Aclu v Dod Doj Questionnaire Regarding Detainees 00000935
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D~partm~nt'of Ju~tic:e Inspectpr- Gener,a( 'Questicmnaire' Regc;ndil19 Detain:e,es DOJ.-On:; INVEST-IGATIV.E QUESTIONNAIRE FOr{ REVIEWA~D USE dNLY BYINDIY1DUAL FBI ItESPONDl:rnS " " , ' r>Q NOT F6~WARD OR DI~EMIrjATE' , QUESTIONNAIRE 10: test:"O,Q,OO,09:35, ,As,of ~tt~,last.time this qu~tionnaire.wa'~, sav~~r some re:quire_d fieI~s: h.W~ nQt ~een c9I11plet~d. Pleas~'J.e.vieWYburresponses. • ~~ A. ". .' ,- '.' P~r~onpl Infprmatipn Pleaseprovide.the folloWing information: ham¢: .. , ';2.; M.i~pJe (nltWI: 3: Last name:· 4. Entered' Oh D:uty Date .(EOO): .~: Current Divisfon}Field Office: 6.. CL!.(reQt job title: d. Direet.dial office..telephone number: 8,. FBI ~en· number: 9, fBi p.ager number: to., 6e$t €QJ)tact numl?er for'you~ J.. Flr.5t 6 ~T¢ PERA~REEJ¥1!=NT '6 &. 'rCPERAGREEMENT 6 & 7.C PERAfiREEMENT 6 &:7C ~ ~ 7C Sup~rVisorYSeniQr·R~si.~en.tAgen~ 6 &7CPERAGREEMENT . ~ .&;'7CPER.A~R~EMENT g 4lC PE~AGFEEMENT. '6 & 7.C PER.AGREEMEN.t B·, Ba'ckg rou'nd of Spe'Cifi'c O'eployme'rits or As"sig nntents 11. At 'ahy time al~~f:.septemberU t .200f., did yau setv.e',as'·a member ofthe U.S. Military, 'or as an employ~e .or contractor of the FBI or any other government agency., ·at Guantanamo Bay'.' 'Cuba; Iraq; !\fgh<;;'or in ar~C!s,wntroll.\':!d QY t~'e. ~.:S. Mjlit~ry. or a V.,S. in~ellig~n!=~ ser~:!ce jm;qnr)e,et!on:wit~ t~e ,glpoal YIi<;lf on !e.rr~'r1 0,Yes b No 1.2.. !=nter the numb~r 0{ tirne:S ypu. wer.e;.d¢plqyed or :~S~i.9 ned to each of the.foiloWing 16caHolis, .(GiJahtanamo Bay,~'Cuba;) lraq;;,:Atghcinistani-0r in Clny areas colitrollE:~d by the. U.S', MilitarY or a U.s. Intell!g.~l1CeservJ~~);One, " For,each deployment or'assiSnment complete tile folIoWin9. section. Location rsehO!ct one) Dljip.lpYmJ!.nt Qnl!1sign~l!rit'~eglmoiJ,orJjeiJl~~eil): ~r i1. 5 Si gn·l)Ient en.ded·on, . !tf.~qf .,,,, ~bo.u.t or abDut 0.1/25/2004 05/0.1:/2004 i~a, Whit w~s .the gen;eral ri~t~ r~ ;:inc! p:lJrp'q~~ oj -ybur !35!sigrim.erit ~hd al:ti\iitie~? O'p'eratio,ri's,s-u p¢rVisar fBI Bag.tlda.d 1'2b. Please provide. the· names ofthe_specific.camps, bases; or facilfties'whereyou worked, FBt Baghdad Op'~ratrol1s·center (BOC) . . i2e. NQt~;> if in(P'rm'~£ion' ab.out -2i :spe.dfic .camp, base,. or fadi ity-i~,'da:s$if)ed :al:i6ve SECRET, please th'etk here Dr 'include in yo~r :ansWer tn~t yo~ hav.e "additJQnal infQrmatidh t1pssjfi~ 'a,hoYe 'SECRET,,'~ andl' if y.ou know, ·ia.entify the,c1assificatlon .level, ticket, :comparfrhent, prog rani, or .other designation that;appllest9 t~e·informatlon. Do not Includetheadditjonal classified rnformatron In your OIGQ-004983 qu-estiqnn13ire resp()nse~. bIG personnel w'ith the necessary clearance will c9htact you to ret~ive it. Name .L 1._ ___ == • '__'~' ~12~. Oid you JQlntIY in~$r.view pr , ~ .... of lJon:-fBI Position , [I?LQ~.R~!y~qn":-~<='~Jl~~GB!!IDla_n.f!~'=. int¢rrc;jgare any det~iJi~e witn non-f~I per$oiinel? 0 0 Yes Nl=! - ..... - _.... ----- - ""' - - ..... _- - - - -' -- -- - - .... - - ... --- - -- - - - - ---- - - -- ...... _., - .... - ... - .... -- ,. With' w!l~t kinds ~ ,_,_. -~- ...- personnel dJ!1 Y9.1,J wQrkjoint!y?" -. - ' - - ...... - -' .. -... -: 0 ¢lTF ;: 0' 'Otner U.S. Military :: 0" ~U.:S, ioteliigen:ce ag,eii'cy ;~ n F.Qrelg n ml'lItary or Intelligence agency. ': 0 O.ther ., . , , ---------~---~----~--~------~------------------------------------~----). ;ii£ Did~yQujointXY p~ii~an¥deralnee lriterv~w~~r-inter~ogatlbn'"".strategy;ob1ecti~~,-or tacties-with n~rl--,' ~J=~I pe[s6nn.~17 ' T ~ _ ........ _"< _ _ . ,_._ _ .... ~ ~ """"\00" 0'V:es _._" ... _._' a ' " : ; N.o • ..... _·_'w """" ......... __-:_......._. __ ~ "". . __..... _- :,. ,: With what kinds of non-FBI. personnel did 'You .w,6rkjoiritly? > :: DClTF '; :: 0' .bther .u:S. Military ,: 0 ~ 0 U,S, Intelfigen~e agenty 'For~lgn milltary:qr Intelligenc~ agency : 0 'Other -::: : .: :,,':: :.: '::::: :.::.:.:: : .: =::,:;:.: : :.: :: =: :.::'::':: : :-:: :-: :::.::: ::: : :.: ::: :::::: :...:':!' :,12g. Were, yoa ever ptherwl$e Involved In detaIne,e Int~rvI~w$,or Int~rrOgat(Qn$, with Jibrl""FBI perspnn~17- :"' " - 0' Yes 0 Nb' :' ':please describe:As the Gper'atibJis SuperYi'sor, I tevieweCf ali record' :of interview.s' ofdetainees: intetViewcl! :: :bY FBI personnel in the ITO. Many ofthese'interView5'were,c6ndLided jOintly w'ith,nori":FBI personnel. I . :sat in o'n-discussions,·of Interview strategies'with ·case 'agents and reviewed and prioritized lists of ipfPPOse9 intervi~w~'of det~in~es, ,r ~!~o sup~rYJs~, intervie\A{~ in CQ~t!n§cfipn Witl) sp~)ric; .inve;stig$l~ipn!?' : :s\Jch -8$ bQmQihg rnatters;o( th~ hori1itid~ :6f U,:~, c;ivilians :d uri rig wliitfi.,I:')III<35 deplQyea to vilrio.Us :ar~a5 'bf:. :IFaq with sn1allteams:of FBI SA's to"co,nd>edfic invist1datiori's. ' , - -.- -~ _._~-- --,-,-.- --- --'-.- -.- --.-.- - -.-~- -.~ .. ----.- . - - -- - -- - --- - --- -- -- - -.