Aclu v Dod Doj Questionnaire Regarding Detainees 00000851
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Department:of Ju~tic.e In~pector General 'Questionnaire R, Detainees 0.01-01G INVESTIGATIVE QUESTIONNAIRE FOIt, REVIEW'ANO" USE dNL-Y B¥INC'IVIDUAL FBI RESP.ONCENTS .' Q9 NOT FORWARD' OR.DtS.SEMi~ATE . , . qUESTIONNAIRE ·10: test-O.O.OOO$51 ,Aso.f'~IJ~ last time this. q~~,~ionnaire,was. ~a'!~~i some "'~quire,dfielc:ts~ hC!v~, 119t l,leenc9mple~ed. Pleas~,review your resp'onses.. A. P¢rson~1 InfprmatiQn PleaseprovldEHhe following' information: 1. liam¢', .. 2. Ml(ldle Inl\!r.l: 3; Last name: 4. Eriret.ed b.n Dllt''l Date .(EOD); :>.: Cln:r:eot DIVisiO,Ii/Field Offic;e: ,6•. '~u.rrent job title: .7. Diteetd ial office telephone number: 8.. FBI.cdr phone' nlJmo.¢r: 9.. F~I p.ager'nutn'l?en 10.. ;Be~t czQntact nUlJ1ber for'you~ 6 & 79 PER AGREEIIflf=itrr 6 &:1CPERAGREEJ'iI1ENT 6 & 7.C PER. AGREEMENT. 6 & 1C ~ &7C $peela.l. A~le!lt 6 &: 7C PER AGREEMENT 6 &,.7(; PE~.AGREEMENT 6 ~ .7cPERAGREE/VlEf/T 6 ct. 7C.PERAGREEiViENt B. BackgrOiJnd of Spe'CifiC D.e·ployme·nt·s or AS's.ignments 11. At any time aft.ef'%ep.tember l':l,( ·20.01 r Clid you ~fve;~i~ a merhoer of tne U,S, Milita'fy( or as an employee .or contractor of the FBI.or any other g,overnment agency, at Guantanamo Bay~ Cuba; Iraq$ Afg\1a~l.stqn; 'odn areC!$"controll.e9 I:!y·the I).S. M'jlitC!ry Qra I).S. in~elligepc~, il]·.cQJ1nec~joJ:1,with th.e .gi,9b?1 ¥{ilr.on t¢tror? . . @Yes 0 No 1:2.. ~nter the numb,er .or' time:sYdu. w.~r:e.depkwed o.r:c'js~(g n:E=d to eactr'of.tne.fohoWlng 16caUolis. .(Guahtanafrio Bay, Ci.Jbai.lraqf,~fghanistan; .odo :any areas controlled by file-U.S. Military or a 'U.S .. intellig.~,IlC~ se.rVtc,¢) ;-1. For .each deployment or assi~nment.complete the following. section. Dep.loyfllli}lt or 85~ignlJ1ent'llegan.oil 91' Deployment ~r a$'slgriljulrit a,nde!! on. locat'lon (, I ) . r" ". \.s.~~!=1: one . .. lG:ua'ntanamo ,.,: . . . . •.. :.. '.. Bay. ,'> ~ abo~t' or. about, , 10/2002 . 11/2002 f2a. what was tHe :geli:e~al nat!:lr'e ~nq p.urp·q$.~ cif your assigrij'n~lit a-hd activitIes? Interview'detainees' 1-2b. Please provide the names ofthe:specific.camps~ bases" or facilities where you 'Worked. 1?'9 'n()~ recpl! t!ye'narne.9f ~hE;rcamp .(it was tpe ~mp s!,.!pseqlJent to~rnP.···?tr<;lY). . _ .' 12t. N9J:~: If i.nfprrnpJion·.l;ib..ou.t :a;Sp·ecific·canip,,. prfac:i1ity'i:?-da~sjfjed ;aop,Ye SECRET, pl¢ase check here 0, i~lude in your ,ansWer ±hai you' hav.e .lladdi~.ronal inf<:mnatidn t(a~sJfled .above 'SECRET,'\l and, if you know, 'id,entify 'the.c1assification lev.el, ticket, ,coinp'artrhent, prog.rarh,.or other d~jgnat(onthat<?lPplies to tl)e'informatlon. Do n9t include the,aCfdltlonai classified (nforlT\atJon 10 yom OIGQ-004939 q.!lestiqnnaire responses. bIG personnei with the necessary clearance Will c~>ntact yOlJ to J~c~ive it. Nama I Position I b6 ·,?~pell(i~brySP~ialAgel)tb7c .-- ..:~~j>~~s.9~~e.~!a!89.~n~t. . i ~~cDt!01_~§~~tf!a.!!.!.~_ 't'!~~~Dt_,, 12e., Did, Y9U joint!y interili~w 9f !nterrQgate,.;my de~illE;e .wIth I)qn-FBI per~Qnbel? 0'Yes 0 No ' With what kinds of n'on-FBI i:iersOnriel did y'hin';j,ork jointly? CITF 5!I .Other u.s. Military U.s; inteliigence agency Foreign rr1ilitary or iriteliigenci=,agen'cy o o o O'O,ther _ ~ ' .... _ _ ... _,;... ... _ ' _ _~ w ~. _ .• ...... _ looC .... _ .. ... __ w--_. __: : ,__ ,__ ':ii[ Dii you-jblntly :Pian ~ny, ~ ~aine~ihtetVlew-b.r-ihterr~~~tibn:strateg { '00(.'_ . . . . . _~_~_ ..... , _ .... __ ." _ 6'bJectiYei, b~ ticti~s- with no;--:; ':FBI p e r r o , h n e l ? ' '"- :: 0 Ye's , •• - - "_ , - • - • ~ - _,' - - - - - - ~ . .' - - - - • , - " - • - - - :0 No - _. - '0 ' • .. Wjth what kinds Of non~FaI persorlti'ef !lid 'you W,.prkjoi!ltly?' •• • __ • •' ~ .... . " : E1t:;ITf:· : 0' 'other u.s; Mili.tqry . . : 0 US, ihtelligeilGe agencY :0 ~afeIgn,m.llltary or irtel,lige,Op:: ~gency : 0 Oth.~( . . :12g-., ~Wer~ Y9U ever~qthe-;'~,{sejtlv~ ly€di;.d~i~~e int;~~i~W.s,':~rl-;;te;.r9g~tidn~ -~ih~nOn:FBrp~~~-;~he1? -~ . ."":' .... : _ ...... _ "'," ~_ --. _ _ , .. ---_..,... __ -_ - ' . _ ... , ..... _ - .... -..... --'>r-'_ --',_ _ ..... -.~ _ _ ..... _ O~• _ -)04.' . . -: - .... - - - - ' - B~ ....... ...... - _ ... -'-"- - ~._ .. __ - .,., "'" _ __ - ............. - .. _ _;oloo ..... - ,..-;: _ _ . , - "". ' _._ . • , ,:::. IA-. ........ _ ' " -:,:, Training P'rior'to Over$eas De'ployme~tor Assig'ninent 13~. Did Y9U .receiv~ ,any tr;;llnin'gj in~tn,l9:i9n, 'or:~Luidar)c~ specir~aliy in ,prep·aratibn (Ejr any ,of YQur QVer.seas;deployme~ts or assignments? eyes O N o O O a Not 'Recall 13<:1. Who provided this trai'nin,g, instruction, o'r Quidancer aild 'where did you receiVe it? Houston' bfvislon' SeCllrlty Dfficer 13&" Describe the suhje¢:o.n whi<;h'YPu received this trainfng, inptruetfqp 9r ,gu,ip<;lm:;e. SCI :clearances OYes eNo <:) Db. Not RecaH OIGQ-004940 15. In preparation,for any of your overseas deployments 'or assignments, did you receive any training, In~ruCJ:lon, or guId_ana;! ~nsemlng the stand<!rd s of cond!Jc~applrcab.leto' the treatment" 'fnterviewc qr jrite~(dgatiqn ofdeta'inees by nQn-FBI p'ers,onn¢l? 