Aclu v Dod Doj Questionnaire Regarding Detainees 00000730
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D~partment'of Jus,tic,e In~pector GeneralQu~stionnaire Re9.a:r.din9. Detaine~s D.OJ-OIG INVESTIGATIVE QUESTIONNAIRE ~qltR:EVIEW1WN~s.fF~~~:~Ig~I~?~U:.i~~~~:E.sPON[)ENT~ QU,ESTIONNAIRE IO: test-00000730' .o4.s·O.( ~I'J~ lC!st time this' q~~tionl1aire.w~s ~av~~r~ome rla'quire.d f.ields; hav!3 .n~~ ~~n c<;>.mple~ed. PJeas~:,r,e.vieW. your resp·onses. ... .... 'A. .... ~ P'~rson.allnfqrmation Please provide'. the fo1l6Wiil1:i information: 1. Fi(st t i a m ¢ : ' -2. Mld~le In!ti~l: .6 &,76 PER A~REE1V1EN.T (; &. 7C PER AGREEMENT 3: Last name:· 6. &-1,C PER AGREEMENT fi &:7C 4. Etitered bli Dllty Date (E.OO:): ~: Curreht,DlYIsfqn!Fiel.d Office: ~.& 7C $ped53.1 Agent 6 &:ZC,PERAGREEMENT ~ !k,,!CPERAGREEMENT ~ &,70 PE,RJ,l.GREEMENT' 6 &.7C PEJVi/.1REEJV1ENT. .6. '9urrent 10b title; ,']; Direct dial bffjc:e telephone number: 8. .FBI :c~1l phorie' number: 9. f~I p.ager number: 10., Best cQntact nUlJ1b~r fQr you~ B. B.ackgrou-nd of Specific D.eployme'nts or Assignntents 1J.. At 'any time a' .20.01, did ydu'sefitaa's a' memijer of the u.s. MiliG:uV, or' as ah 'employeeor contractor ofthe FBIor any other government agency., at Guantanamo BaYf Cuba; Iraq; Af9\'l?inl.stqn; 'or in arei;!s controll,ed by-the I)S. Mjli~.ry or a U.S. i!lt~I.ligem:;e sery.i~e in''CQnn~ctiRn with t~e ,gt,opcll W~r on ,t~nc)r? o ¥es 0 No 12. Enter the 'humber ,of times you were deploY.ed or assi,gned to·each of the folloWing, locations '(Gu;:mta,nafT!o Bi:l¥, c'4b<;l~ iraq LAfg!la,Jlls~.8n; W In'Clny, areas ~of1trl?lIec!. py the ·~,s. ~i1it~ry or ,(3 U.S, jntellig~nG~ service}:,3 For.eac.h deployment dr asslgnl'lJ~nttdl.t1pl~r4;!;the·g sectlo~. location (seled one'" , ... ~Gu'clAtcinamQ BaV; .' ••"'u,AA'A""_ •• ' ....A..... ."~ Qeplovmentor'assignmel)t began on,or a:bout - , ,1) DeploYJllent or,'asslgnmentended on pr about. 08/2002 .09/2'002• hature arid 'p'(Irpose- bfyoHr assight'riE!nt ci'tid :-actiyities?' t2a', '{Yhat w~s the general Tech Ag:ent rOY 121;>.; .Please·pro;Vipe·,~he,nafTl~s the'spec.ifi~·camps, ba:Ses~ or fa.Gi!ltj~? where you wQrked. I wprkedat the ,detention 1BciJj~ only (;onc~rnirig :t.h~ oMW I ditl no.t. haye,:any'..cqnt,act With 'de~inees. f2t: Note: If infurmation -about a ~petific:tamp." oase,. 1Jr''fatility' is.classified -abo\!e SECRET, please ,check her;e 0, ilicilJd~ in Yo~r '~nsyver' th~t y.oU' haVe 'lIa:dditionai 'i1if6rmation 61i'lssffied -above 'qE~R~/' and i if YQu knowJ id~ntify the ~Ja!?sifjcation level, tic;ket, co.rnp?rtment,.program,:oroth~r designation th<;lt' appli~ ~o ~he,lnforll)atlon. Do not Il:lclude·tbe"addjtio.n.all>l~ssl(jepiofo,rm?ltipn: il] _your q.ueslipn'naire. re,sponSes. 01$3 'pe.rsO~r'iel ,with the, ne~essary deara'n<:e wjll coj\taq; yb,u 'tp re.ceive it of OIGQ-004919 ·-, ~1~~. =~~~~ Id~D~& :~i D~~~ §'~~ 2~sjtlo!Ca=tjfi~ ~tD~J=t.G§,l=~i ~~§~~n~[~ =~~Q~ y~u=~i~~!ly i~9~~~: ,~~~i]~='io=UE ~~~IQiri5~~r iisl~nNe.:nL ~~e 'p~w~ 'I don't recall :i~e. -DI~ y;~ j-ointiY'irit~ryJe~ SSA ;r- i~~~rI~g~t~ ~QY d~~~~~,wjth -n~n~F~~p_~r~;~~eI7- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - : o~ 1 0~ I '!-.- - - ,,---- --,- - - . _ - - - - ---- - -,--'- - .,.--- - --:- - , - - - -'- - . - - - , - - - - - - - - - : - - - - - - - 7 - - -.,. - - - __ I 12f, Dict you jointly plan any detpinee FBI p~rronnel7 iht~tvi~w qr i"nterrogatii;>(i strategy, " 9bjectJYes~ qr tatj:it.~ ',With non- ; , O~ 0~ :i2i, ~W~;YbG ~V~r6th~tw~~-1;v.biJ~i;dcii~iiie~!infurVi~*~' 6r:ilife""rro~~ii;n-s -;ith-:ho-n:FBip~rs;;;neir-:, DYes ~ t~-~---~-------_._-- @ ------ N0 _-' '0_. Loea':inli' (-select one" .,.. ., ,~. Qeployment,onl55illnment bellan o..n;orabout O,eployment or asslgnment.ended on or·about' !Afganlslan'i 04/2004 0.5/2004 _,,~_,......J. was the general hature ana j:Mrpose,of'yolir:assignment:ano activities? Tech Agent TDY f.2Q. Pleas-e--provide, the, n9'mes of th~spedfic.;q~mpS-ibcrs~si QT fi;ldliti~~ where Y9U 'Work~d, 12a. Wtiat Kandj3har 12c. NotE~: If ii:ifci(mationaiiou't a 'spetiJic~carrip"bas~" orfaciliWis<C1assified -above SECRET" Please checK here 0, include'it'! your that you have "additibnai 'infbrmatipo cJassifje<tabove if ypu know, identify thet;lqs!!ification' level, ti~ket, '<;:ofTlpartrnent, prQgrqJTlr Qr'lilt-her '~,!=Slg,natJon that applle$. to' the Information, DJ) not In~lude the'~,MI.tI91)~1, s;las.slfied (ntqrmqti~n In your _qu\=stibMaire: resporises.. OIG persorihel w_itn the necessary .dearan'oe will c.ontact yo'u to receive: it. ' L-.. . j ' , . ' 'SECRET/" <;lnq, "J~~-yJ~aE~jd~DB&~~i i1~~ ~~~ ~£s~Ib1;=~~}~~'~iiJ~~~il=~i ~~~~np~[~~~()In=y~u]iE~li iiPpit~~ :;au0iJg-,yo-uf'depl;;ym~rit-or.~~~;ign~eri~ " ~-.-~-----------~--~------~- I,Na:e . . l ~ ~,~~ ~ __, ,u U _,~~~~~~_ ~ ~ , ~ ~~ ~ ~ - - - -u .