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2011 Executive Report on Pardons Commutations of Sentence and Reprieves

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January 3, 2011 through December 31,2011




To the Members of the Senate and Assembly of the State of California:
In accordance with article V, section 8, subdivision (a) of the California
Constitution, Penal Code section 4807, and Government Code section 120 I 7, I
submit to you a report on the pardons, commutations of sentence, and reprieves
issued during 20 I I. I pardoned 2 I people and did not grant any commutations of
sentence or reprieves. I have included copies of each pardon.


GO V ER N O R ED M UND G. BROW N J R • SAC RA M EN TO_ CALIFORNI A 95814 • (9 l 6) 4 45- 2841

l:xrrotibr BqJarnnrnt

.stott of Q:gliforniJ
Sandena Rae Bader

Sandena Rae Bader, a resident of California, has submitted to this offIce
an application for executive clemency.
She was sentenced on or about January 17, 1983, in the Superior Court
of the State of California in and for the County of Yuba, for the crime of criminal
conspiracy. She served 90 days in jail and three years on probation. She was
discharged on January 17, 1986, having compleled her sentence.
Sandena Bader has complied wilh the provisions of Sections 4852.01 10
4852.2, inclusive, of the Penal Code of California, which provide a procedure
whereby persons may, after completion of their sentences, seek restoration of
lIle rig his of cilizenship, and apply for a pardon. She has oblained from the
Superior Court of the State of California in and for the County of Placer. an order
dated January 18, 2011 , evidencing Ihat since her release, she has lived an
honest and upright I~e , exhibiled good moral character, and conducted herself
as a law-abiding citizen . The court has recommended that she be granted a full
By the laws of Ihis slale it is proper that I, as Governor of lIle Slate of
California, give testimony that, by completion of her sentence and good conduct
in the community of her residence since her release , Sandena Bader has paid
her debt to society and earned a full and unconditional pardon.
THEREFORE, I, EDMUND G. BROWN JR., Governor of Ihe Slale of
California, by' virtue of the power and authority vested in me by the Constitution
and statutes of the State of California, do hereby grant to Sandena Bader a full
and unconditional pardon for the above offense.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto
set my hand and caused the Great Seal of
the State of California to be affixed this
2.7"'day of h "
• .!!!L.


Governor of California



Secretary of State




.stntt of ItlIUfonm
Elizabeth Jean Clarl<

Elizabeth Jean Clark, a resident of California, has submitted to this office an
application for executive clemency.
She was sentenced on or about August 3, 1989, in the Superior Court of the
State of Catnomla In and for the County of Los Angeles, for If1e cnme of sale of
cocaine. She served nine months Inpatient status and three years, seven months,
five days outpatient status. She was discharged on December 7, 1994, having
completed her sentence.

Elizabeth Clari< has complied with the provisions of Sections 4852.01 to
4852.2, inclusive, of the Penal Code of California, which provide a procedure
whereby persons may. after completion of their sentences, seek restoration of the
nghts of citizenship, and apply for a pardon. She has obtained from the Supanor
Court of the State of Califomia in and for the County of San Bemardino, an order
dated June 21.2007, evidencing that since her release from pnsen, she has lived
an honest and upright I~e, exhibited good moral character, and conducted herse~ as
a law-abiding citizen. The court has recommended that she be granted a full
By the laws of this state tt Is proparthat I, as Governor of the State of
give testimony that. by completion of her and good conduct In If1e
community of her residence since her release, Elizabeth Clark has paid her debt to
society and earned a full and unconditional pardon.

THEREFORE, I, EDMUND G. BROWN JR., Governor of If1e State of

by virtue of If1e power and authortly vested In me by tha Constitution and
statutes of the Stata of California, do hereby grant to Elizabeth Clari< a full and
unconditional pardon for the above offense.
Cal~omia ,

IN WInlESS WHEREOF I have hereunto

set my hand and caused the Great Seal of
the State of California to be affIxed Ihis

'22: day of


, 2::!LL.