-- ---- ~:Ilh-~" , A. Train'ing Prior. to Overseas Deployment ,or Assignment is', Old. Y04 fe<:eiye, any'trafning, 'lns'truetioo, 'p~ gl,lidal')ce ~p~ifiqally in 'prep?fation for any 'Of your ~ye~sea~ <t~pl()ym~h~s.or~s$.j~nm~ti~s1' qq. who pr9vid¢d eyes DNo 000 Not·R~cal{ thTs trairilnq, ili'structi9'n, or guldqrice,:an,d wher~~id Y9Li (~celve h7 OIGQ-004984 b6 b7C u.s. milit,ary and FBl perspnnel 13b. O~scribe tl)~ subject on which you receJve~ ,thi~,trajl'JingJ tnstruction or gL,Ji9anc~'. I received training ana military equipment at ft. Blissr; Texas by' military personnef concemirg the ITO operating environment" medi~l<: and 'WMO. ~ re~lved t'ralnln-g :by fB.I perSQnnelat Quantic'Q, Vif'g'inia cpn~eming th~ FBJ',s misslon';and role in .the -:qa, . th~ FBI's sjJ~ific cQlle~ion fequiremen.t.s.,c;md f9rce protection issues: relating to FBI 'personnel. LalSO'patticipated with the Qn-:S~erie C.ommander-and the D.eputy Dii-S'cene Commander in a series, of briefings' by various_units:at F8IHQjusf. priGr to, deploying. 0Y¢~, . :0 No, 'OOQ NQt R~an 14a, WhQ provided :thiS training, jn~frucJ:i9n.j qr g~i9ance, a.nA wh¢(e pjd YQu receiVe iff. F,IH p'ersonnel a~Q!:laNi!,=o' and ~BtHQ 140, Briefly'.desGribe the sUDstam:e,ofth'e .tr'i:lini'ng,. ir:istruction" ~tuidanee pro,vided ro;You. We.were instru~ed j:o cqntluc.t ol,lrselv'es in ln~erviews !Hilizihg the san'l~ ,stand,a(cl.s employed ,by fBI SNs.,working LI1 the: U.S.. The,:only" deviation: fromour existing, procedures i'nvolved the .use'of Miranda warnings which were n0t required in interviews c9nd4~ted, fQr i.ntE\!l.fg~Q(:E p!.lrpos~. ' loi1e;. Was:any of the, training, 'instructIon, or guidance provide::! in writing_? 'OVes, ONp :~ Do, Not ~¢calr or ,bYes eNo ,000 Not Recall 16,. In pJ:eparation for anY',oJ.your ,6Ve'rs~5, deployments,pr assignllJ~:htSl',d'id'you recejve,:any training" , you instrLiCtionror guidance concerning what wer.asiJpposed to, do If you ,observed .or heard about or interrogation'of detainees by FBI personnel,. which' you believed to I;>e IrjaP.'pt'<!P.f1a:Wr 4np.rofesslo,na!r"CQen:b.r.e, :~bu,~IV~, -9r, unJ~Wfun the~treatment, interview.r. :QNo 1,7. In'-preparation 'for. ahy ,of'your overseas deployments or assgnmentS,.did y(m recelve:·any. tralnl'ng,., i'n~ntGtion, or,gyidgfl~ co.l.'ltemii19 whatyol,l were:suppo,~ to d'o'if'yeu obse,r;v~d or-heqrd,'q,b0ut" the treatrn~nt,lnterview,Pf Inten;~gat!~n o'f petalriees by: n"on-FIU p~rs9hn~l(whlch Y0I,I bel[$ved to be ina'pprbpriate,lUlprbfessional, c6.e.rcM~', abusiv.e, or unlaWflJl?·, ,0No .lB. Train!ng During 0.00 Not Reci311 I (j.ver~~as D~p[oymentsor'ASsi,gn.m~nt;s 18, During any of'Y'Qur overseas'de,p,loyments of' i:}$sign'rl1erifs., dip you r¢.ceive ,anY tr:a'inirig, fnstru:ction',' ,or-gLiidance.CQnc~rnlhg tlje. standards of.G'ond.i.fq:applitabl~ to the.treatment) inteNiew, inlerro.gation,of detainees by FBI pers,onnel'? or . ' ~0y"es .ONo Od,D Not Recall 18a. Who, provided this training; instruction{'Dr:guldance? , On-Scene Commanoer'} D.eputy- Qfl-Scene Commander, FBI leadership iii theater. lsb. edeflit':descrlbe the substance:6f the trairiing, in'$(Uq:ipn, ,or' g:uld..anc,e, P,foVlded, to YO,i.!. Ea~h r.o~~U()n Of f~I emprpy~~ In '~b~ tTq was, instruq:~~ -to c;:'o/ld!:ld therp~lve~in:~ OIGQ-004985 manner consistent wi,th- policies anq p,rocedure-s utilized ,by FBI SA's in th~ United State·s. l8c,. W~s,any pf th~ Vaining, 1i:l~tructi9.n, bt gUid;;m~e provld.!=d j!11Nri~lng7 DVes ON:o (!) D6 Not Recall 1.9.0ll,ring aii¥ ,of yqu I.' Q~er$~a'S:d¢ploYil1.!=nts or assignil1~nt.s{piq'YQU .rec¢iv~ any't@ining, ihstry.lctiqn; or',gOidanee.t6ncernin'g the ;~tand,ards,of conduct 'appIiGa~le. to the.l:r.eatment, ihtelView~, or inletrogafion ,of detailiees I)y non-FBI personnel? .' .0 Do Not Recall @No ,2.0.. l:;>urin:g arty. pfYQur oversea's de.ployment~ pr assIgnments, did you rece.ive any-trainin'g, in:strutj:iorf, .' or',9lJidance concerning what'you,were su pposed to' do if you , ,or heard 'about tfJ,e, treatment, interview" or interroQati0nofdetainees' by FBI per-sonnel f whicn you believed to be Inapprqprlate,',ul1prore$~IQn~J,coerGfv~j. abusfve~ Qr unli3wri,Jj? :<:!),Y'es ODo Not R,ec~l{ ONo ib~. Whp provided ttlis trainirig y instruqioll", orgu!qance1 FBI leadership In theater :,20b. BrleflY'descrlbe the subst~lIice:ofthe trarrilng, Instructio.n', Qf gUldam~e provided to:YoLi.. AnYVlolation ofFBtppliti!=s'arid pro(edure~/vI{¢r.e.tQbeJ~P9rt~ ~o tile' jh:-th~9ter cnain of.C0mniand. ' ,20,l=. WaS<,!'il1Y pfthe, trainin'9r 'irstru¢tion, :qr 'guidant,e' pr9vfd~ In' Wrl~rjg? , aYes ONo ,~, boo Not Recall . ,21. Dur.ln:g ~riy ofYQut bV~fsE:;a's dep,loyme,nt:s Qr a$'slg hhl,¢lit$, :diCl yo,u .rec~iye any'training,·, org uidaliee.c6hc~tnIng what yb,Li pp'osed to; do If y.ou ,observed ,or hea rd about:the ·treatmentr interview, or interrogation of detainees by non!'"f'BI personnel, which you believed to be inapprqpriAt~;unpr9f~ssional,coerciver'a,~us,v,~,'or'Unlawfu11 ·Ie.. Adeq uacy of Tra'ining 22. In Yb'tlr'ppjt1iOh, .(iid you ~e~eiVea:deq~ate, trajli'ihgr in$.irJ.!diQo; 6r gpid!'i'nt~ rdating" 'to' ~a iid,ard s ;of oonduCt by'FB-Umo non-FBI persohnel relatln~ to'treatment! JiitehlleWt or interrogation .of :detainees prior to your deploymentm assignment? dyes 0 No 22a,- PI~a-s¢ d'~db~,iti~;·w~v~~iii· which\~~u -b~1 ie;':e th~ tr~i~i~~:' ih~i~ctk:,~ 6niui(j~~~e ~was -. , .. - .