Aclu Military Prison Death Reports Part9
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ARMED FORCES INSTITUTE OF PATHOLOGY Office of tile Armed Fon;a Medic:allJ;amiller 1413 Research Blvd., Bldg. 102 Rockville, MD 208S0 301·31~ FINAL AUTOPSY REPORT Name: BTB Ahmed, F,glad Wasmee ISN:JbJl~ Date ofBirthl(b)(6l-=r1989 (estimated) DateofDeathrb}(6} ~2007 DatelTime of AulOpsy: 12 AUG 2007@0900 Inte of~pon: 27 SEP 2007 Nj;"~.~(~b)~('~)=:-:::;j Autop$)' AFIP No.:~b)(6) Omde: Civilian (Detainee) PlaceofDea1h: Imq . Place of Autopsy; Port Monuary, Dover AFB, [)over, DE ClrcU_lIeca IIf Dutil: Th..i5 17 yeac--old civilian ~ being detained II! the Theater Internment Facility at Camp Cropper, lnIq when, as reported, compound guards observed ~ unknown det&ioees carrying !be body of the deceucd in a blanket, placing him on the ground. and !ben running from sight. Aul.boriutloll for Autopty: Office ofthc Armed Forces Medical Euminer, lAW 10 USC 1471. Idntiftcatlon: Presumptive idmtifica1ioo based on review of all papefS in case file. POSt-rllottem fingetprint and dental eJl.&IIlinatiollil conducteO. A suitable spc:cimen for DNA analysis is obtained. CAUSE OF DEATH, Multiple blunt force injllriea MANNER OF DEATH: Homidde MEDCOM 0795 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 795 FlNALAUTOPSV REPORTI(b)(61 2 BTB Ahmed. Etnld Wasmoe EXTJjRNAL EXAMINATION The body is IhM or. well-dewloped. well-nourished male. The body weighs 120 pounds. is 6S inches in lenat/l and ~ compIltible with Ibr ",ported qe.of 17)'U1'S. The body i' cold. Rilor i' n::toIved in all exlranities. Lividily is obsc:urrd by dil'fu5e contusions ofllle back (see MEvidencr oflnjuryj. Thrre ill jpl:'eII wSiCOloration of the 'kin of the abdomen. IqjuriC3 oflbe "-1. lOfJO and exuemilieJ ue described In ME..;dence of Injury". The head i' IlOI'rnOCepbaiic, and the IClIlp hair is black. FKiai hair consists of black mustache and beard. The eyes ue SWIho. The irides are bro'o\ln. The corneae are eloudy. The conjunellvM: are pale. The Jel_ are while. The QtmII.I auditorycanal" extmll.l nares and oral e.vilyll1e free of foreign INteriai and abnotmal src:retions. The rarlobes are nol piereed. The nasal skeleton and muiUa are palpably inlael The leelll are nallnl and in fair condilion with bolll deciduollS and pmnarlrnltceth. The extemlllenluHa are lhose ofan adult eircumeised male. The anus i' unremarkable. The eXlremi~ are 'ymmdrie. The finaemails are intael. There is I II2·ineh 'l:aI"on the left knee. There i' I 112_ioeh healinl abrasion on the right medial ankle. The soles of the feet are e.lIous. CLOTHING AND PERSONAL EfFECTS The body i. elad in I white t·shirt, orange trousers (willt defret in the elOleh and defec:t of lite leA bunoeks). white boxer, IlIId I gr«n per$OnaI elfec:tJ baa around the right wrist. There are Varlo<iS leuers. numbers, and I)'mbols wriUen on the righl pant leg of !he: annie lfOLIJt1'J. Within lite personal effecta t.g are IItree pieees of paper. MEDICAL INTERVENTION None. RADIOGRAPHS A complete Jel of po!lmortem radioaraP'u i. obta.inecl and demonltrltrs no sltelt\11 fi-aetureJ. EVIDENCE OF INJURY I. Blunt force injuria: A. Had and nec:k: On lite left 'ide ofthr forehead ill 1.112 x J.!t2.inell contusion. On llte ripl sitk: oflhe fau I.terallo Ihe riPI eyebrow i, a 112 x 1!2_inch eonlLtJion. There are IWO. 112 It 1!2·ineh aInsions on Ihe bridge oflhe nose, On llte tip of tile note is. 1/4.ineh abrasion. A \12 x II2·ioc:h contusion is on the left eheck. On llte mllCOllllUI'I'8ec: ofllte irA lower lip is a 112 x l/ Ibnuion. 'The helix oflhe left ear tIu a 1/4 x IJ4·inc:h contusion. MEOCOM 0796 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 796 FINAL AUTOPSY REPORT:I(b)(6) BTB Ahmed, Emad Wasrnee l Internal examination revuls a 3 x 2·inch OOI'1IU!ion of the left tempcxalis mllS(:!e. There is a 3 x 3-inch hema!OlT1& of the right lateral strap mWll'les. There is superficial hemorrtlage oflhe posterior stJ1Ip mllS(:les of the neck. There is a bitatenll, panl.5agilt&l subdllJ1l1 hemorrltage (approximatel)' 10 ml). On !he left lemporallobe ohlle bnin is Il focal 2 x I·inch subanchnoid hemorrhage. 8. TORSO: On the skin over the right clavicle is a 1-112 x I- II2-inch contusion. On the right chest medial 10 lhe ri&hl nipple is a I x I-inch conlllSion. On lhe: lateral righl torso, inferior to the right nipple. is a connuent 6 x S·inch contusion !hat exlcnds: 10 the anterior midline. On the left. side of the anterior torso, inferiorlo the left. nipple, is a 2 x I-inch contusion. On the right lower quadrtlllt of the abdomen is a 3 x 2-incll contusion with a centnllly located In. x II2-inch abTll5ion. On the skin over lhe right anlerior ilill<: el'C$t is a 2 x 1· inch contusion. A I xl-inch contusion is on the skin over the left anterior iliac aesl. There lUe diffu5econl\lsions over the entire lMck (17 x I S inches). There is a 1/4 x 1/4-inch abrasion of the ri&hl upper back. On the skin o~r the left scapula is a 1/4 x lI4-inch abmsion. Th~ lUe [W() I x I.inch abnsions oflhe lower right blIck. There is. 4 x I-inch abrasion oflhe mitldle orthe lower bllCk. Intemal examination reveals a 2 x 2·inch contusion oflhe posterior left eighth intem>stal muscles. Superficial skin incisions of the back reveal a superficial hemaloma thai involves the enlire back (approximatel)' 300 millililers of blood). C. EXT1l.EMITIES: There is. 2 x I-inch contusion of the anlerior right arm. "There is an 8 x 4·inch contusion of the poslerior right arm. There are three abTll5ions of the right elbow rtIllging in size from 1/4-inch 10 314·inch, in lTWlimum dimension. On the posterior right forcu.rm are two contusions that are 2 x I-inch and 3 Jt 2 inches, respectively. There is a 3 x I-inch contusion of the anterior right forearm. On the palm of the right tland, over the thenarcminc:nce, is a 2 x I· inch contusion. There are two 1 x I·inch contusions of the back of the righl Iland. Th~;s Il 112 x II2-inch conlllSion orthe: righl index lilliel and righl middle linger. On the posterior left arm, extendina to the medial left forearm, is a near circumferential contusion !hat is II Jt II ioches. There is a I x In.-inch abrasion of the left elbow. On the posterior left foreann are a 2 x 2-ioch contusion and a In x In.-inch <XMIlusion. There is. 2 x I·inch contusion of the palmat surface of the left hand. A 2 x II2-ioch contusion is on the posterior aspect of the left middle finger. A 2 x II2-inch conrusion is on the posterior aspect of the left small finger_ There anl diffuse contusions of the posterior right thigh and buttocks (I S x 10 inches) exlending to the anterior Isteral aspecl of the riiht Ibigll. There are two lIZ-inch circular contusions ofLbe anterior righl thigh with areas of MEDCOM 0797 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 797 FINAL AtrrOPSY BTB Ahmed, Emad R.EPORT=I~(b~)(~",=== 4 Wasm~ «:ntral pallor (3/8-inch in diameter). On the antcnor-medial right thigh are twt> 112 x 112-inch wntusions. There is. I x I-inch contusion oCthe ri8ht knee. On the posterior right leg is. S x 4-inch contusion. On the left buttock is a 1 x 6·incb contusion. On the posterior left thigh are diffuse contusions (9 x 8 inebC$). On !be anterior left thigh arc multiple (4) contusions ranging in size from I x l-illCh to 7 x 3 inches. On the anterior left leg is a 1/4 x 1/4-illCh wntusion. On the posterior left leg is a S x 3-ineh conrusion. Superficial skin incisions of the posterior aspect of the extremities reveal a hcmatomaoftbc posterior right urn (approximately SO milliliters), hcrnaIoma of me posterior rightlhigh (approximately SO milliliters), and a hematoma of the posterior left thigh (approximately SO mil1iliten). INTERNAL EXAMINATION BODy CAV!Ilf.S; The body is opened by the usual thoraco-abdorninal incision and the chest pille is removed. The ribl, sternum, and vertebral bodiCll arc visibly and palpably intact No adhesions or abnormal wllcctions of fluid arc present in any ofthc body cavities. All body organs arc present in nonnalanatomical position. HEAP ANp CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM See "Eviden<:c of Injwy". The blllin weiglu 1300 grams. The leptomeninges an: thin and delicate. The ccrcbr1.1 hcm~ arc symmetrical. The structures at the base oflhe brain, inc1udina cranialncl'VCS and blood vessels are intact Coronal and tr'al1SVC'I'2 sections through the cerebra! hemispheres and brain stem and cerebellum reveal no 1lOlI- traumatic lesions. The atlanto-occipital joint is stable. NECK; Sec "Evidence oflnjwy". The thyroid eartilllge and hyoid booe are intaet. The 1&I)TlX is lined by inllll:l white mucosa. The ((Inguc is free ofbitcmarks, hemorrhage, or other injuries. Incision and dissection oflhe posterior ncclr. dclTlOnstnlles injuries described ."""". CARDIOyAsculAR SYSTEM; The 230 gBm heart is contained in an intact pericardial sac. The epicardial sunJICe js smooth, with minimal fal investment. The coronary arteries are present in anolTTl&l distribution and arc widely patent. The myocardium is homogenous, red-brown, and fil1J\. The valve leaflets arc thin and mobile. ll1c walls of the left ventricle, inlCl"Yellmcular scptWl'l, and right ventricle are 0.8, 0.9, and 0.3-em thick, respectively. The right ventricle is dilated.. The cndocardiwn is smooth and glistening. The aorta giV'CS riiIC to tIuec inllll:t and patent an:h vessels. The renal and mesenteric vessels are unremarkable. RfSPIRATORY SYSTEM: "The upper airway is clear of debris and foreign ITUltcria.l; the mucosal swfilCQ arc smooth, yellow·tan and \lJ1l'eIn8l'kable. The plcuml SUlfaccs are smtlOIh, glistening and MEDCOM 0798 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 798 Fffi'AL AUTOPSY REPORT:(b)(6) BTB Ahmed, Em.d Wumec , unremarUb(e bilalenllly. The pulll'lOlW}' pareneh)'ttW it congested, exuding slighllO modef1Ilc amounlS of blood and frothy fluid; no fOClllletiont lie DOted. The pulmonary arteries arc ~ly deYeloped, "",enl and wilhout thrombus or embolus. The right lung wei&!" 310 arams: the left 350 I"-"'tHErATOBllIARY SySTEM: The lID &Pm liver hal an inlaCl smooth capsule covering dlllk red·brown, rnode:alely conae5lCd lan-brown parenchymll with no rOQllesions noted. The aa'1bladdercon!lins less than S milliliters or~ m\lCOid bile; the mucosa is velvety and IIlII'eIlWbble. The auahepatic biliary lft:e is palmi, withoul evidente of calculi. GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM: The csoplllgus is lined by gray.while. smooch mucosa. The gasIric mucosa is manged in !he usual ropl folds and the Iwnm contains)SO milliliten of brown fluid tlId rice particles. The Jrnall and lqe boYrI'tla In; 1llIltmarbh1e. The pancreas has. nonntl pinkWllobullted appearance and the dUClS lie clear. The appendix is pesenl. GENITOURINARY SYSTEM; The right kidney weiihs 70 1V'Jl1S:!he left kidney weighs 50 gram$, The: reTIlIl <:a.psUles lIl'e smooth and thin, ~i-transparent and stripped with ease from !be IIQl\erlying smoot/l, ~-brown cortical surface. The corteJl is sharply delinealed from the medullary pyramids, which are red-purple 10 Ian and untemlIbble. The ealYCe50 pelves and ureters unremarkable. White bladder mucosa overlies an inlKt bladder wall. The bladder contains approximately 10 milliliters of blood-tinged urine. The tesle$, prostaIe &.land and seminal vesicles are without note. lIl'e LYMPHORETJCULAR SYSTEM: The SO gram spleen has 1 smooth, inlact capsule coverins ~-purpIe, mode:alcly finn parenchyma; lhc lymphoid follicles lIl'e unremarkable. Lymph nodes in the hilar, periaortic and iliac regions lIl'e not enlarged. ENDOCRINE symM: The Ihyroid gland is symmetric and red-brown, witholll l:Y5Iic or nodula.r change. The righilltld left adrenal glands lIl'e symmettic, with bright yellow cortices and f'ld.brown medullae. No mlWeS or areas ofhelTlOlThage en identified. MUSCULOSKEI.ETAL SYSTEM: Musele developmcnt is nol1T\lll. No bone orjoint abnormalities are identified. ADDITIONAL PROCEPURES 1. 2. ). 4. 5. Specimens retained for loxicolOl)' tesllnaa.nd!or DNA Idenllfication are: Blood, bile, urine, liver, IUlIi, kidney, spleen, brain, P'OBS muscle, myocardium, -.iipose tissue UId gastric contcn!$. The. disaeetcd 0Il1N are forwarded with the body. Selected portions of organs lIl'e retalned in ronnalin. Pcnonal effccts In! relused 10 the appropriale mol1uary operations represenwives. Recovered tvldcnc:e: Nails, retained by OAfME.. MEOCOM 0799 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 799 FINAL AUTOPSY REPORT: ."_"_" BTB Ahmed, Emad Wasmec - J 6 FINAL "VIOPSY DIAGNOSES I. Multiple bluIl1 (ORC Injuria: A. Head and ncd;; I. PlW!II.gittal $llbdural hemorrhage 2. FOClII subanchnoid hemorrhage J. HemolThq;e of the left Icmporali! m~le 4. Hemorrllage of the right lateral and posterior strap ml"lSCld S. Multiplcwntusions and abnsion B. Tono: 1. Multiple diffuse contusions and abrasions 2. Soft tWllC llemaloma of !he back C. Extremities: I. Multiple diffuse contusions and abnisions 2. Soft tiSSIll: Ilcmatomas of the posterior right arm, posterior right thiill. and posterior left thigh IL Evldnlce at medial iolervcotioD: None III. Idltlltlfymg mub: None IV. POll-mortem dwIpt: A. Rigor tw resolved in the upper and lowercxtrCmiliCil B. Green discoloration ofttle abdoJm1l C. Cloudy cornea V. NaNnil diJe:ue: None identified within the limils of the cxunination VI. Toxkolocr (AFlP): A. VOLATILES; No ethanol detected in the blood and vitnlous fluid B. DRUGS; No screened dnlgs ofabugelmedications detected in the urine C. CARBON MONOXIDE: The carboxyhemoglobin $RtUJlI.tion in the blood was less than 1%' D. ex ANIDE: There was no CYlUlido:: detected ill the blood MEDCOM 0800 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 800 FINAL AUTOPSV REPORT~~lb"')(~6)'--, 7 BTB Ahmed. Emad Wasmee OPTNION 1 This 17 year-.old male. BTBI(b)(6} died of multiple blum force injuries sustained wl\ile being detained at !he Theater Inte~llt Facility at Camp CropPer, Iraq. He had multiple <:onflucntoonrusions ohhe head, torso, and extremities with lWOCiated soft tissue hemalOIT1a$. In addition, he had focal subarachnoid and subdura.lllemonhage of the bnlln. A possible contributory component of asphyxia ClIIlIlOt be eJl<:luded ",., toxi<:ology S<:reeJ1 was negative. The mann<:T of deatll is homi<:ide. '{b)(6l MEDCOM 0801 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 801 _._.----_.--"" --- '" -.- -- - - --- --'-._. ---_.-- -- - -_....... -_.._---_ ---_._-_.._-_ .. _--_.-."-'" --. --_ .....__ , --_ .... -._ .-- --... .---, -.,_ _.---.-- - - -- _- CIlInW'lCATl OF lltiTll ~ -"-_"_1 1,,--'-""(b)('6j"'-- _ " ' .......0 8TB Nmed, Emed, W....- , CMbo • • l b){6) I riJ 0 _ ...n. :::-...:::r • ...... • .............. "'...,..... ...... _ ' " ocrr "'_ IT-._ ....... 0' 1 -~_ ....._ _ ... "-1 ....'" e-.. _ _ _ _... _ - . - . . . . . .TH _ ..............-=._"'-'", , ........................ friw\H _ _..,0__0- ."..... O..... _ c o .......'" , • .......... [ii- 0 • ...."'MTO _ _ .... -•'0-_.._- ......... --... ---....-"_... _ . __....- ... _---- --- ... ~ ~.- (b){6) l(b}(6) l(b}(6Lj2007 ,"""'_ 'b}'I6r'" .-oM ~ Unknown1oc:llllorl bq _ _ _ 1iJoo- ,,-,,-,,"":,~ -I Medieal &arriner.. ...." , . f OOlCO... _ _ _ COUOi. . . . . . . _ ... _ - _ .. _ - Dover AFB, o.; DE ,{b}(6} ----- ._. - -_.-.- ",_._(b}(6) 811212001 ,_. 12 August 2007 .- _......._.._ ..__:'..-::==-.-.':""'... •• DD·lIO'I. 2064 ... __...__'_n_..__......_.........___ MEDCOM 0802 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 802 , -.• • • • " • • .... MEDCOM 0803 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 803 ~-""'''''. t_-'-C<lOIU'INl'THI$I.O(/ _,UN01_ I (b)(6) I _ncw01\lftALIn"_ ..r t _ . b W -" .......... -.... _,_"...-0,_'" n •• - --- _ "'''' ... DO FCIfW - . N'R llTT /MCIO MEDCOM 0804 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 804 ARMED FORCES INSTI1UTE OF PAniOLOGY OftIre of the Armed Fora:s Medlall Examiner 1413 Ruearcll Blvd.. Bldl. 102 Rockville, MD 20850 301·]19.ססoo AUTOPSY EXAMINATION REPORT Name: 8TB Kujm, Fayis H.lim AulOPSY No.:~(b~)(,,6)==l AFlP l(!:lI}6) _ Rank: Detail* Place of DellI!: Inq Place of Aulopsy: Pott MOftUIry Do~r AFB. Dover DE No.: SSAN: t!1>.{§} DIUe of 8irth~(!:Iilli!.-=ri96S Dale ofDeIlIJb)(61---I2007 Dace -'ld ti~oI" A",topsy: 06 AUG 20079:ooAM Dateol"lnitill Report: 09 AUO 2007 Dale of Fillli Report: OS DEC 2007 .Iwas C1l'aU111ltaM". of Death, (b)(6) belnl detlIincd pendinl 1nll!lfOJlIlion wilen he was reponedly found in his "II ullRSpOllSi~. He h.:Id previOllSly ~OIllpI.ined or dyspepsia -'ld IaIlllidine tIad been ~bed For him. AlldtorizatiaD for Alliopsy, Offi" oflhe Anned For=; Medic:al Examiner. lAW 10 USC 1-471 Identlt\cltlon: by lDeUII 01 a1ptlJ~ til lAd eolltl~ ~hIllJ of C'IIStOcI)' CAUSE OF DEATH: CoronlU')' Thrombosb MANNER OF DEATH: Natural MEDCOM 0805 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 805 1 AVTOfSY REPORT[(b)(6j BTB Ka:dm. Fayb Hallm 2 ~ALEXAMRYfDQN The body is th41 of a well-developed, well-nouristlcd appearing male, 63-1/4 inches lall. weighing 139 pounds. whose appearance is COtlsistent wilh lhe reponed age of 42 yelll'$, Uvidily is posterior. Rigor is resolving. The body is coot 10 touch. Black hair is disuibulcd in the usual mlIIlc plIt1Cm. The irides ate brown. wilh a promincnlllR:US scnilis. ,TIle pupils are round. 0.3 em and equal In diameter. The eXlernal audilOry ClIIIals ate clcar;(b)(6) lihe eatS ate otherwise unrelTllllbble. Thc narcs arc palClIt and the lips are lURUmlIItk. Thc nose and maxillae arc paJp.tIly scable. A moustache and cllmly trimmed beard arc distributed In the U$UaI pallem. The leeth are nlllul1ll with nidenee of mild 10 moderate neglOCl. The neck is 51ra.igllt.llIld the tnlchea is midliM and mobile. Thc chest is symmetric. The abdomen is slightly procuberuu. The genll.a.lia ate those ofa nonnallldull circ:llm<:ised male. The tesles are descended and free of 1TI1l5SCS. Pubic hair is present in the usual male distribution. Thc buuocks and anus arc unA:marhble. The upper and lower elltremllies are symmetric lUId wil1'lou1 clubbing. c}'allosis or edelTlll.. CLOTHING AND PERSONAL EFFECTS The A:mainS are clad In a wltile gown EYIDENCE OF INJURy An old.llealing I II 112 inclt abrasion is. present on the cenlnll fOfChead. An old. hcaJing 2 II 112 ioch abrasion is prestnt on lhe uppcrbaek. slightly to the right dIlle mHlline. ElUA:mity injuries include a groupoF old·huIing abtuions and contusions cluSlCmI over lhe posterior right elbow. ranging From 112 ioclt up 10 314 II 112 ioch. A lIeaIing 112 ineh abrasion is p~nl JUSI above !he len elbow. A grtlllp of punclate deFccu IUrJ'OIInded by a In ioclt gtftn-blue conlusion is !,",Knt jUR above and llllend to lite righl knee. INTERNAL EXAMINATION """"' TIle saJeal and subgalcal son lissues of llx: scalp an:: (RIC of injury. The calvlllium is inlact, IS iSlhe dura mater bencalh it. The CCA:1!ra1 blood VesK!s ate engorged with blood. but are otherwise unremartable. Clearocrebrospinal nuid surrounds the 1100 gm brain. which has unremartable llyn and sulci. Coronal iClCtions demonstrate sharp demarcation between while and grey matter. withoul hernorrbase or contusive injury. TIle ytnlricles are of normal size. The basa1 ganglia, blllinstem. cerebellum. and llrttrial systems are frcc of injury or other abnonna.lities. There are no n.ull fnJClUil'S. 1lIC atlanto-occipital joint is Slable. A posltrior neck disstcllon confirms lhatlhe abrasion idenlirted over the pDSIeriot back is superficial and remote ~hronologieally. MEDCOM 0806 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 806 AlTrOPSV REPORT (b)(6) BTB KaDIrI, .... J '11k H.-Jlm ' 1lle ~~rior 5tlllp musclel of !hoe IlC("It an: red-brown. without hemorrilage. The thyroid canillge IDd hyoid an: Inlltt. 1lle larynx illilkd by inl.el while l1WCOSI. The thyroid ilsymmelric and red-brown, withoul cystic or llOdular cllange. The tonaue is flft of bite malt$, MlIlOl'ThIige. or other injuliu. 80PY ChymES: The rilll. I~rnum. and venebrll bodielln: plIlpibly Int~. There il I small pleural effusion b1laten1ly (l'Illiopaphle finding). Multiple dlesions ulend from !hoe rip lun, to the puietaJ plc:ullllwrfll:C. Otherwise. !hen: il no Utell nuid il in the plellllll, periclrdial. or peritoneal cavities. The: 0fJIIl1 oecupy their usual I/IItontic positions. RfSP!RAT08X symM: The congested ri,lIt and len lunp weigtl630 lIld 490 am. respectively. The rilht pleutll Jdhelions "'VC been noted. lntrapvenehymal clllciflcMionl1lR: identified I'Illlographically, butllR: not identified on direct lnspeetlon. The puJmonlll'Y parendlymll is diffusely congested lind edemllOUl. No mlSllelions or IIR!IS of cOlIIolidliion an: aroulyevident. CARDlOyASCULAR SYSTEM: The 330 am hean is eont,ined In an intltl perieltdial sac. The epicudilllurfllCe il lmooth, with moderMe fit investment. Moulin. Willi foeal pale color chlnae II pn::senl. The COfl)Ilat')' a"cries are present In IIIOfTI'lII dilolribllllolt, willi I riaht-dominlllt ptlltcm. On cross scetions of the vessell I helTlOfl'haak: occlusive plMjUC il ptelCnt in the len anterior descendina eoronlr)' anery. CaleirICltlonl an: also evident l'Illio.raph1cally in lhe circumflex IIld left Interior descCfldina CQI'OfI.It)' aneriel. A Ian cutsurfKe wilh i~&ullT mottlinl is noted on 5CCtlOlllthrouah the myoeltdium. The valve leafletllre thin and mobile. The walls of the len ventricle, inlerventrieullr septum llIld riiht ventricles an: 0.9. 1.0 and 0.4 cm Ihiclt. telpeclivcly. The IOrlI displa)'lllhcl'Ofl\lllOUs plaque deposition, wilh prominenl cak:ified Iaions II the level of lhe iIIl1C bifurtillon. 'There is no evidence of congenlt.1 or infectious lesion. 