1993 Supplement -National Directory of Corrections Construction NIJ, July 1993
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:-~ - U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice.Programs National Institute of Justice · National Directory of Corrections Construction i 1993 Supplement ----M-----~--------- --- . .: -: __________ ......,, l About the National Institute of Justice The National Institute of Justice, a component of the Office of Justice Programs, is the research anq_ development agency of the U.S. Department of Justice. NIJ was established to prevent and reduce crime and to improve the criminal justice system. Specific mandates established by Congress in the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, as amended, and the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988 direct the National Institute of Justice to: ■ Sponsor special projects and research and development programs that will improve and strengthen the criminal justice system and reduce or prevent crime. ■ Conduct national demonstration projects that employ innovative or promising approaches for improving criminal justice. ■ Develop new technologies to fight crime and improve criminal justice. ■ Evaluate the effectiveness of criminal justice programs and identify programs that promise to be successful if continued or repeated. ■ Recommend actions that can be taken by Federal, State, and local governments as well as private organizations to improve criminal justice. ■ Carry out research on criminal behavior. ■ Develop new methods of crime prevention and reduction of crime and delinquency. The National Institute of Justice has a long history of accomplishments, including the following: ■ Basic research on career criminals that led to the development of special police and prosecutor units to deal with repeat offenders. ■ Research that confinned the link between drugs and crime. ■ The research and development program that resulted in the creation of police body armor that has meant the difference between life and death to hundreds of police officers. ■ Pioneering scientific advances such as the research and development of DNA analysis to positively identify suspects and eliminate the innocent from suspicion. ■ The evaluation of innovative justice programs to determine what works, including drug enforcement, community policing, community anti-drug initiatives, prosecution of complex drug cases, drug testing throughout the criminal justice system, and user accountability programs. ■ Creation of a corrections information-sharing system that enables State and local officials to exchange more efficient and cost-effective concepts and techniques for planning, financing, and constructing new prisons and jails. ■ Operation of the world's largest criminal justice information clearinghouse, a resource used by State and local officials across the Nation and by criminal justice agencies in foreign countries. The Institute Director, who is appointed by the President ap_d confirmed by the Senate, establishes the Institute's objectives, guided by the priorities of the Office of Justice Programs, the Department of Justice, and the needs of the criminal justice field. The Institute actively solicits the views of criminal justice professionals to identify their most critical problems. Dedicated to the priorities of Federal, State, and local criminal justice agencies, research and development at the National Institute of Justice continues to search for answers to what works and why in the Nation's war on drugs and crime. . --j U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs National Institute ofJustice National Directory of Corrections Construction 1993 Supplement July 1993 National Institute of Justice Michael J. Russell Acting Director Data Gathering and Publication Support Data GatheringNerification: Cheryll Bissell, Kathenne Furr (Meyers), Brenda Harding, Mark La Rue, Sharon Williams Editorial: Joan Alpert, Linda Odda, Judy Reardon, Celeste Silevinac, Vivian Workman Design: Richard Creighton, John Guzman National Criminal Justice Reference Service This 1993 Supplement of the National Directory ofCorrections Construction was prepared by Aspen Systems Corporation under contract number OJP-90--C-005. Points of view or opinions stated in this document are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice. · The National Institute of Justice is a component of the Office of Justice Programs, which also includes the Bureau of Justice Assistance, Bureau of Justice Statistics, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, and the Office for Victims of Crime. Foreword National Institute of Justice The Nation's prisons and jails continue to face a crowding crisis. A steady stream of offenders has more than doubled Federal and State prison populations during the past 10 years, bringing the current total to a record 883,593, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics. Local jail populations have surpassed 420,000, and the probation and parole population now exceeds 3.2 million. Prison and jail capacities are lacking in many localities, compromising efforts to effectively punish offenders and deter crime. Federal, State, and local authorities need practical, proven information on more rapid and economical ways to meet the increasing demand for bed space. That is why the National Institute of Justice (ND) created the Construction Information Exchange (CIE)-an important resource that can help Federal, State, and local jurisdictions make crucial investment decisions when building or expanding corrections facilities. The Exchange provides easy access to the latest concepts and techniques for planning, financing, and constructing new prisons and jails. Federal, State, and local officials can tap into this valuable network and obtain the information they need through the Construction Data Base, the Construction Information Exchange Reference and Referral Service, the National Directory of Corrections Construction, and Construction Bulletins. Specific information on how CIE works is included in this directory. A key element of the Exchange is this National Directory of Corrections Construction, based on results of a national survey administered by the American Institute of Architects, Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Council (ACSA) on Architectural Research. The directory is a catalog of up-to-date designs, construction and finance methods, and costs for 148 of the prisons and jails completed and operational since 1985. Two previous editions of the directory focused on similar information for prisons and jails completed after 1978. For the first time, this supplement features: ■ Data on complex-use facilities (secure areas of facilities with law enforcement or courts components located within the same complex). ■ Facilities that serve special inmate populations, such as drug offenders and females. ■ Facilities using advanced technology systems, such as closed-circuit television, perimeter detection/alarm, paging or sound systems, and satellite or cable communication. ■ The costs of land acquisitions, equipment and furnishings purchases, and site development. ■ Location-specific information on the Nation's cities, suburbs, and rural communities. Corrections officials can turn to this compendium for a wide range of options to help them make the most informed decisions on corrections construction for today and in the future. The construction projects featured in this directory are also available in the Construction Information Exchange data base in greater detail. The data base includes all the information-more than 400 types of data on each facility-obtained from architects and facility administrators. This data base reflects continuous activities to collect and maintain information on prison and jail projects as they are completed and become operational. With support from the Bureau of Justice Assistance and cooperation from the American Institute of Architects, ACSA Council on Architectural Research, NIJ's Construction Information Exchange can benefit Federal, State, and local officials by providing innovative approaches that incorporate techniques of proven effectiveness. By building on the experience of others, officials can develop well-designed, cost-effective prison and jail facilities that will serve the needs of their jurisdictions. Michael J. Russell Acting Director NJJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction iii Acknowledgments Many people provided support and assistance for this publication. Special thanks go to the following: National Institute of Justice Paul Cascarano, Assistant Director Carole Knapel, Visiting Fellow Bureau of Justice Assistance Jack A. Nadol, Acting Director American Institute of Architects Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Council on Architectural Research Deane Evans, AJA, Director Emily Cole Federal Bureau of Prisons Kathleen Hawk, Director William J. Patrick, AIA, Deputy Assistant Director, Administration Division Mary Robinson, Design and Construction Branch Mike Staggs, Facilities Management Branch We are also indebted to all of the facility administrators, government officials, and architects who contributed information about their projects. N/J/National Directory of Corrections Construction Introduction The National Institute of Justice developed the National Directory of Corrections Construction to assist corrections officials and others seeking to expand their facility capacities. The directory is one of four components of NIJ' s Construction Information Exchange (CIE)-a resource that promotes sharing information on building jails and prisons in a timely and cost-effective manner. This supplement of the National Directory of Corrections · Construction features many of the prison and jail projects completed since 1985. The three sections and three appendixes, highlighted below, can assist officials in the various phases of planning, designing, financing, and constructing new and expanded corrections resources. Section 1 The first section includes a glossary of terms used in the facility profiles in section 3. The sequence of these terms corresponds to their order of appearance in the profiles, and each is coded to distinguish the source of data used: the architect, facility administrator, or a mathematical calculation. In some instances, profile data fields may be listed as "Unknown" or "N/A.'' "Unknown" indicates that information was not provided, and "N/A" indicates that the item does not apply to the particular project. For example, the profile does not show the total cost per inmate for a complex-use project because the calculation would be invalid; hence, the data field lists "N/A." Also included in section 1 are cost indexes to assist in comparing construction projects. These cost indexes enable readers to make detailed cost comparisons between different years and geographic regions. Years of comparison are available from 1978 through 1992. The 1978 base allows for comparison of facilities featured in previous editions of the National Directory of Corrections Construction. Section 2 The second section is composed of indexes that serve as locators for particular projects based on location, inmate design capacity by facility type, and category of construction. An alphabetical listing by facility name is also provided. These indexes can assist readers in locating projects that are comparable to their individual needs. Additional information is provided in the appendixes. N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction Section 3 The primary component of the directory, section 3 features profiles of 148 prison and jail construction projects. These profiles were prepared from data submitted and verified by architects and facility administrators of projects completed and operational since 1985. Profiles appear in a two-page format, and in most instances, each is augmented with a floor plan of the typical housing unit. The projects highlighted in this directory were accepted without evaluation and include examples of both positive and negative experiences. Facility profile pages are presented alphabetically by the State in which they are located and alphabetically by facility name. Each facility profile provides 91 pieces of information; additional information for each project, illustrated in appendix B, is available in the data base. Appendixes Appendix A provides an alphabetical listing of architectural firms and construction managers appearing in this directory. Appendix B shows a sample layout of the full range of facility data available on the CIE data base. Finally, appendix C lists additional sources and readings for corrections construction-related information. Publications featured include those by the National Institute of Justice as well as those available in the NIJ/NCJRS literature data base. Data Comparison In identifying similar projects and facilities, caution must be exercised when actually comparing and contrasting data. Category of construction. Comparisons of different jails or prisons may be inappropriate when the facilities to be examined do not share common characteristics. For example, a jail or prison categorized as a "new, ancillary building" may not have complete support spaces such as kitchen or administration. If such a building were compared with a "new, independent facility" offering complete support services, the appearance of a reduced cost might be misleading. For this reason, it is most appropriate to compare facilities in the same construction category. V Costs. Cost comparisons can be especially difficult. To facilitate comparison of construction costs alone, the total cost excludes costs of land acquisition and architects' fees. Moreover, several factors can influence the project costs shown, and comparisons should be made with caution. For example, readers will find that jails and prisons with multiple occupancy cells are invariably less expensive (per inmate) than facilities designed with single occupancy cells. And highrise facilities are almost always more expensive than lowrise buildings even when their capacities are the same. Dimensions. When comparing dimensions, readers should examine "gross square feet per inmate." This is computed by dividing the "gross square feet/corrections" by the inmate design capacity. This statistic may show that some buildings provide much more space per inmate than otherwise comparable projects. However, it simply may be that the policy of a particular jurisdiction requires that more space be provided for vocational training, counseling, and other support activities rather than larger cells. An example of a common difference is where one facility has dayrooms contiguous to cells and another facility has only corridors. Housing areas. To facilitate comparisons of different types of correctional facilities, each profile includes a special series of housing statistics. For readers interested primarily in those portions of a construction project that relate to custody and housing of inmates, it is important to note terms such as "Housing area," "Housing per inmate," "Housing area square feet," and "Size of cells." These statistics allow comparisons that might otherwise be impossible. vi The Construction Information Exchange Program In addition to the directory, the Exchange provides three other information resources. Construction data base. Features the full range of data supplied by the architects and facility administrators for each completed and operational prison and jail. Diskettes and hardcopy printouts to meet individual needs are available for analysis purposes. Reference and referral. Assist in responding to questions and concerns about jail and prison crowding, alternatives, and construction issues. Information specialists are available to provide information through searches of the CIE data base, publications, and referrals. Construction Bulletins. Report on selected projects and topics that illustrate substantial time and cost savings in constructing correctional facilities. Once a decision has been made to build, officials must then consider many critical questions that will determine what shape, size, or cost the new or expanded facility will take. Through the Construction Information Exchange and the directory, corrections officials can build upon the experiences of others. For further assistance, contact the Construction Information Exchange: NU/NCJRS, Box 6000, Rockville, MD 20850; 800-851-3420. Nll!Nationa!Directory of Corrections Construction Contents Foreword (NIJ) ................................................................ iii Acknowledgments ........................................................... iv Introduction ...................................................................... v Contents .......................................................................... vii Section 1 Glossary ........................................................................... 2 Construction Cost Indexes ............................................. 10 Section Index: Index: Index: Index: 2 State/county/city ................................................. 20 Inmate design capacity ....................................... 23 Category of construction .................................... 27 Facility name ...................................................... 31 Section 3 Facility Profiles Arkansas Varner Unit ............................................................... 36 California Alameda City Police Department and Jail ................ 38 Alameda County Jail ................................................ .40 Butte County Minimum Security Facility ............... .42 ECI: Leo Chesney Women's Center ......................... 44 Federal Detention Center-Dublin ........................... 46 Lerdo Pre-Trial ...................... ,.................................. 48 Metropolitan Detention Center-Los Angeles ......... 50 Naval Consolidate Brig Miramar ........... ;.................. 52 Santa Clara County Main Jail ................................... 54 South County Detention Facility .............................. 56 Stanislaus County Public Safety Center ................... 58 West Valley Detention Center .................................. 60 Colorado Alamosa County Detention Center ........................... 62 Arapahoe County Justice Center .............................. 64 Boulder County Jail .................................................. 66 Denver Reception and Diagnostic Center ................. 68 Huerfano County Law Enforcement Center ............. 70 Mesa County Detention Facility ............................... 72 Pueblo County Detention Facility-Work Release .. 74 Saguache County Jail ................................................ 76 Connecticut Alexander Cybulski Correctional Institution ............ 78 Gamer Correctional Institution ................................. 80 Delaware Multi-Purpose Criminal Justice Facility ................... 82 N/J/National Directory of Corrections Construction Florida Brevard County Detention Center ............................ 84 Genesis Unit 200 Bed Correctional Facility ............. 86 Hillsborough County Orient Road Jail ..................... 88 James I. Montgomery Correctional Center ............... 90 John E. Goode Pre-Trial Detention Facility ............. 92 Martin Correctional Institution ................................. 94 Metro West Detention Center ................................... 96 Palm Beach County Stockade ................................... 98 Pinellas County Jail ................................................ l 00 Georgia Central Correctional Institute ................................. 102 Central Probation Detention Center ........................ 104 Clayton County Correctional Institution ............ :... 106 Coastal Correctional Institution .............................. 108 Georgia Diagnostic and Classification Center ........ 110 Georgia Women's Correctional Institute ................ 112 Glynn County Detention Center ............................. 114 Hays Correctional Institute-Bootcamp ................. 116 Henry County Jail ................................................... 118 Homerville Parole Center ............................ ,.......... 120 I.W. Davis Probation Detention Center .................. 122 Lowndes County Jail .............................................. 124 Northeast Probation Detention Center .................... 126 Northwest Probation Detention Center ................... 128 Phillips Correctional Institute-Bootcamp ............. 130 Rockdale-Dekalb Probation Detention Center ....... 132 Rogers Correctional Institute .................................. 134 Southeast Probation Detention Center .................... 136 Telfair Correctional Institute-Bootcamp .............. 138 Treutlen Shock Unit ................................................ 140 U.S. Federal Penitentiary-Atlanta ........................ 142 Ware Correctional Institute ..................................... 144 Washington Correctional Institute-Bootcamp ..... 146 Washington County Correctional Institution .......... 148 West Central Probation Detention Center .............. 150 Western Probation Detention Center ...................... 152 Women's Probation Detention Center .................... 154 Illinois Danville Correctional Center .................................. 156 Hill Correctional Center ......................................... 158 Illinois River Correctional Center .......................... 160 McHenry County Government Center .................... 162 Robert H. Babcox Justice Center ............................ 164 Robinson Correctional Center ................................ 166 Taylorville Correctional Center ,............................. 168 Western Illinois Correctional Center ...................... 170 Will County Adult Detention Facility .................... 172 vii Contents ccontinuect) Indiana Boone County Jail ................................................... 174 Gibson County Jail ................................................. 176 Kosciusko County Work Release ........................... 178 Tippecanoe County Law Enforcement Center ....... 180 Kansas El Dorado Correctional Facility .............................. 