- , inadequate: ' . .. . While most FBLSA's deployed to' the ITO were experienced investigators who .understood the dynamics' 9f int~rvlewi.!TIany'ha:c!.never been, ~P9$e~ to'rn!lit~lY in,tenog9tio'1 Slne! ,were. unf9.tniHar With tbe teJ;hni,qlJes Which were pe'rmi~~lbIEnoextraq: ta~!kai ~attl~fi.erd, inforrn'i3dorr from:anen~my ~bmbajant or t~rrorist. FBI a,g~rits typita\ly tong.uct theit'jobS in a: perrni~siv~ pp,erating ~ri\l.irqnii1,ent, conducting InterVieWs_of suspects for the puf'pose:.of gathering information to su'pp6rt ,elemehts,of'a ,speciflc.ei'lme. Military' and lntelJige'1(;e Service, Operatives' cpnduct intervieyvs anq 'Ihterrogatipns (or different purposeS'. Uhder:stahcHng the,.difference and knoWing ,what techniques were, p~tmissilil¢ by the mili~ciry OIGQ-004986 23.Ih, your'opl,:!io.n, d:id' yo.u refei\1e .a,9~gL!C1te ~raln[ng, Instri;Jl=ti~n, 9r'guld..~nce relating t,o !itand,ards of eonduct by FBI end non-FBI personnel relating to treatment/ ihteNiew, or interrogation of detaInees during your deploymerit-or assignment? ' OYes 0 No ---~--------~-----~----------------------------------- 23a. ------.---------- pje~s~ d$¢ribe the wrays'ln'whi,ch. yo", b,~ne'(.e th.e trajning, instl'l.!ction or gUid'ar1t~ Was iQad.equate: , The :s.tantla rd S oy :which Hn. :SA's .we[e:'expeoted to fu'nGti0n were .dea'r ana <:1 iCi hot deviate fmm practices ,utilized In the .u.,S, , Any. Inadequacy In training related to what the acceptable standards of ~ S~J1c{\JnJ2!gr}pUlli\r'( ~Q9.. Ln!~I~g~.!1s.e~~T!ise:,Et;,r~<2.J.1_n~'-,so:..n~'igtrJ;g j~tt~efi~IQ,j'!t~!!~~aj;i2D~ _'~ ~ _, 24. In 'your opinion/ dfd' y.oll receille,adeq,uate tralning r instruction/ or.guidanee:concerning what you were su:ppgs:~ ~9'do ff%u :pbserv~ gr h~~rd apl;?ur the ·tr~i3~~entr l,ntelYl~w,·Q['ln.t~rrpgaJI9n of :detainees~ bV ,FBI ,or oblj-FBI personnel,-that YQu beli~V~d Was i11appr.9priat€:, df1P.rOfe,sSiQrial, coercive, abusive, or unlaWful? . ' . Q y~ <!?, NQ -,?~a.- PleasedesGrib~'t~e w~i~-jn'W-hi!:h'you -beif~YE/th~ .~ai~~g: in~tr~qtiOn 0r:gU.i~~~ce ~was --------, ioa"deq uate: ,Guici'ana,e Gonten:iirig. the ~oncfue;t of FBI pe,r;sonnel Wa's;\!e'ry dea,r-re,port 'it to, your cnain-of-~,tnmalid., What constituted 'ihappr.opriate, 'abusive/ hr coe'[cive'.behavior duri'og,:a militarY: interr.og,atio'n,of:iHl ~ enemy'combatant:or terrorist was'less clear. t...',... _'." .: ........... _. _ '4' . . . ;',' "~'" i ~ • _ <_, I' ...... _ 1, ..... 01 • _. '. , ... to/' w. ....... ~. ..~. ••' .. .. _. .,.... • _ '" .,).0 ~ • _ .. • • 25. (Optional) Tn whilt ways can the FBI impt0v.e,'trainihg on this s'ubject for fuflir.e deployments, or~sslg nm~nt$1 , Hay.~'.mlJitarv. alJd/or In~ellJgenc;:~~omml!fll.ty p.~JsonT)elpr.ov!Q~ pr«;l,deployment ~ri~fings to' FBI' p,:ersonnel ~prl'f~rDing What)~ aC,t;~p'taQI~ In tenns.. of In1eJr~~Clt,on t~~hn!ques:. C,~arJY qe_lIn:e?li~:~pr FBI perso,noel'Wh'at J::ohstitutes liiapp.r~priate~ unprofesSional/ cberdy..e!.abusive/a~d ,LinlaWfuI.behavior. :iQ~ P,lea~e ,provide:any ~dd it(onal jnfufll)atjon:~ql1cernin!r training for'ov;er~e:a~ d-epl0ymen,t;s' or a~s,ign'm~!its'qf F!3rlJ¢r~,Qnnel YQ.I,J 'beU~~~ is;, ~~~@?;~~~~' ." -,,' : :' .-"" lJ- .' ,,~.o':"" :-_,,~~@1:,~~""'~,(,~'2-:;';",' Introduc~ion .fa Par~ ';UJ:; Itt: ~his, ~'e~~ion; ..w~, are ~~~ing, ipTorrn,qtion reg a~d ing ,q wig~: (qJlge of 'IntervJ~'A/ or Int,er.rpgatton'9 Qt~,~r.,typ,es· YQU of det9Inee,~re?tm,~rJtalle-g~ ~o h'Cl.v~ 9'c;cu n:ed., should nQt:iissLHti'e, 'j!Js,t b~, w,e.~re.i:l,sklriQ· abQut a.par.Hcular tecbniclu.e OJ' pr:aCtice( lh~t we have' In .conclUd,ecL th::lt 'it. fact,o'~l2lJrred. We recog hize ,that some of these teehnlqties.or praCtices m~y, at.tTrries ,be n~lZeS?Clry for,safety'~.lJd ~ecuiity; In '8 'cfet~fltjon s~ttrQg. In',,?\dd~i9n(~e rec9gnjz~ that sO,meuf'the~e Je<;hriiqy_~ gr ,pr§ictiG~ may ~Clye be~h ai,1~hori~ fqr use: I!Y niili~s1.ry qr gt;,her g~\{ePin'l~!1t ,persQn'riel. With r'e~"p'ect tb eat,h 'identified techriique~ practice.r Of tYpe -of tofiduct.d.escribed below, we ',are seekin~ OIGQ-004987 J!1f'ofll1ation 'abQut its occ4rrence durillg or inconnectio'1 w.ith the inter:view·<;>r interr,ogation of a :cI¢taln.~~/~r dQring; th~.det~n.ti.OJi-of'a 9.etain~e. beypnd what i~'-h:ee~ed'for saf~ty and ,se!=urity: In .that d>ntex~,we' ask you to. .tell us .w.hether one .or mon:: of the foJlowi.lJQ ,St:aternents .are true: will 1.. I'personally.observed this.conduCt. ~: ~ -gbsery~(d~tai.r:'tee(s) in a .col1djtl~n thC'lt: led. me·to peHeye filatthl~' condu~ nad' occurred. 3. Deti?iO~(~) toll:! m~: tha.! t.hls c;ond!,Jct h~d .QCOJrr:eq. ' ,4. Oth'~rs; whci 9.~serv¢~f this c6np,tll:t de5~r.iQe.d it J:9 rri~" 5. I nave relevant information Classified abOv.e "SECRET"', .ff. r never .observed this conduct nor heard 'about it from -someone.who dld. ;27. Deprii;rio~ a deta'joe'€' of fop-d, or water a. 0 ~ personally, obse.fVe'(J this .c·otii:lUf::t. b. q I:obserVed .detainee{s} in .a..c::ohd ition that led me to. believe that:tliis E:onduct bad .oc::turretl. t. O'loetainee(s) tOld me that this conduct haa oc;cufred. d.· O. 'Others who .observ.ed .this cond uct described it to me. e:. 0 r ha\l~ rel.evant Infgrmatlofj <;Iassi.fl~d. ~1?ove. I~S!