1be n:nalll1d mesenleric: vessels ~ unremarkable. LlyER.t eQ.IARY SYSTEM: The 1330 am Ji~ ha$ an inl.ltI.smooth Clpsule and a.1Iatp lnIeriorbordc:r. The parenchyma is tan-brown and congested. wilh lhe usual lobulu an::lliteeture. No II1ISll lesions or Olher ahllOlmllitiu are seen. The pllblllldder contains approdlTIItely 10 oc: of arecn-black bile. "There an: no stQllCl. "The ITlIlCOSII surf.a: iii lreen and velvely. The extrahcpelle bililt}' lree II ptltenl. Sf'! fEN: The 170 JIIIlpleen his. srnooth,lntaet. red-purple ClIpsulc. The parenehyml il m¥OOn and ronaested, with dillinel Malpilhllll corpusc:kI. MEDCOM 0807 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 807 ] AtfrOPSY REPO RT llb)(6) BTl Kulm. V_,ll Ht.lIm 4 PANCREAS: 'The pancreas is congesled. with the usual Jobul81ed Il1:hiteclUR! on cut surface. No mass lesions or ocher abnormalities are seen. ApBWAJ :Ij: The righl and left adR!na1 glands are symmetric, Wilh bright yellow cortices and grey medullllle. No masses or areas of hemorrtlage life identified. oempURINARY symM' The riglu and IeI't kidl'le}'$ weigh 90 and 80 gm. n:spectively. The cullllrraces are red-tan and conccsted. wilh unironnly lltick cortices and sharp conicomedullary junctions. 'The pelves au unremarlcable and lhe un:le... ~ IIOrmaI in altJrse and caliber. While bladder mllCOSa overlies an intflCt bla6der wall. The urinary billclder contains approxil1'lalely 8OI:c of cleat amber uril'le. The prostate is lIOl'TnlIl in size, with lobular, yellow·tan parenchyma. Brown malerial is upJnSCd from the duelS; the seminal vesicles ~ OIherwise unR!mllftable. The testes are rift of mass lesions, conlUsions, or other abnormalities. GASTBOINTESTlNAL TRACT; 'The esophajllS is Intact and lined by smoolh, grey-white mucosa. The stomach contains approximately 200 IX: or par1ially digested food. 'The gastric wall is inlacl. 'The duodenum, loops of small bowel and colon:llt! unremarbble. The appendill. is present. MUSCULOSKELETAl. SXSTEM: Muscle development is normal. Degenentive cltanges of the tltoracic and lumb<Lr spine arc identified nKIioppltically. Otl!erwiK, there are no bone or joint abnormalilies noced. MICROSCOPJC EXAMINATION Selected ponions of organs life retained in ronnalin. without preparation of hiSl.OI08ic slides. ADDPOONALPROCEPURE5 I. Documentary photograplls life taken by OA!'ME staff p/lo(08raphe.... 2. Specimens R!tlined for toxicologic testing and/or DNA identification are: vilfWUS lIuid. blood. bile. gastric COlIIents, urine. brain, m)'OClU1lium, lung, kidney, spleen. skeletal muscle and adipose tissuc. 4. 'The dis&ected organs are forwankd wilh body. 5. Personal effects are releucd to tbe appropriate monuary opemlon~ R!flreKntatives. MEDCOM 080Il ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 808 , AUTOPSY REPORTl b)(6) BTB Kazim, FI," Hallm A1lI'OPSX DlACNOSFS I. of Dilleille Arcus Knilis EngorJe:mcnt or llle cen:braJ cOl1iclll ~S!lels Calcific-lion of lhe Icft IIItcriordcsccndina coronary Ulery (ndlopapl1lc findina and dirccl ulmil'llllion) CllcirlCalion of the cilQlml\cl. COl'OIIII'Y anery (l1IdioJ1llphic findin, and direcl cnmil\lllion) Occlusi~c IhrombiK superimposed on., Ilhcromalou5 plaqllC, left antcnor descendin, comrwy artery Molilin, orille myocardium CalcirlClIlion of the IlOr1Ic root ll'ldioaiapltic findln,) Aonic intimal crosion Clllclficilion of the abdomin~llOn. It lhe iliac hi rureatiol! (l1IdiOlftlphic findlnl and direct uamlrullionl Billtcl1l1 pulmDl\ary ConiCJlion (1'IdlosJ'lphie ru'ldinilllld dlm:t E~idcllCC A. 8. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. cl~minatlon) K. L. M. N. O. Riglll sided pleul'll dle$ions No tadiolf'SPhiclll)' lclentillable tlJ,uma No, Idcntifillble fORign bod)' No si,nmeant utn:mil)' injury identirled Sc:llucred small abrasions and COfltLI5!Qns I. forehead (I), of ehl'Ol'lOlo,lc.lI)' n:lTIOIC 1)Ii,ln 2. upper back ( I1, without significant ui'lderl)'inlll'lluma 3. postcrior riJllI elbow (3) 4. left clbow (l) S. riitllkncc(l) II. Evidence of MediClll Intcrvention: Ill. Natural Disease A. Degellel1ltivc ehanges of lhe thoracic: spille (ndloJRpbIc finding) B. DeicllCl1ltive change or lhc luntbat spillC (rlIdio'l1Iphlc findl"a) IV. )dcntirvlnLMarb: VI. I'IOllC noted (b)(6) Post-monem O1antu: no sienifiCllllt change noted MEDCOM 0809 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 809 , Atn'OPSY REPORT !(b)(6) BTl Kulm. Fayls H&llm OPINION Ilb}(6) 1.42 year-old detainee, died when his len anleriordesoending COI'l:Xl&ry artery became occluded by superimposilion oralhiombus on a pre~llisling alilen:lmalOUs lesioo. The cause or dealh i~ lhererore coronary IhrombO$is. 1lle manner ordeath is naluml. (b){6) (b){6)MedicaJ Ellaminer [(b)i6) MEDCOM 0810 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 810 ___.- --- "' -"' .. .......... BTB~Fayb, ..... --- etJIT1I'lCAn 01' IIUnt {OIo'EII'S£U,I Halim Ooo _.,--1.:-'""""'-.....-"''''''''''. .. ...... _.--".-,.... -... /0'00*' ..., (b)i6) "' (bX6)~ - - -- ---.--... _.-__-- - - -...... -.......-...- _ I T....... • COlO. . . C* ~ ... -",~", .......-JO___·.D em- ... T""'''' ..... I .....T - ' O , _,TATBeIl' , , "' ....'" e-ao _ _ _ _ ... _ Iil -,- .-0 ~ -~- ---___ -_...-~- ... • W . _--_......__- ... --_ . _--"""'... ....."_,_-.- .--_ ... --.... .. _.- --.------...... _..- --_-___ _'.... .---- .,_._..._....__. . ......__ . . _____ . -_.-.. _- ..-_.. _ ........._.. - ----..... ._.. , ee.o......,. nll>'llI<AiI " ' _ ... _<:OOQlfl;T\.,..-TD ....,... -- ..................... ...... ,_ ....... _ " " " " " " " ' " _ ......... TD ~W- , Of>ClO _ _ _" , , _"'OIA'" iii ...,..,....._......0 ~ 0 • .... fOlI<ft-. ........ eo___ .... _ _ ... _ • ~ • ~. (b}(6) ~ --1{bH6) ..... "' , I "' ....... IDYl· ".. 6 Augus12001 'CI"" ....... ~.- [!]"" - lOO1 (b)(6) '.........................'" ,...":':.......,...,....'"... _ .UI'_ " __ ....."""",,lHI_'_,.."""""......"" ..... _ ... _ _ _ __ ..... J a _ ... _ _ ..... _ _ ..... _ :bliei "'-"''J'lIO ... Mfldlcal Examlfulf ..........T""' ... """""" (b)(6) •• 81612001 ~ _--"o_~ , Oovef AFB, Dover DE (bH6) I .... _, .................. -., .... ,,_ MEOCOM 0811 ... ... ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 811 I (REMOVE REVERSE AND RE-INSERT CARBONS BEFORE COMPLEnNG THIS SIDE) D1S$'0SrT0H OF RaMlNS IN5TA.l.k.A 1101'1 OR NAME OF TYPE ,, AOOR~S5 I;;EIIIET~R'r' , OR I;;REMATOfl'r' , , ur- DISPOSIION , UJ\TEo~ ISI'\)l;1I0Jol RfOISTAATKlN OF \lfTAL STATlSTlCS REGISTRY (TQIWI.nlIl'OUnllY) DATE REGISTERED FILE JolUM9ER STATE NAIIIE OF FUNERAL DIRECTOR OTHER ADORESS SIGJolAlURE OF AUTHORIZED IJolDIVlDUAL DO FORM 2064, APR 1911 (BACK) USAPA V1,DO MEDCOM 0812 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 812 ARMED FORCES INSTIlUJ'E OF PATHOLOGY Omce o(lae Armed FolUS Medial lda.-iIIer 1413 a-ell Blvd., BldB- '02 Rockville, MD 2OSS0 301-319"()()()() FINAL AUTOPSY REPORT "AMENDED" Name: BTB, Muhammad Qusa)' ISNf(~).(6)"71 b)1 ',1976(eSlimaled) DateofBitth~{ () Dale ofDelltl'i(b){6) 12007 o.lcmlllC: of AlIlOp$)': )0 JUL 2001@09OOhrs Dale ofRepon: )0 OCT 2007 Date of Amended Repon: J I MAR 2005 AUlOPS)' NQ..:I{b)(6) AFlP No. ~)(~ I ~ Orade: Civilian (Detainee) Place of Death: Iraq PIIIce of Autopsy: Port Mortuary, Dover AfB, Dover, DE 0(De-11I: Thi,)l )'t8l..old civilian \\lIS beins detained at the Theater Inlernmenl Facilil)' (TIF) at Camp Bucca, II8lI when, I.!I reponed, be was _ulted by unknown detainee{,) on 24 JUl. 2007. He was trInsporled 10 the TIF holIpil.ll fot ~ and tr.InSfem:d to lhe 28'" Combat SlIpport HO$pital for further IrqtmenL On l(b){6) 1007 lie belllllllO exhibil lIiiJIS and S)'IIlplOlll' of 8 stroke and was inrubllled ""ResU$Cilalive elTora were U1ISllCCesllfW and he was pronounced dead at 0247 htiill(6)=:J ,(b)(6) ~7. Aalborlz.arioo for Alllopl)': Offioc of tile Atmcd Fon:es Medical Examinet,lAW \0 USC 1471. Idallifleallou: Prc$umptive identification based on review of all pIlpCI'$ in case liIe. Post-monem finge:print and dental cuminations conduc:tcd. A suil8blc specimen for DNA anaI)"is is obuined. CAUSE OF DEATH: Comp1ic:l1iolu of.harp ...d bl.ot fOnlllllJ.r1cs oflllc bad MANNER OF DEATH: H_kk1c )\ MAR 2008 The first page oflhi$ tepan is amended to cotted 8typogn.phie error in the AFIP nwnbcr. MEDCOM 0813 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 813 nNAL AlTfOPSY REPORT: (b)(6) BTB K.haIid, MuhammId Quay 2 txnRNAL EXAMINATION The body is tIlIl of. well-dcYcIopcd, well·nourished male. The body is 70 inches in length, weiihl211 pounds, and appears compatible with !he "led tge 001 yean: okI. The body is eold. Uv;dily is tlxed on lhe posterior of the body except in the areal exposed 10 pra.sure. Rip is raoi'fina and eqlll! in the upper and lower exlretrlilies. InjuriQ are desc:ribed in "Evidence oflnjl.Q'R. The xalp hair is black and short. The facial "-if c:onsiw of. black bcanl. A pllSlic cap ~ lhe left e~ and il\illr)' of lhe left eye pn:c:ludes _ _I. 'The rillM iriJ is indistinct. 11M: rialll c:omeII is eloucly. The ri&tll eonjuncliYl is conaated and the ri&hl xlera is The ICClb 1ft 1llIWf1J. On the Interior Jl:IIp il' 2·incn llnearlCll'. A Yo x ~inc:n news is on the bridle """~ The dltSl is symmetric:. The.lIalr of the upper left side oflbt cllcst is sha-:l. A .·incn linear seat is on 1M ri&htlowtr quedrant of the.bdomen. The lenitalia ~ lhose or In tdull elR:umcised male. The anus iJ 1lftI"etnIfbble. The upper' and lower exl1emities 1ft symmetric. The flnlemails IR: intad. The: soles oflhe reet are callous. On the Iell. upper extremily are mulliple scars in variOUJ SlIaes orhealinll ranaina in size from 4 x Vo-inch 10 2 x I-inch. On the Iatetal riatu hip are six. 1(I·inch in maximum dimmsiOll, skin dd'eo:u. There are multiple heaJeclXllrS on both kneel that are Y..lnch in muimum dimension. A JCII' is on the: anterior lell. foot that is Y..inch in maximum dimension. CLOTHINC ANp PERSONAL EFnCTS The body is uncltd and no pmonal etreeu an: pR:XIlt with the body. MEDICAL INTER\'tNTION On the ri&htside Oflhe lICIlp is. US·inch ckfectlhat is xcuml by twO metal ""pies. Thil defect comlates with. J millimeter defect in the call11rium and. J millitneter defec:tln the dura maier (eonsistenl with uephine). There is pIlZC 0'lCr the Jell. eye. Both uppereyelid.l and the riBhllowt1' eyelid have sultilU (see "Evidence or lnjury".) On lhe upper left side orthe chest is. punc:tute nwt. A S·II2·inch incision dosed with slAples is on the: posterior righl forearm. On the Iell. croln. an: two. III-inch inc:islOftS (eonsistent with YaKulu ~ cut dowru). IWUOORAPHS A compJc:te IC:t orposHnorteln radioar-,phs is obtaIned and demonstrate fraclures or both medi.1 walls OrlM orblu, staples in the tQlp. and fl1lClure ofthe ulllll with lSIOCiated pl.te and screw "Ulion and ovel1yina skin. ltaples. EVlpENCE Of INJURy I. Head Ilid lIeck: On the upper and lower Maltl eyelids are obliquely oriented. I-inch in Imath penttralina sharp force wounds (SllIurtd). The: underlying medial exll1l-oc:u1ar muscles orlhe eye been lneised and there Ire fraclures orlhc: medi.l wall of the ri&llt orbit (radioaraphic). On the upPer Jell. eyelid are two oblJquely oriented penelnlting sharp force wounds (suturcd) that are ~inc:h and I·inch in lenllth. The underlyin, eyebJ,ll is rupaued and the exu.oc:ulu muscles an: incised. MEDCOM 0814 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 814 , FINAL AUTOPSY REPORT: (b){6) BTB Khalid. Muharnrnad Qusay Tlw:re life fi'actum; of the medial waH of the lell: orbit utendinl into the $phenoid sinus (radiographic) willi wociated tIcmofrhlle of\he sphenoid sln\ll.. The left QlMic nCl"le is lranseetcd. There is ecchymosis of the upper IIld lower left eyelidJ. On Ihe right cheek is. V. lC V..inch abruion. On the left side of the roe<:k,lnferior to the lell: CIT, is. I lC Yt-inch contusion. There is. ~ lC ~.ineh conl\Uion of the left CIriobe. tnlemll eXllllirwotion ~ .2 lC I-inch contusion ofthe left temporalil muscle. There is dilTuse subarachnoid hemorrhage II1d contusions o(!he left (ron1ll8l'ld plriNl1Qbe, o( the bnIin. Then= is hemon1lafle o(the Interior midbrain and lell: caudate nuel_ and thalamus. II. To,*,: On tile upper right side o(the chest is') Jt 2-inch tolllllsion. Tbete is I I II: I· inch contusion and a Y, Jt \S-inc!llbrasion on the left side oflhe dlesI. III. EII:tre.IfMs: 011 the IIlterior right ann are two, horitonlllly oriented conhlsionslbat ~ both 2 II: lA-inch with an Vet of oentral pallor lbat is % Jt 'I. .inch. There is I 4 II: 2· inch contusion oflhe medial rilhl elbow. There are two, ~nch abfuiord and a 'I. .inch In muimum dimension ~tion o(the right elbow. A I Jt I·inch anion and a Y, Jt loi-inch abruion are on Ihe pClSterior ri&ht (0fUfIn. On the medial left ann are multiple, Yo II: 'I. .inch conhlSions. A 6 Jt J-inch conl\lliion is on Ihe Iatenlleft dhow. A 2 Jt I·indl contusion is 0Il1he bedt of the left hand and I lilt Y..inch contusion il on the base of the left thlllTlb. There ill 1 Jt I-inch abrasion on the t.ek ohht left hand. A). 2-indl contusion Is on the anterior "Ih! thi&h. On the nlht knee are I J II: 2-inch conl\lSion and a 'I, Jt ~inch ablasio!•. There ~ two lacerations oftht IlItmor riam lellbat ~ Yt-inch and Y..inch, rcspec1l~1y md are separated by 'I.. inch. Inferior to ~ lacerations is a Yo II: 'I.-indIlbllSion. A Yo Jt Yo.inch COl'llusion lion the anterior nant tIli'" and a I Jt l-inch eontusion is on the right .... SuperfICial skin incisions or the posterior asp«t of the exlJemities reveal a hemetoma of the riJhl fotcarrn (6 II: 2 II: Yt-inch), left rorearm (I II: 2 II: 14-inch). ri&hl ttll.,. and lei (10 II: 4 II: ~nc:hl, INTERNAL EXAMINATION BODy CAVITIES: The ribs.. stemum, and vertebral bodies are visibly and pllplbly inllet, Theft are adhe:siollll of the abdomen. The 0IJIfII occupy their IlIUIII anatomic positions. HEAD. NECK. lOll CENJRAL NERYOUS SYSTEM; See MEvidm<:e or InjuryM and MMcdiCIIlnteMntion", The brain wcillls 1420 IJ'l1I.S- The llIlerior su.p muscles or the neck are horJtoaenOus and l'Cd-brown, without hanorrba&c by layer-wise dissectioo. The thyroid cartilage and hyoid bone are intaICI. MEDCOM 0815 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 815 FINAL AUTOPSY REPORT:ml(b"l<"'"- BTB Khalid, Muhammad Qusay 4 The Ihyroid gland is symmetric and red-brown, withoul cystic or nodular change. The IIJ)'l\X is lined by intact wtIite mllCOSl. The lOngue is lIfIl'emal'kable. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: The upper airway is clear ofdebrU W fo~llln IllIIterial. The mucoW ,wfaces IR: smooth, yello~ and unremanable. The right and left lungs weia.h 1050 and 810 grmns, re5peclivc:ly. The pulmonary parencll)'TTI/I is diffusely congested and edelTllltolJS, exudln& modeftte amounts of blood and frotlly fluid. No mass lesions or areas of consolidation ate present. The pulmollll')' arteries are normally developed and patenl without thrombus or embolus. CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM: The heart weia/lS]gO granu and is contained in III inl8ct pericardial sac. The coronary arteries ate widely patent. The atrial and ventrieular septum are inl8ct. The cardiae valYe$ are ~Ie. The left inlerventricular septUm rneasumI 1.5 centimetef'5 and the left ventricull1 free wall measures 1.4 «nt;meters. The righl ventricular free wall is 0.3 cenlimetm thick. The right ventricle is dilated. The aorta and;1I major branches arise nannally and follow the usual cour.;e and are unn:martable. The vena CIIva and ill ml\iOr tributaries n:l\lI'Ilto the heart in the usual distribution and are fTce oflhrombi. LIVER" BILIARY SYSTEM: The 1630 srmn liver has an intact, smooth eap$U1e and a sharp anterior border. The parenchyma is pale with the usual lobular architeclure. No mass lesiol1ll or other abnorrnalities are seen. The gallbladder contains 15 milliliters of green bHe. The exuahepatic biliary tree is patenl. SPLEEN: The 200 grmn splcen has a smooth, intact, red-purple capsule. The ptreneh)'1TlJl is maroon with unmnaJkable Iymplloid follicles. PANCREAS: The pancreas Is red-WI. No mass lesions or other abnormalities are seen. APRENALS: The right and left adrenal glands are symmetric. willi bript yellow cortices and red- brown medult.e. No muses or areas ofhemontlage are idenlified. GENITOURINARy SYSTEM: The righl and left kidneys weigh 150 and 170 grams, respeel;vely. The eXlernal surfaces are in1lCt and smooth. The cortcxls sharply delineated from the medullary pyramicb. TIle pelves a~ unmnarkable and the ureters are normal in COline and caliber. TIle blad~reoll1ains 150 milliliters of yellow urine. The prostate and testes arc IUIl'\'markable. MEDCOM 0816 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 816 FlNAL AlITOPSY REPORT: (b)(6) BTB Khalid, MuhatnlNld Qusa)' 5 GASTROINTESTINAL 'TRACT; The esoplllgUS is intact.nd lined by SllIOOlh, ifq'-'Nbile mucosa. The SlOl'nach, snWl bowel, and colon ~ un~le. The slOIl*h eonwns 60 millililers of brown nllid. The appendix is ahKnL MUSCULOSKELETAl.: See MEvidenc:e of ll\iuryM. MlISCte devclopmetll il nonnal. No non-ttaUlMlic bone 01" joint .bnormalities ~ idenlirled. ADDnJQNAL'ROCEDURlS I. 2. J. 4. 5. Specimens retained for 10xicolotlY leSIin, and/or DNA idenlil'ie.lion Ul:: Blood. vitreous nuiil, bile. urine. 1i~r,lun,. kidney. spleen. brain. pIOU m,,*le. myocanlium, adipose tiulle and pslric eontetIt.t. The disseelCd 01'B1nS ~ forwuded with lhe bod)'. Seleeted portions of orpns lI/'e retained in ronn.lin. Personal effects ~ released 10 the appropri.IC ITlOrtlW)l openliOTlS rep. eKnlllivn. Rcc:o~rcd evidcn«:: None. MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION Brain, left parietal eol1ex (Slide I): Hernon'tIa~ of the wrtie.1 suna<:c e"lending inlo the underlying white II1Ilter Optic ntfYC,lcft (Slide t): DIffuse hemorrhage o(lhc oplic nerve MClth with acute innamm.1OI")' response; cllanges of. portion 0(1he neurons Midbrain (Slide 2): Seanered oflllc IIIlerior parcnehYIl1l MEDCOM 0817 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 817 FINAL AlfTOPSY REPORT:[f b)(6) BTB Kluilid. Mllhammad Qusay I. I 6 "wesy ONAL DIAGNOSES SbJrp Ind bllial (Olft laJuria: A. Two penetralina $harp force wounds oflhc uppa- kft e~Jid with asso<:ilted rupture oflbe left e~b11I. uanssted optic nerve, diJruptiolr of lhe u~ular rnusetes, and fractum oflhe ortnlai wall and Ipbenoid sinus B. Penetralina sharp force WOW1ds oflbe upper and lower ri;hl e~lilb with associated dlSl'llpcion oftbc utn.«ular rnUICIes and hctures oflhe orbital wall C. Subarachnoid hmlorrluage and COlllusioM oflhc left plrieW and frontal lobes ofthc: brain D. Hemorrhage of the left temponlis IlIU$Cle Eo Abl'llJion of lhe riglu clled. F. Conl\lSioll$ oflbe left ear and left nec:k G. Contusions of both sides of Ihc chest H. f'l1lCIure of the righl WNI I. Soft tissue hemllOlTlI. oflhc ri&hl forearm, left foreamt, Ind righl1ownulremil)' J. Muhiple eonl\lSiOlU, abrasions. and l-.riol'lS oflhe Cllimnities U. IdeDtlfylq .arb: A. Appendectomy scar B. Muiliplc XInI ofthc left upper extremity and both lower Clttmnitics TIl. Evldnct of _edlcallalcrnalioll: As dexribcd above IV. POII·_I1_ CUDIft: A. Lividity I, fixed on tbc posterior rud_ of the body DCCP! in uus exposed to ~ B. Ripr is rnolved in the upper.lld IowerCXlremilies C. Cloudy ri;hl tomeI N~ V. NlrarJIl d ' - : VL To:licoleu (Anp): A. VOLATILES: No ethanol Oe1eclcd in lhe blood and vllrrous fluid B. CARBON MONOXIDE: The arboll)'hclnoslobin Slhntion in the blood was leu lhan I" C. CYANIDE: No eyllDidc dctcacd In the blood Idmlifled within the limits ofthc examiNition D. DRUQS: I. Morphine _ detected in the wine. The blood contained 0.50 maIL of Il1CIfphllV. 2. LoI'UCf*Jl_ dctecled in the urine. The blood contained 0.05 rn&fL oflorucpam. J. Ephedrine _ deteeied in the wine. The blood contained 0.06 mlV'l- of ephedrine. MEDCOM 0818 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 818 FINAL AUTOPSY REPORT:{b)(6) BTB Khal id. MuhamlTIId Qu.say 7 4. FenWlyl was deleeled in the urine. The blood contained 0,07 mgll. offen1llllYI. S. AceulITIinophen was detected in Lhe urine. The blood contained 6.3 mgIL ofaoclaminophen. 6. Lidocaine was delel:led in lhe urine. Or:I~ION This 31 y~,,?k1. ma~(b)(6) :died or comp!i~l~ns or shlll'p and blunt rOfte InJUnes of"tne-IlelQ;-He-llJCI-penelratlng sharp rora: InJunes of both eyes. The left optic nerve was lranxcled and !here wen: fractures of the orbital walls thaI extended inlQ the sphenoid sinus. In addilion. he had subem:hnoid helTKlfThllllle and conlllSioRS of the tt/l side ortlle brain. Gross examinalion and microscopic sections or the brainstem revealed hemorrhallCll orthe midline thlt are COn5I51ent with bernialion. The resuI\lI of the IOxicolOllY SCl'CCll are consistent with resuscitative eiToAs. The manner ofdesth is homicide. (b)(6) MEDCOM 0819 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 819 _... _---*-_. .- _.--" ""'"........ --... ...-- -.-I - -- ----- -- -- -• --- - --- ...._ -- ...- -_..__.--- _.- _........ -...--...... - - ---_ ... --------_ . _-...._ .. ... ----_ ...=.......::.-.-_ ....... _.. __e-.._._ -_. _. _-_ .... __.. -.- ---. _........ - -...............__._.. ---___ IDa.,M,' BTB IOIaIId, MllIIa'ii.-cl. Qaay .... " (bH6) 19n 1iI~ 0- _ ... -.....- -*...- - _ .. _ . . Of• • Coo • • • "'--.. ~ ~ -,~ • • -- _--.. f--/,:~-""c---l~ L·,.!:-"":;..,,,,~(b)(6) r........_'" __ .-i _..- ....... I:iI - '- ~..-O" I ~ July 2007 ........._ ,,- - --._-----... ---b1l5l • 12007 , ,",- (b)(5) DO' \lill, 2084 .- _-----.. _-,_ .. _... __ ..•._... _-- ... _ ",.m'" "'" 0 "" - Qq ...... _ _ .....__ ~ ..... r ...... . , _ (b)(5) -.- MEDCOM 0620 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 820 DI8l'ClImlH"OS- ,- I-~ ........ u,_ .... ,- I~" fiAAIE Ut CEIoIElER'rOfl.CRfJMllORV ux:AllllN .... C~,u< 0fI. ,.,,"'" . , ~1ICNCW=VlTAL.ITAl1I'nC8 r(r_ _ ~ _. "........ D!'.1'E flEGIITVlIED NAMf: Of FfJNI£lW. OIllClQR SIGAATlJl'£ Of' ITATI O~ . . AtmtClfVDO INI;lMJl,IiI,L DO FORM ZOU, APR 1177 (BACK} USAP.4 Vf.OO MEDCOM 0821 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 821 .