGQ-005306 ~\YA.Jg'~~'. ~~ '.1 75. Were YOu' debriefed" other -thah the.standar.d debrief in FD-7.72/ co.ncernlng y.6ul"'O~erse~s 'assignment(s) :or depJoyment(s) afteryou com,pleted the deployment{s) or .assignment(s}? @:Yes .G'No 7,5a.1 Whq d}~priefetl yo,u? Director Mueller 750. When Ellid where did the debfiefirig(s) occLir? In ~i~ ~onfere:nce rO,orn 7.5c:: ,vile~ yo~ as~ed ClPoU,t '<t~taJnee q,etefl~lon or In~~rv.i~w orlnte,rrogt,ltto,n pr~lI;+lces.dur.Jng tbl? " • d¢p.riefil.1g(sy? ,, eVes G'N.6, lSd. What othe'r subjects were cov.e'reo dUring :your debriefltlg'(s)1 75e. Was"any document prepared to memo rial lze,the-debrieflng7 G: Y¢S 7-9' Ad~itional a N,o ,~P9 N9:t: Kh.OW Comrr,~nt~ and RecpmlllelldC!tjqn~,: 'Thpok yq,u, fqr your coi;)p,eration io '~.ompl¢tifl.9, . ' . . t~i~'\ql:!~$~io.nqaJr(:l': . ~ OIGQ-005307