ry of State


l;x£CUtib£ i)tpartrnmt
.smtt of I1:alifornil
Ernest Johnnie Everett

Ernest Johnnie Everett, a resident of California, has submitted to this office
an application for executive clemency_
He was sentenced on or about November 14, 1984, ln the Superior Court of
the State of California in and forthe County of Orange. for the crime of possession
of marijuana for sale. He served three years on probation. He was discharged on
November 14, 1987, having completed his sentence.
Ernest Everett has complied with the provisions of Sections 4852.01 to
4852.2, inclusive, of the Penal Code of California, which provide a procedure
whereby persons may, after completion of their sentences, seek restoration of the
rights of citizenship , and apply for a pardon. He has obtained froll) the Superior
Court of the State of California in and for the County of Riverside, an order dated
March 5, 2008, evidencing that since his release, he has lived an honest and upright
life, exhibited good moral character, and conducted himself as a law-abiding citizen.
The court has recommended that he be granted a full pardon.
By the laws of this state it is proper that I, as Governor of the State of
California, give testimony that, by completion of his sentence and good conduct in
the community of his residence since his release, Ernest Everett has paid his debt
to society and earned a full and unconditional pardon.
THEREFORE, I, EDMUND G. BROWN JR., Governor of the State of
California, by virtue of the power and authority vested in me by the Constitution and
statutes of the State of California, do hereby grant to Ernest Everett a full and
unconditional pardon for the above offense.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto
set my hand and caused the Great Seal of
the State of California to be affixed this
%l!;dayof ]).,..M..... ,2Q!L.


~:::N ~

Secretary of State

b~ ' "


l:,mutibe Bepartmmt

of I!:Gliforn1n
Eric Francis Grow

Eric Francis Grow, a resident of California, has submitted to this office an
application for executive clemency.

He was sentenced on or about July 21 , 1975, In the Superior Court of the
State of California In and for the County of Solano, for the crime of sale or
transportation of marijuana. He served two years on probation. He was discharged
on July 21,1977, having completed his sentence.
Eric Grow has complied with the provisions of Sections 4852.01 to 4852.2.
inclusive , of the Penal Gode of California, which provide a procedure whereby
persons may, after completion of their sentences, seek restoration of the rights of
citizenship, and apply for a pardon. He has obtained from the Superior Court of the
State of California in and for the County of Sacramento. an order dated June 23,
2011 , evidencing that since his release, he has Ilved an honest and upright Ufe,
exhibited good moral character, and conducted himself as a law-abiding citizen.
The court has recommended that he be granted a full pardon.
By the laws of this state it is proper that I. as Governor of the State of
California. give testimony that, by completion of his sentence and good conduct in
the community of his residence since his release. Eric Grow has paid his debt to
society and earned a full and unconditional pardon.
THEREFORE, I, EDMUND G. BROWN JR., Govemor of the State of
California, by virtue of the power and authority vested in me by the Constitution and
statutes of the State of California, do hereby grant to Eric Grow a full and
unconditional pardon for the above offense.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto
set my hand and caused the Great Seal of

the State of California to be affixed thIs
2J!::dayof 'Ve...,J,../
. >'01( •



Secretary of State


f:XfCUtillt iltparnnmt
,l3mtt of iUllifomla
Roy Matthew Hallateln

Roy Matthew Hallstein, a residenl of Cal~omia , has submitted 10 this office

an application for executive clemency.
He was sentenced on or about May 20, 1988. in the Superior Court of the
Stete of Cal~omia in and for the County of Santa Clara, for the crime of possession

of marijuana for sale. He served one year on probation. He was discharged on
May 20,1989, having compleled his sentenca.
Roy Hallstein has complied with the provisions of Sections 4852.01 to
4852.2, Inclusive, of the Penal Code of California, which provide a procedure

whereby persons may, after completion of their sentences, seek restoration of the
rights of citizenship, and apply for a pardon. He has oblalned from the Superior
Court of the Slate of Califomia In and for the County 01 Santa Clara, an order dated
November 2, 2007, evidencing that since his release, he has lived an honest and
upright life, exhlbned good moral character, and conducted hlmseWas a law-abiding
citizen. The court has recommended that he be granted a lull pardon.
By the laws 01 this slate nis proper that I, as Governor 01 the Slate of

California, give testimony that, by completion of his sentence and good conduct In
the community of his residence since his release, Roy Hallstein has paid his debt to
society and earned a full and unconditional pardon.
THEREFORE, I, EDMUND G. BROWN JR.. Governor of the State 01
01 the power and authority vested in me by the Constitution and
Ol_s 01 the Slate 01 Cal~omia , do hereby grant to Roy Hallstein a full and
Cal ~omia , by virtue

unconditional pardon for the above offense.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto
set my hand and caused the Great Seal 01
the State of California to be affixed this
~day 01 l4<~...", , ::>-011