- _J~~C 112e. Old YOLl in.tervie;w or !l1t~rr(lgate,arw,detqipee with non-fBI person.nel? I: ~ , 0 Yes . @ No .~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -,- - -' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - '- - - j12f. Old 'i'bU Jointly plan any:detall1ee 1I1tervtew:pr'lnterrQg,atlon :strategy, ~bj~tlvesr or ta~lcs WJ~,h riOn-: : "FBI pers<mnel?" ' "" I I . .. , J ,- -- -- - -- - - ,0 Yes , I ;0 No :1:29, -W~r~'¥;;~ ~~;f-oth~~is~ i~v~lv~d In- d~~i~~~'~te~i~;;~ , ! ~.~ i~te-r~og~ti~n-s -~ith- ~~n:FBI-p~;~~~eJi -: . ' ·0' Yes ,0 No bA---------------------~---·_------~-------~---~-----~-----~--~-------~-. . D.el;ll,oyment or ~s;stgnmentbegan on.or about' O'lplpym,ent or aSisignlTlent ended on 02/2005 03{2005, or,about" ~_""""_""",'K'" t~9~nl.~~~· 12a. What 'was the ,ge'rieral , natu r'e fmd purpose at-your -assifj'nnient'ahd adivitiei? , TTATDY i2~ . Plea~e prqvi!Je'the name!i KabUl! Bagram of th.Efs'pecific ~arnp~, bas~~; or fai;i1ities -When: you workel:1. OIGQ-004920 120. Note: If informatlpn abe,ut a 'specific camp, base, 9r facllityJsclassified !=lbQve SECRET, please check here 0, inclucle in your answer that yOU, have 'laddi.tional informat.lon·c1as~rfied 'ab9ve 'SEERET,'"and, if yOl.l know, identify the classifiaation level, .tIcket, 'compartment,, .or-other 'deslgnatlon that,applles to. the'lnformatlon, Do not Include'the.addltlonalclasslfled Information in :your .qJlestj(>t~mP'ir~response~, OIG personnel with the necessary .cI~ar~mce will q>ntc;let you to re~eive it. Ii '~-~--------------------~--------~~--~----.-~--------~ ----~--~r------·_~ .:12d, Please identify, by: name and position pt the tim~; the FBI per-sonnel to'wliom you dir~ly r~ported. ·~~~~g:·~~:u~~;~I~l~.~~E!~~s}in~~i;- -,---.- ~--~ --.- - - ----~-~ -- -- -~-- ----~ -- ---.-Name I l- .__._. -" __. . Rosition ~~J\.. ' , b6 ~ __. . . .__ • b7C :12e. Did ,You Jointly ir:ttervlew or interr:ogate any· detainee V!'ith non-FBI personnel? 0 Yes ,0 No I. ~- - - - ' - - - ' - - - - - --- - - - - - ' - - ' - - - - - ' - - - ' - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - _ ...: - - - - - - - - - - ' - -- - - - - - - - - - ' - - - -,- -J ·:iLf. Did you jointly plan any detainee interview or· interrogation strategw: objectiveS'r. or tactics w:ith non- J .FBI p~r~nnel? . ~ J ~:' cD Yes .0 No" } .'~i2g. W;re y~~'~~;r-oih~rW'lg~ lnvQiV~ i~-cIet;in~i,~~~~iew; 6t lrttet-rogatlbn-=-s.With-hbn~FBi-b~rso~rter? -:. .: . 0 Yes :0 No : - - - - - - - -- - -- - -'- - -.- - - - - - _.- - - - - - - -' - _.- -- - - -- --.- - - - -- ------ - - - - - -- - - - - ,: '~-- -~- ~""I -....; '~. ~. " ~ .. , .... Tra'ining Pri~)t:to (jversea.s. PeRlqyment 'or A$signment lS. ORr-you receive any·training, 'instruction, o(gtiidance speCifically in prepa'ration for any.of yoLll" Q.v~(seqs peploYr:n~.nts or Cjss.ignments? 0Y~s9NO 009. Not Itecall 13a. ~:.4 O:QVided this tralnil),g~. instfl!e~iql)"or'guidanc~f~nd' when:; did you r~eive ,it? b6 b7C 13b. Describe .tbe SUl>j~tt '(in Whlqh' you r~ceiv¢d .this, trainrng, lris.tnJctl.on or .gu.ltlahce. Hq-w. tQlJSe th~. satellite wm.m~nicatiQn5 equipm.ent that I w~s re,~PQns.lble: fqr rnainta.i.nih~. 14. In- preparation :for atly o(yo.ur overseas d..ep[oytnent~ .or assignments, .did you receiVecany training, instruGtion, guidalJ~ concernjng ~lJ~.~tandards of con~uct appIJcabl'e:·to tpe.treatment, . interview; ot ioterrqgatiQn·qf.qet?\inees by FBI p~tsq.nn¢l? or aVes: i5', In preparation for any of your .overseas· deployments 'or assignments, did you receiv.e any training} instl1Jctiorl, or guTdpna.:! mnce.mill9 th.~..stanc!21rQsof,cond!Jc~appJic21ble to the, tfeatm~t, i', or jnterroq?ltlon Qfd~tainees by non-,FBI p'ers~rinel? .oYes OIGQ-004921 16. In preparation for any of your overseas deployments or assignmentsr did you receive any training" instruc;tlon r or gu ldance conc~mlng what you were'suPPoSEld to 99 If ypu ,observ~d :qr heard.'abol,lt ·the 'treatmentr 'interview" Qr interrQg~tion .of:detafn-e~5 by FBI personnel, whICh YOU b.e.lieved tQ inapproptlat~~. Uripr'6tes~I!:mpJr Go¢ttlvef:a,b(iSiV.~r 6r urlla:Wful1, n:e 'OPo Not Recall iZ'.. tfl. RJ~palCltlf1l1,for' ~rny. Qf YO,ur over~ecj"s depJ9y.r:nehts or asslg'n!Tl~nis, did 'YOu. recelve'i3ny tralnlnf:j, fn'stt:uetiP:n,,:or'gUidani:¢ concerning wha,t ypu W,e.r¢, SlJPP,Qsed tQ do if obse.rve'd. ·OJ ,h~a(d :ab~o,ut ' toe, treatnient~ i1'1tervieW, or iriter'r~ga.tiQriOf detainee~, bY. non-FBI per.sonnel, which you ,b'emeved: to be inapprnJpriate( unprofessional,coeraive, 21busive~ or unlawful?' . yo:u B., Training During Overs,ea's, Deployments ,or' A:ssignmenfs. 18', DlJrlng any:of yout.overseas:c1ep(oyments or assignments, d'id you receive any training r instruction,' org!.lidance<?onc;ern,ing the,?tandqrd~ pf'~Qndl!ctappli,Gab[et9 thetr~trrW,~ti int~ryiE?Wi OJ : in!ern~Qation of detain~,es bV FBI ~r:smmer? OD!? ~Pt,,~E;~all :$.Yes·O!iJp ,i:$a. W119 provld(;:d tJ:rl~ i:r9ioingr IlJstrl,lc;tlon;:o,r:guid.anc~1 I'donit remember' . 