Aclu v Dod Doj Questionnaire Regarding Detainees 00000586
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.1 D~partm'ent'of3us.ti~.e Ins;pector C;;en,er-al .Que.s.ti.onnaire R~9.a··r,din·g Det~in,~e's . D,01-:on3 INVESTIGATIVE QUESTIONNAIRE FOR.REV1EW A~D USE ONLY BYIND'IVIDUAL FBI RESP.ONDENTS . . .. , 00 NOT FP,R,WARD OR DI.~EMI~ATE' , QU.ESTION!'iIAIRE 10: teSt-0,000.0.58,6 -Aso.fth~ last.time this~q~~.tionnairewa'~ ~a,,~~, $qme 1:'~.q~ire.d·fJelds:hav~,nC?t~een cQ~pleted. PJ$s'~,re:YieW'yC?ur re,sptmses. . <' 'f', ,', ':. 't' : .. : . :' .. , , ,~•. :: ' , . . ~. , :'.' P¢r~on:a,l Inf9rm~t.ipn A. Please· provide~ thefQlIowin~ information: 1. fi(st nam~ i. Middle InltJ~I: 3; Last name:, 4. Ente~d on DUty Date .(EOD) : .:;: c.ur.r.ent'DiYisiQnlFi'eLd Office: :6;. Ourrent Jpb title; 7:· Direct:dial bffice'telephone number: 8, fBI '¢eli ph.qn·E!\numtler: . ~. f$,i pqger number: ·fo. Best cQntact nur:nber for'Yol:f~ f! &.70 .PER IJ,qREEMf!nf 6 &,'1CPERA.GREEMENT 6 &·7.C PER AGREEfI(IENT 6, &. 7C ~~ 7C $peelal. A~J.~!1t 6 & 7C,PERAGREEME~T: ~ {k.7C PER,A'GRi;EMENT' ~~ . 7C?peRAGREEM.EN!: '6 &, Ie PERAGREElViENT B. B.a·ckg'toLfnd of Spe'tific Deployments ·or 'Assignments 11. At any time aft.etlSeptember HI 20.01,. did you, ser'Ye,.a·s. a member of,the U. S. MilitarYr 'or' as an employee,or contractor'ot the. FBI or any other g,overnment agencYr at ,Guantanamo Bay;. Cubaj 'Iraq; . ti.fg'; 'or in are.qs 'controll.~ by,t~e U.S. Military. qr a·l).~. intelligeJ1r;e s~rvj~.e il.l"cQnn~c~Iqn wit~ \h~ . ·.gI9bal war on: ~errol'( 0·yes 0 No 12. :Enter the .numb~r Of' tim.e,syou..w.~r.e"d~pIQy~d o.r:~s~(gned' to.each of th'e..ih.i 16tatioJ1s,: .(~ahtananio ,Bay~ 'Cuba~ lraq:;-.·:Atghanistan; ,or iniaily a'teas contr:blledby the U;S'.Military.or a US_ Int~!I! s~rVJ¢.eI;2: . For ,each deployment or assisilment .complete ·the fol1owi~~ section. ..n. "s·ele.· ct D4i!P!Q)I1lle,nt Qf 1l~,signrr!eriHielJ.itf!l?i(9t Depl~ym~n~ J?ni55i!,irimeltt en,de!! on. \; iG~ani~i'nam(rB~V, .. ~ ..' .- ~ ~ .,':. ~·dY• • itbo...t: or..itl!out. 0.5/2002 0712002 . i~a. Wl1~t was the;gen:eral Ji~t~r~ i:!np p:urp'p~~ QfYQur·i:iss,,t ¥i1d 'at:tlvitj~:? lritervi'ewer 12b. ·Please provide. the names of the"spedfic.camps, bases-ror facilities where you worked. C:~IT!P..Delt~. co • • • . . . . . . ....,' . ' .' • 1,2c. NQt~.: If informatlpn' C\bcilit -a ;sP:~cific t~:nnp,,. er ·facilltY'is·'tIa:$:5jfied.:abp.v~SEcRET, p i::h~ck ber~' 0 r ih;clude iii your ~answer that you' have ,llatl~n~iQ!1al irif~;mnatiptl das~jfled ·.abo.Ye 'SECREr....\I. and,. if you koow;idehtify·the,c1assificatlon,lev.el,. licketl, ;co'mpaitYne'ilt, prog ;01' ,other designatiQn tl1a~.ap'plles tcrthe !nformatlon .. Do not Include' the-additIonal <Classified informatfqn In your ,ease: ram, OIGQ-005193 qllestlonnalre responseS. biG personnel w.ith ,the nece~ry clearance Will c9ntaet you to receive,it. Name Position' b6 ~SA I L"'Wc;-n;;r;;;~ -'- b7C --- -"'-- -'-- - - _ ...... - - - - - - - -'- - - - -'-'- - - --'-- - - -'-'- - - - -,- -'- --'- - - - - -'- - -~12e. Did yq,u JOIntly it:lt¢r'yieW Qr inleri'6gare any detaine~ ~...ith h9n-FBI p¢rsonoel?: : . ~ Ves 0 N.Q .....' . - - _. - - .'- --- - -'--'._. - -_. -_. --,.'--' •• --- -- - .... - •• - p- --'- --"~ .'- - - - - -. - ~ - - .'. -'. - : Wit~'what k.ind;:> cif !1on-f~I personnet djd Y9t,l wpr!<jointly'?", ---'-'- - "--'-- - - •• _ . - - - - - 0ctrF ~ Ef Q,ther U.S.: Military ~ 0 Ifs.. intelligetL!=~ ag.efiCY '; 'd f,orel9n mil1tary pi Intelll,~ence ageliC:Y:: 0 o.ther .. '- _. - - - - - - - - - _. - '" • - - • - .. - • _. ~ • - - • - p - ,". - - :5:.2f: Dici YoUj;t~tIY. pian :'anv. detalnre l~ierView~or-;~i~rrog.rtk;O:st~te9Y; ~Fa.I . ~ • - - •• - - - - - - • - - -.l O'tiJectjv~:~r tact~-~1th' n;o-'-: ,_, ~ : < . . . . . , _ '_ _ ._ ....._ ¥~ :0 No' 0" Yes ' . ' • .J,_" , ,w " _. " With what kinds of n6"Il'-FBI personnel did you 'w'orkjoihl:lv? :0CfTF· '_ " ' _ ' '_. _ _ ' ' ' •• ' •• ..: ., ~ .' . • :: 0" '.Other U.S. MHilary - ,: Qus\ lntell! : 0 forelt;rn military or Imelllgence agency ': 0 . .,.- --- . - - - --- --- -- ---- -- - _. - - _. -- ---. -.-- - -,- _. _. .-:iig, ~wete::Y6U ;;ver-6tiierw~ involved In'detalne~,lriterVlew~:or intirrtigatbns.-wrth-,OOO':PBI-~f~nn~~Ji -: ~ . " ' w' ,. (~Ied one') _", ~~~._•• ~ ._. Location !§_lI~!)~namo B2't ~'- ~- Q-Ves , • __ , ~-,-, 0: NO ~ ~,- ---'~--'- -~ ~ _ Qbg,u~ I?eplo.vm ent 0(a5~!llimlent,bellanOJ) or ~elll~VJ'!)~nt'Or,as$!anr:nentellded on' or:.. bo.lI~: 12/"t002 Cl,2J2.tlo1' • 12a. w~t-was thj:! gen, nj:l,ture at)Q P.urp9S~ Q'fy<?ur'~,ss.ignm~Qt ~,nq :fJq~vipe~?' {ri~ervie,~er ' :1-2b. Please. proVide the-na'rhes pfthe sp,edficcamps, baseS;, at fadlities w.her..e ~6u warned, Camp'Delta ' ' fic. NQ~.: If l.ntOrma"t!91'! a,bol,lt a:sp.€!hific'qmp, " ba~i:ar,i'acili~ jsc;lass,ified a~oYe SE<;RET, p'~~se-cne:~k here: 0", InqlYge in yoyr a!"!~wer- th.?~ you hax,e.llad4itional tn(orm~t)qn das~iU~ ab9~ 'SECRET/ n and.. if yq:u, kiiOW, Ld~htily·'~hc:'ilassjfitatipn,k:Ve.I, ticls-et, ,com)jQrtment, prOgram, or Qther deslghatbn :that~applles to,the,lnformatlon. Do hot Include the 'aCldltlonal classified Informatlon' hi your responses. QIG p'ersonnel with tbe neressary :r-;Q I-'estionn;:,lire , "" ,", ,. "-', '-. -- -cTearance will "€ontaot " , ,you ' to, receive " . it.