Aclu v Dod Doj Questionnaire Regarding Detainees 00000529
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Depar~ment'of,tlc,e In~pector General Ques,ti,onnaire' Regar,Qing D'etctinee's D:OJ-01G INVESTIGATIVE QUESTIONNAIRE FOJ{ ,R:EVIEW ~~r:~;:eF~~~:~Ig~,~~t:SU~Ll~A~:E~PONDENTS ~UESTIONfilAIRE ID: test-O 0,0005,29, ,As -of tl)~ l;ast tlm~ this':q!J~,~ionn;air~ w;as. ~a\(~~t some r~quire,(ffiel~s;hav~ nQ~ ~e5'!n cQmpl~te'd. Pleas~ire,'vie)lli'yourresponses. '~. A. '. .'. . ., , P¢r~onp,1 Infprmation Please provide: the'follbwing information: 1. First: liam¢ 2.. M,ldp.le !nlt,,~r: 3: Last name: , 4.. Entered: on nut-y'Date (EOD): :;: tun::ent Dlyislo,niField Office: 6., CL!rren.t job 't!t!e; ,7. Directdial office"teIephone hUmber: 8. F1~I C~II phone' m~mD,er: :9"f~,i pager nutDb:er: ~ &,7(; PERAGREEfVlf=Nr '6 & '7C,PERAGREENlENT 6 & 7.C PERAGREEMENT 6 & 7C 6& 7C $peclql Ag,ept 6&.:7C;PER,AGREEMENT fi ~ if; PER,AGREEMENf 6 &]CP!i.RJ.l,GREEMENT 6 '&.7C PERAGREEMENT 10. Best c90tCjct numberfof you~ 11. At any time cift,er:5ep'teni'lJer H t 2001, aid you serve'a~ a member of the U.S, Military, or. as ~in, employee:or c0ntractor of the FBI'or any other government agency., at Guantanamo Bay,. :CUba} Iraq; Afg'hi?ni.stan; 'or in areCjs col}troll,~ i:!y the V.S. ,M'jJjtC)ry. or'a U.S. In!~lIigenc~ s~rvi~e irrwn\ledj0tl:witp the ,g\j)bal W.ill:" on l~I:rQt? 0·Yes 0 No 1,2. Enter the numbe.r :<5{ times Y.OU; w¢r.e,qepiQyed or:cjs~i,g!' to ,each of:th'e following 16~aUorisc IGtiahtanamo Bay, 'Cuba;; Iraq;,.Afghanistan;,orinany areas controlled bythe"U.S. MilitarY or a U.S. , iJ1tell!g~nce servrc,e):1- ' . ' For each deployment or assi~riment.complete t.he 'followin.9 section. . location 'select one) ':l~P,loYme.nt: qr lI!isignlJ1en':'I:~~imoil'or De'p-IQyrri!:nt or ;a5~ign'r:neritendeil on. " ~rrri({ ,'''." abou.t orZlbou!=, 01/13}2ao4, 0.3/1,5/2.0.04 12.a. What wa~ -tt)e Qen:~(al ria!!ir~ anq p.urp'6~e qfY9Ur'assig riri1erit a'hd :a!=tiVjti~s;i " ' Work'as an irniestigaforwithlhe FBI Terrorist Fin:aridn~'and OperationsS:edJon (TF05) 12b. Please provide the' names of the_specific,camps, bases, or facilities where you worked. Bq~'ed 9ut'of~he B!.lreal! Qp~ratioQs ,c.e-nter (~9C)r '~~gl1!iad iht~fn~t!QnaJ Airpqh .(BIAR).,. tat v;:lril!ot,Js tim,~tlJJrlng ~he ~ssignmerit ,c;otld uO;~d jnterVi~ws/investiga~h'jtj:$in. aH~amadJ,. Abu Gh'raib pr.i.s6n, as, well a$ seVeraf other Detainee lI1terhm.ent Facilities iii and -around the BaghOpd area'. 126. Note: If inform'ation about a spedfic camp, base; ot facilitY is,c1assified above SECRET, please ,check her.e 0", inClude in your:answer that you ha've:"additlonal information.,dassified above OIGQ-004880 'SECREf,'" ahd, if YQ,U kn9\',f, Identify the classification level, ticket; comRar,tmen~, pHJgram, or other d,esig'natJdn that ,app:lies to th.e'inforrnation. Do not include the ad,dJtional c!qssified information in your questionnaire resp'onses. GIG personnel with the necesSarY 'clearance will 'contact you to I'eceiv:e it. Nam:e' Position ,_§'~tJ 1 :~4P~!Yl~ori'~I2.~Ial ~9.~n.J~! fI}IJ{QlIF:.Q.S__ -,- _I , .~12e. Did you JOIntly inter:view. or interrogate,any detainee .with' non-FBI personnel?' ~, ' 0 Yes No • :. e --------~-------------------------------------------------------------. ,:l2.f. I)i~ youj~j,ntly plan'Clny det91nee intervIew ,or:jnterrogatibn ;strategy, opJe~ctiv:~r. or tact!!3~ with noo:FE~I per~n.nel? 1 : 0 'tI '.:.,.' @ No ~_. "J. I ' __ , '.?12g. Were'y.ou ¢ver otherwise Jriv.olvea in detainee,inferYiews'orinterro-gatiolis with non-FBI personnel? ~, :--'-'-- _.~ - -~--- - - - -- -'-- -'- - - - -'- _Gfu 0~ ....- -'- - -'- - - - -'- - - - - -'- -- - - - -- - -'-- -',': - -, -- -- -- "..:., --- '.' ..~:-.-, ;'" ' ...: A.. Training Prio.r tQOv¢rse,as D.eployment'or Assignment : 13. Did 'you .receIVe. B,ny. (ralnlny/ 'Inslrti(:tlon, of :guIdante speclfica lIy In prepa ration for ~lny of y.our o~erseasd eployments or assig nments? BYes QNo .ODo Not'Hecall i-~a. ~ho, proviQ~ thJ.s ,t@iD!1J9( Jns~ructionj or guJdance.i' and V'{,b~re did you r~~eive it? FBIHQ 'and FBI HRT i3b,. De5crib~ !h'~ ~ubjecj: 6n which Y9lJ r~c~lved -this' trpin'itl9r insmrction or ;gt,lidaJlce;. , Gener~1 info~r:nati91) aqout F:~I 9peration$ fn 1raq ~tJcJ ~119rt 'train.i,fl9 .bn'torce pr()t~G~lpn ~H~ . DVes ,000 NdtReCall :).5. I.n p.r~paTqtlon 191" aXlY of yQ"J'r '9\(ersea~ d,epJQ'tment,s Qr p~stgl)m~nt;sr , 'il id ·YQ.U n~:ce'lv~(~ny trainin-g,,. , in$1:ruCtiotl, b(guidaoi:;e<:oncerning ',the;$ta'ndards:of.cond'u<::t appli<::ab.J~to'the tt;,eatment, , Iriterview" or Inten:og atlon of'detalnees by n6n- fBI :personnel7 OYes· .000 'Not Recall 16. In p'rep-arptidh. for cHlY'qf yc;)ur tNersea$: i:I:epJoy'ment~.dr :assignm~nt;S.f did' Yc:iL! rec;:elye . a ny trqlning, il1st,ruction,r.or.guidance Concerning ·wnat you "W~re'supposedtQ; do if Yo.u o.b.