18b. Briefl'/des.cribe the substance, ofthe trairiing( ihsth.Jction,. guidance provld ed to: yol]., identifYing who The. in'strudiQn relate,!" to "how to'tiandre'detaine-es ih Afgnanistari they were and what biogt'aptiical,data to ob.taln. ' '18c. Was:,ahy of'the:troQihing, hjstruGtlb)1~ pr ;guJdanc:e provided Ihwritlr'ig? or QY~s .0 No re 0 Do Not Re~1I -0;:'- 19~ During any ,ofyQLlf oyer.s~as:depIQyments qr as"slgl1ment?1 did Y0l,l re~eiV~ 6n'r haining r fnstruction', o'rguidance.:t6n¢er,ning the standar.ds pf,q~Jiduct appliCablEn;O thehtreatment/ interview1,oJ ,fnterrogation ,of detainees by non-FBI personnel? ' ,by~. 'Odo Not',Recall 20~ Dur,ing ;:lny :Qf'ybLir o'l(ers¢as ~epl9.Yili¢(Its pi' assig tiiTients,~ :did yOl} -reci:!.ive. any trairiitIg·t. j'ristl:l,ll~tion" ,Qrguiifcince.concer'nirig whatY6u' .were s'upp6s~ to de if you.observed or f1ea'fa abOofthe treatment, Interviewr. or Interrogation ofdetainees by FBI personnel)" which you believed to be in~pprQP"riRt~,J,ln.prQf~~iQ'lJql~cgerciv~r..aQu~li(~, 9r l,!nl?lwfiJ,I? DVes, ',21. DUring any'of your ov'erseasdep(oyme'nts Of assign'ments" did you receive any tralning j inStructiorl, 'Qr-g,l;Ildance.conce(!J.iQ9 w.hat you were sUPPQsed to'do if you -,<?bs~rved or hearg<:lbout the treatrTi~nt,·interVleWj '0\ interrog,aBQrl ~Net,ainees by non-FaJ personnel'r Whic!:r J'.ou oeli~l(ed ~.Q OIGQ-004922 be inappropriate, unprofession~I,coefci~ej abusive, or unlawful? :O"Yes Ie. Adequa~ ,PfTr.aining '0No aDq Not: RecaU 22.1n y'~ur:oPi~i6nr,dld ydU retej)/eadeq\Jate training, instructiOi'l"or:gulpa'nde reJ~ting'~t6 s~hciards, oJ eo!i.duct by,FBUlnd non-FBI p'efsdrlhel 'relating to freatriJent, interview,. -or interr~ation.of detainees prior to your'deployment'or assignment? 23. 'in 'your qpiniol1" did: you rece.iv:e ,adequate t~iningJ instrueti<;>n, ,or 9 lIid,anee r~'at:ingto' standard s .'qf cqnduct bY:FBlipnd ,n9n-FB1 p~rsormeJ r~1atfng to treatm~nt, fntervie"V" or interrqgatlon_of ,detainees, ourifl,g: yourdepl6yment or Essig nmen!? 2~. In 'y0ur ppinionr. ,did you r.~eive adeqtiate tfainir\Qr instroction, :or-9 uida nee concernirig what you were su ppose£l to:do If you observed or heard about the treatment" Interview('odnterrogatlon of :dett;'l.ineE!s,: by ,f.6~ or nqn-FBt p"ersqn~lj,that you b~Jiev~:d was jnaP'Pt9Pr.ia.te/llnprbfes~lonalf ,<;o,er,cIYe, ',abusive; Of unJawfUJ? ' '25,.:(Op,tibnalj In What way.s: can the FBI improve. trainfh'g pn this~subJectfOf future deployments-or~assi!:rnmelits? -, IO.-C()mmeQt~ I 26, Please prQvide'any acjd'itignal .inforl1)qtion, 'concern!ng tfqli;ling 'for Qvers~as,c(epIQym~nts Pf' 9ssi9nm,~nts pf FBI r~rsQl1lJ~1 YP,u bellev~ i~ r~tevan~. in resppnse to the Questions abOut ha\tin~ re¢ejved training prior to' bY while. dep,loyed ,as it aetaini8e abuse, i knew my:trafriirl'g: asan AQ'ent what was' apJJ,r.opliatea'nd wnat-Was,inapproprIate.: My 'as'si[Jhment Ih GTtv'I,O'and Afghanistan did n'at require :any contacfwith detarnees or invo.lvem'erit fn in,te[\'iewsjinlerr,ogalions,.: , ' OIGQ-004923 With respect tp each J~entifje9 t~chnJque, ,practker-or type of eanduct described ,befowr.we aresee.ldng lnformatlon ,ab,o, Its ,occurrence t1uring 'or in COrinettion with the int~r:vi~W ot in~,err~g~,til)npf a, d~lain¢~~ or during det~hiicm detainee beyond 'what is; n-eeded for safety ~nd ,sec,urity. Tn fhat context,.. we w.ill ask you to ,tell iJs whether ,one :or more anhe following stafements 'are true:, ' the' .ofa 1. 1gerson<;lllY'ob~rved ,this con~ ud.. , 2; tobs·ervep.diStain~(s) in a tpl1ditlgn t!latJed tne;ti:! ~~Ii~\J'E;thatthis.'cpriguq: ha~..occqrt~, '3, O~t~in~¢(S'l t~[t1 rn~ ~hat ~nis: cQno!JcJ: had QC¢!.Irr~9. 4, Others who o.bserv.ed.,thls condui::t'.desq'lbed It to, me. 5', r have relevanf· information classified above. 'I.SECRET~, '6, I nev~r9l:>servet;! tb!~:con~I,le.t, nor he~rd a'~Qu~ i.t frQm.som~n'~, whO'd~d . .27, m~prjving a', 0 I personally observed this:.conduct. ~" 0 C;:. I.,/?pserve,d cleta~!J~~.cs) )[1 '9,lSOnditioQ that led m~ it? be!.ieV;E?thCl~:,this, wnduct hqtl·oG<,:.urred. 0 Deta!n,ee(sj ~old J:l)e th~t .t!l!s;€onduct ,hpd oc<:urred.. ,q.. 0 e. ,a detainee of"thOd or water 0 Others whQ 'ob~r\f~q ·t~is ~()nguctf;!l:;~~{ii.bed Lt to roe: I h?lve.relevant inTorma~ion <;las~lfie~a~~>ve 'f$:,ECRB"·. 28. b.epriv.lng·8 detaine.e' of dottiing 0 r personafJY obsE;rveq ~~'Is:cond~,ct: Q~, 0 I:Q!Js~r:veq ~.~tail1e~,(s.) ilJ a:q>nd it.i.9rt t,~at !e<lme ,t/?' b~li~v~ tbi?t tDr.s condl,lct hap 'Clcq.lrre~. c. 0 D~tainee(s). told rn~ thq~ t~is cOhdl.lct hpcl 'o'c;:c~rr:eq. 'd~ 0 Others. Who ob$ery!=t;!'th)s CQnductdes~rl,be.d Ii to m.e. e~ 0 [h'ave relevant iofbrmatfon da$Sif)!