Governor of Califomia


~:~N ~

Secretary 01 Slate





,stlltt of I!:9Hfonm

David Katz
David Katz, a resident of California. has submitted to this office an
application for executive clemency.
He was sentenced on or about September 22. 1966,In the Superior Court of
lhe State of California in and for the County of Sonoma, for the crime of
transportation and sales of dangerous drugs. He served five years on probation.
He was discharged on September 22,1971, having completed his sentence.
David Katz has complied with the provisions of Sections 4852.01 to 4852.2,
inclusive, of the Penal Gode of California, which provide a procedure whereby
persons may, after completion of their sentences, seek restoration of the rights of
citizenship, and apply for a pardon. He has obtained from the Superior Court of the
State of California in and for the County of Sonoma, an order dated November 14,
2005, evidencing that since his release, he has lived an honest and upright life,
exhibited good moral character, and conducted himself as a law-abiding citizen .
The court has recommended that he be granted a full pardon.

By the laws of this state it is proper that I, as Governor of the State of
California, give testimony that, by completion of his sentence and good conduct in
the community of his residence since his release , David Katz has paid his debt to
society and earned a full and unconditional pardon.
THEREFORE, I, EDMUND G. BROWN JR., Governor of the State of
California, by virtue of the power and authority vested in me by the Constitution and
statutes of the State of California, do hereby grant to Oavid Katz a full and
unconditional pardon for the above offense.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunlo
set my hand and caused the Great Seal of
Ihe State of Cal~om la to be affixed this
in!:'day of "'t<~ ,!><>/I .

Governor of alifomia


Secretary of State




.stan of I1:aliforniIJ
John Paul Morello

John Paul Morello, a resident of California, has submitted to this office an
application for executive clemency.
He was sentenced on or about July 20, 1987, in the Superior Court of the
State of California in and for the County of Yuba, for the crime of drug possession.
He served three years on probation. He was discharged on July 20,1990, having
completed his sentence.
John Morello has complied with the provisions of Sections 4852.01 to
4852.2, inclusive, of the Penal Code of Califomia, which provide a procedure
whereby persons may after completion of their sentences, seek restoration of the
rights of citizenship, and apply for a pardon. He has obtained from the Superior
Court of the State of California in and for the County of Sutter, an order dated April
15, 2011, evidencing that since his release, he has lived an honest and upright life,
exhibited good moral character, and conducted himself as a law~abiding citizen.
The court has recommended that he be granted a full pardon.

By the laws of this state it is proper that I. as Governor of the State of
California, give testimony that, by completion of his sentence and good conduct in
the community of his residence since his release, John Morello has paid his debt to
society and earned a full and unconditional pardon.

THEREFORE, I, EDMUND G. BROWN JR., Governor of the State of
Caliromia, by virtue of the power and authority vested in me by the Constitution and
statutes of the State of California. do hereby grant to John Morello a full and
unconditional pardon for the above offense.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto
set my hand and caused the Great Seal of
the State of California to be affixed this
21!'! day of Do.,........, , ~I /.

Governor of California

J:::;N ~

Secrelary of Slate

~~ =================================================~

f:.X((ntitJ[ Brpgrtmrnt
.stlltt of il:alifomfll

Andre Mouton
Andre Mouton, a resident of California, has submitted to this office an
application for executive clemency.
He was sentenced on or about November 19, 1990, in the Superior Court of
the Stale of California in and for the County of Alameda, for the crime of second

degree burglary. He served seven months and 27 days in prison and one year and
29 days on parole. He was discharged on August 29, 1992, having completed his
Andre Mouton has complied with the provisions of Sections 4852.01 to
4652.2. inclusive, of the Penal Code of California, which provide a procedure
whereby persons may, after completion of their sentences, seek restoration of the
rights of citizenship, and apply for a pardon. He has obtained from the Superior
Court of the State of California in and for the County of Alameda. an order dated
March 27, 2007, evidencing that since his release from prison, he has lived an
honest and upright life, exhibited good moral character, and conducted himself as a
law·abiding citizen. The court has recommended that he be granted a full pardon.
By the laws of this state it is proper that I, as Governor of the State of
California, give testimony that, by completion of his prison term and good conduct in
the community of his residence sinCB his release, Andre Mouton has paid his debt
to society and eamed a full and unconditional pardon.
THEREFORE, I, EDMUND G. BROWN JR .• Governor of the State of
California, by virtue of the power and authority vested in me by the Constitution and
statutes of the State of California, do hereby grant to Andre Mouton a full and
unconditional pardon for the above offense.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto
set my hand and caused the Great Seal of
the State of California to be affixed this
~1"day of bxn"