~Ned or hear~ about ,the treatment/'interview} or interrogatiori:€lf detainees by FBI personnet,. which you believed to oe 'i.nappropriatej llnproressio!1SlI,. co~rcivei ,~~usiv~, 'or !-Jnlawful? 'ODo ,,Not Rec~11 ! 1.7. In preparation for any of your overseas deployments or assighments,. di'd you r.elteive' any, training" inst~uGf;ion, '-of gl!iqa,nce concerning what you were s!Jpposed ~9 d9 'jt'you observed ,or heC!Jd'about the treatment, 'intervi~\Ii1, pr interrogation of detainees by' non-FBI personnel; which'YOu believed OIGQ-004881 b6 b7C to be, inappropriate, lmprofessional, coercive, apu~ive; or unlawful? eNo QDQ Not- ~eean 'lB. Tr.,aining Duriltg, ON'erseas Deployments or Assignments 18, Owing <:tny :of YOl!f'oyersep~ qeployments or a?signrpel)ts, c!1.d yOl! r~<;:eive any tt:Cl'lning"lnstr!Jctign, , ~r !:lJljdar!Cl~ cp!1cerr:ling ~he'$tan9,ar~s !i('cpndu!=i appllcpl?le. tq ~he;. treapnent1 l!1tervle~~ qr interrM?ltiQn of detaine~s b~ FBI p¢rs~mnel? '0No 0Do Not Reca'fi i9. Duri!1g ,any pfYQur o;ver?ea~)'dE;pIQy,rp~nt$or assignment~, did YO!J Je'q~iv~ anY', instrLicti,on; Qr'gu]qance ~<;)n:cern(ng tbe::, b,f con,due;t ,applicable. tp ~he ~n=aJ:m.en~/ 'interview/ or' ' ioterrog'ation of d~tafnees' by non-FBI, petsoiiriei? ' ,OYes '000 Not,RecaLi. ',2'0. Qllr'ing alW 9f your'Qversea~deploY,ments or assig]lments;. did you 'r~~.eive any-t.rqfriing, instr.u'dion." qr g uidai1q~ conc~tn';ing what y,oM W~I:ErSuppq![ed t9 di;l if YQ.U :Q,bs~(V~.d ,or h¢ar9 ~PQU~ th~, !rea~meh~, .intervie~~,?r' ,i~t~'troga~i~ri.,Q~.d~ta}h~es,bj F.B~: personnel, Which yo,u D,elievea td be ' mappropnate/ unprofessional/ coerclver, abuslverorunlawful? 'OVes : bDo 'Not Recall '2:1. During 'a,riy oryoar' oV¢J:sea~H:ieploymei)t$ or" a$signh'le.nt~r !1id you r~te1V$ any tr:a1riing, ih.'stl'Li¢tion" or .Quidance."<::Qocerilin:g what you were,sU pposet! 'to do :if you .oDsei¥ed ,<::Ii beard a:boi:It~the: " treatmeAtf interviewt or interrogation of d-etainees by non.:.FBI personnel r which you ,Believed to , .be inqpp(opriat~f l,I!1p'rofes?i9n~l,: coerchler,',a'bLi.siV~, 'Qr'unl~WflJp Ie. Ad~q ua'cy 'of Trainin'g 22. In your' 9Pinion"cfid YO,LJ t.e,cei'le'i:i.aeYltiat~ tr~ining/ of Conduct by FBI'arid d~tainees pri9r instrUCtipn, bY gU,idcfnc'e relating. tb:st<fndatcis. non"FBI personnel telatjn~f'to, treatment/ 'interView~ Of ihterrog'arion.of to your~,ep,lo,y'I1)~nt'~rqssignrn~nt? i~ . 'In your 'Opinion; ~ald, Y-9u r.~elyeade,guate tr;;tlnl119,' In,$t~uq:!onl,()r9ul,~~nce reratlng';lS' of Condu~t oy FBLahd oon-FBI p,etsonnel r~lating, to;treatJi1ent( interView, of interrogation of detairiees.'durJilg you,r deployment or'assignment? ' - 24.:10 youLopinion,;did you receive--adeqiJate training,. instruction, or;guiffance concerning what you were supposed tQ db it'You ol:Jserve<;l.or heard about the treatm~,nt:, interview, or interrogati(?n':of OIGQ-004882 ,detainees, oy fBI or; non-FBI p.¢rs6i'1nel, that coercive, abusive, or unlawful? you be.!ieved w~,s inappropriciteJ wnprofessiOhal r 28. (Optional} In -what ways> can the FBI improve training on this subj~ct for future depfoyments'or :<!s$lg nm~nts? . Masrof th~se sul?j~s<ar€lcommp.!1'sense an.d 'experienced FBI,c;lgeT]ts:do not!?!?arily need arty, <~p'ecifjG. :rrainin~ ,on th'€lm. ' Jo. CQmments' , 26, Please provid,e.anyadditional information' concerning training for ov.erseas deployments or F!~signlT!ents df FE:$I R~r~onne! ~9u Q¢!:? re,~v.ant. There?lr~ too many ine)<p'er:~nGe~ FBt:agents qeihg a~signed to ~/Je~ jQbs:o'lfer:s'ei3~. Exp~ri~(l~e in. W.ould ensu~e th;;lrag~hts!ng o--ve'rsei?S flJlly,~rst:anQ· the rules',Of conducit both, CON U.S: anti O:CONUS.' ,Co~\.I.S Jnv!!stlga~lOns.ahd prlsori~'r.handling ·lilw·;i.,tD~:,~~',~'~~~'~~:,:" ',' ': )l1til~.