=d' abdy'e "SECRET"', a., .29,. Depriving ,a 'detainee. of'sleep', or interru ptlng sleep by frequent cell relocations..or ,other methods 0 b, 0' c: 0 d" '0 e~ 0 ct•. r perSQrraily'observed this 'conduct. r:'9b~rv~d detaln~~(s). De.tarnee'(s}tb'ld in a:condltlQrl fila}: I~ 'rnEi to belJeve th~t thIs C;:Qnd,uct had ,OcclJrred. me.thatthls:conduc.t!1ad .occurreti'. Oth¢rs; Y{h'o obser:v~d :thi'~ cQnduc~ ·de~(:dbec! it ~6. me.. r have r~l~va-nt lriformatloh C1ass.ifiea abb.v_e "SECRET"'. f. 0 I heverd5served. this:conauc.t nor' heard · frani. someone who, did. ------------' OIGQ-004924 Q. Please'proVide ,the qp,proxiinatelim'e,ftam~,dllrin~ which thisccQodu.cLoccurr~. From 08[2002 to'09j20'02 ODo,NQt Recall h. The,detalnee(s) treatea in tfiis way were located cit the time jn: , 1, ltl Gl1aotariamd 2: 0 lRiq' 3 0 Afghani~tan 4:0 0ther LocatIQn 5 0 Oq, Not ReGl1I ,r. ,please 'fdentify the d~~,aJr:'~{~) by nQl1J,e end, (lumber~ L.tlon'ttnoW Who .the p~ta'ir,)(:~e Y', but I i,nstalled a camera in' a bri~ ~en in which he w,~s k¢pt and N!l could ,b@: ohserVe.d r~th6tely. If tl1ere<3l)y sleep, deprivation, it was phly· due tO'the,ceILbeingon 24X7 and,the;wilidoWs blacked Duf to keep,him from knowin'g iNhatfime it was. j, P-I¢?ls¢ 'ident.ify .th~, p~r~n(~hl{h'd lr~a.t~tr the; d~.t~Jne.e:(s) ill Jhi$: ma.rin~r,. induUing their 'tiame(s) .arid 90Vertfnie~t'a£!e'ncYCiesx: ' " No one person treated him' in any specific manner to de.prive him cif sleep. that 1 observed. I guess ,(rd qe, th~. case'Ageq~1 bl,lt I dpn1t j(I)QW WQiJ it was. k. Please identify- any:other FBI personnel or non-FBI 'personnel who:observed detail'lee(s) treated II') ,this mSll}[1~rJ jhdugjng, ~heir n~r(l~(sJ ~md, i?,g~ncy(ie!1}~ .. TheSSA In.cnarge kneW.9bo.ut it, 6tl9 J)'ersbt1nell<n~w·ati.ouJ it and ci'nybn~Who· the monitor. ' ,, ' 'I. This·coJidLict occurred in coMection -With:, l' '0 One detainee , 2. ~Sev.eral deta inees (1-4;) :3 0 M.any·detaJ,nees (IlJQr~ than4) 40 DQ Not Recall 0 30. Beating a detainee I 0 II per.$Ona'IY'Q.b?e,nI~, thl~~on{.lu~.t. o II ;upseNed dE!t~inee(s) jn a 'cand itjon !/:1Clt led :me, ~9' beliE!ye. 'thanbi~ cgnduct had 'oG.curreg•. c. o :petaineels) tql(:! me tha;: this. c9nr;Juct had ,ogcurred.: ;:i. b. l' " , . 0 Otbers whp :9b$.elY,~.d thl~ ~'OI.1~ l!<:;t' d~es-c;:rlb~ It t9: roe, 0 f hi;!Ve .ref~vant Inform?ltJon' d!=fssified 'above, iIS~dREr":., f. o ir Ii~\{er Qb~£=rJ.e~ thi§:,cQ nd ll~t 119r hl=atQ '9 b9Y.~ i~ fr6iT1 sOli1e!:>.n,e who' 9l.d. ~L e. OIGQ-004925 .31. USing water to Rr~vent breathing by a qetainee pr to. tr:.eate ;the ~ensati6n of drownih~ a'. d b: D (observed de~a.i.n.E;e(~):in.a Eond.!tion th?lt led Jl}e to be!ieye that ~his con,duct !lad 'Occ;urred.. D !Detainee.(s) told me. that t/lis c0ndu!=t hpd, D 'Others whoobserv~d tbis ton~uct describe9 i.t tq, lJ1~: D 1. have relevant information :C1;;lssifi~ ab'ove ..·$ECRET..·• c. ~. e. 1'. 0' I personally observed this, conduct. Ln@.ver Qbs~rved this CQOquct nor heard ~bquJ It from'.someonewhQ. ~Id. D ..' per;?O!1ally'oR~rveg.lhi~ :con~u~t. tr,: D 1 ob$8rve~ qe~alnee(s) in ,awnp i~iQn that I~ ,me tD belieye th<:Jt "tnis. cond!Ict. had QcqJrr.ep.. .G. 0 S~tahlee.(sltqIC( me tl1aqhjs ~Qnquct hol'd occorred. ~'. ·ct, D Others' whp Dbser:Y~9 :this r:;qnq lXct d~~~ribe.d it 'to m~ e. D I: have relevant Information classified .aboVe. "'SECREr"', f. 011' nevi:!r ob'served this:conduct hbr"h~rd .ab'i'JL!t it ~~?J!i soni:eone;.YJhO diq. .. :33, Threatening other action· to~c-ause physical pain" inJury,.d isfigurement,. or'death a. .D' 1 per!?:Qn'alIy. ()b~erved ~tii~ '~Qnd.uct. b. D' if 9pserve9 c;let,ainee(s) i(l:a cond ifi<m th~t led 'rJle to believ~ theit thi~ cQtldueJ: had oCGurred. ~ D !Detainee($)tbltl methatlhh>'c.Qridutt had .oc;'cur;retl. id. D 'Oth,ers who ,observed 'thi$ condlict d.e'$~trlbe9 it to: me. ~. D I have rele.vant.informatlon dassifl~t1-above '~SECRET":, f·llti' I neVer obserVed this:cohtlOct not hearcLabout'it fr6rnsomeone:who.l:Iid • .~4!tment or (lcti0f! ~usjOg sign'ifica.!1t. physic:al peath ·a. b. c. D D D I personal~y.observ'ed this t,oh'duct. Iobser'Ved .detalneet~) in 'axond iiioh that D.etainee(s) told palh, Qr !mu.!Yr Of causln9 disfigvrem,ent Of leo me. to believe that.:this Gonduct had .occ·urred. me that this conduct had -OCGulted. OIGQ-004926 0 .1 have relevant Information classified above ·!S.ECREr". f. 0. I never observed this :conduct nor heard about it from someone who' did. e. .~5.. Placjng a' d.etainee dn' a 'hot 'surface or D.urnrri~ ~ d~tcHnee 0 b. 0 c. 0 d. 0 -e.. 0 .a. [ personaHY observed this. conduct. I observed detainee(s} in'a cond ition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred. Detalnee(s) told me that this conduct hadoccurred~ Others who observed this condu~t d~scribed It to me. I have relevfuit, r~form.