'QYes,. :0D,D 'Not Recall eNo pr.eparqtjon Jor any;ofyo.ur OVerse?!q ~tepl()y.met)ts or q5signrnents"dfd you, re~eiv.e ,~my trajnLng J InstruCtI!2in, c;>r ,guJdC!nc;.e concer:t:t.Irig whclt'Y0!J were's!JPP9sed to d'() IfyolJ ob$~rved orh'e:ar~ 'apqut the tre.atriient,'iriterV(ew"or frit¢rrO'gatipwof Dy F'Bl perso.nnel, which YO-\.! b'eli¢ye'd.t..6 be lIiappropria"ter-unp'tofessidnal, coercivel,abusive~ or-unlaWful? 16. In 00'0 Not Recall 17. In, p-repar;:i,tjpn fqr ~riY-Q.f Y--Ol,lt ()vers$:i$: tfeploymen,rs,or assignments" did -yo.!,J, reC~ive any training, ' WnatVo:u iilstructionr,Q'r'gU.idcmce concerning w.ete',supp'bsed to db ifYQU obseDied otheard,ab'oOt the-treatment, interview" or interrQ~ati6h',ofdetaineeSnon-FBI personnel,. whicli you 'believed, 'te' be fnapprop,riatei 'UQProf~!?ional, ,merciv~, 'abusjye" 0f uDI.C!wM1 , bY OYgs B. Training During 'Overseas Dep'ioym~rits or Assi9nrnen~fs 18" During any ,of your'overseas deployments or assignments, did you receive any'training; instruction" prg!JiC!,anc~·col1c:ernin.Qt.he"~tand,ards of,cQI19uct<;lpplic.aQle interrO~<;ltion of jj:et~in!;,e~,bY FBI ~rsonn~l? :0y.,es, 0 No 18:,;1', Who provided tt)'fs: training" il1$lructi.on,.Qr'g!Jid.Fln~e(, .FBI and CrrFa~mi,nIS~,rativ.~ ,persq'nnel to the tteatm~,ntj irit§Hvi~i' or ' :QDo, Not' Recai'l ,lab. Briefly describe the su bstance oflhe training, instruction, or guidance prmrided to, you. Durfii~ weekly:CITF meeting's,; CUF interviewers' were.ihstrti.cted regarding ihtel':view' techniques or strateg'ies which were not permitted (i.e. turning down Aleto,cold telJlp.~.r~t,ures,.I~~v[rJ9p~tgin~ to ~f in,lntervr~l/II'CJ,fter Jnter"i~~ cQmp'l,~tel' ~equir-in9 det<;lfnee to' rel)'l~in 'in qt(~pmft)[j:qpleP'Q?indns;·~uring inter\?igVl(!? --'~L!~!i a~ ~tcm.(:Iing);, i._~5".. Wa~',? ny 'on~e-trail1!hg) '1I')stru~ioni '0~ guidaT1Ge' proyig ~ 'i)) 'vyritj ng? O-Yes $No 0 Do, Not Retail 19. Qunng ?/ny 0f your 9\1~rsea~ deproy~en.t$ or ~ssign!JIen!s.;,~:fiQ Y9tJ re~eJye ~my trairHn.Qi' instrJJctio.n; Qr :g uIga'llI:e <;qnc~rnlng the. $tc;md ard S. of cond ue.t :a RP IIC;;lQ 19 t(?, the, trept,menl, in,tervi.ey.r r 'o.r . iriterl:'6~ation of d~tainees b.y non-FBI pers!)n"";!I? ' '0Yes ,Q No QUo Not Retail Wei. Wlio provided thiS trai'riing,. instruction/"or :guidance1 ~BI :and' CITf p:dmfhistr:atjv~ p'ersonnel 191,1,. Briefly d'e$~rib~ the ~!),b.~t~n~¢'qnh~ tr.C;linJI19/. 'j n~ruqt1onJ qr'g,u,id?j nee p royip~ Same~s in 18b. :above. tP' yOll,- OIGQ-004941 i9,c.. Was any ,of th~ tralnin'9, lristruction, 'or gU'idance provided in'writing? OYes '@No 0, Do: Not Recall 20.. During pnYQf'ypur Q,!erseas·d~pJ9'im¢ritsot i;lssigilm.ents~'dip yOU rei$iv~ any tr.ainin~r~ ilistiilcti<;in, .or ,guiaance.cohcer'rifn-g wnatybiJ were suppos-ed t6 do ,if yO(J,observed'6r heard a\:jbufthe treatmeilt, interview, .or interrogatloh of detainees by FBI personnel" which you believed to be. !lJqppropr!ate, uIJProf~sron~"~ coefciye~ a.busiv~~, or ~n!awfl!l,? 0Y~ 0 No' gOi;l'. 'whQ' pro' thi,s t~inJlJg,· inst rLfct iON or g.uictance?- O'Do NQt Recqn FBr administrative SA's '2'Ob. Briefly des<::t"ibe the f!ubsti:iii~e'bfttie training, iristr.u,ctioh, Qr.guidahce,prov·ided to,you. FBI Flr~ #.S Were po.'~t~~ at.,f~I:t'lo\J.sin~ .<pnipl¢:t( f~~ writing :3.Q2"~ TeJat~d to "war t:rime~:'. Outing informal Weekly m'eelings"al hOusjhgxp'mpleiCwhere FBI perSbnnel 'were housed, issue was. OistUssetj' 6riceor twi~ei h'owever~ no, ch~aqfuiCla:hce as to, Wh9t constf~u~~d.a- ll~r crJ.rn~' 'VIIa~ ..9lver:t cit ~hat ~lrne . .20c, Was,.anyofthetra'infng, ,instruCtion, or. gu'ldahce provided in-writlng,? . 'bye!? eNo Q Qo Not R¢l::all :1'1., OJ] rln'~ any:of yaur overseas,deployment's 0/ ass!g rinients, dId you receive any., trarnlng, Instruction,' o.r ,g uiOf3l1ce·concernjng \Vllc;lt you were su.ppo~~~f:to do if y-OU 'obs:erv.e~ 'Or i:leqrd, i3Qout ~he' : 'tr~atl)1en~i interview, Of ilJt~rtQg~tIQn: of ae,ti3ln~:es by noo-FB.I p·er:~Ql1nel." Wbi~h, ypu beUe.v~9 fo b.~ in'ap'fjtQf>riat~~ trnprof,e$.sip,rial! mereiv.e, abuSive, .dr.unl~:i\Wul? . :0 Yes ·;ONd Obd Not.Retafl :2.1cL Who 'prov.ided tliis trciiiliil'g,. inslruction, or' gUi.dan.ce? FBi t1pminl$ S}.'~· , . J3ri~f1y d,escribe tne s.ub~~?n.Ge ofthe trai':l,if!g, ins~T.UI~tion, or guidan!=e p.rovl~ed to\'Y9U~ same, a's in '20b. ilb(we. '2:1c:. Was';aJlY 'c)f-the training./ instr~.ctiph,.pr gUidance pro.vided iifwtitltlg? .aVes· eNo b Do' Not Recall Ie. Ad'equacy .l:>fTr.afning c -•. ii.;i~ .Yb'~;6.piDi~'~;.pid. y~~ -t&~i~~ ·ade~~~t~,.f~~ir;in9~ i-~;t~uCtio:-~'~~f,g~ide'ri~~ '~~l~ti'~~ t~:~t~iida.:d~ .of conduct. by. FBI ·and non-FB! 'personnel relating .to: treatment, Interview.,. or' Inter'r.Ogptlon of . ~q~t9in~~ QrJor to,yqllr depJovment.'QJ as.signrnent? 'byes '" __ .,.. _ • _... _'.'" _ ~ _. _ v "'" ¥ __ @: No _ , I _ •_ _ • ., _ # _ -.. 41 - ~ ~ ,... _ '- ' 2:2a. Please destrlbe the;ways irHNhich YOU believe the traihin~,. iristr'Liction.or ,guid'ancewas inadequate: It wa;; Q.ppC!re[1t:qur[llg, t~~ 5t~y that su~h'gui~ance was·still: a )'wor{c In; prt;>gress":'! Ba~d upon. the question~jd'is:cuss!!Jtl$·qtthe weel$lY ,ipfdn:nal hie,etings( it ~PP''P th?t ~,~re had' nQt Qe~n <:!ny dear . :~~i~.9~se~(!3~~/.9~ .~~F~ !~,6.~~1.~t.:Q~e;n_ t~:rt~~ fasnh~~'~'-!