- 1~'i,:~ia~~ld~~t4:~X ~i~i,;~c! ~s}tl<?=n:~}}fi~~~~;=(~!~~~~~~n~n~[~~~~~.y~~~i~~I,i !~9!t~? E2~r.!g..:'l.~! ~~~~'[njf!.~ 2[ ~S~~ri_r1!~~'~ N~tn~, I PosiUQn SSA n6 . b7C OIGQ-005194 :i2e.-Did yoU-Tolntiy'-intervlew or-iiite~r;g~te-a-ny detainee;;ithno-n:FB~ personnel?- -------------- -~ . 0 Ye~ 0 N9 : With what kinds <:if noh-FBI p.er50nnel did workjo.iotly-?' - --- - - -- - -- - - - -"- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ..... ,-" you ~ -- - - --- - - -- - - - - -'- - - -- - - - _-...... 0 CITF ,: tJ :Other u.s. Military : DI;J.'S~ intelligence agency.: 0 For~lg'n Il'lilitary pr Iht,elllgeQc;e ag:ency ~ 0 Oth~r' -. -- - - - - - - - .... - -- - - - - - -"- - - - ... -"- - ... - - - - - - ........... - - - ... -- - - .... - ...... ... - _. ,:i2f: 'DJd- youJijiotly piaii ~any d~tair'iee Ini~rVi'e~ or-Interrog~ti~n ~st~tegy'; objectlye;,'~or ta-t;iIGs~ ~ittY nd";-:: '" ;,- ~. ~ ,. ..... ".. .~ ~ ~ :FBI perso:iinel?" .- ..,. ',. . . 0~ O~ . '. "" ~ ,- , ~ ".. "'" ,. / :: . -"--~-------~-~.-----~------.-~------------._------~-.------~~--~-------~-- : W(th wHat kind~ Qf rlQn-FJ31 :d id you W9rJ(.jeilltIYJ· :. 0 'CrTF' ::. DOthe.r.u..S. Military ;: Du.s, Intelligence agehCy' : p Fqr~ign,m:i1ita.ry Qr tnte'IJig~f"!,l:e. .9g~.'lCY ; .D·q~her -- ~ '.' . - - - - - - - -- - --- - -- - - - -- -- - - - -- - - - -- -- -- - -- - -- -.. --- ~:. .... .- - .......... -' - ,.. .... _... ~- ...... - ,... ~-~--~--------------7--~-----~--~~-~-------~---------~-----~---~--~-~~! ~12g . .w~r~You P!herwl~e Inv.olved In ,det~lnee Interviews 'or In~err9ga~lon~ With no:n~FB:r perspnnel7' _' : ........... - . --- -_.- - -- --- ..... _-- _........ -- --- - --0 Yes --~ No ---- -,S- -'-'--- - --- ------.....-: Ai Tr'aioing p'riQr ·to.()ver$ea.s - -- --- - ------ -- '.~ ':.... "~!=_' .' ... 1 -'- :,,;. ' • . peploym~.r..t .orA~signm,e,ll't 13:. Pld'ypu .rece.lV,e :cYn'y tralrifn'g~ Ins.tru~tiOri, 'or :g,uidance specifiqa-liy In" prepatati,br1 for ;:lOy~.o.f your ove'rsea~ :<I'eploy'ments orass!.gnments?'. OYes 0N'o ' . 'ODo Not Recall. 1.4. In. pr¢ fQr ~ny;b,(Y:9W Qyers,ea.~9.epl.oyrtf~ts qr !:l$signments,.dfd yo.u: r¢"c¢ive:any Jrajriih·Qr.: instruction,or.glildaoCe mn'cerriing 'the,standards;of cO.rid.uct"applleable to the,treatment; interviewi or interrog,ation 'of deta fnees by FBt personnel?" . bYes .0No, . '0 Do Not Recall 15, In, pn:~parciti6n fqr ~riY'9fy'6l.1r ov~.r$e~s: deplqym¢nJs or 'as~j~rnrn~nts,/,di,d yoU r~c~ive-aiiy training, jnstru,ction~' or 'gu Idance ,cOncerning th'e~sta ndard s',.of cond ute"app Ilea ble to'the-treatment, , . OIGQ-005195 lnterviewr 'or interrogation of .det~inees I;>y non-FBI per~onn~1'? ODa No~' ReGall. '0No 16, Ih. preparation for any of your overseas deployments or assig[lments~·did y.ou receive:any trainin,9r,' instruction, or:guidancs concerning what you were supposed to. do if you .observed ,or heard about thet$atrn~ntl interv~w, or ll1fer(ogptl~n of d~t~jnee~ by, FBI personnel, which:YQQ Qeli~yed to b.e inappf,opriate, unprofessionai,. cQ~rdv~, aOIJs,ive, o,r'unl.a\Nf'LiI? OOQ IIJ,Qt Re~aH 17. In prep~ration for arw;of ''loll I' overseas clep"Qym~,nt,s'qf aqsign,~~nt$, ,d'id '{Quo r,~ceiv.e any t.r~lning, Instructi~n,·or,gljidQh'cs col'W::erniljg Wh'i:lt Y<;)u w~rE? sUP~Q~ed 1:0: dJ) ifYQU obs:eryed ,:o(JYeard :a~Qut 'tM treatme.ntl interview.! or interrogation of d¢tainees by non-FBI plarspnrjel" wliidi you belieVed: to ,be inappropriat~, ul1~rDfessioiial~' coercbJe, ~busiv'e, 'OVes or unlawful?, . ;000' Not RecalJ B. Tra~ning During Over$~as D~ploy'm~nts'qr AS$i,gnm~nts 18. OiJ-rjrfg any :of''Y-bu (·.oVerseas·deployments 6r assi~)'tlmentS,.d id you receiv.e .any· tm iriitlg', iristn.ictioJi}· or"guia.ance.,concetning thffistand'arils of.conduct inte'rmgptio!1 'of d:eta~I1e:~s IlY FBI persor,f\el? applicaBle to. the 'treatment} 'interview" or , '¢Y:es 'ONq: ~ObQ NQtR~.aH laa; Who prov.i1eq 'tbl~, ~~alnlngr Jr:Is~ru~19n,..or glJ!dal1c~? , Bureau personnel from Miam!r :Administrative;Ag'ent t8b. Briefly-describe tHe sUbsr;;niGe6f.the ;tt'ainihg~ iilStru,ctionr- of gUid~fili:e provid,ee1 to. you. c.u It:Li rai dlf(eten~es., iilter'yIe.W strateg.y.ft~tti~'s (¢at~h more with, hQriey,), iiap,¢r'WQr!( tequjrem'ents, how .to tf~t;detarnees .. , : 18,G;~ WaS':a:ny oP1' tti~ training, jhstr.uC1:ip,n, 'or 9l!iiiance 'pr¢Vide9 hi wr:it!ng? O¥es ONo €I Do, Not Recall: 1~,. BLJririg .\"lny 9f'ygu'r 9~~r~as ~epJ.Qytt1ent~pi' ~$$ign'meiits~ :dip yqu r$c¢iVe: .anY training, 'iristru'~tiO:n, 'or -g,uidalice ,cbncer:riihg the.,ptahdards otcohdUct ,appiicable, to the.treatment, interVieWi, or . interrogation ,of detainees by non-FBI 'person'n,el? . @'(es ONo boo Not Recall 19'a, Who' provided this training,r' instruetionr,of>guidance? .BUreau' pe"r.sQrinel 'Miamir AdmiriisticitiveAgent . 19b, B-ri~fiyd~crib.e ~he.' S!J Qstanc~,9nhe ,~r~iriingJ instnJ¢tiqn, Qf gu:lctl:fnc¢ pro:'{I~,ed to Y9J.I, ~f ~ c;~n: rec? CQrre~~IY, .w.