Aclu v Dod Doj Questionnaire Regarding Detainees 00000758
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Department'of Inspector c,;ener~I-Qu~stionnaireReflctr.din'9 Detain~es D,OJ-OlG INVESTIG'ATIVE QUESTIONNAIRE Folt REVIEW AN15 USE ONLY BY I N15IVIOUAL FBI RESPONDENTS . . po NOT FPRWARD·PR:OIS,SEMINATE ~U,ESTIONNAIRE . 10: tesl-O.000075$· ,As af ~h~ time thj,s·q~estronn~rre.was, ~'!~~;- ~ome require.d fields~ ~cw.e "9i: peen c~mplete:~. PJeas~;,reviewyour respbnses. A. ' P~r~Qnpl Infprm.ation Please provide the fo.Uowi.n£j informatio.n: 1. Fir,st n a m e . ' '2., lY\idpJe lnlti?f: '3: Last name: 4.. Entered on Huty Date .(EOD): .~: c'ur:r:eot T~ltlsfo.n/Fleld Otflc;e: 6~ O.J.rrent job title; .7. Direct.dial bffice.l..elephohe nUniber: .8., .FBI ~Ii ph.qrie' ,nlJrtibet: 9,. f~i p:agerr:1Utnb:en 10.,·Best cQl)taet, nUQ1Qer for"you::" 'B. B:ackground '6 '&:7CPERA~REEMFNT (; 8. 'le PER-AGREEMENT (; &, 7.C PER Af;REEMENT ~ &·,7C Ii t. 7,C ~p~i!;ll ?l.gelJt 6 &:7CPERAGREEMENT ~ ~..7C PER.,AGREEME,NT 6 '&.70 PER AGREEMENT' 6 -& 7(; PER,..q.'GREEMENt of Specific D,eploymEmts or Ass'ignntents 1"1.. At 'any time aft,eeSeplember l lc ZO,Ol"did you, serve, as. a meml:)er .ofttie u.s, MilitarY, or as an' -empIQyee,or CQntractor of the FBI,or any other government agency,/' at Guantanamo Bay;.; CUba'; Iraq; 'N9h 9 f1l.stan; 'odn ,areCls:co.n~ro",~ by·the ~.S .. M'i1jtqry ora u.s. in~~lIigenf'e~~r.vic~ irrcqnn~G.tiqnwith the ~~~I~o~mM? ' 0·¥es 0 No '12. EliteI' the 'humber .of times you were'depIEiyedor-assighed to·each of the f6I1oY,;ing, lo<tati0ns 'fGuantqn~'lfno B~Yr C(Jb<il; l@qr Afg~~n!sr.i?I,1;'9.r:In .a!1Y~ 9reas c;ontr:oJl.~d py ~he l).;S. Mllltary·or. ,a U.S: intelliQ.~nc~ servl~e)": 'Fbr:~'d~ deplQvmenl dr asslgl1.met:'t cor.nplete;th~ followjI19·sedion.. Lbcatlon (Seled one)' .' .. ...., j~fQ~ .~"N~N :r~a: What wa:s , D,eploym.en't'~r·asslgnmeni:began on.or D,eplo~ent;9r assIgnment ended on, (l1j6/20'02 . (01/7;/2.003), abou~ th¢ 9.eneral hature and purpose' of yO"ur'as~igilmen~ interview detainees located at Bagram holdin.g facility or:abo.ut. cHid .cjCtiVit!e$? 12:0.., PI~s~;!he,namfls ofth~ spe<;ific canws, bas~s,.or'fC!GlIiti~s .w.h~r~ YO\.l·\LVqrked. .Dag~tT) .'8idie.ld . " ' ,_ 1:.26-. Note: If infurtmitfd,n. about a 'specific tamp" base;. brfal;:ility js classified cipbye SECRET, 'plea~,i:h~dc here Dr iriciud~ iii 'your iuisyver th~t yo~': haye,',iadtljtiOhai 'information pJp?sified a.boye 'SEQRET,"' and; if you know", ,id~n~ify 'th.ecla~sifi<zation revel, ~i<;keti ·co.rppartm,eflt, program,:or.'ot,hel' pesignptlqn ~haJ;,<ilpp\ies'~9~he:Jnf9rmatlon. Do n9t include·tl)e.'aqqj~lonaldasslfiep inrOrru13tjon: In your tl,lJestloon'aire'respo.nse$. ·PIG. p,e,rspririel With the, ne~e~ary deara'nce will c,on:ta'Cj: yb,u fp re'ceive'it, OIGQ-005553 ·-. ~~~)Je.:a~~ Id~~~& ~~y ~~~~ ~~~ Q£sltlolt)~:!fi~ ~~~,=~ f~fQ~r~~n~[to =~~~b~ y~u=~i~S!I~ i~pit~~: <~~~~=~o~E~~~tgirTi~~ ~r~~slgflJr!~n!·~ , Naml'! ., '~ . ." ~c:u.!l~~!~r!~rls!J1_ '?i;'~s~o.!1 . - Dig you jointly' jnt~rview9f J.nte,rrogat~a!}y d~t?-irtee with non:-FBI p,ersoDr;Jel? o y.~s 0 No -~~~~ .bb67 C Position L .~~~ .12e. __ . ~ ~ With what kinds ·of noh-FBI p~'rs0.nnet did you ~~ ~_H • • w.Otk ,jointly? .. : - 0 CITF ~ 0 'Other U.S. Military ~ '0 L).S. intelJjgence ageng : .0 'Fqr~ig'n military pr fntelligenc~agency . O'Q~h~r ....... - - . . . . -. ' - - _ ....... - ;-,*- ... -~ ....... , ~ - - .. -- ....... ,... -- -' - ' - ':'" -'-"";- - -.- - -.- - - ~ - -. ............ - ' - " - - ' - - -- ... ,.. ... --". - - ... - ...... - - ~' •• ":i2f~ oil·youjtiiritly pfa~~a'ny rl~aji,e~ lhtervleW7 6r-j'nt~trQ,~atibri s:ttat"e"gy; Qbj~ctiY.~<b~ i~cti2s with ndh--:: "FBI'persohnel?' . ~ .. 0 Yes .. (; No - .:W&.h 'Wh~t- ki~d';~n~~:F~i ~~r~.rrilel ~ i~ ~~ W:brKj~wry? -----------_.- ------------ ~ --~ -~. :: O'CITF . . .. -.0 Qitlcr U.S, :0 Mllitary U.S'; intelligence agenCy Foreign military or intelligenc:e,agency .! :.0 : 0 Q,th¢r, ... >- _ ~ M ~ ...... _ . - _ .... ....:. _ . . - 1-. _ ~lZg:~W~r~;Y;u :e~~r-otb;rWf~~ i~;'fy~d ............. _ ...... , - - --_:.... - - - - . , ...... , - ........... - - ..... ".' . ," . " - .... -.... - in ~et~in~~ihte-r~iew;.q.r int~rrQgatl~n-;-wifh - np-n~FBI -~rs;nrreii-~: 0. Yes <, • -.-.- -_.- - ..:< '""' ......... ---~- - @ - . - - . - ! - - - "- ..... riler -_:-._~-'- - _ • .... - - -.- - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - -:- -,-- -,' ,,,' - ~ ,.