Aclu v Dod Doj Questionnaire Regarding Detainees 00000298
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Department-of J~s.tiq~ Inspec~or Gener-al Ques.ti.onnaire Re!lardirrg ~etain.ees D.OJ.-:OIG INVESTIGATIVE QUESTIONNAIRE Fq~ R;I:.V~EW~NO"US£ df:lLY, BY INDlytOl,JAL FBI RE'SP.ONDENTS DO NOT' FPRWARD OR DI~EMI~ATE QVESTIONNAIRE 10: test-O.O.00029$' As ·of tl).~ last time thjs qp~,tronn~ire.wa~ ~aV~di ~~me re:quire,d fields: hav~ n9~ ~een cC}mpleted. Please r,e:VJewyour responses.' , . . ~11S"~'. 'Gr~on~1 Informa~ion " Please provide:the·follewin~' 'j "'. information: 680ft PER A~REEfL!1ENt 6 & 'rC.PER AGREENIENT 1.. First liame: ~2i Midqle In!ti;:d: 6 &-7.C PER A~REENIENT 3~ Last name: 4, Entered btl J)uty Date {EOD): ,~.: Curr.ent Dj\{'isi~r:i/Fiel.d Office: .6.- :c:u,rreJ;1t job title,: . Y: D,ireet:diaJ officelelephohe humber: 8..FBI t:~11 ph,one: ,rll,lrtloet: .9.· FBI p.agel:' nutn!>:eti, I ~&7C ~t,7C Agent 6 &lC,PERAGREEME/:J.T ~ &; 7(; PER.l;I.~Ri;EME.Nr '6 ~ '10 PERAGRE.EMENT: 6 &. ZC PER,AGREEMENT 10',.;5est <;;Qotact nurn~~rfor'You~' B. BackgrOLl'nd of Specific O:eploymetits otASsig'i1m'ents 11., Atariy time a'ftet1September 1'1{ .20.01, C1id you serve a's-a member of tHe u ..s•.Military, or pSEfn' 'employee ,or contractor of tne. FBLorany o'thergovernment agency;/, at Guan'tanamo Ba¥, 'Cilbai Iraq; Afgh<;l[llst~tT; -or in areq~rCOf)troll~ Qy·the 1):8. MiI!tc)Ty Qr a LJ.,S. in1~I,I!g~nr:;~' s~P/lce, !frCQrll':l~dlon"~itn the 91.pbal Vlj'qr On' .t~1Tor? t!). Yes 0 No of 12., i=nter the nl,llTjbeJ :of~ini.e:syoq w~redepi9.y~d o.n~ssign:ed t6.eacl1 the· lo:CaHor)s, .(Guanlariamo Bay, 'Cuba,i> lraq; A{ghanistan;:cir irtahy areas contrblled by toe. U.S:. MilifarYor. a U.S. int~lI.!g~,t19~ serVl~.el;2, ' For,each deployment location' rsehact onny' '. . .. '" or assigtnitent .complete·the,following section. .' Depl.oymi!,nt::Qr lI!!.si.Dnni!lrif~eg!ln' ., , a b o u . t iAfg~n~i;i~in~ ~i(:or ,Dep'I~yffi,ent~r,~.55.ignrhen1:,en_de!!. on. or about, 09/2002 11/2-002' ~2.a. WJ)~t was ,ttie 'g E:m;e(cl'l n;:ltu r~ !'! np P,l,! tp'q~~ qf YQur.assig ll.r'nelit ah(;l :ap:h/i.ties? ir:fterview deta inees, ,go to m~Wlg5, with itlilita ry <inti CIA perSonnel , ........ ~ .. '.'t... _ ' .... ".:: • ,1'2b. Please provide' the names ofthespecific,camps, basesi or facilities where you worked. Bag rani' Air B?l5e Ka6u'l - Embassy.·Annex 12c. N'p.t~: If infprmi3!i\:ll;- .about a sp:e:dfic Ci;IlTip, Q(,lse" or facilitY i~'da:~~ifiedab9ve /SEGROT, pteasech~ck here 0, 'include' to' your ·answer tnat Y04 have "additionai ifJfqrmationcJa~~ifl~'a1wye . 'SEtRETr and,. if you knoW,ideritify the Classification le.v.el, 'tiCket, :compartmerit, prag r ,or,otner ' . , rani OIGQ-005478 d~ignation that.applies to the information. 6.0, not the a~di~k)nal c1ass'ified infQrmatiorr in 'your qiJestibi1naire'lesponses;. QIG. p.ersonn.el with the necessary c!earahGe will "<;ont-act you to receive- it. Name , ,Position b6 b 7C O~ . I .12f:!, bld. you 1----------,-- ------ --- --- --- ~'2i~ c;I:!i~f ,__ - -.,.--- ------- -- -- -_--... jointly InterView or interrogate,..-any detalne.e with non-FBI personnel?, . ,. 0ffl :-W,~h WH~t ki~~s- q{ildn:FBI p¢r~nQei~ld Y9U ~9;:kj9irit.lY7 ---- --- --- -- -- - -- -.- - -- - -- -- -- -.. : 0' CITF' : 0 Qth¢r·ll.S. ,MiIi,tary ,: 0u..s. intell.igente ageney : [j F.6reig n military, of Intelligence agency : tJ dth~r ... .. , ._---------~--~-~---~-~--~-----------~----------------~---------------_¥ :;t2f, [)id~yo-u jointly p~~ ~nv. der~ln~ l~ten;iew;Or-:-iht~rogatiOii,stritegv; Q"biectives~:-or ta-di~ ,;j~h' n~~ -: ':F~I persQnn~l?, , ._, ... "-w ..... _ .... ' _ _ '-'I ... ".. __ .... " With what kinds of :: 0 CITF . _ " " " iooo"'" '_, _ _ ' _ :a N,o 0' y~~ • ...",_""" ............. ..... ~: .... _ ..... """_"'' ' ' t __ ...._ '- _ ,...,....~ no'n-FBI: personnel did y'ou .w,orkjointly? ... ~ .'-._.__ .. .: _..... '-(' ...., ~. . ' • . • ': 0 ~Other u.s. Military ,: ItT U..s:intellig~nce agerlqP ; 0 'fore.lgn millt,C!'ry pr in~elligenc~ agen'cy • ,; = OOth~.r' - _ ..... .- - _ .... - -':'_._ .......... - - ...... - -._ .-. .::. - _ -~. . __ -_ _ . - _ _ i __ . . ..... """" ........_ .... _',... ,__ .,.. _ - ' _ ..... ,: :i2i'-wir~;Y9,~~v;r-qihetWi$.~i~\raf~~.dIn:i~t~j(j~~Tni;.:vi~w:s·<or iQt~t6g~i1dn~s,~witil,Q9~FBj -~~~QQDiJ? -~. ~ , ....-~- _._._._..- - - _.--- - .-J,'- , . _ ..... Q,Yes·0 No -Ir_'_'_,"':' _ _ -.-r-:'-"",:,-~- -:-- -~ __ - - - - ~ , . ' - _ - - - - ' - __ '-_ - .' 