~ w~re !olq tt'l9t fBI ,a,nq CUr wa's· not a!IRw~d to a!?,\.Isa,a.ny type .Qfdetain~. L9c, Was,?,Oy ofihe tralning, .Instruction, 'Or:. gujda,nce proyicted, tn Wfitf.OgJ 'ONo Do' No.1 Rec:aH e to. Our-ing atlYJ>.fY9ur oversep~'de,ployments OJ assJgnments, did yqu re~eive alW ~rg'rning, lnstruction.., OIGQ-005196 or gUidance'concernil)g ~hat you, were supposed to go if you 'O,bserved Dr l1~rd about the treatment/ Inre-rview, or Interro"gation ofdet.alnees by FBI personnel; which yOlJ ~.elleVe9 to be inapDropriate~J.Jnprofessional, cb,ertive~ abusive,; or unlawfu.i? '0'v.' ' "I'es, ON , 0 QDo NatRetail 20a. Who provided 'this. training, instrudipn/ orguidance? Bur~~u p,e~$'onnerrrdm Miami, AdlJ1iriis.t@tive Ag¢nt 20b I Br!~fh"d ,eseribe the su !>st~'lI'1ee ofthe tra il') ing, !!l~truct;iont or:m.JJqa nce Pro\ll~:ed to:y~JU. Bring .issuet:o direct and immediate cittElr,tibn to FBI Sup.ervisOr on station. ',2o.c. Was,'-c!ny' b'ftti~ trainingr ihstruoti6h~ or .guidahc~proVideCI in 'Writing? '~V~~ 'DNa' 0 Do Not .21. Durin,Q ,any 'of y-6utb\ier$eas'd~ploym¢nts pr as'sig'nments, oid you receiVe an\ltr.aiili,rig.l iilstrlletiQn/ or gllidaneeconcel'ning 'what you w,ere supposed ,t6 do if you .obserVed .or-heard-abOl.'ft'the ' treqtme,nt/ interview;, 0~ (nterrog~ti90 of detainees by non-FBI person,n.el l ~hre~ y.ou b~lie:ved to b¢ inapRrQpriat~i yn'~rpfessibnal, C<;lercivei'abu~iV~1:or Onlayfl\iJ?, :0 Np :$'(es 'OD<,i N9t R,.e~C!1l 21a. WI.lQ ·pr9v.iC!e9 tbi~' training" In,siru~tipn/ ~r · s'ame :as 20a,.c; , . ,,'" " ~21b, BfieflY,describe thesubsta'nce.ofthe :training! Instruction, 0r,g~u'ld~lnce prO,vld'ed to. YOlL '21e.. Was'any 'of the training, instruction, .or ,guidance proVided in writing.? ONp, 9 aVes " .. v._ ,., ,.... •• ."" •••••• • ",v v.,,_ ••••. Do ~.ot ~etalt •. .:.. • ". ~_ - •.• # • •••• " _ _ Y9'~r 9pil)ion, did: Y09 rece)Ye~d~gu?te tralningi in?tl1l,ctJ(,)'J1/, 'of-5Jl!i£l,C! n<;:~ reJating to,st~nQard~ qt cqnd!-J'Gt, b.y FBI'pnd, mm-FB~ p~r:sOrinel r:~[C?tir19 to tr:eatTT!el)t, interview, or interrogation'of ,9 ~~i;jin~es priqr tp, 'IP,ur :dep,loyment :qra,s:?i~~n'1.e:n~7 ?'2;. 'II') ." '0, Y..e!5 0 No -i2~ ," P'I~;s~'d~c-rih~"the- ~~y-s~i,h w'hlqb ~y~~-p~iie"v~th~' tr~fn~<g~~ i~;t~~;tio~··q~g~id.~,~c~ ~Y'I~; -- .- ~ ,.... ; Ina~~qJ1at.¢~ , ~ , :Iw.a$ give!'.- ze:ro .glJ (dl:l ii,ce pribrtq 'd'¢pIQY.m~l")t. _ , . . "; _ ' • •,.... ... _ ".'" _ ". _' _ . . . . '._ .. _ _ ...t __ .. ,~. _.". s ,,' _ ..... '., ; _.. .... , ........ _. _ ,_ .... '.. ...... . ,... _ .......... __ •• __ .... _ I 23'. In .Yo.ur·qpJl1lolJ! di,d' yo", 'aqequate t~~I,ning; Instfu~iofl;pr'guid~nce r~ri;)tin9: to· sJ~,~qrd?' :of t;:pn:du]:t py FBI ;a11d nqrhFE}I per-spline! -reI9.ting to~reaJrrient/ 'Jnt~rvl~W, pi' interrog.c:i~lon c:>.f detajn~s':durihg your deployme'hLbt as'sl,gnitieht?' ' 24. In youp.,opinionj . .did you reCeive 'adeqdate training" instructl6.n c Or gUidahce concerning what yo'u were supposed; tO'do if you observed.or heard ·about the treatment; intervlew.,or-1nterr9Qation of detainties; !:iv FBI or non~FBI'p'ersQn:nelrthat YOU 'D>~lieve(fwas lrrapp.fop'riate; 'lUiprofe_~~iqnal~ OIGQ-005197 ;c6~rcive, abusiVe, or U'l)laWful? $:Yes 25. {OptiCihaD 10 what assignments? 0 No ways can tbeFBI improve trainir'19.. on this:subjed for future deployments,a.r I would sug'gest a computer b~s~d trqlning class through the, Vlrt;ual Academy. ID~ -Comments46. Please prbvid~ ~ny ,add-ittonal information, toric~rning tr,aiiljng assignments Gf FBI personnel :youbelieve isr.elevarit., for pve.r$~,!?·d,_eplb.Yr'(leht§ or " :a Introduction to Part,III: Iii tfiis.'settion', we, ate seel<iJig itlfo.nilatibn reg ard'irig 'wid:e, range: ot' inferview 6'1' inferrogation' techniqUes and ,other :types of.detai'nee.treatmeiif 'alleg'oo to have i>.C~:uYred. y0 4 ~!Jou Id nc;>t'ass(jme, JI.:!?t peqause'we are asking, qbou! a teclm1q!:le"or pr<;lcflce, tfi,C!,t't{e ~C!ve cOl1clu.c;f eP thq~ 1t hi 'fact q~q.l(r~'d,. W~n~<1g pize .th~t ,s,qme pf th~$,e '~~hDJqy~$. qr PIF~iC:es, l'J1q¥ at ~im~~ .l>~ n'~l;:~s$Qryfur,?~feW,aild- $E:l:jJrl.tY," Iii ~ ,det~h.tIQn ~s~tting. Ii) a:ddition, we r~cQgrif~gJ:h<;l,es9n:i~Qhli¢l'~ techniques Qr pradices may nave beeri authoriz~d 'for use by 'military or' oth~.t:goverrimerit pe rso {meI. With respeq: ~o eqch igent.ifi~~!J.e~ prpCj:,ice,'or typ~ oh;:ondl,lttg,esc;riN~d '!?~191tf." Yf~:~te_,~~king 'infQJ1l19'j:ion ',ap:O,ut its o~q;lrr$lip3~uring ()r'in ,cQn'Ii,e:ction with t,h¢ 'i.,~ervie.w or in~err.og~ti9n~f a: deJ;:a,irieeror the'detehlitin tif ~'tletaine~ beyond what is'n'eeded for safeJ:.y and security. In that context" we will ask you to :tell us :Whether ,6ne ,or more ofthe, folJowfrjg ,statements are true:: 1. r persQni:llly'-opsef:'{ed thiS ~o(l9u<:;b ' 2, t opserve.d det~lnee;(s) In <jl CQr:Ypltlo.n that I~ me'!Q,b,e,lIeve tf1qt ;this q;mg-ycj: ha~1' o,ccurr:~. 3', Detciihee(s) foJd me: that this"condllcth'ad occurred. 4. 5:. ,6; Others who oeserved this c6ridutfdescribed it to me. r have relevant information classified above '!SECRET~. r rieY~r'ob's~r:'te:c! thj? cO.l:')cfl,lr;rt: riqr h:ee'rd '~boutitTr<;>m '27. Depriving:a detainee dff6bd, or 'a~, b" c. water; . 