~, '''''. '7 ,,;.,:,:. - _~. t~ ; A. Traldhl.g Prior to·dverseas Depioyment or Assignment 13: DJd. you receive a~Y'tr~#~ing, :i,ns~ru~tionr 'qr g~Igance specificC!lIy ~r. 'Pr~para~'i~n for ~1lY'0f your. Q:Yer$~s clep)oyments qr !ilss~gtimerits:? eVes, o.No Ob9 N'oJ;Recati iia. Who"Pr9vid!=d thi~ trpiri)ng" in$l;rucHb\1../ .qq;Ju'~grtce, .and where iHd )loti FBr H:Q.. CT d i v i s i o n ' , [~~ive . if?' l::lb. Describe the 5u'bject on whiCh' you received this:training, instruction or gu idance. Afh~ranistan country. brief·a~ FBI H.Q. In tOLJhtry reteive~ briefing from NIA bri~fer on OIGQ-005554 Afg hanistan' that was mCir,e indepth. 'O~o '000 Not Re~all If:lcl. Who prov.lded this tr-alnlng, Instructlon",or:guldance, and where did you receive It:? fBI HQ CT division -, . 14b. Briefly:pe$cribe the subst,ance:qfthe-trainingj: instruction.l.oJ guidance provided to"you, . cultural background of afghan people and Customs l~c. Wa's any of the training, inStruction, Of gUiOance pj'ovided in w'ritil'lg7' DVes eNo b Do Not RecaJJ . . eyes -ayes .oDo Not 'Recall . prepaJCj~ion fqnmy i;>fYQ.tJt over$ea~. d.epI6ym:ent,sbr a~~ignml3·[\ts, '~Id YQ!J r~c~iy'e:an\1 ~.tAln!ng., instru.ction" or .guidance .concern ing what you w.ete..supposed. to do if you obserVed or hea rd :a b'out' the· treatm'ent, interVieW" pr interrogation ,of detainees by fBI personnel, which you believed to be inappropriate!. unprofe~sional(coerciv.e(',abusive, or unlawful? . l6. In ODc,J!'Jotgeci;ll! 17., In pteparalioh for any ofy,our .6Ve,rseas. deployments or assignments,;did you r.eceive.ciny traiJiing, , fnstructio·ri,·or,gUfdan'oo ~oncemiiig ,what~of.l were,,5uppos€<Lto,do fr'you obserVed 6r-'hea'rd'ab8ut : or il'!t~rro.gC!tiono~ 'det?il'jees'lJy ~oJ:l;"F~,I personn~~,. wt:ri~h you ,believed: ' to ~~ ina.pprqpriate,. l.mpn;)f~s~ipn9I, CQerqive j Sipusiv~, .qr ~u.l')I?Wfuf? t~e· tlfl~tment, jlJ~ervieo/,1 :0,06 Non~,ec'all. I 'Ia·. Training Duri'ng 'O:ve'rseas D-eploymentsor Assignments, 18..,Ol-jr'in,g -any of vo.:.ur Q.\ler~eC;l~-d~p'I~ym~nt? or a·sS,iglltn~n.t$l(M yqu r~,~,~iy~ flny'tra-illif\g; Hi~~tucti9n,. or 9 ~h~ stantl.ar9~ qf cond LJet 'appliGable tp'th"e treatment, fn~nilew, or ihterrogation Qf d~tairi~s ijy' FB,I ~rsonnel? . ' . '000 ,Not Recall 'Q.Ves ~9. p!:Irinfj -a'riy' ~f Y9.uf-!'$:~~l)J9'ym~l)t% Q.r i;i$si.gnhi~rit~,.}lW YQq r!=t~iv~ an:r'~@!!,;ihgi In$,tJlI~tidn, br,gul,dal'ice:conQerJllng' tbe..stand,ard's bf.condliet'appll~able: iht~l'rogatiQnbf detairi,e~s.: by' han-FBI' personnel? ' .oYeS 0N9 to thE:! tr.edtm~:rit, ihte.r\ilew;:or ' . - , :00'0 N.ot.Recall 21], Dufiny any ~f YQl,lt,bveJ:se.a's'tf¢,ploYmerits tit q'ssigtrrjferit~,:did yeu receiv~ qfW trpiniH{I, instructio'n', or gUldanc'e~coh'~~,rhing'Wh'a~Ypuwet~ supp:o:se~l'to db If you ·ob.sery~.d or jie.a'.rd :~.t!outYh~: '. ·tYeatmehtr interview,. 'or interrogation of detainees by FBI personnel, which. you believed to be fnapPf9prtcite, u[wrof~sfonal, coerci¥e~ a\)l~sJ\t~, .orun.~~wrul? ' (!)No OIGQ-005555 21. During any of your overseas, deployments or assignments, did you receive any. training, instruction~, 'or 9 uldance 'conc~rning wha~ Y~LJ were sU PPQ?ed to 90 If you observed or heard ,about tt),e' -treatment, interview" or interrogation- of,detainees by' n..on-FBI personn-el, whkh 'Y.p:U b'elieyed to lie Inapproprrate~,unptoles$IOlii:lIr ~geti:;lver,a,b(iSiV~! Of unlaW(ul? 0Do Not'Recall Ie. Adequacy of Training, 2;2. ':in 'your'opjnion,'d.i~ yOIJ receive :ad~quat~ tra,Inir1g" i~~tructi'on.r' or,guidance rel~tiJw,t,o sta.ndards of cO;M~<;t by.,FBr and non-,FBI persPJ1ri€i31 r~lating ~o treattnenttJntetview,orfnterr:ogatiqh'of de.tainees Rri.or your depJoyment or as,sJQ nment? to a,yes ,0 NQ --~--------~--------'~--------'~-'~--~--------~-------_._--------~-_._-----; 2.2a. Please, ~escribe the.wC!ys 'i,n .which .you ~elj~v.e .the tlpil')'i.l).g, jnstrudio!,l'Or gUiqan~~ 'Was , Inadequate: . , . , . , tia-'7.¢ '~grti~ qne with' r~al ~orlq ,~xp.eJi~nc~ that had p'r~Yiql,lsly' ~orkep in lh~ area. If the, ~qreal,l.dQe:$ not nave the experienced peOple .then gO...butside'to other 'agencies fei assista'riceuntil we get up; to: ._ ~p~e_d_ ~I!~ ~h~_S!t~~t~o_n: .~ .. .. __ ' • :.. '. ~ .'~ .. . 23:.,1n Vbur,oplhlo:n, did you receive adeqtfate' tral~lng! Iflsth,ICtlo:n,:ct.9uldanceTelatiF19 to staridar<ls: :of conduct by FBI and non-FBI'personnel relating to treatment; 'intervlew( or interrogation:of c;Jeta~f1eesdur!.l)g yQ'ur d~p.loYrne!)t:QP~.sslg·nml;.mt? . eyes d, No . 