~tion c1as5rf~e.d Clb9ve '~S~CRET'" M !I n~verobserv~d f. this.fcqn,dupt n9r .heard · It from.sgl11eone'who· did. ;~l6:, .Using shackles .or .other restraints in.a prolonged manner a. 1:5'. t. 0 r per?QnaIIY·9b·?erve;d thls"q)I1~U.ct. .. o Ii bbse.rv~d ·d~tcllriee(s) ili:a Cpricntioffthat ied me, to l:Jelie,ve th'a'tthis conduct I:lc!fd oc~urred. o :-b~tain~~(~j"told ~~;.th~t~t.fii·; ;b~~aq .o:cturred. -'-~'-'.'. e. 0 .others who .pbserV~ tliis t,oridU,ct·des¢.tib,ed,me. 0 r hav:e rdevant inJ6rmatioh clasSified a'bbVe, jlS:ECREf'~. f. !tIlr never obseNeCl this coh'C1utt nor heatdab'6.ut it frohi sOmeone who did. .d. _:37. 'cr. Requiring a detainee to malntaln r or restraining a ,detainee IhI' a stressful or painful position D ~r p~t~naLly Qbserve~ thiS .~.()l1ctU.ct Q.: o !{obse(Ve-p ~~talnee.<s) In;a c~n~1tlon' th.<:lt led rJ:lg to' ,qelieve ~hi;l.t 'thiS' CQnpl.fQt ~a}! 'O·ccurr~[i .. 1 ¢: 0, tDetainee(s)"tolr;l m:e ~hat thjs' ~ond,lJ<:t, h~(q q,ccurred. a o 'Others: who ,observed this c.onduGt describ.ed it to me. .' .. e' f. 0 [h~ve relevant iJiformatio'n ~Ias,sified 'above ·~SE:CRETIf'. o ,I never bbser\l.ed. this , heard 'about it fr6rtLsome'one who did. OIGQ-004927 0 I per~nally'ob~l"\(ed thi~ conQuct. 0 ~ Dbservep d~t~lnee{s) in.(:l c9J1ditiqn that ied :m~ to p~n,evfa that, t/:1i5 ~orrp~~ ~. 0 D~tC:lin~:(s) tol~ m~ that this' c;on~u!=t had occurred. O. 0 Oth¢rS whQ obs.ery~d t,his ~M~f.(j~t d.eS,c:rib~d it tq m~, e. 0 t h:a\le (E!I~Varit infQrm,atiorl cl<;lssifi¢d ~~ov~ 'iSEQRET.... f. 0 I n:ever ~b:s,eryed thl$ -cond'ue,t npr h~rct ab~",.t it fromsPlJiepfl~Who' old. a- , " b,. had 'o<;qJrred. '39. Using' electrical on,a detainee a. ~'., 0 0 I. p~r.sqnal.lY' observec;f, thi~ 'condqct. I 'opseryec! (I.~lain~e{s} in~:f c,9nd itlo,n that led lTIe t<;>' Qenev~ th<;it:ttJls, C9ndu'cJ;, had QGcur(~d •. o iD~taine~(!?) tqlqrne thCjt thrs'~l:mduFt hFld -<?c;currect. '~~ d. D !Others' ~hp .qbseiyed tbi?,p'loctuct d.e,s~ribep it t9' me: G II: ha~e relevant informi;ltion ~I;:ts$ifie:d ,a b.oy.e, "S,EPREr"'. f. 0 r n~v'er oliser\(ed thi~:,<;qnau~t nor Ii!=ar,d :,about. it from ',som:epn.e, wh9 did. e'. ·40. Threatening 'to .us.e',electricaJ shock,on a :detainee 0 r personaIIy'o'Ds~rve,d !hl~ conquct.' 'p.. D I observed d~tainee.cs) In (a'cond it:io,n that i~ me to believe that thi$ ,GOndu'ct bi:ld o9c~rre:d. C,: 0 De~C;ljnee(~) told m~ th~.t ,this l:i;onquct Oi=ld 'oC:;:,curr~. 'd. o .pthe~·1Afho '(jb~rv.e9 t,l}ls C;'Qnc!.4~t'des~rlbed If ~o me. e','. 0 ~' haVe reley~rit iofohtlatlon' 'classified ~b'9v~ i~~.ECREJ".• f', 0 r rl'i=y¢r 6bs¢r\I,ed' thisc9ridu~t not'h~td ~b(tut itfr6tn 'sorii~9ne,Who. ~.ld. 'a~ Ail. Jntentionally"delaying -or denying :detainee medical <:are D b, 0 c;,. 0 d. 0 a. "-~ . I p,erso.!19l1y observed thi~ G.0ndu9t. I:oO,sery:ed 'qetaln'ee(s) In 'a-c;:onditiol1'that led me' ~()' b'elJeve,that.thls coqdul2t· h~d :ocC()rr~d, Petaine~(s) told roe t!l<;1t this q:mquct hpd -<?cq:.rrreq.. IP~hers VVhoo!?~rveC! 'tillS cond l1<::r d,~?tribed it to lJ)e,; , . ... ........ . ..... ..... " . ., .. , - ..... .. ~ , .~. . 'w, • • .. ~ ...... - " •• w ." ... - , , OIGQ-004928 , " , " ~ , d I have relevant Information classified above ·!SECRET". f: 0 I never observed this.:lmnduct nor heard about. it from someone who did. e. '42., Hood ing qr bnndfol~ing a tletain~e. other than durinQ,_t;.;..r.a;;;.;n"",s;.,:;p.;;..o;;.;,;r1;.;.:o~t.;;.;.iO;:..;.·n...:..- _ .a. D I p~rsOnafly. observed tliis ,conduct. o c. o b. II DDs,erVed det.ainee~s). in atond itiatf that. led me,to believe thanhis. conduG~ had o:c:curretl. Detai nee(s) told me that this cond'uCt had ,o,d:o rred. . D Others' who obsehted this cond i.lct des{;ribed it to me. 0 r. have relevant information classified aboye, !!SECRET to 0 I never observed this, conduct nor heard 'about It 'from someone wllo did. d. i e, '. :~3. S!lbj~t!ng a d~tain~ tq e)ct:remely coldcr hqt room tempef"i3tur~s for extenp.ed p~iiods a. o !r pe'rSi:ma'lly observed this conduct. o ~ observed'detain~e(s) in a cancl ition that led me to believe that this conduct hi:ii:l·oeturred. o ID'etalnee(s} tQld 'me that this Gond.tict had .ocCCliTed. b. t,. d. d lothers who obserVed this ednd uct described it to me.. .e. o II have releVant infor-matron elas~iffed abov.e "S'ECRET". f. !tilr never observed this;condud nor heard about it from 'someone who dM. 44. Subjecting a detainee to loud music ~ 0 Ir pgrsonaliy bbserved -thlscondut;:t. b. d II observ.ed,.detainee(s) in.a cond'ition that led me: to ·C: .d. .e. f; o o believe .that this: cohduct had occurr~tl. !D.e.taihae.