0 0 ~. o!?served, deta!ne~(s} in ,a:cohd it;o!1 that led' rJ:le to belie,ve,thatfhis q:>nduct had 'occurred., o 'De~ainee(s) tol<,f (Tle that thi!7 cond !.lC~ had ·occurrec!-,. 0 e., 0 f. 0 d. sgm€,9I1,,?:who ,qJd~ I personallY',observed this.conduct., I 6iher~ Whoobs~'l]Ied th!s'lZqnd~C:~;~:e~crlbed It to m~: I have relevant rnrormati.on' cJassifl!=d -al?ove i~SECRETn •• r n,e~er-P~$~~ed this :tPDq4C.t n,l;5r 'he,ard 'a Roul itfrpin ,sq!T1$on~.'wj1q pid" OIGQ-005198 , i I , , , 28. Deprivlng.a detainee-of ~1o:.thm9 e. -0 jI personally obsei'v:ed this oConduct. b. [j. [.obserVed detaJnee{sJ In";a .condltlon that ted me to believe thaUhis Conduct had oc-curred. <. 0 Detainee(s)told me that this conduct had oCOlfred. , d, 0 !Others who observed this cond uctdescribed it to me. e. 0 h'C;lvt} reley~.nt rnf£)rm~t1on' ~I~ssif~ a~ovE} ''S.~c-RETio., t. 0. t. ~ev,erQbserved ttl!:- ~I}d.l!r;:t rr9rh~'~9 '8~l,lt it from.some~n~' w~q dId,. , ,29. bepriYfng <l,delalnee: of:$~ep'; (If II1t~rruptlng .S]t¥'!p by freql,Jeni cell relocafipns dJ'Q.tner me~hpds' e. 0 I perSOnallY ob"serv.ed this.'condi.J.ct. b. 0 I ·obsetv.ed ·detainek:($) in ·;H:orilition that led me to. beneve" thaHhis condlid had blXifrretl. c o jDetal'nee(s) 'fold me that this Got:lduct had .oCcurred. d. 0 others who observed ·this conduct described It to·me. . e; 0 I" hQv~ re1E;variJ JnfOflJ1~ti(m qa.~~fj~ J3b9~ "$~GREJ!l. f. 0. r·obselV'~~ th!~'colJ~UC~ nQr h~r~,<;lb9ut It fro!TI some9,!1~ V'I,ho' did. '.30, 'Bea~jng . a:d$linee eo 0 r perSonally'observed thIs cohdutt. b, o II ..observ~ detainee{s). iii' a cO.nditil::l.lHhat.. Jed me t6 believe th'at"this «induct had 6.G.cIJtted. c. 0 Detalnee(s,) told 'me that thls cohdud had ,occurred, d. 0 Others who observed this conduct d'escrlbed It to. me. e, 0 r. have relevant information classified'lSECRET". f. Ii'! r: (lever ob~!'V¢~. tlijs'cqndug !lOr heard;~bo!J.t it 'frorTJ,SI?'dld, 31,. U~ing w~ter .tQ prevenf..<;lthing QY a 'det,ainee:or'to create ,ifle sr;n,SC!tI9ri pf dro!Nni,ng •• EJ b. 0 I perSQnally' c5bse'rvetl this tbiiouct. :observed. detainee(s) In a.condition that led me to believe"tliat this con:duct had .Qtou'r,eiL - - OIGQ-005199 . .. Detalnee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred. ... .. c. D ,. ,. .. . ... , .. ." i I d. D Others. who observed this conduct described it to me; e. D 't. 0 ,a. r h~v~ relevant informC!tion c1assjff~ €!~ove I!:SEC.RET~I ... I never ol>se.rve,(! this.,tQngupt,nor heard :aboUtlt frQm'·sqmeone'Who. did. D I personalty .obserVed this ,conduct. b. D Lobserv-ed ctetainee'(s) in acona ition that led me to believe thiltlhis Conduct. had ,occu'rted~ 'c. 0 Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had 'occurred; 0 Others who observed -this cond blct described It to me.· e. 0 I have relevant i'nformation c1assiffed above I~SEGRET"'. f. 0: Jr, n~v.~r o.~~rveq thl? 'CQJ:ld.u~~ l1.0r· n~X9 ,a bout !~ from: wl)o' gi~. d. 2 ,f • -33.·in2· , • " • ''','' • , • ,~ • ." • .' . either a'cj:ion'fo:cause"physical pa:in, ihjury, disfigl,J(ernent, or dea.ttr . a. 0 r; petsonally observeQ thIS- :c,Qiid,uct. b'. 0 I'obserVed detainee{s:) in a.conditioh that led ine: f6. oelieve thanhis conduct had .ocCurred., c. 0 Detainee(s}toltf me that this conl:l'uCt had .6,cdjrred. d, D others' who observed -this condblctdescribea it to me. e. 0 ~ have relevant j'nformation classified above !\SEtRET"'. f''. IiI" II never'observe<:! this"condudn9r hecjrd gbClI.!t'it from sOl1leon~ who <;Ild.. ',34,. Other tr~,ab:nen'1; or aet'I.CH1 cau~lI'lg s[gn:ifj~nt phv.slcal p'i'!in or injl,lry, pr cao.$Jng ~1~Flg ..4rerrrE:lnt QT ''dea~h ,a'. o II personallyo.bsehred this conduct. b. O. L'observed detai'nee(s) in'a 'eond ition that led me to-lrelieve that this conduct had occurr.ed. 9· 0 O~~,a!!1ee(s) told m~ that t~is.~0.r!duct had 'q~c;:yrr~~ D lOtlJers who {)bsery~ 't~ls conc;iuct ~~crlbed It to. me., e.~ D r hav~ rel~va,nt ,infp,rmatic;in ,elass.ifjed abqve "$ECRET'c. ·t 0 I nev~ro.l:!5erye.9. thjs'coflPu~t_.. Mt hear~ about it frqm.~!T1eone'!llho gid. .. ... . ... ... .......... .. . .. _--.- .. _.... q~ w. ____ ••• p-- -~ •• .... _~~- ¥.' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~-_.- .. " . , • w._ 0-'. ~_ .w ow." 'M __ ••• , .. ._.. .. OIGQ-005200 "35, ,Placing a det~finee,on a not su'rface or burning·a 'detainee, b" o II. personally obs~l\Ie~ t!:Jis ,cqnduct. o i~ :obserVed. cte!i;!(ne~('S) in ,a-coho ition that ied me to' be!leve that this corrd!-lc;t nado·~cutred. co 0' ![)etaineef(s) 4. e, o IOthers' Who ob~ry~ 't!:JI$: ~p:ndllct d~qibed It tq me., o It h~Ve releVi=lnt It'iformatibh' :clas~ifjed aho\'.e. "SECRET". (£'f II' n'ev,er ob~n(e~' ttij's. condu:ct iiprh~rd ,ab9l)J' it from' S9rnepne. Who ~.ld. a. f. told m~ that this cpncl~ct hap ,o~c~rr~. ;36..Using shackles QI';other restrairits'.iri:a pl'olo'nged,rnannel' ,a. ~. C,' D. t p,ersonal)y qbseryecr tht~~C0lJduct. 0 I ,o/;1~erv~cf 'pet,<iin~-e{s) ill'cn::pnclilJ,on that I~, lJ1e t9 U! De(aJnee,(s.) toJg .rn~ that ,bOis, t.o'nd:u"C1 hp,p bG,Curre.d, '-'-, b~neye thgt t,his ~C?r:rc!uc;t had 'q<r9lJr~ep, ' g, 0 \Oth,e(S WoP l;)bsery~d thi~ GQljdu~tde~trlb~(j it tQ:m~" ~. 