@t;OO:W.V~:@tt,~'~·,,::-, "-",J'., ',~ IntroduCtion to Part'IU: lh, this-sectlon, we ar¢ ,seekIng inforttlati911 .regarding a livid,e r.ange' of 'interView 'or interrogation techniques and other types: of detainee treatment alleged to have occu rred. You $hoJ.JI~, not.a~~um~; jl,l.~t '!?eq:!use w~~.!'3re,a~king, ~bq\lt, A parljc,l!lar technique '9f prqcti\:~, tbat, we: I:)a~~: c;o.m:lud ~~ that i~ in fc\ct'9,CC!,Im'id. We re~og hize .th~r ?C?lT!$ of the~~'technjQ"fe_~''O'r'praqic"es. 1l1?ly. ~t tir:n:~s be, nec.esSary for >safety and security, in a ae:tehtion' 'setting'. In addition'" we fecog niZe thatis,ome of these Jeehniques.or ,practices max nave be.en authorized for use' by milita'r'y·or- othet:goyerliinent 'persQnn.eL. -W.ith r~~pect to ~9~h ig,en~ifjed te(;hl,1igu~i pf1ld,ice,. Qr 1:yp,~ Or'con9uct d,esc;.rfR~ ~:eti)W; 'Yv'e:ar~ ,se~Kin.g 'intqrmati6na't5.0li~ it~ Q<;:c\.irr~n:¢e~d~riri9 :~tin ;q:irine9ti!>n 'WitI'! t6~ in~erview Qi' il:lt.erroga~ioli 9:fa de'taiJ'1ee, or durin,9 the detention of it de'taihee beyond what needed for,safety arid~ecuritt ,In that context, we will ask you 'to w.hether;oneor more of the, following statements are true:, is. 1. I PElr~on~IiY"Qb~rv~,d .thls,9?'19uC~, 2. " . I,'.o~~iye.d ,d¢,taih~(~) in'~ :cgndLt'ion t.hc:i~ led m~t<?l;>,eHeiJ:e.);hat this;co~ndJI!=t: h;:jd.,Qc.~ut~d. .3; D.etaineets) -told :me that this conduct' had ,o,c,curred. ,4. Others ,observed this cariduGf·d.escrlb.ed It.tO me', 5', I have relevant information classified ab.ove 9'. I~SECRET~'; I n~\ler"ob$erV~ ~hi~ ~o'n~uc;:t: ngr h'e9rd ~1?P'u:i: It fn~in ~qmeqne who 41d. ,,2:7. Deptivi nga .deta inee' of food or wat,er a, o lr persanaOy'observed this tond'uct. b~ o II oJ:>serve,d', de1ai,ne~(s) r!1,~'ci)nd ~i9n ~~~t r~ me, to' b~n~ye ~h§~ tpi~ <;'?n:qud ~!3.dqC;<;J:lrr~d. <;.. D.lbe~~inee(s) tql,d. me that this r;:ondl!ct ~~,d .occrmeo. d. o lothers, who observed this \=ond!Jct d:e~cr!bed It tp me: . -.- -, , - OIGQ-004883 . -- -, .~ - -. e. D I have relevant Information classified above "SECRET". f: rtf I never observed this conduct nor heard about it from-someone who' did. 28. D~priving :adetainee qf ~I~thing I p~rs6riaIIy ob~iVed ttiis,coflOuct. a. 0 meta believe thatlhis conduGt b" D I,bbse'ryeq,de'tainee(s). in a.conditiorith'at led c. D Detainee(s} told 'me t!iat this,cood'utt ha'd ,O,eel/fred, d, 0 e., D f. 0 had o:Ccllrreti. others' who observed this tohdirct described it to me. L hav.e relevant information classified above, "-5ECRR". I never'observed thlsconduQt nor heard 'about It from someone.who'dld, ::i~. Depriying '9 detainee ors~ep, or i,nt:errupting ;~Ieep by fr~u~nt e~1I reIQcatj~nstor':Qt~erllJ~thQos ,a. D "p~(sOnally, a,bserVed this ,'conduct. , b. D I,bbservecJ detainee(s) in ,acond ition that led me c. D D'etal.n~(sJ told to belie'l.e .that this conduct had ,o(!curred. me that 'thiS cond,lJct had ,6.ccarred. d. 0 Olhers who obserVed this Goiidlict aescribed if to nie. e. D ~ have relevant iriformatiorr dassified above .. S'ECREf" • f. ' , D I never observed this. conduct nor heard aboutit ,from 'someone who did. g. Pleas~, provide the approximate. time frame"during }'I'hich th,is:conduct,()ccurred. FJ:dnt 0212004 to, 03/2004 'DD:d Not Re@lI ~, T~e,detf3ll)~,~£~J treat~9 it) :tl1j~ Vf9Y ,w~r~ I09fl,t,ed ~t the t1rrre in; 1; DGuantanamo ~lthrqq .. , ' .3. 0 Afghanistan '4 5 D D Other Location DO. Not Recall i. Pleas¢~'iqe,iltify th¢.,d~t~in¢¢.(§") do not retail specifics by 'name and. tiurnb.~r.:', .j. ~I~ase i!;l'entffy the person(s) Wh9 trea,t~'d' ~he Et:etaine!=(;s) in thi? m-qnner, fncfuqing their ri~met$):andgoVerrfrtiefit i;lg~n~y(ieS): ,dO' nO,t ie~lI spe~ific,s' , OIGQ-004884 k. Please identify any other fBI personnel or noh-FBI persollnel who,observed detainee(s) treated in this manner, including their name(stand agencvlies): 1;19 nQt recall 1. This.conduct ol:c.urred in connection .witH: 100ne.d.etainee .2 O.S.everaJ detarli~s, (2-4) 3 0 ~any .detalrie¢S (more than 4) 40 00 Not Recall . til. (Qptipnal) Pl.ease deScripe the-'televalit cir,currfstarrces in -mPJe d.etail: "-30. Beating a detajnee . a. 0 i p'e[~i'laIIY db~rv~ _this·cond(j~t. O. 0 obseYV,ed detafri~j:!