"tUQ &«-1
Governor of California


Secretary of State



l!xtcuti\J[ :9tparonrnt

Dr ~lifornill
Marion EdWard Murphy, Jr.

Marion Edward Murphy, Jr., a resident of California, has submitted to this
office an application far executive clemency.
He was sentenced on or about February ii, 1983, in the Superior Court of
the State of California in and for the County of San Francisco, for the crime of
receiving known stolen property. He served six months and nine days in prison and
one year and one month on parole. He was discharged on March 14, 1985, having
completed his sentence.
Marion Murphy has complied with the provisions of Sections 4852.01 to
4852.2, inclusive, of the Penal Gode of California. which provide a procedure
whereby persons may. after completion of their sentences, seek restoration of the
rights of citizenship, and apply for a pardon, He has obtained from the Superior
Court of the State of California in and for the County of Calavaras, an order dated
August S, 2006. evidencing that since his release from prison. he has lived an
honest and upright ltie, exhibited good moral character. and conducted himself as a
law-abiding citizen. The court has recommended that he be granted a fuJI pardon.
By the laws of this state it is proper that I, as Govemor of the State of
Califomia, give testimony that, by completion of his prison term and good conduct in
the community of his residence since his release , Marion Murphy has paid his debt
to society and earned a full and unconditional pardon.
THEREFORE, I, EDMUND G. BROWN JR" Governor of the State of

California, by virtue of the power and authority vested in me by the Constitution and
statutes of the State of California, do hereby grant to Marion Murphy a full and
unconditional pardon for the above offense.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto

set my hand and caused the Great Seal of
the State of California to be affixed this
iKl"'. day of D"'",b ,2iI/.L.


Governor of California

DE~O~~ ~

Secretary of State




.stun Dr o:altDmia
Steven Mark Nowbery

Steven Mark Newbery, a resident of California, has submitted to this office
an application for executive clemency.
He was sentenced on or about April 21. 1980, in the Superior Court of the
State of California in and for the County of San Diego, for the crime of transportation
and sales of cocaine. He served three years, two months, and 27 days on
probation. He was discharged on April 21, 1983, having completed his sentence.

Steven Newbery has complied with the provisions of Sections 4852.01 to
4852.2, inclusive, of the Penat Code of Callfomla, which provide a procedure
whereby persons may, after completion of their sentences. seek restoration of the
rights of citizenship, and apply for a pardon. He has obtained from the Superior
Court of the State of California in and for the County of San Diego, an order dated
February 23. 2007. evidencing that since his release. he has lived an honest and
upright life, exhibited good moral character, and conducted himself as a law-abiding
citizen. The court has recommended thet he be granted a full pardon.

By the laws of this state HIs proper that I, as Governor of the State of
California. give testimony that. by completion of his sentence and good conduct In
the community of his residence since his release. Steven Newbery has paid his debt
to society and earned a full and unconditional perdon.
THEREFORE, I, EDMUND G. BROWN JR., Governor of the State of
California. by virtue of the powsr and authority vested In me by the Constitution and
statutes of the State of California. do hereby grant to Steven Newbery a full and
unconditional pardon for the above offense.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto
set my hand and caused the Great Seal of
the State of Cal~omla to be affixed this
2.rday of J1".."\,.,,. . 201 \ .


~:~N ~

Secretary of State




of ltalifomlil
Tawana Nichole Nix

Tawana Nichola Nix, a resident of California, has submitted to this office an
application for executive clemency.
She was sentenced on or about January 13, 1994, in the Superior Court of
the State of California in and for the County of Butte. for the crime of manufacturing
methamphetamine. She served frye years, three months, and 11 days on probation.
She was discharged on April 24, 1999, having completed her sentence.
Tawana Nix has complied with the provisions of Sections 4852.01 to 4852.2.
inclusive, of the Penal Code of California, which provide a procedure whereby
persons may, after completion of their sentences, seek restoration of the rights of
citizenship, and apply for a pardon. She has obtained from the Superior Court of
the State of California in and forlhe County of Shasta, an order dated June 19,
2006, evidencing that since her release, she has lived an honest and upright life.
exhibited good moral character, and conducted herself as a law-abiding citizen.
The court has recommended that she be granted a full pardon.