13~ Did' you receive anytr:a'i"nino( :instructioJi, "or:g,ujdailte '.Specifita)iyin'preparatlQri fur any·.df YOlir o\ierseas,d.eployments, 6r"assignm~lits?, " . QYes @N6 00'"0 Ndt Retail t4. In pJ.¢paratiqn ,for any o(Y9!Jr 9V~r~~i3:~ deplqyllients or a!?$ig'r:frri~nt~J "did 1(.0,9. r¢c~iVe;,?ny training, ioSJ:roction,.6r gUidance .C:onceming 'the;stan'datdsof-tbnduct applicable to inl:ervi~wr OF iriterr.o~l.ati0h. of-deta'i'nees I)y. FBI personnel? OVes is, In thetl:eatment, , - :000' Not, Recall for <;lny pfYQur overse,a"$. C1¢pJqytn'en~s or assignme,ri~, 'did yq.u I'ej;:eive any training,.. OIGQ-005479 instruction, or gljidance cqnceming'the standard$ of conpuct applicable to the treatme[lt, Interview, or IlJter,roga~loJ1 of getalnees by non-FBI p~rs(mn~17 ' ,dyes 006 Not Reci;lll. 16~ In preparation for any of your overseas deployments or assignments,; did you recelve,any training" itlstru~iCin, 'Or gU,idance cgn,ceming wh<;lt YQU w~re :suPPQsed tQ do if YQuQb~rve.d or hei;lxd '~I;>Oljt the treatment, intervfew, or iriterrbgatipn of tletcHnees bY' FBI persi)liJi'eI, 'whl¢h you b~JieVed :to be iria'ppropriate,: unprOtessional,.coer:Civ,~, -abusive, or unlaWful? ' ,dyes 0No, '000 ,Not Recall 17, in prepaij;l£ion fQr any of YQlJr over$eas (H~plovmel1ts or 'assignm~l)ts" !lid '(.o.u receiv~ .any t(a'ining, . instruction, or,gUidanc~ concertlingwhat you wer~,.s·uPPoS;edto do if'you 'obser.ved 'or heprd :about , the treatmeht(:'jriterview, or iriterrogatio'n of-detainees by non-FBI per.sonnel,-"WliiCh yo,u b,elieVed, ,to be inappropriat~.runpr0fessi0nal~'coerdvei abusive, ,or unlawful? I lB. Tfaihing' During O.verseas DepIQym'ents,pr ,A:sstgnments 18. During any OfyoUt 0Verseas:deplbymehts or assIgn'merits, did you receive any. trailiing, lnstruction l : 'or guiclanGe"tE\IJt;~rlJil'lgthe stand'an:Js Qr-conduct ,applicabl~ to the treptmer::iti interviey'!jc o.r loterrOJlation of ge~C!rn~~~ by FBI perspnnel? QDQ Not Recall 19,. [;juring ,any, 'of your-overseas deploY!"0en,ts or ass!g,nmentS!, did you receive a,ny train i,ng~ instliuction 7 ·Qr',?lnC!~:cQ!1q:~rrr~n,g th~:standarqs of c9nduct,appli~ableto ~he_'tf.eatr:ne!1t;,i!1terv!.~i o~ fnt,en;pg'?\tion of ~~tain~~'$·by np,n-FBI p~~9hnel? '~No' :Obo Not'Re¢an 29:< During any ofyoun~,verseas'q~plg.yrpent~ or assig flJllel')t~, did you .r.e<;eivean~y"Yp,ining,irJst;~uctio!])' or guidance l:;0l1cerl)'lng wfJat you were, ~ppm;~d. to~ dp If yoq ob'~I'\(~.d 'pr; :tr:eatm~nt" intefv.i~~.9rIti~e'rr6gati9n5{detaih"ees by' Far perSori",et. which y:ou b~liey~ inapptOp'r'iate( unprofessio,rial,.cberclli.e, abusive, or unlawful?' . to .be '00'6 Not·,Reea]1 .2i. OU ring any 'Of'YQ.l,I r i:rl/~rs~as' rjePJoyments 'Or a$'slg nment~;', .d ip YQ1) r~ceiv~ ;:lny' tr;a in ing', rn~trlfc~lon', or-g u ida'nce:cohcerr'ling 'IV hat 'yoll were ,s0 pposed to d(df VOll ob'serYed ,or hea rd ,aboutthe, 'ti:eatmentr interview) interregatiQh 'of detainees by lion-FBI personnel,; which you belieVed to be inappropr.iat~J unprofessiQnal,,v,ej :qbusive, 'or unlawful? or -·eNo <;) Op .Not: ReGan OIGQ-,005480 22, In your .opinion, did y~u receive adequate training r iristr'u'ction,or 9uida nce relating '-to 'sta nd ard s of ~nduct by 'FBI and nOIl-F.BI per~nnel relating to treatment, interview,"Or inte~rogation+of .detairte~s, prior tp deployment or assig,nllJent? your 'eyes O,No 23', In your opinion, 'd id' YQU (et~iv¢ ,ade,ql,la!e ~rairling r in~tructi6rir "or gui~,anee rel;:lting t(> stahd,ards. ' o f cd,ndLict by FBI:ahd non-FBI personnel relating to treatment, irtterview,. or interr.'0,fJation ci.f :defalhees auring your deploY-mentor.assignment:?' eyes Q No 2:4.1n your·oplnion, did' you receive adequate tralnlng,r Instruction, or.guldance concerning what ¥ou .we.r~ s!J PP(j,$~q t<t,4o if'yO-t;l.. 9Ps~rved pI' h~ard ,al;lo!Jt ·tl:le~re.attnent, in~ervl~w, 'or !n'~errogC!ti9n 'qetajne~s,. by F.BI or non-FBI pe'r~nhel, that YOU b'¢Ii¢ved,w.a:.s inappropriate, ,u·nprofe.ssiOnal, ' .coertiVe, :abusiVe, (it unfclWft.ll? o.f 25.-(OptiohaD 'In ,what ,ways: call :9s~ig l:lIl)e.n:ts~ Only ~l1d the FBI improve·fraiiiirig: en'this sUbject for future deproyments.or, agen.t!? ~~~" h.a~e :e)~p~ri~l)ce'and I,lndesstcmd rightJro!l;1 \"(r:ol)g,,. nl? m~tfer'}Y~?phe:situ~~i<?-py It's not a mattecof tralnln9, . 10. 'Co~rn~nts, 2.6. Please provide any ad.ditfo'hal'itlfor'mcitlo'h conc;;erning,trainirig for~oversea's deploymerifs,br a,s~ig nments pf f'r:g p~rsonnely,04 pel!E?ve is T~I.ev~nt. , Prqvi9.e·ov~rvjew(h.i?