0 I' h~\(e"releYani:it:tf(jrll)~tion:c1a~sified ci~'pye lI.s~Et,RErn.. f. lEI' l ii¢v.~r:6QserYed, this,:cQndu¢t not h¢atd :abput It from S<i.JireQneNlhQ d,iq. 37, R<,:clI..Ilrlng 'a ClBt"alriee, to 'mal.litarn,. o'r restraining d d<':tal,ne,e Inl a .stressfUl at 't:1aIIi fuI 'position 0 b', 0 a;,! !f personally' o,bserve~r this :condu~t. Lob~rved det~lnee(s) Iri,a:con<;lltl(?rf,tha,t ied !TIe'to' b<':lIev~ tpanhls cO,nd,u,ct- had occurred,_ c: !b~tai.nee.~s), taJd rp~ that .thiS'cOlJduct ~al:l OCl::'urr~,' <;I. 0 ~t~ers who ob$ervep .thj~, q:m~l1ct,i~e9 i,~ to' I o e:' 0 r.: ha'i(e relev~nt I'nfo,rmatloll ~I,assjfIed a b,ol1e' ·'SECgEr'!. f. 0' t nev~r CXb,ser'\!~d' this conduct npr h$r:d~bQurit'from sqlTj'eorr!= whO d19. 3,$. Fon:;ihg a d~tainee to p~rfpim demanding physical eX~r:¢ise (al 0 II personally o~served this. conduct. OIGQ-00520 1 < .. : .. , b. D I observed detalnee(s) In a',condltlon that led me to belleve that this. conduct had occurred. c. D Detainee(s) told me that this c~nduct had ·occurred. d. D O~hers whQ observed this conduGt-'d~scribed it ,to me. e. D I ~ave releY9nt Inlormatlon c1a~sified ,qbov~. "SECRET". f-. 0 I n~verqb!?ervi;:d thi,s'cpnduGt,nor heclr,d about irtrom s(}meone.who did. . :3.9:.Usfn~ giectrical ;5h'Qck:6n cnl,eta'inee a. D I personally' obserVed this conduct. b. D I observed t;Jetainee(s} in 'a'coAd ition that led me to' believe that this conduct had ;occurred. 0 t!; 0 ,C;c , , Detainee(s)'told me that this conduct had :occurred. Othe~> who 'O~served t, cqncju~tl:fe~crlbed it to me; D I, ~,?v:~,relevant inrorlllat[o0' 'CIa~~if).¢.~ 53paye, ··S:t;CREt"'. 'f: 0 I n~yer·9.Q.?,erv.e:d t!:lt.~ cO!Jc!!Jc;,t t1Q,r h~r~ iaQ'Ol1.t It fr9m.~meQnewho' cjld. e~ ; : ,4'0. Th(eatening t6 ,1,Is.e'ele'ctri¢<:i1 ,shotk oh a '(ietainee 'a'. 0 r- perso'nally'-o:bserved. this .conduct. b. o jr,obserVed detainee'(s) : in .a~<::dhdition tficit led me to believe tJiatthis (wnduCt had 0ccurretl. c. 0 Detainee(s) told me that this' conduct had :occurr;ed. d. 0 e. o lL ~av:e'relevant f. 0 Others wh0 observed this mnduct described it to me: : inforfTlation c1 Rssffi.ed <;l~ove "S.EGRET·... ~ never observ~d tillS con~l.:Ic;.t n9r h~rd :-a~'pl,It itfrol'!1. som~or,Jt?·vyho qid: : : >4'1. Intentiona'lJY,oeli;{Ying ..()r:denYin~. :detaille.e medical care a·IO I personal!y obs~rv.ed this cQOduct. 0 I:observed detalnee(s} in a·.condition that led me to belieVe that'this cbbeuct nad .o€curred. e-.. 0 Detainee(s)'foICi me that: fhls contract had ,oceUrr.ect. .d, 0 Others wn0 observed .thls conduGt'described It to me. <~: 0 r h.a.v,e relevant fnforrn.?Itio.n dassiffe.Q ~bove lI,sEem f. ItI I nevero.Rs\3rved, t.hf? 'e9nduGt nor neq.rd ,qbp!,!t. it from sgmeone w.ho di<t. b'. J '·, .. OIGQ-005202 -42. Hoodilig or blindfolding a 'detainee other than during transportation' a, o !I perspnally observed this:cqnd'uct. b. 0 I,obs~rved d.e!e;tin'~ets) in a'cbhdit,ion thpt c, 0' Oe,talnee{s) cf; 0 tol~ m!3 that this' cQnduct hap led me to befieve that ~hi~ cOl1d!,lej: h9d,q'cC;UlTed., (j'Cc(Jrr~. pthers- who '9bserye9 'thlQ C'OIJ9uct d~scrlbea It to' me.. e. D. r nave relevant hlformatiotl' tla's'!5ifted above. "SECRET". f. 0 I n~ver qb~i=N€!p' tlij!?,tondu~.t npr;h~'iHd ~Q(jlJ,t it frPm:spfJ1~j:)ne,whp gkl. 43. -Subjecting a ,detainee to extr:ertiely told o( ,hot ,room temperatLires fOr' eXtended perjods, ~; b~ c, 0 I p,ersonCl"Y- Q;bserveg thl~ 'Conduct. 0 Lopserv~q det~inee(s). Irl a 'Epnditior)' ~hat.led me to l;leljeye thi?t t,h!~ corJdUl;:t !lad q:G:curred, o lDetainee(&) fP:lg me ~hClt tbi~~ c,onc:j:U~J hqd IO:G<;un:~, g. 0 Others w.op, obserV,ed thi!) Gpng u~t.p:es"cribe.d it t{>' Ilie~ 0 ~'h~ve relevant iI)(orm?!t!Qn ~Iassined C!l;Jdve:"S,ECJ~,EIil,. f. ® iI hev.~r, this/,cQnduct ,lior heaid :about it froin"SQrTleQri¢:Whq dId.. ~. All. Subjecting a d,eta'lnee to .loud mllSlc ~, o II. personally- Qbserve<;l ~h,i~ :c; 6" o ,II obser:v~'q, det~lne~(s)' In ,ct'Cond'ltl.C;>l)'that led me to' b~lleve ,that this cOl1du,et had 'OGc~rred,. c, o 1D~!:ainee(sHoh;1 m!; thgt .thiscOhd,uct had 'ocl:'urr~. 4. 0 c:Hnel?, whp ol;Jserv!=!q tl;JJs, CQn~uct- d,E$!=r!Qed i.t to' 1Jl~" a., f. 0 ~ ha\(e relevan.t l'lJforma'~ion'·classltl.eti a. beNe' "$ ECP-E}" • ." , ' o It n!=ver o,b~erved' fh;s"c6rtd Oct nbr h¢a ~d ~ bQ,(J~: it frcim"SQmebn¢. who: 910. 45'. SUhj~ing i;l,detcHn.e'e to bright flashil1;9 Iights.(jr darkne~s GJ 0 II personally'observed this conduct. OIGQ-005203 . ~ - b. .. 0 r observed 0 d. 0 e; 0 f. 0 c. ~ ... , detalnee(s) In a,cond itlon that led me to belleve thatthls conduct had 'occurred. Detainee(s}told me that this conduct had :occurred. 'Qthers whQ observed t~is con.duct'd~scri~ed it to m~. I hav~ relevant Information ~Iassified ~bov~ "SECREf". I n~ver·observecf ~hrs'cQnduGt.nQr heard a~qut i~ frpm s()rneone. who did. -46. lsolating a detainee for ,an. ~x.tendecr perioo 0 I petsPnal~y' observed this .conduct• 0 Lobserved detainee(s} In a 'condition that led me to' believe that this conduct 'had IlccloJrr:ed. :L D Detainee(s) told me thatthis.conduct had ,O'ccurred. 