182 Johnson County Jail ................................................ 184 Lansing Correctional Facility-East ...................... 186 Larned Correctional Mental Health Facility ........... 188 Sedgwick County Adult Local Detention Facility .. 190 Sedgwick County Work Release ............................ 192 Shawnee County Adult Detention Facility ............. 194 Stanton County Law Enforcement Center .............. 196 Wyandotte County Detention Center ...................... 198 Kentucky Carroll County Regional Detention Center ............ 200 Eastern Kentucky Correctional Complex ............... 202 Louisiana Federal Correctional Institution-Oakdale I .......... 204 Federal Detention Center-Oakdale II ................... 206 Orleans Parish Prison .............................................. 208 St. Bernard Jail Complex ........................................ 210 Tulane Avenue Facility ........................................... 212 Maine Androscoggin County Jail ...................................... 214 Maryland Baltimore Pre-Release Unit for Women ................. 216 Central Laundry Facility ......................................... 218 Jessup Pre-Release Unit. ......................................... 220 Montgomery County Detention Center .................. 222 Montgomery County Detention Center .................. 224 Patuxent Institution ................................................. 226 Massachusetts N01folk County Sheriff's Office and Correctional Center ................................................. 228 Michigan Ionia Maximum Correctional Facility .................... 230 Macomb County Jail ............................................... 232 Sergeant William Dickerson Detention Facility ..... 234 Minnesota Hennepin County Adult Detention Center ............. 236 Minnesota Correctional Facility-Shakopee .......... 238 Sherburne County Jail ............................................. 240 Mississippi Harrison County Jail ............................................... 242 viii Missouri Boone County Jail ................................................... 244 Fulton Reception and Diagnostic Center ................ 246 Marion County Jail and Law Enforcement Center . 248 W estem Missouri Correctional Center ................... 250 Nevada Ely State Prison ....................................................... 252 New Jersey Cumberland County Jail ......................................... 254 Federal Correctional Institution-Fairton .............. 256 Monmouth County Correction Institution .............. 258 New York Cattaraugus County Jail .......................................... 260 Genesee County Jail ............................................... 262 Metro Jefferson Public Safety Building ................. 264 Saratoga County Law Enforcement Center ............ 266 North Carolina Duplin County Jail .................................................. 268 Durham County Jail Annex .................................... 270 Wake County Public Safety Center ........................ 272 Ohio Grafton Correctional Institution ............................. 274 Lorain Correctional Institution ............................... 276 Northwest Ohio Regional Jail ................................. 278 Warren Correctional Institution .............................. 280 Oregon Federal Correctional Institution-Sheridan ............ 282 Marion County Corrections Facility ....................... 284 Pennsylvania Bucks County Rehabilitation Center ...................... 286 Federal Correctional Institution-McKean ............ 288 Federal Correctional Institution-Schuylkill ......... 290 Philadelphia Industrial Correctional Center ........... 292 State Correctional Institution at Waymart .............. 294 York County Prison ................................................ 296 Texas Bee County Jail ....................................................... 298 Caldwell County Jail ............................................... 300 Federal Correctional Institution-Three Rivers ..... 302 Frio County Jail ...................................................... 304 Lew Sterrett Justice Center ..................................... 306 Nacogdoches County Jail Law Enforcement Center .................................................................... 308 Rusk County Sheriff's Department ........................ 310 Utah Oxbow Jail Facility ....... :......................................... 312 NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Contents (continued) Virginia Clarke-Frederick-Winchester Regional Adult Detention Center .......................................... 314 Greensville Correctional Center ............................. 316 Keen Mountain Correctional Center ....................... 318 Lorton Maximum Security Facility ........................ 320 Washington Clallam Bay Correctional Center ............................ 322 Wisconsin Columbia Correctional Institution .......................... 324 Milwaukee County Jail and Criminal Justice Facility ....................................................... 326 Racine Correctional Institution ............................... 328 Wyoming Sublette County Jail ................................................ 330 Appendix A Reference: Architects and Construction Managers ..... 333 Appendix B Data Base Profile Information ..................................... 341 Appendix C Additional Resources ................................................... 347 NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Section 1 Glossary Construction Cost Indexes Glossary The terms explained in this glossary follow the order in which they appear in the facility profiles. Some of the responses in the facility profiles may include the following: N/A-not applicable. Unknown-information not provided or unable to determine. None-as in the case of "inmate labor" and "prefabrication," none used. To distinguish the sources of information, the following codes are used in this glossary: (A)-as reported by the architect. (F)-as reported by the facility contact. (C)-calculations. Responsible official The title and jurisdiction of the responsible elected official under which the facility falls (for example, sheriff, mayor, or commissioner). (F) Contact The name, title, and phone number of the responsible official at the facility (for example, sheriff, jail administrator, or warden). This includes (where applicable) both the actual location and mailing address. (F) Architect The name, address, and phone number of the primary architectural firm(s) responsible for the project. This may also include architectural consultants. (A) Construction manager these units of government typically house pretrial detainees. Jails may also house locally sentenced inmates (typically sentenced to 1 year or less). Inmates may be held on both felony and misdemeanor charges. Several States permit inmates from State prison systems to be housed in local jail facilities. Some States such as Pennsylvania refer to their detention facilities as prisons. Other States (i.e., Alaska, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Rhode Island, and Vermont) have integrated prison and jail systems. (F) Prison: facility operated by any State, the District of Columbia, or the Federal Government. Unlike local jails, prisons house only sentenced offenders for periods typically longer than 1 year. Some States permit units of local government to board jail inmates in State facilities, but this practice is unusual. (F) Private: facility operated by a private entity. Inmates are sentenced to the Federal, State, or local correctional system and can be housed in privately operated facilities. (F) Jurisdiction type The jurisdictional level of inmates confined to the facility. Options include Federal, State, county, or city. (F) Commitment type The type of inmate housed in the facility, classified as either pretrial or sentenced. (F) Category The category of construction for the specific project. Several types of projects are included in this directory, and each has different characteristics. (A) Conversion: acquiring an existing facility such as a warehouse and converting it into a correctional facility. Facility type Expansion project: extension or new wing added to an existing facility. Data refer to the expansion only and do not include existing or original building information (except where noted). Complex use: building with multiple purposes. In a local facility, jail space may be combined with courts, law enforcement, or other related uses. Cost comparisons are discouraged for this type of facility because it may not be possible to isolate corrections costs from the costs for other areas of the building. (F) New, anciIIary building: an entirely new building, but relying on existing buildings for some or all support services. The new facility does not provide a complete array of "core" spaces. Data refer to the new addition only and do not include existing or original building information. Jail: facility operated by any Federal, State, or local (county/city/combination) government. Jails operated by New, independent facility: an entirely new facility with complete support services that does not rely on other facilities. If applicable, the name, address, and phone number of the company hired to oversee the construction process. (A) 2 NJJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Phased project (future): when costs invested in construction relate to future expansion or addition in a master plan. Phased project (past): completion of previously "master planned" space(s) "shelled out" or partially constructed at an earlier date. Remodeling/renovation project: improvements within an existing facility, typically to modernize an older jail or prison and to bring the design into compliance with current standards. Temporary facility/housing: premanufactured or portable units not intended for long-term use. Building configuration The physical arrangement of individual buildings. In a complex-use facility, building configuration is provided for the court or law enforcement building(s). (Figure 1) (A) Campus style: a number of individual buildings that are not interconnected. Clusters: a number of interconnected individual buildings. Courtyard: linear cell blocks interconnected around a central enclosed courtyard. Highrise: one building, more than four stories. Integrated structure: one building. Ladder, telephone pole: linear cell blocks arranged in parallel off a central connecting corridor. Wheel, spoke, or radial: linear cell blocks that emanate from one central control area (like spokes from the hub of a wheel). Complex use Lists other spaces within the project. These include, but are not limited to, courts or law enforcement. Cost comparisons are discouraged for this type of facility because it may not be possible to isolate corrections costs from the costs for other areas of the building. (A) Facility location Description of the project location-rural, suburb, or urban. (F) Amount of land The total acreage acquired for the project. (F) NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Time Groundbreaking: the official date marking the beginning of construction. (A) Finish date: the date when the project is ready for occupation and operation. (F) Construction time: the elapsed time, in months, from groundbreaking to substantial completion of the facility. (A) Substantial completion: the stage in the progress of construction when the work or designated portion thereof is sufficiently complete in accordance with the contract documents so the owner can occupy or utilize the facility for its intended use. (F) Costs Total: the total cost of building and site improvements, plus all approved change orders. However, this figure does not include the cost of acquiring the site, the time of public employees, or administrative expenses for the project. Because it is intended to show the cost of construction, it does not include fees for architects and other consultants. (F) Building only: the cost for the facility only, excluding all site work. Costs such as grading, paving, and providing utilities are not included here. (F) Final construction cost: indicates whether the final cost for the project was higher or lower than, or the same as, the construction cost prior to bid. (F) Housing area: the cost for those areas of the correctional facility designed for housing inmates. This includes the total gross square footage of the entire housing building, unit, or level, including the contiguous and associated spaces for mechanical, circulation, storage, visiting, control, counseling, multipurpose room, dayrooms, exercise, interviews, and so forth. Excluded from this figure are costs of independent or unrelated areas and buildings such as intake, medical, special housing, administration, food service, vocational, educational, and agricultural. (A) Housing per inmate: the housing costs per general population inmate. This figure is computed by dividing the total number of general population inmates (design capacity) into the housing area cost. (C) Housing per cell: the housing cost per general population cell. This figure is computed by dividing the total number of general population cells into the housing area cost. (C) 3 Figure 1 Building configuration Campus style □□ □ Ladder, telephone pole Wheel, spoke, or radial Clusters Courtyard 4 NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Total per inmate: the total construction costs per inmate. This figure is computed by dividing the total number of inmates (design capacity) into total construction cost. This cost is not calculated for complex-use facilities. (C) tion (radio and telephone), inmate intercoms, paging and sound systems, duress and fire alarms, door control and monitoring systems, card access, custom control panels, perimeter detection/alarm, and satellite and cable. (A) Total per GSF: the total construction costs per gross square foot. This figure is computed by dividing the total gross square feet into the total construction cost. (C) Dimensions Total per NSF: the total construction cost per net square foot. This figure is computed by dividing the total net square footage into the total construction cost. (C) Total annual operating costs: the total current fiscal year budget for the new facility, addition, or expansion. Cost shown is related to the construction project. In the case of an addition, this figure represents the operating cost for that portion of the facility only. This figure only represents corrections costs; it does not include costs that are affiliated with a complex-use facility. This figure is computed by adding staff, utilities, medical, food, transportation, supplies and equipment, maintenance, communications, and other operating costs. (F) Construction type Structural: the frame that carries the building's weight and provides structural support for the facility. Examples of a type of structural system include steel frame, load-bearing precast panels, cast-in-place concrete frame, precast concrete frame, precast concrete cells, and modular metal cells. (A) Exterior walls: the construction and materials that form outside walls of the building, creating the security shell or "envelope." Options include, but are not limited to, materials such as precast panels, cast-in-place concrete, CMU block, and brick. (A) Interior walls: the construction materials that form inside walls or partitions that divide cells and rooms within the building. Options may include, but are not limited to, materials such as precast panels, cast-in-place concrete, CMU block, and brick. (A) Exterior surface or facade: the exterior finish, resulting in the completed outside appearance (sometimes called the building's "skin"). Examples include, but are not limited to, stucco, brick, natural wall, textured, colored concrete, and CMU block. (A) Electronic technology systems: the type, if applicable, of electronic technology system(s) installed in the facility. Options include lighting protection, video camera surveillance and closed-circuit television, staff intercommunica- Nil/National Directory of Corrections Construction Total GSF: the total square footage of the construction project. If the project was an addition or expansion, this figure represents the square footage of that addition or expansion only. This figure is computed by adding the total gross square footage for corrections, law enforcement, courts, and other. Gross square feet is defined by the American Institute of Architects as the sum of the areas of the several floors of the building, including basements, mezzanine, and intennediate floored tiers and penthouses of headroom height, measured from the exterior faces of exterior walls or from the center line of walls separating buildings. Covered walkways, open roofs over paved areas, porches, and similar spaces have the architectural area multiplied by an area factor of 0.50. The architectural area does not include such features as pipe trenches, exterior terraces, steps, chimneys, and roof overhangs. (A) Total NSF: the total net square footage of the construction project. If the project was an addition or expansion, this represents the net square footage of that addition or expansion only. This figure is calculated by adding corrections, law enforcement, courts, and other net square footage. (A) Corrections GSF: the gross square feet (as defined under Total GSF above) of all spaces relating to corrections in the construction project shown in the profile. In the case of an addition or expansion, this figure represents the square footage of that addition or expansion only. (A) Corrections NSF: the net square footage of all spaces relating to corrections in the construction project. In the case of an addition or expansion, this figure represents the square footage of that addition or expansion only. (A) Housing area GSF: the size of spaces related directly to the custody and housing of inmates, not the entire facility. The figure includes total gross square footage of the housing building, unit, or level, including the contiguous and associated spaces for mechanical, circulation, storage, visiting, control, staff areas, multipurpose rooms, dayrooms, exercise, interviews, and so forth. Excluded are independent areas not contiguous to inmate housing such as intake, medical, special housing, administration, food service, vocational, educational, and other support activities 5 not directly associated with housing. In expansion or addition construction projects, the square footage shown for housing may be almost equal to the total square footage, since support spaces may not be provided. (A) Housing area NSF: the total net square footage of the housing building, unit, or level. (A) GSF per inmate (design): the gross square footage assigned to an inmate based on design capacity. This figure is computed by dividing the total number of inmates (design capacity) into the total corrections gross square footage. (C) GSF per inmate (current): the gross square footage assigned to an inmate based on the current population. This figure is computed by dividing the current population into the total corrections gross square footage. (C) NSF per inmate (design): the net square footage assigned to an inmate based on design capacity. This figure is computed by dividing the total number of inmates (design capacity) into the total corrections net square footage. (C) NSF per inmate (current): the net square footage assigned to an inmate based on the current population. This figure is computed by dividing the current population into the total corrections net square footage. (C) Size of cells: space inside a typical cell. This figure is the useful space and does not include areas consumed by a plumbing chase or protruding walls. The type of cell (single, double, dorm) is indicated. (A) Net/gross square feet: this percentage is an expression of building efficiency. Because spaces not used by staff or inmates are excluded from net space, this percentage represents how much of the total square footage is actually devoted to everyday use purposes. The remaining space is the amount consumed by spaces necessary for the building but not used by its occupants. This percentage is calculated by dividing the total gross square footage into the total net square footage, multiplied by I 00. (C) Inmate design capacity General population: the number of inmates for general population housing based on facility design. (A) Special population: the number of inmates for special housing based on facility design (i.e., holding, medical and detoxification, psychiatric, isolation, protective custody, work release). (A) 6 Total design (inmates): the total number of inmates (general population and special housing) for whom the project was designed. (A) Current population: the total current population of the project as reported by the facility official and the date of the calculation. (A) Inmate housing areas Design: the options for layout or arrangement of the inmate cells. Options include linear outside cells, where cells have windows on outside walls, permitting direct light into cells; linear inside cells, where cells are not on outside walls and light to cells is indirect; and modular/pod, where cells are arranged around a common dayroom with cell doors opening into this activity area. (Figure 2) (A) Cells per unit: the number of cells in each block, pod, or module; the number of cells included in one housing unit of the facility. If dorms only, one dorm equals one unit. (A) Inmates per unit (design): the number of inmates (design capacity) in a typical block, pod, module, or dorm. (A) Inmates per unit (current): the number of inmates currently housed in a typical block, pod, module, or dorm. This number and the current population are given for the same date. (F) Management type (design): the type of surveillance used for a typical housing unit per project design. Options include intermittent surveillance, where officers may periodically walk down hallways lined with cells and do not have constant view of all inmate areas; remote surveillance, where officers have inmates under constant observation but are separated from inmates by a security enclosure or barrier; or direct supervision, where officers are in constant contact with inmates and are not enclosed in a workstation or separated by other barriers. (A) Management type (current): the type of surveillance currently used for a typical housing unit. Options include intermittent surveillance, where officers may periodically walk down hallways lined with cells and do not have constant view of all inmate areas; remote surveillance, where officers have inmates under constant observation but are separated from inmates by a security enclosure or barrier; or direct supervision, where officers are in constant contact with inmates and are not enclosed in a workstation or separated by other barriers. (F) NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Figure 2 Design of inmate housing areas Linear, cells are on outside walls Hallway Hallway Linear, cells are inside Hallway ~ / Module/pod type, cells are on outside walls Dayroom ~ NIJ!Nationa!Directory of Corrections Construction 7 Means to handle crowding: the means by which the facility handles, or plans to handle, an inmate population greater than the designed capacity. Options include, but are not limited to, transfer to another facility, bunk beds in cell, mattresses on floor, beds in dayroom, and second bunk permanently attached to wall. (F) Total officers per unit: the number of officers assigned to an average housing unit by shift designations of day, evening, and midnight. (F) Construction process Contract method: the legal and financial steps used in the building process. Options include, but are not limited to, conventional design-bid-build, turnkey design-build, multiple bid packages, and fast track. (A) Finance method: the method of payment and the source of funds for the construction project. Options include State or local general obligation bonds, lease-purchase, State or local tax levy, fixed or variable financing rate, other Federal funds, rent, private-sector funds, and shared cost from multiple jurisdictions. (A) Use of inmate labor: use of inmate labor in the construction of the new facility, addition, or expansion. If applicable, a brief explanation of the way in which inmate labor was used and whether the percentage of inmate labor used was extensive (greater than 50 percent), moderate (greater than 25 percent but less than 50 percent), or limited (less than 25 percent). (A) Use of prefabrication: techniques that may have been used to manufacture portions of the facility away from the construction site. If applicable, the nature of the components is described and whether use of plant manufacturing was extensive (greater than 50 percent), moderate (greater than 25 percent but less than 50 percent), or limited (less than 25 percent). (A) Inmate cells The finishes, fixtures, and furnishings selected for general population cells. These aspects may be different for special custody, isolation, medical, and other special population areas of a jail or prison. (A) Doors: the type, material, and locking mechanisms. Type may be swinging or sliding. Material may be steel or wood. Locking may be motor driven and remote locking, remote locking only, or manual locking. 