~9ry,'9.eog,~p'f.l'{~'ClJ!ture) of th~~<;oJ.:1ntry~b; Re yisite9i gwrerit situ~ti.bl1 in th~ cQu'n.ttv. !3stt r~Jate_s W ~fie e.UreatJ's miSSIon,. th:~ Burepa's relat!Qnsnip'W\tti. other LJ.S. ,agencies' incJlJflihg , the military~ 6p'eratiO'nal chair'! oh::ommand,tan'O'rep6lting r.equirements, " . ,., .. . "-' - , ~., "Introdutthni to Part IU: In' thjsc'sectlon, we..are'seeking inforri.J.ati6n ,reg-ard'irig' a wide; range of lhterview Cit' lnterrogation .tEkhnfqlJes- and. o.ther- types. of detainee, t'reatment alleged have occu r'red " You should not :assume, just because -weare:asking about a particular technique,or practice, that we have ,c::gnduged .thi;ltJt in fact Q:c;;c!-!rr~d.. 'We r~~Jg'.f.I.Iz~ that somE} of th~!?~ t~chnfque~'o.r:prcr~J~e? p:lay at times 'b.~ I1g¢~ssary fdfs'pfety ~i1d s.ecuri,tY fh'!;J tlet~ntiQn setting'. Itl apd,i:tiph', -w~ r~·pi.g·njz~ thats.orn~ of thesi= tec,hniq,(jes,~r pra'dic,eS'i'nay have been authorized for use by militarY'0r:other~bv.efnmeiit parso·nnel. to' Wit\l 'r~~pect to;,each identified, tec!1f1jq,u.e, praG.ti,cer or type of <;ol'),~l!ct'd~crj,bedl)~'ow; w.e'ar.e ~eki.n.g i.nf9JTi"~1Ion '~QP.ut Its o.~cqr(~n:ge:durin.9 or in CQnn~ftlo'h ~i,th l~~ in~ervie:yJ·orIn~~rrPt:Ja~ion of a' detainee, or' during the detention of a de.ta'in,ee' b~YoJid :what 'is'ne'eded for safety an'd security_ .tOat :context, will ask yO:u to :tell. us whether ,one or mQr,e df. th,e following ,statemEmts are true:' In we OIGQ-005481 1. I personally 'observed thIs conduct. 2. 3. 4. S-. .6. I.:9!?served i1etal!'1,~(s) In .acpn<;lltion th~t' led m~ to believe ~ha! .thrs ~onduct had. '?<;cf.:/rred, Oetain¢e($) Jo.ltI me: the'it ttiis con:dutt had Qtcurr~p. pthers whb. bB~rv"¢d illiS; cO.l)duct de,strib~.Q It to me. I have relevant information clasSified above·"SECREP'" I ~ever'observ:ed 'this conauct nOf heard abou.t jt 'from s0!TIeone wbo <;lid.. 27. D,eprivii)Q;a detalfl¢e ~f (Qed or Water ·a', D I personally observed'nduct. b.. 0 I 'observed detainee(s) in a cond ition that led me to believ.e that this conduct had occurred. D petainee(s) told me that this conduct had ;occurred. d .. D 'O~hers ~ho observed this cond uc;t.~escriQed It to m~: c. :e,. 0 I have relevant inform?'lti9f1 cl,assifl~ qbove uSfCRET'''. r. 0 I never 6p~rv~~r(j heard abpu~ inrofflSQrr1ebn~VJhp did. Depriving:a. detaidee. Qf Clothing'- ·a. D I persOnally' observed this,rondU'ct. b: [j Lobse'rYed delafnee(s:) ina':<s:onaltion that led .C d me t6, believe that this mnduct had .occurred. Detainee(s)' told me that this conduct fiad ·occurred. d. D Qthef? wh'o obserye~ t.his condU.~t d~scriqed it t9 m~, :e. D ,I have . .- releY'aritinrormatian . '.' . .. . . -. classified .above .. ',1SEGRIT", .' ~ 'f~ 0 I, nl?ver·9-bserve.~ a~ D I " t.h(s 'c:x;mc!uct nQr .hec1~d a.QC?utit fr<;>m ~m~qn~ wh~ d!p .. If persOnally observed this 'co ria uCt. b. o' I obseNe(;f detalnee(~): Ina . eondltion that led me te believe thiltlhis conduct had occurred. c. 0 Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had ·occurred. d. d Others, who observed this conduct described it to me: e., D hC:IVe rel~var:it rnformatlon ~Iassjfi~d '<;>!?<;lVe '''SEC};(!;T'!'. f. 0 I never observed thl~ :conduct nQr h~rd 'at,G.ut It .from'someone who did. r OIGQ-005482 '3U.Beatlng a detain,ee a; b. 0 0 I. personally obser'JeCl this conchict. Iobserved detalriee(s} In a.conditiCin that led me to. belIeve thanhls conduct had occurred. t. o Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had ,occurred. ~-c-~~-_._---------------~~---~._-- -.--.----.-.-------.---d. o o.thers, who observed this .cc:mduct described it to'me. . 0 I have relevant information classified abov.e. "SECREf'.':. l. 0jr I)ever'observed thiS. cem;fuct nor heard :absut it from someone who ~id. e. 3:1. Using )Vater tq IJreven~ Qreathing Qya detqin¢e'dr to creat¢ IIi.e sen,satlon of drowning 0 0 e. 0 a. b', I perSdhal1y oDserVed this ;cQndu:ct. I,ooserv'ed aetainee{sJ lna,ct6nditiqn thalled' ine t6 oe(Jevetha.Hhis ¢6fIdLict hcid6€curr:e'd. Detarnee.(s) told me that thIs conduct bad ,occurt'ed. me. d, 0 Others. who'o5sefvea this conduct described it to '8. 0 I have relevant lnf0rmation classified abov.e ·'SECRET·~. f. 0 I, thls.,conduct nor 'heard about it from someone who did. ii.. 0 I pets.onaliY 6b~r.ved thi~H:6fl~u(j. D. 0 Lobser:ved detiiiilee(s) in a conditio!'i that lea me to bdieve that this c6ri.duct h'ad o.c~urr.ed. ,e. 0 Detajne~(s)- told me that thIS: eona uct had :occurred. 