~!i_R(J~d~!:1Se.:S~p~d tie; ~e;~~~!l.arY.L _.... _.: _.... ·i'3.Jn yOl,Jropiniort, did you (eceiye;qdequate:trainirjg, inSl:ruc;tion, qrguidance r¢i9t1o.g tq.sta,ncJarqs OIGQ-004942 of conduct by: FJ3Iand noh-FBI personnel relating fo t(eatmehtf ihtervieW, of interrogation of .detainees during deployment or assignment? - your ,E)-yes 0 No 24,11'1 your ,opinion, did' you receive adequat~ training ( instruction( or gUidance concerning what y.ou were su,ppose<:! to 9b Tfyou opserved or h~ard alJqut the treatmentt interview, or int~rrog;:ltiqn 9f :det~in~, by FBI or nQri-FJ3I p~rsdli~I, tljat Y9.U b~lieved ,wa,s iriapliropdate; ~mjr:o~ssional, ,toercIV~,- abUSive, or uni;awWl?' CO'YeS 0 f\lQ' , ·24~.- P:I~;S~~d&,~i'b'~'1:he waY~':iii, 'Willch ~y04 ~~~ilev~'th~ tr~ini~g; fu~J~~~ti;~ 'Q~ q,~j~,an~ ~w~~ - - _. ~. - _.- , inad~guat,e; , ' On~e. ,, this app~ar.e,d to be a "wprk:i:h pr.o.g t.e?S~'~. sinc~ it,seemed that- aUhat timer- the: is$U~ " .beiiJ!1~~~,~~sM;~: i,!l }:~~ fi~19!.., as, t.~e .9~e~ti~hs; ~ere.b~! ~9J~i?~, bt~hp~~ !Ii~h~f~,I,d,.. '" , ~ ,_" 25', '(Optiona i)'Iii what ways; tan.the FBI1mpro'v,e, training: 61'1 this ,Subject far future de,ploytnents:or' 'assignments?, , ' ' 'Ph:niideclear" Written,gu idelines (sa everyone,has'the same ,U nderStalidini;I1, parficuJar:ly with constaht , rot;:itipn'9f p~J:s0nrrel. '10. 'Com'ments 26. Please pr,ol/ide :a'ny add.itiorial information Go,ncernifjg training for QVerseas :dep'(oyrnentS: or assignmentS of Far personnel you believ.e IS relevant., no 'additional comments, Introduction to Part In: 'In this'section" we are seeking information regarding~ 'a wide. range of interview or interrogaJIGm tech.ni9J.J~s and other type~ of:!:le~aiJleetreatfl)~n~ q!l~ged' 19 ft"'y~ :o<;cwred: practip~, t/'lat w~ hav..e You $h9!Jlp not':;3S!?Ume, jlls!:. b~al.l}?e,we;~reasldtlg abQ"'t a pa-r,ticula'r t.echnfcp,le ,cQnc;!ud'et! 'tna~ it in fp,~t q~i;urr¢~t W~ r~og.hiz:e tha:t sqnj~ Of thl;$l; fe~.htliqu~,s,Q.r prc;lg:i~J~s, may at ~im~s be,'r1eeessary, for ,safety -and security In a,aetentlon setting, In add'itioh" iNe reeogn'jze that:some ,of'these techniques or practices may hav.e been author'ized for use by military erother government personnel. 'Or With ri;sj:J'ec;:;l; tQ: €$'Ch .i9e.ritifi~ t¢;chfriql,Je, pr~g:ice,',Qr t,yp'e pf~QtiqQj;:t 9~~r1b.ed b~lQ.w, w'e:arg '$,eeki,ng ir'ifoim'a,tiorl -aop,iJt' its' o'cc:tirrence ,during 'Qf' in ~oJineCti~n' wi,th' the int~rvie1r.l:o,rint~rrogation of:a d~tajnee{.or during the detehtio'n 'pt"a' d~tajnee beyond what is,needed for safetyandsecurif\", In tharconte~t, we wi,lf ps~ ¥9U to tell us Ift'h~the( one ()f rn,or~ of t~e foHowJngstatem~nts'are tf.~e~ L I P.ersp.n-aHY p.l5.s~jye,d thl.s ,cohtJUGt, z, I PD'serit$l,d~taln~(~) In a~dnc;llti9h lnat.l~ m,e t6 beli¢'Ve- that thls condl,let ha:cJ -OCGurre<:!.Detaiheels) to'id me that tfiis c6hdu'ct'had .occurred. 4. bthers Whb opserved this conduct described it t<;f me. ~. I hav¢rE!I~'Vant il.1formatl9n d~ISS1f'i!=:~ 9,9PVe.Jl,SECR~·, 3~ OIGQ-004943 :.6: ~never·observ.ed thiscc;>nduct no( heard about It lrom someone Who did.. 27. DepriVing:a detainee of food or water a. 0 L personally' observed this .conduct. b. d Lobserved detainee(s) in a cond ition that led me to that this conduct had 'Occurred. e. ~ o joetainee(s) tQld me that this ~onduct hpd occurred. o jOt~e1?- who oqservecf ·this mn.d.uc:t descri~ed !t to me.· d. e. 0 I t hav~ 'relevant infprmation classified ;:l bov~u.s ECRr;T" .' o jr n~ver Q,bs.~rveg thisC;<;>Dq\.lotnQrnear~ :gbQl,lt it from'~QrneQn~wnod.iQ. ?8. Deprlvl ng ··a deta 1t1~¢: (if c1othlri'g a. q tr persona]/¥ o:oserved this.conduct.· b. 0 c; 0 Iobserved detainee(s) in a-cond'ition that led me. to- believe that .this conduct had 'Occurred. 'd. ,Detainee(s) told me thaUhis conduct had :occurred. o jOthe(s' \"{h'9 Q~serve'd t.his co:nc!utt ~f(~$QribeQ it t9 me" e. 0 I hav~ rel~),Ia.nt Illforma~lo!'l 9!asSlf)~ !1bove "SECRET)". 'f: @ I never·obs.erved this cordu,ct n9.!"' hea~d qf?Ol~t it from sqmeonewho did" ta·. o ir perso'nally o'bserved tnis conduCt. lb. o IfobseNed detainee(s)' in a,cohdition fhat led me to believe that'this cohduct had .0ccurred. hd, o IOt~ers' I~f !oetalnee(s) told me that this conduct. had 'Occurred. who observed tIlis cQnd uct,des~ri,b~ it to. me.. o !f t)av~ relevan~ i.nfQrll.1~tj9n <::1?s?lfi~9. -a~ove: ..SEC.RET·.... i'f: o II never-ops'~rve;Q thl~·c::on~(Jqt,norheard 'about it from' sqrne-one:whp' dip. e. g; PI~a}5~. p.roviqe tn¢ apPIQxim?t¢ tim~ frame duri·ng. ~hi~b .From 1.1(20Q1 to 11/20.02' thfs' c6ritt~ct. o·cqirre.t!. 000 Not Red:ill h., Th'e'detainee(s) t~eat~Q In thl.~ way. w~r~ (q¢at¢p'at the tlm~'ll): 1 d GUc;lntanamo 20 I~q OIGQ-004944 30" AfghahistCJn 4 D Other LoCation 5 [j DQ Not Recall i. Please identify'the detaim~e.(s) bY'namepnd humber; , Iraq'i 'detairi~ (do'not 'retaU name and/or number; however, heatrived in·GTMo. in 11:/200'2). . Details were provIded in an FD:-302',. which was. written at the-time-and detailed the detainees daims/statel!l~l')t regarding I:iis treat.fTIel1t w.hile being fl'eJp for ·qu~st.iO,ning in Ngpa!1ista!1. 'j. Please id~ntifY tlie petSon(s)' who treated the detaine.e(.s) in this, rtianner~ indud.itig th.eir n:ahie(s) and g:6vernmerit a9.eiicy(re~): . Mmt~ry intellig'ence, FL!fther d~t~]lsvvere pro\(jd:ed in FD-:aOL, \Nt1fch was'wrj~ten ~tth!=~time and d.e~qi!~ the'd~tqinee'&'di;l!msJ.sta!emellt ,regarc!in.g his trea't.m{:rit wiiil(:! being held for'q!