8 Floor surface: materials of the floor surface. Options include, but are not limited to, materials such as linoleum, carpet, epoxy coating, sealed concrete, and vinyl tile. Intercom: the type of communications system between officers and inmates. Options include, but are not limited to, either one- or two-way systems to cells or common areas, or no system. HVAC: heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning. Describes the environmental systems included in the facility. While all facilities have some form of heating, not every jail or prison has an air conditioning system. Solar systems, steam, gas, or other specialized energy recycling systems are indicated here. Plumbing: inmate plumbing fixtures, options include but not are not limited to, stainless steel, china, or aluminum. Indicates whether the lavatory and toilet are a combination unit or separate units. Furniture: chairs, beds, tables, and other furniture in cells and dayrooms. Choices include, but are not limited to, materials such as steel, wood, vinyl, plastic, and concrete. Fire protection: fire protection systems used in inmate housing areas. Hardware may include components such as smoke detectors for cells, common areas, or both; sprinklers for cells, common areas, or both; or manual alarm stations. Windows: styles of windows. Choices include, but are not limited to, slit windows, security screens, special security windows, and standard windows and bars. Security Perimeter: the type(s) of perimeter security used in the facility. Options include, but are not limited to, single, double, or triple fence; razor wire on/between fence(s); towers; video camera surveillance; building exterior only; perimeter patrols; and perimeter detection and alarm systems. (A) Costs included: indicates that the costs for the perimeter security are included in the total construction cost. (A) Costs excluded: indicates that the costs for the perimeter security are excluded from the total construction cost. (A) Inmate security level: the percentage of inmate cells in maximum, medium, minimum, and other security levels. (A) N/J/National Directory of Corrections Construction Maximum: most secure construction and the highest level of staff supervision in the system. (A) Medium: although not as restrictive as maximum, has a locked unit and secure perimeter. (A) Minimum: the least restrictive, allows the greatest movement for inmates. There may be dormitories; living areas may not be locked; and perimeter security is limited or not present. (A) Other: a percentage and brief explanation, if applicable. (A) The Federal Bureau of Prisons identifies and ranks all Federal facilities into five security levels: minimum, low, maximum, high, and administrative. Current staff Current inmate/staff ratio: the number of inmates per total staff based on the current population. This figure/ratio is computed by dividing the current total number of staff into the current population. Total staff includes administrative, security, maintenance and support, program, and treatment staff. (C) Contracted services: the contracting of facility services to private vendors. Possibilities include, but are not limited to, medical, food, and transportation services. (F) Architect's reported analysis Architects have reported positive and negative factors which, in their opinion, strongly influenced both costs and length of time that were required for completion of the facility. (A) Administration: includes wardens, superintendents, directors, administrators, colonels, captains, majors, and managerial and budget staff. Also includes support and administrative staff, secretaries, typists, stenographers, bookkeepers, clerks, and switchboard operators. (F) Positive cost factors: factors that positively affected the cost of the project. Options include, but are not limited to, prefabricated and factory-assembled components; simple construction methods, including repetitiveness of design, phased construction; good competition and a favorable market; and less expensive materials and hardware. Security: the current number of full-time line staff and first line supervisors, both sworn and unswom; correctional officers; deputies; sergeants; lieutenants; and security supervisors assigned to the new facility, addition, or expansion. (F) Negative cost factors: factors that negatively affected the cost of the project. Options include, but are not limited to, slow construction; high labor costs; difficult site conditions; government procedures and regulations; and complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems. Programs and treatment: the current number of recreation, education, religious, vocational, industrial, classification, and other program personnel assigned to the new facility, addition, or expansion. (F) Positive time factors: factors that positively affected the time schedule. Options include, but are not limited to, use of prefabricated, factory-assembled components; simple construction methods, including repetitiveness of design, phased construction; advanced order of materials and hardware; and coordination of design between the construction manager and the owner. Maintenance: the current number of full-time engineers, electricians, plumbers, janitors, repair people, groundskeepers, food service workers, commissaries, and other maintenance/support personnel for the new facility, expansion, or addition. (F) Total: the total number of current full-time staff members assigned to the new facility, addition, or expansion as reported by the facility administration. This figure is computed by adding current administration, security, maintenance, program, and treatment staff. (F) NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Negative time factors: factors that negatively affected the time schedule. Options include, but are not limited to, slow responses and delivery problems from vendors and suppliers; labor problems; weather problems; government procedures and regulations; and complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems. 9 Construction Cost Indexes Facilities appearing in the NU National Directory of Corrections Construction show the date and cost of construction at a particular location, and you can use the following table of Cost fudexes to estimate what it would cost to construct that facility in your geographic region. Likewise, you may have an NU Construction Information Exchange Facility Data Base Search printout that shows the date and cost of construction for a jail or prison that you would like to consider for your own jurisdiction. You can use these indexes to make reasonably estimated comparisons. These comparisons should not be substituted, however, for detailed budget estimates, which include appropriate contingencies and consider your specific site and program. The formula: The Cost Indexes are based on a 69-city national average, with a 1978 base of 100. To estimate or compare costs, use the index factors for the cities closest to the geographic areas you wish to compare, or closest to the area in which you wish to construct a new facility. The Cost fudexes are in alphabetical order by State for your convenience. The table does not list any cities in North Dakota. The two main uses of the Cost Indexes involve the estimation and comparison of costs for: 1. Construction in different regions for different years (examples 1 and 2). 2. Construction in a particular region for different years (example 3). fudex factor for date and place desired fudex factor for date and place known X known cost = estimated cost Example 1 You are interested in adapting the Denver Reception and Diagnostic Center (DRDC), constructed in 1991 in Denver, Colorado, for construction in your own region. The total construction cost for the DRDC in 1991 was $36,000,000. Your new facility is to be built in Charlotte, North Carolina. (b) Multiply the DRDC known cost ($36,000,000) by the result of (a). (c) The result of (b) is the total estimated cost for your new jail in Charlotte. Procedure 1992 Charlotte index factor 1991 Denver index factor = = 140.3 159 .2 l 4 0. 3 159.2 = $31,726,130 Calculation (a) Divide the 1992 Charlotte index factor by the 199 I Denver index factor. Example 1 formula:· 10 (1992 Charlotte index factor) (1991 Denver index factor) x X $36 000 000 ' ' DRDC known cost estimated cost = for Charlotte NII/National Directory of Corrections Construction Example 2 You are interested in adapting the Knox County Jail, constructed in 1984 in Barbourville, Kentucky, for construction in your own region. The total construction cost for the Knox County Jail in 1984 was $666,000. Your new facility is to be built in Billings, Montana. Procedure (a) Divide the 1992 Billings index factor by the 1984 Louisville (closest city to Barbourville, Kentucky) index factor. (1992 Billings index factor) Example 2 formula: (b) Multiply the Knox County Jail known cost ($666,000) by the result of (a). (c) The result of (b) is the total projected cost for your new jail in Billings. Calculation 1992 Billings index factor 1984 Louisville index factor = = 162.4 130.4 l GZ.4 130.4 = $829,436 X $666 000 ' Knox County Jail (1984 Louisville index factor) x known cost estimated cost = for Billings Example 3 A replacement cost is needed for a State prison located near Birmingham, Alabama. You would like to model the new prison after the Federal Correctional Institution constructed in 1979 in Talladega, Alabama. The total construction cost for that facility was $10,069,300. (b) Multiply the Federal Correctional Institution known construction cost ($10,069,300) by the result of (a). (c) The result of (b) is the total projected cost for the replacement prison near Birmingham. Calculation Procedure (a) Divide the 1992 Birmingham index factor by the 1979 Birmingham (closest city to Talladega) index factor. (1992 Birmingham index factor) 1992 Birmingham index factor = 144.9 1979 Birmingham index factor = 94.3 144·9 X $10 069 300 = $15,472,338 94.3 ' ' Federal Correctional estimated cost Example 3 formula: (1979 Birmingham index factor) x Institution known cost = for Birmingham NfJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 11 Alabama Binningham 86.5 94.3 103.5 110.3 115.5 120.2 125.6 121.2 131.5 144.8 159.4 172.9 182.7 187.9 95.7 105.0 116.7 126.7 134.2 139.1 140.7 86.2 92.1 101.6 110.6 117.1 120.6 126.5 106.8 111.3 108.3 117.7 117.3 122.1 119.5 128.2 128.9 133.7 130.1 142.5 140.6 146.7 142.0 155.8 150.3 156.1 152.5 168.3 160.5 163.8 158.0 178.8 163.5 169.2 161.5 184.4 96.0 105.3 115.8 122.5 132.7 140.4 148.4 94.6 101.4 111.2 118.7 127.8 136.3 144.3 98.2 105.4 115.8 125.3 135.1 142.9 148.4 95.9 102.6 113.8 122.5 130.1 138.2 141.6 85.7 88.3 86.9 93.5 95.7 94.6 102.4 103.5 103.4 108.6 112.9 112.7 115.8 121.9 118.6 121.0 126.6 125.9 127.6 129.0 129.8 87.7 95.0 103.6 111.1 118.8 125.6 127.9 114.8 124.6 137.1 151.0 163.8 173.1 178.0 91.7 100.4 110.4 121.5 131.9 137.1 140.4 102.3 92.3 110.9 100.0 122.0 109.5 131.9 120.0 139.7 128.7 146.6 135.2 152.1 139.3 98.5 107.1 116.7 125.6 133.7 138.1 144.6 90.7 97.9 108.9 114.7 122.1 126.0 130.5 89.4 95.8 104.2 112.9 119.4 123.1 130.8 Alaska Anchorage Arizona Phoenix Arkansas Little Rock California Fresno Los Angeles San Diego San Francisco Colorado Denver Connecticut Hartford Delaware Wilmington District of Columbia Florida Jacksonville Miami Tampa Georgia Atlanta Hawaii Honolulu Idaho Boise Illinois Chicago Peoria Indiana Indianapolis Iowa Des Moines Kansas Wichita 12 N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction 128.1 128.5 130.8 136.6 139.4 140.1 142.9 144.9 190.3 195.2 202.2 205.7 210.2 214.7 221.0 223.8 145.2 143.9 147.1 157.2 160.7 163.7 169.2 172.1 127.1 127.3 128.4 137.9 140.9 144.1 147.5 149.0 164.3 174.6 167.3 186.6 167.1 176.1 168.6 192.1 171.7 180.8 174.4 198.8 179.6 184.3 179.7 201.3 183.5 187.8 183.7 205.0 187.5 190.3 187.1 208.9 193.0 198.1 193.2 215.8 195.5 202.1 196.7 218.2 144.2 144.0 149.0 154.6 152.9 155.0 159.2 161.8 150.0 155.5 160.3 161.3 165.6 169.6 173.3 175.9 151.2 155.4 162.2 165.3 169.8 174.2 178.7 182.5 143.7 148.5 153.0 155.6 159.0 162.9 168.5 169.2 128.9 132.5 133.2 131.8 133.9 136.2 134.7 137.9 140.8 138.9 143.2 143.1 142.1 146.4 146.2 144.2 149.7 149.5 147.5 153.3 153.1 149.6 155.7 155.5 130.3 133.3 137.8 140.6 143.2 146.4 149.4 152.0 180.2 184.9 191.6 194.8 199.1 203.3 209.3 212.0 141.3 143.6 147.5 152.6 156.6 160.1 163.2 167.5 155.3 141.5 156.4 143.3 162.5 149.1 169.4 154.1 173.4 157.9 177.3 161.5 181.5 165.5 187.1 169.3 145.5 149.0 152.0 158.1 161.8 165.2 169.3 171.7 132.7 135.4 137.8 147.9 150.4 153.8 156.8 159.6 127.4 129.1 133.2 141.4 144.4 147.7 151.3 152.8 NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 13 Kentucky Louisville 91.0 99.0 106.9 114.4 120.4 123.3 130.4 89.2 96.6 106.4 113.8 121.6 127.8 134.2 86.1 92.5 101.0 110.6 120.9 127.6 131.8 95.5 102.5 112.5 122.9 129.2 136.6 141.3 107.7 114.1 125.0 132.4 145.9 154.5 163.7 105.5 86.0 114.8 93.2 125.5 101.7 136.2 111.8 145.8 120.6 150.6 125.6 155.7 129.2 98.3 107.6 117.6 124.7 134.7 140.3 149.3 80.1 88.7 98.8 105.5 111.0 115.9 120.2 98.0 97.2 105.9 106.2 115.4 117.0 124.2 124.0 133.6 131.2 138.6 137.4 145.2 144.9 93.8 101.4 110.7 118.8 128.1 135.5 142.2 90.2 99.8 107.4 114.6 123.0 128.3 132.9 102.0 112.1 124.2 137.0 143.6 151.6 155.0 87.0 93.4 102.0 111.7 122.2 128.9 133.2 104.7 112.2 122.9 131.6 141.7 149.6 159.5 93.9 101.5 113.8 123.3 132.7 137.0 142.9 103.6 117.7 100.7 111.5 124.5 108.3 121.9 136.3 118.1 132.6 147.8 129.6 141.8 160.2 141.6 151.3 170.4 147.7 156.4 180.5 153.1 79.4 86.8 93.5 101.9 106.9 113.7 116.9 Louisiana New Orleans Maine Portland Maryland Baltimore Massachusetts Boston Michigan Detroit Grand Rapids Minnesota Minneapolis Mississippi Jackson Missouri Kansas City St. Louis Montana Billings Nebraska Omaha Nevada Las Vegas New Hampshire Nashua New Jersey Newark New Mexico Albuquerque New York Buffalo New York Rochester North Carolina Charlotte 14 NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 131.4 132.9 136.9 146.8 149.2 152.7 155.6 158.4 136.1 136.3 139.2 143.3 142.8 145.2 147.6 150.1 133.6 136.5 141.5 145.8 149.7 153.2 156.8 159.2 143.1 147.7 153.2 153.0 155.8 159.7 166.5 165.6 169.3 176.2 183.2 186.1 191.4 196.1 199.3 202.6 157.0 130.3 160.1 132.9 165.8 137.9 172.1 142.3 177.1 146.2 180.9 149.5 185.3 153.2 189.1 155.9 149.0 153.5 157.9 160.7 164.2 167.8 171.7 174.6 122.3 122.3 123.8 131.6 134.6 136.6 139.7 141.7 145.0 149.1 147.4 153.3 152.6 158.5 156.5 164.0 159.4 165.3 162.9 169.0 166.4 171.0 167.4 174.6 137.8 142.3 145.7 151.7 152.8 155.8 159.9 162.4 130.2 133.4 137.8 145.8 149.2 152.6 156.4 158.8 156.5 157.5 162.3 171.3 175.0 178.8 184.0 186.4 134.9 137.9 143.0 147.3 151.2 154.8 158.4 160.8 167.5 173.8 180.7 180.1 185.5 191.2 196.8 200.8 142.6 143.6 145.5 151.5 153.5 157.3 159.4 163.7 159.8 188.8 155.4 167.6 196.1 162.4 172.8 206.1 167.3 173.4 207.7 169.1 176.9 215.0 172.5 178.9 223.4 174.5 184.5 230.4 179.9 186.5 236.7 181.8 119.1 121.0 126.6 129.1 131.9 135.0 138.1 140.3 NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 15 II I I Ohio Cincinnati Cleveland· Columbus 98.5 103.8 97.0 107.8 113.5 106.7 117.6 124.7 116.4 125.5 134.3 127.2 133.7 144.8 136.2 138.0 149.9 141.9 145.1 157.2 145.9 88.5 96.5 105.7 116.9 125.7 129.4 132.3 99.8 110.5 120.2 132.1 140.6 145.3 148.0 95.3 104.1 101.1 103.0 111.2 109.4 112.8 123.4 120.4 123.5 130.2 129.8 131.6 139.5 135.8 138.5 148.1 142.9 143.6 155.8 150.1 96.4 103.6 113.0 123.9 135.4 142.9 147.6 78.0 84.3 91.6 101.3 110.0 116.2 118.1 79.7 86.6 94.5 102.7 111.2 116.4 121.5 87.1 84.8 93.9 93.6 105.5 102.3 111.2 110.2 118.4 116.5 123.8 120.0 128.8 125.0 87.8 81.7 91.7 84.9 95.9 90.1 101.5 93.6 106.7 98.7 110.4 102.4 115.3 107.1 122.4 112.2 123.8 115.2 129.5 120.2 130.3 120.3 136.4 124.6 136.2 123.4 141.1 127.8 94.1 101.4 111.1 117.8 125.5 132.4 140.9 84.7 90.9 99.2 108.8 118.9 125.5 129.6 87.1 93.6 102.1 112.4 117.6 125.1 127.5 101.4 99.6 112.9 109.8 124.5 119.9 135.8 131.9 146.8 139.7 151.4 146.2 155.0 150.4 98.3 106.2 116.3 127.4 135.8 142.9 148.2 99.9 108.2 117.3 128.3 135.5 140.7 146.0 87.6 95.5 104.7 113.7 123.3 130.0 134.9 Oklahoma Oklahoma City Oregon Portland Pennsylvania Erie Philadelphia Pittsburgh Rhode Island Providence South Carolina Charleston South Dakota Sioux Falls Tennessee Memphis Nashville Texas Dallas El Paso Houston San Antonio Utah Salt Lake City Vermont Burlington Virginia Richmond Washington Seattle Spokane West Virginia Charleston Wisconsin Milwaukee Wyoming Cheyenne 16 Nil/National Directory of Corrections Construction 145.0 158.4 145.1 146.2 163.8 149.1 150.6 168.6 152.7 155.5 174.1 158.8 158.9 176.7 162.5 161.9 176.6 166.0 165.6 182.9 170.1 167.9 184.1 172.5 134.6 ·132.3 132.9 142.0 143.9 147.5 149.4 153.5 149.1 150.9 153.5 163.2 167.5 171.2 174.6 179.1 146.2 160.1 154.1 149.0 165.6 157.1 153.6 173.1 160.4 156.3 175.9 162.0 159.3 181.1 164.3 163.8 186.1 169.5 167.4 190.8 172.6 169.8 196.1 175.0 149.6 152.8 158.5 163.3 167.6 171.6 175.6 178.2 119.1 121.3 126.3 129.4 132.4 135.5 138.8 140.9 122.0 125.0 129.3 132.0 135.1 138.2 141.7 143.9 130.9 127.3 132.9 127.7 135.4 130.1 144.1 137.6 146.6 140.8 149.9 142.8 152.8 146.1 155.5 148.2 135.6 122.8 138.3 128.1 133.0 121.9 136.5 128.2 134.8 126.3 136.4 130.3 134.8 131.6 147.9 137.0 138.4 133.4 149.9 138.8 142.1 136.7 153.6 142.2 142.1 138.5 155.6 144.1 147.8 142.3 159.9 148.0 136.3 140.9 143.6 150.3 151.5 154.4 158.5 161.0 131.3 134.2 139.1 143.4 147.l 150.6 154.2 156.5 129.6 133.6 136.5 140.7 143.7 147.3 152.3 153.0 155.5 152.3 157.7 154.6 160.2 158.2 166.7 164.4 171.2 168.7 174.8 172.5 176.8 175.9 183.8 180.4 150.8 153.7 158.4 161.2 164.3 168.9 172.7 175.2 147.7 150.4 156.0 163.1 167.1 170.9 175.2 179.1 134.1 135.0 139.9 144.6 145.8 148.6 152.6 154.9 NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 17 Section 2 Index: State/county/city Index: Inmate design capacity Index: Category of construction Index: Facility name State/county/city State Coooty/city AR CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA co co co co co co co co CT CT DE FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA 20 Grady Alameda Alameda County Butte County Dublin Kem County Live Oak Los Angeles San Bernardino County San Diego San Mateo County Santa Oara County Stanislaus County Alamosa County Arapahoe County Boulder County Denver Huerfano County Mesa County Pueblo County Saguache Sandy Hook Somers Wilmington Brevard County Dade County Duval County Duval County Hillsborough County Indiantown Orange County Palm Beach County Pinellas County Atlanta Blairsville Buford Butler Cadwell Cedartown Claxton Oaxton Clayton County Conyers Davisboro Davisboro Garden City Glynn County Hardwick Helena Henry County Index Facility type State prison City complex County jail County jail Federal detention/jail County jail State prison (privately operated) Federal detention/jail County jail Regional jail (military) County and city jail County complex County jail County complex County complex County jail State prison County complex County complex County jail County jail State prison State prison State prison County jail County jail County jail County and city complex County jail State prison County jail County jail County jail Federal prison State prison