0 Others' who obserVed this conduct 'described it to' me., 0 r haVe relevant iiif6tinatloh, classified. above S'EC REP' . f. 0 c. .d. II I never observed this conduct nor 'heard about it from someone who' did. " 33. Thr~tening 'Q~her actio,n to <;:au~e physical. pain, Inj\lryf diST!9.mement>, or death. ,a. b, c. 0 r persOnally' db~rv~(r this condOtt. 0 I.ojjsetv.ea,detaineec~) i1H!i condition that led me to' thatthis tOhduct had ,occu(red.. o !Detainee(s).tQld rire that- this ~ondti,ct h'adocc:u'rrej:l. OIGQ-005483 ..... ·. . , d. 0 Others who observed this conduct described it to me. e. [j I have releyant information classified above "SECREf", f. 0" fnever obs~rv~d th!s'cooduc~ nor heard about it from some0n.~ wh<,> did.. "34, Other tr~atment or actiof1 cau?iilg 5ign)fiJ=C!il~ phy?igl! pfjin ·(feath 0 b. 0 c, 0 'Q: 0 a', e. 9.f tau.sing disfig.urement or I personallyobserv.ed this:conduct. I;observed detainee{s) In a'conditionthat led me to belleve that this conduct had~occurred. (jeta!n~(s}told m~ that this cOllduc.t I)ad 'qccu(red.. 0t~ers JIIIh<;> -ob~r:,ve,q th,is cql')d uct d'eseri,bed it tp me.. o II have reIE~,varit lnf.ormatiQ'n ~lassifie9, aqove "~.EC~", 'f: 0 r never o.bsel"'./e9 thl~':co.ridu~t :3:5. or injury, fifaGing a 'oetatnee,qrl nQr heqr'ci :~pout ft Jrpm:sqmebne'Whp ctid. a ho.t 'surface. of b.urning :a;:d¢tciihee. 0 I personally' obServed thiS condLict. b. 0 l-observed detainee(s) in a ,eond itiorrthat led me to belieye that this conduct had :occurred. G. 0: Detainee(s)-told me that this- conduct had :occurred. d. 0 Q~~ers' wpo ob'serve'! 't,hi!? ~0"n,c;l4ct de,sc;rrb~ ,rt to m.e:, e.. 0 have releY.aHt iDformation class.!fieq above u:SEqm", f; 0" !(never <.>Ps~rv~~ t!:li~·<;<;>nc:!uct._n()rheardabolltit fronr,sqrrlet?rJ'cgwho did. , ir. ' 3.6. '$ha~kJ~s :or 'other' re'strqlnt$ In,,;,i prolOrig~...:.., _m_a;..;.n.:.:..li_e.:..r_' ~a. _ o IT'personally-obserVed this·conduct. b. , 0 Ir.Ob'serveddetarnee{s) in a.c6nd itio.n'fhat led me to, believe thilt'this conduct had 'ocGurred.. c. d: ~. o IDetainee(s) told me that this conduct had ·occurred. tJ 0 IO~het:? ~,hO o~servr::d this ~o.nd.u9tgescrjl:led it to rn.e. I. hav,e relev~uit Information: c1asSlne~ ~boV~ ·!$,EGRET"'. t 0" ~. never'obseril~9 thi~'conduct nqr hear:d aboutinrol'i1 sQri1eone:who did. OIGQ-005484 37. Requ.iring a detalne¢.to maintain,- qr restraining a. D I b. 0 a :d.etainee.1n, ,as~ressful pr painfui PQShion personaHy o.bserved this.conduct. I observed detalilee(s} In a..cond itloh that led me to. believe thanhls conduct had occurred. d. o petainee(s).told me that this. conduct had .occurred. o IOthers who observed this conduct described it to me. e, 0 r hC1ve relevant fnformatlpn ulCisslfie.9 ~ !;love: "SECRET''', c. f. 0 1 neveroJ?~e!"(ed this COI}d4ct nI)rhEXjrd .'about it from somepnE: \fI{~O qid. 38. 'Forclng a,det~inee to"perform ..demanc!lng phy~ical ~er.cise a. 0 I b'. e; persanal!Y obserVed this ,co.hduct. o II :observed detainee(s) in ·a·,cohO ition: that led me'to believe,thatlhis cond'uct had .ocE:urretf. o !oetalhee(s)-told me that thIs cOl'lduCt had .occurred. 0 Others who observed this condl:lctdescrfbed It to me. 0 I. h~v~ .releyc\.li~, inforlllql:jon, c1C\sqifie~ ~!>oy~ "S~C~ET"'. f. 0' iI: l1ever obs~rvec!, th'~ 'COOc(l,lct Iwr,.heard ·abc;lI,lt It frOm50me;pne 'wbo' did! d. 'e. ~3.9 . lJsirrg ,el¢<irk:al sht:)~lCoh a. o II' p~rSotlally:6bsetved b. o II :.bbserv~d c;i't1etCline:e this ' detairiee(~). in'a coNd iti6h' that led me to belieye that this' conduct had ·occurred. c, 0' !oetaihee(s}tbld me.thaHh'is cb'ncl'uct had ·.c)ecurrecL d. d lothers who observed ,this cond.uct described It to me. e. 'f. -' . . o !I. have relevant information classified cibove: IlSEtRET". o !r~eV~fqb?~rv~d thjs(comf~ct P9f heard<e;lpouti~fr9rn someQfle'who did, '49. Threa~eni[lg t9liseele~trJcal,shqclcoJ1 q q~tainee a. 0 I perstllially'obser'ved this :cohtluct. b. 0 1 observed detilinee(s) In 'a tonditiontb'at led me to believe that this conduct had .ocrturJ:eCl. OIGQ-005485 , '" , 0 Oetalnee(s) told me that thiS" conduct had occurred. d. 0 Others who observed this c0nduct described it to me. e. 0 T ~ave relevant inf<;>rmation c1~ssifie~, a~ove "SEC~,ET~';, 'f: 0 I neVE;!r observe,d this con~utt nor heard about' it frarr'- sqmebne'who did. c. '41. lntenti9.0allY delaying a. 0 b, 0 ,<:;. 