-l,~stio,l1ing 1.11 Afghanlst,an. k.., Ple~se ip~ntify (l'rJY Qther FlU p~r~rtn~1 qr nQI1~FBr p'er?ol)l)~1 wh~ Q~~rv~if de@ine,e(s) tr~t~t1 In .this manner, In:c1lJ9Ing th¢ir hame'($] .anti .qgencY(ie~) ~ U.S. Army. intelligence (enlisted ran~l whoeonducted the: interview with me ~getails in FD-302) L This·.conduct occurred in connection with: 1 0 ·One detainee ~ () 'Sev,c;:rgl d.~1aio.~s ('?-4) a.o M.any 9eta inees '(mQr~ than '4) 4 a 'DO Not Retail ' ':rhe.d~ta'ir)ee desc~ibe9 :sleep c!.epriYCltio!1 an<t ot;Jlerte<;tmlques. usee{ qn h!m wlijl~, befl']g c1etC1.ineq. .In-c;puQtry, IJ;I.Afgh~nista'D by. int~rvrew~r:s ,then~.' ~3b. eeafing a detalne~ a. 0 I p.ersoriallyq b:se'rV,~!i ~hrs ·tonjiuc,t. ~. tl I'observeifdetaiOe.e'(S) liB'! conditiorl'that ied me-to pelleve that:.thls'tonduct had ~O~cl!rretl .. t. o !Detaine.e(s) toJdme that thls.c.onduct had ·occurred. 0 0' others' whQ .oDSerVe'd 'tljis corid:uct describe(! it to .iiie. e. f. 14 I never obserVed this conduct nor' heard about it from .someone who, did. d. I have relevarit Informatlo.n' classified abov.e "SECRET". 31. Using w.ater·to prevent. ~reathing by a det~jn~,orto E1lflr persOnally bbServe~ Great~ :the sensation of drowning this conduct. OIGQ-004945 b. D c. o !Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had 'occurred. ilobserved detalnee(s) In a .cond Ition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred. D Others who observed this conduct descri~ed it to me: e. 0 I have rel~yant informp~ion c1Cissified p~ove. "SECRET". f. 0' I·9b~rv~~. this 'q;mquGt nor h~r51 :a,bQut it frOIJ1 someon~ who did. d. az. lh;in~ hands, rope, :or:'anything els~ to choke Qr str:angle a a. 0 I personally, observed tllis.conduct. b. 0 I:observed detainee(s} in a:cond ifion that led me to' believe that this conduct had :occurred. c; D 'd. o fothers wh.Q 'obseryed ~hfs ~ond utt fl"escrlbed [t t9- me; e; 'f: 0 0' loetainee(s.) told me thatthfs conduct had <recurred. I. hay~.rele~a.l1t Inform:ation' c!a~~ifi~g ~~~v~ I~S,~c~ET"" I n~ver,q~s,erve:d (his ,cC}!1d\.lCt nqr .h~rd ,aQol!~ It Jr9m:~meon~ who ~Id:. $3. Thr~t~ning' other action to caWs\:: p]iysic;al. pa'in" inJUry, d:lsfiguremeht',·ath a. D !I personally·observeCi this.cdndlkt. b. [] !r.observed deh:iinee:(s) in 'a,cond itionthat led me to (jelieve tliatthls conduCt had .QccUh'etl. o :Detainee(s) told me that .this conduct had 'occurred .. d. o IOthers who observed this conduct described it to me: e. o ir ha'le relevant. lnfQrmi:ltfolJ c1assifi~d c;1bove "SEGREr t. 0' iI never 9.bserveq t~J~ cond~ct n'9r h~rd :a.~Pl,lt. it from s0!T1e0rle:"Y"l0 qid. Co D •• '34" Oiher tre'a£Ii1~ni or a'ct.iqn, ¢a IJ sing significant. phy~ita[ patn',pr iIlJIJry', or s;ausing d~~figuremerit ;cf~a1h t:a ; b,· c;. d. .. 'e.. . . '. OJ o II. personally observed this:conduct. o ltobs~rved'de;tainee{~)' in -a:cc;lIJdition t.bat;.le<;l.rn~ to' ~eljev~ that:thi? C0nquct had QC9urrep: o !Detalnee($) ~old r:n~ t!1at .this. C9IJcjw::t hpd :oq:u(r~ .. I o lOther,; WhD op~~rved this c~nd;19td,~~crjbe'd i~ to rn~. o II haV~Tel~vant igfonn;:ltion Glas~ifi¢d ClP9Ve. f!$ECRET".: ... .. ... ..- .- • # •• ... ~. ... ... ... . •• • v~ • •• "¥#V" ..... _.oM _ '" . .... OIGQ-004946 [([;::f II never observ~d this ~nduct norh~rd about It from s~m~one who did. -35'. Placing a: detail)e~ ..on 9' hot surfa.ce or bprning 'a detainee a. b. c: d. e. 0 0 ~ per.sona.lIY·obselifed this conduct•. 0 0 others' whO .observed this cohd act d.e'scribed it to me. I 9bse.tved detaihee(s) in a conditiqn that led me to beli~\fe that thiS coi1~uct ha.d :dccurred. o IDetairie.e.(s)-tolorne that this' conduct. had :occu'tred. I have relevant' information classified above "SECRET\ t: I;::f I 0bserved this,C0nduct nor heard aboutit from someone who did. 36·.. .u~ing shackles or other -restraints in a prolongeq :manner a. 0 l' p:er,5Qil~UY'6.b~erve!i ~hls.:c.~n~tljct. b. 0 fbbserv'.ed a.etain~.e(s): in ~a :.cond.itibri that led . c; 0 me to; believe that thiS co n'duct' had :QccurreCi. .lJetainee(s) told me that this.conduct had .occurred . o d. ,OtherS' Whb obserVed this !:onduct d~s'crlbed It to me. e. 0 I have relevant jof0rmatio.n classified aboYe "SECRET"'. f. 0!I nevef·6.bserved.this,:c6Iiduct norheard alklutit from'sOmeone'who did. c-- a'. o Ii pe;rs6nali)(Q~j'servesf l'!'. 0 tliiscOn'duct: b. 0 II.observe.d d,iatainl'!.e.(s) In a ,cQ·nd.ition that led me to bel.leve that t,hls tonduct had pCl:ur.r:.ed.. t: 0' ~Detainee(s) told m~ that this:condiic.t had 'Octuir.ed. d. 0 OtherS: who ,ob:set'vea tblS: tend act:des'diog(J it 'to' me. .!'J..g ~_. I h~jve relevant IJ'Iformatloh t:Iassified aboVe ·~.sECRE("·. I never observed' this ,co nd Lic:t nor heard -aboUt-it from someone· who did. u_·,_-.-..... '''''..' ....... _......... ,""" '''"' ""., --,.""' ..... ,. ..... """,,,"' ,~ """'~ _ .. - " , , , ' V , , , , ,_ _ .~_,,,,,, _ - . - ......... _~_ ... ~ . . . . . . . . . "'_ .................. _ •• ~ . ",.. - - ." ......... Please provide the approximate time frame during, which this conduct-'occurred. Fron'!' r:f/2Ob~ tg,1:1j20'02 DDo Not Re~~11 OIGQ-004947 ·h. Ttiedetaihee(s) ,treated in thjS way were]ocated at the time in: 1, 0 Gu'antimamo 2 [j Iraq 3 0' Afghanistan 4 0 Q~t1e'r l, $ 0 DP'.N9~,~eqjlJ i., '~Iease idet:\tlfy,the getain~(s) by nam,~ qnd, number,: S~e '29 pboye. ,j. Please ideAtity, the p,Eirson{s)' who ,t~eated the detainee(s) In this. manner;} In~lud inQ thE!ir name(s) ,and ,government :agency(les): S~e:i9 q.l1ove.: . . k. Prease,ldElntify ,any:other fBI personnel Of non'-FBlpersonnel who',observed detalnee(s) treated 'in this rnarmer:, inc,luqing tbeir nqme(s) al)d 'qgeh.c.v'(.ies): 2:9 .a.b'oge. ' 'I. T.nls'c9ridud occun:ed 10' c'onneetlor.'