=C~E:T"·. f: M I, nev,erQb~en(eeJ lao o this (;ol)d u<;t nbr h<:Xj rq lCl,bbl)t it lr9mS9lJ1e~:mew~o dieJ.. jf persaoal{y,oDseiV.ed this.conduct. t, o .!I ~obse'rVed, defalnee'(s} liJ a,tbnd itlon'that letl.m.~ to belieVe that ttlis condUct had ,oecuHeCl. o {Oetaihee(s) told me .that this conduCt had .dccur-r.ed. d. d b'. ' tOthers who observed this c0nduct de~cribed it to me, e., o II have relevant Information claSSified above "S.ECRET". f. o 11 ne~ero.\Js~rved, thi~>cond.oct nor·hear~ about, it fromrsomeon~'w,hodid. '29:. D~privi.oga deta'ir)ee: c;>f $leep" 91' ilJterIVpting ~(eep QY fretl\.l:ent:cj811 relp.c~~i9ns or methods .io. 0 I persOnally- obserVed this conduct. 0 I bbser~ed detairiee(s) in ~a cP.i:Jditi6h that led me' to c. Oetalnee(s) told me that this. conduCt had .occurred. a. q d. g .. e, , Others. who oDserved this' condiIct d.escribed it belieV.e tlfat'thl's co MoCt', fici'd :ocCl.J'iTed . to ITi~. relevant information Classified above "SECRET".· 0..... Lhave .... .. ... .. --- ... .. ..... ' . .... OIGQ-004988 'II[[JI n~\ler observed this cond~ct nor'heard about'l,t from som~o~~ Wh~·dld. g,. Please provide tl1~ ,approl{im~i~e time frame duri,ng, whien t,his,col')dyctoecurred~ FrQm' Oi/25j20Q4, to' OS/Oi/2004 ' 00,0' Not Recail h. ~he.detaine~'(sl treat~d )n this way were located at ~he ~ime In: 1; Guantanqmo q Z '0"Irqq 3. 0 ~fghanistan '1: 0 Other Lo.cation 50 Do Not Recall i. PI~s~:!d¢,ntliyth~',d~taln~C~) Ullkhown ' by ncl'rne and. nlJrnb,~r;' . . j. ,Please identify the, person($) Wh~ heate'~ the. tJ:~taine~(s) in ihl? mCjnnElr., fncluqjn.9 ~~eir nahle{sLar'id go\l~rrfm'eht agen~(fe~): It W;;ls: rela'led to'me by. FBI. persohnel cohductirrg interviews at detentioo'facllities in the ITO: that theinilitary and U..S. infelligence,agencies used sleep deprivation pnif location rotations as part of. their: oo.r:mal Inte~rogatlon .te~t'!.nlq ues. FBI' p,ersqJ].nel 1!"ere JJlstruct~ not to participate'ln. these te~hniql..le's and JO. t,ollP l,lct them~~I~~ in t.he $arj're. manrier:tbey cQnQu~t ,i:h~m.selves .irnhe ·U:S~ ,~. Pie,ase' Id~~tify any '9tl~er FBI p~r~nl')~1 or ,non-F:B~ personnel WheY,o,bserved det~Jnee($} tr~ated in thjs manner, Including their ha/Jle('s) and ag~ncY(ie.s): FBI pe'rsohnel'assigned detainee interviews durihg, rotation Sand 6. I. This .conduct .0ccurredOin conneCtion ,With: t;O O,ne detainee 2: '¢ :Sell,eral detainees. (Z-'4J q 0 Many 'det~jl;1!=es' (roQre; t!l~n 4) 4 '0 Dp Not Req:ili I do not recall the names of the.:speclficS'A~'swho brought this to' my 'attention. DurIng my d.~pi9ym,~,nt to '~raqr, I in.strlJetet! the, $~l~ reporting:. t9 m'~ lQ ~orrdut~ th~rnl?ely~~ in :the SCjlJ1e Way 'the,y.wer~ 'ex~ttM, to CQriqu~t,th¢tn'servss the U.S.. in '39-. Beating d ·de.tah:r~e D I personally observed this cOiiduct. b. D I...obseIYetl detalne~(s) Iii ,'C\.colid itionthat led me to, belieVe tbafthis tOh.duq haa \octeun:ep. t. D Detainee(s.) told 'me that this ton'd,uct had occurred. d. D Others' who obserVed this conduCt described it to me. e. D l' have relevant Information classified abov.e nSECREr". ,a. OIGQ-004989 3:1. lls(ng, water to prey~nt'breathing py a c!etain~ or to create the ~en~tlol] pfclr~wnJng a. 0 I p~r.sonal~y observed this conduct. b. D I obsery¢d ·detainee(s} ill 'a cond'itiQn that led me: t9 beli~ve that this; Cor'lQ\.Ict ha,~ occurred. G. o ·Oetai ne¢.f.s) told tne that ttiis co!1d l1ct had :occuited. e. 0 Others' WDO obsetited thiS cond,uet described it to me. 0- r have'Jele:vaht information classified above "SECRET". f: 0 ,d. .3-2, 1. never observed this~conduct nor heard abQut it from.someone. who did. Using 'hands, rope, 'or';anything' else toc;.hok~ or strang le:a detainee . a'. 0'-11' perS0i1aJly:ob~erv.eq this,:c~nMc.t. b.. D l' observeo .detaine,e(s), in :a~c6fiditibn that led m~ to believ~ .that this- conduct had :bttLirreCi. c. D Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had ,occurred. d. D oth,ers' who obseriied thiS conductd,escrlbe<:t It to me. ,e. o II have 'relevant iofliirmation classified aD0ve "SECRET"'. f. 0 I never observed. thiscohduet nor 'tleard 'aDoUtit frbm,seme6ne who, dii:l. '3-3, Threateningot,her ~q:(O!1to'causep!1Ys!\:Cl1 R~jn" fnjuryr dfsfi'gurement, (;wdeath C. D·it pers9oa1iy: b15serv¢i!' this 'conduct. D II obi>e:r:v.ep d,etal,liej;~(~) In d 'coJ:1,d.itlon that led. me to believe that thiS. c.on,duct' ha~' occurred. o jDetainee(s) taid me .that this conduct had :occurr.ecl'. ' d, o a'. b. IOtherS' who ·ob.seNed this conduct p'esdib~d It to' m,e, I 0 II have relevant Information tlasslfiE:~d ab6~e "S'ECRETOl" 1!J.0'!I neVer O'Dserved this,conduct nor'heard about it froni someone,who did, e: _ . I . - _ _ , , __ - _ _ _ _ ._ ..".. -__,.. _. _,__ -- " ___, ,,,, ... '..... ' ___....".,,, --,,,.".__ ...._._ .. ' . ...-- ... -... ..... -......... '- 34" Other tr.eatment or aqi0!l causing, Sjg.[1ifj~clnt P~Y:S!caJ p,ain o~ injurYb or ~ausil1g disftgure.rnen,t or d~~th OIGQ-004990 a', ( personally'ob~rved this <;ondu~t. b, [-observed detainee(s) in:a conditign that ied. me to that this conpuctt had occurred. 0 0 c:. 