0 on:l~nylJJg detcHDe~ medical.cq(e I perSonally observed this conduct. Lobserved detaihee(s) In a co,t1ditior'rthat led me to believe thatthis conduct had .occuhed. Detainee(s) told me that this' conduct had :occurred; d, 0: ,Others who obser-ved .thls conduct descrfbed It to me- 'e~ 0 f. l~r ,a', b~ CO' d. e. f. I have rele'lant information classified abo'1e "SEcRET"', .,.' . ." ,-.-.., - . I' r.p~V.~fo,.I?serve<! thi?,WQd,uGt rror h§E~d,ab.0ut"t from sqrrr~o.!1~ w~o ~i~, 0 L persOnally,oose(\led this :Conduct. 0 I'.0bser-ired detciloee(s) in 'a'.condition that led me to, oelieve thaLthis Gondud:, had .ocCiirr:ed., o tDetainee(s}'told rile that this canCluet. had :occlirred, o iOthers who observed this conduct described it to' me. o II have releyant information classified above "S.ECRET"', I o i1 never"qbserveq fhis"conduct nor heard :~b9ut it from sorneonew!lo. ~id, e. o ir persOnally' obserVea this 'cohduct. o r.observed,detalnee(s): IIi "a·,c'onditidn th'at led me-to believe that this tdnduct had.oc-cu-rreCl. o !Oetai'ilee(s) told me tnat this conduct haClocctir'red. d'. 0 a. b. e. [j Others wn0 obseiiled tliis co'nduct deseribetl if to me. I have relevalit Information c1assffied abov.e '~SEtRET"" t. Iii !I. hever' obs€.lrveq tht;> :l!ond.w;:t ,nor heqrd a bout, it 'fro!ll sorneone·who (!id,. OIGQ-005486 44. SUQj~ing a detaineetb iOl,Jd music ~II personalfy observed this:conduct. b. 0 r.observeddetaihee:Cs) Ina .cond ition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred. c. 0 Detainee(s)told me that this conduct had :occurred. d.. 0 Others who observed this conduct described it to me. (have relevant information alassifTed above. ".g'ECREf·n~ ~; 0 f. 0 I neverobserved this conduct nor heard · from someone who did. . ".. " - _ • • '" •• " _ •• .' '" .....1 " . . .' ;,' . v, " , , ". '" 4". 45. ,Subjecting a detail1ej:l-to bright fJi;lshing, Irght~"O( .tIarkn,es,s 0 ~ personal\y'obserVed this .conduct. b; 0 Lobs'er-ved detainee(s) in a-a6ha iti6n that led me to< beliaVe that·this conduct had .occurred. a. <t. 0, 'D.etalhee(s)-'told me that this cOFlduct ti'ad .occurr.ed. d. 0 ·Others whQ observed this cond l:Iat descdbed it to me. 'e! 0 I. tta.V~ JeleYan~ il'1form9tion. el?ls~ifie.fJ :q!;>s>ve ",SEC,~ET'~, f. 0. t l.1e'Ve.robserve<!, th.i~"colld.f,lct nor heard ,abGllg It from someon~'wl}o dld~ a. 0 I personally observed this :cotidutt. b~, t, d'. e. f, 0 0 D 0 0 I'bbS¢rved.detaine¢(s). in -a,cond itiol1 that led me' to beli¢ve thatlbis Gon.dLict h:ad oGci.J:rred. Detalhee(s} tbld me that this c0nd'ud had i>ccurrecr. bthers. who observed :thls' conduct'd-escrlbed It to. me. I. have refeyarit information classIfied above !ISEtRET~:. ~: [lever q'bserv~if this :concfuct !19r h~ ~d ~. bout it 'froll') $ome9n~ wh,e;>- qid. '47, Using :duct ~pe tq r~str~iOT ,9~'-!..', ~q.;..r.!:,p~J1,:..;;ni;.:..s:..;;h.:::a--:d;:.:~:;:;.ta~j;;.;e:=-· a. 0 _ I personally' 6bserV.ed this ,coi1CluCt. b. 0 I observed deh3inee(s) ina conditi6nth'at led me t6 believe thi:ltthis conduct had ·6aturr:ed. OIGQ-005487 .. c, ~. ,0 0 ·f. 0 d. !( •• , o IDetalnee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred. Others who observed this cond uct described it to me, r hFlve relev~nt i,nformation d~ssiffeQ a!?ove: II,S ECRET')', I nev~r obs!9rve,Q thIs C01)94~t nor JrEXlrd'a!>olit it from somebne'who-qld. :4,&. Using rapId i'~~Ponse .t~rj)s and/or' fQr~d cell extri;ict!<ms a. ~. 0 I persOnally observed this ,conduct. G Lobsetved detainee(s) in a'c6nd itionthat led Iile'to believe that this conduct hcid :occu'rred'. c.. o 'Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had :occurrefl. d. 0, Others who obserued this eonduat'describeCl It to me., e, 0, I ~ave relevant infor!J1~ti9n, c1as~ifi~g gbove; "sECREt'\ f. 0' I, n~~~r Ql?sE?rve~ th.1?'C9llqlJC~ tT9r h~Xg ab9ut it fr91Tl' someql1e w~o d id~ 49. Usin~ a militarY, .wqrkin~ dpg. on 'Qrnear 'Ci detainee other, thancturlrjg :detainee' trl;lnsPQdatipn .. ; ,a; b', . ; ~~"",~, o ,I- o!Jserved this .c<:>Jid,uct. 0 c. D d. 0 I:observed ,cletalneets) in 'a"coridjtiorl that lei:I me'to Believe' thaflhis c::onducit had ,6ccurred. 'Oetciinee(s}told me that :this conduct had ,o.ccur:red. Others who obsel'Ved this Gonduct:described it to'me. e. n I have relevant infor.mation classified -above "SEtRET"'. f. 0' II nevero-pserved this 'conduct n9f heqrd abput it from som.e0n~'who qid. 0 I persOnally..ooserVea this 'conduct. b, D r observed detalnee(s) In a,cot:ldjtjjjntb'at led me to, believe tnat tnls' conduct had ,oc'curred. e. 0 D'etainee(s) told me that this condlrct had ,occu'rred. <I". 