( with:, 1 0. 'One' detaInee 2 :0 'SeVera I det'a inees' (-2-:4) ~·O Mqny cte~in~es {1TJ9fe: ~l:lqO' 4) ,4 0 0'9 NQt 8.e~ II m. (Optional) 'Please desGribe the rele\lant circumstances in more'detail: no :aCld Itlorial.commerits. "3,8. F,Qrc,:idg a .detainee: to' p,erform·,d,emahd Ing physlcal.exer.cJse ~~. ~, 1;;., '~. 0, ir. per~lJallY'o.b~~ry~d !hls ·cq.ngus;t. o rI:-o~serv:ed ..detCli.l')l:!e(!?) III <;I CQj1QJt!9[l ~hat I~ 11,l~ to' bJ'!llev:,~ th~~ t,hi!? c;;0nd.u.~ h,i;ic;l Q~~ur,re(:f.: o lDet<;)inee(~) tpjd fIle. thafthis;cond:uc't hatHoccllrr-e.d. o IQt.h~1S VVh,b o~$erv~~ this ~gn~!1C:~'Q~sqiJ)~ ]t to,lT)e.· o 'li ft~~e 'relevant lnform~,~lon' ~ICi?,sifll;!d ~~'ove ".~~,¢~E'r\ e. f: 0' If ne.'Xrer Qb,served this"t6I')ctli,tj ndr h~ rd 'a b.out it from somcwne;wbo' d il:l. .'39 •.1,J.~ihg Lel~ctricpl',6n,a 'd~tamee ~,per-sonalty observed this:conduct. OIGQ-004948 . - c. 0 Detalnee(s) told me that thiS' conduct had ,occurred. 0 ~. 0 'f: IiI' Others, who observed this conduct described it to me: 0 b'. 0 G,· 0 r personally 6bserv.ed this,cb.ndtrct. d. a. d: o r h9ve relevant inf<;>rfTJC!tion GI~?sifieg ag9ve; "SECR.ET~·, I rieV,er'o.bserv~d thls'conrJuct..nor h-eard abolit it from,sqmet1ne'who-dld. I,observed detaine,e(s) in a:cond ition that led rile to believe that this conduct had .occuhed. Detainee(s) told me that-this Gondud had :occurred; ,others. wh@ obsel1fed this conduct described It to me. D. I, ~cwe relevant inforrJ1~ti9n,c1assifr~ qbove,"SECRET"', t 0 I, n~~er'QPserve<! t_hr~'ColJ,d,us;t f!or h~~d 'qb9uq~ fr9ffi' s<;lIrreq!l!=:who' did. ~. ,a. b', c;. d. .e. 0 L personally ob'served this .GQOdUct. 0 . r'observed detainee(s). in <a ,.condifiah that led me to believe that"this conduCt had ,oci::Lirred~ o ,iDetainee(s)-told me that-this conduct l1ad .occuh:ed: . Others who observed -this conductdescrfbed it to me. 0 o II have releYant information classified -above I~S.!Z-CREP· • f. 0' !lneverobserved this'wnch:lct nQr heard 'abollt-it from someon~'who qJd. ~ 0 r persOnatly:·obser\ied this :Coni:l'u:<~t. b. 0 I.observed detalnee(s} 1r'l ,a.cond ition that led me' to. believe thanhis co'nduct haC! -dc'cur-red. ct. \Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurrec:!'. o d: o IOthers; who observed this Cbiiduct·d'es€rib.ea if to me. e. 0, II have relevant Information classified abov.e !\S.ECRET",. f. 0'!r,l)ev,er observed this·cal}di.tct.norhea,J:d'obbl!t it from someon~ w!)o did. OIGQ-004949 43. SubjeJ:.ting a d~tairiee to e~em.eiy t6.1o dr hot-r.<YQm temperCltures for exten'ded per16.ds. a. 0 I b, o ·Detalnee(s)told me that this conduct had ·occurred. c. d, ~' f, 0 persohalfy obseived this~conduct. I.,obserVed .detalnee(s} In'a .cohdltlon that led me to. believe that this conduct had oGcurred. It! Others who observed this conduct described it to me. 0 r h~,?~ reJev~nt rnfDr~atiof\ c;;lassliieg ~~ove '!S:~CRET'\ D I. ':lev~robseryed ti)!S c€lnd.l;IC;~ !19r h!?,!~~ 'ab0l;lt it froJ:Tl sOJIlt;!Jm~"W~o di~. ~' P.1~as~ provid~ th'~ Cl'ppr"9~im~Ue tfn'1~ TriilJne .dl,ln:ng. Vo{hich llJi!tc.QT1d.\J9t, 9c;:<;urred. From 09/2,0-02 to 10/20.02 . DDo Not R.ecall I). Th'fa lle~a'nee(s) treatec;f 'In ·.thl.S. way were lo~.te¢t·-at the tll)l~ln: i ltr 'Gi.J,~ntanam9 0 IrcfQ B D :Af,g [1anista'n 2, ~ 5 D other Locatlo"n 0 I3b Not Recall i. Please. identify the-detainee(s) by name and n·umber:· unknown' ~J. Piea.s~ ide.ntify the P¢r.56.ntS) wh,'Q trea~ed the. de~aihee-c:$) in .thls- manner, 1[l~luCling their . iii'im~{s) and .go\7ernmMrage'nty.(I~).: , tIrr admihistrative perSEln'nel adVised all tITF jilter'vlew.ers that this sort. of conduct nad,oeeurred ~n¢l thpt' it -was i'm aq::~Rta~le pr~ctice. W~ WE?F~ not maqe.C\w;are 'Of -wtio was :invo)ved !o tNs not COr1l;1p~, or·exat~ly wh.~n it Qcp.,crre,d. ~' PJease i~~n.~ifY any other- i=!31 p~fsonn~1 or 1')911-1::61 per?o'1n~1 whQ·o.~selV~d JietaineeIs)' tre~tea . tIfF persoJihel;on b6a'r:d durilig the t,imefrnine lQ(2002:-:11/20tl2 were advised as.described in ~h:i~ manner, In,l:h,JdiOg their name(s) and ,ag~ncy(i!=!s), abov.e', . I. Tbis conduct ol;:curr:ed ih connection One detai~ee . " . 1 0 with:. <, 2'~ '$'~,,~r~1 qetain~ees (2-41 a.·O Many :g~tain~es" (inore' tJ:lall' 4) 4 Do N'Qt Recali a m. (0pfiona'l) Please describe :the relevant circumstances il1 more detail: OIGQ-004950 44. Su.~jecting a detainee. to Iqud music a. 0 I personally observed thls..condiJct. o ILobserved detainee(s) in a'cond ition that led n:te to believe that this conduct had occurred. o !De~ain~(s) told me that tris conduct had ·occwrec;l. b, ~. d: [J !Ot~ers whQ observeq t.bis conductdes~rib~ !~ t9 m~; T~ 0 I 0' I a', d e. have relevant information c1as!?jfie<i al?"ov~ n$.ECRET". neVf;!r observe!! this'conqucl nQr he2!rd abe(Jt it from sqmeqne'wh.o ~id. ~ personally observed this.conduct. b. O. ,I observeddetainee(sJ in ·a Go.nd ition that led me to oelieve that- this conduct had :occurred. c. d d. 0' !qt~ers who observed this con:quctdescribed . e. Detalnee(s) told me that thIs conduct had :occurred. it to. me. D. I h?,\ve.releyqnt inf9rmation c1assffied pb9ve ".S!