(s) itt-a oonefitiof) that ied m~ t6 b~ljeye that'thi~condu~t had"o<;:d.Jrr'eid. c. 0 'a¢rpln~(s) tOld me that thi5.CdooLltt ha'd .oCcu(red. .d. 0 Others: whb .ob.served this edna Li.ct dci;"crib~ it to me. ••I- 0 I,haVe relevant information Classified above "S.ECREr'. ~ 'I ilever observed. thls;oonduct nor-heard :aboutlt frotilsoniebne who did. '31. U~fng water·t.o prevent breafhlng Ilya detainee 01' to, c;:r.eate .the s~nsatlon of drownIng la. o II persotlajiy'~bse~thls:c-o-ndu.ct. lb.. o !t pbse.rved tleta(ne:e($).ln:a cqrx:! itlph "!hat i~ .me to believe that this cblidug Hap :ocQJrred. c. d. o iDetainee-(s) told me tfiat 'thls conduct had ,octorr'erl. o latHers: who obsetv'ed this roodi..lCttlescrib¢ it to. me. ,e. o ~I ha'Ve r¢levant Ir;j'fiitmatian 'classified i1bove, '~SE.CREf~. ן- . m~ never observed this conduct nor. heard · from sOmeone who did. 3'2 Using hands,'. rop"" -, or anything'else to choke or strangle 'a detainee 0 'per.sol1ally' observed jhis COllducl b, 0 I o.b$ePi€:<J 'tl:eta"jnee{"s) Iii ,3 ,ccirld ition tnat ted me" to belleve.that:tnls: ¢ndutt bad .occlln:ed:. c, 0 O'etaitJ~e(s) toid m'e' that this ~d'l)dut.t had oc.cllrretl, a'. OIGQ-004885 d. 0 Others-who observed this conductdescrlbed It to-me. e. 0 f. 0 a. 0 0 0 0 0 0 b. t .. d. e. I. [. have refevant Information classified -above !·SECRET... r ~~ver obs~rvl(l:d thi~'c<?oduq: n9f heard about i.t from som~on~'whQ did. pers6nally'6bserVed tHfs:eohduct. I bbserved detairtee(s} ifl'a·conditiontht:lt Jed me to believe tnattnis cOnduct had ·Q(:;cun:eo. Oetainee(s-) told me that this Conduct hatl.dcciilte:.l. !Others who observed this-conduct: described It to me. I henle relevant Information' classified -above llSECRET"'. ,!lev,er o,bs~rv.ed thfs,:mnd.iJct n9r h6::!,rd iab:Q1Jt, it 'from sorne~>ne wt)o did" '134. 'Othedrea'bnent Qr ~i19n Ci'!.U,SJI.l9, ~lgnl¥ical1t p'hYs:lcal pain or lnjlJry, or c?;lU~llJg,ql~'f!gurel!lent·qr death: . a'. 011 personally.obsei:ved b. thIs conduct. o 'I observed detainee(s) in a t::ondition' that led me to believ.e that this. conduct had "Occurred. 0 d. 0 e, 0 j, 0 c; Detainee(05) told me that this conduct· had .qHlers who ob~rved 1;hlo5 qJnduqt descrlb'eQ It t9 m~, have re~v.ant lJ)formation d"'o5sifie<:! above "SEtR~~'. ~ rr~er o'ps~rve'~ t!lf:s ¢;>I)duct f19f hear!l:about i~ 'fro[l1.sglJ1eQn~whodid. ·~5. 'PI\1clng a detaln~'qn'cr hot 'Sl,lrfa~ or burnln9. :a·t1eteilhe~ a. 0 r persOnally ob'seNed thIs GondUc.t. b. c. d. e. 'I. 0 0 0 0 0 I:observed defufnee(s} in,ai::ondition'fhat led me to. believe thc3t'this conduct had bcc::urreCl. Detalnee(s)'told me that this conduct had occurred. O~hers. ~.~o obse~ed t~is ~!ldu~td~s.c;~i~eq it t9 f1le.. I:~av~ r~levarit lntormat!on c1.a!:>s:IJI~ ~b9v~ "'S~CREr... I never'Qbserve.d ~hl$ tonduct'nQr .heard 'abQut;it 'from ;i9ri1eone,'who pid. OIGQ-004886 ,36. Using ;shackles 6r other restraints in a' _ p.roIQrfg~e;.;;d,-,m;.;=a.;.;n.;.;ne.;;.;r,-- a. o ir personalfy,observed tl1is;conduct. b. 0 . LobserVed' detalnee(sJ In :a,cond itloh, that led me to believe thanhls conduct had occurred. c- d Detainee(s) 'told me that this cond uet had ,oecu rred, 0 Others who observed this conduct described it to me. e. 0 I n!'l\(e releV9Jlt:fnformatlol1 ~)~ssjtreq ~1?ove ".s:~CREJ·\ t, lrl r_'>,neverobserved about it from.someone who did. " '."'" • this ,,' conduct '" nor • ,,/ heard "", d, ~ ~ > -, ". • ~. .~, " " ... 'to •• 37. R.~qJ.liring'.a,detajl1~e'to·mqin.tain, W restrainihg a ,detainee in~,;;1 "stressful or pa'inful, P9sitf,<>n' l·a. 0 I persottal!y obserVed thi's ,cooduct. 0 lI;ob~erved detainee(s) in a,conditiolfthat led 'me to, believe that this conduct had ,occu'rred. 0 !oetalnee(s) 'told ,me that this torn:luct had ,occurred. b, e~ !d, 0 IOthers who observed this condl:lct descrfbed It to me. It e', 0 hav~ relevant, inf9rmaticin cla,ssifiecj Q,b9Ve "SECRET", f. 0 l~ n,ev:er'o'bserved, ~.hls 'conduq nor h¢a rd ,about it fr0tnsomeon~v·m,o did. b. 0 r pe[Sonally~obsetvea this :cohduct. 0 I :bbserved detainee(s): in ~ cond itio,h that led ,me to, believe tnanhis conduct t~ q loetainee(s) told 'me that this conduCt had 'occurrecL a., d. ,e. f. ha:t! -occurred. o IOthers who observed thls conduct-described It to me. o II. have relevant information classified above, !ISEtRET11. 0' r never observed this/conduct nor heard 'about it 'from"someone'who did. j ~ •• ... •• • .• • , • . ~ , . . •• ' • " • • • I > ,39.. Using el~ctr.i¢al shoc~,(;>ri a peiai,n~e a. b. 0 1. personally obserVed this ~ofli:luct. 0 I 'observed detainee(s} II' 'a cond itiCin that led me to oelieve that this conduct had olicurr.ed. ,., OIGQ-004?87 A c. o !Detalnee(s) told me that this conduct had 'occurred. d. d 'e. T: 0 .