0 g. 0 e. [j~t~ineefs}tdll) m~ that this c;on9~ct had oCl;:urred .. Otbers' who 9bs~ryM. thjs ~oJid L!ct des~iibed It. t9 me. o Ii !i'pve r'~~va'rit infqrm'atiotl cIassifi¢,d above. "s EGRET" • f: ~ I. n:e~er 9b~erv.ed thl? conduct npr h~r~ 'ab~lJ.t it from s.oll1etme. Who' t;lLd, 35. Placing a detainee on a h6tsurfclce o:r bufnirrg, ·a·detainee a.· 0 (per;sonalJy ob~rvec;! tht~'COfl(;luGt. I? '. 0 1. o.bserveq ·d#aln~e.c s) in 'a :e9n~UtJQ II that led, .m~ to qelieve th9Nhi~. cqn:QUq:. had q~c~r(<;q, D~ti3ine~(s):told .me thqt thjs: cc:>nduct hi3d '\. ~!, 0 <1. 0 Qthers- wh9 :qb'ser:v~d this. J;;Qnd!let d.~(:r,bE¥l it tQ' r:n~~ e'. 0 L have r'e:I~v~mt information '~Iijssifie:d ab,Cive "S:ECRET"', f. 0 r never oDserved thi!?"c6nduc.t r'lor'h~rd -.abol!t it fr0ni'sOm'e()ne_wh~did. .3:6. Using .sha'Ckles.or other restraints.iira prolohged ,nianner 0 r personaf.l.Y'op~rved tti'l~ t;onquct. b', 0 ~ q~serveq 'detairiee(s) in :a"cQnd it,ioH that led me to' beiieve that. this- condu'ct ~; 0 Q~~.aJne€;($) told 1Jl~ thc:1t. tnis e.9ndu~t ~i3'd 'o'q:\ln:~. d. 0 Others: ~ho 'Ob~erV~~ ):hj~ l:Qndqct-d~s,~rlbed it to me. e, D' !r have .releyant inforniatiOn: 'classified (!fbbv~ "s EC~Er'", a: b9~ oC;:Gurrec:!.. f, 1£1. I n~y.¢r obseN~d' ~nis:cplidQ~t t1pt h~rd '~:'iij(,-u~ it '(rom 'sdrTi!='pne;Whi;), did. 3'1. Reqt:Ji'rlng a. 0 b, 0 , a.detalr.iee~to maltYfalii r or restraining a detalr'iee I: personally o,bserv~d this ·~qndu~t. r;ob,seryed detaJ.nee(s) In a reondJtlo11 thc;it led me to' b~lJeve ,th:aqh!s condyct h(;ld 'Occurred. '<;'. o IDetaine~(s) tpldlile t/lqt this coh<Wct hpd -qcqJrreq, d. D. ..- .. In, a stressful or pahifUI position Othel1? vyh~ 'o~~rveg th!~ to~4u<;:tdAes.~.ribe.9 .. .... . .. ... - ' . . .. -.. - .. ... it to m~: . .. -- .. .. ... ..~.- . "-- ......¥_- OIGQ-004991 e. 0 f: 0' t ha\le releYant Informatlon dasslfled above ·!SECRETw• [never observed this conduct nor heard about it from someone who'did. 3S. 'Forcing a.detainee to pei1o'nn demanding p'hysical exerclstr: a. 0 p. 0 6- 0 d. 0' p¢:rs<inally oBse:r:v~d this,tOhCi!Jct. bb~rv'et1 defaine~(sJ in 'a.conCIitior'l th'at led me to bel1eve thanhls co"rldud had oc61rr.ed, Detainee(s) told me that this.oor.:futt had.oeturred. Othe'fs who obsehled this tond ilct described it to" me e. 0 L have relevant Intormatlon dassified abo!ole;':SECREP. f. L never-observed thls,conduo! nor'heard apout It from someQne·who did. O. :9.. P!~~se. prov!9:e thg ap'pro>~ilJ!~t~ ~ii']1e "'{Tame ~4r(1)9 ..w~ic~ ~t}js'€9ndlj~t- o~a)rr~· From dit~SI2Q04IQ· QSI01)<0d4 ODe; ~ot Recall ,h. The detafne.e{~) tT~at~ In ,~hls way were loc¥lted ~t t~ tJrn,e 'in; 1 P Gual)t?lI"@ffi'O 2 0'lraq ~ 0 Afgnanls.\;in 40 Other LocatiOn 5 0 Do Not Recall I. Ph~ase;.,rd~ntlfy. tl1~~detalnee($:),I:lY na,me" aM numbi:!r: Unknown 'j. Please i~e,ntify the:person(s) who,tre.clt~ the. Q~tainee(s) In "this ma.nner., incLuding t~eir ri~n1~rs) an'Q govE;rnrhJ~ht .agefl!:Y,(I~): FBI SA's-mnd,'Lictirig lnteNiew~:it..detention fatiUties'fn lr'aq described the useiif Phy-skal Tridnlri,g by military.and intelligen~ servk:e· an ·interrog.alion tedlnlq,ue. ' \C. Please idenlifya"ny":bttrer f~I persOhnel iit nOn-fBI personnel'wM. obseliled detai.nee(~J treated in this manner, including their name(s) and -agenGY(ies)~ ~a[19US FB:I personn!'i!:l i". 'rhis conduct ,ol:om,e.d in i:onli..ed:lon .witH: 1 D One,dej:a.lii~ 2 3 .0 ·s~.etai detailieE$. (2-4] a Many detainees (rrtorelthan 4,) 4" ,~, Do Not Recall m. (Optional} .PleaSe~describe-the,rele'Y'ant cfrcumst"iuiceS hi m.ofe,:detall: OIGQ-004992 FBI personnel described to, me the m ethod of using PT as an interrogation technique by U.S. mllltary a,nd intellig e,nee, seJXlce 'personne!. I do. not recaIJ the Identlties'of the SA's who discussed th!s '~ith rne during rotation 5 and 6. FBI p,er?p:nnel wer~ in~rw;:ted n~~ to. p~rticfpate in or· " cQildone:the.\Jse of t~hhlq!l~s·:O,t.her·agentie~ Wele bt may haiJ~ b.~nautliQrlzeQ to Utlliz:e:.~hd were further instructed to cOnduct themselves. the same way they ,conduct themselv.-es in the U.s.. 39. UsJnl;1. electric;a( ~ho'ck on a' ct,etainee '.a. D I personally observed this:co nduct. b, <;:~ d~ D D D I observed detaihee(s) in-a.condition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred. Oetainee:(s) tqld lT1e th;;l~ this ~0nd uc.t had'qcc\l rreg. Q.thers who obse!yecj con,d uct Gescrlbed It, to me. e. 0 i have f. 0' rel~yant i,n(ormation d assifi,ed i;lboye "S.ECRET'!" r i'l!=ver ob,s~l\fe,d thiS CQI19.utt nor heard ·8l:!QU.t it f.rQffi so.meol1~ W.hQ (lid. ,,40.. ThT.ecitetfirrg tQ .us'e eJ~ctric~I'sno a, D, 1: perSdrlally o.bserved'nduct. b. D c. D. ![jetainee~s) :e. D I 'observed' detainee(s} in 'a 'coFldition that led me to believe that this conduct had:occurred. tQld me that tqis ~ond~~t~qd·ocCij~red.! -f"[j" , d., IOther? who ,opserY,ed t~i~ GO I have Teleyant infQrmC!tion ~I as,slfieq abo\r~ "SEC,RET".> f 0" iI neyer'9'bs~lV~d this 'cqDd~c t nor h~\d !