State prison State prison State prison State prison State prison State prison County jail State prison State prison State prison State prison County jail State prison State prison County jail Facility name Varner Unit Alameda City Police Department and Jail Alameda County Jail Butte County Minimum Security Facility Federal Detention Center-Dublin Lerdo Pre-Trial ECI: Leo Chesney Women's Center Metropolitan Detention Center-Los Angeles West Valley Detention Center Naval Consolidated Brig Miramar South County Detention Facility Santa Clara County Main Jail Stanislaus County Public Safety Center Alamosa County Detention Center Arapahoe County Justice Center Boulder County Jail Denver Reception and Diagnostic Center Huerfano County Law Enforcement Center Mesa County Detention Facility Pueblo County Detention Facility-Work Release Saguache County Jail Garner Correctional Institution Alexander Cybulski Correctional Institution Multi-Putpose Criminal Justice Facility Brevard County Detention Center Metro West Detention Center James I. Montgomery Correctional Center John E. Goode Pre-Trial Detention Facility Hillsborough County Orient Road Jail Martin Correctional Institution Genesis Unit 200 Bed Correctional Facility Palm Beach County Stockade Pinellas County Jail U.S. Federal Penitentiary-Atlanta Northeast Probation Detention Center Phillips Correctional Institute-Boot Camp Western Probation Detention Center Central Probation Detention Center Northwest Probation Detention Center Southeast Probation Detention Center Women's Probation Detention Center Clayton County Correctional Institution Rockdale-Dekalb Probation Detention Center Washington Correctional Institution--Boot Camp Washington Correctional Institution Coastal Correctional Institution Glynn County Detention Center Georgia Women's Correctional Institute Telfair Correctional Institute-Boot Camp Henry County Jail Page 36 38 40 42 46 48 44 50 60 52 56 54 58 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 80 78 82 84 96 90 92 88 94 86 98 100 142 126 130 152 104 128 136 154 106 132 146 148 108 114 112 138 118 NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction State/county/city (continued) Index State County/city Facility type Facility name GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA n, n, n, State prison State prison State prison County jail State prison State prison State prison State prison State prison State prison State prison State prison State prison County complex County complex State prison State prison State prison County jail County jail County jail County jail County complex State prison County jail County jail State prison State prison County jail County jail County complex County complex Regional jail State prison Federal prison Federal detention/jail County and city jail County and city jail County jail County jail State prison State prison State prison State prison County jail County jail County jail State prison County jail County jail Homerville Parole Center Georgia Diagnostic and Classification Center 1 W. Davis Probation Detention Center Lowndes County Jail Central Correctional Institute Rogers Correctional Institute Treutlen Shock Unit Hays Co~tional Institure-Boot Camp Ware Correctional Institute West Central Probation Detention Center Illinois River Correctional Center Danville Correctional Center Hill Correctional Center Robert H. Babcox Justice Center McHenry County Government Center Western Illinois Correctional Center Robinson Correctional Center Taylorville Correctional Center Will County Adult Detention Facility Boone County Jail Gibson County Jail Kosciusko County Work Release Tippecanoe County Law Enforcement Center El Dorado Correctional Facility Johnson County Jail Sedgwick County Adult Local Detention Facility Lansing Correctional Facility-East Lamed Correctional Mental Health Facility Sedgwick County Work Release Shawnee County Adult Detention Facility Stanton County Law Enforcement Center Wyandotte County Detention Center Carroll County Regional Detention Center Eastern Kentucky Correctional Complex Federal Correctional Institution-Oakdale I Federal Detention Center-Oakdale Il Orleans Parish Prison Tulane Avenue Facility St Bernard Jail Complex Norfolk County Sheriffs Office and Correctional Center Baltimore Pre-Release Unit for Women Jessup Pre-Release Unit Patuxentinstitution Central Laundry Facility Montgomery County Detention Center Montgomery County Detention Center Androscoggin County Jail Ionia Maximum Correctional Facility Macomb County Jail Sergeant William Dickerson Detention Facility IL n, Il., n, n, IL IN IN IN IN KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KY KY LA LA LA LA LA MA MD MD MD MD MD MD ME MI MI MI Homerville Jackson Jefferson Lowndes County Macon Reidsville Soperton Trion Waycross '.Zebulon Canton Danville Galesburg Lake County McHenry County Mt Sterling Robinson Taylorville Will County Boone County Gibson County Kosciusko County Tippecanoe County El Dorado Johnson County Lake County Lansing Lamed Sedgwick County Shawnee County Stanton County Wyandotte County Carroll County West Liberty Oakdale Oakdale Orleans Parish Orleans Parish St Bernard Parish Norfolk County Baltimore Jessup Jessup Sykesville Montgomery County Montgomery County Androscoggin County Ionia Macomb County Wayne County NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Page 120 110 122 124 102 134 140 116 144 150 160 156 158 164 162 170 166 168 172 174 176 178 180 182 184 190 186 188 192 194 196 198 200 202 204 206 208 212 210 228 216 220 226 218 222 224 214 230 232 234 21 Index State/county/city (continued) State County/city Facility type Facility name MN Hennepin County County jail State prison County complex County complex State prison State prison County complex County jail County jail County jail County complex Federal prison County jail County jail State prison County jail County complex County complex County complex State prison State prison State prison Regional jail County complex Federal prison Federal prison County jail Federal prison City jail State prison County jail County complex County complex County jail County complex County complex County complex Federal prison County jail Regional jail State prison State prison State prison State prison County complex State prison State prison County jail Hennepin County Adult Detention Center Minnesota Correctional Facility-Shakopee Sherburne County Jail Boone County Jail Western Missouri Correctional Center Fulton Reception and Diagnostic Center Marion County Jail and Law Enforcement Center Harrison County Jail Duplin County Jail Durham County Jail Annex Wake County Public Safety Center Federal Correctional Institution-Fanton Cumberland County Jail Monmouth County Correction Institution Ely State Prison Cattaraugus County Jail Genesee County Jail Metro Jefferson Public Safety Building Saratoga County Law Enforcement Center Grafton Correctional Institution Lorain Correctional Institution Warren Correctional Institution Northwest Ohio Regional Jail Marion County Corrections Facility Federal Correctional Institution-Sheridan Federal Correctional Institution-McKean Bucks County Rehabilitation Center Federal Correctional Institution--Schuylkill Philadelphia Industrial Correctional Center State Correctional Institution at Waymart York County Prison Bee County Jail Caldwell County Jail Lew Sterrett Justice Center Frio County Jail Nacogdoches County Law Enforcement Center Rusk County Sheriff's Department Federal Correctional Institution-Three Rivers Oxbow Jail Facility Oarke-Frederick-Winchester Regional Adult Detention Center Greensville Correctional Center Lorton Maximum Security Facility Keen Mountain Correctional Center Clallam Bay Correctional Center Milwaukee County Jail and Criminal Justice Facility Columbia Correctional Institution Racine Correctional Institution Sublette County Jail MN Shakopee MN Sherburne County MO Boone county MO Cameron MO Fulton MO Marion County MS Harrison County NC Duplin County NC Durham County NC Wake County NJ Cumberland NJ Cumberland County NJ Monmouth County NV Ely NY Cattaraugus County NY Genesee County NY Jefferson County NY Saratoga County OH Grafton OH Grafton OH Lebanon OH William County OR Marion County OR Sheridan PA Bradford PA Bucks County PA Minersville PA Philadelphia PA Waymart PA York County TX Bee County TX Caldwell County TX Dallas County TX Frio County TX Nacogdoches County TX Rusk County TX Three Rivers UT Salt Lake County VA Frederick County VA Greensville VA Lorton VA Oakwood WA OallamBay WI Milwaukee County WI Portage WI Sturtevant WY Sublette County 22 Page 236 238 240 244 250 246 248 242 268 270 272 256 254 258 252 260 262 264 266 274 276 280 278 284 282 288 286 290 292 294 296 298 300 306 304 308 310 302 312 314 316 320 318 322 326 324 328 330 NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Inmate design capacity Inmates 8 12 22 26 28 39 40 42 45 48 50 62 80 84 90 96 99 100 109 ' 122 128 131 132 148 148 160 162 16.§., 170 170 181 185 186 192 194 199 199 200 252 256 256 272 274 286 289 290 294 300 311 316 County/city facility name Saguache County Jail Stanton County Law Enforcement Center Sublette County Jail Alameda City Police Department and Jail Pueblo County Detention Facility-Work Release Huerfano County Law Enforcement Center Duplin County Jail Kosciusko County Work Release Genesee County Jail Alamosa County Detention Center Sherburne County Jail Gibson County Jail Rusk County Sheriffs Department Carroll County Regional Detention Center Marion County Jail-and Law Enforcement Center Butte County Minimum Security Facility Sedgwick County Work Release Ounberland County Jail Hennepin County Adult Detention Center Androscoggin County Jail Bee County Jail Montgomery County Detention Center Cattaraugus County Jail Caldwell County Jail Nacogdoches County Law Enforcement Center South County Detention Facility Durham County Jail Annex Saratoga County Law Enforcement Center Frio County Jail Henry County Jail Metro Jefferson Public Safety Building Tippecanoe County Law Enforcement Center Boone County Jail Mesa County Detention Facility Boone County Jail McHenry County Government Center Shawnee County Adult Detention Facility Genesis Unit 200 Bed Correctional Facility Clayton County Correctional Institution Monmouth County Correction Institution Marion County Corrections Facility Bucks County Rehabilitation Center Johnson County Jail Glynn County Detention Center Palm Beach County Stockade St Bernard Jail Complex Stanislaus County Public Safety Center Oarke-Frederick-Winchester Regional Adult Boulder County Jail Will County Adult Detention Facility NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Index State co KS WY CA co co NC IN NY co MN IN TX KY MO CA KS NJ MN ME TX MD NY TX TX CA NC NY TX GA NY IN MO co IN IL KS FL GA NJ OR PA KS GA FL LA CA VA co IL Page 76 196 330 38 74 70 268 178 262 62 240 176 310 200 248 42 192 254 236 214 298 222 260 300 308 56 270 266 304 118 264 180 244 72 174 162 194 86 106 258 284 286 184 114 98 210 58 314 66 172 23 Index Inmate design capacity (continued) Inmates 328 330 368 371 372 392 394 396 425 429 430 440 443 480 508 2 ~ 650 698 720 724 798 886 899 1,004 1,104 1,504 2,292 2,297 3,036 Inmates 74 106 120 128 150 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 200 200 200 200 24 County/city facility name State Page Lowndes County Jail Montgomery County Detention Center Oxbow Jail Facility Wyandotte County Detention Center Tulane Avenue Facility Brevard County Detention Center Norfolk County Sheriffs Office and Correctional Center Pinellas County Jail Lew Sterrett Justice Center Harrison County Jail Sedgwick County Adult Local Detention Facility James L Montgomery Correctional Center Naval Consolidated Brig Miramar Wake County Public Safety Center Northwest Ohio Regional Jail Orleans Parish Prison York County Prison Philadelphia Industrial Correctional Center Robert H. Babcox Correctional Center Santa Clara County Main Jail Arapahoe County Justice Center Milwaukee County Jail and Criminal Justice Facility Sergeant William Dickerson Detention Facility Macomb County Jail Metro West Detention Center Lerdo Pre-Trial Hillsborough County Orient Road Jail West Valley Detention Center John E. Goode Pre-Trial Detention Facility Alameda County Jail GA MD UT 124 224 312 198 212 Ml FL CA FL CA FL CA State facility name State Page Baltimore Pre-Release Unit for Women Minnesota Correctional Facility-Shakopee ECT: Leo Chesney Women's Center Patuxentlnstitution Larned Correctional Mental Health Facility Central Probation Detention Center I.W. Davis Probation Detention Center Northeast Probation Detention Center Northwest Probation Detention Center Rockdale-Dekalb Probation Detention Center Southeast Probation Detention Center West Central Probation Detention Center Western Probation Detention Center Women's Probation Detention Center Central Correctional Institute Coastal Correctional Institution Georgia Diagnostic and Classification Center Georgia Women's Correctional Institute MD MN CA MD 216 238 KS LA FL MA FL TX MS KS FL CA NC OH LA PA PA IL CA co WI Ml KS GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA 84 228 100 306 242 190 90 52 272 278 208 296 292 164 54 64 326 234 232 96 48 88 60 92 40 44 226 188 104 122 126 128 132 136 150 152 154 102 108 110 112 NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Inmate design capacity (continued) Inmates 200 200 200 200. 224 224 224 224 224 232 256 300 400 420 464 480 511 512 528 596 614 614 640 666 680 696 703 758 766 776 814 926 926 1,008 1,025 1,219 2,000 2,014 2,144 2,282 Index State facility name State Rogers Correctional Institute Ware Correctional Institute Lansing Correctional Facility-E.ast Lorton Maximum Security Facility Hays Correctional Institute-Boot Camp Homerville Parole Center Telfair Correctional Institute-Boot Camp Phillips Correctional Institute-Boot Camp Washington Correctional Institution-Boot Camp Treutlen Shock Unit Central Laundry Facility Alexander Cybulski Correctional Institution Clallam Bay Correctional Center Jessup Pre-Release Unit Denver Reception and Diagnostic Center Multi-Purpose Criminal Justice Facility Columbia Correctional Institution Fulton Reception and Diagnostic Center . Grafton Correctional Institution Martin Correctional Institution Robinson Correctional Center Taylorville Correctional Center El Dorado Correctional Facility Ionia Maximum Correctional Facility Washington Correctional Institution Keen Mountain Correctional Center Racine Correctional Institution Western Illinois Correctional Center Gamer Correctional Institution Warren Correctional Institution Illinois River Correctional Center Danville Correctional Center Hill Correctional Center Ely State Prison State Correctional Institution Waymart Varner Unit Western Missouri Correctional Center Lorain Correctional Institution E.astern Kentucky Correctional Complex Greensville Correctional Center at NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction GA GA KS VA GA GA GA GA GA GA MD CT WA MD co DE Wl MO OH FL IL IL KS Ml GA VA Wl IL CT OH IL IL IL NV PA AR MO OH KY VA Page 134 144 186 320 116 120 138 130 146 140 218 78 322 220 68 82 324 246 274 94 166 168 182 230 148 318 328 170 80 280 160 156 158 252 294 36 250 276 202 316 25 Inmate design capacity (continued) Inmates 236 426 588 699 725 l,OCO 1,040 1,066 1,088 .1,316 26 Index Federalfacility name State Federal Detention Center-Dublin U.S. Federal Penitentiary-Atlanta .Metropolitan Detention Center-Los Angeles Federal Detention Center-Oakdale II Federal Conectional Institution-Oakdale I Federal Correctional Institution-Fairtori . Federal Conectional Institution-McKean Federal Conectional Institution-Three Rivers Federal Conectional Institution-Schuylldll Federal Conectional Institution-Sheridan CA GA CA LA LA NJ PA TX PA OR Page 46 142 50 206 204 256 288 302 290 282 Nil/National Directory of Corrections Construction Category of construction Category New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction Index State Facility name Facility type AR Varner Unit Alameda County Jail Metropolitan Detention Center-Los Angeles Naval Consolidated Brig Miramar Santa Clara County Main Jail Stanislaus County Public Safety Center West Valley Detention Center Alamosa County Detention Center Arapahoe County Justice Center Boulder County Jail Denver Reception and Diagnostic Center Huerfano County Law Enforcement Center Alexander Cybulski Correctional Institution Gamer Correctional Institution Brevard County Detention Center Hillsborough County Orient Road Jail James I. Montgomery Correctional Center John E. Goode Pre-Trial Detention Facility Martin Correctional Institution Central Probation Detention Center Clayton County Correctional Institution Glynn County Detention Center Henry County Jail I.W. Davis Probation Detention Center Northeast Probation Detention Center Northwest Probation Detention Center Rockdale-Dekalb Probation Detention Center Southeast Probation Detention Center Treutlen Shock Unit West Central Probation Detention Center Westem Probation Detention Center Women's Probation Detention Center Danville Correctional Center Hill Correctional Center Illinois River Correctional Center McHenry County Government Center Robert H. Babcox Justice Center Robinson Correctional Center Taylorville Correctional Center Western Illinois Correctional Center Will County Adult Detention Facility Boone County Jail Tippecanoe County Law Enforcement Center El Dorado Correctional Facility Johnson County Jail Lamed Correctional Mental Health Facility Sedgwick County Adult Local Detention Facility Shawnee County Adult Detention Facility Wyandotte County Detention Center Carroll County Regional Detention Center State prison County jail Federal detention/jail Regional jail (military) County complex County jail County jail County complex County complex County jail State prison County complex State prison State prison County jail County jail County jail County and city complex State prison State prison County jail County jail County jail State prison State prison State prison State prison State prison State prison State prison State prison State prison State prison State prison State prison County complex County complex State prison State prison State prison County jail County jail County complex State prison County jail State prison County jail County jail County complex Regional jail CA CA CA CA CA CA co co co co co CT CT FL FL FL FL FL GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IN IN KS KS KS KS KS KS KY NIJ/National Directory ofCorrections Construction Page 36 40 50 52 54 58 (i() 62 64 66 68 70 78 80 84 88 90 92 94 lOt 106 114 118 122 126 128 132 136 140 150 152 154 156 158 100 162 164 166 168 170 172 174 180 182 184 188 190 194 198 200 .27 Index Category of construction (continued) Category State Facility name Facility type New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction KY LA LA Eastern Kentucky Correctional Complex Federal Correctional Institution-Oakdale I Federal Detention Center-Oakdale II St Bernard Jail Complex Norlolk County Sheriffs Office and Correctional Center Baltimore Pre-Release Unit for Women Jessup Pre-Release Unit Androscoggin County Jail Ionia Maximum Correctional Facility Sergeant William Dickerson Detention Facility Minnesota Correctional Facility-Shakopee Boone County Jail Fulton Reception and Diagnostic Center Marion County Jail and Law Enforcement Center Western Missouri Correctional Center Harrison County Jail Wake County Public Safety Center Federal Correctional Institution-Fairton Ely State Prison Metro Jefferson Public Safety Building Grafton Correctional Institution Lorain Correctional Institution Northwest Ohio Regional Jail Warren Correctional Institution Federal Correctional Institution-Sheridan Marion County Corrections Facility Bucks County Rehabilitation Center Federal Correctional Institution-McKean Federal Correctional Institution-Schuylkill Philadelphia Industrial Correctional Center Bee County Jail Caldwell County Jail Federal Correctional Institution-Three Rivers Frio County Jail Nacogdoches County Law Enforcement Center Rusk County Sheriffs Department Oxbow Jail Facility Clark-Frederick-Winchester Regional Adult Detention Center Greensville Correctional Center Keen Mountain Correctional Center Columbia Correctional Institution Racine Correctional Institution Butte County Minimum Security Facility ECI: Leo Chesney Women's Center Federal Detention Center-Dublin South County Detention Facility Mesa County Detention Facility Genesis Unit 200 Bed Correctional Facility Metro West Detention Center State prison Federal prison Federal detention/jail County jail County jail State prison State prison County jail State prison County jail State prison County complex State prison County complex State prison County complex County complex Federal prison State prison County complex State prison State prison Regional jail State prison Federal prison County complex County jail Federal prison Federal prison City jail County complex County complex Federal prison County complex County complex County complex County jail New Construction New Construction New Construction New Construction New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, ancillary building 28 LA MA MD MD ME MI MI MN MO MO MO MO MS NC NJ NV NY OH OH OH OH OR OR PA PA PA PA TX TX TX TX TX TX UT VA VA VA WI WI CA CA CA CA co FL FL Page 202 204 206 210 228 216 220 214 230 234 238 244 246 248 250 242 272 256 252 264 274 276 278 280 282 284 286 288 290 292 298 300 302 304 308 310 312 Regional jail 314 State prison 316 State prison 318 324 State prison State prison 328 County jail 42 State prison (privately operated) 44 Federal detention/jail 46 County and city jail 56 County complex 72 County jail 86 County jail 96 NJJ/National Direc,tory of Corrections Construction Category of construction (continued) Index Category State Facility name Facility type New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, ancillary building RemodeVrenovation RemodeVrenovation Remodel/renovation RemodeVrenovation RemodeVrenovation Remodel/renovation Remodel/renovation Remodel/renovation Remodel/renovation Remodel/renovation Remodel/renovation Remodel/renovation Remodel/renovation Remodel/renovation Expansion Expansion Expansion Expansion Expansion Expansion Expansion