By the laws of this slate It is proper that I, as Governor of the State of
California, give testimony that. by completion of her sentence and good conduct in
the community of her residence since her release. Tawana Nix has paid her debt to
society and earned a full and unconditional pardon.
THEREFORE, I, EDMUND G. BROWN JR.• Governor of the State of
California, by virtue of the power and authOrity vested in me by the Constitution and
statutes of the Slate of California, do hereby grant to Tawana Nix a full and
unconditional pardon for the above offense.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto
set my hand and caused the Great Seal of
the State of California to be affixed this

1kc,,*,= .

Governor of Ca nornia

b.v, ~ ~


. Secretary of Slate


f:Xtcuti\)( :Bcparnnmt
.l5mtt nf Q;alifonm
Michael Jame. Olivieri

Michael James Olivieri. a resident of Califomia, has submitted to this office
an application for executive demency.
He was sentenced on oraoout June 1, 1976. in the Superior Court of the
State of Callfomia In and for the County of Los Angeles, for the crime of possession
of marijuana for sale. He served three years on probation. He was discharged on
June 1. 1979, having completed his sentence.
Michael Olivieri has complied \\lith the provisions of Sections 4852.01 to
4852.2, Inclusive, of the Penal Code of California, which provide a procedure

whereby persons may, after completion of their sentences, seek restoration of the
rights of cHizenship, and apply for a pardon. He has obtained from the Superior
Court of the Slate of Califomla In and for the County of Orange, an order dated
October 31, 2008, evidencing that since his release, he has lived an honest and
upright life, exhlbHed good moral character, and conducted hlm..if as a law-abiding

cttizen . The court has recommended that he be granted a full pardon.
By the laws of this slate H is proper that I, as Govemor of the Slate of

California, give testimony that, by completion of his sentence and good conduct in
the community of his residence since his release, Michael OliVieri has paid his debt
to society and earned a full and unconditional pardon.
THEREFORE, I, EDMUND G. BROWN JR" Govemor of the Slate of
California, by virtue of the power and authority vested In me by the Constltutlon and
slatutes of the Slale of Califomla, do hereby grant to Michael Olivieri a full and

unconditional pardon for the above offense.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto

set my hand and caused the Great Seal of
the State of California to be affixed this
Zl!::dayof 0:«,,,,,,,", , .2!JL.



Secretary of State





,stlltt of ltalifornis


Ramon Gonzalez Palacios
Ramon Gonzalez Palacios, a resident of California, has submitted to this
office an application for executive clemency.
He was sentenced on or about October 12, 1993, in the Superior Court of
the State of California in and for the County of Los Angeles, for the crime of sale of
marijuana. He served three years on probation. He was discharged on October 12,
1996, having completed his sentence.
Ramon Palacios has complied with the provisions of Sections 4852.01 to
4652.2 , inclusive, of the Penal Code of California, which provide a procedure
whereby persons may. after completion of their sentences, seek restoration of the
rights of citizenship, and apply for a pardon. He has obtained from the Superior
Court of the State of California in and for the County of Los Angeles, an order dated
September 28, 2006 , evidencing that since his release, he has lived an honest and
upright life, exhibited good moral character, and conducted himself as a law-abiding
citizen . The court has recommended that he be granted a full pardon.

By the laws of this state it is proper that I, as Governor of the State of
California, give testimony that. by completion of his sentence and good conduct in
the community of his residence since his rerease, Ramon Palacios has paid his debt
to society and earned a full and unconditional pardon.
THEREFORE, I, EDMUND G. BROWN JR •• Governor of the State of
California, by virtue of the power and authority vested in me by the Constitution and
statutes of the State of Califomia, do hereby grant to Ramon Palacios a full and
unconditional pardon for the above offense .
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto
set my hand and caused the Great Seal of

the State of California to be affixed this

:?J!C day of;p..,.~k ,


DE~::; ~

Secretary of State


f:xrcutiIJ[ iltparonrnt
.smer of 0llifoml9
Jung Won Park

Jung Won Park, a resident of California, has submitted to this office an
application for executive clemency.
She was sentenced on or about February 17, 1983, in the Superior Court of
the State of Calffomia in and for the County of Los Angeles, for the crime of seconddegree burglary. She served nine months in prison and one year and one month on
parole. She was discharged on December 19, 1984, having completed her