0 others wh'b observed tli'is cd:ilductae'sE:ribed iftb me. e. 0 I have relevant information classified abov.e, \!SEtRET'~. f, 0 I, I)ev~r o1,>serveq tNs 'conductn9r hea.~q abQl;It it from someone wno di9. :a. OIGQ-005488 51. Usin'gypiders, :scprplpns j ·sn.ak~s, or'other' animals on' or near a c!etairiee a. 0 1" perSonally observed this ·conduct. b. D. c. 0 Detainee(s) told me that this conduc't had :occurred. 0 Others who observed this conduct describea it to me. 0 r. hav.e relevant rnfor~ation ~~ssifief!~~oye"'$l:CR~'\ .d. e, r, I . obserVed detainee.(s): In a.conditIon.that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred. o i~ nev,erobserved this·cond.l..!ct n"9r he.<!!TQabout it from s0melJf\!=l who did, S2.. Thr.eatening to use·s.pider$, scorpions, sndke~, pr 9Jher'arilmals o.n;3. det~ille!= a, D I p'ersdtlally- observed this :co.ndLtct. d I obSerVed.detaihe.e(s) ina'cotiClitioh-that led :me tQ' believe that thfs conduct had .occurred.· 0. o IDetal'nee(s}'tola me that this conduct had .occurred. d. q Others Who observed this conduGtdescrfbed itto me. 'e', o lI. hqv,e relev.ant!on. das?ifieg S!~ov~ "SEG.RET'.. . b. f, Mit n.evef' observ~d ~.hl~ :cQnd.uct nor hearq .about It fromsome~ne.\JV~o gId. 0 I petsonallyobsetved thls':coh'dutt. b. 0 r obs.ervetf detaine,e(s). in ·a·cond itki.ri: that led .me,to believe tlianbis cb'n.duct had ·o.ccurred. c. 0 Detaihee(s}tbld me that this co'ndud:had o€ciJtre£L a~ d. o lathers who observed ,thIs conduct described It to: me, e. d II. have relevant information classified clbove !tSEtRET'J.. 0 r never 'Qb_serv~'d' tnls ,cc;>nql!ct n9r heard :~bo~t It from' f. ·54. a', b. $ a deta,'n8!='s' fc:t~ral or. qther hair tq ,embElrrass or humiliC!te: a rleta.inee: 0 iI persanally-obser'.!.ed thisconi:lu~t. 0 ~bbserved detainee(s). in:(3 conditioriihat led me to believe that'ttiis ccin.duet had.oGturretL OIGQ-005489 , , " ' o IDetalnee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred. c. . 0 Others who observed this conduct described it to me. e. 0 I, informqt!on c1assifieg C1l?ove II:SI:C~~'. 'f: 0' I nev~r ot>serye:d this t9r)«;!u~tnorh~rd' it from' SC!lJlebne Who did. d. P.I~dt)g cj. wonia-r{s <;Iothing 9n:a d ~ta inee .5S. . b. 0 I personally observed this-,cQndllct. D Lobserved detaine.e(s) in a condition that led 'c. 0 a. me to believe thcit"this conduct had ;occurred. D'etainee{s) told me that this conduct had ~occurred. d. O.IOthers' who .Gbserved t~ls cond uctdescrihed It to me. e. 0 I, h~ve releva,nt inforrn?~ion. das~i~i~ q!:>ove "SE;GRET"'. f. 0" (n~y~r0.p's~rvec! t.hi~ ~ol}d.l,l~~ nor h~Xd ,?b,9ut, it from S9rn~g!le w~o did. :56, Tbuching 'adetalheaQr ac~ing tpwarc! a detain~r.. 'in• •a: sexual manner 'l"I , "I'T"f~,~~"""--"', 0 r.: per.sbrial!y oDsetVed this ~oliduct. 'b. 0 . I. obse'rved de1:ahlt~~e{s:) in 'a ,cona ition that led 'me' to. believe thaf.l:his <;;onduCt. had Dcc'urred~ c. 0 Detainee(s)·foldiile that :thiS: cofJdud had ,o,ccurred'. .d. 0 others who observed this Gond uct described it to me. e. 0 I have relevant information classified above 'lSECRET":. f. 0' I never observed. this "cond uct nor .hea rd about it from someone:wh0, d-id. , . . ,a; , . ' ',,' "- ;57.. HQ.l~Jng c!~!:aln~($)' wh,Q.w~rE? npt 9fftcl.allY ~c~noW'e{.l.ged 9r reg!st~re~ ~rs such by t.he'a·g;en~y ,detain'illg the. p;erson. , , o iI' petSOnallv' observed. tllis.conduct. a. b. 0 Lobserved detainee(s) In'a condition-that leq me to !relieve that this <londuct had .occurred. o :Detatn(:e{s~ ~qld m~ ttJi?,~ thi~ s:~nd.uct had '()c<;urreg... G~; 0 0 (I: e; Others who -observed this conductd.escrlbed It to me. -", , • '.' '. • ", '. • .t ~ ha\le rel~vant i.riformatil;in dasslfiec;l above '(~ECRET\ 'f: ~ 1 never o~s.e""e5J. ~hi~'corf!uc.t {lqY heard ~bo~t it from ~qrneb.n~Wh.o ...... ~~.... ._.... _-- - - ........ _. - .- ~- -~ ., ••• ... •• ,,'~ •• w.~ .. ... .... .•••• ,¥ _ •••. .. .. , , ,- ... _- ., .. ow _. . .~.' . , OIGQ-005490 58, Sen'cHnjj it detainee to anoUier oolmlry fot mQ(e:aggressive'iriterrog'atiOl'r a, D ~ personally 9bserveg this :conduct. o 'I observed, d.etCline.ets) [I) a·cond!t.h;m that Ie<!.me to b~lieYe thc~t"thi.s coniJu~ h~ ·occurred,. b, c. ltl ,Detainee(s] told l'Jl~ lhat -this: condu!