2.11-. In yO!,.lr OP'inio,n, 'did, Y~l,I r~~iye :a\;ie'~ua~e: trafnlng,. insiructit:~n~ or.g uidanee 'Cbh~emiJig what y'qu wgre sLrpp:os~d to,do ffy§u obserV~.d. 'Qt heard'-abQut thejre.atriienl, lnte!yjew" or Jnt~ro:gati6n'Qf 'detainees, bV FBI :o.r 'rio'n-FBI.persa,tioel,. tbat you b,eliev,ed was i'napprbp.riale, u'np,rijressional, :C0ercive~ 'abusive, or unlawful? '(j YeS '0 No ~ -2~~:P.I~a~s~d~c'i-ib,~'th; w.a~""s":I.;;·'Which -y~~ befiev~th~ .t~,~i~ing7 'l;,;t~(i~t'I;;;,pr~~uid~;~- ~is- ---- _.~ -; Inatleq:uate':' . : We needed to have;a better unilerstanding between the Military. i'nvestig ator.s, and' tne 'Bureau. We '_ -,n~~<!~ _t~ _h~W~ ,?!!r::~~~.rt i[l\~~[lr~te.r~ th.?! -!:I ~d.:f?i~t~t}d_ ~~,~t -,vte]ir~Jry!n_9_'t2 .a~~,?t ttJ~~~~ta]n_'E!~§,;. . . .. ~: 2.5. (Optional) In what ways can the FBI 'improve- training :on'this subject Torfuture deployments'or qssignm~nts? " Wl)~n the b!Jrepu s~fld~~gerit's .lntQ ~ cornb?lt ;l9ne-to. !nve.s~lgC!JeJin~er.vlew, We need. to'train the' indivld.ual orr the tYp'e of equip'm~nt needed ,rodheir·(je;pIQvmerit. 'Not..:iu'st.give.tiiem ,$'50.0,00 cash and ,exped:1f\eJij'tti'pui'i:;nase :tn~'ptope(- items, for the aep(oymeilt: Also,- ',set up _cl training pto~ran'l mat addresses actions'to betaken. when you become:a Emergency. Medical response'atieach' i'ndlvidu;:lI €i:ln .giVe to him selfand or oth~rs around him, Hqw to, surviv~ rn 'qtt9~k whj:!n in 'sfr:QlTlb,C\t ·zc:m¢. We n~9 tQ p.,repar!,! 'our pe9ple bett~r'wlT,endepJoylng 'tq' hO,~n.Er;:5reas.. OIGQ-005556 10. Comments' 2E? Please ptovid,E: any additionaJ informatiQn concerning tr~inirig for .oversec'ts de'ploymehts or assi9nments of FBI. personnel ¥ou'belJeve Is relevant' . There are to many topics and concerns to. address in this comments section. . 1 ani available to' talk to' any:one to. ;3ddress the "!eedof pfop·eqrair).ing prior to dep!0.yj~g overseas. In~roductiofl to. part III: In this' s'~ctioni '~e,are ~eeking J.nt<ormation reg,ard,ng a wide: range, Qf· interview or interfpgatiol) ~echniqu.e?anp Qth~r tYPE;:S ofget9'inee, tr~atm~nt ClIJe.g~d ~o~ hav.~ 9CCU rr~d. -'(au ~h~uld r\~t:assume/, just ~eci3.use We.C3r.e;a·~kitig·.Cll>q~ta pai;tk!Jlar te~hniqlJe pr pr;3cti~e/ th,a~'WE:. h.a'fe concluded that it in facloGi::u'i:fed. We r'ecog nize that some ofthese technfques ,or pm,dices: may cat tlmes be necessary f.or safety. and security, in a·detention-setting. In ~dditioni we recog,nize:thatsome of these techniques :01'- practke!i:; mC!y' .have ,been authqrlzed 'f9r'ljse by military (:w.other- g'ovemrnent Rersonnel.. ;Wlth reS"f:>.eq: to "i$th Itlehtlfl'ed, technique, praetlCe/'Qr typ.e'of tQh:etuct .d~c[ below, we 'are ,seeking.. 'info'nnatloh about itS'occtlh:ence during'the intervieW or interrogation:Of'a d~ta:il1e~l,or~uri.,g, tl:te detel1tiol'! of'a det~(n,~~ lJ~yo",d .~flat is.! for s~f~ty: an~ ,security. In that :cQl1t~t,-we yviJl ask Y9Q to tell q~ )N.tTeth.~r :one or rn9.r~ cifttJ.~ foll6wil;Jg ,sl:at~IT),ent~ .are trl,J~:. 1, I p~r.sonaUY;Qbset'Yed this 'C().riduct. .2-. I.'obseFii¢.p .d~tqln~(s) iii' a '.~Qnd itio,n JhE!t, l!=p. me to Q~liey.(Hbi:l.t t,his. c6ftduct had, ~~cLir'red. 3. [;jetalnee(s} told me thatthls. conduct-had 'occurred. 4, 6~o~r:s:y.rh6 Q·!J~rv~~,thi~conc!UJ;t·d~.s<;;rib,ed.iqo rn~. 5.; I have 'teh~Va'ht iJifofl'fialion c1assifJed <l'bove ·/:SECRET". 'Q-., :i rie.ver 6bs~rv.:ed this ,contf,u6: nQr h.~ard rihoUl it'ffom,s6nieo,n·erWl)o,:did. 27, ,D~privrng 'a. 0 b., O. c. 0 ir.. 0 ,a :detaln~e. of food or water I p:er~naiiy,'obs:e'rved' ~h(s .conblj~t. I:oP;Sef'(M pE?,t~It\~e($) In ~a'cQncfltI91,.-tt:\at !~, me, tP. b'die\(1'! that thi$ c~mQu!X had·o-q::lJ,rrep. De.tainee,(s) tbld me that this: eJ:irfd u'ct had ,occcirred. Otb,ers, who obsei'V$d 'this tOr:lduct~~'scfib.ed ina,me. r have relevant lOfotmatl6n 'ClaSSified ci boV~' I~SECR6T"'. €". 0 f, ~ I never o'bSenled: this.conduct norheatd 'about it from ·someCine'1I.vho did, 28', Depriving a detainee of,clothing per~nally qb'Serv~9 tlil~ :CQI1~ij¢t. a. D' i b.. 0 I ¢bse:r'i¢d cfelairiee(s) in:a C:dild,itipr1 that ie(.l m,e, tb b~J1eVe tliat this Gon'duct, hac! o·c~urred. 0 Det~inee(s) told me that ~hJ? cdndl,lct ha.d ~occurred .. c. GIGQ-005557 , d. o lathers who observed this conti !Jct described It to me. e. 0 I have relevant information classified above ,iSECREr'};. f. 0" r D~ver obs~rv~cl this "cQoduct nor heard 9bout it from some0n~.whc;> c!i<i. 29. Depriving q detainee' of .sle~p, or fnterll.lptingsl~~pby fr~.uent cell a. 0 I relqc;at'ions or other methqds perS0naHY'6b~rv~d this!