=l,bQ!Jtit who qid,. -4:1. InX~ntl9'n<:iiJY delayln'g :or:dEmyin-g a. D iI personally observ.ed this C0nduct 'b-, D [observed detalnee(s:) in 'a'Gand ition- that led me to believe that this conduct had ,occurred: c D.IOetainee(s) told me that this conduct had ·occurred. ~! e. D Otl)ers VVtlO opselYet! t,hi,s ~p, nc!uctdesqibeg I~ to r:n~:: D t bave reIevarit I'nfQrmat!olT classifled abov~ 'is.:ECRET'\ l: 0' I ne\fer'ob~erve9 this 'co!ldu~t 'Dor ,he?lrd 'about. it .from .sqmeone who dj<:!, ,. OIGQ-004993 , r blihdfolding a .detainee.other ,thah during ti'ansp6rtatio'n , 0 b, 0 G. 0 'd{ 0 e. 0 t 0 a, I I perso nally .observed this. conduct. I:obse rved detainee(s) in a'.conditiorr that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred. petai nee(s) told -me that this conduct had ·Ql;:fUrra;!. OttJers whQ o~sery~q this cEmduGtd~Gri.bed ~t to m~ I.have relevant inrormation classifi~ .ap-ove "~EC~'!, I never O,psl;.rvej:! thrs'COricll!~_nor'heard about it frqm sqmeqne whp dia. g. a ~~.t!31hee tp ,~><tt¢m~IY, l;:q11:l or ho~ (oqm t~ri1 perat.IJJe~· for ext~ntled p~ri.o.ds, 0. 0 . nally 'observed this .conduct. I perro b, 0 I.obse rved detainee(s) in 'a'cond ition' that led me to belieye that·this conduct had ,occurred. c. 0 Detal nee(s) told me that this conduct. had ,occurred', can-d.ud described it to. me.. 0 Qt!:Jers who 0bserved this , . 'eo 0 I hj:lve r~(evant iJ:(f9rmg~iQn 'C;lq$sifi~ ap.9ve "S..ECR.ET'! .. T: 0 I nev~r' o,b~~rv~,9 tNs ,ec,>ricj u~t nor h~ r~ .~ bou~ IJ f(dm, solJ1ec>n~ d. . ' " Whp- did. : 44. -SU bj,ectin 9 a d.etainee. to '.iQuc!. .tTll:.isJ~ a-. 0 I per-so, nally observed thls,{!onduct, .l b. D·I-observee! dehlihee(s} iii..a cond'itlQ'o'thcit led me to, believe thatlhis· condu·d:· had .occu'ri'ed. ~ q Detai nee(s) told me that this conduct had ·occurred. 0 Ot~ers.' INl)o observed this q>nd uct d'escrlbed it to m,~•. 'e. 0 t ~ave J~levarit inform,9ti9n classifte.d pbQve "SECREj'II,. t: 0 Jn~yer-observed this·condud nor heard aboutit .from someone: who did.. d, • '" "'. ' .... ,. •••• "-. • ... < • '" • •' • - .". ." ~ - • -,." •• , • ., - a i:I~_talne'e·tb bright flqshing 4$. Slll:>i~.tjn'g I a', ·b. 0 I perso nall,y observed this conduct. 0 lobser.v.ed detaillee(s) in a..condifion that led Co 0 Qetal nee(s) told me that this condud had occurred. fi~ht.? pt'tlqrkries~ me to believe thaUhis conduct had .occurred. ld. Dlothe rs who observed this conduct described it to me. OIGQ-004994 -, , - 0 f: Ii:f I have relevant Informatkm classified above' ·\S,ECREr". 0 ti. 0 c. 0 ,d. 0 I p~rs6nally obs~rVeg this,:contluGt. e. a. -- .. *" , C>thers' who observea this conduct{;ribed it to' me. L have relevant information classified aho~e, I\SEGRET'I:.. ItI I never.observ~d this..conduot nor'heard about It from 'someone who did. -4-7.. Using duet tape tq r~str:ainr gag I 'Qr pu ni$',h a~etainee 0 l' personally observed tllis.conduct. o II observed detainee's) in 'aco'Rd ition that. led me to believe -that this conduct bad ·occurred. o 1[)~etalJ1e:e.(s) told me thcit'thl's. !2ondu.ct- hado_ccurred. d. o !others' who obserVed this roriduet desGribed .it to me,· e. 0 I have relevant information E(assified .above "S'ECREf'l.. f. 0 I never observed this.conduct nor heard about'itfrom'someone'who did. ..48. • Detainee(s) told 'me that thiS. cood'uct had ,occurred. 0 o. - I.obserVed detainee(sJ in -a cond itio.nth'at led [m£ to believe that this co-ridUGt ha,o ,.o,ccurrep, f. b. .. I never observed this:condud nor heard about it from someone who did. 'e. a. . -- Usil')g Ta-pic! resp~>nsi'teams and/or fort,ed: $:eli extrpetibns ier, 0 I pe.r:sonally o,bserved thlscondu(:t. b. t: d. e. f. D 'I ohserv.eei detainee(s) ih .a.conditiOn that. ied me: to beij¢ye that this- conduct had .o.ccurred. D Detaine~_(s) told -me tnat 'this cohduc.t had -Oct.ulred. D lothers'whb observed thiS cohduct described it to, me. D I have relevant information .classified ~lbo\te '.'SECREP' . 0 r nev'er observed tliis -cohd ud no(heard 'g b01Jt: itfrom ,some0rie who aid. OIGQ-004995 49'. !Jsinga military working dog o'n or hear 'a ,detainee' than dlJrlng ,detainee'transportation 0 I personally,observed this,.conduct. C;:. o !Lobserved detainee(s) in a,Gonditlon that led me to believe that this eonduct had occurred. o IOetainee(s) 1:o1d me'that t~is' condu~t had 'Qccurre9,. 4: 0 Others Who obseryeq tb.i~ c()ndu~t d'escri.\Je,d a~ b, e. It t9 m~. o .L have relevant inrorm;;ltj<:m clasl?jfie,d ,al1ove "SECREf",. r. 0' I never observe"d thJs'com:!u~t,nQr'hearq abQlIt it from sqmeone'who did. I personally:observed this.conduct. b~ 0 0 c. d Detalnee(s) to'ld me that this. conduct had ,occurr.ed. 'a~ I obser:ved detainee(s) in 'a cond itiorr that led me to believe that this conduct had 'occurred. 0 0 Qt,b'ers who observed this ~ol1.ductdescriped it to, me.. I h!=we relevant inr9rm~tiQn' clc;lS!?i'fied ,ab,~ve "SECRET", ~. 0 '(: 0 I never'observe'd this :coJid uct nor heard ,a bo.ut It from SOn1ebne who, dI'd. d; -.- .... -,_. • • • ..." • ',.'. .~ ..... ", ." • '$ " ..... -_.- .- S1. iJi.fJig :splders, s.corpion'S, ,snakes" ot:' othe.r animals, 00' Qrtiear a~detainee a. b', tJ r perSGnallY' obselVed this :eohduct. o II:olise'rved delafnee(s) in 8;conaitiQrl that led' me to believe thanhis' conduct had ,occurred. , c. D·IOefainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred. d. 0 'e., 0 Other? who Q!Jserved this cond U9t' dE!scrj~ed It~o m~ t have relevaD~ Inform,atlon c!assifie~ ~bove: "S~GREr"'. f: lEI L n~ver'o,q§lerveq this C<;>l1Q4~f'f19r.