Expansion Expansion Expansion Expansion FL Palm Beach CoWlty Stockade Central Correctional Institute Coastal Correctional Institution Georgia Diagnostic and Classification Center Georgia Women's Correctional Institute Hays Correctional Institute-Boot Camp Homerville Parole Center Phillips Correctional Institute-Boot Camp Rogers Correctional Institute Telfair Correctional Institute-Boot Camp Ware Correctional Institute Washington Correctional Institution-Boot Camp Washington Correctional Institution Gibson CoW1ty Jail Lansing Correctional Facility-East Orleans Parish Prison Tulane Avenue Facility Central Laundry Facility Montgomery County Detention Center Patuxent Institution Duplin County Jail York County Prison Lorton Maximwn Security Facility Clallam Bay Correctional Center l'vlilwaukee County Jail and Criminal Justice Facility Lerdo Pre-Trial Saguache County Jail Multi-Purpose Criminal Justice Facility U.S. Federal Penitentiary-Atlanta Gibson County Jail Kosciusko County Work Release Sedgwick County Work Release Stanton County Law Enforcement Center Macomb County Jail Monmouth County Correction Institution State Correctional Institution at Waymart Yorlc County Prison Lew Sterrett Justice Center Racine Correctional Institution Varner Unit Alameda City Police Department and Jail ECI: Leo Chesney Women's Center Pueblo CoWlty Detention Facility-Work Release Saguache County Jail Multi-Purpose Criminal Justice Facility Pinellas County Jail Lowndes County Jail Stanton County Law Enforcement Center Montgomery County Detention Center Macomb County Jail CoWltyjail State prison State prison State prison State prison State prison State prison State prison State prison State prison State prison State prison State prison County jail State prison· County and city jail County and city jail State prison County jail State prison County jail County jail State prison State prison County complex County jail County jail State prison Federal prison County jail County jail County jail County complex County jail CoW1tyjail State prison County jail CoWltyjail State prison State prison City complex State prison (privately operated) County jail County jail State prison County jail County jail County complex County jail County jail GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA IN KS LA LA IvID IvID IvID NC PA VA WA WI CA co DE GA IN IN KS KS MI NJ PA PA TX WI AR CA CA co co DE FL GA KS IvID MI NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Page 98 102 108 110 112 116 120 130 134 138 144 146 148 176 186 208 212 218 222 226 268 296 320 322 326 48 76 82 142 176 178 192 196 232 258 294 296 306 328 36 38 44 74 76 82 100 124 196 224 232 29 Category of construction (continued) Index Category State Facility name Facility type Expansion Expansion Expansion Expansion Expansion Expansion Phased project (past) Phased project (past) Phased project (future) Phased project (future) Conversion Conversion Conversion Conversion Unknown MN NJ NY NY PA Sherburne County Jail Cumberland County Jail Cattaraugus County Jail Genesee County Jail York County Prison Sublette County Jail Robert H. Babcox Justice Center Hennepin County Adult Detention Center West Valley Detention Center Lorain Correctional Institution Robert H. Babcox Justice Center Tulane Avenue Facility Durham County Jail Annex State Correctional Institution at Waymart Saratoga County Law Enfmcement Center County complex County jail County jail County complex County jail County jail County complex CoWltyjail County jail State prison County complex County and city jail County jail State prison Coooty complex 30 WY IL MN CA OH IL LA NC PA NY Page 240 254 260 262 296 330 164 236 60 276 164 212 270 294 266 NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Facility name Index Facility name State Facility type Alameda City Police Department and Jail Alameda County Jail Alamosa County Detention Center Alexander Cybulski Correctional Institution Androscoggin County Jail Arapahoe County Justice Center Baltimore Pre-Release Unit for Women Bee County Jail Boone County Jail Boone County Jail Boulder County Jail Brevard County Detention Center Bucks County Rehabilitation Center Butte County Minimum Security Facility Caldwell County Jail Carroll County Regional Detention Center Cattaraugus County Jail Central Correctional Institute Central Laundry Facility Central Probation Detention Center Clallam Bay Correctional Center Oarke-Frederick-Winchester Regional Adult Detention Center Clayton County Correctional Institution Coastal Correctional Institution Columbia Correctional Institution Cumberland County Jail Danville Correctional Center Denver Reception and Diagnostic Center Duplin County Jail Durham County Jail Annex ECI; Leo Chesney Women's Center Eastern Kentucky Correctional Complex El Dorado Correctional Facility Ely State Prison Federal Correctional lnstitution-Fairton Federal Correctional Institution-McKean Federal Correctional Institution-Oakdale I Federal Correctional Institution-Schuylkill Federal Correctional Institution-Sheridan Federal Correctional Institution---Three Rivers Federal Detention Center-Oakdale II Federal Detention Center-Dublin Frio County Jail Fulton Reception and Diagnostic Center Garner Correctional Institution Genesee County Jail Genesis Unit 200 Bed Correctional Facility Georgia Diagnostic and Classification Center Georgia Women's Correctional Institute Gibson County Jail CA CA City complex County jail County complex State prison County jail County complex State prison County complex County jail County complex County jail County jail County jail County jail County complex Regional jail County jail State prison State prison State prison State prison Regional jail County jail State prison State prison County jail State prison State prison County jail County jail State prison (privately operated) State prison State prison State prison Federal prison Federal prison Federal prison Federal prison Federal prison Federal prison Federal detention/jail Federal detention/jail County complex State prison State prison County complex County jail State prison State prison County jail Nil/National Directory of Corrections Construction co CT :ME co MD TX IN MO co FL PA CA TX KY NY GA MD GA WA VA GA GA WI NJ IL co NC NC CA KY KS NV NJ PA LA PA OR TX LA CA TX MO CT NY FL GA GA IN Page 38 40 62 78 214 64 216 298 174 244 66 84 286 42 300 200 260 102 218 104 322 314 106 108 324 254 156 68 268 270 44 202 182 252 256 288 204 290 282 302 206 46 304 246 80 262 86 110 112 176 31 Index Facility name (continued) Facility name State Facility type Glynn County Detention Center Grafton Correctional Institution Greensville Correctional Center Harrison County Jail Hays Correctional Institute-Boot Camp Hennepin County Adult Detention Center Herny County Jail Hill Correctional Center Hillsborough County Orient Road Jail Homerville Parole Center Huerfano County Law Enforcement Center I.W. Davis Probation Detention Center Illinois River Correctional Center Ionia Maximum Correctional Facility James I. Montgomery Correctional Center Jessup Pre-Release Unit John E. Goode Pre-Trial Detention Facility Johnson County Jail Keen Mountain Correctional Center Kosciusko County Work Release Lansing Correctional Facility-East Larned Correctional Mental Health Facility Lerdo Pre-Trial Lew Sterrett Justice Center Lorain Correctional Institution Lorton Maximum Security Facility Lowndes County Jail Macomb County Jail Marion County Corrections Facility Marion County Jail and Law Enforcement Center Martin Correctional Institution McHeruy County Government Center Mesa County Detention Facility Metro Jefferson Public Safety Building Metro West Detention Center Metropolitan Detention Center-Los Angeles Milwaukee County Jail and Criminal Justice Facility Minnesota Correctional Facility-Shakopee Monmouth County Correction Institution Montgomery County Detention Center Montgomery County Detention Center Multi-Purpose Criminal Justice Facility Nacogdoches County Law Enforcement Center Naval Consolidated Brig Miramar Norfolk County Sheriff's Office and Correctional Center Northeast Probation Detention Center Northwest Ohio Regional Jail Northwest Probation Detention Center Orleans Parish Prison Oxbow Jail Facility GA OH VA MS GA MN GA County jail State prison State prison County jail State prison County jail County jail State prison County jail State prison County complex State prison State prison State prison County jail State prison County and city complex County jail State prison County jail State prison State prison County jail County jail State prison State prison County jail County jail County complex County complex State prison County complex County complex County complex County jail Federal detention/jail County complex State prison County jail County jail County jail State prison County complex Regional jail (military) County jail State prison Regional jail State prison County and city jail County jail 32 IL FL GA co GA IL MI FL MD FL KS VA IN KS KS CA TX OH VA GA MI OR MO FL IL co NY FL CA WI MN NJ MD MD DE TX CA MA GA OH GA LA UT Page 114 274 316 242 116 236 118 158 88 120 70 122 160 230 90 220 92 184 318 178 186 188 48 306 276 320 124 232 284 248 94 162 72 264 96 50 326 238 258 222 224 82 308 52 228 126 278 128 208 312 NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Facility name (continued) Index Facility name State Facility type Palm Beach County Stockade Patuxent Institution Philadelphia Industrial Correctional Center Phillips Correctional Institute-Boot Camp Pinellas County Jail Pueblo County Detention Facility-Work Release Racine Correctional Institution Robert H. Babcox Justice Center Robinson Correctional Center Rockdale-Dekalb Probation Detention Center Rogers Correctional Institute Rusk County Sheriffs Deparnnent Saguache County Jail Santa Clara County Main Jail Saratoga County Law Enforcement Center Sedgwick County Adult Local Detention Facility Sedgwick County Work Release Sergeant William Dickerson Detention Facility Shawnee County Adult Detention Facility Sherburne County Jail South County Detention Facility Southeast Probation Detention Center St Bernard Jail Complex Stanislaus County Public Safety Center Stanton County Law Enforcement Center State Correctional Institution at Waymart Sublette County Jail Taylorville Correctional Center Telfair Correctional Institute-Boot Camp Tippecanoe County Law Enforcement Center Treutlen Shock Unit Tulane Avenue Facility U.S. Federal Penitentiary-Atlanta Varner Unit Wake County Public Safety Center Ware Correctional Institute Warren Correctional Institution Washington Correctional Institution-Boot Camp Washington Correctional Institution West Central Probation Detention Center West Valley Detention Center Western Illinois Correctional Center Western Missouri Correctional Center Western Probation Detention Center Will County Adult Detention Facility Women's Probation Detention Center Wyandotte County Detention Center York County Prison FL County jail State prison City jail State prison County jail County jail State prison County complex State prison State prison State prison County complex County jail County complex County complex County jail County jail County jail County jail County complex County and city jail State prison County jail County jail County complex State prison County jail State prison State prison County complex State prison County and city jail Federal prison State prison County complex State prison State prison State prison_ State prison State prison County jail State prison State prison State prison County jail State prison County complex County jail NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction MD PA GA FL co WI IL IL GA GA TX co CA NY KS KS MI KS MN CA GA LA CA KS PA WY IL GA IN GA LA GA AR NC GA OH GA GA GA CA IL MO GA IL GA KS PA Page 98 226 292 130 100 74 328 164 166 132 134 310 76 54 266 190 192 234 194 240 56 136 210 58 196 294 330 168 138 180 140 212 142 36 272 144 280 146 148 150 60 170 250 152 172 154 198 296 33 Section3 Facility Profiles Varner Unit Responsible official: Director, Arkansas Department of Corrections Contact: Dale Reed, Warden, Vamer Unit, Highway 65 South and Highway 388, P.O. Box 600, Grady, AR 71644---0600, 501-479-3311 Architect: Wittenberg, Delany, and Davidson, Savers Federal Building, Little Rock, AR 72201, 501-376--6681 Construction Manager: N/A Facility type: State prison Total GSF: 117,000 Total NSF: Unknown Corrections GSF: 117,000 Corrections NSF: Unknown Housing area GSF: 83,160 Housing area NSF: Unknown GSF per inmate (design): 96 GSF per inmate (current): Unknown NSF per inmate (design): Unknown NSF per inmate (current): Unknown Size of cells: Unknown Net/gross square feet Unknown IIIIDll:tillRIJJIPJl't111 Groundbreaking: September 1985 Finish date: March 1987 Construction time: 18 months Total: Unknown Building only: Unknown Final construction cost: Unknown Housing area: $5,405,400 Housing per inmate: $4,504 Housing per cell: Unknown Tot.al per inmate: Unknown Total per GSF: Unknown Total per NSF: Unknown Total annual operating costs: $4,082,438 Structural: Precast concrete frame, load• bearing masonry Exterior walls: Brick Interior walls: Precast panels, CMU block Exterior swface or facade: Unknown Electronic technology systems: Lighting protection, staff intercommunication, inmate intercom, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, door control/ monitoring, custom control panels 36 General population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 1,200 Special population Single occupancy: 1 Double occupancy: 18 Dorms:0 Tot.al design: 1,219 Current population: Unknown Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: 24 Inmates per unit (design): 50 Inmates per unit (current): 57 Management type (design): Remote surveillance Management type (current): Intermittent surveillance Means to handle crowding: Use of barrack areas Total officers per unit Day: 1 Evening: 1 Midnight: 1 Doormaterial(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) of locks: Motor driven and remote locking, manual locking Floor swface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to common areas HVAC: Gas heat Plumbing: China Furniture: Steel, vinyl/plastic Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas, manual alarm stations Windows: Standard and bars Perimeter: Single fence, razor wire on fence(s), towers, perimeter patrols; costs excluded Inmate security level Maximum:0 Medium:43% Minimum: 57% Full•fune equivalent Administration: 29 Security: 153 Programs and treatment: 45 Maintenance: 11 Total:238 Current inmate/staff ratio: Unknown Contracted services: Medical Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods, simple design Negative: N/A Factors affecting rune schedule Positive: Simple construction methods, coordination of design Negative: N/A Contract method: Conventional design•bid• build Finance method: State funds Use of inmate labor: Moderate; constructed 50% of housing areas Use of prefabrication: None NIJ!National Directory ofCorrections Construction Arkansas Grady zef·e:' r lu. UJ "2 .... ::i r I ! l 1.!.J. i Oayroom • ■ I ·1 :1 ®l whl ~n;v· ~.t~:';1 ~i~~ ~l.£ =-'---·.... I l;..;.i.:.!I ; ·.•Iii ';'~11:.'•tJ ="'---·--·~; :1· ~ t.'l/..(..-..J'7 Lower Level Sleeping ~; 1')! 1rnnn. L...: ~,.0L· ~ -HLVl~-!ii:AU'ffl~T :)..&..-s A-tttf" ,.,•?%. !T'l.~NAL- iNF-1 fl-!IS A ~ . - - _ - .-------------~-r.-.~"'11 . : ~ u• I I I I •ii H ·.. · ·_· _: /j :·_.1 a-· _}' ,.I ,..i:""'li_1?tu:~-o s.J .. -.;. ,AA ~ :;~6C::JI; ii=--i 'F' ~ .:...--: . j1 • Lower level Sleeping ■ • Dayroom NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 37 Alameda City Police Department and Jail Responsible official: Captain, Alameda City Contact: Bruce Edwards, Captain, Alameda City PoliceDeparb:nentandJail, 1555 Oak Street, Alameda, CA 94501, 510-522-1221 Architect: VBN Architects, 50114th Street, Suite 300, Oakland, CA 94612, 510-763-1313 Construction Manager: JW and Sons, 3855 Cypress Drive, Suite A, Petaluma, CA 94954, 707-763-6114 Total GSF: 28,056 Total NSF: 28,056 Corrections GSF: 3,900 Corrections NSF: 3,900 Housing area GSF: Unknown Housing area NSF: 3,496 GSF per inmate (design): 150 GSF per inmate (current): 433 NSF per inmate (design): 150 NSF per inmate (current): 433 Size of cells: 58.5 (single and double), 212.5 (donn) Net/gross square feet: 100% Groundbreaking: June 1990 Finish date: November 1991 Construction time: 18 months Total: $1,800,000 Building only: $1,800,000 Final construction cost: Higher Housing area: $800,000 Housing per inmate: $30,769 Housing per cell: $61,538 Total per inmate: N/A Total per GSF: $64.16 Total per NSF: $64.16 Total annual operating costs: $509,644 Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Cast-in-place concrete, CMU block, brick Interior walls: CMU block Exterior srnface or facade: Brick Electronic technology systems: Lighting protection, ccrv surveillance, staff intercommunication, inmate intercom, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, door control/monitoring, custom control panels, satellite/cable General population Single occupancy: 4 Double occupancy: 8 Dorms:4 Special population Single occupancy: 1 Double occupancy: 2 Donns:7 Total design: 26 Current population: January 1993: 9 ye" "m,IJ.@?'.il§ , '\ w~t 000:!4 Design: Linear, cells on outside walls and interior of building Cells per unit: 13 Inmates per unit (design): 26 Inmates per unit (current): 9 Management type (design): Remote surveillance Management type (current): Remote surveillance Means to handle crowding: Transfer to another facility Total officers per unit Day:2 Evening:2 Midnight: 2 Door material(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surrace: Epoxy coating Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HVAC: Gas heat, air-conditioning Plumbing: Stainless steel combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas Windows: Slit Perimeter: Building exterior only, video camera surveillance; costs excluded Inmate security level Maximum: 50% Medium:42% Minimum:8% Full-time equivalent Administration: 1 Security: 9 Programs and treatment: 0 Maintenance: 0 Total: 10 Current inmate/staff ratio: 1: 1 Contracted services: N/A W&lltflllfsttt._Bi Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods, good competition Negative: Slow construction and lengthy building time Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Simple construction methods, coordination of design Negative: N/A Contract methcxl: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: General city fund Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None 38 NII/National Directory of Corrections Construction California Alameda .\~ ,· \ c·,, /\ .,....---....; , / .. .·z ·o ,· ~ ... ; ~ 1_ .:._ ,-- '. ·~~ -...._ / \ , _ _J -. • '- \ t,/'J Q cc \ 0 .:: (.) LU a. LU cc '\ '-..._ (.) LU cc ; \ i ~~-7 / ...,._:"=="""°__<~hil:_-_,., ...-...____::i_/ .... I - -1 ''-........: \ \ : I •. "" \ '[ l,) 0 0 i \ '· z 0 ~ (.) u::: .:: z LU e i / / i -~ \ , :l ,___-.... LJI NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction ··, 1r· -f,L.·-·,: 39 Alameda County Jail Responsible official: Sheriff, Alameda County Contact: Steven A. Krahnke, Captain, Alameda County Jail, 5325 Broder Boulevard, Dublin, CA 94568, 510--551--6500 Architect: VBN Architects, 50114th Street, Suite 300, Oakland, CA 94612, 510--763-1313 Construction Manager: Turner Construction, 353 Sacramento Street, 12th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94111, 415-391-1310 Total GSF: 915,200 Total NSF: 915,200 Corrections GSF: 915,200 Corrections NSF: 915,200 Housing area GSF: 613,200 Housing area NSF: Unknown GSF per inmate (design): 301 GSFper inmate (current): 381 NSF per inmate (design): 301 NSF per inmate (current): 381 Siz.e of cells: 80 (single and double), 728 (dorm) Net/gross square feet: 100% Groundbreaking: March 1986 Finish date: September 1989 Construction time: 40 months Total: $126,800,000 Building only: $111,200,000 Final construction cost: Higher Housing area: $70,300,000 Housing per inmate: $23,155 Housing per cell: $64,142 Total per inmate: $41,765 Total per GSF: $ 139 Total per NSF: $139 Total annual operating costs: $51,780,000 Structural: Load-bearing precast panels, cast-in-place concrete frame, precast concrete frame Exterior walls: Precast panels, cast-in-place concrete Interior walls: Precast panels, cast-in-place concrete, CMU block Exterior surface or facade: Exterior insulation system Electronic technology systems: CCIV sUIVeillance, staff intercommunication, inmate intercom, paging and sound system, duress/fire alann, door controV monitoring, custom control panels, perimeter detection/alann, satellite/cable 40 General population Single occupancy: 450 Double occupancy: 900 Donns: 1,536 Special population Single occupancy: 50 Double occupancy: 100 Donns:0 Total design: 3,036 Current population: December 1991: 2,400 Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: 100 Inmates per unit (design): 163 Inmates per unit (current): Unknown Management type (design): Remote sUIVeillance Management type (current): Intermittent and remote slll"Veillance Means to handle crowding: NIA Total officers per unit Day:2 Evening: 2 Midnight: 1 _ .... Contract methcxi: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance methcxi: State general obligation bonds, general county fund Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Moderate; precast walls Door rnaterial(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Motor driven and remote locking Floor swface: Lino/vinyl, carpet, epoxy coating, sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HVAC: Heating/air circulation, forced air, air-conditioning Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detect:Qrs and sprinklers for cells and common areas Windows: Slit Perimeter: Double fence, perimeter patrols and detection/alann, raz.or wire on and between fence(s), video camera sUIVeillance; costs included Inmate security level Maximum: 44% Medium:23% Minimum:33% Full-time equivalent Administration: 125 Security: 312 Programs and treatment: 93 Maintenance: 110 Total: 640 Current inmate/staff ratio: 3.8: I Contracted services: Medical, food, maintenance IP!