=ohtluct. in 'a·cond.ition that led. me to believe tfii3tthis cci'l'Jduct. bad ·occur;r.ed. b. Itf t. d, o p.etainee(s:) told me that this conduct had occurred. o )Others who observed -this cc:mduct described it to me., o II have relevant InformatIon classified above,!·,SECREr"·. o II, Dever obsef\(ed this 'conduct nor heqr~ ;about it 'from:sorneone'~~o cjid. e. f; I observed detainee(s) ·go Rlease prqyl.d~ th.e, appro~lmate tkoe 'frame·durlng, whrc,~ ~hl$ cO,nd.l,lc! occurred.. Frqn1 tMMjDQ.fY'iYY fQiTrIp~·.or·11f.~.oQ2 ,to OVirvi/Db/YvYY formar~rOl!2,o:p,3 DOb Not Retail h. The. det-aine:e(s) treated 'in this way were rqca~ed at'the time: in: 1 tJ ,Gu,i:;mtanamo ?OI~q 3 (fl,Afg'hanlsta'n 4.0 'Other LO,catron 5 D Do Not Reca'lI . i..Please identify the· detainee(s) · ba.gram faGUItY. oy "name ahd nurtl ber:' .j. ,P'iease'lgentify the; perpqn(s) wl10 treated t,fte' detain~et?1Inthis rt1C)nn~r, i,nc:l,udJng tMir 'r1~me(s) arid !joVer:rirnen~'ag·e:h¢y(ies).: ·Mj/it,:i'ry MP's at th¢ holding fqC.ility io 1>a,9 ram' 1<:. PI~se' identify. any either FBI personnel br non-FBI p,ersonnel :who ljt1serV~d det;alrie~(s) t,reated iii .tHis mailner., ihclu'diij9 their iiame(s) :antl ~agen(;Y-(ies): . , ~N~ I , b6 b7C I. This'~ond!.Jet dctun:.ed in ,cpllneetion with': 1 0 ,One detainee 2,0 .Several d~tain'ees. (2-4) :3 ~0 fVlany .detainees '(more than 4J 4'0 Do Not Recall rri. (Optional) Please describe the, releva nt circumstances. in n1ore,detaili A _ _ _ . _ _ __ • _ OIGQ-005558 '30. Beating a detainee D 1. personaJIY~QP~rvec;l this,conduct. b: D I o,bset:Ve~ d~tainee.cs)- in :aconditl9rl th.a~ I~ m~ to qelieve that.thi~ cqnp!Jc~ n~q ·oq~unej:i. t: D D'et9i.n¢e(s),tPl.d me that thiS,. conduct baC! "Qc~urr.e~L d, D Oth~rs. wh'o observe'ct thiS' cQnduct:de~cribe.d it to. me. e. D I bpve releVa:nt InformatIon. i;:las~slfied 'above "~:ECREr"'. f. D I never absented this ~onduct nQr heard 'about it froms.omeone:who. did, a, "' -5.1 •..uslng Welter ;;t~ ~. Co d', to: prevent: breathing by a ;d'etaln~i)r to ereate ;the sensation of'drown'lhg D I p'ersol)ally ops~~~g, thj~,c(mQ!Jc.t. D"~lVed d~t~fn'e~(s) in a 1;ond ltiQJl that I~ .rn~ to Q,e]jey~ Jhat'thi'$ ,COI')P,uct had D r;>etairiee{s) tolp m~ th,9.t ,thIs, cond'uet hap :o(;cOrred. n oC~\Jrrea, a.,thers· wh'o ooset.ved' :tljiS, c6tiduc~ d~~trlbed It.tQ the. D L hav~ r'e.I~v~nt inform.ation :C!a'ssifi¢C! ?\bpye "sEeRcr", f. 10 I nev:er observett" tl:lis:cpiiEfucenor heqrd abdut it lrom.sQr:neone Who Uid. ~, 9, b, o ir perSl:m'aljy Q.b,serv¢~ this, condu,!:t. D ~:observed'Qe~gfn¢~(s) in a"G9nditi~.n·th~.t req me ~9 Qeli~ye'.thet'thjs <;Q!l'dlf~ ra,d 'Qcc.urr~9., , <:-', D o'?iaint;Ei.ts.) tQl~ m'!;! that ttJi~ C9n911c..t b~,d ot;:,c;~r~ed. ~L D Others whp 'Qb~eryed 'thi? c:onci,Li<;t de$,¢rib¢d it to: rn~. e. d ~ hay¢ rel~Vant in(Qriilat,iO!1 i;la~~ifjM !=lb,ove, '~SE,CRET';·. nO I n'ever obserVed this con.duct nor 'hea rd .abduJ'it 'from,sorrreo"ne. who: did: ::3'3. Tli.teat,eriiiigother a'ctlon, to cause ph'ysical pain, hljUr'y, disfigurement, or death, OIGQ-005559 a~ b. c. <1. ~. f. 0 I personally observed this conduct. 0 I observed ·detainee(s} in a'condition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred. o IDe~ainee(s) told me that thi? condl,lct ~aq 'OCCUI:re9~ o 'Other,; who ·ob"sel.Ved this condLfct'des~r1bed It to me: c1assifie9 above. "SECRET". 0 I hav.e relevant inroJroation._---_.-_:..-_0' r ne~er observed. this .cl?ndt!et no!:' "'~ rd 'a Qout it from. sqmeon~ who 9id. _._--- '~. O,ther tteatm.ent or ;:ictlon causing significant phySIC:pl pain or Injury,.ot cau.slng .dIsfigurement or .death·. ' , " ", 0 I. per?qnaIJy' o.b~rve9 thJ? :conduct. Ij .. 0 I.'observe~' c;l.e~ainee(~) in 'a 'q>n~ ition tha~ l~ me t¢ q.eliev.e thi;lnhfs. conQuet had 9CCUr(~9," 'C" 0 D¢taine~(s)' tQld ,fIle t!lqnhfs q>nd t!ct h§ld 'q~c\!rreR. If: 0 pthers ~hp .qb$er:y~p this J:Qnduct d~trib~d it t9: me, ~: 0 I have 1'e'I~Ypnt InT9rtn~tloJl ~Ips,sj(jed ab,oye, "SECRETll'. f. 0 r n~ver ODseryed. th'i~..c6ntlu¢t nor'h!=;:l~d ,~bl:lUt it fr!'irri sdm'¢Qrle;wh9 di~, a.· :35. Placir'lg adetainee..on a hot sumice or burning ,a~aetairtee .. Cil~ 0 r pers.onanY'0'bs~r:ve.d b', o !I observecl detail)ee.(s) in ra:q:md itioJrthat led me t9 believe that this' con~,U'ct had 'occ9rre.d .. <;; d; ~~ 0 0 t~i~ c;onduct. De~qjl1~(~) told m~ t!lSltthil?:~.QndlJ!=:t h?ld O"C~9rr~, Others' Who 9b:~~rve9 ~t)ls ~QnqJJ:ctd~s~rlbeq It tg me. o It hav\,? releyant Cnformation :ctas~ifj~d ~boVe I\SECRET" i f, 0 I' ne\ler QbseK(ed: this :C9rid.u~t ,n"pf h~J"o 'abolJr it frbm"sqmeQn~,wh6.qliL '. 