=CRET" . t- ..O .!,~.evef OP.~~~~d, }~I!>,~?np u9t nor: heqrd:a I;>pu~ It from, sOlJleone: w.hp ---. flip. -- P.1~9s.e pt'o.vfd~ !b'~ i;IPprQ~ihiClt~ tim~' ITa'me ·d urI ng whIch ~h(s, co:ncfuet o~q,UiTed. From 10/2,'002 to 1l!20P2 ' ODoNot Recall ,£I.. h. The 'detaTnse(s) tr!=qt~Q. in :thi.s way wer~ 10:\='a~ep at th~ .tim~ '.in ~ 10' ·Guantallam9.' 20 Iraq 3D :Afghanistan 4 '0 other ~'QGation 5 Do. Not Recall q [, Pleas.e;identify the detainee~s) by name 'and. number: Name(J'1ull)b~r unknown~ H~ ~qs;~:detaine~wit~ potentially'value;tbie' informatiqnr who was'being ho.~5e9 in: a ~P~lIflt~.I9'<;9ti9n fr.o.n:t ~he: ~ain ·c~l'fIp. Wh~,re d~tain~$. w.ere h~Ic,L Ae Wej,s· beil1g lJJonitored by eCT\f' froJJi ,the .fBI.9drhinis:t~ative office~ j, Please identify' the person(s) who treated the detainee(s) In this manne~r Induding their . narne(s) ?\ndgovernl11ellt.agencY(ies}: FBI an~ other government ~ge.n·cle~. (FBI profJlers Who .w~r~ on-sl~e :cit ~he tlm~ descrIbed tb~se' psychdJdg,icaJ te,chniques Which had b.eeh,a[)'pt'cived for use,to ,s.ofterihirh .up; ror interv.iewin~.)., k, PI,eq~ identify ~nyoth~r FB~ Personnel or J1~Ji-FBI perso'nnel :w'h:Q,Qb,s€rveq ~etain¢ets) tr~t~d in.thismanner;.iriclud,ing tfieirname(s) and agericy(fes): ' S9me or all FBI persol1nel olT-:sit~ during at leastlpJ20i12-11/Z0q2' OIGQ-004951 I. This:,conduct ,occurred in connection 1, 0 2 (j 3 '0 4 with~ Ohe d.etainee SeiJeral detainees (24) Many detainees (more than 4J Do N9t R~II ' '0 m. (Optional) Please describe the relevant circumstances in mor.e'detail: 'no additionaLcomments. a: o II personally observed thls,conduct. b, o !(oQ,seryed in a condi,t!on that lee! me'to b~lieve that#Jis <:::on.duct;' had occl.!rred. 'c.' , o IDet~i! tQJcI me th,qt -this conduc;t had 'Qc~u(re9~ d. 0;Othel? \oVho Qb~rv~d 'thl~~pqduct·ge~~.ribed it:tb me: e. 0 I 'rerevant informati(;)1) da,~sifieg pl;1'9ve: "~:ECRET'Jl. f: 0 r never Qbs~rv~9 thi.s C'plid,ud nor h¢a rq '9 bput it rrqln,SQmepoe'who <:lid. 'g:. pieas~ p.r(Wide :the a.pp'roilma~e tim!:; fr;:lme~~l,Jrlng w~jch .~hrs ~on~!t.ct Qt£;um:!d. lOf;2.oU2 to,11/20Q2 000 Not Re@1\ n. Tne :de.tairiee(s) tr~t.ed .In tlils way were.lo.c.ateo .at the .~irii'e in-: 1 ,[~1 ,GUantaham'o '20 Iraq 30 AfghanIstan 4.0 dther Lo!>ation SODa ~ot Recall l. Please. identify the'detalnee(s) by. name and number: See'4,5 above., .' j. Ple;;lse identify the pet~n(s) WhO tr.eated .name(s)'an'd 'g.0vetnment'ageriCV,(les),:'45abov.e. th~ d,etainee(s) in thiS: mP:nh~r;"II'iCiudih,g th,eir ' , .k. P.Jease. identify.any ,other FBI personnel or lion-FBI 'personnel who. observed detainee(s) treated In this manner, including their name(s) and qgency'(ies): ~¢eA:S {ati(>v~. [~ This:.c6riduct occlm:ed into'nnectib:n wlth: 1 0 Ol1e, d$' 20 SeiJeral detainees (.f-4J 3 Many detainees {more than 4J a OIGQ-004952 4.0 Do Not Rec:;all [n. (OptIonal) Please descripe, the relevant ~ir<;U01stqnces,In more detqil: no additional:comments. 47. Using duct tap,e to restraiil, ,gag I at pu nish a d,etafnee 0 I personalty'observed \hrs:condqct, b', o L obs~rve~"'detainee(s) in:a 'qmdit'ic>n tnat )e9 me to' belleve~hat 'this, I:ondud had oc;qJtTed,. - , --- -------- --, c, 0' !Oetaine.e,(s)- toJd me thanhis !=pnOUct ha:d oc;c;urred .. d, 0 Others ~h.p 'QbselY~c;f:thj~ !=Qnc! uct ~es~rl,be$l It}o tn~ e~ 0 r' have relevcfnt information ~IQssified abb,{e, "$E~RET"', t. 01r nev~r ,observed- this CQrid.u~t npr h~fd .pboiJ~< it 'from sbm'epi1~ Who, did. a,., ----------~-,.-,---- ---~--"----._----- .' ,48'. Using rapid response teqms and/ot forcedceJl e'Xtr'acttotls: a~ !?; c, :q; o (r.' personal,ly qf>served tn,s t;onduct., 0 I ·9Ps,ervep C;letallJ~~(s) In :,~rC9nd It'ioj''l'tt:Jat led me to- b~(r.~'!~ .th~t ibis ~orrduc;t h~p o'C<;urred. 0' De~ainee;(s) tqlq rp,e tnat this cO'hdad: ha'd oc.curret.!., o lqth~r$: Who 9b?Siy~9 ~his, cqndpg.oes<;:'fih,et1 it t<;> hl~., ~; O!t have releyant l,nfo.rm~~160 :el<lsslfled ,abOVE!: "SECRET'''. ~L~ K~~\(~r_?~5~r.~~~ . ~~!~, _C:<2n..~;;~~~~,'h~ ~d :a ~~,~J i~.'fr.~~· :~~.~~o,~~ ,,,:,ho. 5nd-:,.~ _.~ . ~_•._~.._ ..."...1 49. ,'g a m'Uitary wb'rkin9 :aog' on or near' a,detaih~e ,other tha'rt during 'detaiiiee'tr:anspoH:ati6'n a.- D. I. per;,so,nal!Y'QbselYed ~hi~ 'Con.dl!ct. b:, 0 0 t;:, q,: t!ob.serv.eq qetalne~(~) in a cc;mdXt!on that I¢ me t<? b§!ieve tp,a,t o !Others whoobserv!=d lois j:ondl:!ct c;lescr,ibed i.t tQ m~; e. 0, r haye rell3vant fnforma,tlon :Classifl~ ab"O\i,e "SECB-ET"'. f. ~hi~ c::o'Qduct;, pad :occurred~ D~tainee(~) told ,rn~ t~<;lt this' q~l)duf:t hpd 'O'cc[Jrreq. , '. 0lr n~\ler ob5~rveq thIs conouct nor hea rd fl:bout. i.t from someqne who. Old. OIGQ-004953 ,~O', Thre~tenlng to use military dpgs on ,or (lear ~ det,alne,e 0 I. persOnally obserVed this cdni:luet. b. 0 I observed detahiee(s) iii a condjtioh that led me to, believe tnanhls conduct c. 0 Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had ,occurred. a. -d. e. f. ~_. ;---. - ----------_._-.