(sJ told 'me that th.iS dond (jet had :oc'turred. !OthetS' who 'Qbsefiled .thIS conduct,described It to. me: o tr have relevaht information classified aboVe "SECRET". o II never observed this:condud nor:heard:ao0ufitfrorTI-someonewho did. OIGQ-004929 45. Subjecting a deti:Hh~e to bright flashin9.Yghts or .oarkn·ess a~ o II personally observ.ed this .conduct. b'o 0 c. Lobserved detainee(s) in a~Gond ition that led me to believe that this conduct had .occurred. o ~[!lee(s) told 'me that tris conduc~ ha9 Qccurra;l. 0 O~hers W!lQ observ~tj t.his cc:mdu~tdes<:::ribed 1t t9 m~ e. 0 I. hav~ relevant rnform~tio'n c1as~ifiep aQ'ove "S~CRET". r: 0' I never ()bservep thjs'cond!lq.nQr·h~rd abqut it from sqmeqne'who did, d. 46, :ISblating a aet;3inee ~Qr .an e)(terid~dperi6d. ·cr. o II personally o'bserved thTs ~onduct. b. It1 r observed detainee(s) in'a condition that led me to believe that-this conduct had .occurred, , c. D 1Detalnee(s) told me that this conduct had .occurred. d: 0 Qtl:Jers who obser:'_ed ~1]is c0n.d uct pescribed .it to. rne.. ~. to .g. 0 I !l~we relevant it:lf9rmafjQlI das.siffe!=!..a~s)ve o - - , I "SECR,ET L, I never-observed thls,coliduct,nor heard,aboutlt .!.: '. .:.. ,: ,...... - ----= -._'. _. ." ". . ' . .from . . .sorneone:who·dld. ..;..' ' .... ~ .~, ~ p'leas~ pJovfd'e the apP(QXimate trl)i~ frame .dUfin.~ .W,hi~.h. this, <;onC.fLl~t'o_C;G,urreQ. From ,08(20Q2 to 0.9./20,02 000 'Not Recall hi The' ~etaii1~J~(s) ~r:~teQ In 'thls Way .jN~r~ JQ~a.te9 at th~ tihre 'in': :( 0' .G.u9nt~nam9. 20 Iraq :3D Aff!hanistan .4 0 :Other LOGation 5 0 Do. Not Recall : . L PleaseJdentify the detairiee~s) by name and humber: . ~ ~ don't .know w~o it was', It wa.s the. same pe~SQ':l h:le~qib~ above re ~leep;geprivatiofl<:As I . qn.d,~rst9,o9 it a.~ th~ ~Imei h~ was· ~q ,1?.e~elg. In 'ISblatl0' the Brig ~ell'l'b,r {Q <;j~ys: I pqr(t knolf( .If he was ~int:e 1 lett b.efQre tile S.Opays was' I,Jp. j. Please Identify' thepe,,:oon (s t who treated the detalnee(s) In j:h Is- rna nnerr Includ IO'g their l1ame(s} Cjnd g0vernment'QgenGy(ies): . ca?e.:ag·ent, k, ~lease I~enfify' any other ~BI personn~l or l.lon~'FBr persol1n~1 who ob~rved deta.inee('s). trea.ted In thlS' m~rinerr Incfuding their oame(s) .~:itid ·qQ·~n'(W( SSATri.t:::harger Brig persOiinel, anyone. who could ,see.the mo'nitor I. This.conduct,occurr.ed in 'connectionwith: ., 0IGQ-0049.:>0 1·0 ·On.e det.aine·e . 2 Q 'Several deta'iriee,s- (2-4) 3 d Many detainees (more than 4) -4..0 Do Not RealI! nJ, (O'ptlonal) Pleas'e' describe the.relev.ant c.irctifnStances In more.·:detail: 47. Using dud: tape, to· ~train, gag,'or punish a petainee: ... b. c. d. e. f. 0 r" p.e.r:sonally. Qbserve:d' thfs ami:fuct. 0 otise(l1.edJ:lelalnee'(s),1I1 :a .l:orid itian that ied me: to' believe that this eoi1dlict had o:ceurrcll, 0 Detalnee(s) to.1d me that had ·.occurred, 0 bthers: who :ob.serVed ,~hls CdO'l:l Del: .d'escrlbed It t.o' me. D I have relevant fnfonna'tlbrr dasSified abciv.e '!S'ECRET E'f I ne'ier- observed this .conduct nor heard :about it from.Someone 'who d id. q • 4'8. Us-Ing' rapid response t~IT}S ~n(lfor: forced cell extr'?!ctions: O. p'~['sQi"laIIV,¢t>~Ne<i thls.~n<i!-t~t, b. It! I.obser.v:ed de.talliee(:s)·.ln :a.corxfltion tnatle.& me .to that thl:; ron.duct hacd·ocqJite,d, •• ~ "'f. o Io.e-talnee(s). told me th'a! this. c.6ridutt had .Q.cturfei:L o tOthers: who ob.ser:v-ed this Cb'lidli.ct aes"c"riljed it to m.e:. o II have.relevaht l(iforn'latlon dasSifled abolie "SECREf". o h never observed tfils .conduct nor·heard.abOut, it "from'someone who did. g. Please provlcfe the apprOXImate time frame dUring,whlch thls:conduct o.cOlFred, F(Otn Q8/2dbi ~Q oWi2.(m~ OD·9 NOJ'Re-cali n. The detainee(s). treated' 'in this way.were located 'at the time in: 1 rtf Guantanamo ~.D Ir<:!q ~ 0 Afg!:lal1"Jstan 4- 0 Other LocatIOn 50 DoN6tR~1I r.. Please [d.en~\fY the defainee(s) ):ly 'nam.e arid' tlumli¢t: OIGQ-00493! Same case as above. TheArhiV "SWAT t~arri" apparer1tly grabbed the detainee out of his cell at the'detentioh facility, and broug hthim to .the Brig,. j. Ple9se l<i~ntify the per?Qn{s) who .treated the de.taineets) in .thi$ manner, incluc;i'ing their hCll'ne(S) ana .Q01te.rnmeht affe'nG.v(ies): Same-as above k.. Plea-se identifY amrot.her FBI perSOlill'el or non-FBI,'perso.ri'nel WhQ ol5~rv~d detaine:e(s) treated in this manner, inCludIng their nanie{s) and 'agency(ies); ' ,$ame as above I. "':tiis.t9,ntluc~ 'q~~LJfred' in gilil'ieGtiorr W~h';' i ,0 'One d~paln~e ~.Q 'Severer detainees' (2.-4) 30 Many d#aihee.s tn1~fe, thEm 4} 4 0 Do Not, ReCall " til. (.O'ptibn'al) ,P(~se. descr:ibe the: r¢leva'nt ci(cumstahces, in 'mor;e detail :', :4-9. Using,'a' military' w.orking, dog 'on or near a detainee other than during detainee trans'porta~i__ o__ n,_ _ ,a; 0 I per$Onalty observed this conduct. ._... ... .. _---,b. 0 r .obs'erved detaihe', in}! c~nd'ition1:hat led me to, believe that this conduct had 'o"cc'urred. c' 0 be,t~inee'(shQld .me tha,t '~hi~ col1dlJct Me! occurred. ',' jL tl 'Ot!l.e'rS; who .6lJserved i,hi$. t;:ondLict described it to. me.. ~ e', """""- , q I.!:iave'rele'!aiit. information .C1assified ao.ove "SECRET". f. ItT r never observed thls:conCluct ri6.r':heai:i:I ab:outit ff.omsbm'eQne Who. did. -Sd'. Threatening to -use.military working d,ogs.on or near a detaInee ? 