~. ARMED FORC[S INSTITUTE OJ' rATHOLOGY Office o"bc Armed Pon:et Medka' En_lacr 1413 Rawth Blvd., Blda. 102 Rockville, tolD 20lSO JO 1-319-0000 AUTOPSY EXAMINATION REPORT AulOp!ly No.: (blt6) "FIP No.: (b}t6) NaITIe: Huuein, Hader Ali ISN: (b)(6) DatcofBit\b:(b)(6) SWllS: DeW~ 191' Dale o(Deatb(b)(6j 2007 DuelT'IlI'IC of AU!OJl')';(b)(6) PiKe of AulOpS)': ron Monuary. Dover AFB, 2OO'l (b)t6) Placeof[blh: n-rer lntermenl hcility (TIF) HO$pital, Butea, I/'JQ DIlle ofRcporl: 04 SEP 2007 00Yet, Delaware Orn-elScaofDatb: On O41UL 2007, this 26-year-old l/'JQi male was being detained II the TIr (Calnp Bl.ItQ, IIWj) whm, IIf rqJOI1ed. he wall physleaJl)' lUSIuhed by Olha-dcwnta. He _ b"llISfmoed 10 the TlF hospital (or tretlmeDL APJII'OXlmrolcl), I Ifl hours Iller, he suffered allWSive m ~ Inr.tC1ion. Despttc medJu.! treatment provided by !be nF ho$pillli medical personncl;(bX 6) _ ] died on (b)(6) 2007. A.lboriurlCMI for AUIOpq: AImed Fon:es Medical Examiner, pn' 10 U.s. Code 1471 Jdntlfieatloo: Ptnwnptive idC:tlliflealion is provtded by ..:corapanyinl ~k. CAUSEO'DEATH: Myowdl. irtfvetion eomplicMed by blunt forc::e injuries. MANNERorDEATH: Homicide. MEDeOM 0822 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 822 AUTOPSY REPORT,(b}(6) 2 HUSSErN, Hader Ali EXTERNAL EXAMINATION The body is that ofa nude, well-developed, well·nourisl!cd male. The body weighs 190 pounds, is 67 inches long and appeIlf' compatible with tile reported age of26 years. The body is cold. Rigor has p'sscd Lividity is present and fixed on tile posterior surfac::c: of tile body, except in areas exposed to pressure. There is IlUlfbling of the skin of tile upper extremities. The hands and feet ~ macerated with skin slippage identified on the hamb. There is bvllu formation on both lower extremities, mel these bulilltl are associated wilh!kin Ilippase. The head is normoccphaliC:,.and the scalp hair is short, black, IJld exhibits male panem balding. Facial hair consists ofa moUSUlChe anti aootee. The irides are bro\VJ\. The comeae are cloudy. The conjunctivae are pale. Thesclerae ~ l&lI. The exlema! auditory eanals. external nares and oral cavity are free of foreign material and abnomW secretions. The nasal skeleton anti maxillae are palpably int8c:t. The lips are without evident injury. The teeth are nalUl'll! and the left upper central incisor i. missing. Examination of the ncek reveals no evidence of injury. Injuries to the dIeSl are described below. No evidenoc ofinjury of the ribs or the sternum is evident externally. The Ibdomen is slightly pl'OlUbennt. The external genitalia are those ofanormal adult c:in:umc:iscd male. A 2 inch wpcrlicial decubitus ulect is identified on the skin overlying the sacnun. A S inch thin c:W'Vilincar scar Is located on the skin of the tight upper qll8drant of the abdomen,llIld a S irn:h curvilinear scar is loc.ated on the skin overlyil\i tile riiht lower The fingernail! are intact No tattoos are idc:tUified. • ._. CLOTHING ANp PERSONAL EFFECIS Aecompanyina the .......eued ate white and gJeCII hospital sheets, and a white hospital MEDICAL INTERVENTION • • None is present 00 the body al the time of autopsy. Evidenc:c of previous medic:al interVention inthodcs a 112 inell superficial mucosal uloemion of the proximal esophagus aDd a 1/4 inch SIIpCl"ficial mucosal ulceration of the pharynx just distal to the vocal fold. RADIQGWHS A complete set ofpostrnortcm radiographs is obtained mel dcmonstrate5 the following: • Calcification of the midline falx c:erebri. • ColLlOlidation of both 1W\iS. • Fluid filled trachca and brollChiai trtes. • No fnIl:t1R:s IIRl identified. • No foreign bodies are identified. MEDCOM 0823 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 823 , AUTOPSY REPORll(b}(6) HUSSErN, Hader Ali EVIDENCE OF INJURY Theordering oflhe following injuries is fordescripliYt purposts only, and is 110I intended to Imply order of infliction or rtillive :severity. All wound pathways ve givt1l rtlltive 10 standlrdll1ltomic position. BLUNT FORCE rNJURJES: HEAPINECK: Thert is I I 112 x III inch hclllinil lincll' Ibrasion on the rislll side oflbc fl(:C. Above the left eyebrow is I 1 x I inch purple contusion, and on the center ofthc fortheld is I I Jl 112 inch purple contusion. Awx:llttd wilh 1hc5c two contllSions is. 4 illCh fronlll subpl~ hcmonh.l~ that exlend!lo the billtellII parielll !Calp. Over lhe occipital protubenlnoc is 13/4 x 314 inch hcaling 11ICCt81ion Ilia! his c:cnlnll grMulltion tissue. On the back ofthc hcad,j~ to the left of the midline. il13/4 x 114 inch V·shaped hcalinglaoertllion with (:CnU1llg!1ll1ulation tissut present. On Iht right side of the back ofthc head in I ~ 1/4 inell healing IlCCnltion with ecl1lnll gnnulltion tissue:. TORSO; Thert is I 1 inch purple contusion ofthe rijhtlower quadrant ofthe Ibdornen IIld two pwpJeconlU5ions, 1/2 inellind I inch rtspcclively, o(thc ccmraJ aspect o(!hc lower abdomen. On the ri&ht butlock is 12 inch purple conruslon. Upon rtflection ofthc skin of tilt right side of tilt chest, an Il'ta of contusion, I 1/2 inehes, is identified willtin thc museulature ovelying thc anterior lISpCClS of riGhI ribs 6-8. The ~terior llSpcct of the sixth riiht rib is fractured. FtutheJ, 11\ Il'CI of contusion, 3 x 2 inches, is identified in the muscullture overlying the anlerior llSpccl of riahl ribs 9 IIld 10. The undcrlying ribs 1lI'e not rr.:tured. (The: injuries of the chest may be due to mediclll intervention.) EXIREMlTIES: Ovcrlyina lhc anterior aspca of the riiht Icg is I 1 lneh helling subbed Ibrlsion whieh is located within thcccntcr of 13 inch purplc contusion. MEDCOM 0824 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 824 , AUTOPSY REPORT (b){6) HUSSEIN, Hader Ali INTERNAL EXAMINc\DO~ BOOY c,wmES· The body is opened by the usual ~minaJ incision and the chest plate is removecL The strm\llTl and vcrttbraI bodies are visibly and ~pably inlKl. Bilateral p~ and pcri~ adhesions are seen in bot:h dlCSl Clvitics md within the periwdial All:. 80Ih dlest cavities conwn 200 ml o( _lIIincous nuid. The pcriewdial S8I:" contIiDs 10 ml o(serosallpincous nuid. The: peritoneal cavity tontains 100 ml o( nuid. All body 0TpnS are prcscrIt in normal anatomical position. _sui_ The subeWnco\ll (at la)'Cf o( the abdon\inal wall is I 112 indles thick. ... 1'oIteri0l" eutdowns .we pcdonncd revu!ln, eviOcnoc ofinjllt)' QOfISistent with those 6docribed ~. HEAp AND CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM The K.alp is free ofnontrawnllic lesions. There _ no Ikllli rr.ctwa. The calvariwn of the skull is removed. The' and oercbri lie intact and calcifteations Ire ickntificd within the fab:: Ufebri. and the midline dUlL 1'hm: is no epidural or Illbdural hemorrhaSC present. The Icptomcninaes are thin and deliclle. The cumal hcmlsphctes are symmcttical. The SIJUCtuJcIIl the bale of the br'lin, includina cranial nerves and blood vessels are Inlld. CICll"cercbrosplnal nuid SUITOunds the 14'G-pm bnoin, IOIhich has ~ble &Yri and RIki. Coronal sections through the cerebral hemispheres leVa! no lesions. Tr&n$WftIC xcliolu: Ihrouah the br'Iin Slem and cerebellum are unmrwbhlc. Thealllll\o-occipital joim is slable. The spinal coni is unremarl:;able. NECK; The aIllcnor strap muscles o(thc neck are homo&CrIOUS and Itd·bro~ withoul hcmorrilaBe by 1I.yer·wise dissettlon. The thyroid CMllaae and hyoid bone are in!ACl. The larynx is lined by pinkwillIe mucosa and _ l/4lnch __ ofulcerstkln illdemificdjUll: diJu,I!O the voeaI fold on the left side. The tonpc is lTcc of bite marts, hemotThallt, OI"otOO injuries. Incision and disSCdion ofthc postcrior neck dcrnonSlratcs no deep pancervical musctJlar injury and no ceT'iical spine fTacturcs. MEDCOM 0825 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 825 AUTOPSY REPOR~(b){6) HUSSEIN, Hader Ali , 1 CARDIOyASCULAR SYSTEM; The 450-aram heart is conlllinca in an InlaCl pericardial SIIe. 10 mI ofserosanguineous fluid is identified in the pericardia! SIIe. There are fibrinous adhesiON ~ lIlc peric:ardlum IIIld the bean. The epicardial swface is granular and TOu~ willl minimal hi invesbnent. The coronary arteries are present in. normal distribution, with. ri&ht-dominant pauem. Cross sections of the vessels show occlllSion of the proximal portion of the left anterior descending COron&lY ancry by atherosclerotic plaque and adherent organized thrombus. There is • 4 x 3 incb area ofsoft yellow-bfowD dilCOloration of the myocardium extending from Ihc .pex along the anterior wall of the left ventriele and extending just into the intravcnlrieular septwn and to the l.lCfaI wall of the left ventricle (within the pctfusion zone of!he left anterior descending ooronm')' artery). This area ofmyocanllal necrosis extends Ihrouah the full thiekness of the left ventricular wall (nrwnural). A mural lhrombus is identified within the left ventrieulatclwnber. The valve leatlets are thin and mobile. The walls of the lcf\ venlrielc, inlervelltric:uJar sepcwn, and right ventricle are 1.0, 1.1, and O.3-em thick, respectively. The endocardium is SlI100lh and glistening. The lIOrtI gives rise to three imaet and patent arch vessels. The renal and mesenteric vessels are wuanatkable. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: The upper ai~y is elear ofdebris and fOreli'! material: the mucosal sutfaces are smooth, yellowtan and WRmm.ble. The p1etU111 surflCC5 are smooth, glistening and Wll'emII"kable bilaterally. The pulmonary parenchyma Is diffu!cly congested and edematous, CJluding alight to mod.=rate amounts ofbJood and frothy fluid; the eut swfaccs ofbo!h IUD&l exhibits patches of iN-Y, purulent consolidation most prominent in the pen'hilar regions. The pulmonary arteries are normally developed, pat<:nt and without thrombus or embolus. The right lung weighs Jj30 grams; the left 1450 gnms. HEPAIOBILlARY SySTEM: The 1810-grarn liver has an intact smooth capsule covering a m~tely congested tan-brown parenchyma wilh no focal Jesioru; noted (the cUI surf_ has. nutmeg 'ppeIJMCe). The llallbllldder conl.ailUl S ml of green-brown, m~id bile; the mucosa is velva,. and unmnarkable. The extraJ'lcpatie biliary lree is patent, without evidence of calculi. MEDCOM 0826 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 826 AUTOPSY REPOR](b)(6) 6 HUSSErN, Hader Ali GASTRQINTESTINAL SYSTEM: The esophagus is liDCd by gray·white, smooth mucosa. The gastric mucosa is arranged in the llSllaI rugal folds and the lumen contains 50 ml ofbrown-tal'l fluid. A Ioi-inch mueosaJ ulceration is identified in !he proximal esopl\agus. The small and large bowels are unrenurtable. The pllllCreas has I normal pink·tan lobulated appcaranc:c and the ducts arc clear. The appendill is present. GENITOURINARY SySTEM: The riiht kidney weighs 180 grams: the left 200 gram1- The renal CIJl$Ules are smooth IIIld thin, semi-transparent and stripped with ease from the underlying smooth, red-brown cortiesl surface. The eortex is shal'ply dt:lineatcd from the medullaty pyramids, which arc red-purple to tan and WU"em.arkable. The calyces., pelves and \lftter!l are llllI" White bladdermuc:osa overlies an inact bladder wall. The bladder is empty. 'The testes, proswe gland and seminal vesicles arc without note. LYMPHORETJCULAR SYSIEM: The 2SO-pm spleen has asmooth, in.,t CIlpsule eovering red-purple, modenllety firm parenchyma; the lymphoid follicles are unrcmarltsble. Lymph nodes in the hilar, periaonic, and iliac regions are not enlarged. ENDOCRINE SYSTEM: The pituitaty;land is WU"emarkable. The thyroid gland issymrneuicand n;oj·brown, without cystic or nodular change. The right and left adrenal glands are symmetric, with bright yellow cortices and rcd-bTtIwn medullae. No tna$SCS or areas ofhemorrltagc arc identified. MUSCUWSKELETAL SYSTEM; No non-trawnatic abnormalities of muscle or bone are identified. MEDCOM 0827 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 827 AUTOPSY REJ'ORT{b)(6) 7 HUSSEIN, H.ser All ADPIDQNALPROCEDU 8 f,$ 1. Documentary pbolOlPlphs lie liken by OAFME "Iff photoar-Pben.. 2. PelWlll1 etr«u lie releued 10 the apjlOopiillC: morIlIIt)' operIlions repl_.wlves. J. Specimens reWned (or IOxieo1oaY leSIillllnlllor DNA idendfkation Ire: brain, 1una,1Ieart, liver, kidney, spleen, a:lipose tiuue, skeletll mllSCle, yilm)uS fluid, blood, bile, Jnd patric c:ontenlL 4. The disseclC:d ofllllS are rorwarded with bod)'. MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION • Left Anlerior Daeendinll Coronary Altay (Slide I) - An I1haoIelerotic pllCjue with hemonhage and necrosis is seen. There is 11\ occiuslYC orpnitina and a:lherem thrombus within the residlJll lumen. • HeJrt- Left Venlriele II ApclI (Slide 1) - There is an Idherent mllnl1 thrombus idmtirJed witJ'lin the left ycntricle. Withln thc m)'OCll'dium there are lie.. O(eompldc myocyte replao::emcnt by iJ'IIlulltlon tiSSUl: with loose coliisen and lbundant capillaries. There Is I predominllli chronic inflammatory respomc identined. • Heart- Left Ventricle (Slide 3) - Within the m)'OCll"dium there are &reIlI orcompJelc myoe)'le replacanml by &ftI!utltion built' with I~ coll&&en and lbuMant ClplltuieJ. There: is I predominllli chronic inflammatory response idcnlined. • Luna (Slide 4) - A neutn:lphil rich flils the bronchioles and a:ljllCent liveolar spllCeS. • Liver (Slide S) - There: is necrosis orthe pcri-«nlJSl he:polOCytel with rdltive spaninll or hCplltoeytes in the pcri-porIIJ areu. MEDCOM 0828 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 828 AUTOPSY REPORT(b)(6) HUSSEIN. Hader AJi 8 FINAL AUTOPSY DIAGNOSES: I. CARDroVASCULAR SYSTEM: A. My_n:Ilal iafuctloa -Ie lb. dlllhibudon of lbe len aaterior daceadlaa corona..,. art•..,.. 8. Atbero.clerotk can:lloYucalar dilcal.· oedadoa afille pro-.I••lleft uterior C. desceDcllaa coroal..,. a"•..,. by atb'l'O$Cleretle plaqa. "ltIl arpalzlaa tbrolllbul. D. MUrlllbrolllbllS -len "etlfricular e1UIIDber. n. PULMONARY SYSTEM: A. Bilateral broachop..umoalL B. Puha"a..,. coapldoa aDd edema. III. HEPATOBILIARY SYSTEM: Cllltrolobullir NKn»1. IV. CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM: CakfficatlOllll ollhe lal1 cerebrlaad _klll.e d..... V. SKIN: Superficial deeubltu uar onrtyina die IICRm. V]. LARYNX: Superlkial ulcenflo.. VII. ESOPHAGUS: SCiperfk:ial C1kuatioL V111. INJUIUI:S: MUlliple coahUlou ..d bnlta,lIIceratlolla. IX. EVIDENCE OF MEDICAL THERAPY: At d~ribed abon. X. POSTMORTEM CHANGES: At described aboft. Xl. IDENTIFYING MARKS: At dlKrihed abo¥L XII. TOXlCOLOGY (AFlP): A. VOLATILES: No tlllnol" dtleeted ia tbe blood aDd bile 8. DRUGS: Acetaml"plllll bltbe blood (19 _IlL); Atropla. ill tbe blood; Olaupam latile blood (0.13 ........ Nordlaupam iJltlte blood (9.1211I""") C. CYANIDE: No eya.ld... dttlded bI fb. blood D. CARBON MONOXIDE: The carboJ)'II'IIIOIlobl••ahlratioa Ia lite blood "II Ieulba.l% MEDCOM 0829 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 829 AUTOPSY REPORlj"lb","C-"' _ 9 HUSSEIN, Hader AIi- OPINION This 26-year-old Iraqi male died of. myocardial i~ion complicated by blunt force injuries. II is reported that he suffered. myocardial infamion I short time after beinllllSSlllllted by other dctaillCC.!l in adetmtion facility. It is my opiniOll based on the information available 10 me lIw there Is • causal n:lation between the assault and lllc myoc:ardial infarction. The manner of death is homicide. l(b)(6) I~".) [MEDICAL EXAMINER MEDCOM 0830 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 830 _.__-,,1,:--'-..-...-- ~--_.---- .... _ - -- -_. - - --•.-- ._-Cl!~"OF •, I~S} lIUnl/Dhil IIlOW ... _01'01.,...., <bii6t'-- 8Te H~, Halder, AI c. c ;(b){S)jt981 ... "."" c...._ ~- Iil 0 ~- • -_...--...-_.-_..._-- - - ..-_....... -___- .-,..... _...--... -_ .... ---".... -_ .. _-_'. . ..... _._TO - -,----_. .---""--'. ---.,....."_._--""--'. -""""._-'.... _.-_-------.• ...t:E.<~....-..... -_.,."_. "-"-'__ ...__ -.-_._ .. _.- ..... _---_. _ _.. ............... ..... -.","""" ,_ . _... ... _...._...._._-,--_ ._. ...... _.. .. --._ .. .-.. __._. _.._-....._. ----oo·=t • """ ... ...._ 1 0 _ ""' -....IT"...... ..0 - ... _'" _ _ _ ... _ _ ... _-.-....~..-IO • ..."" • loll' '" ~ dill _ _, COl' , ' . '- , __ I _or..... NIKft'I _ _ [il- O· _......"'un-..._. , ..... (tV{S) l(b)(S) ~ 3O.My2007 "' (b)(S) .... , _ ~ _ I ... ...... ...... _ _ OUJ><OCO_. . . ... (b)(!5) (b)(S) ~ ......_ _ _ _ ............ ~ IT.,...,_ _MiAtilO......._ Dr- 6FP. '(b}(S} I n.-.r"~ I • -. 2064 MEDCOM 0831 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 831 - . I.......... I ~" -, ~ IW>Il OF fUHERAl OlItECTOlIl REGllmAl1ONOfIVlTALITA.TIIl1Ct fUNUMHA DATE..aIlT!fllD ....... ".,. 0 .... SloGWIl\IQ OF AI1ntORlZID_OIMI.. DD FORM 2GU, APR 1tn (BACK) U$APA VI.DO MEDCOM 0832 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 832 ARMED FORCES lNSTlnrTE OF PATHOLOGY Omt~ oflb~ Armed Fortes MedkaI EnmillH 1413 Research Blvd., Bldg. 102 Rtx:kvil1e, MD 20850 301·319.0000 AUTOPSV EXAMINATION REPORT Nam~: Abdul Rahim... Moham~d Hashim ISN: l(b)'<6)zrfh\{A\~ Dal~ OfBi~~J~~~976 Dal~ of Deatb\(l?)(6j 12007 Date of Autopsy: 17 JUL 2007 al 0900 AUlOpSy No.: ,(b)(6) 'I AFIP No.: l(b}(6}_ Rank: NA Place of Death: Camp Bueea. Iraq Plat~ of Autopsy: Port Mortuary Dover AFB. DE Dale of Report: 30 JUL 2007 Cirtpmatances of DUlb: Aewrding 10 inilial investigalive reports. (b}(S) (b)@ 'was brought 10 the guard shack. at Tllealc:r Internalional Facili!)', Camp Bucca. Iraq. by other detainees who found him unconscious and bleeding. Despite institution of resuscitative drons, he was withoul signs of life wilen evalwlled alth<: camp hospital. AUlbori:r.ariop for AUlopsy: Office of the Armed F(lfCe's Medical Enminer, lA W 10 USC 1471 ldeDlificalion: Detaina: serial num~r CAUSE OF DEATH: MULTIPLE BLUNT AND SHARP FORCE INJURIES MANNER OF DEATH: HOMICIDE MEDCOM 0833 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 833 "UTOPS\' R£PORT (b}(6) ~== "ODUL RA.IlIM, MGI......"od II. 2 AUTOPSY DIAGNOSES: J. A. Injuries Head and Neck I. Midline, vertex of the scalp, laceration, 1-112 inches, wilh adja~nt 1-114 x 112 inch abrasion and eviden~ of underlying subgaleal hemorrhage; no underlying skull fracture identified 2. Occipital scalp on the left side, abrasion. 112 x 112 inches, with evidence of underlying subgaleal hemorrllagc: no underlying skull fJa<.:ture identified 3. uft f'Onto-tcmporal scalp. abrasion, I x In inches 4. RighI eyebrow, lateral aspect. contusion. 3/4 x 1/4 inch S. Right <tygomatic area. contusion. 3/4 x 112 inch 6. Extensive injuries to the right aoo left eyes are present a. right eye injuries incilKle: i. upper eyelid, medial, deep penetrating wound. 3/4 inch iL upper eyelid, lateral, penctraling wound, 1/8 inch iii. lower eyelid, lateral. penetrating wound, 1/8 inch b. left eye injurics incllKle: i. upper eyelid, lateral, ragged pellCtrating wounds, 1-1/4 inches and 3/4 x 112 inch respectively ii. lower lid, medial, penetrating wouoo, 3/4 x 114 inch iii. enucleation of the left globe with tearing of the extra-ocular muscles and transection ofthc optic nerve 7. Lower lip, mllCOsal surface, abrasion. , inch g. Absence/avulsion of the anterior 113 of the tongue 9. Chin, th'Ough_and-through laceration. In inch defect through Ihe skin surface, communicates with a 3/4 inch defect of the mucosal surface of the lower lip 10. MlllIillary injuries include a. fra<.:ture of the left side anteriorly b.av ulsion of teeth 9 and II, with associated lacerations of the sockets c. partial avulsion of tooth II with associated la~ration of the socket 11. Fracture of IIIe nasal bone (radiographically) 12. Fracture ofthc bones of right ethmoid sinus (radiographically) B. Torso I. Posteriorly. complel( panc:med contusion on the upper back on the left side, cxtending over a 5 l( 4 inch area with evidertce of hemorrhage into the subjacent soft tisSUI: 2. Posteriorly, linear contusion, ex!cnding from the middle of the lower back to the right posterior lllIillary fold. II x I inches 3. Posteriorly. contusiOl\-abrasion, middle ofthe back on the Icft. I inch in maximal dimension 4. Evillcnce ofhcmorrllage into the cervical paraspinous soft tissues posteriorly S. Evidertce of hemorrhage into the soft tissues overlying Ihe right and left scapulae and associated fraet~s of the right and left scapulae MEDCOM 0834 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 834 AUTOPSY REPORTl(b)(6) ABDUl, RAllIM, Moham",ed II. J 6. Anleriorly. diseontinuOtls linear patterned contusion, extending front the right shoulder and upper chest, KrolS the middle of the upper chest and onto the left uppcrchest and shoulder, 22 inches in length, with width varying from 1·]/4 inches up to 2·112 inches associated with a. factures oflhc Slernum and righl ribs 2 - 4 atlhe costo-stemaljunction sociate4 evidence; of hemorrhage inlo the adjacent soft lissues oflhe antcrior chest wall c. eviderK:e ofadvenlitial and peri-advetllitial hemorrhage adjacent 10 Ihe left anterior descending coronary artery d.m inule (up 10 0.2 ern) I~rations of the postenor Ilotta e. evidence of hemorrhage inlO the adjacent paraspinous soft tissues f. left hemolhorax (SO <:c) C. Extn:mities 1. Left upper extn:mily a. faint contusion, posterior elbow. 4 x ] irK:hes b.f raclUre dislocation of the left elbow 2. l,eft lower extn:mity a. linear superficial abnlsion, proxim.althigh, anlcrI)·medially. 2-112 x 112 inches b. superficial abnlsions surTOl.mding the knee, I inch and 2 incites respe<:tively c, complex, discontinuous contusion. anterior surface of the distallhigh and knee. 1 x S illChes d. linear conlusion proximal thigh posteriorly, 2 x ]-112 inChes e. diffuse erylhema (contusion) ova the popliteal fossa. 8x S inches [ evidence of hemorrhage into Ihe soft lissue of the popliteal fossa k. multiple penetr1lting wounds. extending over Ihe anlerior surface of tile leg, from the proximal leg to the dislalleg. ranging from 112 inch up to I inch in maximal dimension I. superficial penetraling wound. dorsal surface of the foot. 3/4 inch m. fraClure of the proximallibia n. fracture oflhe distal tibia and fibula o. fl1lClure oflhe distal fibula at the lateral malleolus p. multiple fractures of the bones oflhe left fool including: the cuneiforms and the 1st and 3td meutarsals 3. Right upper extremity a. incised wound Ihrough Ihe skin of the anlccubillli fossa, 2·112 x 3/4 inches and evidence of injury 10 the subjacenl neurovascular struclUres including the brachial &nery and antecubital vein b. fraclure dislocation oflhe elbow 4. Right lower extremity a. evidence of hemontlage into the soft tissue of the righl bullock b. linear contusion. proximallhlgh. postero-mcdially, 1 x 1·112 inches in muimal dimensions MEDCOM 0835 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 835 Al!TOl'SY REPORT (b)(6) ABDUl, RAIIIM, Mo~ ..... td II. 4. Right lower e~1ranity injuries (conI.) e. linear contusion. po$ICro-lmral pIOximalthiah c~tendin. Into thc popliteal fOSSll. 