36. Ushtg sliackles orvother'restralnts in-a prolonged manlier a~, b: 'C;;. d.: o .r: personally qbserv~d thi,? ·gqndiJct. 0 0 0 r;o~~.ryed de~~lneets) in a 'co'ndltionthat led me ~o b~lIeve t!Jflt''thls eC)n.C!u~. had :occa,rred, Det?line~(s) tqld [ll¢. t!l<:1t tbls q:ltlduc.t b.Cld<?cc~m:eq .. Of/1e~ W.ho 'o~~rveq 't~is CQ'l'Tdu.ct d.e~¢ribe~ it ~o l)1e; . . . - . .. .- .... -._. , ... ... _... ..... -.- ....... _...-_ ... _. .... . . . .. ~ .. _ OIGQ-005560 -- 0 I f: 0 I e. have relevant Informatlon' classified above '\SECRET". never observed this.,conduct nor heard aboutit from someone who'did. ;37. Requiring .a <!etaine~ ro m9in~inr,9r rest~ining a detaine~. io', a :stressfyl or painful pQ~itiOn. a:. 0, I personally. db~rved ,b.• o 'I boseNed detainee(:s). in a,conditioJi th'at led me ,to Qelieve thClt'lnis c6nQucthad occurred. c: 0 Det~:linee(s) this ·conduct. told me that this cond'uCt had .o.ccurred. 0 others: who observed 'this conduct described it to me. e. 0 1. have relevant information classified abo,ve' '~SECRET". f. 0 I never observed thIs'conduot nor heard about It from someone.who did. d, 3S., F.ord.n~ ,<:1' detaln~ to perfQrm 'oernClod ing physical ;e~erclse ,a. 0 b. c'. ' p'~i'-:sOni3fly'observed this conduct. 0 r .observed detaj~ee(s) in ~ .cond itk>n that led me to believe that'this co.ntlud bad ,oitcui'reil. o 'lJetai.nee(s) told me that this eontt,uct. had -occurred. d. 0 Others: who :observed this Gelid uct-desGribed it to me:.. .e. f. 0 r have H~levalit information tilassified abo"ve,IlSlCREPr., 0' r never' observed this-conduct n'of'heard aboutit from 'someone who' did. .39.. el~<;trii;:al shock.on 'p,. o If p~r.sonaHy db!i~rved thlscondu'ct.' fl pefaine.e b. 0 I observ,ed detainee(s). ih ,a cond ition that led me: to believe that this- cbriduethad occurrea. c: 0 D~taine~.(s) t61d <me mat this corid lJet. hado.ct(Jf~ect. d, 0 Others:wf.!O obsefiled thiS tonductdes-crlbed it to me. e. 0 I have relevant rnformation classified above "SECREP'. f. 0 r never eb'se-rved this 'condu'ct nor':heard;a boDt it from Sollieone who did.. OIGQ-005561 40. Threatenin~ to use electrical snack.,on a ,detainee I D D I personally observed this..conduct. C" dl 0 (je~~i !1ee(~) tol9 me that tbis c0nd ud had 'QCCU rred. D Ot~ers Wh,Q o~$er-v~d t~is cond uct d'es~ribep it to m~. e. 0 I a'. b, t D Lobserved detainee(s) In a condition that led me to believe that this conduct, had occurred. have relev~mt fnrormatiqn ~Iassified al19ve "'SEcRET" , I never 9.P~erve9 thi$'conquct nQr'heqrd abOl,Jt it frqm sqmeol!~'who did. 41. 'I:flti:!htjo,naily deiaYlng ,Qr.denYing d~tqrnee, tii'edical care a. D I perSOnally observ.ed this, ,conduct. b.; d I observed detafnee(sj in 'a condition that led me to belieye that-this conduct had ,occurred. c. D Detalnee(s),told me that this conduct had 'occurr:ed: d~ 0 bt~er.s who 0bserved this c.EJJ1d,u¢tdescribed it to, me, e. 0, I h~ye 'rele'{cmt itlform~~iQn <;Iassified. ab,oye "S:E.CRET'!.; --_._----,--- ,,- t m I never ob~erv~d this 'Cl;)flq uct ,n~)f h~rd ~bo.ut It from s'Orp~,Qn¢. Wh9 ~Id. ,42. a. Hooding or bJiridroldfng'o,detaineeiQther .than 'd,urfn'g lransp'o,rtatll:>h m'll personally d'hserved thisi:onduct. me to, believe that this condud:, had .occurred. b·IO: LQDse'r:v-ed detaJne.e(s} In a:conaitiorr-that led c. D. lDetainee(s) told me that .this Gonduct had occurred. D Qthers Wh'o obsep~et! this COJ1g,Ul:;:tdescfil~ed It to r:n~. D i. ~?l",e releva.nt-Infqrmation dassi.fied ~b9-ve "'S EGR:fr"'·. 'f: D ~,Q~Y~r;op'!,e!Veq ttlis ~QmfuJ:f'nqrhea,rq ~,a~lilUt it frQm 501l1~on~'wbo (.f.i9. d., 'e., ,. g. Ple'as~ p'rCi'vil;le.the approximate time frame,du.dng .which fhiS": tOn'(;jli~r'QCturrep. From' '( 11/2002, to '01/,20Q;3' ODo Not Recall h. Th~:4etain~e(s1 treat¢d in this ,wa,y w¢.r¢·IQ~al:~ qt tDe tim~ In: 1 0 G,li.ant?lnqmo. l D 3.0 ,Afg ha'nista'h -4. 0 at-her LoCation OIGQ-005562 5. 0 09 N()t Recall i. Please id,entify'the detainee(s) by name and number: mqst of the detainee's I.Pl.eas:e identIfy the' person (s)'who treated the detainee(s). in this manner, inCluding their name(s). and government,agency(ieS)': MiHtary Police atthe ~<;lgrarri fqcllity, k. Please identify. any"other FEn persoAnel or non-FBI 'personnel who observed detainee.(s) treated i(l this manner- in'dudlri their name s ·and ~ enc.yn~s): b6 SA's b7C I. This,conauct .occulted iii :connedion with:' 1 dOne detainee "Several detainees (?