-------,- [j Others who observed this ,conduct described If to me. 0, iii i had oC,corred. ' -------~-- 1 have relevant InformatIon classified above '·SECRET'.!:. I never observed thfs,:co.nduct n<;>r hECIrd -abClut it from someon~ wllo did. -51. Usilig ,s'pid ~rs~ scqrJ?ionsj :sn'akes, c;>r other animals· 90" pr near a ,detain:e~ a. 0 I persOnally observed this;conduct. b:, 0 LODservea, detainee(sJ in'a.,e,ona.itipr1 that leo -me to b~lie:Ve tMtlhis ~o'ndllct hcido(;curtei:l. e; o petalhee.(s)told me thatthl.s (;oneluct had ,0cciJrred. d, 0 other'S who observed this conduCt describ.ed it to me. e. 0 I have relevant information classified abov.e ',I'S'ECRET'\ f. iii L observed' thls.:cond uct nor 'hea rd about. It 'from ,someone Who. did. .a, D I perS:driaJjY'db~rv:ed' this t6rij:hJ<;:~. .0, 0 c. 0 d', 0 'e. 0 Lobserved detainee(s) in aconaitioh'that led 'i'ne to- b~lieve thatlhis: ~ohdi.let,badocculted. Detainee(s) tbldhle Wat this cbnd'uct hcid·.occut-red. Others· who obserVed this conduct described it to me. r haVe 'relevant information classified above "S:ECRET". 'f: ~ I never observed this:conduct nor 'heard about-it from someone who'did. 53. D:isrespectfu.l.stat~merits/ handiing, or:aqions fnvolving the Koran cl. 0 b. 0 c: r p~rsOnally: 6b'se.rVed this cotldl\tt. I ob'serv.:ea detairiee(s) in -a condition that led roe to oelieve thatthis tci.nduct had ":otci.lrred. o !Detainee(s) lold me th~t this (:'onUuct had oecu'rred. OIGQ-004954 -- .d. e. 1 o lothers. who observed this conduct described It to me. o II have relevant information classified -above: "SECRET". aIr t:lev~r'observ~d this "cQnduct nor heard ~ bGut it frqm s9me0n~:whQ d iq. I ,54, ~,h;;!vinga d~taine~ls fael;;!l Qr' pther hair tq ernbarrC!s:s Qr hOlJ1iIiC!te, i;I detainee, .a. o I'perS0'r'i a1Iy,o "b se hie'(I this eo htl uct. ------------------------; 0 I observed detainee(s) in a'cbnditionthat led me'tb beUeVe thatthis COlJdlict. had ,oGcurr:ed. c::. D' iDJ~tainee(s}told me t hat this conduct hadoc:curred. b. do o 'Others who observed,this cGnduct described it to'me. .e. 0 I f; a have relevant Informatlon classified above l,lSECRET";. L pev,erob~erved thfs' ,?,S. placing a wQma'n'sclot!:1ir19 'l:)n ~ ,~fetainee -- a. b,o Dlip~~~naIlY :O~~;Y:ed this .conduct. o IL:obsetv.ed,defalnee(SJ In -a'cond itlon that led me to belieVe that thiS condUct had ,occurred. C. D Detainee(s) told me t hat this conduct had ,ociur'red. e. 0 D Otliers who ol:iserited :this eonduct aescrib.8d it to me. f. 0' I never observed' this: conduct norheardabout:lt from:someonewho did. 'do have relevant informatICm classified above IISECRET\ .s,o; T0u~111ng:i=! a, b. <.!e~~inee,Qr a: D I pers.Orlaily obserVed this :conduct. 0 r,0 bse rVeCl detainee(s). ina cpndition that lea 'rTie;to beli~ve thpt'this cohduct f1~d:,oGcufrea. c. o :Detalnee(s}told me t licit this cC>'lJd'utt had occurted. d. D 'Others who ob.served this c0IlduCt described it to me: 0 r hi:l';[e'relevant lnformatian' classified a50~,e "SECRET.n. [ti' L never observed this,;conduct nor'he<;trd about i!'from someone:who:dld. e. f. J OIGQ-004955 52, liqld'ing .d~talnee.c~i) whowere not bfflciqlly a,clqidwledg,ed 9r registered ?Is-such by the ,a,gen:cy aetaih,ing the" person. a, o II personallyvobserved this conduct. b., d ['observed detainee(s) in 'a'cond1fion that led me to believe that this conduct had :occurred., e. 0 Detainee(s} told !'TIe tnC1t this GQnduct hadoccurTeci,. d. o fothers who this . . -observed . . . . conduct described it . ta me., " ", .- ~., - . ' '.'. . " ~.. 0 I hav~ relevant infQrrnatil:>'n .clas~ified ab'ove "S,ECRET\ f. observed this t6ndud ndr'heard 'about It fromsoilieone 'wno' 0' r never . ,-.. . ..' .. ,,. .. . _., . did. . a'. o It' pefoonally:,obselved tl'1ls conduct. b: q ., .... '. , ~.- ~ ,',. -' II 'observed detainee(s) In a ,cond ition'that led me to believe that this aonduct had .occurred. c. o Io"etainee(s) told methat this conduct had occurred. d. 0 O~hers, who ob.ser:.y~d this CElJlduGtdescribed ,e,. q I naVl;! Tel£;y,arit !Qfor~tlon clcrssJfi,eq C1,bove' "'5 ECR,ET'! • f. 0 t Q~verop~s.erve:d it to me.: th,is'CQncj uet ,npf heard 'a bOlh' it from 'someone' Who ,ct id, a. 0 1 per:sonally observed' this,eonduct. b; c, 0 - I observ.ed'detainee(s} In a,cond Itlon that led me to. believe that this conduct. had occurred. o ;Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had ;o,ccurred. 0 Others "t-lho o~serv~ t~!S cOflc!,uct qe~cril:!ed it t,o me~ 0 t have relevant fnformation classified above "SECREf" . 1': 0 I ney,er ob~erve,d, ~hls'C9rduGt'nQr he,ar.,d abQ~t, it fromsqmeol:)e,w!1o, did. d.. e: •~ >.. 60. Threatening a. I)', . ' . . ", .." .., " , • to take acti,Q,n,agci'insta getai'nee'!?'famiJy- o !1 perSonally 0'bserved this 'conduct. 0: If observ.ed detaineets) in ,a ,condition that led , , me to, believe thiilntiis dmduct had ,oc.curred. .. , OIGQ-004956 .... .. c. d. ~. o !Detalnee(s) told me that thIS'col)duct had occurred. .. 0 O.thers who observed this conduct described it to me. 0 I have r~levan~ informC!tion c1~ssjf[~ a9Qve '~SECREf!'" r. 10 I nev~r opserved this,tori~upt,nor Ifeard .abqut' it from sqmeOnEnVhp. dlq. 0 I personally observed this .conduct. b, 0 I:obsetved. detainee(s} in aco.nditiori·thcit led me to thatthis conduct G. 0 Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had :occurred. .d. 0 Others. who :observed this conduct descrined It to me. . e.. 0 I. hav.e relevant inf,orm?lti<;m; c1as~iffe<;l above "·5 EGRET to 10 I, n~y.