8 ~ I inches d. c~idencc of hmlotrIlagc into the $Oft tiSS\le of the popliteal fossa e. discontinuous contusion, anltrO-lateral surfllCe of the proximal thiJb. cxtending o~cr a 6x S inch area f. diffuse cl)'lltcma (<:Gntusion) surrounding the kntt, cxtends over a 6..1 fl x S,lfl inch area a. superfieialabrasions, right knee. 112 ~ 1/4 inch and I x )/4 inch, respecti~ely h. discontinuous contusions, anterior surface ofthe leg, extend over an area 10 x 41n<:hes i. superficial in<:ised wounds, anterior $IlrfloCe of the Jeg. range up to I fl x 112 inch In mlltimal dimensions j. fracture of the dislill femur k. comminuted flllCtures of the prOllimaltibia and fibula I. fractures of the disllitibia and fibllia m. mulliple fractures oftlle bones of the leg includina proximal and distal tibia and fibula n. fracture of the lateral mallcolus of the riaht ankle o. mulliple frlCwres of the bones of tlte right foot including: the na~ieular, cuboid, )"'lllld 410 metatarsals and the proximal phalanx of the greal toe II. Evidence ofMedlcallntervelltion Uncqui~ocal e~ldcnce of medical illlervention is IlOt Identified Ill, Evidcnee of l'rc-e~btinll Disease Well heaJed. variably pigmented scar e~teods obliquely o~er the surface of the rightlowcr abdominal quadrant (<:Or1sistent with an appendectomy scar) Dense pulmonary adltcsions extending from lhe aU visceral pleural surfaces to the adjaeenl parietal plcW'll1 surfaccs Dense fibrous adhesions fuse adjacent loops ofsmall and large bowel lOgethcr Mild to moderate atheromatous narrowing of the left anteriordc$Cending coronary artery is noted within I em of its orillin Evidence of historically remote, healed fracture oflhc right humerus (rad iogra ph lea Ily) Evidence of bilateral spondylolysis al LS. (radiographlcally)or descending coronary artery is noted within I em of its origin II. B. C. O. E. F, IV. 1\. B. V. Identifying Mark.s Iluled surgical scar. right lower ab<Iomcn (Radiographic) healed right humeTSl helUl'e TOllK:oIOSY Ncgative MEDCOM 0836 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 836 , AUTOPS\' REPORT (b)(6) ABDUL RAHIM, MolIamm'" H. VI. A. B. PosI-moMm Cllan~ R~lyin& rigor mol'lis Mild liyidity ryKknl pomriotiy EmR""iAL EXAMINmON lnjuric:s will br 6r:sI;ribrd In < in a 5q)lIf1Itr loCdion, and will OIIly be: brirny aUI.llkd 10 in lhr rrmailllkTofthr report, for purposc:s of orirnunion IIId tompltkrlc:liS. Thr body, ImClothN. is that or. wrll«Ydoprd, 67 incll troll, 162 pounds male ..'hose apprarancr is consimnt with the I'qlOflrd aer of30 yws. Ljyidity is po$trrior and fj~cd. risor is resolyina, and Ihr body is cooled to rem&ff8lion Irmprrature. 1l'IC! SUlI" is coycred with closely ltirnmrd blM:lt.lllir in thr normal malr distlibution and a fun, blM:k moustaehr and closely trimmed full, blllCk bc:anl are presmt. 1l'IC! t:O<nrU are mildly OI*iflCd, the UIllkrlyinll irilles are brown. Thr sclel'1lot: are clear. TIle r.., are unremarkable. The narc:s are patent. The injuries 10 the IT>Ql.rth lIayr bo:cn -"'. The nr<:k is straipl, and the IfKlIea is midlinr and mobile. The cl\rsI is symmrltic. Thr abdornrn is nat. Thr lIenilalia an: those of a norma.l circumcised ~Ull male. The I(Slrs m desundcd and free o(masses. Pubic hair is pre:senl in the: usual mille distribution. The injury to the rig.lll buttoelt hu been noted. The anus is wit/'lolA. eyidence of trauma or othrr lc:sion. i\p&n from llx injuries noIed, the upprr and lower f:"uemitiu are symlTlrlric and without dubbin& or edema. CLOTHING AND PERSONAL EffF.CTS There are no ilems of dothhl& -eeomjllln)'ing the remains. There an: no penonal rffecu aecompanyinglhe remains. RADIOGRAPfiS A complete set ofpostmOl1tm radioaraPlIs is obtained and demonSlralC:S W following: • Fra«ure of the bones ofw etllmoid sinus, nasal bones and maxilla • FfKlures oflhe strmum and eosto-sterN.I fraclUI'e$, righl ,ib$ 2 - 4 • Fracture dlsltx:ation of the left rlbow complu • FTlltture dislocation oflhe riillt elbowcompk~ • Fraeture, remotr-healcd. of the right lIumet'Us • FfKlureofllledistlolrightfemur • Multiple fTllttu,u oflhe righl Ira, inehldinll tIx pro~imal and disal tibia and fibul .. and tM Ialeral malleolus of the ankle • Multiple fnletures of 1M borIrs ofthr riihl foot including: the naYKular, cuboid, 3~ and 4" melatarSllls and the proximal pllllan" oftlx ifelll toe • fractures of the lell leg lnchlde tIx pro~imallibi.. the diSlal tibia and fibul.. and the lttrral mtJleolus of\h.e ankl~ • Multiple fracluru of lhe bones of the left foot including: tllr cunrifonns and tllr 1st and 3rd meta\.lll'llis • Absencr ofradio-<lpaqur foreign material MEOCOM 0837 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 837 AtrrOPSV REPOK-rt(b)(6) ------J 6 ABDUL R,\lfIM. Mobmm'" H. EVIDENCE OF INJURY Scalp i'liuries include a 1-11'2 em lacmllion of the venex of the scalp associated with underlying. an adjacenl 1_1/4 inch superficial abrasion and a 11'2 inch superficial abrasion oflhe occipital scalp. Facial injuries include a 3/4 inch contusion lateral 10 the right eyebrow, a 3/<1 inch contusion over the right check and a through-and lhl'O\lgh laceration of the chin. Injuries to lhe righl eye include two penetrating wounds of\hc upper eyelid (lIS up to 3/4 inch), and a penelrating wound of the lower eyelid (118 inch). The left eye has been enucleated from lhe sockel and lhe oplic nerve severed. The extr'll_ ocular muscles of the eye have been laceraled, as have the upper eyelid (two penetrating wounds. 1-1/4 and 3f4 inches in maximal dimensions respectively) the lower eyelid (a 3f4 inch penelT1l1ing "''(lund). A 1 inch abl1lsion is Pf<'5eJlt on the mucosal surface of the lower lip, and inferior to this, a 3/4 inch lacemtion is continuous with lhe lacel1llion to the chin. Teeth 9 and 10 arc avulsed from their sockets in the maxilla. and toolh 8 is paniallyavulsed. There is evidence ofabundanl hemorrhage into and around lhe associated SOCkets. The anlcrior one-third of the longue is absent. Radiographically idenlified injuries include Fractures of the nasal bones, lhe bones of the righl elhmoid sinus and lhe maxillary bone. Torso injuries include: a complex ~ x 4 inch patlemed conlusion of the upper back on Ihe left side; a linear 8 x I ineh contusion. exlending from the middle of the lower back 10 the righl posterior axillary fold and a I inch contused abrasion in the middle of lite back on the left side. Anteriorly. a ribbon-like, discontinuous linear panemed contusion. 22 inches long, extends from the shoulders onlo the chest. Direcl examinalion of the subjacenltissues discloses underlying injuries ineluding: hemorrhage into the soft tissues of the anterior cllesl "'all (associated with fractures listed below); evidence of advenlitial and peri-adventitial hemorrhage adjacent to the left anterior descending coronary ane!)'; minute (0.2 cm maximum) lacerations of the posterior BOMa; evidenee of hemorrhage into the adjacent paraspinO\lS soil. tissues. and a left hemothorax (~O cc). Additionally. lhef<' is evidence of ltemorrhage inlo the CCTVical paraspinO\ls soft tissues and into lhe soft tissues overlying the right and left scapulae. Radiograpbically defillCd 10rso injuries inclt>de fractures of the right and left scapulae, and fractu~s of lhe slernum and the right second throogh founh ribson the right. at the: cosIo-sternal ju~ion. left eXlremily injuries include: a contusion around the elbow. 4 x 3 inches; a fracluf<' dislocation ohhe left elbow; complex, a linear superficial abrasion of the proximal thigh (2-11'2 x 11'2 inches); superficial abrasions sutTOundillg the knee (up 10 2 inches in maximal dimension); a discontinuous eontusion, anterior surface of the distal thigh and knee, 7 x 5 inches; a linear contusion posterior thigh (2 x 1·1(2 inehes): a contusion oftlle poplileal fossa: evidence of hemorrhage inlo the soft tissue of the poplileal fossa. and multiple incised WO\lnd!; oftlle leg anteriorly (ranging up to I inch in maximal dimension). as well as a superfICial, 3/4 inch ineised wound of dorsum oflhe Foot. Radiogl1lphically defmed lesions ofthe lell lower eXlrCmily include fractures of: the proximal tibia; the disUiltibia and fibula; the lalcral malleolus; lhe cuneifonn bone~ of the mid foot and the first and third metatarsals of the Forefoot. MEDCOM 0838 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 838 , .-.UTOI'Sl' REPORT (b)(6) .-.BOllL RAIII!~". ,\loll.",,,,... II. EVIDENCE Of INJVRy (eonl) Right clltremity injuries include: '" incised wound of the anteeubital fossa (2-112 inehes in millimal dimension) assoeialed wilh injuries 10 the underlyinl tnchialllrtcfy and antecubital vcin; a frteturc dislocation of the elbow; evidence ofhcmorrhqe into the bullOCk; a lil\Cllr conlusion of the posl~mcdiaJ surface of the proximal thigh (7 inelles in muimal dimeTl$ion); a linear conlusion of the postero-Ialeral surface of the proxill1lllthiih, which extends into the popliteal fossa (I inches in maximal dimension); linear contllsion posterior thigh (2 x I-Ill inches); superficial abrasions oyer the anterior swface of tile right knee, 112 x 1/4 inch and I x 314 inch. respeaivcty; a _lllsion of the popliteal fossa; cvidence ofhemorrha,e into the soft tissue of the popliteal fossa: a discontinuous ~ntllsion of the antero-lateral surfac:c of the proximal thi&h which extends over a 6 x j inch am: diffuse erythema surroundinlthc knee which extends OYCT a 6-11l x j-Ill inch area; diseontinllouseonlU5ions OYer the anterior swface of1M leg., exten<!ing over a lOx 4 inch arca; ~d supe:rf~lal incised wounds of the anlerior surface of the lei (up 10 III inch in maximal dimension). Radiollraphically defined lesions of lhe leA lower extmnity include fractures of: the distal femur; the proximal tibia ~d fibula; the disultibia and fib\lla; the \alcral mallcolllS, and mlllliple bones of the fOOl including the navicular. the ..ubold, the 3"" and ,,- metatarsals and the proximal phalaru: of the l!'Calloc IJIfI'ERNAL f.XAMINATlON IlEAP; lnjllric$ to the scalp and face have been dc$:fibcd. The blood vessels overlying the 1570 8l'1TI brain are engorged. The sulci and Il)'ri.e \lIlrcnta/1(able, and on cOfOlll.I sections, the lkmIrUtion betw«n while and gray mailer is distinct. There is no evideno:e of hemorrhage or COlllus;ve injury. The venlneles are of normal siT.e. The basal prllllla, brainstem. urebellum, and arIcrlall)'Slems arc free of injury or other abllOi nlllilies. Thcre 1ft no skull fractures. t!GQI, The anterior strip musclcsofthe neck arc IIOinogenous and rcd--brown. without hcmorThaie. The thyroid eartilllle and hyoid bone arc ;nlaf;l. The larynx is lined by inlacl while mucosa. The lhyroid gland II symmetric and red-brown, without cystic or nodular ..hanie. Posteriorly. there is evidence ofhcmorrhage into the $OA lissue sutTO\lnd;ng the OCTYical $pine. The anlerior third of the lOngue is absent BOpy CAy!IlES: Hernortllage SUtTOllnds the lTIcturcd $1m1l1m and fracllII'CS of the ~Slo-slCnUll joints of the 2'" through 4- ribs on the right. Dense fibtous adhesions extend between the lung surfacts and lhe parietal plellral surfloCC:S. Bi~1 pneumothoraces arc presml (radiographically). Approximately jO oc of blood il presenl in lhe lell hemithoru. There is no U U " nllid in the righl plC\lnll space. Noe:<ccss blood or nllid is present either in the pericardiat SlIl:, or in the peritoneal cavity. The orgam orthe thorax, abdomen and pelvis occupy thcir lIsllIl anatomic posltionl. MEDeOM 0839 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 839 J AUTOPSV REPOI/.r'(b}(6) 8 ABDUL RAHIM, Mohlmnad H. INTERNAL EXAMINATION (eont.) RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: The right and left lungs weigh ~80 and 460 gm, respectively. The dense fibrous adhesions over the pluralsurf~s bave been noted. The pleural surfaces are otherwise unremarkable, and on seelion,!he pulmonary paralcbyma is unifonnly deep purple, without evidence of mass lesion or areas of consolidation. 1llc proximal airway is unremalkable. CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM: '!be 280 gm heart is contained in an inlllCt pericardial sac. Adjacalt to !he pulmonary lItIery. along the posterior surface oftkc base of the Ilean. is II 0.6 em contusion. 11Ie epicardialsurfllCe is OIherwise smDDlh, with scant fal Investment The coronary aneries are present in a normal distribution. Petechial hemorrllage permeates !he epicardial fat sun'otmding Ihe proximal segment of tile left anterior descending coronary ancry. There is no evidence of an athc:romatouslesion or thrombus. The remaining coronary anerial vessels are unremarkable. The myocardium is homogenous. red-brown. and firm without evidence offocallesion or injury. lltc valve leaflets arc thin and mobile. The walls of the left and right ventricular free walls are 1.0 and 0.2 cm thick, respeclively; tbe intervallricular septum is 0.9 em thick. l1Ic el1docardium is red-brown and without evidence offocal lesion or injury. The aorta arises and is distributed in the usual paltem. IIcmolThage into the soft lissue adjacent 10 the thoracic veneb""l column emanates from seve",,1 minute (less than 0.1 em) lacerations in the posterior llDnie wall. The ralal and mesenteric vessels are unremalkable. UVER & BILIARY SYSTEM: The 1400 gm liver has an intac!, smOOlh capsule and a sharp anterior border. The parenchyma is lan-brown and congested, with the usual lobular architecture. No mass lesions or OIher abnonnalitics are se<:n. The gallbladder contains 8 ee of grecn-black bile. There are no stones. The mucosal surface is green and velvety. The eXI""hepatie biliary tree is patent. SPLEEN; The 180 gm spleen has a smooth. iniac!, red-purple capsule. The parenchyma is maroon and congested, with distinct Malpighian COI'Jluscles. PANCREAS: TIle pancreas is finn and yellow-tan, with the usual lobular an;hitccture. There is no fDeallesion or evidence of injury. ARRENALS: The right and left adrenal glands arc symme1rie, with bright yellow cortices and grey medullae. No m~s or areas ofhemonhage are identified MEDCOM 0840 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 840 "llTOPSV REPORT (b}(6~ 9 "SDUL KA.H1M, M"t....I1....t H. INTERNAL EXAMINATION (conl) GENITOURINARY SYSTEM: The right and left kidneys weigh 100 and 120 gm, respectively. The external surfaces are intact and smooth. TIle cut surfaces Ilr<' red·tan and congested. with uniformly thick conices and sharp conicomedullary junctions. TIle pelves are unremarkable and the ureters are normal in course and caliber. While Itladder mucosa overlies an intact bladder wall. 1lle bladder contains approximately 30 cc of clear yellow urine. The prostate is normal in size, with lobular. yellow-tan parenchyma. The seminal vesieles are unremarultle. The testes are free of mass lesions. contusions. or other altnormalities. GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT: The esophagus is intact and lined by smooth. grey-white mucosa. The stomach contains approximately 40 CC of partially digested food. There are no pillfi'agmenls identified. The gastric wall is intact. Tile colonic segmenls and loops ofsmall howe Iare fused together by focally dense fibrous adhesions. Otherwise. lhe segmerlls of the gaslfO. intestinaltracl are intact and unremarkaltle. The appendix is absent. MUSCUlOSKELETAL SYSTEM: Muscle development is normal. Apan from the recent and remote (healed) injuries noted. no hone or joinl abnormalities are noted. MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATIQN Small sections of formalin fixed tissue are retained for microscopy as 1KCCSS3f)'. ADDITlONAL PROCEOYRESIREMARKS • Documentary photographs are taken by the OAFME staffphotograpllers. o Specimens retained for toxicologic te5ling and/or DNA identification are: blood, vitreous fluid, bile, urine. gastric contents, brain. myocardium. lung, liver. spleen. kidney. adipose tissue and skeletal muscle. • Full body radiographs are obtained and refleo::t injuries deilCribed above. • Selected ponions oforgans are retained in fotmalin. without preparation of histologic slides. o Fingernail parings are obtained from both hands, sealed in marked evidence envelopes. and custody maintained by Army CID. o The dissected organs are forwarded with the body. • Personal effects are released to the appropriate mllftuary openllions representatives. MEDCOM 0841 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 841 AUTOPSY REPOMT~(b)(6) ~ ABDUL RAtu:\t,Mo .",,,,", H. 10 OPlNlON According to initial investigalive repons'lElli!L was brougtll to !he C/lmp gUllrd shack by othudetainoes who found him uneonscious and bleeding. On lranspon 10 thc facility hospillli. il is reponed that he was pulseless, withoul blood pressure and lhal his pupils WCTe fixed and dilated. Al post-mortem exam. it is found that the decedent suslllined multiple blunl and sha.r1l fOrl:e injuries. Individually, lhese injuries are sub-lethal; in aggregate however, the injuries caused loss of blood sufficienl to result in death. Additionally. the inlensity of the pain associated with the combined injuries would generate immense sympathelic nervous system stimulalion such that a possible connibulory cardiac dysrrhytlunia C/lnOOl be excluded. Finally, multiple dense pulmonary adhesions lIS well as bowel adhesions (indicative of prior inf«lious diseases) suggeSl thall!\e d«edenl may have had a diminished reserve capacity to wilhSUnd injury and the pain induced w!\en the injuries were innicted. l1Ie manrlCr of death is homicide. MEDCOM 0842 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 842 ...... _-----_.- -- _ ' I I I .... lIIo\TItlOlB'1 ." ...... _ . , . ... 8Tll NlclIIl RIIIm, /lIlIIIaIl'Il'l HMhIm I ----_.-- ... ~ ~-- (b){6) ... '(b){6) _111J111 ------- -. --- - -- -_. --- ..__.... ...... ..... _.,.;w; =; ;!.==.. __ --"' -" _..--_ .._--._ .. ---_.._-_ ... =-=--.-._.. .. ... _.. • t.e -- = .- ~================:;;;;;;';' -"--'-"'""'1",' _ . =-.=--,.__.. -. .==._._.".." :::::"'~ , _.---- -- -- _..... -... • (b)(6) I r,;,;-:".,!- - -... .,.1 -f(b)(6) TI1712«fT • • • --- -- .- • -.:- .... • • --- MEDCOM 0843 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 843 --_. I _ .... ,-==JGO."_ ~ I I I . ..., ---- _.... - DCI _ _ _ - ...._• - .m ••• - ~- -~ MEDCOM 0844 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 844 ARMED FORCES INSTITUTE OF PAnlOLOCY Office oll"~ Anarei f'orus Mediad EUlIliMr 14lJ Researeh Blvd•• Blda. 102 Rockville. MD 20lS0 1-301-319-0000 AUTOPSY EXAMINATION REPORT NllII'I~: Mustafl. Muhavman J.I.I ISN: (b)(6) ~ AillOpS)' No.: (b){6) AFIP No.: l(b)(6) DroteoIBirth.~{b)(6) [1990 Drot~ of Dntl (b){6) --: 2001 PllCCorDc.Ih: Rank: Dc1.lnee DrotelTime 01 Autopsy: 16 JUl2001f0930 Drotc ofRcport: lJ AUG 2001 or I~ Iltopsy: Po" MOl'tIlafy Dover FB, Dover, DE PiKe Cin:ulIlll.DnS of Dalb: This l6-year-old maJ~ dCl.inte WIS inlerned.t CunP Cropper 1'*1. Initial investigative repons indicalC III.llhc unresponsive body of (b)(6) was dnqed 10 the compound a.-l~ by tltrec unknown llUIles who ncd the _ . Despite cmereenc:y mediad inlerventiorl(b)(6} succumbed 10 his Injuries. AlllborluliOll C.... A.topsy: .... rmed Forecs Medical Ex.lIminer, per 10 U.S. Cod~ 1411 Idtnlifiealioa: PTesumpliw identification by Kl:omplrtyin; repons, identification tass and docummllllion..... po:sunon~m dall.l C'Jllmirllllion, postmor1cm fingerprint C'JIImir\lllion. and. postrrIOfIcm DNA SlIlIplc.e laken Cor profile purpose$ should c>rcmplm t-omes for positive idcnlirlC8lion. CAUSE OF DEATH: Mulllpl~ blunt MANNER OF DEATH: folft ilIJllriti Homldd~ MEOCOM 0845 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 845 AlTtOPSY REPORT(bH 61 MUSTAFI, Mu".y_1l J.I.I 2 EXTERNAL EXAMINATION Injuries will hi: described in dnailln ~Evickncc of InjuryM,.nd will only hi: brieny alluded to in tI'Ic: rt:maindcroflhe n:port, for pwposes oforicnlltion and eomplctcncu. The body is lhal ofa well-dcvclopcd, well-nourished appearing. adull male, wlMne appearance is colUlslcnl with the reponed 'ie of 16-yclar$. The: body is rcalvcd wnsppcd in a vcen zippered nylon ilia and clad in a pairofbody nuid Illincd ....tlile boJ«:l'shorts. lk rt:mains are 6& Y.-inchcs in Icnl:th, and weigh lS4-pounds. Lividity is present and fixed on the poslerior surface of the body except in artl5 exposed 10 pressure. Risar Is presenilO an equal dcarcc In all txlmllities. Thert: is Irccnish discolonlion of lhe skin of the abdomcn. MlCtl'lllion and skin sliPlJlie Is noted on the upper extremities. The IaTIpcralurc of the body is lhl1 oflhe rt:frilCflllion unit. The head Is OOl'ITlOl:cphalit, and the scalp is covemi wi1h straight bll(k hair lTK'llIurinll up to I Y.-Inches. in. norma] distriblllion. Fl(lal Mir consists of. trim black beard and mousll<;he. The: Irides arc dark. The OO~ are hazy. The conjuncllvae art: unremarkable. The pupils an: round and ftIual In diameler. The sclerae an: white and without pctt<:hial herTlOfTt1'i:e. The elttemalauditory canals, ex1cmaJ IlAlft. MId oral cavity an: frft of fort:;i:n material and abn0nn81 sccn:lions. The tar1 and lips dcmonsuatt no non-1l11umatic abononnalitics. The narq are palcnl. The nasal skeleton and maxillae: arc plIlpab!y intact. The uninjured tee1h ~pcar natUl'll1 and in load condilion. The neck is straigh\, and the trachea is rnldlint and mobile. The chest is symmttric. The abdomrn is flal. The lIenlllllall/'C those ofa nanna' adult circumcised male. The lesles an: descended and fn:c of maucs. Pubic halr is ptCsentln a nolTTlll male distribution. The bUllOCks and anus are unremarkable. The upper and lowcrexlremi11es are symmetric and wilhoul clubblna or tdtmll. The fingernails art inLlICl and the nailbcds cyanotic. CLOTHING AND PERSONAL EfFECTS The following clothing items and personal efTt<:llare received with or Ire on the body at lhe lime ofautopsy: • A blood Dlld body fluid .stained shan slccyc undtrshin cut from the front collar to lbc hem • A plIir of body nuid Illlncd wilile boxer shorts • A arecn cloth baV c:onllininl personal errecu is arrllled to the ri&hl wrist. contcnu of which have been photoaraphed and invcnlOried on fDml DO 1016. MEDICAL 'NIERVE!'