'd. 0 Others who 'Obseryetl l~ls GEl/1d uet Qe~cribed !t to me. e! 0 I.l1aye rel~va!:it, fnrormation' clas~ifi~q ab.ov~. I~S.~CW·'" .a. b., l: 0 I, n~yer o~s,erve,d th(s'cof.!c!u,d '1gr~~rp -47. USing ·a:. b. c. :q.p.9.\.!J'lt from ?-Qm~onE; who dld. duct ~ape: tQ restrain, .gag~ Qr pUhish a :detainee 0 r p.erSdnaIlY·· observed. tilis .conduCt. 0 l.bbserv-ed· aetaineeIsJ in a,cdhdition that led me to believe that this, eonduct hcid ·occUrred. o IDetainee(s) told me that this' conduct had .occurred. 0 Others who observed this mnduct described it to me; ·e. 0 r have releVilnt informadon classified c:'lbove: ",SECgEr'''. 1': 0 I neyero,bser\(eq ~hi~ concl,l;lct n()r heard :~!J.ol,lt it fro!TI someon~\I"{ho I d. ',48.. Uslng~ :rapiet , gid. r'espons~ l~ms anli!()r forced c~rr e~ractiQris' a. 0 I b'. 0' Lobseried detainee(s} in acarid ition that led me c. o 'Detainee(s) fold me the3t this c0tlduct had .oC<;ilrrecL ,d. 0' Others wh@ @bser-ved .this conduct describeo It to me. e: 0 r Iiqv,e relevant fnfQrm?ltion {, D. r I}ev:er o..bse.rved. t,hi.s c9ndug nor heqrdabout· it from SOl1JeoJle who diq. pers6nal~y observed this:eQnduct. to believe that this conduct had ,occu·rred. dassrfi~ C!!Jov~ I~SEGREf)l" OIGQ-005204 .g. PleaS¢ p(ovide the-approxlmale time frame daring Ythl~h l.his:CQndl\d-pc.curr~. From (WDjYYYY format or Mf(Y'?y.) to (rtlJDIYYYY format or "M/'fYYY) 0Do.NQ~ Recall Ii. Tlie .detalnee(s) treated in thfs way VI.ere Jocated at the time hi, 10 GUahtanamt. 20 Iraq ~ q Afghanistan 4 0 .0t~r Locatl~)n ~ 0 O.Q. NQt ~'II r. ,~Iease by: n!;lme ~n.~ I can'.t rec;all t~esp"eClfi(;·.d~.tai®~~:; nah1~ pr I~N nurtlb~r. :j. J~fease: idehtify the, pefsOn(s):wh6.treateCJ tile detalhee(s)" ifHlHs manner). indudJn9 their ~name(s) and{iesJ.: . . ' . r~ wou.1!1 h.ave: .b,~n the: MP'cqrTlPfln~s·t~~ w!'!:.1'I'!: worklfJg qmp pelta Q-urlng ,my :pa~~ Qf . .de:p16y ment. .. k.< .P.l~.~ ~en~lfy an'y'a~her ~i p~.~nnel or flOrr-FB.I :per~Qnn~J :Who;ob~tV~~.' ~,~~lt'~~(s)" ~rea~ec;l jrl t 'is 'an 'r im::Jutfjog .their naltt~{s} .and pgeflCV'(ie·s): FO$I . h6 . ~ b7C ~ I. 'Tliis ~tldud: 'bceliri:ed ill cb'hnectibh with: r:O OnedeN!lnee .2:0 Selieral detainees (2-4:) :3 ¢ ~~ny. .~et.aloe~ f~9r:~ tQ~tT. ~): 4 W ~"9 fII.ot R~II m. {(jptianal~ Please describe. the relevant circumstances in more.detail: [;do recall in seileral" interview~ detainees mentioned seeing, a riei9.hboiing .detainee,or·themselves peing fordlJly'ex~rqcted J(91\\:a ~l[. 4ue'~9 "the deta!~ ll:reaklng the ru]es"{)f ~~'~ITJP..l rrot; : CQmlng ,~ut1fonj under t~l( ~ed, t~roWlng ~es t;:lJ 4nT)e', Qf'qju.S1ng,p g.eneral ~·lsruP.i:l(;m in ~he c;eJI filQs:k <;,ln~ refj.Jsi,r'19 ro. c;,o)n~ ot.jt PT .the·cell When 'bei,rig moved<:>ther: .cell bIQCk.. UWtl . hear1lig What the;deralnee said .aboUt tHe fo.rced extra'etlan, neither Tilor my .aTF ~r.ther'fEilt any' :'oreumstanre warranted an abuse situation thaf,should be reported to.the supef:v.isor. 49. ·Usin'g' 'a milita"r'y' working .C1og on or near' a detaihee_.btner than C1urlng,.detainee'trnrisportation 0 1. ~rsolJal.J,!"observed tl)[s m!lduct. b', 0 i.obse1\'e~ ·<\llnee(s) 10 ,a.C9ndi(iQn'tbat led 'lJ1e ~o Qelle'Ve t~~'thls cqbd!Jct. had'OOeur~rt ... <;r 0 p~~alne~(s) t.~ld !J1~ t!l<ilit thfs. ~ond\Jct- h!3d · d, 0 :Others' wh~. 'Qb~ryE)d thJ.$ ~QnQj1(;t d.~qlbe.d It ,tq m.e:. -. ~, OIGQ-00520S e. 0 I have relevant Information c1asslfled above f. iii ·~SECRET·. I never observed" this'conduct nor heard about it from someone who did. -50. Threatening to use military workin9 c109s'Qn or near a d.etainee a. 0 I ~rsonally obse;rYed this~c6hduc.t .. 0 I ol)s.erVetI detainee(s} in.a cpnd iti.or'!' tnat led. me,to belie'le thaLthisco-riauGt had pC-cur(ed. c. 0 Defaiilee(s) told hie tnat this coOifutt ttad ocCUrred. d. EJ Others" who observed "this t0ridUctdescrlbed it to me. e. 0 ,have releYant informatIOn classified -aboye; !~SECREf~. f. iii ne.ver observed thls:'oondUGt nor'heard "about It from"someone:who did. b. .5i.LJsing spiders, ,scerpions, snak:es, 'or other anlma"ls'on Qf near a pelainee. a. 0 r per5drial!t oliserved th!5 "conduct. b. 0 I ooserved d~t.ainee(s) hi:a c::prlditi6n that led me to believe lMt this conduct hoo ·6iiCUi"red., t; 0 D'etalnee(s) told me that this cond· tla.d 6ceUrred. d. 0 Others who observed tllis cciriduct desCribed if to me... e. 0 have relevant iriformation classified .abov.e "SECRET". f. iii I never observed thls:c;ontlud nor heard about' It from ·someone. who did. , 52". Threatening to Use spiders, scQrp:lons, -sn'akes; or oUler animals "DOn detal~e a. 0 r p'ersona)ly Observed thls:toJiduct. b. 0 I observ.ed dettiinee(!iy in.a·condition that led me to b-etJeVe tttatthis' c.onduct liad :oc.cuned. c; 0 D~tain~(s) told 'me that this-i:orfduct nad ;6tClirre1. d. 0 Otflef"S< who o.bsehled this conduct described It to me. e. 0 haVe relevant lilformation classified abo:ve ~SECRET". f. 0 r neVer observed. tfils'cotlduct n6(·heard .,aob!Jt if fmm Someone who did. OIGQ-005206 53'. Disr:espePful statement.s, handling"dr'actions' inVolviiig the Koran ~ a~ 0 I p'ersonally'observed this,.conduct. b', D L:observed detainee(s) In a~condition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred. ~. 