Jung Park has complied with the provisions of Sections 4852.01 to 4852.2,
inclusive, of the Penal Code of California, which provide a procedure whereby
persons may, after completion of their sentences. seek restoration of the rights of
citizenship, and apply for a pardon. She has obtained from the Superior Court of
the State of Calffomia In and for the County of Los Angeles, an order dated October
23, 2003, evidencing that since her release from prison, she hes lived an honest
and upright life, exhibited good moral character, and conducted herself as a lawabiding citizen. The court has recommended that she be granted a full pardon.
By the laws of this state It Is proper that I, as Governor of the State of
California. give testimony that, by comptetion of her prison term and good conduct in
the community of her residence since her release, Jung Park has paid her debt to
society and earned a full and uncondnionat pardon.
THEREFORE, I, EDMUND G. BROWN JR., Governor of the State of
Califomia, by virtue of the power and authority vested in me by the Constitution and
statutes of the State of Calffomla, do hereby grant to Jung Park a full and
unconditional pardon for the above offense.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto
set my hand and caused the Great Seal of
the State of Califomia to be affixed this
~day of 1:>c:""J,...,
, 2t.u....


J::':N ~
Secretary of State



of q;glifornkl

Craig Michael Robinson
Craig Michael Robinson, a resident of California. has submitted to this office

an application for executive clemency.
He was sentenced on or about April 26, 1988, in the Superior Court aftha
State of California in and for the County of Santa Clara, for the crimes of
Transportation of Controlled Substances, Sales or Transportation of

Marijuana/Hashish, and Possession of Controlled Substance for Sale (Health and
Safety Code §§ 11359, 11360(a), 11378). He served one year on probation. He
was discharged on April 26, 1989, having completed his sentence .
Craig Robinson has complied with the provisions of Sections 4852.01 to
4852.2. inclusive, of the Penal Code of California, which provide a procedure
whereby persons may, after completion of their sentences , seek restoration of the
rights of citizenship, and apply for a pardon. He has obtained from the Superior
Court of the State of California in and for the County of Santa Clara, an order dated
December 8, 2010, evidencing that since his release , he has lived an honest and
upright life, exhibited good moral character, and conducted himself as a law-abiding
citizen. The court has recommended that he be granted a fun pardon.
By the laws of this state it is proper that I, as Governor of the State of
California, give testimony that, by completion of his sentence and good conduct In
the community of his residence since his release, Craig Robinson has paid his debt
to society and earned a full and unconditional pardon .
THEREFORE, f, EDMUND G. BROWN JR., Governor of the State of
California, by virtue of the power and authority vested in me by the Constitution and
statutes of the State of California, do hereby grant to Craig Robinson a full and
unconditional pardon for the above offense.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto
set my hand and caused the Great Seal of
the State of California to be affixed this
ill!::day of~, .1&J.L.



Secretary of State




l!,Xtrutl\)[ 'f)tparnntnt

.stutt of iLalifornfa

Michael Joseph Roy
Michael Joseph Roy, a resident of California, has submitted to this office an
application for executive clemency.
He was sentenced on or about October 3,1980, in the Superior Court of the
State of California in and for the County of Tulare, for the crime of possession of a
narcotic controlled substance for sale. He served one year and seven months on
probation. He was discharged on May 3, 1982, having completed his sentence.
Michael Roy has complied with the provisions of Sections 4852.01 to
4852.2. inclusive, of the Penal Code of California, which provide a procedure
whereby persons may. after completion of their sentences, seek restoration of the
rights of citizenship, and apply fOf a pardon. He has obtained from the Superior
Court of the State of California in and for the County of Tulare, an order dated
October 16, 2001 , evidencing that since his release from prison, he has lived an
honest and upright Ufe. exhibited good moral character, and conducted himself as a
Jaw-abiding citizen. The court has recommended that he be granted a full pardon.