~earq ,a~<:)Ut it from ·SQITJ¢<:>J1e:Wh.od.Jd" 5'~. ThJ¢a~~nirig to .use spiders, scqq:i,iQtfs, 'snal<;es" qr o~her anima'ls: o.n;a detciih~e Q b. 0 c, 0 d. 0 'a'. I pe'!"sonally-o'bserved this ..c ondutt. I observed detaillee(s) in 2Lco:nditioh that led me to believe thi3fthis conduct had occurr:ed. Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred .. Others, who observed this conduct described it to: me. OIGQ-004996 " e. D r have relevant Informa'tkm classified above '!SECRET". f: ItJ' I never observed this conduct nor heard about it from someone who did. ,53. Disrespectful statements, han~lin9.rorlletronsinvolving:...t",",h;..;;<e"",~:i.;:,o~r~",,n,,-- a. D I persOti~lIy obS¢rv'ed, this t6n~uct. b. D I bb'served d~rair'leefs) In ,a ,CO Ad itiofl' t.!1at; led "(ne ,to believe thi3nhis cond lid c. D Detainee(s)told ~e that this conduCt had ,o,cturred. d. D e. D [. have relevant information classified above' "SEcRET'I. f. It!' _ I had ,o,tclirred. others who observed this conduct described it to me. I never observed thls:mnduct nor'heard about it from someone who did. "Sil. Sh?\ving a ,det?\in~'s'facial or oth~r h,airiQ em'parr9S$.or humifrate:a detainee" D r personally'obserVed this ..condtlct. b. D I ,observed 'd~tainee(s) ill a cond ition that led me to believe that this conduct had ,o~c(Jjired. c: D petalnee(s) told me thanhls e<:md.u.ct bad occurr.ed. d. 0 othets' .who observed lh is GOnd ud: described it to me: e. D ¥ have relevant information dassified abov.e '~5"ECRET". f. 0 I never observed this,conduct nor heard about it from'someone who.did. .a. . 0 r: 15gr.,SCnally dbServe,d thls:conduc;:t. b. 0 I bbserv.ed 'detaihee(s): 'ih ,a coiid'itibn that led me to b~lieve that.this· ~bhd(jct had :occurred: , ~. D Detaihee(s) told 'me fhat this conduct ha'doccurred. d. D' Otliers' wbo observed thls conoUct d~scrlbed It .to me: c. ei f; 0 I have relevant information classified ·aboVe. "SECRET"·. 0' r nev'er observed thiscohduct hor,heard :atkiut it'from Someone who did. OIGQ-004997 56. Touchihg a detainee' or acting toward a detainee in-a sexual :rrianner a. 0 I personally observ.ed this..conduct. b. 0 Lobserved detainee(s) In a.Gonditionthat led me to tJelieve that-thls conduct had occurred. c. 0 Detainee(s) told 'r:ne that t~is' cend4ct had ·oc~lJrre9 .. d.: 0 Ot~ers ~nQ .ob.serv~q t,~is cand uct descri~e9 it t9 m~. o II. hav~ relevant inyormatign c1Ci?!?ifiep i3l!Qve "$.ECRET'!. r. o I nev~r observe9 thiS 'cond ud !1Qr'heard a pou t it from sqmeqne who did. e. st. Holding deteiri¢e($) yJhp'Were npt officiaiJy'~ck.noWleQ.geCIor regi$tered a'~~l,Jdi "d.eta I,n ln~rthe person. ' .... byt'h~ agency . ?!. 0 i p,ersonqlly th'is tcom;14ct. b', 0 rO!?$erv~~'det~ln~'e(s1' In a:~9fld ItiQI-rt.hat-led me ~9 belley~ th~tt.hl~ cc;mdm;,t had 'Qc:rcu rr:8!1,· c; p Detpinee(s) to_19 ·me. tha.t this:tOhcjUC~ had :oq::urre.Q. .\;1, 0 9~h.ers Wh~ ob~ery~~ lhi~ Gpng!lct ~~:crlb~d it tl;>; rn.~:. e. D. t h~'(e relevan.t IQfol1lJ~Jlon c1~~sifled 'c!!?dye' ".~.Et~Ef··. f. 0 l'ii¢'ler oDs,ented this;c6ntlutt npr h~~d '.abol.!!:: it frdinSd,meone:\vhtt PIQ. .58. Se'l)ding,a detainee to aJi6ther' cQuntry. for m6re..,aggressive interrogation a. ...-: b, c. d.: .gjl per~nalJY o,Qserved ~his :~o.!1~uct, . o II obs,erved.. det9in~eJs} in'~ 'Go.ndlp~>n that led rne to' believe thatthis c;:onduct 'f}ad ·occurred. o lbetainee(s) told mE;! t.nat tljis condlJct ~ac:l occ:;; o IOthe~ who ob~erve.d ,t/:)is ~.Qnp.uct desl=rlbe9 it; to !J1e. e'. 0 r have releyan.t ilJformatiojl classified Ci b~lJe' '''--$:~C.REfI'. f, 0 I n~ver oQs:~rved. this.:c9ndu{:t nbr hear~ :ab'pu.t it,frpm sC!rnepne~who:di~. g:. piease prov,ide tlie approxim.cite tini~ fram.e. dU'rlng, which' t·liis,conauct. 6.cCtlrretl: D,Dp Not Reqlll Frem 01/25j2'OOA -to 05(01.(20'04 h. The ,d.eralnee(sJ treated In this way were: lo~ated ,pt t'he time In:' f 0 '~l,1antanan-l'Q' . 2: [~rlrBq 3D Afghanistan OIGQ-004998 4 0 oth~r Locati9n 5,0 Do, Not RetQlI i: PI~5e i,dentlfv. the detain.~(s) ,by 'riciri1..e ~rid number: Un~n6wn J. Please identify-the person(s) who treated the detainee(s) in this: in.anner;~ ina(uding their name(.?) ?oq ·gov~rnme.ntu~gen!=y(i~J: Central Intelligenc~ Ag,encY' ~.' PI~se IdE!otify ~:lTIY 9ther FBI p'er~9!ln~1 or nqn-FBI personnel :Wh~'Q~serv~.d ~e~alne~(s) tr~tet! lnjhfs: manner, indU_oing their name(s) and ,agel')cy(~s): FBI InterView personnel' rotation 5 and 6 ' . I. ThIs:conductoccurred in connection wlth:- 1·0 'One detainee ~ 0 '~everal qetain~~ '('24) :3 0 MaDY detainees '(mt;>re; than 4) '40 D.o.N'ot RecaIi m. (Q.ptioopl) PI~s~ de$crib~ the re!evqnt tircl)m~hinces in more:,q~t~l): .On .ope:'oc~asi,ol1t; t-~as'-Inforrned gy a .r!lem,b~r ofth~ ·F:.BI~~ Iil!lh V~l'!u~ Det~lfI~~ Interyi,ew team ~hatone~of the s~pjekts. were iM~rYie'iYing was gQing"to b~ removed to .~,mt?th«::r c.o!lnt,lY by the:' Cent@l Iflt~mgeJ1te AgE!IiCY (crA). As 1 recail" this 'c,aUsed u·~ tp ,st¢p up, Qut Interview tlmetaJji~;a.s, we were ,g'oing to lose ,OUf -access to:1he.ind i,iid ual. J do not recall the 'iiam~ of the.5ubjel:! at the we: reasons'he wa's being removed from lraq.l·eannot say' itwas "for more aggressivednterrogation'!. 