~roQservec! t.hi$ 'GQnduct nor h~Jd ·ab,ouqt frorTl,S0rrreq!1~ wf!o' ~id! a. had .occurred. J ',. 0 L persbnal!y-ob'setved this ~c,Qnduct. b. 0 I ·obserVed detainee(s) in <cLcond itioh that led me f6.l:ielieve thatlhis Gdnduct had ncc·urred., 6. o 'lJetainee(s}told me thi3t-this.cond'uCt had .o.cttirr"ed. d. 0 Others. who 'observed this condllct-described it to me. II,e. 0 L have releYant information classified above "SECRET". a~ It. 0" r nevero.bseryecJ thisconquct nQr heard 'qb,outit from som.eone'who ~·id. '6':3.- 9th~t tre.at1J1~rjt of C!' detalne~ .tha~ In V9.!Jr opin.lpn ¥,,<;1~ ~npn?f~s?iona.l/. !.:Iridyly ~ar:~h ..~r,agg.reS:$iye, co.erdve, abus.ive/ or urr'lciwfu.r , . D I personally oD.served this conduct. lb. 0 Lobserved detainee(s) In'a.condition that led me to belie)/e that this cl:>nduct had occurred.c. 0 De,~ail1~e.~s) t,qld me that ttJis cond,uct hag 'qCq.IITecI~ this It to me.. id. D others who. 'Observed " .' corrductdescrlbed . e;, D i have r~It;Vant informC!~iQn ~Iass)fjed Cjbove "SECREP. f. 0 ~ nev~r ()p~erv.e.a thf$lc;onpuc,t QQ'r h69r~ ap,out it frpm ~Qme0n~ Who dJd. .... w._ . -- . .... .. ----- . 8'. ~ , '. ~ ••• _ •••••••• ~.~w •••••• " _ '," .0- .~ • ... '" .¥~ #~ ... ~ OIGQ-004957 ·_uwa_~_ :64'. Did yo.u observe any impersonatiol) ,of FBI personnel by any,one durin9 .an a detainee? .a Yes :0 -lj inter:iJiew:or'jnterro~fation of No ..65. Did a.rlY detaihee or 'other person :tell yoU that he or she had witnessed the impersonation of FBI persennel in connection with a detainee intemiew, or Interrogation'? () Yes: 0 '66.. Af'¢ y.ou aware of any "sham'" or "s~a'ged"·ge.tain~·lntervrews>or intetrogatfons ~Qnducted .for M~mbers' ·of the,U.S..Congres·s,or ttT.efr staff?" , ' . : OYe.s ' 0 NQ. No :fJ7. To your KnoWle<:fge, .di~ $lny· military :6r int~Jligen¢e perspr(liel eVer aeoy· Qr.delay- fBI aq:es~ tp'8 (jetaine~ttre FBI wanted to qtiesti@o becallse th.e'detainee.hatl sus(ciil'ied,jr)juries-after he Was Capl;ured?" ~ No' . .... ~\Yh,.'~m;:.• "'I'.Q)' '. ). ~. " ,0·:, ..~·o· ~l~J)l~,::·:~~),";.:"". _••••••• _ . . . . J v@m.~~~,··'·~>·".·:,,· :~~~~'.@@ .. :.... ':.: .... ;': " l ' : ..... ,",' .... ' .:,;. "~':'.'.' ". ';- 68:. Oj~·19!,J ~ver·,eod yp.",r l?at1i,c;:ip-Q,tiPD. in 'or q}:t$erv<;!tipn t:>t'~:d~tpin~~ lntenrr~yv: or intefrog9~ial) b,e~91ls:e <;If the h'1l~rvie.w:6r !r'lt~rr6Q'9~ipn me~'h~s~~~Ir'ig ~~:d? , QYe"§. '0Np partlClpatiQn,ln 0.( o.l1serilatJori tif, '.a detainee inten:tiew 0r interrogation b.ecause 01' t'tte:interview 'or inter~gatf0n methods. being used? b.Yes· '0'No 69:Were you 'ever'lQld thcH.:anb.ttierFBI ',empJoyee.ended his.or any 70., DLjrj,ng ~)1Y of yojJr o\t:er;;eas o¢pJoyme.Ot;S of ct!l$Jgl1n:i.ents~.,cUtl yb,ll T~PQ-rt cp:ni:;~rns:r¢gard!ng any:detalnee infewfew or i'nferro,gation p'raetices" ,o'r ,o:the.... types .of detairiee·:treatmeii~~ to. an FBI supe~!~r'? 0~Y~s. '0 No 70a', When aM tow,hom did 'you .maKe this, (eport'l via FO"'3,O,z to "WQf t;rirhe'f"fii~ (FBI fIle 70b, Piij ~he rep\:>.f1: n;la'te· tp.:t;ohdl,ltt,by FBI Qf llQn-fBI per$onneJ? '.ttl 1 0 FB! Pers.on'nel Z llrNon.:FBI Personnel le! entitY th'e:p,gen~y with whic/1 th~ 11(;>o-f81 'P,er~p.nn:el w~re C!ffl I\a.te!=!. do nof r.ecqll (military :cl'nd/O( iht.eJfig~li,l2¢ PersOim¢1 jn J.\TghElni$t~Ui), 7Q<;:. W~$. thj~, 'r~p'9it jJ) ,w.ritin'g?'· " 10'Ves OIGQ-004958 , 20No 70d. W~s~.nyactlon taken {n -response to your repor:t"t 1 DY~S' . 2·0No. .3 l~lDo l'IIat Know 7i.. DUrlng..any.;of'your <? 'd~pll?Y.DJ.ents c;lt "!lSsigpments; did.YOll repurt.any~oncerns regarding any detainee,·interview·.or, interr.ogation,praCtices .or other-J:ypes ofCletainee treatmerit-YQ.u.observ.ed or heard abOll~ to 'it non-FBI 5u.peniisor ,~r otl1er: non-FBI personnel'?· . <D. Yes. 0 No. . 72. Have'you .evEir been:otder:ed or'clirected n'ot:to J:ep:6rt, Qr disco.orag.ed iriailY'Way from refp:ortibg, observations or alleg.atieils related. 'f!:> de'tal.he~ :treatment. or: iriterVi'eW or Interr~gation ·actioris or pra~tlc~~( b.yes. 0 No. 73. HaVe-yo_u 'exp'e'riericeil'~'nY a.c! or tb.r'~ateii,ed retaliett16.hJQr' rePQitin~ !5"bs¢rvatlons Qr-a[Leg.atip.hs .of detairiee'freatnieht pr i'o'ter\iiew. '-9( irite(rO$jatioh actions .or practi,"es,? o '(.6g; 0 No 74. (O'p,tjl:mal) P.1E;!a'~ p:rgvidg ellJoY. CjQ~iJiooC!1 cQrn\Tl~r1.t~ reg,ardi'n!;l tli~ .r~p9rt;ing qf cpti,cern,s. r:l;ila.t~ t9: int~rVi~v{ or inter(Qgat,ion t~c;Fjn'iquE:s:r A~,t~fitidh PtaGtit~, 9.r _oth~Y cletajh¢~ treatm~nt.n.o .addltfo'rial comments. ,- • (.@&';~:~ljFJjlT~j}_~'>,:,",': .~' ,'.:. --'" '7.5.· Were you debriefed r other than the ,standard debriefin PD-772" conGerning your-overseas as~lgt"!m:~n~(~):or 'dep'l9ym~!lt{sJ P'ft~IY9.l! .c:;om pl~ted .th~ 9~p'ldyme,n,t(~} or Cls~igrUli~n.tts)1 G) Yes .Q Nq' 7,5J;l. Who, debrieT~d. Y6U? Pt;>' ryot r~call 75b. When and where did the debriefing(s)occur1 early 2.004, via telephone' in tile .corpus'Christi RA offite.sp,ace. 7sc. Were you as~etJ ,about'detaihe,e'detenti<;ill or: interview ,or ihterro.gatlQn practiceS;durilig th¢ '-, , d~b!Jeflng(s)7 0Yes ONo 7Sd. Wh,Cl~ oth~r supj~S'w:~r~ ~9yer~d dl:Jring Y9Qr qebriefingf~l? 'hone 75e. WaS: a'ny do,clJnj'~i'lt Pf~p:ar~d to memotializ~'the"deb.rJefjlig?, ,0 Yes 76. Adi:lltlonal tommelits:and no ad~itiot"!.al. ~~)[J1I1)~Pt~. '0' N.o '0D0 Not,KI)0W: Recommend,atlons: ,. .. .. .. OIGQ-004959