By the laws of this state it is proper that I, as Governor of the State of
California, give testimony that, by completion of his sentence and good conduct in
the community of his residence since his release, Michael Roy has paid his debt to
society and earned a full and unconditional pardon.
THEREFORE, I, EDMUND G. BROWN JR" Governor of the State of
California, by virtue of the power and authority vested in me by the Constitution and
statutes of the State of California , do hereby grant to Michael Roy a full and
unconditional pardon for the above offense.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto
set my hand and caused the Great Seal of
the State of California to be affixed this
ll"tiay of Pu._/..-v.
, 2&!L.



Governor of California

DbB~ ~

Secretary of State




.stntt of talifornia
Matthew Allan Tregidga

Matthew Allan Tregidga. a resident of Califomia, has submitted to this office
an application for executive clemency.
He was sentenced on or about March 16, 1992, in the Superior Court of the
State of California in and far the County of Ventura, for the crime of possession of
cocaine. He served three years on probation. He was discharged on March 16,
1995, having completed his sentence.
Matthew Tregidga has complied with the provisions of Sections 4852.01 to
4852.2, inclusive, of the Penal Code of California, which provide a procedure
whereby persons may, after completion of their sentences, seek restoration of the
rights of citizenship. and apply for a pardon. He has obtained from the Superior
Court of the State of California in and for the County of San Diego, an order dated
February 28, 2003, evidencing that since his release from probation, he has lived an
honest and upright life, exhibited good moral character. and conducted himself as a
law-abiding citizen . The court has recommended that he be granted a full pardon.
By the laws of this state it is proper that I, as Governor of the State of
California, give testimony that, by completion of his sentence and good conduct in
the community of his residence since his release, Matthew Tregidga has paid his
debt to society and earned a full and unconditional pardon.
THEREFORE, I, EDMUND G. BROWN JR" Governor of the State of
California, by virtue of the power and authority vested in me by the Constitution and
statutes of the State of California, do hereby grant to Matthew Tregidga a full and
unconditional pardon for the above offense.
tN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto
set my hand and caused the Great Seal of
the State of California to be affixed this
~dayof~ ,~Jl

ED~~OCJR &pw !

Governor of California


D~:V~ ~

Secretary of State




.smtt of I!:afifornla
Laritha Dorothy Vaughn
Laritha Dorothy Vaughn, a resident of California, has submitted to this office
an application for executive clemency,
She was sentenced on or about November 19,1992, in the Superior Court
of the State of California in and for the County of Los Angeles, for the crime of
selling cocaine. She served two years, two months and eight days on probation,
She was discharged on January 27, 1995, having completed her sentence.

Larilha Vaughn has complied with the provisions of Sections 4852.01 to
4852.2, inclusive, of the Penal Code of california, wi1lch provide a prooedure
whereby persons may, after completion of their sentences, seek restoration of the
rights of citizenship, and apply for a pardon. She has obtained frorn the Superior
Court of the State of Calffornia in and for the County of Los Angeles, an order dated
April 20, 2000, evldencing that since her release from probation, she has lived an
honest and upright life, exhiMed good moral characler, and conducJed herse~ as a
law-abiding citizen. The court has recommended that she be granted a full pardon.
By the laws of this state it is proper that I, as Governor of the State of
California, give testimony that, by completion of her sentence and good conduct in
the communfty of her residence since her release, Laritha Vaughn has paid her debt
to society and earned a full and unconditional pardon.

THEREFORE, I, EDMUND G. BROWN JR" Governor of the State of
California, by virtue of the power and authority vested In rne by lIle Constitution and
statutes of lIle State of California, do hereby grant to Larilha Vaughn a full and
unconditional pardon for the above offense.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto
set my hand and caused the Great Seal of
the State of California to be affixed this
~ day of:n.....J..., 22J.L.