~"'llll:•IHlllllllt Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods, phased construction (fast track); good competition Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Prefabricated components; simple construction methods, phased construction (fast track); advanced order of materials, coordination of design Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction California Alameda County 0 0: 0 0 0 0 ro 0 ...J LL 0 0 z 0 &1 Cl) ~ ~ 0 a: 00 Cl §~ 0 0 i ' i I / ~ ~0, ' 0.-_ ' 0 I i ~! -r·-' 0 0: 0 0 ::I w 0 ...J <C ~ ~ ,fa I // ~ 0 0 a: ~ ~ 80 8 0 9 LL 0 I0: a: Cl "t5 NJJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Cl) 0 LL 41 Butte County Minimum Security Facility Responsible official: Sheriff-Coroner, Butte County Contact: Daniel Gaeeng, Jail Commander, Butte County Minimum Security Facility, 31 County Center Drive, Oroville, CA 95965, 916---538-7447 Architect: Unknown Construction Manager: Unknown Total GSF: 7,900 Total NSF: Unknown Corrections GSF: 7,900 Corrections NSF: Unlmown Housing area GSF: 7,900 Housing area NSF: Unknown GSF per inmate (design): 82 GSF per inmate (current): 82 NSF per inmate (design): Unknown NSF per inmate (current): Unknown Size of cells: Unknown Net/gross square feet Unknown Groundbreaking: Unknown Finish date: February 1986 Construction time: Unknown Total: $1,770,757 Building only: $1,339,738 Final construction cost: Lower Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unlmown Total per inmate: $18,445 Total per GSF: $224.15 Total per NSF: Unknown Total annual operating costs: $820,696 llllltll&IRJ■!111Bllij Structural:Steelframe Exterior walls: Stucco Interior walls: Drywall Exterior surface or facade: Stucco Electronic technology systems: Staff intercommunication, paging and sound system, duress/fire alann, door controV monitoring Doormaterial(s): Unknown Type(s)of doors: Unlmown Type(s) oflocks: Unknown Floor surface: Carpet, vinyl tile Intercom: Two-way to common areas HVAC: Air-conditioning, heat pumps Plumbing: China Furniture: Vinyl/plastic Fire protection: Smoke detectors for dorms Windows: Standard General population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Danns: 96 Special population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:O Total design: 96 Currentpopulation:Decemberl991:96 lilillll-1111111 Design: Linear, cells on outside walls Cells per unit: I Inmates per unit (design): 96 Inmates per unit (current): 96 Management type (design): Intermittent surveillance Management type (current): Intermittent surveillance Means to handle crowding: Alternative sanctions Total officers per unit Day:2 Evening: 2 Midnight: 2 1»11 Perimeter. Building exterior only, single fence, double fence, razor wire on fence(s), video camera surveillance; costs excluded Inmate security level Maximum: 50% Medium:25% Minimum: 25% -~,m ~~~,,mm-;wr•·,, . • 0;0 , /('~ ~ •· . • ' Full-time equivalent Administration: 2 Security: 10 Programs and treatment: 5 Maintenance: 2 Total: 19 Current inmate/staff ratio: 5:1 Contracted services: Medical Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Prefabricated components, good competition Negative: High labor costs, government procedures and regulations Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Prefabricated components, coordination of design Negative: Government procedures and regulations Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: Cost shared by multiple local government jurisdictions Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Unknown 42 Nil/National Directory of Corrections Construction California Butte County (No floorplan available at time of publication) NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 43 ECI: Leo Chesney Women's Center Responsible official: Deputy Director, California Department of Corrections Cont.act: Ruth Bluitt, Facility Director, ECI: Leo Chesney Women's Center, 2800 Apricot Street, Live Oak, CA 95953, 916--695-1846 Architect: MZA, 594 Howard Street, San Francisco, CA 94105, 415--957--0909 Construction Manager: MZA, 594 Howard Street, San Francisco, CA 94105, 415-957--0909 Total GSF: 47,000 Total NSF: 40,000 Corrections GSF: 47,000 Corrections NSF: 40,000 Housing area GSF: 14,400 Housing area NSF: Unknown GSF per inmate (design): 392 GSF per inmate (current): 470 NSF per inmate (design): 333 NSF per inmate (current): 400 Size of cells: Unknown Net/gross square feet: 85% w Groundbreaking: April 1991 Finish date: March 1992 Construction time: 11 months Total: $1,650,000 Building only: $1,500,000 Final construction cost: Higher Housing area: $1,250,000 Housing per inmate: $10,417 Housing per cell: N/A Total per inmate: $13,750 TotalperGSF: $35.11 Total per NSF: $41.25 Total annual operating costs: $1,489,800 Structural: Steel frame Exteriorwalls:CMUblock Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface or facade: CMU block Electronic technology systems: CCIV smveillance, staff intercommunication, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, perimeter detection/alarm, satellite/ cable 44 -General population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Donns: 120 Special population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 ..fl-~ Doormaterial(s): NIA Type(s) of doors: N/A Type(s) oflocks: N/A Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: One-way to common areas HVAC: Forced air Plumbing: China Furniture: Wood, vinyl/plastic Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for common areas, manual alarm stations Windows: Standard and bars arnfruwaq Dorms:O Perimeter: Single fence, perimeter patrols and detection/alarm, razor wire on fence(s), video camera surveillance; costs included Inmate security level Maximum:O Medium:25% Minimum: 75% Total design: 120 Current population: June 1992: 100 Full-time equivalent Administration: 6 Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: 1 Inmates per unit (design): 60 Inmates per unit (current): 60 Management type (design): Direct supervision Management type (current): Direct supervision Means to handle crowding: N/A TotaJ officers per unit Day: 1 Evening: 1 Midnight 1 Contract method: Turnkey design-build Finance method: Rent from a private owner Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited; maintenance building Security: 20 Programs and treatment: 5 Maintenance: 6 Total:37 Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.7:1 Contracted services: N/A Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods Negative: Slow construction and lengthy building time, government procedures and regulations Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Coordination of design Negative: Slow response or delivery from vendor/supplie½governmentprocedures and regulations NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction California Live Oak l 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 Ooo 8 000 □ 0 □ Ei] ~ C C 0 □ □ Q 0 do g Ooa o 0 0 0 □ G G G G A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I, J. NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction DORMITORY GUARD STATION RECREATION AREA TOILET ROOM SHOWER ROOM LAUNDRY OFFICE MECHANICAL ROOM STORAGE ENTRY 45 Federal Detention Center-Dublin Responsible official: Director, Federal Bureau of Prisons Contact: Loy Hayes, Federal Correctional Institution-Pleasanton, 5765 Eighth Street, Camp Parks, Dublin, CA 94568, 510--833--7500 Architect: Unknown Construction Manager: N/A Total GSF: 31,500 Total NSF: 27,950 Corrections GSF: Unknown Corrections NSF: Unknown Housing area GSF: 28,200 Housing area NSF: 24,250 GSF per inmate (design): Unknown GSF per inmate (current): Unlo1own NSF per irunate (design): Unknown NSF per inmate (current): Unknown Siz.e of cells: 88 (single) Net/gross square feet: 89% Groundbreaking: September 1987 Finish date: June 1989 Construction time: 9 months Total: $7,838,100 Building only: $6,418,500 Final construction cost Lower Housing area: $5,721,600 Housing per inmate: $28,608 Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $39,990 Total per GSF: $248 Total per NSF: $213 Total annual operating costs: $4,076,800 Structural: Load-bearing precast panels, steel frame Exterior walls: Precast panels Interior walls: Precast panels Exterior surface or facade: Stucco Electronic technology systems: CCTV surveillance, staff intercommunication, paging and sound system, duress/fire alann, door controVmonitoring, perimeter detection/alann, lighting protection, inmate intercoms, card access, custom control panels 46 General population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 200 Donns:O Special population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 36 Donns:O Total design: 236 Current population: May 1993: 196 illllilliill811llll4~ililll Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: 50 Inmates per unit (design): 100 fumates per unit (current): Unknown Management type (design): Direct supervision Management type (current): Intermittent surveillance Means to handle crowding: Bunk beds in cell, multipurpose areas Total officers per unit Day: 1 Evening: 1 Midnight: 1 Contract method: Conventional design-bid build Finance method: Federal funds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Door material(s ): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Manual locking only Floor surface: Vinyl tile · Intercom: Two-way to cells, one-way to common areas HVAC: Air-conditioning, gas Plumbing: China, stainless Furniture: Steel, wood, vinyl/plastic Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas, manual alann station Windows: Slit Perimeter: Double fence, perimeter detection/alann, razor wire on and between fence(s), perimeter patrols, video camera surveillance; costs excluded Inmate security level Maximum:3% Medium:97% Minimum:O cg.r;w-~ ,m,-;~~,,, ~2..'fficirnr110~~~llii&lli[l1l§ijlii~ " , · ,§llli11iil~qhlh li\[4Fdfuiw;:,Wom'W'""ilr'."' \i';;'w,.i,,.~~,w.~~•w" ' ,;, i. ·~{ffif§fili~f@.i;,~kWiJYJlli:..~iM@ Full-time equivalent Administration: 2 Security: 16 Programs and treatment 2 Maintenance: 0 Total:20 Current inmate/staff ratio: 6.3: 1 Contracted services: N/A Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Prefabricated components, simple construction methods, less expensive materials and hardware Negative: Difficult site conditions, contractor perfonnance Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Prefabricated components, simple construction methods Negative: Slow responses and deliveries from vendors and suppliers, contractor's methods of construction NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction California Dublin NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 47 Lerdo Pre-Trial Responsible official: Sheriff, Kem County Contact: Danny Harris, Commander, Lerdo Pre-Trial, 17695 Industrial Fann Road, Bakersfield, CA 93308--9770, 805-861-7901 Architect: N/A Construction Manager: N/A Groundbreaking: Unknown Finish date: February 1993 Construction time: Unknown Total: Unknown Building only: Unknown Final construction cost: Lower Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: Unknown Total per GSF: Unknown Total per NSF: Unknown Total annual operating costs: Unknown Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Cast-in-place concrete, CMUblock Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete, CMU block Exterior surface or facade: Natural wall, CMUblock Electronic technology systems: CCIV surveillance, staff intercommunication, inmate intercom, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, door controV monitoring, custom control panels 48 Total GSF: Unknown Total NSF: Unknown Corrections GSF: Unknown Corrections NSF: Unknown Housing area GSF: Unknown Housing area NSF: Unknown GSF per inmate (design): Unknown GSF per inmate (current): Unknown NSF per inmate (design): Unknown NSF per inmate (current): Unknown Siz.e of cells: Unknown Net/gross square feet: Unknown Door material(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging, sliding Type(s) oflocks: Unknown Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HVAC: Air-conditioning, forced air Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Steel, vinyl/plastic Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas Windows: Special security General population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 1,104 Donns:0 Special population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Donns:0 Total design: 1,104 Current population: April 1993: 950 Perimeter: Single fence, razor wire on fence(s), perimeter patrols; costs included Inmate security level Maximum: 100% Medium:0 Minimum:0 Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: % Inmates per unit (design): 192 Inmates per unit (current): 192 Management type (design): Remote surveillance, direct supervision Management type (current): Remote surveillance, direct supervision Means to handle crowding: Transfer to another facility, second bunk permanently attached Total officers per unit Day: 1 Evening: 1 Midnight 1 - -Full-time equivalent Administration: 14 Security: 107 Programs and treatment: 33 Maintenance: 1 Total: 155 Current inmate/staff ratio: 6.1: 1 Contracted services: Commissary - Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods Negative: Government procedures and regulations Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Prefabricated components, simple construction methods Negative: Government procedures and regulations Contract method: N/A Finance method: State general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: Limited; welding assistance Use of prefabrication: Limited; furniture Nil/National Directory of Corrections Construction California Kem County (No floorplan available at time of publication) NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 49 Metropolitan Detention Center-Los Angeles Responsible official: Director, Federal Bureau of Prisons Contact: Wayne H. Seifert, Warden, Metropolitan Detention Center-Los Angeles, 535 North Alameda Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012-1500, 213--485--0439 Architect: Ellerbe Becket, Inc., 2501 Colorado Avenue, Third Roor, Santa Monica, CA 90404-3585, 310-829-4000 Construction Manager: N/A Total GSF: 272,258 Total NSF: 239,600 Corrections GSF: 272,258 Corrections NSF: 239,600 Housing area GSF: 178,500 Housing area NSF: 157,000 GSF per inmate (design): 463 GSF per inmate (current): 267 NSFperinmate (design): 407 NSF per inmate (current): 235 Size of cells: 77 (single and double) Nel/gross square feet: 88% Groundbreaking: November 1986 Finish date: December 1988 Construction time: 23 months Total: $40,000,000 Building only: $35,500,000 Final construction cost: Lower Housing area: $23,600,000 Housing per inmate: $57,843 Housing per cell: $57,843 Total per inmate: $68,027 Total per GSF: $146.92 Total per NSF: $166.94 Total annual operating costs: $18,989,681 Structural:Steelframe Exterior walls: Precast panels, cast-in-place concrete, CMU block, granite.clad precast futerior walls: CMU block, reinforced security drywall Exterior surface or facade: Textured and colored concrete Electronic technology systems: Lighting protection, CCTV surveillance, staff intercommunication, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, door controV monitoring, card access, custom control panels, perimeter detection/alarm 50 - General population Single occupancy: 408 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:0 Special population Single occupancy: 180 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:O Total design: 588 Current population: November 1992: 1,019 - Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: 136 fumates per unit (design): 136 fumates per unit (current): 235 Management type (design): Direct supervision Management type (current): Direct supervision Means to handle crowding: Bunk beds in cells, second bunk pennanently attached Total officers per unit Day: I Evening: 1 Midnight: 1 Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: Federal funds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited; precast concrete panels, metal enclosures, millwork Doormaterial(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) of locks: Motor driven and remote locking, manual locking Floor surface: Lino/sheet vinyl, sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to common areas HVAC: Heating/air circulation, gas heat Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Steel, vinyl/plastic Fire protection: Sprinklers for cells and common areas Windows: Slit Perimeter: Building exterior, single fence, perimeter detection/alann, video camera surveillance, wire enclosed elevated terraces; costs included hnnate security level Maximum: 10% Medium:90% Minimum:O - Full-time equivalent Administration:40 Security: 210 Programs and treatment: 75 Maintenance: 25 Total:350 Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.9: 1 Contracted services: N/A - Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Prefabricated components, simple construction methods Negative: Difficult site conditions Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Prefabricated components, simple construction methods, coordination of design Negative: NIA Nil/National Directory of Corrections Construction California Los Angeles ... lll ... NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 51 Navfil Consolidated Brig Miramar R,esponsible official: Commanding Officer, U.S. Navy Contact: Captain J.E. Brown, Commanding Officer, U.S. Navy, Naval Consolidated Brig Miramar, 46141 Miramar Way, Suite 1, San Diego, CA 92145-5499, 619-537-7001 Architect: Rosser Justice Systems, 524 West Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30308, 404--876--3800 Construction Manager: N/A .....•, Total GSF: 190,000 Total NSF: 122,000 Corrections GSF: 190,000 Corrections NSF: 122,000 Housing area GSF: Unknown Housing area NSF: Unknown GSF per inmate (design): 430 GSFperinmate (current): 864 NSF per inmate (design): 275 NSF per inmate (current): 554 Size of cells: 80 (single) Net/gross square feet: 64% Groundbreaking: August 1987 Finish date: October 1989 Construction time: 26 months Total: $20,000,000 Building only: Unknown Final construction cost: Lower Housing area: $10,100,000 Housing per inmate: $25,250 Housing per cell: $25,250 Total per inmate: $37,923 Total per GSF: $88.42 Total per NSF: $137.70 Total annual operating costs: $4,032,870 Structural: Steel frame, load-bearing CMU block Exterior walls: CMU block Interior walls: CMU block, metal stud with gypsum ooard Exterior surface or facade: Stucco, prefab. metal panels Electronic technology systems: Lighting protection, ccrv surveillance, staff intercommunication, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, door controV monitoring, custom control panels, satellite/cable, metal detection, watch tower system 52 General population Single occupancy: 400 Double occupancy: 0 Donns:0 Special population Single occupancy: 3 Double occupancy: 0 Donns:40 Total design: 443 Current population: January 1993: 250 Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: 20 Inmates per unit (design): 20 Inmates per unit (current): Unknown Management type (design): Direct supervision Management type (current): Direct supervision Means to handle crowding: NJA Total officers per unit Day:2 Evening: 2 Midnight: 1 Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: Federal funds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited; preengineered steel frame and prefabricated metal panels Doormaterial(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Remote locking only Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to common areas, inmate duress alarm, general paging throughout HVAC: Heating/air circulation, gas heat, forced air Plumbing: China Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas, manual alarm stations Windows: Slit Perimeter: Building exterior only, single fence, video camera surveillance; costs included Inmate security level Maximum: 4.5% Medium: 15.5% Minimum: 80 Full-time equivalent Administration: 54 Security: 60 Programs and treatment: 35 Maintenance: 20 Total:169 Current inmate/staff ratio: 1.5: 1 Contracted services: N/A Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods, less expensive materials Negative:Highlaoorcosts Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Coordination of design Negative: Slow response or delivery from vendor/supplier NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 4 ,---__...--t / I /// I • // ':::lt--+-11 I 1 1 I I ">---+-111 I I I I I ..........._.. _j 2 TYPICAL HOUSING UNIT GROUND FLOOR PLAN 1. DAY ROOM 2. CASE MANAGER 3. 4. 5. 