0 t personally' ob~rved thts'cQnduc;.t. 0 0 d. 0 _e. .. 0 b. c. I ob.~rvet;l c.letainee(~)' hi'a 'copditipli' that fed me to'that this (ond,uct h~:a 'Occurred., b¢t?line.e(s:). ~,oJd me that ~hj~ spnd,ut.t hpQ .o,ctlJrred. Oth.ers. whO observed 'this t(jnductd~¢ribed it to, ri1~. I hEiv,e relevant il'lformatio.n .classified above- "SECRET"'. f. ~ I neVer observed this',coh'duct nor heard about it fron1\someone who i:lid. OIGQ-004932 51. JJsing spIders, scorpions, ,snakes, or other animals dn or near' a d,etainee 0 b', 0 1;:, 0 9: 0 a~ e. I personally observed this..conduct. I.observed detainee(s) in a ,cond ition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred. De!Cl!nee(s) told me that t~is conduct had ·occurred. Others w~Q observep t~is conductdescribe9 it t9 mt;. o .r. have rel~Va,nt information classifiep p!?'ove "SECRET". 1': 0 I neverob~erve~, thls'condu~.t nor'heqr9 a!Jout it from someqne:whp c!id. 0 b.. 0 a~ c. d I personally'observed this conduct. [ observed detafnee(s) ina.condition that led me to believe tliat this conduct had ·occurred. Detalnee(s) told me that this conduct had ,occurred. 0 btl1ers who observed this c~m:d uct: descri~ed it ,to, me. e. 0 I have r~levqnt tnfprmatiQn ~(assified. a'b,oVe "S:E,CRET'f.. t 0jr never ob!!t;lrve,d ~~I~,!COlld uet ,nOf heard 'abQu~ It frorTrsoJTlet(n~\lVh.o- d !(L d< - 53. DJsresp,ectFul :state.ment5.~ handflrfg, or;adions' inv.olv.iI19 the. Kor:ao . !r persoii'al!,/ observed this.coilduct. a~ [J b. 0 II'observed detaine.e(~) in a ccol1aition th~it led me to believe thaf'this condlfc't· had .occurred.1 ~ D. iDetainee(S) told me that this conduct had occurred. d. 0 Others who .observed this cond,uc;>t' described It' to me, '~" o It ha~~ Tel~v:ant inforrnation c1a~sifie~ ab~ve "SECRET", f: lEI lL. '1ever:o,q?erve~ th~s '~QI1~U.~¥ TI9r ~~r~ ,.abput it frqm ~1J1~9.nlS \Jy,h,o cHd. 54. Sh~vjf)!:l'a .de.tainee'$: fadai or ptii!=r hair to ~!:>arfa~ or'll.\.lrtlilia.te a :d etaIrfee 0 b.· 0 c; I 0 d, 0 :a. Ipetsonal!y. dbsehted this conduct. I'observed detaillee(s) in a .condition that led me to believe that this condu.ct-had occurred. lDetainee(s) told me that this conduct had 'occurred. Others who observed this conduct described it to'me. OIGQ-004933 .' '.r " e. 0 I have relevant Information classified above f. 0' I never observed this;conduct nor heard about it from someone who did. ,55., Placing a. b. t. ,d. ~e. f. 0 0 0 D 0 0 i;l womanls'dothilJ9 Qh I I~S.ECRET". - a'detainee I p~rS6narly obs~rVed this 'c6r1du~t. I ,obserVed detc'dnee(s). ina cond itioFi t,hat led me' ,to- believe thatlhis conduct hatt'ocellrrea. Detainee(s) told me that this cond'ud had ,occurrefl. Others who observed this conduct des{;ribed it to me. Lhave releyarit Information classified above, ",SECRET')'. I ne.ver'observed thls:conduot nor 'heard 'about itlromsomeone,who did. , . ,~6. 'TqucqiJ;\g:a ,detainee ()r <;1ct1ng towClrd 13 cletatnee in'a, ,sexupl.manper ,a. '-- b. c; -,D r personaily onserved this conduct. 0 . -- I pbserved' detainee(s) In ,a .tend ition that led .m,e to belieye that this conduct had ,oGcUi'red. o <Oetalne.e(s) told rtre that 'this €Ondu,ct, bad :occUrred. d. 0 'OtherS who obserVed this conduct oescribed it. to me. !.e. f. C! r have relevant information dassified a'bov.e "S'ECREr'. 0' I never observed this..conduct nor heard ab0ut'it from 'someone who did. 57 .~lI;)ld jng (;1.~tafl')ee(s), who were detain lrig ,th~ ~.~r$Qn. nqt o.lJ'kial1y aC,knowledg:ed or reg istered as sucl1 by the agency b'. o !I p'erso'nallY obserV~d this ;c6hdi.Jct. o ~Ii)bserveddetaiiJeets) in a..corid ition that led me to believe that'this condliCt liad .occurred. £'. 0 d. o 'bthers' wno 'observed this conduCt describeCi it to me: ~" 0 I I)~ve ,refey.arit: informati~n f. 0 a. Detainee(s) tcild me that this E:oAduct had .oGcurred. c1as?i,fieq a.~ove "~EC~~"'. I,'obsen:ted tl:1Js ~ond.u~t norh~rd<about'it from,someon~W~(;)(~ld. OIGQ-004934 .58. Sending a detainee ~o anothe"r countr}' for more"aQ.g,'s:.:s;,:..;iv:.::e:..:i~nt;:;;;e~r:..::ro;.>lg:=a::.tiO::;.;h~ I personally observed this"conduct. b", 0 0 c. o iDeta!n.eE:(s) told 'me that this canduct had 'q<::curre;l. a~ I.'observed detainee(s) in _ a'cond ition that led me to believe that-thls conduct had 'occurred. u 0 Others wno obsefVet! ttl,is ~0.n~uctdescriJ:led i,t t9 m~; e, 0 I, hav~ Tel~v~rit inrormatio'n classifiep ,a!?'ove "s,ECRET", t. 0 I never obse,rved, this'conquct nQr'h~rd abput it frQrnsqmeqne'wh~c1id. f SQ, Thr.ea~eniT1g to ,se'nd ,a qetahi~ tq anoth'~r c<?