Secretary of State





.smtt nF italifnmiJ
Ludwig Arturo Westphal

Ludwig Arturo Westphal. a resident of California, has submitted La this office
an application for executive clemency.
He was sentenced on or aboutJanuary4, 1993, in the Superior Court of the
State of California in and for the County of Sonoma, for the crime of transportation
and sale of methamphetamine. He salVed a three years on probation. He was
discharged on January 4, 1996, having completed his sentence.
Ludwig Westphal has complied with the provisions of Sections 4852.01 to
4852.2. inclusive, of the Penal Gode of california, which provide a procedure
whereby persons may, after completion of their sentences, seek restoration of the
rights of citizenship, and appJyfor a pardon. He has obtained from the Superior
Court of the State of California in and for the County of Sonoma. an order dated
January 18, 2006, evidencing that since his release, he has lived an honest and
upright I~e, exhibited good moral character, and conducted himsen as a law-abiding
clUzen. The court has recommended that he be granted a full pardon.
By the laws of this state it is proper that I, as Governor of the State of
California. give testimony that, by completion of his sentence and good conduct in
the community of his residence since his release, Ludwig Westphal has paid his
debt to society and earned a full and unconditional pardon.
THEREFORE, I, EDMUND G. BROWN JR., Governor of the State of
California, by virtue of the power and authority vested in me by the Constitution and
statutes of the State of Cal~omia, do hereby grant to Ludwig Westphal a full and
unconditional pardon for the above offense.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto
set my hand and caused the Great Seal of
the State of California to be affIXed this
jI:)I<- dayof~""'" ,:411 .

EDM~/:4!z fp/~ 1
Governor of California




Secretary of State




.srott of ~lifornia
Christopher Asher Witham

Chrislopher Asher Wilham, a resident of Calffomia, has submitted 10 Ihis

office an application for executive clemency.
He was sentenced on or about February 10, 1984, in the Superior Court
of the State of California in and for Ihe Counly of Venlura, for Ihe crime of selling
cocaine. He served five years on probation. He was discharged on February 9,
1989, having completed his sentence.
Chrislopher Wttham has complied with the provisions of Sections
4852.0110 4852.2, inciusive, of the Penal Code of California, which provide a

procedure whereby persons may, after completion of their sentences, seek
resloralion of Ihe rights of cilizenship, and apply for a pardon. He has obtained
from Ihe Superior Court of Ihe Slale of California in and for Ihe County of
Ventura, an order dated April 21, 2004, evidencing that since his release from

prison, he has Jived an honest and upright life, exhibited good moral character,
and conducted himself as a law~abjding citizen. The court has recommended
Ihal he be granled a full pardon.
By \he laws of this slale il is proper thaI I, as Governor of the Stale of
California, give testimony that, by completion of his sentence and good conduct
in the community of his residence since his release, Christopher Witham has
paid his debt to society and earned a full and unconditional pardon.
THEREFORE, I, EDMUND G. BROWN JR., Governor of Ihe State of
California, by virtue of the power and authority vesled in me by the Constitution
and statutes of the State of California, do hereby grant to Christopher Wnham a
full and unconditional pardon for the above offense.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF J have hereunto

set my hand and caused the Great Seal of
the State of California to be affixed this

2.71' day of h'e L .. ,U1l...


J;:;;N ~
Secretary of State




.stDtt nf ltalifarnfil
Dale Rudy Yugo

Dale Rudy Yuga, a resident of California, has submitted to this office an

application for executive clemency.
He was sentenced on or about July 7, 1981 , in the Superior Court af the
State of Califomia in and for the County of San Mateo, for the crime of possession
of a controlled substance for sale. He served three years on probation. He was

discharged on July 7. 1984, having completed his sentence.
Dale Yugo has complied with the provisions of Sections 4852.01 to 4852.2,

inclusive. of the Penal Code of Califomia, which provide a procedure whereby
persons may, after completion of their sentences, seek restoration of the rights of
citizenship, and apply for a pardon. He has obtained from the Superior Court aftha
State ot Califomia in and for the County of Solano, an order dated July 25, 2003,
evidencing that since his release from prison, he has lived an honest and upright
life, exhibited goad moral character, and conducted himself as a law·abidlng citizen.
The court has recommended that he be granted a full pardon.

By the laws of this state it is proper that I, as Governor of the State of
Ca lifornia, give testimony that, by completion of his sentence and good conduct in
the community of his residence since his release, Dale Yugo has paid his debt to
society and earned a full and unconditional pardon.
THEREFORE, I, EDMUND G. BROWN JR., Govemor of the state of
California, by virtue of the power and authority vested in me by the Constitution and
statutes of the State of California , do hereby grant to Dale Yugo a full and
unconditional pardon for the above offense.
tN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto
set my hand and caused the Great Seal of
the State of California to be affixed this
~ day of~, i1!!\L.

ED£!dl2R.fw~ J

Governor of California


D~::: ~

Secretary of State




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