!TIQN No evidence ofrnedicil intervcntion is In ploee IIlhe lime ofaUiopsy. MEDCOM 0846 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 846 AUTOPSY REPORT1"'(b"')("6'-MUSTAFI, Jalal ) RADIOGRAPHS A complete set ofpoSlmortem radiogmplls Is obtained and demonstrates the following: • • • • • • Fractull: onlle len mllllilhuy sinll!l Fl'lIC1ure of the 1" mel8CarpIII of the lell hand Fracture onhe dislal rishtfibula Fraclure oflhe poslerior spillOUS prtKn5 0 lhe 2011 thoracic vertebra No intmllll melal identified No pneunlOthol1lll idenlified EVIDENCE Of INJURy The orderins of the following injuries is for descriptive purposes only, and is not Inlended to imply order ofinllietion or relalive severity. I. Multiple blum force injuries A. Blunt force injuries of the head I.Ild neo:k I. Obliquely orienled (alonlllhc 4to 10 o'clock lIllis) laceration lbove the riabt eyebrow, 2 xiII 6-inches to periosteum (l18·in<:hes) 2, Vertically oriented curvilinear contusc:d IlICCration oflhe l1l$8.I bcidge. I lIS x 1/16, lIS-inches deep 1, Obliquely oriented (alons the 5 10 II o'clock axis) IllCeration on the righl oet:ipitAI scalp to subculancoll$ tissun 4, Obliquely oriented (1lonllllle 110 7 o'clock axis) laceration on the len occipito-parielal scalp, 2 % x 1/16-inches 10 periosteum (l18·inches) 5. Horizontally orienled laccnllion on the len parietal scalp, posterior to the left ear, 1 1/16 x 1/16-inches, lIB-inches deep wilh undermining of the superior ISpeC1 ofille wound 6. Superficial Ibrasion on the posterior pinllD of the left ear, 318 x III-inches 7. Inter.leCtina lacenllions orthe posterior len pa.rietlll scalp measuring 2 1/4 x 1/16-inches (alons the 5 10 I I o'clock axis) and 1 lIB x lfl6-inches (alons the 7 to I o'clock ax,s), both lIB-inches in depth 8. Obliquely oriented (lIonS the 1 to 7 o'clock axis) sliperfocialllccra!ion on the len temporal SCDlp to subell\al1C(lUS tinue, 5JlI x 1116-inches 9. Obliquely oriented (llonllthe S to II o'clock oxis) loceration on the midSlsitlal frontal snIp, 2 % x 1/I6-incfles 10 periosteum (llB·inc:hes) 10. Obliquely oriented (1lonlllhe 7 to 1 o'clock oxis) laceration of the left fronlal scllp II lhe hairline, I \') x I 1/16-inches \0 a depth of III-inches 11. Obliquely orienteO (alona!he 7 10 I o'clock axis) laceration orthe left temporal sealp Utendinil onto the forehead and eonlllSion oflhe !kin of the inrerior marsin oflhe wound, 2 "" x I1I6-inc:hes to adepth of lIS-inches 12, Left periorbilal contusion with asSOCialed superliciallaeerations of lhe lateral len eyebrow (l) mcliluring up 10 7/B·inchcs in &reatCS1 dimensions I.Ild a horizonl.DlIy oriented laceration oftlle laterul len eyelid, I "" x 1/16-illChes MEDCOM 0847 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 847 , AlITOPSY REPORT '(b)(6) MUSTAn. J.t.l 13. Obliquely oriented {alonglhe 2 (0 Bo'clock lllti5) tontl.lSCd !Keraticn ofthe left cheek measuring I 1/6 x 1/16-ioches witll a deptll of<:hes and lSSOtia1od fRl:turt of the Id\ maxillary sinus 14. Contused loceration of the lell. upper lip (518" II8·inthes) exlending inlo the oral tavily witllasso<:iated fl'lCtUrt of lOOtII 110 IS. SubgaJeal hemonhage lU$lXialed with the above 5l:IIp lac:erations 16. No gross or radiogJIphic evidml:eorrractu~ ohlle calvarium 17. Diffuse sub&ratllnoid hcmonilage involving the convexities of both ()C(:ipi~l Iobe$. bnIinstem. and both c:crcbellar llemisphcres Ig. Diffuse hemorrhage ofthe riglll stcrnocleidomastoid muscle and focal IIemorrllaae of tile riiht sternollyoid muscle 19. Intlll:l lIyoid bone. thyroid ClIl1i1age. and Il'ICheal canilage 20. Conical contusions of the inferior aspect of the left fronlal and right ,,"ipital poles ortlle brain. each mcasuringlcssthan lI8-inches in grcattst dimensions 21. Laocratioo of lhe right lateral aspecl of tile IOIIgue, !I. x I/B·iru::hes B. Blunt force injuries oflhe (O~ I. Superficial abrasion oflhe medial right clavicle, 1 Yo x 3/16-inclles 2. ClllSler (I Yo x Yo-inches) ofsuperficial abrasions overlyingllle rigllt IIl:romioclavic:ular joint. JIB to Yo-inches in greatest dimensions 3. Curvilinear contused abrasion overlying tile middlt third of the rigllt clavicle, 4 x ·;'·inches 4. Contusion ofille rightlatcnll thest \nil (B x 6 Yo-inthes) wilb. centrally oriented lriangular sMpcd patterned abrasion, I !I. x I 118-ioches S. Multiple (2) drwlar superficial abrasions above the right inBuinalli8JlTlCllt measuring \l,, each 6. Contusions on the la\cnll right hip, I Y. x SI8-inches 7. Superficial abrasion on the &Dlenor right hip, Yo x 318·inches a. Obliquc:ly oriented (along the to 10 4 o'clock uis) pallcmcd contusion on the upper back to the leA ofille 6~ cervical vertebrae, 5 11.0 x I-inches 9. Obliquely oriented (along the 10 to" o'clock lll(is) patterned contusion above the superior border of tile Iel\ scapula. 6 x I \l,-inc1le1 10. Contusion (2 'A k I !I.-inches) on lhe posIeriw left sIloulder with superficial marginal abrasion al the superior margin ofllle wound measuring 3 x 1/16inches II. Contusion in Ihe poslerior left uilllll)' fold, 2 x I-inches 12. Trapezoidal shaped panemed abrasion (2 %;i( 'I..inthes) above: lhe posterior It II iliac em;1 with a centnllly placed l1-incll circular area ofsparing 13. Obliquely oriented (a1oni the I to 7 o'clock uis) linear COIIlusion ofthc upper back at the level of tile 4' tlr.onlcic vertebrae, S 1'. x Y.· 14. Circular I-inch conlusion on the upper medial borderoftbe nallt scapula IS. Re<:ta.nau!ar tonlusion on the posterior right shoulder, 2 k I·inclles 16. Horizonlally oriented abrasion on the righl posterior axillary line: al lhe Itvel of tile 8" thoracic vertebrae. I Yo x III-inches 17. Parallel (I·incll scplUlltion) supe,f..:ial linear abrasions (2) below the tip of Ihc rightSCllJlllIa. 2 x II16-inches. eacll and'" MEDCOM 084B ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 848 "uropsy REPORT (b)(6) S MUST"", M.Ia.y_. J.... II. Obliquely orienled (alonllhe 2 10 I o'clock Dis) recWlgular COfIIUSioll on the righllower bKk. 7. I-inches 19. Fracture of\he spinous pi'" Oflhe 2"" lhotlek "ertebnlc with bmlorrilagc inlO the 5WTOUndina parasplnal muscles 20. MlIlliplc rib fractures (Iataal riglll - 1·9. posterior rilhl - 9-10) with as.soc:ialcd 50ft liDue hemorrlll¥C. 6 x S·inches 21. E"idcncc of hernonhlgc inlO the 111ft liullCli OYerlylnlthe rieht seapuIa 22. £Yidcncc ofhelnom\atC inlO the $OR liIslIes UIOCillcd wilh the ronlUlions and .bralions of the lono. IS dclaibcd above C. Blllnt foree injllries of !he cxuemiliCli I. Riaht upper cxlremily a. HoriwnllUy oriented lupcrficiall8CCl'8lion of the di.5tal posterior righl ann. \l, • III·inches b. Obliquelyoricnlcd (alonllhe S 10 II o'clock Dil) 5UpCtf~iall_ralionof the rilhl clbow, 1 • V,·inches c. ClusleT (2 x Yt-inchel) oflOpcrlieiallDOClalionl and abrasions on ,he proximalllllW Upecl ofthc riaht foreann mtuurina up 10 2-inchel in JIaIIClI dimensions d. Connuenl contusion ofthc l.lCrlI ri!:hl arm. do".1 righl forearm, and dorsum of lhe nabl haftd e. ConlL15ions oflhe plIImar _face oflhe rialll hand o~ lhe heads oflhe 4·-S· rnclKarplls (I % I I-inches) and herod oflhe 2"" metacarpal (1 • %-inches) 2. Left lIpper cxlremily .. Connuenl eonlL15ion orthc di5la1Illcralleft ann, dorsal left rorearm, 4l'Id dorsllll'l of the left hand b. Conlusions orllle p.lmar 1IIpe<:15 oflhe 4d1 and S· digils oflhe left hand c. Connuenl conlusion of the left palm, ) Y•• )-inchc:s d. Fl1lCture or lhc )~ mct.Ilc:II'plIl oflhe len hJ.nd J. Right lower exlremity .. Horiwnlally oriented contusion on lhe Interior righllhigh. 2 x %·inches b. Conlusion .boYe the lalcral righl palell.. I v.. J·inches e. Circular conlusion orlhe medical right knee, I·inch d. Contusion below lhe t.tcraJ righl pltclla, I %. l.illChes e. Lacerations (2) on lhe proximal and middle anterior rightlello )/1~incbes ~h r. Connuent conlusion on lhe dorsum ortbe ri~llI foot and Iatcrall.rllmor ri~ht ItaU2.) \i·inches) g. Contusion 'Ilhe lateral rillll a1111C11 crease, I y,. V..lnches h. Mlilliplc obliquely oriented (a!on& lhe I to I o'clock axis) $llpcrficial linear contused .brasions on the posterior ri&htlhigh measurina up 10 J inches in ~test dimensions I. Contusion OYer the head oflhe right libula, I Yo x 'I.-inches j. Multiple ()) IIlCCrllionl on the riahlilleral malleoills, 7116 10 J.inch in a;ralesl dlmtnsions k. FrlCtlft of lhe dillal rialll fibula MEOCOM 0&49 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 849 AUTOPSY REPORT (b)(6) MUSTArJ. Muh.ylU. J.lal 6 4.l,.eft loweru~mily L Superf.ei.1 .braslon (I It Yrinelles) witlllWTOundins contllSion (1 Y, It I Yo. lrelles) on the IIllerior left lIdall b. SuperfICial IlCeftlion on the superior I.lmll left knee. % x 1/16-inches e. ObIiqUl'ly orienled (.Iona the 4 to 10 o'cloclt ub)contUKd llbruioll below the left knee. 4 Vox 'Irlnches d. Superr.elalllttfalion on the ~imall!llerior left leI. I x'lrinc:hes e. Contusions (1) orthe miGcile and diul anterior left Ie&. 2 % 10 .... l~ in llJ'UkSI dimensions r. Multiple contusions and .I:nsionsofthe poslerior left thiBh and latc:rallefi alulal ause.1I16 10 J-indJCS in &mIlest dimenlions I- Mul1iple IUperfici.1 c:ol\ftlJions. .bmions, and laeuatiom of Ille left c.lf and wenll mlI1leolus. \(, 10 I '/,·Irehes in ,,"lest dimensions S. No evidenee oflipture restnint il dernonslrllCd INTERNAL EXAMINATION BODy C,WITIES: The body il opened by the ulual thorac:o-.bdonIil1l1 incillon and the chelt plate il removed. The ribs. $1emum. and wrtelnl bodiea 1m visibly and palpably inlael No adhe$ions or .bnol1'l\ll cOlleclions of fluid are present In the pleunl. pericardi.l. or perilOnell eavilies. All body orpns are pRSaII in lhelr normal.natomic: po5ilions. TheTe II no inlemal evidenc:e ofpenetrllina Injury to llle thoraco-abdomlNIII resion. The SUOCUlllllCOUI f.1 l.yer of the .bdominal wall is J/4-inc:llea thick. HEApANp CENTRAL NERVOUS SySTEM: Injuries to the: sc.lp and flCe have ocen described. The sc.lp is reflected. The c.lvarium is inlaCl, II is the dun lIWIler benealh Il There arc no epidural or wbdunl hemorrllages present. The leptomeninges are thin and deliCllle. Sulxnchnoid herTlOlThDge.nd injury to lhe fionlalllld QCeiplt.llobes hive been dncribed. The lnin weiahs 14J01lraml. The eerebtal hemispllcres are symmetrical with unremarkable &Yri Bnd sulci. The IIl1.1ClUres .1 the base of the brain. including elll'li.1 nervel and blood vessell. are intact and unremarltable. Coronal 'l:Ctions demonslrale IhIlJl demarcalion between while and arc)' mailer. The venlriclel are ofnormDlli~. The: basal ganglia, bflinllC:m. «:rebel1um. and .t\Crial 1)'lIema are ITee of non-lraumatic .bnormalieies. The allaneo-occipital joine il lLab/e. =, 1\ Iayerwise dissection of lhe neck demonslmlCl lhe: injllries deacribed above. The lhyroid c:arlilage and llyold bone are intact. The IDrynx is lined by Intacl wIlile mucosa.. Incision and dissection of lhe postmor IIttk demonstraln llle Il'\iuriCI II described. There ilno evidence ofcmllcal spine fractures. MEDCOM 0850 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 850 """- AUTOPSY REPORT (b)(6) 7 MUSTAFl, Mull,ylftl" Jalll Incision and dissection of the posterior neck demonstrates the injuries as described. There is no evidence ofcervical spine tTactures. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: The upper airway is clear of debris and foreign maten.l; the mUCOSll!surfaees ~ smooth, yellow-tan and ~Ible. The ple1,1rat surfaces are smooth, glistening and lIIIJ'eIIl8Jkablc bilalcnlly. The pulmonary parenctlyma is SII1mon pink, diffusely congested and edematous, exuding slight!O modcnlc lmOunts ofb\ood and frothy nuid. No mass lesions or areas oftorLWlidation are present. The righl and left lungs weigh 410 and 370. gmns, l'e$pCClivcly. CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM: The pericardl.! surffIC:CS are smooth, aJisteningll1d unrcrnlubblc. The 31O-gram hear! is coolained in .... inlaa pericardial sac tree ofsignilieanl nuid or adhesions. The epicardial surfaee is smooth, with minimal rat InvcstmellL The coronaI)' anerics llrise IlOrmally, follow !he lL1uaJ distribution in I right dominant pIlllcm, are widely petcnt, and witllout evidence of thrombosis or significanlalherosclen;lsis. The myocardium is homoaenous. red-brown, finn and unrerna:kablc; the .trial and ventrk:ulu septae an inlact. The walls of the leA and right ventricles are 0.& and O.2-eentimeters thick, respec:tivcly. The valve leafleu are thin and mobile. The lIOl't8and ils major br&nct- ari!it normally, follow the \lSual eo\ll'1e and lII'e free ofsi,gnificant atheroi\l:lerosis or other ab/Iormalitin. 1hc: vellllC cavae and its major tributarin return 10 the bean in lite usual diSfribution and are free of thrombi. The renal and mCSCnlerie vessels arc ulll'el1\ll'i(able. HEPATOBIUARY SYSTEM: The hepatic eap5ule is smooth. glistening and intaet, eovering dark red-brown, modCl'ately congcsted plIrenchyma. No mass Icsionsorollter abnormalities lII'e noted. The pllblllddtr contains 4.Q.mil1ilitm ofgreen-brown mucoid bile; Ihe mUCOSll is velvety and ullrtllUlrl:able. The extrahepatic biUary tree is plItent and without evidence of calculi. The liver weighs lJ7Q.grams.. GASTROiNTESTINAL TRACT: 1hc: esophagus is in~ and lined by smooth, grey-lOtililc mUC()5!.. The ga.wie wall is intact and the s10mllCh contains apPrOximately 7S-miUiliters ofthic.... daJt brown fluid willt partially digested ri«. The gaslrie mllCOSl is II'TUIged in Ihe \lSual ",pI folds. The duodenum, loops ofsrnall bo"".,] and colon are unremarkable. The appendix is present GENITOURINARY SYSTEM: The n&hl and left k.idneys wciah 130 and 11Q.anTnS, I'ClIpcctivcly. The renal Clpsules are smooth and thin, semi'll1LlLSparcnt and strip willt case from the underlyilli smooth, redbrown cortieal surface. The cut surfaces are red-ten and oongestcd, wilh uniformly Ihid cortices and sharp corticomc:duihuy junctioru. The pelves and calyces are unmnarkable. The urcters arc normal in eoursc and caliber. While bladder mllC051 overlies an intact bladder wall. The bladder contains approxirnalCly 2S-milliliteTS of clear yellow urine. The prosII~ is normal in size, with lobular, yellow-tan parenchyma. 1hc: seminal MEDCOM 0851 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 851 AUTOPSY REPOR~(6) MUSTAFJ, Mubayman JaW • vesicles an: IlIlI'C:IT1lIrbble. The testcs are free of mtlSS lesions, contusions. or other abnormalities. LYMPHQRETICULAR SYSTEM: The 160-gram spleen be I smooth, inllCt capsule covering maroon, modefltely finn pllenchyml; the lymphoid follicles m WlrCmarkftble. Lymph nodes in the hilar, periaol1ic. and iliac: regions are not enlftrged. ENDOCRINE SYSTEM: The pituitlly gland is lIIIl'elJWkable. The lh)'l'Oid is S)'mmetric and red-brown, without cystic or nodulI!" change. The plllICI'CIS ill firm and yelloW-lin, with the U!UaIlobuiu aKhitcl:ture. No mass lesions or othr:t abnormalities are noted. The riallt and left adl'ellll glands are &)'lTUIIelric, with bright yellow col1i"s and grey medullftt. No 1TII!l$CS or llmIS of IIemoltllage Ire identified. MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM: Muscle dcvelOpmellllppear1 llOrmltl. No oon-lrilumatic bone or joinllbnormaJities are """,,ADDITIONAL PROCEDURES I. 2. 3. 4. S. 6. Docwnenuuy photognlpM arc taken by OAFME staffphowgflphcrs. Specimens rdlIined for toxicolOj,)' testing and/or DNA identification are: Blood, vitreoll$ fluid, urine, gastric contents, bile, heart, spleen, liver, lung, kidney, bntin, adipose tlssuc, and skclC1l1 muscle Full body radiographs arc obtained and demonstrate the ftbove findings. Selected portions oforgans: are retained in fonnalin. The disscl;led otpns are fOl'WlU'dcd with the body. Personlll effects are released to lhc mortuary affairs rcprescnlalives. MlCROSCOPIC E;(AMINATlON Selected portions of organs are l'C'taincd in formalin, without pTeparation ofhistoloaic slides. MEDCOM 0852 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 852 • AUTOPSY REPORT (bl(6) MUSTAFI. Muba)'lllUl Ja..T FINAL AUTOPSY DIAGNOSES: I. Multiple blunt fon:c injuria A. Blulll force injuries oflhe and neck I. Cortical contusions of the left frontalllnd riiN occipital IobcJ oftlle br-ill 2. Di~ sub&n<:tlnoid hem",",,-&e involvina tbc coovnities of the occipi~1 lobes, both cerebel\.u hemispheres and the brllll5ltm 3. Superficial hcrnorthq;e into the dl'19 muscles of the anlerior neck 4. Multiple IIallp and &cial contusions, abrulona, and lacentions B. BIWlt fOfU injuries ofllle tol'lO I. Multiple .superficiallacmll.ion•• atnsions and contusions of the chest. beck, and pelvis 2. Multiple rib frlCturcs 3. FnctlR ofltle spInous process of tile 2- thofacic verubrl with associated hcmorrllalle into the puupilllli muscles 4. Ncar connuent hcmontvolle inlo tile supcr(lCull muscles of the C. Blunt force injuries oflhe extremities I. Confluent contusions of the posIcrior arms, dorsal foreanns, and anterior leas 2. Multiple contusions, abruioru. and lac:erltiOllll of all extremillcs. 3. Contusions of tile~ms ofbolh hands 4. F~uleS orlhe 3 mCltocllrpe1 oflhc lcft Iland and lhe dbtal rillht fibula S. No evicknoe ofre:strlinl hkntified 11. No natunl diRUC proc:cSICll idcnti fled within the limilltions oftlte enmilll.liun. III. No evidence of mediclll tltcl'lpy is In plllCC at lhe time of autopsy. -- IV. POSl-moncm ctlanlles A. Lividity is filted on t!le postcrior surface of the body exocpt in areas ClCposed to 8. Rigor is pIftCTItlO an equal dCIlfCC in all Clltrem.lllcs C. Om:n dilCOlontion of ll'lC skJn of the abdomen I, pt'CSCllt D. Maccnllion and skin sliPJl8&e ofthc ClCtremities V. ToxicolOi)' raullll: ncllllive MEDCOM 0853 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 853 AUTOPSY REPORT'~(b"')(~6"- 10 MUSTAFI, Muuymaa Jalal OrlNIQN This l6-year-old maledetainee.(b}(6J_ .]WU intenlef' Al ('.Amn Cm,wer Iraq. Initial investigative reports indicate thallhe unresponsive body ((b}(6}----.-Jwas d,.gged 10 lbe compound gate by three IIJlknown male detai~JNho fled the: scene. Despite emergency medical intervention al the scene(b){6) succumbed 10 his injuries. ' Autopsy examination revealed that lhe decedenl sustained multiple blllllt force injuries. 'The moSI seven: injuries were 10 the head and neck resulting in conlmions and hemonbage oflhe brain. The n:maining injuries, allhou&h individually sub-lethal in IIlIturc and not injuring vital structures, in 19a;replc would have caused signlficanl loss of .- PostmOl1em analysis oflhe body fluids Wl$llCgltive fOTlhe ~ce ofethanol. screened lIlediQltions and screened dl'\lgs of ~ was no evidence of signiflClnt natulai processes noted It the time of IUlOply. The manner of death is homicide. (b}(6) (b){6) ",::i,;:·~Oo'''Examiner (b}(6}---"M.. {b)(6'C _ _IMcdiClll ExamillCl MEDCOM 0854 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 854 II M~,~ I{ ~ ~ II" !! ",~i I I I: .j 'Ill ' Ii'! ~ I : I ' II • "! - f !!llil~ • i . I ,I!! I' I ! q ! ! I I , II > 'l I I i ,it I ~o ~ ~~ 8 l ; 'e,a e Ii i.1 1., ~ I-: " I ,. 10 .. ~~ I .h 0 I!! I p~, ,I" .. ! I Hi Ii ! I I• !IIii, " ! I ; , l d !I _ :I j" " g ~,!i ~ 'I I! ' I ,I I I II' ~ 1'1 ! i~ ! e. I Ii fl ~ .1i:~8 II I :> 1111 8 I " ',~ '" !I-! ~ i-II 8" '1"1'~ > ~~~ !lID=-- I. !!\.,.. , lj' ' ~Ii~:::l:i ,. I ~III'I' ,d I I ! !, O l d "'. JI '- 'I [;, I I I h N i1 ! ~ ~ ' ! I 1& I 0 :II .. I I! ill! !, 0 • IIIH hli! I I I '" 'II'• Id~ PII!i II 1:' 1'81.! ~II~ '! I 1',11 I II I!l;I-'le'e § liU e I .. de ~eSe ;::; ""10 1,'1,11 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 855 il (REMOVE REVERSE AND RE-INSERT CARBONS BEFORE COMPLETING THIS SIDE) OlSPOSrTa-l OF RalAJNS NI'\'.n,lJI"l;I:..... I:.I~'f I ::>IWiMI,IRE "m IN:>T "LtA IIUN OR "'ODHE:>::> I , LOl,;... T10NO~l;I:.M 1l'f'E OF DISI'oSTlQN DATE of UISI'VSTIUN REGlSTRAllON OF vrrAL STAnsnc8 REGISTRV (Tawn _C<Juntry) FilE NU....BER o"TE REGISTERED ST...TE NMlE OF FUNERJoJ. DIRECTOR OTHER ...OORESS SIGN...l1JRE OF ...UTl1ORIZEO INOIVIOU...L DD FORM 1064, APR 1977 (BACK) USAPA VI.OO MEDCOM 0856 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 856 ARMED FORCES INSTITtTI'E OF PATHOLOGY otnee oltbe Anaed Feme. Mfllk,J Eumhter 1413 Resem:h Blvd., Blda. 102 Rockville. MD 20850 301·]19..(1000 FINAL AUTOPSV REPORT NlIJT1e: Amllcd. RaClIh-Abdul Al Kader lSN..(b)(6) ~ Dale OfBirtf~(~f~93S: Dale of DeaIli(b)(6) 2007 o.telTime of AutopsY: 09 July 2oo7@1000 Date of~port: 23 Aua 2007 Autopsy No,!