-un,try for detentipo 9r more. 8{lQ ressivl;!. iil~erri:?gdti(jn a', 0 I perSonally observed' this ,cO'Jiduct. b. d d Lobserveddetainee(s) in a cond ition that led me to believe I:hatthis conduct had .occurred. c. 0 e. 0 d, Detalnee(s) told me that this conduct had ,occurred. Qt~ers who observed t,his conduct described it to, me." I hqve.r~(evarit i,n.f9mr~~ion<;:fassified..ab:9ve "$EtREr'!., f. ~ I a. b', ' 0 I never observE;d thls'coIiduct,nor heard ,about It from'someone who did. -.-' . ' , .. , , .,.,. ."" .. '- . ." ." perronally b:bser\ted, thls.coilduct. d it ,observed detarnee~s) in a'cond ition that led me to: b.elieve that this cond.ucl had ,ocC'lffred.1 0: Detainee(s') told me that this conduct had occurred. d. 0 Qt,h-ers' who obser;ye<;l ,this conc:llJ~t describecj It t.o me, 'e.- 0 t, have r~J~varit in'formation c1as~ifie.~ ~b()ve, "SECRET'''. f; 0 -L ney~r'op!J~rye<! thIS '~QnQuGt n9t:' hear.d ,ap0ut it ·from 59meQne: Who qid. c. 0 0 I personally observed, this ,conduct. c; o loetainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred. d, d Others who observed thiS conduct described it to me. a. b, I observed detainee(~) in 'a·.condifion that led 'me to belie~e ·that this conduct had occurred, OIGQ-004935 .. e. f. 0 L have relevant Information classified above ·!S.ECRET". 0 I. never observed this,conduct nor heard about it from someone who'did. ~62, Other- or'se?<llal haras$me.nt or humiliation,of a 'detain~ a. 0 I p~tsOrially- ob~rVed ,b. this;.tOriliuct. me ,to believe thatll1is cohduct 0 Lol5s~rved.detdinee(sJ in ,a,qSnditior'i t.hat led 0 0 Others who observed this Gondi.Jct described it tO'me. c. o 'Detainee(s)told me tnat this ednd'att had .o.ccurred. 'd. 'e, 1, nav.e relevant information classified above "·SECRET"·. t 0;1 ne.verobserved thls:conduet nor heard about It from someone who did. E?'3'., qth~.r treat~~~1 of'~: d~tgfne~ th~t in'·yo\.lf qp,iriipn/ wa,~ !J.nprof~~i(jl;t~l, .un9illy h9 rsh 'gr·a..ggres.s!:i1e, Cde.rcl~e', ·ab;Usiv.e, Of .l\nlayv.f!",r 0.. o o G\ o IOetainee(s) told me that this condud had occurred. a. ~ personally' observed this .condiJct. lrobserved detainee(s} In ·a .cond ition that led me to bel ieve that- this eonduct had 0ccurred. o jQthers who observed this c0nductdescribed it to' me. e. o II have re.!evant Informatlc:m cJasslfi~p -a~pv~ I~SEe~ET'\ f: ltJ lr never'ob?erv~d t,hi~ 'COI1Q~c.t nor heard about itJromsQll1eQIJe'who did. ·d. _I@·t/.§)jjt~W~·~ ....",;. '..... , .,'. n '64: Did yg!-J' observe gn)}' :impe.f:sPrlqtiqn .qf FEH personnel QY'any,qn¢ .guj'ing. <;In intero-jew Qf interrog.a.tiqn..of. .a. d¢.tainee7· .65. Did~.riy,petailie.e. or'oth¢t per5.Qn .t~1I Y9U thqtheor~l:ie had Yi1i~nes~e(f 'the irhlie~S;Qnatloti9f FBI persohO.el in' connection with a detainee: i.r1terview or interrog.ation? Q'Yes ·0 No' , '66~Are you qlNCln:~'of arlY "sharn'!·or·ll~t~ged)la~~ainee:i.ntervlews,or'll}ter.rogatiQn~ G<?n9ucted.fqr Members ..orth~ \).5. "Congres~Qfthejr~t9ff~ , Q 'l.~~ 0 No, OIGQ-004936 67. T,c your knbwiedge, di9 any' military or jntellige,ric.~ persqr:uiel ever ,deny Qr d~lay FBI acc~s to a 'detaihee,tbe FBI Wanted to question because the,detaineehaCl sustail'led liijurles after he was captured? OYes @NO itict you t~p.ort any: c6nc.ei'i'i$ -re'9ar:djfi~ anyodetainee.:infervlew or'i.nteitogation practices, ,or .other types of..d.etainee tr'eatmeriti~ an: FBI 70; D,urih"g 'ifnY'6( yblJr bv.~fseas"d~pl6.yments b.... assig nm~r)ts, sup~ry~sorl ' :b Yes. to . 0 No; 7i, Dwrjngp'ny Qfyopr 9Xt.~r5~as:q~pJbYmeJi\~gr q~jgtlme:n~;s, dig yqu r¢p.ort ~iiY tCinc~tn'$ r:~:gi;lr~:fIng any, .deta·in~' in.ter'View·,or interr6gatibri practices ~bf other :fy'pesof ;Y"ou' . ,observed or heard about/. to a non*FBI supervisor or other non-FBI personnel? . 0, Yes .(!) No' 12. Have.'YQu ~y~r peen orger:ed' Qq:lir¢.~~. o9t t.~ r~pqrt,:or;fiI~~Q(Jrc!:9.ed in i3ny 1!'!.C1\(from r~p;<;1I1:' bb,servatJorfs or allegatid.ns r.elated ·to Q~,tajn·e.e tr.eatment or- ir:iterJi~w ot interrogation 'aeti6o~ Or p.Yactl~e57 ' O'Yes', 0 No, 73~ HClye Y9U :exp~~jen.cect ;aml 'ac;tu~1. ,or;at~n~d retaliation' for gps~rvqtlop~,'or'a!legati<m? .bftJ¢t;;l,in~e t(e~~fnerit Qr iri.t..~r:YieY'( 'Qr IJiterrQgl;1tlQrj aqion:s ,cr p@ctiC~f .Q Ye:s 0 No, 74,. (Option,?!)' Plea:s.e provlae ~~y:q9d)tlon~l. cOrnment~ reg:ardfng the ~eP<?f!;'I')\J of c()l'JC~rns:reJ?tefi tq interview or' ilite~rQ.QC!tipn t~cl:lriicj:!.les, c:t~t~ntion l>ragit:~~, .or'.l;:ith¢r·d..eraihe~ tn~?ltment. -~ .. ~'Ei~~iD'~~~~:, \, ~ ~ ~}~'~~lW\.~~~ 7~. Wete you :d¢bri~fed, qth'¢r thaJ1,~he'stand;:jrd FD-7J2, c:qnc~rlJing' YbU·.r·~ 'assi~innient(s) .or ,depIdYment(s). after y.ou l:otn pleted the deploy-ment(sJ or 'assi~ rimer'lt(s)1 .c Q Yes ": 0'No 76., Additional tomments and Recommendations: OIGQ-004937 Thank you for your cooperation in completing this questionnaire OIGQ-004938