--4) ~ '0' M~ny ,detqinees .(r;t.rore: than 4} ,4'0 I;>O' Not Reca,l! l,a m. (b·p~ional) Please, descri be, the' relevant circumstances· in more,detail: a'. D. o !I perSonal!y o.bserved this conduct. q !Iobserved deta1nee(s) if! a-.<Zoriditio.frthat lea me to b.elieve that'this conduct haa occ::iJrrM. c, 0 Detalnee(s);told me that this C0flduct had .occurred. d. o tQthers who observed .this conduct descrfbed It to me. ,e'. '0 Lhave re(~varit inf0rm~ti0!1 c1a,ssifi~4 abov~ "SECRET,j,. f. 0 1. n~ver a. a )1 pers6hally'obseht,ed this .con'duct. observed t,i'jij> 'conduct 1)9f:heard about It from someone:who' did. b. 0 robseryed deti':lihee{s) ina;cond itio,h 'fnaf led me'to. believe that this eondlict had 0cc.urred. c. 0 ,Detalnee(s) told me that this cond'uct. had occurroo', d. 0 o.thers who c:ibserv:ed this C8nduct'described it to me. e. 0 r: nav:e relevant !nforn:r9~fon <;Iasslft~d 'aItQve I/SEt~'t. f. 0 I nev_er',o~$erveq, ttii~'~nduc~ ny>f'heard Clb.0ut- i~ fro~'S9r:neo!)~'~,h?, d[d, OIGQ-005563 45. Subj€!=Jing a de.tainee to brig'ht ft<:(shln~U!9",h"'ts,".o",,,d,,a,,,,,k,,"ess,,,,,.' a. b. c. d. .e , f, _ 0 perSonally observed thls:conduct. 0 I ..observed defalnee{sJ In a.condltlon that: led me to believe that this conduct had ocCUrred. 0 Detainee(s)1:old me that this conduct had occurred. 0 Others. wllo observed this ronductdescribed it to me 0 I n;:lv.~ releva.nt fnfor'.Tlation 'a~ove' ..SEC:REJ:·... Ii<l I. nev~n)b5efVeq colJ.d.uc~ n~r h~rd ",bPL!.t It flp!Tl some~f1e""lho did. 49. lsola.ting a' detain~ "for c;lO" extl'!nded. perip,d a. b·. o !I persor1al!Y'6bseiV,ed this,cbhdW:t. o It-obSerV.ed detalnee(s) in a,tonditi@nthatled me to,belieye that this (ConduCt had .otZCurred. c. 0 d, .~. f. 0 Others who obsel1led.-this conduct described it to' me 0 I. h.?l.V~ Jeleyatit Ih.forfJla~io'O.~1C!s~ifj~ >qbl;lve '~S~.REJY • Ii<l r neve,r-abserved thJS:OOlld.ucf nor heard .abol!tl~ from·sor:negne.w.~o dId. 0 b. 0 c;. q a. d·. Detalhee.(s)-to"ld me that this ConduCt h'ad ,ocdmed. d e, 0 I 0 I persOnally observed this 'co!:idu:ct. I ,b;bseNed detain~s). in',a conditioh"that led me to believe thanhis' ctmduCtliad ,(kctrrred. De{ajnee(s) told me t·hat this cbrKfuct had .oq:urrecL others who obserued ,fhlsconduct·descrlbed It to me )ha\te releYarit Informatton dassified above 'ISEtRET~" :l)ev~r ob,served this 'CQna.lJC~ 09f h~.rd ".lbou\ i,t lrorn solTl.e0n~. ~hO" did. _a. 1D I personal"tobserve'i:! thts~oi1i:luct. b. l 0 I observed delainee(s). In ,a_cbJiditiori that led .me to believe tllat this cOnduct had ,oG"curr.ed. OIGQ-005564 I c. O'!Oetalnee(S) told me that thIs conduct had occurred. d. o lOthers, who observed this conduct described it to me. 0 ~'~ave relevant informC!tion c1~s?ifi~Q ilgove "S~CRE:T~·. 'f: 0' 1 ~ev~r observed thlsconquct ,not:" h~.rdaboliJ it from sqmebne:wh~ did. e. '4,c;l. Usi,ng, 'a military· W.orking pag Qn or .n~r ~ 'd~t1;lin~ other tha'O during 'd¢taine~ tr~nsp..Qrta~iqn a. 0 I persanallybbser\led this .cOnduct. b. 0 Lobserved detainee(s) in a.c6nd itiol'rthat led me to believe that this conduct had :occu'rred. c.. 0 Detainee(s) told me that this conduCt had 'occurred; d. ~, 0 Others who absented this conduct described It to' me. 0 I h<; relevant jnrorfl1,a~fgn dassifi~ above "SECRET"'. f- Ea I. o,pserveq t.hi?'C0rld u~t rrs>r h~Xd ·a b~ut it fl"9ffi' sor:n~q.n~ who d'i9) a; 0 r persohal !y'ooserVed this ',c'Qtiduct. b: 0 Vobse'rved detainee(s,} irr'aJ::Qnditi0h that led me ,t6, believe thaf:lhis conduct had .ocbTfred. c.. 0 Q,etainee(s)told me thatthis conduct had ,6.ccQrred. d. d Others, who observed -this conduct de's,cribed it to me. 0 I have relevant information classified clbov.e "SEtRIT~. f. 0 I neveriobservecfthis'cooduct n()rheqrd~pout it from s9meonewho,Qid.. e'. 51•.Using spiqerS', :s~o.rpion~ :snplc~sT Qr other C!.lJlmals.'Qn- pr near a ,det~il1ee 0 I perSortaUy:.06seNed th'i's,;con'di,ftt. lb. 0 I observed detalnee(s} hi 'a,cond iti.c)rl that led me to, believe that thiS. conduct. bad <occurred. c. 0 Detainee(s) told me that this' conduct had occurred. d.1 0 IOfhers, wno obserVed this cOild (jet des~:ribed if to me. e. 0: r have relevant Information' dassified cibov.e !~SEtREf·'. 1'. 