=t hap occurred. d" D .pthers who nbserv~ ·thl.S cPn~l1ct d~saibed It to' m~. e. D r' have reievant fr'ifonflatiOtl" "das"Sifieel 'abOve "SECRET". f. D I' n'e'.ter ob:>¢rv.e:~f tlif!:i,condu.d npr h~r~ 'ab"Q\),t' it fr¢rn ·,som¢!:l:n~. who dJd. .g'. Please proVide the apprtixitnate timefi:ame:.duririg wblah this·"ool'ldud:ocdJrrEif. Frcim "(M1D;f'fYYY format or MfYYYY) to t"'1/D('t"f'f.Y-fo'rmat or M['iY'Cf,) ~iJo 1'J9t R,eql;ll .h, The d~taine.e(s) treated in thi~ way W.ere ioeated at thet.ime in: :t,'0 Gl.{alitanamq , Z Olraq j '4 g Afghanistan n 'ott)er location 50 Do Nb~ R~ii t., .Plea~e,fd~~~!fy tne·~~talfleg(s1 ~y, nCl:rn~ a,rn,J OJ.jmb~; , '" that',he: Wcl5, qf ~qkl~ar)l.deste.nt,'Spp~ I;ng[!sh fairly ,wel1,..was abQ!-:I~ 3D old. I iri~rvleW~ him pCrtilig' mtflrst,s~i.nt"Cit Bagja'm Air B~s;e" circa: oct9b~r',:2PQ2- ,0:11.-+ r~eml::!er 'is v~r?; J. 'Please identify the person(s) who treated' the detainee(s): in this manner,· indudingtheir nam,e(s) ,~nq 'g'9yernm~rit'?lgeri§Y(i~l: , ., .' The l:fl:!talnee, daln:u'!d h¢ h<:ll:l. h~~Yi ,tal¢n by tI1e 'CIA from lndonesia' to Eg'ypt'.then 011.tb ,Afghanrstan. . . :~. P)ease, identify .a'ny .other Fat person.ii¢l·or non-FBI perSQnnl~1 Wh9 obsetve~ dl'!tafil~ers): tfe.q:~~ in fliis': ri1anriel'~ IriCllitl)ng ,ttt£:ir namefs} and ,agency(ies)! . ~~urew",o p'artlc.lpa~ed In tlJe Interyle\l'(~) rrie: . r~ ~h!$,~ndu,d "Q(:qm:ed !p ~onn~h:m. with: 1: G> (j.n, 20 S.eIi'ert:!1 det<;iinee! '(2-4) 30 Many .d~tarnees: .(m~re:!hat) ~'-O' 06: Not Reb3 II m. (,Opltonal) 4). Please. d~rU,e th.e releVbnt c:.iitumst<inees· in mCire·aetan: 'The:detainee }'1/ho rri~de tlie claim ap~eareP tq be' meni:~ny unstabl¢ anp could .-not previAe t1~tail~ OIGQ-Q05491 re:garding his removal from Indonesia and/or subsequent transportation to EgyPt and ultimatelv Afghanistan. He also did not provide details regarding his treatment in Egypt. recall that he did !19~ ~ak~ negatlV,e staterT)ents regardIng his i:J:eatme'1t and made his statements In:a very matt~r oJ fact manlier. Sg. nrr.eatell!!19 to send a detainee to anottJer coun~ry faf detent.1on· 9r mqre agg.ressive: interrogation a. -0.... b. 0 c.. 0 d. 0 f.~~!~~~.Iy?~~~ry~~ .!~~s_~~~~:.~:.-.... -_ .. ___ _ •... _- .. ... ,- .. _. _.. .. ... -"-'.- --,-- _.. I obsel'v¢d detaih~e(s:) in a condition that led rile to b~lieve that this co·rt.duo: ha.d .occurred. ~.- D"e:r:3Inee(s-) tOld me that thl~ tonti u~t had '~)"cctlrr!O!t others' who observed ttris cbnduct described it to me. e. 0 [ have relevant rnfoimation classified aboVe J'·SECREf'l.. f. 0. tn"eVer observed this'conducit nor'hear<t ·about l.t who did. .61t Thr~ten.i.~g to ~ke actlon.againsta det~l~ee'S"family a· 0 ,', p~rspnally·€'~!1lhis·:C(1n.d.uc.t. b. 0 I:6bserted d¢taiiie~(sl ih:a 'C9hd [ticir'l'th'at l¢d 'mg .to believ~ ~nat"this cqncJ.u!X had '.otdJrr:ed. c. 0 m::Ulinee{s) told flie (liat thiS. Goridtict had :'o'c,torred, d, 0 Qlhers' whj) QIlserv-ed this lxinduct.deserlbed It to me. .e f. 0 0 L have,relevant !lJrorriiation, Classified ab'oYe, ':SECRET", I never obSerVed. this.:condud nodleaf.d 'abOut it from· sOmeone wh6::oic; 61. 'Other treatment er a.ctl.Qn'ca,us;!.ng severe en1otlopal 'or psy~g)cal tp3uma In ~ l;I~tain~' .a. 0 t·pe;r.sQnalix 61iselVe.d..thls c6ridut.\. b. 0 QIj.servai !1~a,nee(.$l In .;:)·cqn~ntfon C- D Detainee(s).tcsld U. 0 t/lat Igd me. ra b~IIEwe ~hat:ttll~ corfQl,lo:, ha~ ·o.ccurret!. me that this- c.onduct had 'ojXun:erl. Others: WhQ Qbserve:t1 this cpfidUct desttiJJ:ed it to r'n~ e; o II haVe '.relevant' It,formatlon dasslfled a15oye' ·~.sECRET", f. 0 I- Oe\ter observ.ea this.concuct.nor heard ·abo.ut-It froin·someone who did. 62, Other religious'or sexual harassment or humiliation of a detainee OIGQ-005492 , , D b. D c. D (I. D a~ " L personally observed thls,conduct. lI,observed detainee(s} in a'.concl ition that led me to believe that-thls. conduct had occurred .. D~tainee(~) told me that this (;;ondl:let /:lad oq::u rre4. Qthe~ who 'ob'$erv~d this conduct<:I:~$9ribed it to me: e. ~ave relevant iof0rma~ion c1assifie,<:I.a~ove·"SECRET". f. 10 f - - '-' I -----------.._---------_._--·~b.served thiscqn.dL1d nor h~rd aopuUt-from.S()meo_newhQ ~id. ,-- 63. Othertr:.eatm..el1t bf a detaln$'e that in your bplnibn Was:unprofessJonal, IJnduly har$h or, coercive, :abu'sive, or unlawful ' . D r, per?qnalJy 0.b~rve9 th{s ·condL!ct-. b'. , D I ·o.