~~ Others who observed this c(imd uct described it to me. rh:ave r~levant inform~tiC?n c1assjf[e~ ~~ove I~~ECREF'" o II never obs~,rv~:<;1 f!l,is, COri~ upLnor heard aboLJt it fronr SClrpecme: Who, did. 0 b. D I perSonally,observed this ,conduct., c, O'etainee(s) told me that this conduct had ,occurred, a. 0 0 'e: 0 t 0 d, Lobser:ved .detainee(s) in a'condition that-led me to believe thafthis conduct had .occurred', Others. wh@ :observed -tnls conduct described It to me. I h.gye releyant il1tof!'J1?lti(;>n. 'classr~i~Q qbove "·SEcRET"\ I. n~y'~rQ..b?~rveq t.tii? 'C0D.ctuct ,nor h~.rd abpu~, it frpm S0I]TeQ!1~ VlDo did, 4~. Int€!ntiqnally dela~itjg or.denying' dE;taine~ m¢Q.ical care ,a. 0 I. personally obser:ved thls·~oliduct. .b'. 0 r obser·v.ed detalneets) in 'a'.condition that let! me tli believe thaflhis' <;qndud. had .occurred. , c. 0 Detalnee(s),told me that :this conDUCt had ,o,ccurred. d, .e. f. d iothers.who observed this c0ndl:Jct,des,c,; to me. o II. have releyant information classified above "SECm/I;. o It. never Qbserved this 'C00Qu<;t lJ9r heq rd abollt it'from. ~olT1eone'wh.o,~id. fa. D b.. 0 I. pers6naUY obserVed this .cbi1<JIJct.. I observed detainee(sj- 11'1 a.cOhditidn that led me'to belJeve ttiat. tnis',c6nduct had occur-red. is o !oetainee(s) told me that this conduct had .occurred. I -d-, D e. 0 T. D others who oJjserVed this c0.ndud described Ift6 me. 1- have relevant Information classified abov.e, 'ISECREf",. I, nev,er 0J)~rvecJ this ·C011d.lJ~t n()r beq'~d :abpuf it fro!,,. SOJT1epfl~' w~o did,. OIGQ-004888 ,g. l'l¢?ls:e: provide the appr9xlmate time fram~,du(lng whlch ~hls:cqnd,u,~~ Occurred. From 0.1/2004 ~o 03/20'Q4 DD'o Not Recall , h, The detalnee($) ,tr.eateg in this w.ay w.ere. lqeated at tMtim¢in: :1,.0 G!JeHltallam<;>, 20 119q 3D AfghanIstan 4 0 'Other Location ~ ,0 Do Not ReCC!1I i. Please identify the:;aetainee(.s) do not recall specifiGs, by, name and, mJr'nber';. 'j, PI~'se, iden~ify th,e, 'pers6nt~} who ~re,ated'th~ a~tajrte~(~) hi 'this mannSlr, inGrud,ihg their 'name(s),and 'government agency(les): ,do not recall' sp,ecifics " ' k. PI¢ase IdentifY'any' other: fB1 personnel or 'np'n;.rnI 'p-ersorin'el who,obserVed detalnee(s): treated ,in this manner, ilicludin~ their name(s) and ag~i1ey'(ies): dQ ,npt. reca,ll ~p,eCifiGs; L "this cpnduetocturr:ed In' ~OlJnectlon with: 1 one: detafn~, ' q 20 ,Several defalnees (~-4) 3<!> Many detainees r.morethan4J 4:0 Do Not ,Recall m. (Op.tidriilll Please' desCribe-the, relev.ant drClir'ristanGes: in more :detail: :lJ.;3.Su bj~tiD9, a detain-ee to 'extremely' cold or .no~ room tem,pe~ture's fqr ,e~t~nded per!9ds P. 0 r personally obS:erved thJ's conduct. b. D rOQ~rv.e{j detairie~.(5). in ;a',\Zoftdjtion, that Ie{! me. to beli~v~ tliat tbls cor(dupt haa c. D IDe\:ainee(s) tdld n':l~ ttiatthls conQuct' ba,cCoccurr.ed. d. ~ e'. pecurrea. o lothers who observed .this, coliductdescribed ittb, me. o II haverelevali1: information dassified above "S:ECREf"!. f. 0' II never observed this .coildu'ct nor, heard ·about it from ,someone who did. 4.4. -Subjecting <;l d,etainee to loud music [a] D II p~rsqr'ialit6bserYed' this conduct. OIGQ-004889 .. b. . . , , . ' . o II observed detalnee(s) In a .cond Itlon that led me to believe that this conduct had ·occurred. c. [j rOetainee(s) told me that this conduct had :occurred. cr. e. f. mlothers whl? observed this condu!=t descri~ed it to m~. o II hi3v~ rele.yan.t information da!?sified qj;>ove "SECRET". o II nev,erobs.erve~ this,cQnduct nqr.hear,d -abQutit from ~omebne:whp did. · g. Ple~~Ej pr:·(Niqe'tl1~ ~pptq~impte lime frC;ime 'during. whl!=h tnis conJi,Qc;:J; (jct.IJITed. From ,02/2..004 to 03/2004 . 000 Not Recall h. TheJjetail1!=ler~) Jr€C!tec;i in ~1115 way w,ere:1o.catep at the -time (o: 1. 0 Guantani;!n1o 2'~'JId'q~ 3,0 :Afghan istan :.lJ, [j Other Location ,? ,0 Do NQt R,ec~ill i. :Please'identlfY. the:detaiJiee(s) by flame and nuniber,: · d,o not regtll ?pecifj,<::s j, PIS!as~ iden,tlry the p~r?'qn(s} who tr¢aJe'd' ,the. !:IeJ<;linee(s) in tll!~ m'ann~rT iri~ludlng tt'feir · Iiam~rs). ana >gdv:ernni'E~nta'ge'nty(les): ' do not recall specifics ' k. Please, id,ehtlfy any other FBl personnel 0r' non:-FBl,personnel'Who..,obserVed detalriee(~) treated .in this manner, including their name(s) and agency{ies): po n:qtre~11 sp.