6. COUNSELOR QUIET ROOM STAFF 10ILET JANI10RIAL 3 Santa Clara County Main Jail Responsible official: Board of Supervisors, Santa Clara County Department of Corrections Contact: Bob Conroy, Acting Director, Department of Corrections, Santa Oara County Main Jail, 150 West Hedding Street, San Jose, CA 95110, 408--299--4005 Architect: Dworsky and Associates, 3530 Wilshire Bloulevard, Suite 1000, Los Angeles, CA 90010--2300, 213-380--9100 Construction Manager: 0 'Brien Kreitzberg, Bayside Plaza 188 The Embarcadero, San Francisco, CA 94111, 415-777--0188 Total GSF: 331,000 Tot.al NSF: 264,800 Corrections GSF: 223,144 Corrections NSF: 178,515 Housing area GSF: 132,155 Housing area NSF: 105,600 GSF per inmate (design): 460 GSF per inmate (current): 460 NSF per inmate (design): 368 NSF per inmate (current): 368 Size of cells: 123 (single) Net/gross square feet: 80% Groundbreaking: October 1987 Finish date: October 1989 Construction time: 24 months Tot.al: $54,500,000 Building only: $51,700,000 Final construction cost: Higher Housing area: $20,087,560 Housing per inmate: $27,899 Housing per cell: $46,500 Tot.al per inmate: N/A Tot.al per GSF: $164.65 Tot.al per NSF: $205.82 Tot.al annual operating costs: $29,774,679 Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Precast panels, cast-in-place concrete Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface or facade: Colored concrete Electronic technology systems: Lighting protection, ccrv surveillance, staff intercommunication, inmate intercom, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, door control/monitoring, card access, custom control panels 54 General population Single occupancy: 432 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:0 Special population Single occupancy: 224 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 64 Tot.al design: 720 Current population: April 1992: 720 Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: 48 Inmates per unit (design): 48 Inmates per unit (current): 48 Management type (design): Direct supervision Management type (current): Direct supervision Means to handle crowding: Transfer to another facility Total officers per unit Day:2 Evening: 2 Midnight 2 Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild, multiple bid packages (fast track) Finance method: State general obligation bonds, cost shared by many local goverment jurisdictions Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Moderate; exterior precast panels Doormaterial(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Remote locking only Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to cells HVAC: Air-conditioning, forced air Plumbing: Stainless steel combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas Windows: Slit Perimeter: Building exterior only; costs excluded Inmate security level Maximum: 20% Medium: 80% Minimum:0 Full-time equivalent Administration: 8 Security: 343 Programs and treatment: 74 Maintenance: 57 Total:482 Current inmate/staff ratio: 1.5: 1 Contracted services: Transportation IBlllll~i■IUl!fl!llililJli Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Prefabricated components, less expensive materials Negative: Slow construction and lengthy building time; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems; claims-oriented contractor Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Prefabricated components Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems; separate bid packages NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction California Santa Clara County 49•-o· Q ;., y 7 ~ ~ I +-----------3'-10" 83'-0" 44'-0" 210'-0" rEb N TYPICAL MEZZANINE LEVEL FLOOR PLAN LEVELS 4M THRU SM NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction o·--8r-_,•6..... 55 South County Detention Facility Responsible official: Sheriff, San Mateo County Contact: Don Horsley, Lieutenant, South County Detention Facility, 330 Bradford Street, Redwood City, CA 94063, 415--363-4314 Architect: Patrick Sullivan Associates, 110 Harvard Avenue, Claremont, CA 91711, 909-624-4051 Construction Manager: SJ. Amorroso Construction Company, 348 Hatch Drive, Foster City, CA 94404, 415--349--0691 Total GSF: 44,000 Total NSF: Unknown Corrections GSF: 44,000 Corrections NSF: Unknown Housing area GSF: 18,432 HousingareaNSF: U,460 GSF per inmate (design): 275 GSF per inrnatt: (current): 78 NSF per inmatt: (design): Unknown NSF per inmate (current): Unknown Size of cells: 200 (double), 350 (donn) Net/gross square feet Unknown Groundbreaking: September 1986 Finish date: February 1988 Construction time: 17 months Total: $6,300,000 Building only: $5,600,000 Final construction cost: Unknown Housing area: $4,000,000 Housing per inmate: $25,000 Housing per cell: $166,667 Total per inmate: $39,375 Total perGSF: $143.18 Total per NSF: Unknown Total annual operating costs: Unknown Structural: Steel frame, precastconcrete, concrete block Exterior walls: Precast panels Interior walls: Metal stud, gypsum board, concrete block Exterior swface or facade: Textured concrete Electronic technology systems: CCTV surveillance, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, door control/monitoring 56 General population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 32 Dorms: 128 Special population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:0 Total design: 160 Current population: March 1993: 220 Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: 1 Inmates per unit (design): 8 Inmates per unit (current): Unknown Management type (design): Remote surveillance, direct supervision Management type (current): Direct supervision Means to handle crowding: Bunk beds in cells Total officers per unit Day:N/A Evening: N/A Midnight: NIA Door matt:rial(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) of locks: Manual locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: One-way to common areas HVAC: Gas heat Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Sprinklers for common areas Windows: Slit Perimeter: Building exterior only, video camera surveillance; costs included Inmate security level Maximum:0 Medium: 100% Minimum:0 Full-time equivalent Administration: 21 Security: 139 Programs and treatment: 2 Maintenance: 2 Total: 164 Current inmate/staff ratio: 1.3: 1 Contracted services: Unknown Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods, less expensive matt:rials Negative: NIA Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Simple construction methods, coordination of design Negative: N/A Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: Statt: general obligation bonds, proposition 52+86 Use of inmate labor: Limited Use of prefabrication: Limited; precast panels NJJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction California San Mateo County @j--1______,/ i ! i ~ ; f ! ~ L____j I D 7 _j -----, __J 7 L ►D n~-. ~ _j ~: ; ==; - I - - Ig I I_,_ i r-- 1--,~ i----'. f--t • •-- I , g ~ti I!ru'.~ _,1_ r-----: H ~ I ---+---------o-1 i---H f-+--: NJJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 57 Stanislaus County Public Safety Center Responsible official: Sheriff, Stanislaus County Contact: George Lake, Lt Facility Commander, Stanislaus County Public Safety Center, 200 East Hackett Road, Modesto, CA 95351, 209-558-1054 Architect: SMP/The Design Partnership Joint Venture, 375 Fremont, Suite 200, San Francisco, CA 94105, 415-777-3737 Construction Manager: O'Brien-Kreitzberg, 200 East Hackell Road, Modesto, CA 95351, 209-541-2900 f < - ' ~t!iliifr Total GSF: 99,000 Total NSF: Unknown Corrections GSF: 99,000 Corrections NSF: Unknown Housing area GSF: Unknown Housing area NSF: Unknown GSF per inmate (design): 337 GSF per inmate (current): 544 NSF per inmate (design): Unknown NSF per inmate (current): Unknown Size of cells: 70 (single) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Dilflll General population Groundbreaking: November 1990 Finish date: August 1992 Construction time: 21 months Total: $19,219,000 Building only: $17,707,000 Final construction cost: Unknown Housing area: $16,831,000 Housing per inmate: $75,138 Housing per cell: $75,138 Total per inmate: $65,371 TotalperGSF: $194.13 Total per NSF: Unknown Total annual operating costs: $2,300,000 Structural: Concrete block Exterior walls: CMU block Interior walls: CMU block, plaster Exterior surface or facade: CMU block Electronic technology systems: CCIV surveillance, staff intercommunication, inmate intercom, paging and sound system, duress/fire alann, door control/ monitoring, card access, custom control panels, satellite/cable 58 ■l'i Single occupancy: 224 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:0 Special population Single occupancy: 70 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Total design: 294 CUrrent population: March 1993: 182 Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: 56 Inmates per unit (design): 56 Inmates per unit (current): 56 l'vlanagementtype (design): Direct supervision Management type (current): Direct supervision Means to handle crowding: Federal court imposed cap Total officers per unit Day: l Evening: 1 Midnight: 1 ' Doormaterial(s): Wood, steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Remote locking only Floor surface: Carpet, sealed concrete, vinyl tile Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas, inmate duress alann HVAC: Hot/chilled HVAC system Plumbing: Stainless steel, china Furniture: Wood, vinyl/plastic Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas, manual alann stations Windows: Special security Perimeter: Building exterior only; costs included Inmate security level Maximum: 24% Medium:76% Minimum:0 Full-time equivalent Administration: 1 Security: 38 Programs and treatment: 0 Maintenance: 2 Total:41 CUrrent inmate/staff ratio: 4.4: 1 Contracted services: N/A Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods, good competition, less expensive materials Negative: N/A Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Simple construction methods Negative: N/A Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: State general obligation bonds, local general fund Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None · · -NIJ!NationalDirectory of CorrectionsConstruction California Stanislaus County SPECIAL HOUSING LEGEND_ L typi,.lCcll i. H.ondi<>pped Cell 3. D•y,oom/Dlnlng 4. St~ff Statioo s.Showe..'-- Handlcapp,!d ShoYr'l!r 7, L801Jdey Holi:'ling: s. Food Servtce Pantcy 9. StaflT•illet 10,lntl;'lrYl-ew U. Multipttrpose l:2. Janjt-o-r-'s CloSitt 13. SoUyPort ldi. OuldoorRcc. Ya.-rd lS.Eleclr'h:a.1 16.Mechanl-t.al 17."Exnm RGom lS.J;:umToUd 19. S111-ragc 10. Inm:11le Conidor 21.SlaffOffl-ce 22, Llnen Storage 2,3. St:1.lf Bn:uk Roam :W. Tr.ash Roortl%5. Comma.r.ali:ations 26. lnmu.te Vt$1Ung B1JOlb 17. Visttor's Dootb 28. Hand.leappcd Inmate Visit In:;:: Booth 29. Handicapped Vl:sUor's Boot'& 30. Vi.sJt~r-'.s Lobby 31,Elewlnr 3:2. E!evalur F.qu:lpment ___ .Jl.lllllll!IBi:::·L ............ i 33.StoJr 34. Conlral Rooin 35. E:dt Stnl-r MEDIUM SECURITY .HOUSING 14 .--=:. !.. -.......... : INMATE HOUSING - LOWER LEVEL NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 59 West Valley Detention Center Responsible official: Sheriff, San Bemadino County Contact: Ronald W. Bieberdorf, Captain, West Valley Detention Center, 9500 Etiwanda Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91739, 714--463--5010 Architect: Rosser Justice Systems, 524 West Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30308, 404-876--3800 Construction Manager: Heery-Vanir, 660 J Street, Suite 285, Sacramento, CA 95814, 916--448--8474 Total GSF: 726,000 Total NSF: 442,000 Corrections GSF: 726,000 Corrections NSF: 442,000 Housing area GSF: 705,000 Housing area NSF: Unknown GSFperinmate (design): 317 GSFperinmate (current): 323 NSF per inmate (design): 193 NSF per inmate (current): 196 Size of cells: 82 (single and double) Net/gross square feet: 61 % GroWldbreaking: January 1989 Finish date: July 1991 Construction time: 31 months _Total: $96,340,000 Building only: $88,443,000 Final construction cost: Higher Housing area: $59,600,000 Housing per inmate: $27,289 Housing per cell: $50,253 Total per inmate: $42,033 Total per GSF: $132.70 Total per NSF: $218.00 Total annual operating costs: $27,180,000 Structural: Steel frame, cast-in-place concrete frame, load-bearing CMU block Exterior walls: CMU block Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface or facade: CMU block, E.I.S. Electronic technology systems: Lighting protection, CCTV surveillance, staff intercommunication, inmate intercom, paging and sollild system, duress/fire alarm, door controVmonitoring, card access, custom control panels, satellite/ cable, watch tower system, metal detection 60 General population Single occupancy: 400 Double occupancy: 1,400 Donns: 384 Special population Single occupancy: 42 Double occupancy: 66 Donns:0 Total design: 2,292 Current population: February 1993: 2,251 Doorrnaterial(s}: Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Remote locking only Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas, inmate duress alarm, general paging to all areas HVAC: Gas heat, forced air, ice storage system Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Steel, vinyl/plastic Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas, manual alarm stations Windows: Slit Perimeter: Building exterior only, single fence, video camera surveillance; costs included Inmate security level Maximum: 18% Medium:64% Minimum: 18% !~~~~•11!1'FP~~-1w ~t!f~ll!i~~&~~tw.rnl~=im' ·~ ' •:ffi Design: Modular/pod Cells perllilit: 74 Inmates per unit (design): 144 Inmates per unit (current): 144 Management type (design): Remote surveillance Management type (current): Direct supervision Means to handle crowding: Transfer to another facility, mattresses on floor, second bunk pennanently attached Total officers per unit Day: I Evening: 1 Midnight: I Contract method: Multiple bid packages (fast track) Finance method: Local general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Full-time equivalent Administration: 8 Security: 290 Programs and treatment: 142 Maintenance: 15 Total:455 Current inmate/staff ratio: 4.9: 1 Contracted services: N/A Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods, less expensive materials Negative: Slow construction and lengthy building time, high labor costs Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Simple construction methods, phased construction (fast track) Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction California San Bemadino County I . l i ~ ' nO ~ • . ~,.....,-,,,;,.. ...,. . ~- • i • . j,,-,q: ,_ 7 . . ! . ." I ~ I' n i i ! NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 61 Alamosa County Detention Center Responsible official: Sheriff, Alamosa County Contact: Captain John Bianca, Jail Administrator, Alamosa County Detention Center, 1315 17th Street, Alamosa, CO 81101, 719-589--6600 Architect: E. George Wynn-Architect, 52499 County Road, ''T'', Saguache, CO 81149 Construction Manager: NIA Total GSF: 23,295 Total NSF: Unknown Corrections GSF: 12,098 Corrections NSF: Unknown Housing area GSF: 12,098 Housing area NSF: 11,579 GSFperinmate (design): 252 GSF per inmate (current): 605 NSF per inmate (design): Unknown NSF per inmate (current): Unknown Siz.e of cells: 70 (single), 140 (double) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Groundbreaking: May 1985 Finish date: September 1986 Construction time: 16 months Total: $2,900,000 Building only: Unknown Final construction cost: Higher Housing area: $1,270,290 Housing per inmate: $31,757 Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: N/A Total per GSF: $124.49 Total per NSF: Unknown Total annual operating costs: $428,724 Structural: Steel frame, load-bearing CMU block Exterior walls: C:MU block Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete, CMU block, steel stud, drywall Exterior surlace or facade: Stucco, natural wall, fluted concrete block Electronic technology systems: Lighting protection, CCTV surveillance, staff intercommunication, inmate intercom, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, door control/monitoring, custom control panels, AM-FM broadcast radio, UHF television 62 General population Single occupancy: 14 Double occupancy: 14 Dorms: 12 Special population Single occupancy: 4 Double occupancy: 4 Dorms:0 Total design: 48 Currentpopulation:Decemberl991:20 Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: 25 Inmates per unit (design): 44 Inmates per unit (current): Unknown Management type (design): Remote surveillance, direct supervision Management type (current): Remote surveillance Means to handle crowding: N/A Total officers per unit Day:3 Evening: 2 Midnight: 2 Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: Local general obligation bonds, fixed financing rate Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Door material(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Manual locking, solenoid driven and remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HVAC: Heating/air circulation, solar heat, gas heat Plumbing: China, stainless steel combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas, manual alarm stations Windows: Slit Perimeter: Building exterior only, razor wire on fence(s), video camera surveillance; costs excluded Inmate security level Maximum: 35.3% Medium: 31.4% Minimum: 33.3% Full-time equivalent Administration: 1 Security: 16 Programs and treatment: 0 Maintenance: 2 Total: 19 Current inmate/staff ratio: 1: 1 Contracted services: Unknown Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods, continuous participation by design architect Negative: Prefabricated "specializ.ed detention" equipment Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Simple construction methods, advanced order of materials, coordination of design, continuous architectural supervision in the field Negative: Slow response or delivery from vendor/supplier NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Colorado Alamosa County 2 ~· Q;} ~ I( ~ II.; d iZ :, ir., N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction 63 Arapahoe County Justice Center Responsible official: Sheriff, Arapahoe County Contact: Frank W. Henn, Captain, Arapahoe County Justice Center, 7375 South Potomac Street, Englewood, CO 80112-4030, 303--649-0960 Architect: Daniel, Mann, Johnson & Mendenhall, 410 17th Street, Suite 300, Denver, CO 80202, 303-842-1300 Construction Manager: CRSS Constructors, Inc., 216 16th Street Mall, Suite 1700, Denver, CO 80202, 303-820--5200 Total GSF: 360,000 Total NSF: 315,000 Corrections GSF: 208,000 Corrections NSF: 182,000 Housing area GSF: Unknown Housing area NSF: Unknown GSF per inmate (design): 287 GSF per inmate (current): 265 NSF per inmate (design): 251 NSF per inmate (current): 232 Size of cells: 74 (single and double) Net/gross square feet: 88% Bltllillllillllllall Groundbreaking: December 1984 Finish date: January 1987 Construction time: 25 months Total: $31,589,293 Building only: $28,914,933 Final construction cost Lower Housing area: $15,857,350 Housing per inmate: $24,063 Housing per cell: $39,251 Total per inmate: N/A TotalperGSF: $87.75 Total per NSF: $100.28 Total annual operating costs: $12,449,767 Wt1.JlilPJSi!lli&l1il1 Structural: Steel frame, load-bearing masonry Exterior walls: CMU block Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface or facade: Brick, CMU block Electronic technology systems: CCIV surveillance, staff intercommunication, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, door control/monitoring, custom control panels General population Single occupancy: 49 Double occupancy: 610 Donns:0 Special population Single occupancy: 35 Double occupancy: 30 Dorms: 0 Total design: 724 Current population: March 1993: 786 Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: 16 fumates per unit (design): 16 fumates per unit (current): 16 Management type (design): Remote surveillance Management type (current): Direct supervision Means to handle crowding: Second bunk permanently attached to wall Total officers per unit Day:4 Evening:4 Midnight: 1 Door material(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Sliding Type(s) of locks: Remote locking only Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HVAC: Other energy recycle unit, hot. water Plumbing: Stainless steel combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas, manual alarm stations Windows: Slit and special security Perimeter: Building exterior only; costs included Inmate security level Maximum: 100% Medium:0 Minimurn:O - ~...~~f°il1iilfi'!!}illh,L·~~1:~ §JS~~~~fm.~~~1~&!,JhMOO~~m~ Full-time equivalent .Administration: 4 See~ty: 166 Programs and treatment: 10 Maintenance: 63 Total:242 Current inmate/staff ratio: 3.2: 1 Contracted services: Medical, food, library, commissary Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods, phased construction (fast track) Negative: N/A Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Phased construction (fast track) Negative: N/A Contract method: Multiple bid packages (fast track) Finance method: Local general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited; precast roof and floor tees 64 NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Colorado Arapahoe County -ti._.,, . J. .- .. -1~-q~~ NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 65 Boulder County Jail Responsible official: Sheriff, Boulder Cowity Contact: Charles Pringle, Captain, Boulder County Jail, 3200 Airport Road, Boulder, CO 80302, 303--441-3634 Architect: Lescher & Mahoney, 102 North Cascade, Suite 300, Colorado Springs, CO 80903, 719--634-1842 Construction Manager: G.E. Johnson, P.O. Box 2139, Colorado Springs, CO 80901, 719--473--5320 Total GSF: 104,000 Total NSF: 74,620 Corrections GSF: 104,000 Corrections NSF: 74,620 Housing area GSF: Unknown Housing area NSF: Unknown GSFper inmate (design): 334 GSFperinmate (current): 374 NSF per inmate (design): 240 NSF per inmate (current): 268 Size of cells: 76 (single and double), 1,390 (dorm) Net/gross square feet: 72% Doormaterial(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Motor driven and remote locking, manual locking Floor surlace: Carpet, vinyl tile Intercom: Two-way to cells HVAC: Gas heat, air-conditioning Plumbing: Stainless steel, china Furniture: Steel, wood, vinyl/plastic Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas, manual alarm stations Windows: Slit Rfflilffli~~ifillfilWi& ~~~~~=•r~ Groundbreaking: August 1986 Finish date: August 1988 Construction time: 18 months Total: $14,250,000 Building only: $10,639,000 Final construction cost: Higher Housing area: $4,250,000 Housing per inmate: $19,585 Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $45,820 Total per GSF: $137.02 Total per NSF: $190.97 Total annual operating costs: $3,803,342 Structural: Load-bearing precast panels, precast concrete frame Exterior walls: Precast panels Interior walls: Precast panels, CMU block, drywall, glass Exterior surlace or facade: Colored concrete Electronic technology systems: Lighting protection, CCTV surveillance, staff intercommunication, inmate intercom, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, door controVmonitoring, custom control panels 66 General population Single occupancy: 136 Double occupancy: 48 '. Dorms: 34 Special population Single occupancy: 31 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:62 Total design: 311 Current population: Februaiy 1993: 278 Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: 48 Inmates per unit (design): 48 Inmates per unit (current): 48 Management type (design): Direct supervision Management type (current): Direct supervision Means to handle crowding: N/A Total officers per unit Day: 1 Evening: 1 Midnight: 1 Contract method: CM/GC with guaranteed maximum price Finance method: Lease-purchase Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited Perimeter: Building exterior only, perimeter patrols and detection/alarm, video camera surveillance; costs included Inmate security level Maximum: 28% Medium:30% Minimum: 42% Full-time equivalent Administration: 6 Security: 81 Programs and treatment: 22 Maintenance: 2 Total: 111 Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.5: 1 Contracted services: N/A filil~r~w.