0 I never ebserved thrs:~onduct.norheardabout it from someone who did. a. , I ",' , - ' , ' , >. .' ' ~ .' , , OIGQ-005565 52. Threateni'ng to .use spiders, Scorpions, snakes, or other animais o.n ,a detai~~ r perS0naHy ·observed this :conduct. o :r .observed detalnee{s) In a .cond ition that led me. to believe thaHhls conduct had occurred. a. 0 b. c. 0 Detainee(s)told me that this conduct had ·occurred. d. 0 Others wno observed this conduct described it to me. e( t. o It h~v.e relevant: fnformatlon c! C!bove' "SECRET"" o " I neverobserved this conduct ourhear.d about it from someone who did. " .5:3.. 'D'isrespectful a. b. c. , f , ",~ " ,', ,. '. ." • • • . , ~ , stafemen~s, h~ndIlng r OJ .actions inv9Ivin9~t~hc.::e..c.k.;,.;'O..;,.ra~n..:..· _ o ~ personal!y.obserVed this,conduct. o jr-.observed detaihee(s) in a.eonaition that led me to. b.elieve .that this cond.lict had .oo~urrea. o !Detaihee(s) told .me that this conduct had .occurred. 0 Others' who observed this condl:1ct described it to me. 0 r hqv~ relev.arj~ inform.ation. da~sjfieq :c!P9V~ "SECRET!/. f. 0'. iI pev.e.r 0'bs~rved ~hl:S '~onduct nor heard ·a b_oy~. it from someone \IV~() d!d. d. 'e.· .54. Sbavihg a' deta'il)~'$fat~1 'Of p.tfier 'hair tp :emb'arras.s"~r hLltnfliale,C;l detainee. ' 0 .r per.sonallyobserved this 'coiiduct P. 0 Lobse(v~d detainee(s). ilia:tonditi6rjtnat led :rl1e ~o belieye tlianhis cO'nduct c, Q Defainee(s) fold me that thIs Gondud· had .oe::tuired. a. e. o lathers. who obsef\led .thls cond uct d'escrlbed It to. me. o Jr. have relevant Information classified a'hove t\SECRET'!:. f, 0 r: ~evef'O'bse.rved d. had·(j.G:cLltred, thislcom:h:!c~ n9r heard ·'a~olJ~ i.t fr~rn some9n:e'~rO did~ ·55. Placin9 a woman"s c;lotl1ln9 oh.a ,~E'!tain.~e' a.1 0 II peroonally obser\l¢'d t.his ·cbftaubt. b.1 0 II observed detainee(s). ina cbnditio'n that lea me to believe that this cen:duct hi3d.ocrd.Jrr.ei:l. OIGQ-005566 .. " 0 d. 0 e. 0 c. .. Detalnee(s) told me that thiS' conduct had ,occurred. Others. who observed this conduct described it to me: t'hpve relevan~ inforn:tC!tion c1~ssifiecJalJove "SEC~~·. f: 011 never o~s!3rve:d this'tor:igu~t.nor heard abou:t'it from ,SQrnebne Who-did. a. 0 r personally observed this conduct. b. 0 LobserVed deta'fnee(s} in a cond ition that led me to believe that. this conduCt ,haa .occu'rred~ 0 c. Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had ,occurred. o .others who obserlled this conduct descriheCl It to m~ d. 0 1. 0 e, r. h,Cl,Ve:: relevant i'ntorm,?ltion, c1qssi~i~ <:jbove "SEGRET'I,. ~,n~v.~r9"b?ery~Q th!s:colJdu~tnor h~Xd C!bputit from S~QT~g!1~ 'vV~o' di~. S7",'H.bldlng ,detciinee(s) w!'\Q nO:t offio.aiIY"at~J1bwJ~dg~c! pr regi~terec;l as such by the,agerity 'oetai'n,in9 the person,. o ir personalty observed this conduct. a: 0 I,observed detainee(s} in a',condition that led me to believe that this c0nduct had Dccurred. e. 0, ~)'e~alnee(s) tQ~9 me tb,at this.con4u~t.ha.4 ·o~cl;l~red. 9· 0 Qfhers, who observed thls.l:':Qnd,uct d:es<::,[ibed 'it to r:ne~ e:, 0 t hav~ T~!eW!l.t lnfpnl)a~iqn d~.~,sifi~.ct R~QY~' "·$.ECH~!I , b. 0 r n.e"!er f. ,cgnguct ngrh~rdappu~ It f~QJr1'~9fl':leO,nt=whQdid,. .S'~.. Sending a .detqinee 10 pnqther CQl)ntry f<jr more'aggres'siv~ 'iflterfo!latipri 0 ~ persbnally- ebserved this conduct. b. 0 Lobserved detainee(s) in a cond'itibn·that led me to believe that this ~0nduct had ,occurred. ~... 0 De~aip,~~(SoHQld m:e that this ~qnd.(Jct hqd '<?<;:9!:!rr:e9.~ 'd~ 0 OU:refS' who obseryeq If'!ls cond uct''d'e$crIQed It to. l11e,; information classified .above "B.ECRET'L. e.. 0 r ha~e relevant .. . a'. , f. .. " " " ",' , " ~ I nev~r o.b.qerv.~.d thj$'c0.r!f1u~t !19f hear~ apout i,t ,frpm:.~qmeqne',~hO djd·. . . .. . ...., . , ... .. .. .. ., ......... .,............ , .. .." - .. .. ~ ~ ¥~-~. .~ ~ •• w• , . .. OIGQ-005567 59. Thr~tening to se.rid a, 0 1. personally absented b, D c. 0 4.. a detciineeto ariotn:e'r ~ountr'Y for detention..or mbteaggressiv.e interrog'atiOn this 'cQnduct. ['obs~rved cte!qlneets) in !=l"c;;>nd itJon that ie,q me to believe tha.:t tbts" <;:olJd.u~t hC:ld occ;urred. l)etalnee'(s) tol{1 ml;: that this GoncllJd hap Clqcqrred. o 'Others' Who observ~ thl~ ran{1\Jc;t des(:fll:)eit It to'me; e. 0 r' have relevant irif6rmatioil' :da'stifie.d aboVe "SECREf". f. ~ t bb~s:rv:ed' t1ji$.conc;luGt il()r,'h~rdab9u,t it from someone who ~Hd. .6,0, Threatening to take aetiofi againsta detaiOee's. family .a. 0 r. p.~~$O.flaJ)y b::, D 0,bserved ttJts~condl!~t. r~o!Jser,v~d ~e.t;;linee(~) ifl'cn::,pfld itJarT'~hcit le{1 <:, D Det~inee(s} tolc! .g. 0 e'. 0 f. 0 me ~9 b~l!eve t1ii;jt t,hi~ cQnd,uq ,had ·QGcurred. me t,hCjt tbis Q.ohg,\.(cJ ha(j )O~c;urr.e.d. pthert: Whp '9b~nled this GPl)<;f uc.t,·c.ri'bed it tQ m¢.· r h9ye rele'Vpnt iQfornwiion .dassifi~d Cjbbve '~S,EC,m" . t ri~v.