0 iDe,tainee(s) told 'me that this conduct Q~ 0 e. 0 to 0 : '0 l::curred. Others whQ obser-veq t~is cqnd uc~ des~rip~ jt t~ m~~ ,haVe relEwa!1t information c1Cissifiep al?'~v~ "~EC:\{ET'!., I never ob!\~rve,d thJs'conqud nor'hl;ard apo'l)t it frof)1 sqmeql1~ who did. arrass p,r'humiiJa,te. , a. 0 r personally obseived . a ~etalnee thfs .co'nduct. , b. [j jLobserveddetainee(s) in ,a condition that led me to believe thatthis conduct had .occurred. c. d Detalnee(s) told me thatthls conduct had ;0 ccurr:ed~ d. 0 fthers who observed this cGlnd.uctdescribed , it to, m~: eo Dr have relevqnt iJJf9rm9~rQJ) c1as'si~b,ove ",S.ECRET'!.' 'r. 0 t nevero.b~e:rve~''o;mduQt,/lot h~rddbo!l~: It frof)1' sqrnebne. ~pO' ~!p. s.~" >- piaCing a Woman's, c1pthirw 'oO.a .aetainee. 0 I per5Qnally observed, thlsifoiiduct. b. 0' Lobse'rv.ed detainee(s) in a .c6ndIti6n'that led me to" believe that 'this conduct, had ,occurred. rZ d )Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had '0 ccurred. , a. " hi:" 0 Others' \!Vho obsel')ied this ~., 0 t: lr ~ave ~ cbn.du~tdescrlbed lti:p r:n~ rel~v;arit informatiOn trassifie~ ~b9ve "5EC,REJ,I,. " !1~v~riO,~?erv~,c! thisqQDQ u~t }l9-f ,hea~d ,a b~~ ut it ,frqm .~rne9!1E; !?6. TouCfill;J9 ,Cql~j:ainee or ac~irig 1:qWc;itd ,d d¢tafnee in ,ase:J(l,ial a'. .b. c. 0, '! persOnally. observed, this cohtliJd. 0 lobserv.eddetainee(~) in a .condition that led 0 , wbo ~jd. manri'~r me to believe thattliis ccmdu,ct had ,occurred, I iDetainee(s) told me that this conduct had 0 ccurred. d. [j Others who observed this conduct described it to: me. OIGQ-005207 e. f. 0 II have relevant Information' classified above ",SECREf". 011 never observed this:conduct nor heard about it from'someone who did. 57. Ho!ding ~,~tail"\e¢(?) who w~re not ol'ficiaUY'c;ckn9wledged or register~d as:~uch QYthe',agency detainTng the. perstm', a'. [I I personally observed thls~coi1duct. b. 0 Lobserved detainee(s): in 'a coAd ition that led me to' believe that this conduct had ,occurred., 0 d. 0 :e'., 0 c. Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred. Others' who observed this conductd'escribed if to me.' '. .' '. • ••- i'A • . " • • ~ • I, hav,e relevarjt fnform,ation da~~i(iec;l :C1,pove "SECR.ETJl" 'f; 0' L neven>.bserv~,d ~hi,s cond u,ct nQr neqr9 'a f?qut it .from :.~rtleon~ 'a. D 0 D D 0 I perSbmilIy,observed this Goliduct. b. 'C: d. e. 1 0 whc;> djd. I'observed detalnee(s} In a condition that led me to belieVe that'this conduct had 0ccurred. petainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred. Others, who observed this c0nd,uct,desc::ribeo it to me. r hav:e re~.v~nt Inform~tfon c1,assif,ie9 ~~9V~ '~S,EG~EP'·. I never'Qb~~rv;ed thisiconduc,t'nQr heard 'abGlUtidrom.sqmeQne wh9 c;lid. :59, Tfn:ea,terimg t9 :setid a' detaih~ tl:> ali6th'¢j" Country fOt pete.nilon, pr'mQre aggt¢S~lve rn~errR9~tlon a. D II persO'nall:i: 0bserVed this :cohdiJi::t. b. O· ~,0bsei'\1ed detainee'(s} in :acond ition that led me to believe thatlhis GohduCt Iiad ·.occurred. e O'IDetainee(s) fold me that this Goildud: hi:id .occurred.. 0 ,e. ... 0 f. 0' d. Others who 'observed -tnis cond I:ICt described it to me. I, ~av~ re1eyan.t infofmati(){l c1?ls?ifieq ~.~ove "~.ECRET"'; I never'0,bsE;!l'\(ed t,hls:C9f)d4~~ nor I)eqrd abgy.t it from.sorne.on~whodId. OIGQ-005208 60. Threate.ning to take a,cti6h against a detainee's, famil~ b, o II personally observed this..conduct. o Ir.observed detainee(s) In a'Gond ition that led me to b'elieve that this condu'ct had ·occurred. 'Co o a'. lOetainee(s) told me that this conduct had :C?ccurred. Others who ob.sery~t! tl:!.is cqllduc;td'escribed 0 e. 0 t 0' d " it to me.. 1, have relev~nt Inrormatio'n classified a!?ove "SEG.RET" ( I neverobserveQ t.h!s·conduc;LnQr'heardabolJt it from someone'whC) did. a'. 0 I p,ersori,ally'observed this.conduct. 0 b. Lobserveddetainee(s) in 'a cond ition that led me to believe thaUhis conduct had occurred. d., o petalnee(s) told me that thrs, conduct, had ,occurr.ed. o tqt~-ers who observed this c0n:du~tpes~rlbed it to. me., e, O. ~I hpve,relevp-nt Ixrf9rma~ion c1assifi,eet Cjb,9ve ".$'ECIt~'!< t ~ c. I. I.lever' o.b~~rv~'p t~Js '<::Qnd lJ~t ,!lor h~ rd Cl bQu~. It from .sqrne~n~' '?I,h9' ~ td. 62. :o~ther reiigio'us,of'-Sexuai har.a,s.sment or 'hurnH(atiol1'pfa detaln'ee: a. q ;1 persOnal!y,obserVed this ,conduct, b. [l!Lobserved delaihee(s) in a :cond itionthcit: led 'me to, believe that'this conduct had .occfi'rred. o ;Detainee(sj-told me that-this conduct had 0ccurred. o lathers, who ,obsented this eonduped~scribed It~9 me... c. ,d. -e. E-il -f. o have relevant i,nform,C;ltfon c!as?ifie,d ~bove "S:EGR~"·. l,l1ever:oql?,erled this'q;>n94c::;t npr hearp;ab9!Jt it frqrn'S9.m~on~who dJp. 6'J. 'o.ther tr¢Cltrntmt efa d~~jn~~ that irTyb,~r opiniGli'1 \Vas.:,unp'r.!ife.s~·icjn~!, ,u'nd,!.J1y or.aggr:es,s,(ve, c.oe.rcive., aDusM~l orunlawful . , o II personally observed this, conduct. ·a: b. 0, lI'oQserved e. .. c!et~i,I"!,~~-cs} in a'conqi~iol) that led .r:ne to belIeve thqt.