~!fk$ i~ This :cQridu~t:btcurr.~ in cQnneqion witt:!: O,Q'ne~~tain~ 2: 0 ·S·ev¢/'.al d¢lairiees. (2-4) i 3 :0. Many detainees (more than 4) Do Not Recall ' if.O rho (Optio,naQ Please' describe' the 'televant Circumstahces' iniiiore'detail: 45', ,slJpje!=ting a detaine~ tq,bright flashing Iight~ or p(arknes~ a'. &. 0 I pf=r.son-aJIy- observed. this .cbndutl. 0 I bbserv.ed"d~t;:jinee(s) in a:cbnd itibr:i that led me to believ.e that this cbn~uGt h'a4 .occurred. c: o !oe.tai ne~.(s). tQld :;-ne thatthis' cond Lict had .occurred, d. 0 e. I Otbers' who nbsefited this conduCt described it to hie. o if have relevant information' classified aboV,e "SECRET D • OIGQ-004890 JII0Ji never observed this conduct nor heard about-it from 'someone who.dld. 46. Isplqtinga detaineE< Tor an extended 'p~riQd .D b. D G. D d, D a. iI per.sonally observed this ,ccindott. II obseryed detainee(s) ih a co110 ition that led me' t9 beli~ve tbat this c,onduct had ,occurted. \Oetaine!a(S) tola :me that thjs'condud had ,occurred. latbers whb observed this conduct described iUo me. e. o iT haVe relevant information classified aboVe )'SECRET'!. f. ~ ILneveLobserved this'conduGt nor'heard a00uUt'from,someone who did. '47. Using duct tape to r~str.aln( 'g,ag.( or pu nish a .detainee' B.. o II p-ersona.ll,y:obrerved this;·c<m,duc,t. o II' observ:e~ d,etaine,e(s)' j~ 11 cbi:1d i\:ibri tnat led _me:. to' beli¢v.e that,this cQ'nduct had :ocGurretl. c. 0 D'et~linee(s) told 'd. o 'Others' Who obser.Ved this conduct descr.ibed It to me. .e: 0 I have relevant jnformatio.n classified ;::lIJoy.e "SI:CREf" . f. 0 r never'obseNed this·conauch'lOr· heard 'about it 'from,'someone wh9 did. c;I~ \ 48. ' , ' " . ' me that this. cond u~t had .occOrred. L!s!ng rapiq r:esp9!1Se t~m~ and/or forced cell ext@etl{)ns' r--C--'l ,a. 0 II p~rsO'riallY·Olf~erve.d·this conduct. - -::I . o . , . b.. jf ol1s.e:rve!1 ,d.etainee('sJ 111.·3 :cond,ltlon that led me to beUEwe that this ton.duct' had occurred. C. 0' [Detaihee(s) taid me. that this-cpnduc.t had 'occurr.ed. d. o ~othet5· who observed .thiS- ~6riauct desCtiDed it to me. e'. D II ha\le ·...efeM;int Inform-atlbil Classified cilioye ':SECRET". to 0';1 never 6bsenied'this.c:oridud nor heara 'aboUt it from someone who did . .__ ,- ._A_ _ .... __... , .. ..... _._ .,_ ........... '._ ,_ ..,,_._'................. _ . '"'''''' " "__ '''''''''' __ ' __' ______' __'''.-' 49.. Using.a military working -, dog on or near a detainee 'other: thanXluring :detainee·transportation OIGQ-004891 , .- a. 0 I personally'observed this conduct. b. 0 I observed detainee(s) in a condition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred. c. o 1De!ainee($) tol,d me this,condl;lct ~ad'occl,lfr~L <:I •. p Qth~!? whp 'Qb'served this c.ondL!'ct.Qe~~ri!led It to me: dassifiep ,al;J'ove "SECRET"-. 0 I have relevant information --,--,., . f. 0 r n.Ew~r o,bseryed, this tpndlJ,et nor hf>Prd a~,o~,t it from,sqm~one-w.hodip,. e. 50,. Threatening to .use mJlltary workIng pogs on or near a., -------. a detainee. D L p.ersonany observed this 'conduct. 0 c,_ 0 <t 0 eO' 0 f. 0, b, I 'Observed 'detalnee(s) In 'a cand ition that led me to believe that this aonduct had occurred. Det9i[lee(s) ~old me thgt this, conduct hpd occlJrred. b~lJer.? whp '0Pser:y~d t,his c0.nd,u~tdes9fLOed it tp fIle._ I have rel~vatit IlJf0rrn_a~IQn c:1a.'S~,lfle9 Cjb9V~ ",$EC~ET'!'.; I oP?,erv~9 this '<;ond ut;t nor h~ro ,abQm· it from $<;>lT)e~n~' Who did. b., o II pet-Soriaffy' observed thiseoridu'd. o n·observed detainee(s) in a <::ondition that led me to believe that this Gonduct had 'occurred. Co O· (Detainee(s) told me that this conduct. had ,occurred. a'. d., - e: o ~bt.hers· who obse(v~d this condu,ctpescribed it to /Tle;, o iL have rel~\fant informptl<;>.!1 ,<:la~sr:f[eQabove "SECRI;T"·. f; ltJ'II n~,verops,erv~,9 D b. D a; tl1ls'C;;9J1duct 'nqr,heaq.J ~pgut.!~ .frp~ ~qJ!le9'le:wbo di<t· . !I personally observ.ed this .conduct. !IobserVed de'tainee{s) i1l;a .c_ond itio.h'that led me fo, believ~e tMt;tnis conduct had .ocdirred. o Ioetainee(s) told me that thfs conduct nadoccurred. 