~'se.rver;! (;tetaln~er~} in 'a <;:.911P'itionthal: led . a. 0 '1;:::, me tg ~~liev~. thSinhT~ tom:il1<;t hqd Q~curr~d. p~~ajne~($) tqJd :me ~hqt this cenduf::,t hpd 'qc;:curred. 'cr. U pthers 1{I(09 -qb'seCYF;d this j:qn9!,1.ct·d.~s¢rib~d it ,t9 Ill~ e~ 0 I: hcw:e r~levi3nt inT9rmation j:las~if;ed abWe ",S-E.ORR"'. f: 10 j r QP~erYed, this:,c6ndu~t nor'h~~d , it fr9mS6m:~9'newhQ did. _ _ ·, .,:- . ;'\.. .>:;:~~'.~ ;·,·,,,':11 ii~fii)j' ';64;. Did y.ou,obserVe..anV impetso'hation of FBI ·j:).erslinriel by.'ariyone.,difritig: an a';defuinee?, jnterView;Or'ilitei-ro~atIOI) 'Qf' . . .Q Y~s. , ;~. No or .other person tell yOll that-he or she had witnessed the iliiperrooatToh :of fBI, personnel in connectio.n with adetaihee intelWiew or interrogation? - :65~- Did cll1y:,detainee 'a-. P1eas~ p~r.05!i.(j~ the-.ap.Ij'rP~jtliate:time, 'from 10(20D2't0 11j20:02 @yes.·b No, ffar.'r18 du.tin:~ Vihic!) this :contl.uCt bccufte~L. D,Do Not.~~alJ ' 'P'. The,d.etaifle~(S) treated iri ~his; way: we;r,e; iotat~d ~atiM. tim~· jn: 1. 0 :Gu.antanamo .2 [j :Iraq' ' 30 Afghanistan ,4 0 Q.t.hg~ L9c~tipn sO 00 Nqi R.eq:ill .Q plea~e it! e.ntlrY ttr~ .Qe~i.neeC~} by name,a ntl I1lJmper 'to the' best of your recolleqion: d~taine~s werEriMolv~i" .beIieY' was two; -r don't t~call'Which I OIGQ-005493 d. Please identify th~ p~rsQn(s) who' tregted t~e detainee(s) in this manner, (n9ludfng, l.f you recall, their Iiame(s) .cflid g(jyernnient agency(jes): .Th:~ tWo.detaiii~~ had tgld m¢ thj:y ha.d be~n' int~rylewed by FEU ag.ents'just:days Qefo.r.e I interviewed thein.:1 made H1C:juifies to deterinihe tMat-.CIA officers had, at-least, tricked the, 'detainees into believing they were FBI agents. This problem was handled locally' in Afghanistan. -e. Tfie liames'of a'ny other FBI personnel,.·and the .names aM :go.vemm~ht a'g'ency.o.f non-FBI treated in this manner are: . .personnel, whom I believ.e saw the detainee(s) . . fo This 'conduct occurred in connection with: 'i b One~det~inee' ., . .20 S·evera.l de~Clif)ees (2.-4) , 3 0 ~any, d,et.aii'1t~es, (mor~'than4 j 4,0 Do No~ R,ecall .. . .g. (Op.tiQn~1J·.deSGri!?,~ the rerev:ant:~ircumstcmce:~~fnm9r~ ~etai(: 66. Are'You a~are of any:'JsQ~'! or·lfst~gea!I·c\etaine~ip.tervj~ws·9r'interro,gatitms,.cot;lduyte~.f()r'¥eJ,l1JJer~ of' ·the.U.S'. Congr.ess <>r their· staf'f?· knowledg,e~>did any milltary:or intell!gence personnel ever,deny or delay FBI ,access to.a c!e~rn~e~~he FBI W<;ln~ed to ~l,I~tion>be, the:Cletpinee (lad .sust,<;lloeq injuri~s aft~r he was capJured? ,t;7'.. To, your , ,. :bves ·0 No . i~· ,68'. Did you 'eyer e'nd YOllY' participaticm in or 6Dservation ·ora·detainee: interVieW. or ihtefrogatid,h because of the interview. 0r interrogati0n methods, b,eing .used? PYes ., ;~'N6, 'Q9~ W~re yql,l .ev~noIr;I thal'Cl npther FBI ·~mplpy~ ~Jl.d~(f his'·or. b.~r, p§lrticip;::itiontn'or' o~~en:ration: 9f, ~' Q~tain~. !nJ~.rv.i.~yf 'Qf jfiter~Qg\3ti<?ri b:~c;aus.~ '~f th.~ iritef\li¢W ¢r lli!ef(~gra~iQri m~thM$, beif!g !J~e(;I? G Y¢s ~.N6" .., • ' 7~: During :anY-'Qf:y:Q~r'o:v:~rseas deploymen~s or.assignmen~~r. dig YO!J -report anY',~9pcel'.Os regard,ing., ;:my lIe,~in_e~:lnt~rV'i~W pr inte·rrqga.tfq,h P'@eti.ce-sr 'Qr:oJ:herWpe~'Qf.d~~~iliE?~·.tr~?!trilentt. to a~' FBI supervispr.? . '() 'Yes 0 fIJi:>: . 11. DUrll1g any, of your'0verseas depfoyments or assiRnment~!did you ~eport allY-'concerns regarding .any .deta'ilJe~ jn1ervi~w'<;>r int~rrog;:ltipl;T praetic;e?.Qr typ~~: ,qf d~t~ir1e~:nre.atmetn you. bb'setve-d dr heard pbb.ut, tQ'a n!:m-FBI sup-elVis~r or ,Qthi=!r ripii-FB:f'per:S~:>'lin~l?' Q.Y~s· ·0 Nq . 72:. Hi:lVe'yo(J , been ord'ered:ordirected hbtto,rep.ort&,ordiscourafted.ili any way, from reportin~.I' 0bserv~tJol)~ or a,!leg~tlons.rel~teQ to' detal~ee treatl')lent or Interyfew or lr:Jterroga~lopactlo!}.sor pr~~il:;~,s?; OIGQ-005494 o Yes ~ No 7-~~ H:aV,e. you 'exl1eri¢nced ahY aciuaf pr threatened (etaliatiqn fot reporting. 9b~rv.atio.lJs ..or .<;lllegati9n~ b.f cietaii1e:e treatm¢nt '9r iJilerY~W pf interrogation aCtions ,or pra-¢tlce.s?" O-~~- 0 No 7;1-. (bp.tjonal) Ple.~se_ provide ~ny. ~9f!ltlona.l <:;ommen~s r~g.ard_rlJ9 the rep.ort\lTg of e;t;mc~rns: related ~o in~.eryiew gr interrQ9,pUQn t~h{li.Q.l.J,es, aeJentiorip~~i~/ 9r,otlier d¢tciirte.e ~~-~-~_~ ..'0'--- 1 , 75. -W¢~~V6rJ.. ~ebrie(ed" bthe(~han the-standard d~btl~fih I"D-7];2;' concer"ning y:our oy~r:sea$ -assig'riment(s) .OF deployinent(~) after-.y.ou completed the deployment(s) or assf{j"m'nent(sJ7' Dyes -0·No. • ! OIGQ-005495