-this c~>nd.uc~ had ·oG:cl,l,rred .., o !D~~!nee(s) tol,~ 'me tPClt th,is cQnd uc~ had ·q€CU~red .. . , . . ' .. ..' OIGQ-005209 0 0 0 d. e. f, Others who observed this cond UC[ descrIbed It to me. [ have rele~ant information classified above ·SECRET-. r l)~v~r obse:rved th,is "COnc!"uq: nor heard about-it fron:rS9me0n~·wh9 ~Id. ~~~ ~4. JI D19. YO~:Q.b~rye,~~·iy.llT).p~rsollC'!tI9n r;if FEU p~r$Qllnel by\~'ny~~ '~!lrjng ~n !ntervle~'qr interrogqtign of ·:a de;tamee7 "a'; 'Please pf,ovlde'the,C'ip'P.Coximate,time f(9JTi~ i1urin'g whlch thls ;CQnduct QC.curr~. f!OO1(MiDiY¥YY rornialor .M/YYyy) to (M/D/YYYY io'!iul( o! M/YYYY) :I:l. The' -dfi!'taili~(s) trea~~. in thrs way- w.~re i. 0 ~uaritaOC!rtio :z 0 0bo Not Retail loqit;eP .C!r.. ~h¢: ~ilT)¢'ln~ Iraq· 3.0 Afghanistan 4' 0 Other Location )i 0 [J9 Nd.t-J~~!! ~c. Pleare IdentifY ttie detaliiee(s) bY. hame.and numbe'r to-the ~n't o best of-your recoJleetron~ ree,all. d. Please ideritfiythl::. Per.SOil(~) whO tfeated the de.taint~'W in this. niaruie[, TntllJding,. j.f yQ,U -Fetall( t1ieir name(s),antl 96vernment a-geriCY.Oe'~)~ :u:s. Mliltary.lnteJllgence. ;e: The riames;6f .any·,ather FBI personnel, arid tlie 'nam'es and goyemirri.ent ag"ency~bf tlOn*FBI :personnel, .whom I believe saw· thedetalnee(s). treated , In this-manner are~ . . f, This-cqn~.ud:oa;;urred. jn .conlled:ion With; 1 0 One.detainee '2 0 S~'iferal detql.'1~s (2;"'4) ~ q Many 4-e~<:llnees'(lJlqr~.t.han,4) -4 0 Do Not. ReccUi '9:. '(9ptipnal) Pleas.e.d~rib:~ .the refevalJt-.tin::\.lrT)stan(:;e"s:in rrtaj~ de~air: . . Durln'~ my. $~nd tour'" In ·G.u.qn~an9mp B;aYi.~h"ert;! y.ser.e.ruri'!,orS'9Qln-g arou'ild·that the 'mll1tar:y intelligence personnel iriterviewing detainees separate. fr:Om .!=ITf/FBI Personnel. were tellihp the det-ain'ees"that they FBI employees; During both' ofmy deployments, we(FBljCITF} were natallQ~9 to tell-detainees w.ho·Qur·e.mplqyer was or·e.. . en wear dq~hing yvith FBI em.blemS--l;itl "it.. §~, Did ~n'y·de.~ine~9.r 9th~ j1¢r§p11 ~~JI'you tijaltTe: or 5h~e h'ad witnessed the irhp-~r~T)ation qf f~l p.e'rSQr'ln.e1 in c6nriectl.9!l.Y.ilth a d:etarn~ Interview or In~errogatlon?Yes 0 No :66".. Are.Y.9u a"'!are'of"?ilY "~ham·J·-or'~~ta.g~· 4etai.l'!ee:in.~eryjeNs·ar ir~err.ogatio:n~·co!1~uc~~ "fo.r Members, o OIGQ-005210 of the, U.~. Congress or their staff? 6,7., To: YO!J r knowlecig'er did a,!1Y milJt~HY or: !I'!J~I!!gence p'erspn,nel, ~y~r ~eny ~r delay fei ,access to:p' 'ge~ihe,e the F~I w~ntect tq @estion 'be~~p~eth~,detqine~hctQ. 'syslain~d i.njuries ~fter he'wqs capt~re~? aYe?: '~~o 68~ Did you :ever end your PJ3rticipation, in ,or observation .of a (fe.tairiee: fnterVieW or interr0.9atioO be€ause orthe· rnte.rvr~w or fnterrogat(on IT!ethocjs' b~Jng u~d?1 0: Yes @' No: '~~~ W~r~ Y9.!.:l'~Y~r fQIc\ tl1c;lt 'pn~!h~('fBJ ¢mp.lqy"'~ 'e119~d h\s ;o:r h~r: J:!9[t(ti(tc;l!fQn':in '~J .Qbs~rvgti9n' o.f; a 'detaiti~E\ jri}:'~iYi.~'orlrttenp.gatl0,il 15.e9ci,lJs,e of the in.t~tvi~w· onilterrb-:-gatiQ)i m~th6.ds. peihg us~?-' , 70.,. GmiJ;lga!:lY 9r.yq~r·Qv~rs.e.p.§ ?l~;Y-JI,~t~)~,~~ O~, , ~~ 4eploYITl~J1t.s. or ~s,si,g nme!)t!?f i!i~ ·yo.~ :r~P9.rt. aIW'~9nc;:~.r'!s· [~'gFlrd iQg P@~IC;~~~ Q! '9,tner tYP:~s ,Qf p,e,talne¢ j:re~~rp~I1·~,. tqpnJ=~I ·intervl¢.w (jr,ln~erroQ,qtI91i .supervlso,r?' o Yes 0 rio 7l~ Durh)9 any··af-yolu 9versea~d~pl<?yrn~l)t.s qf ~s!!ignment~r. g!ft yOll ~~P'o..!1 any 'co~~r.t1~ r:~g~rPl'19. 'lny ',det~jne~:int~ryieY\l·()ril)terr.Q9!=ificinp rt;Ic!;i<;es: ,Qr Qth.e'r ,~yp§, ,if'r;leta ine~ tf~C'ltm~nt Y.!?!'! oD.serv~d or h~fd ab(jut~·to:a non-Far. supervisor or'.b,ther nori-F,BI,Il~ersQrll'ien. . '0 y~~ '0 N9; 7'1.. Hav.eyou:ever been ordered or·directed not to report, or.discouraged In any way from reportingr. 'ob?,~rV~tion~ pr ,an~gptions.r~l~te4 fo.Qetainee b:eqtmen~ of i,nte.rvi~w pr i,l1t..err9g.~tion actiQ.n:s.or' pfac.tice$?: ' Q' "fe,s €i' l\Jo 73. Hav.e YOLl 'ex p-erlenced :any actual or 'threatened retaliation for reportln'g :observations ,or.'allegations of detainee treatment 'Or interview 'or 'interrogation::a.ctions or pra'Ctlces?~ . ,. ,. '., ,,' . b:Ye~ '(!Y No' ..., " '74. (o.pti6.QaI) Please pJ6vid'e any,:and.itJonal comm~hts .r~gardiJig: the f.ep:C>.rtin'!:j :pf concerns: related to. interview, or interrogation techniques,. detention practices, or:other:detciinee treatment. Durrnfl both 'b,f rn.Y"d~p!oYr'n~r!t?;tp :~~Pc;l, J f~eJ'alr 'F~I/tITF p~rspIJnel. a.i;t,eQ in:a profe:s,sio.n~1 matter'~xpe<;;te9 of fedetal iaW'.emfgrcement crg~l1tS'. P~r:sonCiIly., ,r f~el tl1.'gt If-I wpulq h;3V¢ 9~!;,erv~ ,sgmethlng iFiappropriate I w,6uld h'av.e taken irbmed fate aCtidhs to: stdp.;tne. inappropriate behaVior 'and then, reported it to-the slIpervisor; , ,~~~'_, ... 0 , D~.' ',,' .... . .,.' 7s. Were:you debriefed, otherthan tne:sta'ndard debriefin FD-772; conc::erninQ your'overseas a,ssignment(s}or ~ejjroyment'(s) ~ft~rY9~ .com'pl~t~d tile depI9Yf.!l~nt(s) or 9s~igflrqenf(s}? OIGQ-0052 11 byes 0 No 76. Additional Cornme.nts. and ReCQrpmenda~ipn~~ Thank: ygu fqr: YQur c6operat.ipli- in cpmpl~tJfl9. this. qu~!?tiqnl1aJr~, OIGQ-005212