4! o ti)thers wh9 'o! t~is C8,nqUCt de!?crjbed it to IT)e.. o it ~ave retevan~ IlJtQrmat.ion' c1assifiedal;>ove I!S.EC~ET"·. c ~. OIGQ-004892 [~f ,[ never observed this conduct nor heard about It from someone who did . .53. [H~resp'~1 ~taterne'rits; handling, .or<lgions involving the' Koran o b. 1. personally observed this conduct. ohse:r.v~d det~inee(sJ iha tond ition th~t led tn~ to that this conqu¢t ha~ occunetl. o II c. o !Oetaine.e(s) toJd tne that this cond uct haa .occurreCI. a. 0 Others' who ,O.bsefited this conduCt described it to me. e. 0- r have relevant i't1formation classified aboVe "SECRET"'. d. Itt r. never observed this'conduct nor heard abouUt 'from someone who did. [ :54, Sha\(ing.a detainee1s'fadal or other hajrto ernb?!rrass:oLhumillate·a defa'inee a. b.o - Dip p~er$Qnai!Y:O:bse-rv.e9 ~hls,:c(m4uct. _1;1 II' observea detaine.e(sJ jli :'acoiiditibn that led me to beiie.v.e thaUhis' co'n:duct had .oCGu'rrea.. .e. o :Detail)ee(s),told me that this CO!1duc.t hac! .occurr:ed. o IOtb~rs' Who observed this pond'Uct d¢sctibeP It to me. o Ir have releyarit iof.0rmation c1assiTiea iJ60Y.e "SECRET" . f. ltJ 11 never- o.bserved. this ·colidudnor· heard :abciut it fr0m someone 'who' did. 0. d. a. o b. '0 t. o d.1 E"l 1_f. !I pe:rsatialiy.6J;f$er'/ep this conduct. II observed;3lnee:(s): In. a COl')dltldn led me to believe that thIs tonduct had occurred. IOetaihee.(s) toid me that this conduct had ;o,ccurr.ed. 0 IQtherS: who ,observed this conCluct d'es"dibea it to me'. 0 ~ ha\le relevant Inform.tI,," t1"'sffted .hove ':SECRET", . 0' Jr never observed this ,conduct nor heara aboiJt it from solileonewh6 did, ",-.l..~ .•.•,~ __ ........ " __._.-..........,, ,,"_"'" ...._ .., '" __ . . . . . . _'0. ____ ...__ --- - ~~~-- _-. 56. Touching.a detainee or ~lCting -toward a d.etainee 'in ,'Cr sexual manner OIGQ-004893 . , , D I personally'observed thls.conduct. b. D Lobserved detainee(s): in -a 'cond ition- that led me to believe that -this Gonduct had 'occurred. c. D D~~ajnee(s) tol,d me trat thi~ condLJct ~ad 'o-C:;CLJrre9. d. D lbth~~ WhpoQ'serve.d this condLfct l;I'es~rfbeq It to me. I hav,e relevant inro,n;nation c!assifie.d pb'ove ",SECRET". -e.f. D. 0' fnever o,bserved thi~ tQn.d4~t nor h~rd'Cl~put it from.sQmeone'whQ did. -a~ --,-1 57. Hold,lng,detaln~,(~) wHo were: not pffl!=laIlV-acknowletiged brr~glstered a:; such by'the,agency " , :,detainiiig the- persOn. ' C!., D b. D (p~rS9naIJy 0b~l'Ve9. tbIs CQ!'Jduct. I opserve~'d,et,ail)e'eIs1 in 'fqmp i~ioh,that led l')1e ~9 !?efieve.th9.t'tbis <;Qnd!1~t had Q~cur(~p .. o told .me tnClt thIs. ~ond:uCt h?d -o'~urr.~. d. o iQthers' wb9 .qb'sel'y~l;l thi~ f:;QfJ~,IJ,Gt-d,~,s¢rib~,d it to' m,~ e', o ir, have re.lev~mt inr9rmq,tfo,h GIc;lSsified ab,,::ive. "SEC'RET". 'C;:, f. mII iiev,er Qllsenled this_'e<)ntli.J<::t rfo(h!?prd :abo4t it from sdm'epne:who djd. 58.Seddillg a d.etaineeto ahotliercril.llitry fof mOJe:c~ggr.essiv_eiriterrogation D ~I; persOnalJy"obs~ryed thi~ ,<ondvet, b',. D ~I opseryea detainee.(s.) in ,a:'cond ~ion that i~d me la' bi;:lieve that this conduct bad o~,Gurrec:l., c; D lDe~~ine¢.(~) told rn~ ,thgt tbi~ ~ondu~,t hatl-o·~!;\lr.r:e,d, c..:- r--. I " .. d. D ~Other:s: 1f..!ho :obs~fV~~ t,hl~ cb,nd!.1"~t,des~IIQed It to tile. e. o have releyarit ttiforrnatlQn' t1a$sifi~d ;3bby~ i l $ EGRET" , f. 1£1, n~v¢r ¢.b's'~r~ed' this',cpnduct nprh~rd .!;ibo.ul itfrorri"sQnl¢:Qne:whQ did. ijl; it it :>9. Threatening to /send c'f detainee to another country for detention, 6r 'more ~gg·resslve. interr.bgatfOri a. b: ~. d .. .- D' it p!=rS9.nally ~b~rved' this ·gQnd,uc~. I D jr7ob,ser.yed detAlnee(s) In a :e::ond Itlon'1h<:;lt led me. to' belleye .thpt'this cOl1,duct h~d :oq:u,rred, I D lDetaine~(s) tpld Tn~ tnc;lt this cpnd.u'ct bad -qc;c,urreq. -I o IOt,hers whQ bp~erveq :thi~ tQ'I)~ug'd,<;~\:.ribep i~ to .. .. .. ~ _.- . .. ........ .. l)l!=l" .... .. .. ,- .. , .. ....... .., " ---, .. I OIGQ-004894 -------------------------------------, e. D -I have relevant Information' classified above '!SECREf". f. 0 I never observed this;conduct nor heard about it from someone who'did. 6,Q. Thr~tenlng to ,take ?Jetion ~gainst ~ detain~~'s family a. D I persOnally c5b~rved this,conauct. D C. D d. G 'e., D I bbseriM, de'(aineJ~(s) in a·q':ind itiol) t.hat led b. I , f. me .to. believe thanhis coriauGl had o-cztUrred. petainee(s)told metnat thistond'utt trad.octiJrrerl. !Others: who ob~i'v.ed this c0iidilct described it to' me. . II, have relevant inTormation classified above !'·SECRET",. 