(b)(6) AFIP No·l(~)(6) ~ I Rank: Dct-inee Place of Death: Iraq PI_ of Autopsy: Port Mortuary, Dover DE o(l).utb: This 69 )'CIlI"o1d Iraqi dClaincc WllS admined to the Theater Internment Hospital, Camp Bucca, on 07 JIIIIC 2007 and wu beins l1elIted for. reported tuben:ulosis infection. His condition deteriorated and he was transfemd 10 the intensi~ ClIIl: unit. He was prollOlIIlCed dead of(b}(6) 2007. Ci~u ....tllncet Authorization for Anncd FOfl:eS Medical Examiner. per 10 U.S. Code 1471 Ideotlliutlo,,: Presumptive identificallon is esaablished by review of all paperwolt in the case file. Postmonc:m fingetprints and a specimen sui",ble (Of" DNA analysis lIIl: obulined. CAUSE OF DEATH: MANNER OF DEATH: MEDCOM 0857 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 857 AUTOPSY REPORT (b)(6) 2 AMHED. Wah Abdul AI Kader EXTERNAL EXAMINA'[IQN The body is that of I well-dc:velopcd, well-nourished male. The body wcia,hs 194 po"nd" is 66 Ind'Ics In qlll and IppcaB eompl.tible wilh the 1CpOr1Cd I,e of69 yeus. The body is cold. Ri,or is prc:$C1lI1O In eqllli dclfC'C in 1I1 exlfcmitiell. Lividily is prescntw fixed on the posterior SUffice ofthc body, cxcepc in IIn:U expo5Cd 10 prc$$1n. The head is normoc:ephalie, IUtd the sealp hair is I"IY and one inch in lenlth. Flctal hairCOl'lliSlS of mouslIChe 8fId bclll'd. The irides Ire brown. The comcec lin: clClUdy. The eonjWV::livv are llrlJ'eltWbble. The sclctIC lin: whit*llow. The cxtemal.lIditory elnlls, ClllemallllreS and oral uvily are free offo~ian mllCriaI and .bnorTnll sccl'Clions. The CIt lobes lin: not pierced. The lIMIl skeleton and muilll arc palpably inlll:t. The lips are without evident ilIjwy. The leeth ItC IIIIhll"ll and In '-Ir condition. ElWnilUltion of the neck tCYCtol. no evidence of injury. The~ i. I I Indl WI plpuJe on the left check. The chat is uruemlfbble. No evidence ofbllury ofthc ribs or the sternum is evident cxlCrTlllly. The abdomen is soft and .llghtly prolubcranL HClled suraiCllI SCIn are not noted. The cxlcrnll genlllila arc those oft nonMlldull male. Thc~ is I superficial decubitus ulctl'on!he mid-lower bIc:k.2 Yo x 2 inches. The anlll is withoulllOlC. The Clll~rnilics show the jlfClotl'ICC of. few healed ICIrt on the shin and I few conlusions, bUI no evidence Ofn.clurcs.llcenl1ions or deformities. T1Im: is pilling cdcml of both leiS and fcct. The fll1&CmIIlls are Inllcl. TIIlOO5 lin: not noled. CLOTHING AND PERSONAL EFfECTS • No clothinl or personll effects ICcompany the body. MEDICAL INTERVENTION • Triple lwne:n Intnvcnous CIIthetcr on the riaht side of the neck • F~lcy CI1hcter with collection Ilea willi bra...." urine In the bIa . • EKO Ic.Id on lhe. rip side of the beck • CIClt dressing on the mid-lower b1ck • Contusions on the Ibdorncn IlId uppcrextmnilles; l$$OCi.tcd with needle punc:lW'C .tel RADIOGRAPHS A complete set ofposunortem radiographs i. obtained and OcrnonstraleJ no fraclUfCI. EVIDENCE OF INJURY Then: is no cvidcnc:e of rccc:nlsi,nificanlinjury. MEDCOM 0858 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 858 AUTOPSY REPORT(b}(6} AMHED, Rafah Abdul A] Kadef"-- l INTERNAL EMMlNtJlOl'i BODY CAymES' The ribs, sternum. and vcrtebl1l1 bodies lie vilibly and palpably inl6eL No adhesiOllSare present in any of the: body cavities. T1ICft is approkimately 250 ml ofserosanguinous nuid in UlCh of the pleural cavities. All body organs are present in normalanatomk:al position. The subo;u\ancous fat layer oflhe abdominal wall is I inch thick. HEAD AND CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM; The galeal and subgaleal soft tissues oftbe sealp are free of injury. There lie no skull fracturcs. The dura mater and falx eerebri are intacl. ~ is no epidural or subdural hemorrhage present. The leptomeningcs are thin. delicate and .distllly opeque. The: crrebl1ll he:mispltercs arc: symmetrical. The SlNetures at the base of the brain. ineludina eranial nerves and blood vessels lie intael. Clear eerebrospinal fluid surrounds the 1420-aram brain. wltk:h has unremarlcable gyri and sulci. Coronal sedions thrtlugh tbe eerebl'1.1 hemispheres reveal no lesions. T~rse sections thrtlugh the brain stem and eerebellum are unremarkable. The atlanto-oe:eipitDljoint is stable. NECK: The anterior strap muscles of the neek are bomoienous and ted-brown, without hemorrhage. The: thyroid eartilag:e and hyoid bone arc: intact. The larynx is lined by intact white mucosa. The tongue is free ofbitc marts, hemorrhage. or Other injurics. CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM: The 400-aram heart is eontained in IlII intact perieanlial 51(:. The epieanlial SunKIe is smooth, with minimal fat investment. The eOl"llnary aneries are present in a normal distributlon, with a rightdominant putent. Cross se<:tions of the: vessels show no signUieant atherosclerosis. The myocardium is homogenous, red-brown, and firm. The valve leafleu are thin and mobile. The endoean:Iium is smooth and glistening. The aorta gives rise to three inla<:l and palent arch vessels. The mlal and mesenteric vessels sn:: unremarkable. RESpiRATORY SySTEM: The upper airway is dear of debris and foreign material. The mucosal surfaces are smooth, yellowWI and lIIIfC:ITlaIbble. The: pleunll surfaces tee eovered witlt purulent exudate bilatenllly. There are multiple mass lesions palpable in aJllobes of the lung. The pulmonary parenchymn is markedly eongested and edema.tous. exuding moderate to large amounU of blood and fTothy fluid. Sectioning reveals multiple llOlI-easeating, llll-yellow mus lesions ranging in size from 0.6 em to 5 x 3.75 cm. The pulll1OlW1 arteries are normally developed, pnlmt and without thrombusor embolus. The right luni weighs 1040 grams; the left 790 grams. MEDCOM 0859 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 859 • AUTOPSY REPORT (b)(6) AMHED, Rafab AbdW AI tc.der HEPAJ'QBIUARY SysTEM; The 1450-JTIITlliver hu an intaet srnoodl capsuleeoverina W1-yellow, modenltly eonaested ~ There are numcrous tan-yellow Jub.capsuJar and deep mw lesions Meat in tbr; liver, ranginlin .ite &om L3 em 10 1.6 l S em. The pllbUddcroontail\S S ml of~-brown, mucoid bile; the mueou Is velvel)' and IlIIl'eIYWbble. The eJ:tnhepltie biliary tree Is patmt, without evidence of cakuli. QASTRQ!NTESTJNAL SYSTEM; The uopIII.p is lined by &:rIy.whitt,s:mooth IllUCOIL The pstric: mUCOSl is amnged in tbr; usual 1\1&11 folds IfId the 1 _ oonWI\S lOll ml OfWl nuld. The lesser and areatereurvlllWtS of the dillalllOmleh, \be: proxill'\.ll duodenum, and \be: panr:ra.s ate finn and fibrotic. and are grossly Involved by lilli-yellow _lesion IllCISUrinlIJ x 10 an. The remainder of the IUlIIllllld large bowel Is~. The Ippendix II ~t. OENITOURINARY SYSTEM: The rilhllcidney weiahs 120 1J'IlN; the kft 120 pms. The renal capsules ate s:mooth md thin. semi·lrMSpU'enllnd 1trippe4 whb ease from the underlying smooth, red-brown oortieal surfaee.. The 00I1eJ: It lllw'pIy delil'lelled ffOll1 the medull.,. pyramids, which ate red-purpJe 10 tanlllld lIllmTII1UbIe. Theuly<:e1, pelves and ~ are unrematbble. The bladder oomains I Foley eatl\eter and ~ II 'fIPl'OKinwely SO ml of brown urine in the collection baa- The ~ proswe aland and Jeminal vetkle$1R: without nole. LYMPHQREDCULAR SYSTEM: The 1O-IJMlipleen has I smooth, intact CIpIUle ooverina red-pwple, moderau:ly firm pareoc:byma; the lymphoid follieles are unrenwbble. Therein: numerous enlarged, tan-yellow lymph nodes in the ltilar, periaortic, iliae,1IId retmperltoneal regions, I'IJlginlln lIi.7.:e &om S K2.S an to IS x I an. ENDOCRINE SYSTEM: The tilyroid Iland b enlarged and red-brown, with dif!\lse eystic ehanae. Then: are no distinetllllSS lesioM identified. The right and left adrenal i\Inds ate symmelrie. with bright yellow ~ and !'ed-bn>wn medullae. No areas of hemolriwlJ(l ate identified. MUSCULOSKELgTAL SYSTEM; No Jisnifiean.tlbnormalitiell of museIe or bmw; lie identified. MEDCOM 0860 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 860 , AUTOPSY REPORT (b)(6) AMHED, Rafah Abdul AI Kader ADDITIONAL PROCEDURES \. Doct.nenl.lry photograph, arc liken by OAFME ,tatr pholographen. 2. Spceimens retained for toxicology ICSllna Mdlor DNA idenlification are: blood, urine, kidney, JPlecn. liver, brain, bile, pstrie torltenll, adipose tiuue, hclrt.lung. and ~ muscle. J. The dbteCled orpns are forwarded with body. 4. Incisions oflhe poslerior torso and posterior upper and lower extremities demon.strMe no evidence ofinjury. MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATiON Selected ponions oforpn5 lIl'l: retained in forma/in, wlth preparMion of(7) bistoJoay sli<lcs. SIj!kKevi \·2. Reboperit~llympb IlOde:s )·5. Pancreas. stOll\.ll:h, small bowel 6. Liver 7. LIUli Lun.. liver. ,~h, pancrc:u, _II bowel, &lid rebopel iloneal lymph nodes: MeWlltic mucinous adenocarcinoma MEDCOM 0861 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 861 AUTOPSY REPORT (b)(6) , J AMHED, Rarlh Abdul AI KadQl" fiNAL AUTOPSY DIAGNOSES: I. MrtuUtk mUcillOU,i .duoarclllollUl ofille luliPt liver, bowell~ IIlU11croultympll lIodn n. Evldtllce ofmedlCflJ IlItel"YClltlolI: AI l::iIled lbove III "ollUle~, paDerus, ImaU POitmOrtcIII ell"ln: Rlcor mortis Is prulllt 10 I. elluI1 decree III Illutremilili Lividity .. prcHlll a.d oa the posterior IUrfl« oflbe body, tllCepllll Iml A. B. aposed 10 prusure IV. No idallifyllli mlrkl or k1mlifled V. Tol.icoJocT(AFlP): A. Volailles: No tllI.nolls detected lD •• e blood Ind al1ne B. Drop: Mo~1Dc, metoprolol, lIIc1odopramkle•• nd promel~uJlle Ire chleded Ia Ibe uriae bUlllIlt lD lilt blood OPINION 1'Jld 69 year old nulle. (b)(6) died orlllell$lltie mucinow adenoc:IrcillOlDL There weR IIlUIIlesions idtntirltd in Ihc: lunp, liYef. paDCreu. $I01nllCh, Ilnd proxill'lll1lm&ll bowel. in lIddilKm 10 DUIIlCIllUI tnlarzo1 tymp/l nodes. Tbc:re was no evidence of rubereulosis. 'T1lm wu I)l) cvidcot:e of rcccnt sipirlClDlll'lllmL TOJI:icolOCicaJ lIludies wtI'C positive f..,. medication. consistent with hospitalilltiOft. The II1IIUlCf of death Is 11&1\l1'li1. (bf(6T )")(,, (b)(6) (bH6) MEDICAL EXAMINER MEDCOM 0862 MEDICAL EXAMINER ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 862 ----- _..__.- ~llFll;Alf.llI' Df..fl1l4 ~-- _Oi"'~o *-... - _.- , (OIIaIft.olJ (D'Ooar• ., I,:---cu.m(bj(6j-" - --- -- .... ... .. • -.• --- -_.. _-- -- -- -_ .. __ .'_IT_ _.---_ ... _01.,..'" _... --- .... --"._OII_'ooo_n·,_oo_. . _.._---.-_ .... - ... ----.._-._MIlled, Rafah. Abdul ~ Kadef 0 .. • C.. bAian :::"TIOOI ... _ _ "''''OJ''''' iii 0 <·_ ......,... ,"' , 0__ _TOT...' 0__ _Oi-.Oi_ ...........'o,*"-,, , "'"OO_CIII.'... _11~'- 01 ' . _,_"""'" e:-.. _ _ _ _ _ _ • _ _ M""""'-_.... do ..' .. • _ _ '..... _ . . . - T O ---_._,-_ ....... _... .----... ... , ~ -.. _..- • --.. _---• ----- _._- , --........-. I; --__ .... ... --.'''' __ .... _---.. _... ---- ...._.......__.........._-....._..__---._-_ .. _-_._ "" .. -.- ..... _.._ Oi .,..'" • -""'OPn ....' : O· [il ....."' .... TO . .IOIIW. . . . . . . .... ~ (b)(6) .....(b)(6) "'... ""-'" (bX612oottb)16)~- •• ... camp Bucca - " ... C _ O i _ _· " " ' _ " " ' ' ' ' ,~_ -"' .,..... ••• (bK6) (b)(6) 10-- Iil·- July 2007 •• _TIMOoocono _ _ .............,...... _ ... _,,--~_ \ledical Examiner ...' ........,.00 ....... Dover AFBLOoveI '(b)(6) DE 812312007 - ,-~_ DD'~ 2064 _ _.... _ _ ' .... n _ ... _ _ ...... MEDCOM 0863 ,~ ...... _ .... .......1L ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 863 .....,.., ...."', (b)(6) ~ ..... CII'",-"",,,,,,:,,,,, _ _"'\/It"'&'IA_ ........OISTVIfIl -" ... ......... - ......""'" CII' " ' - 0 """""""- US</'.. V"'''' MEDCOM 0864 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 864 ARMED FORCES INSTlTtTrE OF PATHOLOGY om« of Ibe Annd FolUI Medlell En_liter 1413 Research Blvd., Blda. \02 Rockville, MD 20850 301·31~ FINAL AUTOPSY REPORT NIlI'ne: BTB Salin, Khatib AlwIId Dcwnce Numbcr;(b)(6) Dall: of Birth: 11nknnwn DIIl:eofDcalb!(b)(6) 12007 DIlll:lTime of AUIOPSy~b)(6)J2007Hb)(6) Dale ofhpor1; 3\ July 2007 r Autopsy Nn.J!bf")(6"l_ AFIPNo.:ll b}(6} RMk: Civilian Place of Death: Iraq PI," of AutoP5Y: Pon Monu&Jy, Dover AFB, Dover, DE Cln:uaullbca ofDeJllb: This Iraqi civilian wu ~ly Shol multiple times by US Army IOldlcrson 23 J~ 2001. He wu transported 10 the 506" Expcditiollll}' Mcdiea1 Sqllldron where he underwent surgery for aunshot woundo-.He wu transferred to the 3~ CombBl Suppan Hospital fot further treatmefll, whm: he died onl(b){6) 2001. A,lb.rizltiOb for AUIOply: Armed FtmeS Mcdieal Examiner, per 10 U.S. Code 1471 IdCIIlllicattH.: Prnumptive identification is established by examil'lltion ofpapcrworlt in the case file. Post-mortem fingerprints and a spc:c:imcn $llitable fOl" DNA analysis are obtlincd. CAUSE OF DEATH: MANNER OF DEATH: HOllllclde MEDCOM 0865 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 865 AUTOPSY REPORT(b)(6) ] 2 8TII SAUH, KNlab A!WId EmRNAL EXAMINATION The body is lhat of. _ll-devdopcd, well-novrisbed unclrod nWe. The body -iabs 21) pounds tnd is 7{) inehes ill lmath- The body is cold. Rigor is tblcnL Uvidily is present tnd fixed onlhe mlcrior md poskrior IIIIfIlCe oftbc body, ncept In lIeU expoted to pressure. The hetd is nonnoeephtlic, and Ibe xtIp hair is I ineb in Jenllh. strIight and bltc:k. F-=i.. hair conslstsofmollS!lcbe and beard. The Irides lite brown. The COlllele are cloudy. The conjunctivae lite eonleswl. The selene an sliffused. The e:lIemtl auditory etntls. extetNllIIf'elI tnd on.! etlvlty lite free of foreign materi.. trod abnormal secm.ions. The nIIIi skeleton Iftd nwtllt.. are peJpebly intICI. The lips are wilhollt evident iJlillt)'. The teeth are rw.tIIral md In good condition. Examination oftbe neck reveals DO evideDce ofinjlll)'. The dlest is lIIVerlllVkable. No evidellCe ofinjlll)' of the ribs or the sternum is evident externally. The abdomm is 10ft and slightly protIIberanl.. Healed lIIfJicallC&I1l1li not noled. The exte:mal senita/ia are !hose ofa norm" Idlill circwncbed rnaIe. TIle anllS is wid'lollt nok. The distal phalanx oftbe left 3'" dilit Is aNenl. The fingernails II'I!i inlaCl. T'here isedema oftbe IIpper exlr'emilies. There is of the upper and lower exlr'emlties. There are mliitiple blillae on the lower extremities, ranginS in size from Y.-Inch to I Y.-inches. ibere are I few healed scan 011 the shiM. Tilloas are not noted. Cl.OTH1NG AND PERSONAL EFlECIS • No clothing OJ' pomonal effects are received with the body MEDICAL INTERVENTION • Triple I\llllCD inlrlvCflOIll etllheter with overlyina dressing, left subcl.vian resion • Ino-..eollS etltheter puncture site, stemlllD • Chut lUbe (left sixUt intereo5tal spICC), with 12-inch sutunld incision • VertiCll incision, 12 112 x I Y.-inchel, extendina from the mldchest to the IIlid.... b<\omen • Wrapping, gauu, and armboard, riiht &ml trod forearm • Wrappin, and 1IIW:,Ieft ann and fOreaml • Oaua dressilli on Ute left side of the Ibdomen • Intn.vcooua eatI1eteT in the right femoral reSlon • Foley calbeter with aua.ched eollec:tlon baa • Multiple SUlJica1 clips noted in the held. torm, and exllcmities • Debrided wound on the rightsholllder, 2 1/2 x 2·lnches • SlIrJlcalabsence of lhe left kidney trod rt-6lIIStOmDIis of the des:endinl colon MEDCOM 0866 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 866 AUTOPSY REPORlj(b){6) BlB SALlH, Khatab Aswad 3 RADIOGRAPHS A eomplelc sct ofpc»l.mortem radiopplLs if obtained and dcmonstrltcslhc medical intervention u described above:. P1euc ~ "Evidence oflnjury~ for further radiologic findings. EYJDENCt: QF INJURY The ordering oflhc following injuries is for dc:seriplivc: PIll')lOSC5 only, and is not intended to imply order of infliction or reLative: sevo:rity. All WOWld pathWllYs arc aiven relative to standard IIII.tomic position. I. Multiple (5) Gunshot Wounds: A. Superficial perfo@tingaunsbotwoundo(*belli: On !.be right cheek is a 3/4 It 5fl6-ineh gunshot entBncc woW'ld with a 1/16-If8.ineh inferior·medial marginal abrasion. The CC11cr ofthc wound is located 5 ~inehcs below the topo(the head and 2 %-inehes ri&ht ofthc anterior midline. There is no gunpo\llder stippling or soot deposition on the S1lTOunding skin. The bullet injures skin and subcutarlCOustistue. l'bere is a I 114)( Yo·inch gunshot exit wound on the: ri&ht side ofthc face, the centero( which is located 4 V,-inches below the top ofthe head and 4 ~incltes right of the anterior midline. No bullet or bullet fragments arc I"OCOvercd. The direction oflhe wound path is front to blCk, left 10 righi. and upwards. Associated injuries include a 314 It IJI6-inch &rlZC gumbot wound on the helix of the right car with a 3116-inch marginal abrasion, located 4inches below the: top of the head and 6 'I.·irchcs right of the anterior midline, and hemorrhagc along the wound path. B. GWlibol wound pfthe fq: On the left cheek is a IIS·inch in diameter circular gunshot entrance wound with a IIS·ineh C~lIlI\ferential mara;nalabnsion, IocatcO 5·inches below the top of the head and 2 Yoinches left oflhc anterior midline. There is no gunpowder stippling or soot deposition on the surroundina sldn. The bullet inj\I"C:S skin, subcutaneoldtissue, left zygoma and left rn<ill.. soft tissues of tile face, sphenoid bone, and the mastoid ploccss o(the rightlenlpotlll bone (fractured). There is a 3/4 It Yo·inch inegular gunshot elCit WOlald posterior to the daht car with JIt associated I 1/2)( Yo-ineh superiorabrasJon, centered S 'h-inches below the top of the head, and 4-inchcs right of the posterior midline. No bullet or bullet fragments arc rccovercd. The direcliOl'l oftbe wound path 15 front to back, left to right, and downward. Associated injuries include ript parietal subdural hemon1\age {approximately 2 mil, contusion of the right parietalltcmporallobc, subencltnoid hemorrhage o(bolh parietal lobes, the right lernpottlliobe. and riaht cerebellum, (racture of the ri&ht temponl bone of the calvarium, fractures of the right middle and posterior cranial fossae, and hemorrhage of 1M rilllt temporal;1 muscle. MEDCOM 0867 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 867 AUTOPSY REPORT (b}(6) BTB SAL/H, Khalab .....SWId 4 C. Gunshot wgllDd oftlle blck; On the lower left beck Is a 3/16-inch circular PUnsbol entlllllCe wound with a 1/16inch dr<:umferential marginalllbrWon, Ioealed 30 'h-inehes below the lOp of the head and 2 "I1-lnc~ left of\he posterior midline. There is no punpowder stippllnp Of soot deposition on the sunoundinB skin. 'T'he bullet inj~ skin, sub<:utaneous tissue, left psoas muscle, deseendina colon (surgically re·anastomosed), small bo'ollel (,.,-anastomosed on 231l1l1C 2001 per operative !\Ole), and abdominal wall. The lel'! kidney and lel'! adrenal gland IIl'e swgically absent and cannot be evaluated for inj\ll')'. There are three gunshot Cllit wounds on the upper lel'! side of the abdomen. The superior wound is v.·inch in diameler, and is located 23 'I.-inc~ below the lOp ofthc head and 2 Y... inches left of die anteriM midline. The milklle wound is 7/!6·ineh in diameter, and is located 2S v.-inehes below the lOp ofw head and 2 'n-inches left of die anterior midline. The inferior wound is 3/16-ineh in dJarne!er, and is located 2S 'I.·inches below the lOp of the head and 2 v..inehes left of the Il'lterior midline. A metal m.grnent is IttOvered from the SUhcUlalleOUS tissue underneath the middle exit WOW'ld. The direction oflhe wound palh is beck 10 front and upward, with no signiflelllt leftlright deviation. Associated inj\ll')' inehadcs hemonilage along the wound path. D. GUMbot WP'Hld oew riAb! ann: On the anterior righl arm is a 112 x \'.i-inch oval &unshoI entnnec wound with a I x 'A·inch superior and lalertl! marsinal abrasion, ecntem:l8-inellCS below the top of the shoulder and 'h-ineh left of the anterior midline of the arm. There is no 500t deposition or 8unpowder stipplina on the SUITOunding skin. The bullet injures skin, soft tissue, and the rightlnlmerus (fraetured). There is a 3 \'.i It I Y,-inch gunshot elit wound on the posterior riabt arm, ecn!ered 6 \o!rinehes below the lOp of the shoulder and 3-lnehes right of the poslerior midline of the arm. No bullet or bullet fraaments are ~ercd. The direction of the wound pdt is front 10 back, left to right, and upward (with the upper extremity in analOmie position). Associated i!\iury includes hemorrlll&e aklng the wound path. E. GUllSbll! wound of!be left arm: On lbe posterior left arm is a 3/1~inch in dlame!er gunsltot entranee wound Ioeated 10 "11ine.hes below the top of the shoulder Il'ld 2 v..ineltes left of tile posterior midline oflbe ann. There is!\O soot deposition orsunpowder stipplinll on the sunounding Ikln. The bullet injures skin and soft tissue. ThCTle is a 2 \'.i It I l4·inch gunshot exil wound on the medii! ISpee! of\be left elbow, eCll1ered !4-inches below the lOp of the shoulder 1m! 2 "I1-inehes riaJtt of the posterior Dlidline of the arm. No bullet or bulle! fragments are recovered. The direction ofthc wound path is back 10 front, left to right, 1m! downward (with !he upper ntmnity in anatomic politicn). Assoeiated injury ineludes hemOfThalle alona lhe wound po". II. Additional Injuries: There is a 2 Y, x 2.inclt debrided wound on the: right shoulder. There is I ' Y,-inch abrasion 01\ the naJtt knee. There is a "I1-ineh abrasion on the antCt'ior rig/liles. MEDCOM 0868 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 868 , AUTOPSY REPORT (b)(6) BTB SAUH, J<hauIb Aswad INTERNAL EXAMINATION BODY chymES· The body is opened by the usual tboraco-abdominal incision and the chest pllte i$ ~ed. The ribs, slernum, and vertebrlll bodies are visibly and palpably intact. There is SO ml of!efOSAllguinoUli fluid in !be righl pleurli ~vll)'. 'There is 50 ml of se/OSlll&uillOll5 fluid in !he peritonelll cavily. 1bm are billlleral po$Ierior pleural adhesi0rt5. All body organs ue presenlln nonnal atIIlomiCII positiQll. The subcullneouS fat Ilyel' of!be abdominal WIll is I inch thick. HEAp AND CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM: See MEvidence oflnju'Y". The scalp is reflected. The calvarium oflbe skull is remo~. The dlll'8. mller IIId flllx cerebri life inlllCl. 'There i$ no epidunl hemorrhage pre;ent. The leptomeningel Ire Ihin and delicale.. The cerebl'll hemispher=: life syrnmeuiCLl. The SllUl:lUres 1Il1be base ofthe brain, includina aanill nerves and blood vwels me intlel. The brain weighs 1480 i~. Coronal sections throuih the: em:brIl hemispheres reveal no non-traumalic lesions. Tl'IlISverx secLions lhrough the brain SICm and cerebellum In: unremarkable. The lIlWtlo-occipitaJ joinl is suble. NECK: The anlcTior strip muse]el of the neck life homogenous and red-brown, wilhoul hemon1Jaae.. The lhyroid CIltila8e and hyoid bone are inlllCt. The III)'lIlt is lined by intatt while mucosa. The \Oniue is free ofbilc marb, hemorrhage, or Dlher injuries. Incision and disseclion oflhe posIerior lle(:k demonstnltes no deep plI'IICervical musculu injury and no cervical spine frIetures. CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM: The 390 gram heart is contained in lID intact perieudiaJ !lIC. The epiClll'dial swfaee is smooth, with minilTl.l1 £til investment The coronary arteries are presenl in a DOIltIlII disuibulion, with a righldominant plltmt.. Cross sections of tile vessels show no signHieanlatheroscletosis. The myocardium Is homogenous, red·brown, and linn. The cndoeanlium is smooth and ali$lening. The aorta gives rise 10 three inllet and patenlllll:h vessels. The l'Cnal and mesenteric vessels life llllremarkllble. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: The upper airway is clear of debris aDd fOlei&/l material: the mucosal surfaces life smooth, yellow> llIJI and unremarkable.. The pulmonary parenchyma is dil'fuscly consested and edmLlltous, elludill& moderale 10 tatgC amotIlI!S ofblood and frothy nuid: no fDCIllcsions In! noted. The pulmonary lIr1eries ue nonnally developed, patenl and wilhoullhrombtu or embolus. The right lung weighs 980 grams: !he lefl8S0 iI'IffiS- MEDCOM 0869 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 869 AlfTOPSY REPORTI(b)(6) 6 BTB SAlIH, Khatab Aswad HEPATOBIl.JAAY SYSIEM: The 1610 gram liver ha$ an intact smooth capsule covering darlt red-brown, moderately COllgc:sted parmchyma with no focal lesions noted. The gallbladder con~RlI 10 ml of ~-broWll, mllCOid bile; the mUOOSll is velvety and un~markable.The utrahepMic biliary tree is patent, witllout evidence ofcalculi. GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM: See "Evidence of Injury". The esopllllgus is lined by iJ1ly-wtUte, smooth mucosa. The gastric mUC0S8 is ImIflged in the: usual rupl fold.s and the lwnc:n con~RlI 30 ml of WI fluid. No non-traumatic les.iORll of III<: small bowel and colon arc identified. The pancreas lias • Il()l'Tl"II,I pink-tan Ioblllaled appeannce and the duclS arc clett. The appendix is praml. GENITOURINARY SySTEM: See "Evidence oflnjury". The right kidney weighs lllO grams; the left kidney is absent. The renal capsule is smooth and thio, semi-t.ransparent and stripped with ease from the underlying smooth, mi-brol/r'l1 cortiell surface. The cortex is shafply dclinea&ed from the medlllllll)' pymmid.s, which are red-purple to WI and unremarkable. The calyx., pelvis and ureter arc unmnarkable. \\!hite blllldder mUOOSll overlies an intael bladder wall. The bladdereonwns lIplW'Oximately 20 ml of clear, yellow/dalt urine. The teste!l. prostate gland and seminal vesicles are without note. LYMPHORETICUbAR SYSTEM; The 210 gram spleen has a smooth, inlaCl capsule covering red-purple. moderately finn parenchyma; and the lymphoid follicles arc unremllbblc. Lymph nodes in the hilar. periaortic and iliac: regions are not enlarged. ENDOCRINE SYSTEM: See "Evidmce oflnjwy-. The thyroid gland is symmettic and red-brown, without cystic or nodular change. The right admlaI gland is symmetric., with bright ~now cortices and red-brol/r'l1 medullae. The left IIdrenaIIlJand is absent. No masses or areas ofbemo~ are klenlified. MUSCULOSKELETAL SySTEM: See ~Evidcnce of l'liury". No non-traumatic abnonnaIities of muscle or bone arc identified. MEDCOM 0870 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 870 AUTOPSY REPORT (b)(6) 81'8 SALlH, Kha1ab Aswad 7 ApplTIONAL PROCEPURIS 1. Doeummtlry pholoaraphs arc Iaken by OAFME stalT photOI"lpbm.. 2. Specimens mained (or tox.icoloaY testing and/or DNA Identification are: vilrCOlIS nuid, blood, minc,llplcen, brain, bile, pslIW contents, psoas mutele. hean,lung. IiYCr. kidney, MIl ldipo$e lissue. 3. The dissected orpns are (orwarded with the bod)'. 4. Trace evidence is collc:eted and maincd by Special Aaml lb )(6) US Aim)' C1D. .5. Incisions of the poslerior 1011O and poslcrior upper and IOWCTexlrenlilies ckmQnstnle no evidence ofinjwy. MICROSCOPIC EMMINAIION Sel~ portions ofora- are re..ned in (onMIin, withoul preparation of hlslOlol)' lUGes. MEDeOM 087\ ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 871 AUTOPSY REPORT{b)(6) 8 8lB SAUH. Ktuotab AsWlld FINAL AUTOPSY DIAGNOSES: I. MIIllpJe (5) cuolbot wouadl: A. Superf"I¢'-1 petfo~lI.IIItDlbol wOClad oftbe head: I. Enl~oce: RIabl cbeek; 1tO.clOt or l'"lpowdcr IttppUna 011 the Ikln 1. Illjury: Skin lad labculiMOulluue J. RIcht Itde ortbe face 4. Recovered: No balld or bullet fTqlftellll S. Wouod pllb: Froal to blck, left 10 riPl, and upward 6. Auoel.led illjuriet: Gruc (IIIIlIbot wOllod oflbe tigbt car and ltcmorrll'le alo0llhe wooDd pltb B. GlIolbol wOllnd oftbe bcad: I. [otraoce: Left cb«k; 00 fOOl Of' cuopowder 11Ippllnf; on Ibe Ildn 1. IIIJury: Skin, lOft 11II1Ie, Icft Z)'IOIIII ad IIIUml, Ipbfllold bone,lad riabt ...told proecu J. EsJI: POllerior 10 the riPl Clr 4. Recovem: No build or build fralllleoll 5. Wound p.tb: Fronl to back, left 10 rip" lad downwud 6. Auocl.ted InJuriel: S.bdural.Dd lobarachnold beDlorrb'le, Ikull ftllcfatCI, lad eoallilloDl oftbe brala C. GUlllbol wouod oftbe blck: I. Entrance: Lower left back; DO _lor pnpowlkr ItlppUol all nle ,kin 1. InJlIry: Skin, labclltaAeOu llulle,left plOllS mUICIe, deicodllli colon, 111I111 bowel, Ind Ibdo.inal wall (11M: left ItkIney lad adrenlilland Ire lurgkally IblCOI lad c.oaot be ev:alulted for injory) J. idll wouodl (3): Upper left Iide oflbe Ibdomea 4. Recovered: Met.1 hlDlCOI from Ihe IlIbcutlnfllUi tillue oftbe left lide of Ibe Ibdolllca 5. WOllad pltb: Blck to fl'Wlt lod upw.rd, wilbout Jllolfkuu IeRlrlaht dev'-lioa 6. Auoct.led Injury: Hemorril.qe lloaClbe wouod pllb D. GUlUbol wound of Ihe ripl ItIII: I. Enl~ace: Allttrlor riPt Ina; 110 1001 or lUapowder llippllag 00 rile lkia 1. Injury: Skin, lOft tbllIe, .od rtabllllllllCrua J. Edt: Posterior richl ..... 4. R_nrcd: No buUd or build fnlpaeoll 5. Woaod pllb: Proat to blck, left to ripl, lad up"'lnh 6. Auocl.led Injury: HelDontlllt lloollbc wooad GUDlbol wouod oftbe left I. Elliraoce: POllerior left ItIII; 110 fOOl or lunpowdcr IlippUnl on Ihe skin 1. lojury: Skill lad 10ft tklue J. Elit: Medllllcft elbow 4. Recovered: No ballet or buRet '~amCIIIs 5. WOllad palb: Bltk to frool, Icft 10 ri&h" .ad downwud 6. AslOdlled Injury: He.orrlulae .10111 tbe wouad MEDCOM 0872 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 872 , AUTOPSY REPORT[(b)(6~ BTB SALIH. Khllllb Aswad II. Additlolll.llnjuria: A. Debrided wotlad orlbc ri&:ial Ibouldu.:Z 1'1. II :z-t"d1cs D, Abl'lliioal ortbe rlabllowe:r uh'emlty. f'lqinll" Jiu!'toID III 10 314 II ~ Incli III. No Ilpllka,,1 "llul'IIl dinaH II k1eatlfled wlthl. 1M I.illlllal\oll' orlbb IgIOps}' IV. Evideaee: orMtdicallnlerveutlo,,: P"'ItfII ... dacrlbed lbovc V. Poal.morle:1Il ellltiCes: SllJa IllppaCt ortbe .. pper I"d lower ulftmllm alld multiple b.llat or lbe lower exirelllftiel VII. ToIiallol)' (AFIP): A. Volatllel: No e:lhlnolll deleded In Ihe blood lad 'Oilreou. nukl B. Drup: Miduolllll II dd«1ed I.. n,e: urille Ind qlllatlhlled In the: blood II I eoa_lntion ar 0.027 mgIL. l·Hydroil)'lIlldazolam II dd~ltd III lbe .. rille: bUI "ollbe blood. Morpbl"e: II dncded hi dlc arl"e: alld qUllltlhll1/d lalhc blood II I eo,,"atl'lll6oa or 0,49 mJ/L. C. ClrbO" MOllodde: The arboI)'bclllopbla ..tDl'lltiOIl III Ibe blood II Ie.u IIwl 1% D. Cylaide: No "Ialde II dec«ted In Ibe blood Ol'INIQN This haqi detainee, 8TH (b)(6)'----:Jdied ormulliple (5) gunshol wowids orlhl: IIcad (2). Illl'S(l (I). right upper extmnity (I), and kft upper extremity (I). Gunshol wowid (A) of the hcacI was I superficial perfol'llling wound and injured skin and lubc:ullneoL15 tiuue only. GlIlI5hot ""'OW>d (B) of the IieBcI injumllhe.soft tisslles ortbe face and was associated with skull fractUl'C! and injury to the Main.. Gunshot wound (C) of the back iTliUJed soft tissue, small bowel, and the descending colon. The: left kiclney and adrenal gllllld wen: suraically Ibsent and could not be evalll&ted for injury. The ttlree exit ~unds associated with gunshol wound (C) are c:onsistent with bullet fTagrncntatlon. Gunshot wound (D) of the right arm lnjuted sofllissue ancIthe ripl hUDlC!\ll. Gunshot wound (E) of tile left arm injured soft timle. There wu no evidence of dose range discharge of. fiteeml on \be skin 5UITOUIllfutgany of the Illllllloot entrance wounds. A meta.l fragment WIl5 recovemilWOCillted with llunshOi wound (C). placed into I labeled e'Oiden" container, andl'!:tained by Special Aaenlltb)(6) US Army CID. TOllicologiea! finding, did not contribute 10 the I:III5e and manner of dulh. 'The manner of Gealb is homicide. (b)(6) 1 ~'b~"~"'==3ME:D1CAL EXAMrNER ----l l(b)(6) --')MEDICAL EXAMtNERj_'b_"'_' MEDCOM 0873 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 873 J _._..__.--- -...... --... CP_~OI' IOOW, ...., - _ 0 1 .....·Wg -~- _.~ . .. _.- BTBWIl.~b • Oop _.._-- - ou,lM(OWIIUASJ (b)(6) CMiian ""' "" '" ...."""~. iii 0 .- - - _. - - --_... ....- -_.---- -_.. _-- -- -- -._-"'--"._.. _. _.-. _ ... -_ _--..._ .. -_._..__ _- ....- • .. Sf . . . . ~- , Co COlO. . . • M _0' 0Cl'f0l"'" ....- . . ... "'CUOlg cm""_......." _ ...n-. "'"" ... GIoIJII"" ....'" ... .~.-.- • • ......... ....._ClfA'" ""'1IpIo - " " ' - - -_. ----,,-,-.. __ .. .-- -_ ---"'_.-..---_.-_ --_.1---- _."_.'-TO _ _,..,.... _ •• _ _TJIlH =r"" ...... _"... ,. 0 _ _ _...... _ _ •• • """"'_ _ _ 0 .... '" • iii 0 • ...."'curc -.CMJOU 00 .. _ _ . ..... ._ _ .... _ ...... (b)(6) •001.""_,,, l(b)(6) I 0'" 1 July 2007 "'"", __ _ __ ..... -.- -....-. __ .... _-------------_.I .. --_..__... . -...........__ ... _._-._._ ...--_.--. _.. -_._--,..... -.. _, .. l(bX6iI2007;b~i6l'-1 '.q_... ...... ......... ...... ,.............. "' ... _ - (b)(6) 0" I!l""- .... --....O...".""_COUS<. . . . ..,lD_ :::'<i" •• ~"' 'Medieilll El<lImineoo ~'ALCOT (b)(6) CO' Dover AFB. Dover DE (b}(6) 7/1(2007 , • DD·till"'n 2064 -. • ......-:u00 __ ,_1I_"" _ _.. MEOCOM 087.. _,~ __........... ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 874 (REMOVE. REVERSE AND RE-INSERT CARBONS BEFORE COMPLETING THIS SIDE) 048f'08rTON OF REMAINS -" ~M"' " , ~, ~. , "" TIe, ,,~ " , , I ,,,""," ""M"~, "'""" ,'~ " ., " DATCOFOI ,,~ ,,~ " " REGISTRATION Of VITAl. STATISTICS REGI RY ( OWl! .na OO<llI)') !>ATE REGISTERED FILE NUMBER STATE NAME OF FUNERAL OIRECTOR OTHER ADDRESS SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED !I'IDIYlllUAL DD FORM 2064, APR 1977 (BACK) USAPA VI.GO MEDCOM 0875 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 875 ARMED FORCES INSTrrtrrE OF PATHOLOGY O~ oftbc: A"IIed Form Medklll Enamer loll) RcsutCh Blvd~ Bldg. 102 Rockville, MD 2<lISO 1.]01.] 19-OOIXl PINALAUTOPSV EXAMINATION REPORT Name: (BT8)Al·UMARl, Abd AI-iWlman M. lSN:(b)(6) o.leofBinh: (BTB1.ill(6) 19n Dale of Dulh: (b)(6) 2007 Dale!runc: 0( Autopsy: 01 roN 2007@ 1230 0."" of Report: 20 roN 2007 AlilOpsy No.: (~(6) AFlP No.: (b)(6) Ronk: Civilian-Delainee=-J P\aee of Dwh: Camp v. Guam-mo 8lIy, CubI P\.Iee of Autopsy: GUllltarlllllO Bay, C,," Clrc••ltlDces of Dnlb: This lS·year<lld mtk civilian dclaince 01 Guontuwno Bay, Cubit ...... flUId hanain, by his ned. in his cell with llipturc made ofbraidcd sbips of bed sheet. By report. similu fabric bound hil htndlloo!ely ~hind him. A11hou&h ACLS protOCOls wat followed, he eollld not be rnusciwed. Alllboriutloa for Alltopsy: omcc of the Armed Forces Medical ElIaminer,lAW 10 USC 1471. IdeQlUkatloa: Positive identifiCillion ofille ISN number is cstahlishcd by com..,uon of a postmortem DNA sample and antemortem DNA m:ords. CAUSE OF DEATH: HANGING MANNER OF DEATH: SUICIDE MEDCOM 0876 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 876 FlNAL AlITOPSV REPORT:I~(b~){~6) AL-VMARI, Abel M. J FINAL AUTOPSY DIAGNOSES I, Evk!t!l(e or Hanelna A. The suspected ligature ltad been mnoved from Itlc body prior 10 examination. [I is availlible (orinspeclion and consists o(a 22-II2-inch. three-stnnd braided lipl~ eomposed o(white oouon malerial. The Iigat1.ll'e measures on aYeRKe, ¥.-il'll;h wide and 'It-ineh lhk.k. At one end of!he liplute is a loop (ormed by tying the ligalure to iuel(. Eight inches from the loop end is a 4inc:h area ofsoilina wilh attached dark hairs. B. A brown 10 llJ"Iy -Ian, 9 1f8-il'lCli discontinuous lipltue furrow is on lIM:: skin oflhe netk and is direcled obliquely upwardal approximately 4S-d~ on both sides oflhe ~k C. The ligalure furrow ~ros:ses lIM:: IIllperior third of the thyroid canilage, 9 lflinches below lhe top oflhe head and lhen eJF:t~nds $Uperiorly on bolh sides of the neck. ending I_inch below the lobe orille righl ear and passing 2-inchcs below !he lobe of!he left ear. D. The highesi point of the furTow ;sloc.ated on !he back of the neck, 6l1>-inches below the top orllle head and on the posterior midline E. The widlh of the lipture furrow ranges from Yo-inch 10 JIB-inch. F. The depth of the furrow ranges rrom less tltlil III6-inch (posterior) to Ill-inch (lel'l) G. There is a I Y. x SIi-in,;h abr1tlion on lhe ri&ht side o(!he ne<:k H. A layer-wise anterior ~k dissection shows 110 injury to the underlyina soft tissues or hemorrtlage into the $Irap muscles. The hyoid bol'le and Ihyroid culi1aae an: inlllCt I. II. Associa1ed injuries: I. The face ia suffused with scattered petechiae on lhe skin 2. Petechiae on the bulbar and palpclnl c:onjunetivae, bilateral OIlier I..jurles Supo:rfi~ial. incised wound on the riihl second (fore) linger. liS-inch B. Superilcial. incised wound on the left second (fore) linger. y...ill(:h C. Abnsion on Ihe righlthumb, 118 It IfI6-inch D. Clustcrofabrasions on lhe posterior right forearm. ranging ill size from punctalc 10 V. x 1/16-inc:h A. III. Then is.o evideDce of pb)'ljea,labut A. A complete skeletal survey is negaliY<: for fnlctures by radiology B. RaliolVlPhs oflhc cerviCll spine lW negaliY<: for fl1lCtureS or dislocalioll5 C. Posterior neck dissection is negative for 110ft tissue or bony D. Posterior inc:isions oflhe tolSOand eJF:trtmilie! are negative for soil: tissue lnJ\If)' E. There is no soil: tissue e¥idelll:l: of recent bindins around the wrists. MEDCOM 0877 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 877 FlNAL AUTOPSY REPORT: (b)(6) AL-UMARI, Abd AI-R.II.111 M. '"eJ of. IV. Nll.lplncsllllllluni dluua or p~xbfiat:cODdlllolu Ire k1eDllficd wilitia lite Ilmllllloll. o( Ilib nlmlllifloll V. Evldellu o( MedlCiI Tltentpy A. Endlltraehellllube (properly placed) B. Cardiac plCing pads on the anterior IIId left chest C. Multiple el~frocardiogBtD electrodes on !be anterior lona IIId bolh lU'TI15 D. Needle 5tiek-marb in bolh anteeubi..1foUK and on lhe dorml of the left hind IIId rigltl (001 VI. Foal-Mortem Chlllia A. Rigor i. passing Illd equal in all exlremities B. Lividity i. posterior and fixed n;ccpt in atea5 n;posed 10 pressun: C. The bod)' temperatun:: is cold to touch. stalu! post refrigeration VII. Idelllity_, Bod)' Muks A. Puckered, dR:ular ICII" on the medial riaht WtUt. I-inch diameter B. Puckered SCIt on the medial left wrist, I Y; K I Yo-inch C. PiBJnCllled papule on the right blc:k, lIB-inch diameler D. Pismenled papule on the rislll bultock. 1/16-inch diameter E. Linear pismm..tion on the left bUlloCk. 11. x 1/16-inc:h VIII. TOJ.lcoIOlY A. The blood and vitreous fluid are U!SIed for C1fwIoI and none i. fOlllld. 8. The urine is ncplive for ~ncd medications (including Mefloquine) and drugs of abuse and nolle IJC found. C. The blood is tested forcarbon ITIOllOJ.ide and c)'anide and none Is found. EXTERNAL EXAMINATION The body is that ofa _ll-developed. _II-nourished ~aring. thin, 66-ineh. 140polmds (C!timated) mile whose appearance is )'OUnger than the repot'led age of3S-)'eII'S. Uvidit)' is poslerior and violaoeous except in areas exposed to pressun::. RililOr is full and equal in all eXll'ellIitiC$. The lemperllUre of the bod)' is IILII of the refrigeration unil. The head is normocephalic altered and the scalp is covered with dark hlIir in I nonnal distribution. The skin ofllle face is c:oogested and suffused with scanered petechiae, FaeiaJ bair COl\Jisu Dr. full beard and mollSllChe. The irides are br'oWll, the COfllCllC are hazy and the pupil. are l"OIInd and equal in diameter. The cortiunc:livac have pdeehillC scanered on both the bulblt and pllpebnllsurfaees, bilatenlly. The eXlernal ludilOry can.rJ, are patent and free offo~iil'l material. The CIrS Ire UlIl'emar'uble. The nares Il/'C palent and the lips are atrauntllK:. The nose and maxillae Il/'C palpabl)' stable. The teeth appear fllltwal and in good condilion. Injuries 10 the neck are described below (see MEvklmec oflnJWY"). The neck is straight, and the ll1Ichea is midline and ITIObilc. The chesl is S)'Ttlll'1etric and the abdomen is fill MEDCOM 0878 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 878 FINAL AUTOPSY REPORT:1(b)(6) AL-UMARI, AM Al-Rabmln M. _ The postcriortOfSll is unrcmmable. The genitalil ~ those or. normalldult mile. The peni$1IppeaI'$ to have been ci~ulTll:ised and lhe testu aJC descended and ~ of ma.ues. Pubic hair is $/Javed, but present in a normal distribution. The bunoc:ksand anus are unremarbble. There are pigmerwed papules on the right back (1I11-inch diameter) and on the righl bunock (III 6-inclt diameter). There is an area oflincar pigmentation on the left buttock that meBSW'eS ~ II: Ifl6-inch. The upper and lower ell:lremilie$ arc symmetric and without clubbing OJ edema. The fingernails and toenails are trimmed - ' Intact and arc otherwise IU1mTIaTklble. The followina minor irijuries are noted on the extremities: There 1$ a superfK:ial, incl!ied wound on the right seoond (fore) finger thatlT"n$UfeS JIll-inch and a $uperfiti.l, incised wound on the left second (fore) finger that measures V..-inch. There i$ an abrasion on the righl thwnb (111I x Ifl6-inch) and a eluster of abrasions on the po5lcriorria/lt foremn, ran~ng in si:= from punl:U1e 10 V. x 1I16-inth. A pue~, ti~ular scar on the medial right wrist (I·inch diameter) and a putkered sear on the medial left wrist (I Y, x I V..inch) are noted. CWTHING AND PERSONAL EFFECTS The following clothing items and petSOll81 effe<:lf are prescnt on IIIe bod)' al the lime of autopsy: • Brown sham • An identifitllion bnlulctlltCOmpanics the mnain.s. bUI ill not al1ldlcd to llI'1 extremil)' MEDICAL INTERVENTION • • • • EndotlXhealtube (properly Ioc:atcd in the tm:hea. .bove lhe tIl'illl) Cardill<: peting pO are located 01\ the 8IIIerior righl t/le$t and the left literal chest EleclrOtlrdiogl'llll electrodes are on the llI'1lerior 101'$0 and the ell:lmnities Needle stiek-mm$lTe located in both anle<:ubital spKcs, the dorsum of the left hand, and the <lorsal right fOOl RAPIOGRAPIIS A complete.set of postmortem radiogTIphs 1$ obtained and dernollS!J*JCS the: following: • • • No flKtUml ofllle skull, fol(ial skeleton or long bonn No metaJlic: forei~ bodies Medical therap)' (cndottlltheallube) MEDCOM 0879 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 879 FINAL AUTOPSY REPORT~(b)(6J AL-UMAIU, Abd A~llIllIlIlla M. ,.sor. EYIDEMCEQf INJURy Evldtllfe olH.IlPI The SU5pel:Ied tiplUft had been mnoved Crom Ih£ body prior 10 examination. II is .vail.ble Cor inspeetion.M c;onsisu 01. 22 v..1nch, Ituft..strand braided liplure eomposed ofwllile cot1on mtteri.1. The lipture meuures, on.Ycn&e. Y.-inch wide and \lr-inch thid:. Alone end of the liJilure is • loop formed b)' tyinj the IiplUf'e 10 itself. E1aJtl inchts from the loop end Is • 4-inch area ofsoilil'li with embedded dark IlliI1. A brown 10 I"'yo\lll. 9 III-inch ditcOlUinUOllS lilllure fum:lw Is on the skin of the ncck and is etireckd obliquely up-o.l approximllcly 4S-dq.rccs on bach sides of the ncck. The liptuft furrow Cf'QSSeS lbc lUperior!bird oflbe thyroid canil. 9 311-inchel below ltIc lOp of !he head. and eJ[lends !Upcriorly IIlI bolh sides of the neck, endina j·inch below the lobe oCthe riJht ear IlIId pusina 2·lllChes below Ille Iobc of the left ear. The hi&hcst point oflhe furrow is located on the t-:k oCthe nedc. 6 li--illChes below tile top oCtile hctld and on the posterior midJine. The width of the tipwre film)w I'U\&CS t'rom 'I.-inch 10 Jll-inch, and the depth of the !\mow I"IlIIJCS t'rom Icss than I1I6-ineh (posterior) 10 IIIinch (left). Thm= is lOme noticeable periodicily in the funow, which ~ndlI with the suspected liptun:. TIleR: il' I I4l1; Sfl.-inch abra5ion on the n,ht side of the neck that illUOCillCld with the liptwe furrow. There ~ no seratches or oontlISions on the ~, Thm= is no injury 10 the underlyinllOft IiIlUCS or hanonttaie inlo the IU'Ip mllSlCles by layer-wise Inlerior neck dissection. The hyoid bone IlIId thyroid cvtilap are intKI Othef injuries _iated with the han';lIlI include: The face il R1ffiasaf with scanered ~iae on thc sltin and there are fXUChiae on the bulbar and palpebral eonjllllClivac, bi1aleBity. INTERNAL EXAMINATION BODY CAYITIES: TIle ribs, 1ImIum, and venetnl bodies 1ft visibly and palpably int.ct. No ell;Qe5S nuid is in the plCW1lI, pericardill. or peritoneal cavities. The orpIlS oceupy their us~ analOmk p:lSitions. The abdominal f.ll1yer is SIII·inctl thick .1 the umbiliCllS. HEAP AND CENTRAL NERVOUS SySTEM: 'The plea! and subplcal soft u- of the ~p arc Cree of injury. 'The calvarium is InlaCl." is the dun lIWer beneath il. Cle.twebiOspinal nuid SUITOllIlds the 1,47Solflll'l bnin, which has IIlmnarkablc ayri and SIlk!. Coronal sections demonstnllC sharp ~tion between while.,.j &nlY IlIIller. wilhollt hemonhaee orconlU$ive i'llury. The venlricles 1ft ofnormallix. 'The baa! pnall&. brainstmt, ccrcbelllim, and arterial Iystems _ free of injury 01' other .bnonmli~. 'The pilulwy &land b normal .ppearinl. TlIerc ~ no akul1 frKlures. 'The IIlanto-oceipilll join! it stable. The spinal eord Is llIlrenlllbble, MEOCOM 0880 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 880 REPORT:I~(b~){~6),=~== FINAL AUTOPSY AL-UMARI, Abd Al-RabllUln M. NECK: Injuries 10 tile neek are described Ibove (see MEvidence of Injury,. The anterior snp musclcs of the I'IC'Ck are homogenollS and mJ.bI'own and without hemorrbege by layerwise dissection. The tIIyroid CUlilage lind hyoid bone are inlatt. The IIIf)'TlX is lined by inllllCl While mllt05ll. The longue is fteeofbite marks. hemorrhage, or other injuries. Ineision and disseerion ofll\e posterior neek demonstrates no deep paraeervicaJ mUl(:ular injury and no cervieal spine fl'lletUJ'eS. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: The right and left lunp weiih 42' and JOO-grams, respeetively. The external swf_ are smOOlh and pink to red-purple. The plllmonaJy parenchyma is dilTlilely congested and edemlllous. No IlIllSIlesions or IImlI of_lidlllion are ~nl. CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM: The 2SQ.gram hell'! is eonu.ined in an inllet peri.cardilll6e. The epi<;ardial surflltC is smooth, wilh minimal fll inveslJTlenl The eoTOlWY arteries are present in a normal diltribution, wilh a right-dominant pattern. Cross sections of the vessels show widely patent lumens. The myocardium is homogenous. mi-brown, and firm. The valve leaflets are Ihin and mobile. The foramen ovale iseloscd. The walls ofthc left and right venlrieles are 1.0 and O.J-eenti~ thick. ~spectivdy. The endocardium is smooth and aJiscening. The IOftI a.ivC$ rise 10 three intad and palent arch vessels. The renal and mesenteric vessels are unremarklble. HEPATOBILIARY SYSTEM: The 1,400-gram liver Itu an intact, smoolh eapsulc and a sharp..,te!ior border. The parerlthyma is tan-brown and congested. with lhe usual lobular an:hileetLJre. No mus feions or «her abnormalities are seen. The p1\bladder contains IS·milliliren. of green. brown bile and no stones. The mueosal surl'eec: is;run and velvety. The exlrlllRpatie biliary tree is patent. LYMPHORETICULAR SySTEM: The 12S-gram spleen has a smooth, inlae1" mJ.purple capsule. The ~hyma ~ maroon and COIIiested., with distil'K:\ lymphoid ro\lkles. Lymph nodes in tile hilar. periaortic and iliac regions are not ~Iuged. ENOOCRINE SYSTEM: The thyroid aJand is symmel,w and rcd.bI'Owrt, without eystlc or nodularchanse. The pantTeIIJ is slighlly MllOlytie and lIJIies in Ippt:arar'll:e from hemorrllaglc to yellow-tan, wilh the usual lobular ~hi~tlltt. No mass lesions or other abnormalities are seen. lM right and left adrenal glands are symmetric. wilh bright yellow cortices and gJ1IIy medullae. No masses or II'taJ ofhemorrbage are identified. MEDCOM 0881 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 881 "NAL AUTOPSY REPORT:~){6) AL-UMARI, Abd AI-a.b.ln • Pqt 7 orB GENITOURINARY SYSTEM: The rightlllld Itft kidneys both weighlOO·grlms cacl1. The exlcmal surUces we intact and lmOOth. The CUI sllrf-.:es ~ red·tan and tolliested, with uniformly thick conices and sluLrp cortiro-mc:dullftJ)' junctions. TIlt pelves we unrtmlllx.ble and the Ul"e!eB are normal in COlll'Se and caliber. Gray-pink b1lldckr mucosa overlies lIJI intact bladder WIllI. The blllddtr contains IpprollillUltely 50-milliliters of yellow urine. The prostate itIand is normal in size, with lobular. yello.....-.tan pti'mCtlyma.. The scmilWlvesicles we llIU'elIWkablt. The testes we free ofrnass lc:siollS. conrusions. Dr other abnonnalitics. GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM: Thee50pllagus is intaci and lined by smooth, gray-white mllCOSL The stomach contains Ipprollimately 35·mllliliters of pink-brown fluid. The gastric wall is inlaCt. The duotlenwn.loops ofsmlll bowel and colon Ire unrenwbble. The appendix is present MUSCULOSKELETAL SWEM: There is no l'IOl\-b1\UltIlUK: bone or joint abnormalities. Skeletal muscle development is normal. SuperfICial incisiOl\! alona the posterior midlines of III four eJtlremities and !be back ~ made and !he skin reflected \l) the lIJIterior midlines \l) eJtposc the underlying subcu!aMOUS tissue and muscle. Areas ofhemorrllage associated with ~uscitldon efforts are noted. MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION Selected portions of otllans are retained in formalin. without preparation of tliSloloaicaJ slides. ADDmOliAL PBOCEDURES,'MMA8.KS • • • • • ,- DocumentarY tDgT'lphs are liken by AFMES stalTpllolograpller (b){6) (b)(6) Observed by (b){6) ~ediall EIIaminel(b){6) _ 1 I Spccimc:ns retained for toxicologic lesIinl and/or DNA identification are: heart blood, vilrtOll5 fluid. &Ulric contents. urine. bile, spleen. liver. luog, kidney. brain. myocardium, and skeletal muscle The disse<:led 0lillJlS are fDr\\oVlled with the body and lhe body is 5uluRd closed withDUI ernbalmina Personal etreets are released 10 the ITIDnuary llTairs representalives MEDCOM 0882 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 882 FINAL AUTOPSY REPORT:!(b)(6) AL-UMARJ, Abel AloR_bm_a M. PaCclon OPINION This (8T8) JS·yeu-old civilian detainee, (818) ~b)(G) ~ied of hanging. InVC:lltilllllion reveals lhllt II ruor blade frotTl_ razor was used lO cUI5Irips from one or more bed ~ lind II ligature was fashioned by bniding these slrips losethcr. A sliding noose WII5 fonned by tying II loop In one end of the ligature and briOSinlllllc opposile end throIlld! the loop. The l'ree end of the ligatUre was secured 10 II ventilation opening, 1IllIl~(G) _ jiltely stood on his bcdroillo place the noose over his head. II is not knoWii If lit was f...ny or partially stlSpcnded when fo\ll'ld. The subject's face was congesed with petechiae: it is likely thai he Wt\5 partially ilU5ptTIded (DiMaio and DiMaio, Forensic Pathology. rEd., CRC Press, 2001, pp. 252-253). Some perioditil)' was noted in lhe ligature fulTOw IIlIIUlOpsy which corresponded with !he suspetted liplllre. There was IIlso an abrasion on tlte righl side oftltc neck which co=sponded with the loop III the end of the ligature. II WIIS reponed thai lhc hands wen: bound loosely behind lhe body when found and no evidence ofeonstrielivc binding ofthc wrists was present IItllutopsy. Complete body rzuliogr1lphs and multiple skin incisions oftbe posterior bile" and cxlfCmilies f.iled to revealiiny evidence ofphysiealabuse. ToxieolollieaJ tC$ling fot ethanol, earbon monoxide, e)'llllide, mediclltions IIlId screened dl\lgs of.bLl5C was nt'gIIlive. The ITIlIIIJ\Cf ofdeath is suicide. (b)(G) (b)(6) MEDCOM 0883 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 883 FINAL AUTOPSY REPORTII(b)(S) AL-UMARJ.Abd M. .....Ion AI-P'''.'' OPINJON I ThiJ (8TB) lS-yeat~ civil. . dc\.aInec. (BTB)~(b)(S) died or hancina. Investiptloa reveals tIIIl I _ bIlMIe from I razor was URd 10 CUlIlripl fn>m 0IlC or~ bed JIIcetJ IJId Illptun: wu Whioned by lnJdina tbcsc tlr'ipl .........,.. A IIldilll_ wu formed by 1YI"i I Joop in _end oftbe lipture IJId bri"lina die opposilcend,throuIIb.tbe Ioqp. The frftend oflhl: Ilplllnl _ _ lnlIlo I YelllIWiaci opcni... MIl (b)(S) 'iuly .lllOd on hi. bcdroIllo pl&ce the IlOOIO OV... hIJ IlacL Ills IIDl knoMl irbe \VII fully or pIrt!IIly IUIpelIded whIn fouml The tubjeet'J race wu COfIIeIled with pclOChlIe; ill.lIkely Mile was per1iI.lIy IIiipCi 1ed (DiMaio MIl DiMaio, Fomuk PQI#Iology, CRC Pfta. 2001. pp. 251-1S1). Some periodicity WIt JIOIed In Ibe Iiptunl funvw IlIlllOply wbic:h eormponded with the "'''P''ded HpIIR. Thm _1110 IIllbnsion on tbe r1abtlide oflhl: neck whlchWiNIj.'n....., wiIh Ihl: loop a orthc liplure. II wul"llllCllfcd lhllibe 1wldlI_ bound 100Iely behind the body when round IOd IlO e¥\dmee ofconsarialve blnd.ina ohhc wrists __ praentlllUloply. Complcle body nldiopp/lland muillplc skin incl.ions oflhc: poIIerior t.::k and extremllics failed lei reveal .y C'\Iidcllcc of pb)'lic:ll Toxlcol!l8k:alltSlillll foT ethInoI. eIIbon monoxide, cyanick. rnedic.tions IJId W(ened drop or.tJuse was MJIlive. The or dalh II lIIicidc. rEd. _end .w.c. ,nil". (bItS) {b)(S-'- (b)(SJ--~iMC"'~,",=Ex_illa"-- MEDCOM 0884 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 884 -_...-_.- _.-__ --~_--- -....,, aIIn'ICA TI! 01' OUl)4 (OlE I" • ., ""g"" ~-- II ._- . BTU Al-UnIIII. ABO.tJ.Ral'ImItl. M _~ (b)(6) : .... a .. ...n _", (b}(6) Fe72 iii ------- -_....._- -- -- _"'--_. __.. ---- _.- _00'_........... ' " -_. _--- _ ..----'" ----_ .."-_ .. .. -----_ -_.... .. ... - ... --- --_.-.... _- ...--.--• c ....._ - -- 0 ............"" ~ • _00'....00'_ ~ ...... an-oo,-.oo""."" .- "' -~.- .....I ... _.oo_-.....• .-TO_'" s. 0 0 •• _-..._._.~1~ ,,-_ __.....CN.U..._, __ >JWI'"' "'.......""'* , _00'_..... • -- ._.""........ ..... • iii- . (b}(6 _"'_TO_ c.ouou 0- ..- 1-, Jlo'Ie 2001 Ow 0 ~~Jii-- , ...... _....... ---.......... ._._ .. __ ....-. -_. _.. _.- ... _---- ~ (b}(6) '" ;:.~- -.""",-_. ..~ ,, bll61 ~ .~OO -I .. _ ~I~IW ......- I:G1antllroamo ..... -Say N....._BaM...-CUt. _-_ _ -_ _ __ l(b)(6) .... .._._... ... _ . . ..... -_._.... _.-......-_-.... _..-....- ....- ........ _ 1(b){6) DD.flIllt 2064 MEDCOM 0885 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 885 -I ARMED FORCES INSTITUTE OF PATHOLOGY Office oftbe Armed Fof'Crs Mcdkal Eullllllcr 14lJ RcseareIlBlvcI., Bldg. 102 Rockville, MD 20850 1-301-319-0000 FINAL AUTOPS'V REPORT N~:Mr:::~~·~N~ .~.~~::~·m"J . ISN:~b}(6} Dale of Birth;(IY.!?) 1954 DatCofDealh(b)(6) 2007 Dalcl11mc of Autopsy: 2 jWIC 2007 @<l7lO J AUIOJlS)' No.:1(b)(6) AFlPNo.: L(b){6)~ Rank: Iraqi detainee PllUofDeath: Iraq Place of Autopsy: Port Mortuary, Dover AFB,DE Date ofRcpon: 28 jlll\C 2007 CirclUlJl&DCCS o( This 53 yeu~ld Iraqi detainee ~ponedly collapsed while speaking with his son. who is also a detainee, al Compound 2B, Camp Remembnnce II, ThealR: Internment FlICility, Camp Cropper. Bagdad., lrIq. Aallloriulloa for Au.topsy: Office of the Amled Forces Medical Examiner. lAW 10 USC 1471 fdClltUk.aUoa: Aeeompanying docUl'MntatJon establishes presumptive identifical.ion CAVSE OF DEATH: HypniclUlYe Itberotckrotle canlloYlUcal., d1leue MEDCOM 0886 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 886 AUTOPSY REPORTf(b){6) 2 MQlDllUd, Nalfa Ibt8him. FINAL AUTOpsY DIAGNOSES I. HyperttlUln alheroaclerolk: elrdlonacu.lar disuse: A. CorolU\l)' artery calcifying atherosclerosis I. Left corollD)' &IteT)' with 9S% sIcno!is (iJOSlI ClbservaIiOll) 2. Left anterior descending artery with 99% steoosis (gross ob$crvalion) 3. Left circumflex artery with 7S% s1enoW (gnm ol),ervation) 4. Right COrol"llll'}' lItery with 9S% stenosis (gross observation) B. Transmural. cardiac myocyte replllCatleDl fibrosis, anterior wall of the left ventricle, I.S x 1.0 x O.S centimeters C. Cardilllllegllly (SgO grams) with cardiM: myocyte hypertrophy. D. Hypenensive clllUliu ll(the kidneys II. Evkleace of medical lhlrapy: A. Endotracheal tube appropriately positioned IDd sa:unxI with llIpe B. Five electrocardiogram pick ups lin the &rUerior torn> C. Two ddibril\alor pads approprilltdy positioned on the IlUlriCll" IOrso D. lntrlvcnous catheter in the right anta:ubilft1 fClSSl ~unxI with purple llIpI E. Puncture mark 10 the left IUlteeubitel fOSSIl F. Bilateral anlmllr rib fractures III.POII·lDlllUm chaaga: A. Lividity (IXed on Ihc posterior sUJface llfthe body except where exposed 10 ,== B. Rigor PB"ing tll an eqUilI degee in 11I1 extremities C. Body cold IV.ldelitify iJI c ..... r1u: A. Brown pap1.lle an the right upper cheek, liS-inch 8. Well healed scar to the lateralllld upper surf_ of the: right !high C. Well healed scar above the righl knee. ,.11'2 x I-inehes D. Firm, raised subdennal nodule 10 tile anterior surface of the rigllt foot, ~inch B. Missing right S· toe v. TODcOrlllJ': A. Volatiles (blood and vi1mxlS fluid): Nll ethanol dc\Cl;\ed B. SCIt'Ined medieations and screened drop of abuse (blood): None detected C. Carbon monoxide (blood): c:arboxyhemog)obin Sllruration less than 1% D. Cyanide (blood): None detected MEDCOM 0887 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 887 AUTOPSY REPORT (b)(6) 3 M.... lDoud, N.fT.lbn...l. VLMktweopy: A. Heart: ClIlc:nsi¥c tranSmural myocyte Tqllal:mtcnl fibrolb; mild myoc:)'Ie b)'pCtUOpby B. CoroIlBfY ¥cS5els: calcifying atheromaJ. with Olle section dcmonstnllllll90 % ...... C. Kidney: obsolcKcnl glolllCnlll; Il1crose:lerosiJ; anerlol_lcro5il; InteQtitiai fibrosis D. Luna: vaseular conpion, OthcrwiiIC U1U'aTIaJublc E. Liver: vll$Cular conge$lion, othcfwise lIl\fell18tbble MEDCOM 0888 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 888 AUTOPSY REPORTI(~b}~(6~)=== • Ma.ltmolld, r'l!.fJ. Ibrahim EXTERNAL EXAMINATION The bOOy is that of. well-developed, well·llOIlrished 'Ppeltilli Male whose ~ is cons:istmt with the reported Ige of S3)'e11'S. The bOOy is 68 inches in len£lh IIld weighs 178 pounds. Lividit)' is fixed on the posterior aspect of the bod)' except whet!: exposed to pressure. Rigor is equal in all exlmlliteis. The bod)' temperature is cold. The held lAd the flK:e are alraum.tic. There is. II8-inch brown papule on the left dim. The: _Ip is covered with closed)' shaved brown Md grt)' hIir with male paltemed baldness. The irides are brown, the comCIIC are clC8l", the conjWlCtivlC are unremarbble, and the .sc1CI'IIC are white. The extema!.udltory CPIa1s If'C wvenwkable. The ears are wvemarbbJe. The IIII'eS IIf1d the lips IIR WlrCIJIIlbble. The no:se and mIltilllCll'C palpably inllet. The teeth are natural with multiple mnotely .bsent. The neck is SU'lighl, and the tflJChea is midline and mobile. The clltst is UIlI'mIarIt.ble. The .bdomen is soft with no palpable masses. The genilllia Il'C ~ of. nonn.l .dult circumcised male. The testes are pRlent and free oflTllSstS. Pubic hair is present in. normal disulbution. The back is unremlUkalbe. The buttocks and IRUS Il'C IlllI'emarkablc. The upper Il'Id lower clttremilies Ire symmclric and without c1ubbina or edema. There is a I-Ifl x 1.1/4·inche well healed scar on the upper I.teta! surface of the risht thigh.. A I· In-inch x I-inch well healed scar on the right knee. A V..inch firm flesh colored nodule is on the 60rsum of\he fOOl. The right s" toe is absent. There is. personal effects baS secured 10 1M Icft wrisL A paper identification tag is secured to the right wrist. The left wrisllw IIf1 Of1II18e band with the words "Insulin Dependent Dillbetic." A Dover Pon Mortuary identifiClllion t.a& is secured to the left ankle. CLOlltlNG AND PERSONAL EUECfS The following clothina items and pcnonal effo=ets llCcompany the body.t the .utop$)': • White shirt, previously cut and pII1ially wrapped arowxl the right mn • • • • • • • • time of Yellow trousers White boxer shorts 1hrec pusports FoW" picture idenlifiClltions Five misccllllllCOlIS D&DCr5 Watch ill5CribeciS(b,,),(6")=c;-~ Compact disc with piclured cover Various medications in plastic bigs: with dosing instnlClions, to include: o PlIltil 20 mlllig,rams o UsinoprlllO milligrzuns o Olyburide S milligrams MEDCOM 0889 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 889 J AUTOPSY REPORT!lb}(6} Mabmoud, N.rr. Ibrablm l o o o o Tvnsutosin 0.4 milligmns Multivitamins I..asix 20 millignms Metfonnin SOO miJligJams o AspirinSl milligrvns MEDICAL INDEM:.NT1ON • • • • • • Endotnchealtubc appropriately positioned and JeI.:\Il'ed with white I.Ipc VlISCul.cathcter in !he riptllllteeubil&l fO$5& secured with pwple I.Ipc and oonnceted to IV tubins Puncture site in the left antecubital fossa Two defibrillator pad on the lIIIterior tOt'SO Five electrocardiognrn pick-ups on both shoulden and the left upper thiah Bilatcnll an(cr1or rib fractures o Ri;hl arolcnor 3td lhtouab Sill o Left anterior 3"'tltrough S· RADIOGRAPHS A complete set ofpostrnortem radiOSnlphs is obtained and dcmOll$lndcs no lnIumlUic Injuries. EVIDENCE OF INJURY There is ~ evidence ofrceenl il\iury. A complete dissection of!he bade, buttocks and posterior ex~mltics reveals no intramuseular hcmonilage. INTERNAL EXAMINATION HEAp; The pica! and subsalelll soft tissues of the .scalp are free of injury. The calvarium is inla(:t, as is the dUI1l mater bcllCllth it. Clear CCTCbrnspinaJ fluid lumnUids the \520 gram blain. wIlich IllS unremarkable llYri and sulci. COronalICCtiOllll dcmolllllrlote sharp dclnarcation between while and IlfIIY maner, without hcmorthllge orcontusive injury. The ventricles are ofnormaJ size. The basil ganglia, brainslem. and «rcbellum are fMc of injury or othct abnonnaUtics. The Il'lcrial system is I.nIltomicaJly normalllld there Is mild atherosclerosis of the internal carotid arteries. There are no skull fraclura. The atlan~ipil&ljoint is SlIIble. t<=' Layer by layer diSS«lion oflhc anterior neck is pcrfonned. The anterior stnIp musclcs of the neck are bomOlenous and rcd-Orown, without Ilcmonhaac. The thytl)id cartilasc and hyoid are intact. The larynx is lined by intact wflile mllC05l. The thyroid is symmetrie and red-brown, without eystic or noduillt chBnac. The tongue is me of bite marks, hctnorrl1age. or other injuries. MEDCOM 0890 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 890 1 AUTOPSY REPORT (b)(6) M.b.moud. Nlff.lbnb..... - - - - , BODY CAymes: The ribs, stemllEll, and vertebral bodies ~ visibly and palpably InlaCt. No cxccst tlllid b in \he pleural, pericardial, or periloneal cavities. The organs occupy their lllIuaI anatomic positions. R6Sf:lRATORY SYSTEM: The 0sltl and lefllungs weip 890 and 700 iJW1lS, respe<:lively. The external swfaces are smooth and deep ~-pwple. The pulmonary parenchyma is diffusely congeated and edanalOllll. No mass lesions or llftU of COll!Olidation are pre!Cnt. CARDIOYASCULAR SYSTEM: The 580 gnun heart is contained in an inlftc1 pericardial sac. The epicardial !Wface ill lIIllOOth, with moderate fal lnvalme!\l. The coronary arteries are present ill' nonnal distribution. eros! !eC1iona of the vessels show 95 % calcifying atherosclerotic stenosis of the left coronary artet)', 99% calcifying atherosclerotic steno!is o{lhc CfltiR: left anterior descending met)', 75% calcifying atbero$clen»ic slCD05is of the proximal ieft cimuntlcx artery and 95% calcifying a1berosclcrotic slCllOlis of the right coronary anery. The myocardium of the anlerior wall of the left ventricle is replaced by nnsmura.l fibrosis, 1.5 x 1.0 x O's'<cntimetm. The valve leaflets are thin and mobile. Theanterior, lateral. posterior md Interventricular walls of the left ventricle are O.g-eentimeter, 1.2_ ccntimclCTS, L4.ecntimeters and I.J-«nlimeters fCSpCCtlUlly. The righl ventrieular wall is 0.2~meten. The endocan1iwn is smooth and glistening. The aorta giva rise ID lluce intact and patent arch veae:1J and IllIIII diffuse calcifying athemmas. The renal and mesenteric vesselJ are unremarkable. UVER &. BILIARY SySTEM: The 1640 gram liver hu an intact, smooth capsule and. sIwp anterior border. The parenchyma is tan-brown and COngesled. with the usual lobular an:hiteclul"l:. No IlIUIi lesions or other abnormalities are seen. The gaUbl.sder contains S-milliliters of green- black bile and no stones. The mucosal surfaoc is llfCen and velve!Y. The exltabepalic biliary t/'CIC is palCnt. Spt '36N: The 300 pm spleen bu a smooth, intact, R:d-p~le capsule. The parenchyma is marooll and congested, witll distinct lymphoid follicles. PANCREAS: The pancreas is firm and yellow-tan, witll tile usual lobular an:hite<:lure. No mass lesions or other abnormalities are seen. ApRENALS: The right and left adrenal glands are synunctrie, with bright yellow cortices and redbrown medullM. No ma.ues or..-cas ofhemonflage are identified. MEDCOM 0891 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 891 AUTOPSY REPORTI{b}(6} l\tlb.Olld, N.rr. IbrabJlD J 7 GENITOURINARY SYSTEM: The righl and left kidney! weigh 140 and 180 grams, respectively. The external surfaces arelnUlCt and diffusely granular. The cut surflIcea are red-tan and c:ongaled, widl uniformly thick cortie:es and sbarp corticomedullary junctions. The pelves are unnmarlcable and tile urelers are nonnal in course and ealiber. While bladdu mul:OS& overlies lIlI in!llc:1. bladdu wall. The bladder c:ornains approximately 30 millilitera of c:lear yellnw urine. The proswe i, normal in size, with Inbular, yelJow..wt parenc:hyma. The xminal<:les an: unremarkable. The testes an: free of III&S5lesKms, eonlusions,or other abnonnaIitiell. QASTRQrNTESTINAL TRACT: The esopi'Iq\la i, ;nlac:l and lined by smooth, 8Jey-while mucosa. The: ,tomacl! c:onWns approximately 300 milliliter of tan viSCOUll fluid with wbclle black beans. The gasCrie wall is inlact. The duodenum,loops of small bowel, and colon are llJInmarkable. The appendix is psuent. MUSCULOSKELETAL: No noo-traumalic abnormalities of muscle or bone are identified. MICROscOPIC EXAMINATION • • • • • Heart: extensive lranSnIurai myocyte rcplaoemenl fibrosis; mild myocyte hypertrophy Coronary vessels: eakifying alhefOlTlU, with one lOCtion demonstrating 90 % stenosis Kidney: obsole$CeRt glomeruli; aneroselerosis; arleriolosclerosis; interstitial fibrosis Lung: YI$\Ilar congestion, otherwix IIIll'mWtable Liver: vascular eongestion, otherwise unR=mllritable TOXICOLOGY • Volatiles (blood and vitreous fluid): No ethanol <!ele(:ted • Saeened mediatiOllllllld 5Cfeenec! dnJpofabuse (blood): None delected • Carbon monoxide (blood): <:IIfboxybemoslobin aaltntion less thlIlIl% • C)'Mide (blood): None detected ADDITIONAL fROCEPL!Pf1! I. 2. 3. -i. S. 6. Doewnentary pbologJllphs are taken by OAFME staff pholographers. Full body radiOgnlpha and eomputed tomoglaphy are obtained. Speeimens retained fot toxicology testing and/or DNA itlentifiation are: Blood, vitreous fluid, bile, urine, &Ulric: eonIenlS, brain, heart, IllJl&, liver, sp~n, kidney, adipose tissue and psoas muscle. Thedisseeted organs are forwarded with tbe body. Selceted ponions of organs are retained in fonnalin. Personal effects are released to the appropriate mortllary opetlllions representatives. MEDCOM 0892 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 892 AUTOPSY REPORT.I~(b;::)(6:-' _ _ M,luaoud, NllIf,lbrdhll 8 OPINION This 53·yetr-old Male ffllQi detairlJ<b)(6) ijied from hypertensive UheI'OSCIe~OI.ic cud.iovll$Cular disease. The decedent had documented insulin dependent diabetes mellitus and essential h)'per1ension. The dewknt had sipirlellllllllTOwUlg of the eorona.ry arteries,,, prio~ hea.1ed myoaudill infaretion... I&fie heart and chanies 10 the beuT.lllId kidneys consislent with hypertension. Toxk:oJogy analyses are neptive for ethanol, screened dNp of abuse, screened medication a.nd c)'lllIide. ToxieoloaY analysis for utbon mol1Qxide if lCSl1 than 1%. The ITUlIIl'Ier of death is Il4tural. (b)(6) (b)(6)c-~-=-=rMediul (b)(6) Examiner ~ L(b_)(_6)~===J:MediClli MEDCOM 0893 Examiner ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 893 - ..-_....__....__ --,----- --- -- ---- - -=, --_..-_".. -......_- -- -_. - -_..__- ---_ _... _ ...... ... -..... -__---,._ -BTII o\WnncuI, _ . . . . . P't'WSII .1 (b}(6) N.'IL IOnIhIm !(b){6) I... • HIM . " .. II ~ .. 011_ ..... _"" . -._ -..----- .... __a _ .......1M ""' .... 00 _ _ -- -[(,~~~- _.-'----W""'r----,!")(6) .. (b)(6) I • I~TOIOII_ ro__ . . . _ ~"~'~cI:!.~E!~~::====~ __.J ==-= - .... ....._,_.._-_.•• --~~.~-- i-..·..,..-----------, MEDCOM 0894 ACLU Detainee DeathII ARMY MEDCOM 894