~r oDsenJ,e'(j this:c6.naud rreir: heard }ib.o.ut it from sorTrecme,who dla. '61. Other tr,ea'tment pr' actlon.causlng .sey~r!= emotional or psycitlologtcal a ,detainee D l, per~nany' Q'pserved this :~o!lduet. b. D r,obser,ve-q d~t~'t~ee.<s} in a·cof.!d1i:I~n:that led me to' b~neve that. this cO.nduct- fri3d 'occurred~ c. 0 O¢~a.inee(sJ,to,l~ m~ th£lt this- ~o!J(Lud had oq:l!freg.· C;\. D Otbers who 9bserveq ,thl~ con.O!1Gt desq'iQeq i,t tQ me. e'. D r h~'i{e, releY~nt lrjforrna~lon i;:lasslfl~d"Cj b9ve ·\~ECRET". f. D r never db.served this ·corlduct npr h!=!ard .abOu~· it 'fri:jm' sqmeon.e whO; d iii. a; 62. Other 'religious or'sexualliaras~meiit or hurrijfjatibn,ofa :aetalnee EOl 0 II personally observed this.conduct. OIGQ-005568 · b.! 0 I observed detalnee(s) ,c. o d., 0 tDetainee(s) told me that this conduct had .occurred. 'Q~hers wh9 observed this cond1Jct descriged jt. to, me. 0 I f. 0 I ,e; ' In a condition that led me to believe that this conduct had '-occurred.1 have rel~vant Itlform~tlon classified i!bov~. "SECRET''-, ob;;erved' this conduct nor heard 'i:lbqut it from sqmeone who did. "~~. oSh¢rtrea~ment of.~rd~t~ine~:that lnypurQPlnlon w.a's unprof~ssjQn;:l', J.jn'9u1y har:sh or.a:ggres',sive" ,coerCive, abtisive,or unlawful ." a. 0 b: 0 c. 0 d. 0 e: 0 f. I perS9nalIy observed this '<:onduct. I, ob,seryed det~lnee(s) in a :cond it!0fl: thgt leq '!!e: to' believe thAUhis con,d.ucr had ,?ccurred. betaine~(s) to,I~ rn~ tn~t tbis conquct bad Q.ccurreq. 9~/1~r~ wno op~rve~ 'thIS tor.rdlf~td~~¢.ri'be~ it to me: I I h?~~ releyaot inform.a,tio'jy ~Ia~sjfi~d above: I~S!=CRET". O~ I n'eyer Qb*rv.ed this.c9ndu~t nor'h~n:l ab'Ciutrtfrom,sQm~pne who. dtct. BtUi "~~@g@irtijjl{~::::',,': ':I[ 'I, ;6.4. Did :iou: observe 'any impersonation of fBI personnel b'y anyone during an interview or ,intetrogatidn .of ,a detainee?' ' . 'QYes ,. 0 No '65..Dld MY-detainee or-other ~rson tell'yo.U that he or she had Witnessed .the Imperso'riat/oh of FBI 'perSonnel in connection with 'a detainee interview or' interroQ.atiori? ' , . 0 Yes' 0 No ·6~.·YVe Y9u ~w~~e-,of :any "'.~~·a[Ti :': 9r l1~t~gep' ~~tai11E!.~' frtt~~i_ews:.or interr"gg'aJio.ns 'COh~!J~ted forM¢m t?:~r? -ofthe'U,. s.. con~~ss ann-elr s.taff? Yes o ',67. TQYQur know led,ge; did 'any milltary:or In'tertig~nce personnel ever d~ny Qr delay fliI :a.Ccess to a 'd¢tainee. ~h-e FBI Want¢d td qlJestion bE~caus~tne (I.~taihee:ha,d S!Jstai,ii~ injur'[eseift~r ti:e was ~apfufe.ifr QYes 0No 68', Qid you ever 'end your Pi;lrticlpatfon tn ,or observatiorr:ofa qetainee interview or interrogation OIGQ-005569 be~ause of the Interview or interr~gation methods' being used? £)'Yes '@-No' ey~r t,91d th'<;Jt an'ollier FBI l?mpl<;>yee.l?i,ded his·or 'her p.arj:idpfltiqn In or bbs~rv~tjori,of, ~. d¢tairiee: interview or'interrogatiti!i D.ecauSe 'of the iiitetview Qf interrogation methodS. b:eing u.sed?! 0. Yes 0 No '6!:l. Wer~ .Y9.U 70:. Dl:!~I~g any ,of your-Qverse9,s qeplpy.m.e:nts or_asslgnments~ cOd 'YOu report 'any .t9nc;~r.n~.r~garging .ally. ,'ie,w gr iht¢rrwatjQO Rra,t:tic~!t pI' other' typ~e,~ of d¢tairlee, tr¢Qtmentl' t9~ ~ri Fa.! . :sup~f\iisor? , Oy~s, '0 [ilo 71-. buriJ19~nY'ofyour overseas qeploym.ents or C1ss'ignment~< you report an'y:~onc::ern,s regarcling c!'t:ly'p¢tainee 'il}t~rViewor ,i'oterrggation p,19cti¢es g'r oJherJype~ Rf d¢tain~ tf~atm€)nt :you O,D.serv~a or hear~ a,bpur, to a- no.n-FBI ~uReJVI~or or Qther nori-Fs'J pers~,iln!3,I? " G vi=g (!j 1\1.0' 72~ Have you ever been ord ered ord ir.ed:~~i not' to report, or disco.u rag edin any -way from r.ep.orting,. ·~,b.~E)rvatiQn:s qr all¢g~~~on~ r~I,at~ !9 d~raln'e:e t~eC!trnent or interv(ew pr inter[oga~iQn,ad,io,ns or p'.f.cjqices? o... Ye' "0, Nc>' " .s'' . . 13,. HaV.eyou ,experienced ',any actual or threatened retaliation for rep'orting oDservations .or- alle~ratiolJs .,. or PTac~j~eS7; o~ .de'ta'inee,tr.eatl11ent:or int~plie~: or iri~e~rD'gatJo.ry.aetio.ns . 0 '"ies. <0 No, 1.4. (Optional) Please prOVide <3ny additional comments regarding the -reporting ,of conce't'ns· related to. Interview- or interrogFitlon technigue~r detention practicesl.··or~otherdetainee.treatment. jij®lf:\YA]&'.~~~~. <,.' ........ I 75, We.r.e, you gel?rjlifeq, ,o~h~r HYpn the~$~c:H!dard ~~brl~f J.n m-/7~ij. ~.QnGetnlng Y9ur'o,:,~~se~s -a,~sl~tlment(s.) or,dep:!Qyrnent(s) after YQucom,pletel;f ~he <;lepIQymenf{s) pr as,sigomeri~(~)? QVes ~,Nb; . , Thank yO,u 'for your cooper,ation incompl:~tir;lg: thjSiQu~$tlonnair~ OIGQ-005570