0lr I)e.ver observed thls,conduot nor'heard ab'Out It from someone who did. 0 -61. Other treatr;nent or- a~ti0.n cqusingS;eve,re emotional'Qr. psy~h6.1ogical tr.auma to a d~tainee ,a. D b. c; d. e. f. D D D I per~n~lIy observed tnis ton,dact. I',observed detaine.e(s) ina.cOndition that led me to believe that this conduct had occUrred. D'etaln~(s') told me that this ~Qnd.uct had occurred. lothers' who :observed this eeind uct deS~ribed it to me: , D It have relevant information Classified .a'bo've "SECRET'!,.. 0'lr never' observed this· conduct nor heard about' it from 'someone who' did. 62'..Olner religiOQ$.or s~xual harassment or .hymiOation of a deta.inee: a. D II p'er.son-a.lly ()hs~lVed this 'condu~t. b. 0 L-bbserv.ed ·detainee(s)'. ih .a condition that led me. to believe .that this c;oriduGt c; D IDetairie,e.(s)'tbld "me that this co'riduct Ilad ;occurred. d. D ;Othets' woo observed this coilduct des'crlbed it to. r:ne~ e', D I have relevant information dassified aboye "S·ECREr". f, haci oc.cuned. 0' r never observed this~C0hi:luct nor heard :abotit it from Someone who did. - . - . -_ .... - ~. "'. ... - ... ~. .- ••¥ ••• - . . . . . _ .- ••• ~ ••• -_. _ •••••• ".d .' " ........ _ . .... _- ,.,..... - -- "-"'.' .. - - " • _. O' v __ .... _.. OIGQ-004895 63', Other tJeatrtl~nt oh'l detainee ,that in your opihion was,unprQfes!:lionai, unduly harsh.of aggre:;sive, ,coercive, abusiVe, ~or unlawfUl 0 r personally observed this conduct. b, 0 Lobserved d.etq1neeXs) in a 'cond ition'thqt l~ ,me to' belieye tligt ~his ~ond.uct had aCl;urred., c; 0 Oetain~(s}t9Jc:! methatthis conduct Vad qCqlrre<L q. 0 Others, who observI=9 t.hl~ ~plid\Jct described I't t9' me: e., 0 i ha1(e relevant lliforiliatiori dassifi~ above "S'EeRET". 8, f: ~ _fiih'~~,@t;~~· .'t;::.~,·a .64. Did you,oDserv.e ariY- iltipersOliqtion.Of FBI''i6ne dliring an ,interView or..interrcigation 'ot it detalhee,? " : ~OYes0 No 65. Did p ny- detainee 'or'oth,er person tell you that he:or she had witnessed, the 1m p~rSci.natlon personnel in Gonnectionwith a detainee interv.iewor interrogatic:m? 66,"Ar~ YO\l. aware,Qf <;my ":~hamil ,aYes 0 Qr "$taged of tlie·U.S.Cb.ngress,or their staff? n or FBI No 'd§t~ioee interviews qr intetrpg~tiQns §Qiit:lll~ted for Memb,er:s: :a. Yes '" 0 , No ,67. To your knowiedge, (Jid:any' niilitary 'or 'intelJi:gen~,e'per'~on-nel ever ;d.eny. OJ 'deiay FEU 'access to a. {j¢tainee tbe FBI wanted to Cjuestiorl' becau'se the,detainee .na-d sustained inj,urles after he Was captLired? OYes 0No Oy~s' 0 No' 69', Were :you ever told 'that'another FB,I emp'l6'yee ended his ,o/' her paiticipcition .in Qr-o.bser-v.ation bf} a detainee Interv.iew' or' Interrogation because ,of the'lntervlew'or fnterrogatlon methods being used?' . bYes 0 NQ ' 70, Ouring:a'ny"of your b.ver.seas.,de'ploymerits or a,sslg nm.ents,. did You' rep,bit any conce'rn.s regard ing any -detainee iiltervfew'ar interrogation p'ractices,' or other t,y Pe5 :of detainee .treatment, to an FBI supervisor? ' . OIGQ-004896 .a Yes G) No 71. During any .of yoUr Qyer.~~s de'pl9.yrhents .or aS$fgJijnent:?,. did 'S'ou r,ep'Qrt any.c:oncettis.regarc;Hng any :detaioe.~ ir\t.~Plrew or inn:!rro.gatiOn pta.ctic~ or' otner types of detGi ine¢. treatm~nt y~ti obserifed or beard clbO.ut, lb,'a non-FBI,'visQr or other lion~FBI p.ersbririel7 . 0, '0 N0 . '72: l:I?ve'YP~ ~vef b~e,n' ord~r,~. or'd ireq;eg n9t ~o re~9.rj;, 'or .discQ\lra·geC! in a.n'l way-fr9IT1·repQrtingi" qb~rvqtIQn:s <;ir ~!I¢gaJ;ic:m·!? reJat~ to ~~t.a·lnli:!e tr:eat.lJl~nt .qr Int!'ln(lew q,r In~~rr9gatIQn ',actfp'ns 9r ptattil:¢s,? :0. Y¢s, 0, ~o: '?-~.l::Iav~ you :~p~rie~ed \a.ny. ~ctuar.Qr tl]reatelJed ret~l!a.(ic;>n for reporting. o~s~rVr,)tiq~s 9r !?lI~~tiol1s '9fgetai~tr~tment «;If' io.~~i~w of'lnte.rrqg~!ic:m.,a~io~ or Rra'cti~~.?' , Q'y.~s. .0 N?· 74; (Optional) Please pr.ovld.e any additional comments regar.dlng. the reporting. 'of concerns' related 'to; rn~ervi~W or Int~rf~g~tiql1tet;:hnl.q4~s;d.~t~n,tiQI) p,rqgic~'s, 'gr:other p,et,?lin~.~ trea~rnen~', :(,5. Werj: yqll pebri~fepi pthli:!r: thc),n the ~9ti~ard debri~f in FO-77.2, con'~rning YQ!H 9-v.~r~a'S' assi,gnment(s.) or aepI9ym.ent(~) ~fter y,o,u:'CC>mplet:ed th¢ aep,lpyment~s).6ra.ssiQrrr:i)'erit~s)?' :0 Yes, ,@ N,o 7$, Additierial Comments,a'nd .Recommendations.:· __ ... Thank. you for yo,or :c,ooparatlort ..... __• _... __. ..:..... _. _.i in .coiiipletih9 this"qu.estibrina'lre. OIGQ-004897