59. Tnrea,Jehfrig to send a detainee to a'nother country for detention or' more,a99' reSsiVi~ interrogatIon a.. D. r persqnalIy' o;b~erve,9 tllis 'conduct. fr· 0 c. o d; o ,- [ obs~rv,eg c;let~in'~e(s) it.') ,a'c9nd ition th~t l~ me tp b~li~ve th~j: this co:tJdlJc~ f:t'ap oC:G~treQ. :Det<;lin~(~) toJd rp~ that .this copd,~ct gad oq;wrect. lOthers' woo pbser.vect :tnis cO.nduct d:escribed it to tn~ Ie',. 1-0 11 have re1eV?lnt informati.Qn cla.ssified abQve "SEYREf"·. J.!:- o ir- never o.b.s~rved' this ,m:nduc{ nor'h$ rd ,<;lbp~r It'from sQmepne who pkl. 6'0. Threat~niiig to take actioh,againsla detainee's family a. o ~ perso,nally'observed t~.i5>cQnduct. b. 0.11 'observed d,et? c. I in a:conditiQn that led lJ1e to belIeve th,,!,nhis q:>nduct nad 'Occurred. n IDe~alnee'(s) told me that this tonduct had .o~curred. OIGQ-004999 -- ·" d. 0 e. 0 r have relevant information classified above: "SECRET". f. ~ Others who observed this conduct described it to me. r n~ver'Qb~rved thiscontJuc~ nor hearq ,?bqut it from some0n.~ w~o girl.. '6:1,. Oth~r'tr~atmerit or aetlqn causing sevt=r~ em9~i9na[ qr psycl)ologiCal trauma tQ a ,get~ihee a. o II persd r') allY' observed this coriauct. b.. 0 0 e. r .observed detainee(s) iii a,cohditibh that led me to believe tl1at tnis conduct h'ad,oGcuf.i:ed. Detaihee(s) told me that this conduct: hadoccutred. d. q Others who observed this cond.uct described it to me. e. 0 r have relevant information' classified above \"SECRET'I" f, 0 r ~ever observed thiS 'col)d,L!ct nor hecr~d ;abb~t jt f,romsorneone wh9 did, ~a. o II perS9hal!y ,observ:~d - this .conduct. e. 0 0 0 0 f. ~ 1, observed this,conduct nor heard aboutit from'someone'who did. b, 12', d. ~ I:observed. detalnee(S) in a,lc6nd.itlon, that led me to belJeVe that this condHct had ,o,ccurretl. Detainee(s) told me thatthis conduet had ,6ccorted. Otners who observed lthfs eondiJct d'escribed it to Jne. I have relevant Information' classified above' '\SECREP'. ',6>3~ :Q,t,herlr~atmenl or:<:\ ~ej:aiI1~~ thR~ in'YQur opiri.iQJ1 Wa's, unl?rpf~qsipl')al, -undJ.Jlymr~h gr ~gg (es~!vel ;coe'ri=IV~f YilbusJve,. '.or unla)/'Jfu.1 ' a. 0 r personally o:bseiVed this ,conduct, b. 0 I.oDseiYed detainee'(s) in ai:6ndition that led me to.believ~ that. this G0'nduct.had occu'ffed. c. 0 Detainee(s)' told me that this' conduct had 'occurred. d. o ,o~her~ W,ho observ~d t~is ~ol)duttq~s~r!bed it. to l1'1e. J~S.EGRET"'. 0 r have relevant information'classified > . ..... above . .' , .' 'f. 0' I never'observed. thiS 'cOhQUct 'nor heard 'a bout. it"from someone:who dict. . '.. . ... . . . . e'. ~" ~ , , ~ , OIGQ-005000 BaYh ~.~@l~__ !I· 64.. DiCi ·Y9U observe' any imp~~s.onation of FBI personnel by anYQ.he.duJing an interview QJ·ihte[r.dgatl~n of ',' Yes 0, No :aa~tainee?, .d \65. Old '~iiy q~tainee 9r ~~h~t person ,tell VQtl~hat he .qr' she had ~!tfle~$et1 the 'Ifh.per~natton ~f fBr p.ersoJ1.l1el -iii. c611'riectiort with:a deti:iiliee intei"view. o'r ioterrog'ation1· .a. Yes' {~, N'o' 66, A~~ you aware.of al)Y "~hamlf or "s~ag~" d~t-~i.nee·interv!ews·or'i,n~efr~atJ9l"\SCOJ1Ql!ct,ed for M,emo~rs ":Qf'thil!:~ c;qng~s,s ~r t,h.elr shlffr Q. '(~s ' @ N9" ' '67-, To Y'oqr' kn9wledger d,id af:\Y' military or in't'~lIigeI:)Gepersonn~1 e\f/:lr. deny or d,e!ay FBJ 'Clcc!=!:Ss toa· 'detaInee the FBI w~nted to 'qQestion .be·caus~"the_de~C\inee f)'aC;! .sustained Ihjuries 'a~er be- was captured? QY:$~ ~,Np, .68', Did ,end your- p,arficipation in or observation of a det<;linee interv.iew or interrogation ~'r;:~us~ 'of- t~e il1t_er'{~~ O( l,nterr.Qg~tlol1JT!etr.oq~'~el ~g :u~d.? ' .6. Yes. ,0' No' .69:. Were ybil ever toJd :th'aHllib,ther.'ndea hls,'or Ii¢r in ,oj 6.b~l1JatiQrr Qr, a :d~ta!O¢~' rriteNi.e.I,;\[.'9r .l.n.t;~rrog<;l):rQn b~cal!~e ·O.f th~ irit.ervi~w or ifit~lr~g-ati.dn.m~th.6cfs,b'eibg us~d?' o Yes, YD:. [)I,lrlri~<,a'ny ,Q~ YO.!J-t pver;:;,e.a.~ .0. No g,~'pJ9.yrn.ei1ts Qr.a$~ignm¢Ii!~~ !:fig y9lJ,. rep:Q·~ <;lry ~.6hc'~.rn$. r~gardin'g ·an'y:deta.lrte~' Interyl¢W l:!r Int~rr6g~tlbl1 p·rqq:lces~. ~r ,QJller typ~s pf detttlne~,trea,t.mel1.t,to. ;s!-i{Je' an FBI • . QYes· 0 No 71. ~!l,r:ing .~ny '9f"Y9\-!-r-!,?v~rSl:!?S d~'p[oYI\l~nt~ or a~signr,n.ent~" ~id YO!-l.r~p.ort~ny t9!1cerns, ,r,egarqing a(ly:det!3in..~e in~«:;!r.:y.iew gt'iilt¢rrq,g'!'it.i!=!o pra!=ti.c¢s .ol"qther ,typ~~ pf qetaio~~"~reptrJ:l~m:yOT,! Qb~rv'¢.d. or heard ab.lJut" 'to'a nOh-.F,Bf sup~ry:iso'r or 'Pother rio·n.-FB,I pei;"Spnn'¢.I? " I a·Yes ·0 No 'J2~ Have you .'ever been' ordered'or-directed not to report, :or discouraged in any w~y from reporting)' QP~rV~t1(?lJs 9r alleg~tionl? te'!ate9 to .de'taine~ tre,Cltme,nt pr i.nt~rview pr Interroga~lpnal;tiQns.or fitGlctlce;s? . '0: Yes .(!). No 'l3~. Have'you exp'erlehced any :actu al o'r th~eatehE!d r~t~ IIatlo'n for 'repoltlng observations D r:alleg~tlons - QT .r;le!ainee tr.eatment or in_terview:or jnte,rrogat!on <;letions or practi~?' o YeS' 0 No OIGQ-005001 '74. (qpilonal)· p1.e?~. proY!Qe .a.0y 911dltf9n~1 C;:9I;rymen~s r~~.~T~,ng tlj~ r.ep0'11n9 ·of c9.ncern~ p~.Iated ~~. intervj~w 9.r {ntemigatign teGhn1.qll~s! d~~enJi~n -pra.~ltes! 9r·:otlic:.r'nt. ,I 76., 'Addifional Comments' and Recommendations~ ... . . .. ... E?<tE;!n$i~E;! .de~rjefsf iilt:luding 1!,!~so.n51~rne:d ·~.bpuIQ. !;re' tJe1.~ .with. ey~fY FBI emplpy~e from an ~ ,~v~t~-ea'S: a~~i~n~~ot. ~.. . . OIGQ-005002