~~~itwTu"I ~~~~ Factors affecting construction~ Positive: Prefabricated components, simple construction methods Negative: Slow construction and lengthy building time, difficult site conditions Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Prefabricated components, simple construction methods, advanced order of materials, coordination of design Negative: Weather problems, client changes NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Colorado Boulder County "LO',INCiil111 " LOUlilOl:1! • AREA B, AREA C NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction ,:;;:;:::, 67 Denver Reception and Diagnostic Center Responsible official: Executive Director, Colorado Department of Corrections Cont.act: Danice Neal, Warden, Denver Reception and Diagnostic Center, 10900 East Smith Road, Denver, CO 80239, 303-375-2000 Architect: Hoover, Berg, Desmond, 1645 Grant Street, Denver, CO 80202, 303-837--8811 Construction Manager: CRSS Constructors, fuc., 216 16th Street Mall, Suite 1700, Denver, CO 80202, 303-820-5200 Total GSF: 273,523 Total NSF: Unknown Corrections GSF: 273,523 Corrections NSF: Unknown Housing area GSF: Unknown Housing area NSF: Unknown GSFperinmate (design): 589 GSF per inmate (current): 622 NSF per inmate (design}: Unknown NSF per inmate (current): Unknown Size of cells: 72 (single and double) Net/gross square feet: Unknown ~1!!■11111-llllill Groundbreaking: February 1989 Finish date: February 1991 Construction time: 23 months Total: $36,000,000 Building only: $32,300,000 Final construction cost Lower Housing area: $18,000,000 Housing per inmate: $47,368 Housing per cell: $53,571 Total per inmate: $77,586 Total per GSF: $131.62 Total per NSF: Unknown Total annual operating costs: $12,193,978 Structural: Load-bearing precast panels, steel frame, precast concrete frame, loadbearing structural masonry Exterior walls: CMU block futerior walls: CMU block Exterior surface or facade: CMU block Electronic technology systems: Lighting protection, CCIV surveillance, staff intercommunication, inmate intercom, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, door controVmonitoring, custom control panels, perimeter detection/alarm, satellite/cable, facility management system 68 General population Single occupancy: 292 Double occupancy: 88 Dorms: 0 Special population Single occupancy: 52 Double occupancy: 32 Dorms:0 Total design: 464 Current population: March 1992: 440 Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit Unknown fumates per unit (design): Unknown Inmates per unit (current}: Unknown Management type (design): Remote surveillance Management type (current): Remote surveillance Means to handle crowding: Second bunk pennanently attached Tot.al officers per unit Day:2 Evening: 2 Midnight:2 Contract method: Multiple bid packages (fast track) Finance method: Proceeds from State lotto Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited; precast wall panels and floor Door material(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Remote and manual locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete, colored concrete Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas, inmate duress alann HVAC: Hot water Plumbing: Stainless steel combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas, manual alarm stations Windows: Special security Perimeter: Double fence, perimeter patrols and detection/alarm, razor wire on and between fence(s), towers, video camera surveillance; fence shaker; costs excluded Inmate security level Maximum: 13% Medium:87% Minimum:0 Full-time equivalent Administration: 20 Security: 134 Programs and treatment: 80 Maintenance: 26 Total:260 Current inmate/staff ratio: 1.7: 1 Contracted services: Food a1itllJ!tWllllllllill Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods, phasedconstruction(fasttrack);good competition Negative: N/A Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Simple construction methods, phased construction (fast track) Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Building Services Warehouse/Canteen Recreation Yard 96 Inmate Cells Food Service Mec1ical Clinic Huerfa·no County Law Enforcement Center Responsible official: Sheriff, Huerfano County Contact: Harold Martinez, Sheriff, Huerfano County Law Enforcement Center, 111 West Fifth Street, Walsenburg, CO 81089, 719-738-1600 Architect: E. George Wynn-Architect, 52499 County Road ''T," Saguache, CO 81149, 719--655-2247 Construction Manager: N/A · Total GSF: 16,381 Total NSF: Unknown Corrections GSF: 11,606 Corrections NSF: Unknown Housing area GSF: 9,166 Housing area NSF: 5,674 GSF per inmate (design): 431 GSF per inmate (current): 712 NSF per inmate (design): Unknown NSF per inmate (current): Unknown Size of cells: 79.1 (single), 104-(double) Net/gross square feet Unknown Groundbreaking: August 1988 Finish date: September 1989 Construction time: 13 months Total: $1,780,000 Building only: $1,780,000 Final construction cost: Unknown Housing area: $1,334,575 Housing per inmate: $38,131 Housing per cell: $70,241 Total per inmate: NIA Total per GSF: $108.66 Total per NSF: Unknown Total annual operating costs: $297,826 Structural: Steel frame, load-bearing CMU block Exterior walls: Cast-in-place concrete, CMUblock Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete, CMU block, metal stud/drywall/plaster Exterior surface or facade: CMU block (textured) Electronic technology systems: Lighting protection, CCTV surveillance, staff intercommunication, inmate intercom, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, door controVmonitoring, custom control panels, AM-FM radio-netwruk, TV radio dispatch-sheriff's deparlment 70 General population Single occupancy: 3 Double occupancy: 32 Dorrns:0 Special population Single occupancy: 2 Double occupancy: 2 Dorms:O Total design: 39 Current population: January 1993: 23 Design: Circular, cells on outside wall Cells per unit: 16 Inmates per unit (design): 32 Inmates per unit (current): Unknown Management type (design): Remote surveillance Management type (current): Remote surveillance Means to handle crowding: Transfer to another facility Total officers per unit Day:3 Evening: 3 Midnight: 2 · ~-,. ~,~, ~?!1111 ~ ~~ Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: Local special, time-limited tax levy Use of inmate labor. None Use of prefabrication: None Doormaterial(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Remote and manual locking Floor surface: Lino/sheet vinyl, carpet, sealed concrete, vinyl tile Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas, inmate duress alarm, medical and judicial duress alarm HVAC: Gas heat, forced air, prewash, air handling, recirculating and fresh air Plumbing: Stainless steel combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for common areas, manual alarm stations, duct-fire and smoke detectors Windows: Slit Perimeter: Building exterior only, double fence, razor wire on and between fence(s), video camera surveillance; costs included Inmate security level Maximum: 19% Medium:25% Minimum: 25% Special handling and female: 31 % Full-time equivalent Administration: 1 Security: IO Programs and treatment: 0 Maintenance: 0 Total: 11 Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.1: 1 Contracted services: Unknown Factors affecting construction costs Positive: N/A Negative: N/A Factors affecting time schedule Positive: NIA Negative: N/A NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Colorado Huerfano County 0 . ... 10 0 !-·.-; NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 71 Mesa County Detention Facility Responsible official: Sheriff, Mesa County Contact: Dennis Berry, AdministratorofDetention, Mesa Coooty Detention Facility, 215 Rice Street. Grand Junction, CO 81501, 303--244-3352 Architect: HD.R., Inc., 12700 Hillcrest Road, Dallas, TX 75230--2096, 214--960--400) Construction Manager: G.E. Johnson Construction, Box 2139, Colorado Springs, CO 80901, 719--473--5321 Total GSF: 118,543 Total NSF: Unknown Corrections GSF: 93,438 Corrections NSF: Unknown Housing area GSF: 44,522 Housing area NSF: Unknown GSF per inmate (design): 487 GSF per inmate (current): 754 NSF per inmate (design): Unknown NSF per inmate (current): Unknown Size of cells: 70 (single) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Groundbreaking: September 1990 Finish date: Jooe 1992 Construction time: 21 months Total: $15,700,000 Building only: Unknown Final construction cost: Higher Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: N/A Total per GSF: $132.44 Total per NSF: Unknown Total annual operating costs: $2,527,471 Structural: Load-bearing precast panels, precast concrete frame and cells Exterior walls: Precast panels Interior walls: Precast panels, CMU block Exterior surface or facade: Exposed aggregate/tinted Electronic technology systems: CCTV surveillance, staff intercommunication, inmate intercom, paging and sound system, duress/fire alann, door controV monitoring, card access, custom control panels 72 General population Single occupancy: 164 Doubleoccupancy:0 Dorms:O Special population Single occupancy: 28 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:O Total design: 192 Current population: January 1992: 124- - Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: 96 Inmates per unit (design): 96 Inmates per unit (current): 96 Management type (design): Remote surveillance, direct supervision Management type (current): Direct supervision Means to handle crowding: Alternative sentencing Total officers per unit Day: 1 Evening: 1 Midnight 1 - Contract method: Multiple bid packages (fast track) Finance method: Lease-purchase Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Extensive; precast concrete panels, plumbing stacks, air handling equipment Doormaterial(s): Wood, steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging, sliding Type(s) of locks: Manual locking, motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Carpet, sealed concrete, vinyl tile Intercom: Two-way to cells HYAC: Gas heat, forced air Plumbing: Stainless steel, china Furniture: Steel, vinyl/plastic, concrete Fire protection: Smoke detectors for common areas, sprinklers for cells and common areas, manual alann stations Windows: Special security Perimeter: Building exterior only, single fence, video camera srnveillance; costs included Inmate security level Maximum:8% Medium: 16% Minimum: 76% Full-time equivalent Administration: 9 Security: 47 Programs and treatment: 11 Maintenance: 1 Total:68 Current inmate/staff ratio: 1.8: I Contracted services: Medical, dietician Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods Negative: Phased construction, fast track management Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Simple construction methods Negative: Phased construction, fast track management. contaminated soil NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Colorado Mesa County - ~f 0 0 0 ,_-----.._ IT!T . ' I NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 73 Pueblo County Detention Facility-Work Release Responsible official: Sheriff, Pueblo County Contact: Warren Carere, Facility Admmistrator, Pueblo County Detention Facility-Work Release, 909 Court Street, Pueblo, CO 81003, 719-546-6135 Architect: Hurtig, Gardner & Froilich Architects, Inc., 429 West 10th Street, Pueblo, CO 81003 Construction Manager: N/A Total GSF: 2,600 Total NSF: 2,560 Corrections GSF: 2,600 Corrections NSF: 2,560 Housing area GSF: 2,600 Housing area NSF: 2,560 GSF per inmate (design): 93 GSF per inmate (current): 124 NSF per inmate (design): 91 NSF per inmate (current): 122 Size of cells: 2,400 (dolTil) Net/gross square feet: 98.5% 11~141Billllllifltlli11 Groundbreaking: September 1990 Finish date: December 1990 Construction time: 4 months Total: Unknown Building only: Unknown Final construction cost: Unknown Housing area: $234,000 Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: Unknown Total per GSF: Unknown Total per NSF: Unknown Total annual operating costs: Unknown General population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 28 Special population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:0 Total design: 28 Current population: December 1991: 21 Design: Linear, cells on outside walls Cells per unit 1 Inmates per unit (design): 28 Inmates per unit (current): 21 Management type (design): Remote surveillanc.e Management type (current): Intermittent Structural: Precast concrete frame Exterior walls: CMU block Interior walls: CMU block Exterior swface or facade: CMU block Electronic technology systems: Staff intercommunication, paging and sound system, door controVmonitoring, card surveillance Means to handle crowding: N/A Total officers per unit Day: 1 Evening: I Midnight: 1 ~~41!~ Door material(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Remote locking Floor swface: Epoxy coating Intercom: Two-way to common areas HVAC: Air-conditioning, gas heat Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Manual alann stations Windows: Slit Perimeter: Building exterior only; costs excluded fumate security level Maximum:0 Medium:0 Minimum: 100% W.iiffiW$@Wh"D~~JWIBB'~~Ji'ia ,~m.111tlMmiwA~~ Full-time equivalent Administration: 3 Security: 100 Programs and treatment: 12 Maintenance: 6 Total: 121 Current inmate/staff ratio: Unknown Contracted services: Food Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods Negative: Difficult site conditions Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Simple construction methods, coordination of design Negative: N/A access Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: Local general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None 74 NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Colorado Pueblo County &~ v~ ~*+.I () _,4) ,D "-9 ,p-. C "v-I ~ ~~ $ <' .J,_✓.rJ" ~ . ,,.<(i,;_f' ~ ~ =-====..--;-.:--;Iv~ ' .fi'r 'f!I" -4" m-- •. - ~ -• -~ ""v1 ~ -\0 ~ r t:t-+---::1 NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 75 Saguache County Jail Responsible official: Sheriff, Saguache County Contact: Ronald Franz, Jail Administrator, Saguache County Jail, 530 Fifth Street, Saguache, CO 81149-0265, 719-655-2544 Architect: Larry Zimmer, 530FifthStreet, Saguache, CO 81149, 719-655-2544 Construction Manager: N/A Total GSF: 800 Total NSF: Unknown Corrections GSF: 800 Corrections NSF: Unknown Housing area GSF: Unknown Housing area NSF: Unknown GSF per inmate (design): 100 GSFper inmate (current): 100 NSF per inmate (design): Unknown NSF per inmate (current): Unknown Size of cells: 120 (double), 257.5 (dorm) Net/gross square feet: 100% Groundbreaking: Unknown Finish date: July 1988 Construction time: Unknown Total: $8,000 Building only: $6,000 Final construction cost: Lower Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Totalperinrnate: $1,000 Total per GSF: $10 Total per NSF: $10 Total annual operating costs: $107,778 ••, _ Structural: Unknown Exterior walls: CMU block Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface or facade: Natural wall Electronic technology systems: Unknown General population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 2 Dorms: 6 Special population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Total design: 8 Currentpopulation:December1991:8 ~-~wA~~111111I11 ~~lffl~ai~=~~.M~cw>~,,@~•, .. Design: Linear, cells on outside walls Cells per unit: Unknown Inmates per unit (design): Unknown hunates per unit (current): Unknown Management type (design): Intermittent surveillance Management type (current): Intermittent surveillance Means to handle crowding: Transfer to another facility Total officers per unit Day: 1 Evening: 1 Midnight: 1 Door material(s): Unknown Type(s)of doors: Unknown Type(s) oflocks: Unknown Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Unknown HVAC: Unknown Plumbing: Unlmown Furniture: Unknown Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells Windows: Security screens Perimeter: Building exterior only, single fence; costs included Inmate security level Maximum: Unknown Medium: Unknown Minimum: Unknown Full-time equivalent Administration: 1 Security: 3 Programs and treatment: 0 Maintenance: 0 Total:4 Current inmate/staff ratio: 2: 1 Contracted services: Medical, transportation Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Phased construction (fast track) Negative: Slow construction and lengthy building time Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Simple construction methods Negative: Weather problems ~-•-•~"< . ½Sm . Cffi - ~~,/@~·~~ :@13/4~ -~~ .. _<i=?h<'.>'?¥4 Contract method: Unknown Finance method: Budgeted with general fund tax money Use of inmate labor: Extensive; physical labor with compensation (good time) Use of prefabrication: None 76 NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Colorado Saguache County (No floorplan available at time of publication) NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 77 Alexander Cybulski Correctional Institution Responsible official: Commissioner, Connecticut Department of Corrections Contact: Ed Anington, Warden-CRCI, Alexander Cybulski Correctional Institution, 264 Bilton Road, Box 775, Somers, CT 06071, 203-566-1657 Architect: Stecker, LaBau, Ameill, McManus Architects, 80 Glastonbury Boulevard, Glastonbury, CT 06033--4400, 203-657-8077 Construction Manager: N/A Total GSF: 101,622 Total NSF: 84,096 Corrections GSF: 101,622 Corrections NSF: 84,096 Housing area GSF: 46,00) Housing area NSF: 34,812 GSFper inmate (design): 339 GSF per inmate (current): Unknown NSFperinmate (design): 280 NSF per inmate (current): Unknown Size of cells: 100 (double), 207 (dorm) Net/gross square feet: 83% llfa~&r~~1m¥i.;'~~:~~.-m?~ilC?Ji.-:~I■ ,mf~~~~~-Wlic~c~illl:tft:!J!, Groundbreaking: April 1990 Finish date: February 1992 Construction time: 22 months Total: $8,452,00) Building only: $7,398,707 Final construction cost: Unknown Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $28,173 Total per GSF: $83.17 Total per NSF: $100.50 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Structural:Steelframe Exterior walls: CMU block, brick, metal panel Interior walls: CMU block, GWB Exterior surface or facade: Brick, CMU block, metal panel Electronic technology systems: Lighting protection, ccrv surveillance, staff intercommunication, inmate intercom, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, door controVmonitoring, custom control panels 78 General population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 12 Dorms: 288 Special population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:O Total design: 300 Current population: July 1993: 300 Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: 1 Inmates per unit (design): Unknown Inmates per unit (current): Unknown Management type (design): Direct supervision Management type (current): Direct supervision Means to handle crowding: Transfer to another facility Total officers per unit Day:2 Evening: 2 Midnight: 1 Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: State general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Doormaterial(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Remote and manual locking Floor surface: Carpet, vinyl tile, epoxy Intercom: Two-way to common areas, inmate duress alarm HYAC: Gas heat, fmced air Plumbing: China Furniture: Steel, vinyl/plastic Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for common areas, manual alarm stations Windows: Tempered units in commercial frame, insulating Perimeter: Building exterior only, single fence, perimeter patrols, video camera surveillance; costs included Inmate security level Maximum:O Medium:O Minimum: 100% Full-time equivalent Administration: Unknown Security: Unknown Programs and treatment: Unknown Maintenance: Unknown Total: 184 Current inmate/staff ratio: 1.6: 1 Contracted services: Unknown Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods, good competition, less expensive materials Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Simple construction methods Negative: Slow response or delivery from vendor/supplier; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems N/J/National Directory of Corrections Construction Connecticut Somers (No floorplan available at time of publication) NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 79 Garner Correctional Institution Responsible official: Commissioner, Connecticut Department of Correction Contact: Frank Crose, Warden, Gamer Correctional Institute, 817 Sandy Hook, CT 06482, 203--270--2800 Architect: Rosser Justice Systems, 524 West Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30308, 404-876--3800 Construction Manager: Turner Construction, P.O. Box 817, Nunnawauk Road, Sandy Hook, CT 06482, 203--270--0325 Total GSF: 240,000 Total NSF: 160,000 Corrections GSF: 240,000 Corrections NSF: 160,000 Housing area GSF: Unknown Housing area NSF: Unknown GSFperinmate (design): 313 GSFper inmate (current): 462 NSF per inmate (design): 200 NSF per inmate (current): 308 Size of cells: 80 (single and double), 300 (holding) Net/gross square feet: 67% Groundbreaking: September 1990 Finish date: November 1992 Construction time: 60 months Total: $39,400,000 Building only: $37,200,000 Final construction cost: Higher Housing area: $19,500,000 Housing per inmate: $28,098 Housing per cell: $48,030 Total per inmate: $51,436 Total perGSF: $164-.17 Total per NSF: $246.25 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Structural: Steel frame, load-bearing CMU block Exterior walls: CMU block Interior walls: CMU block, metal stud with gypsum board Exterior surface or facade: Natural wall, CMUblock Electronic technology systems: Lighting protection, ccrv surveillance, staff intercommunication, inmate intercom, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, door controVmonitoring, card access, custom control panels, satellite/ cable, watch tower system, metal detection 80 General population Single occupancy: 118 Double occupancy: 576 Dorms:0 Special population Single occupancy: 32 Double occupancy: 40 Dorms:0 Total design: 766 Current population: April, 1993: 520 - Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: Unknown Inmates per unit (design): Unknown Inmates per unit (current): Unknown Management type (design): Direct supervision Management type (current): Direct supervision Means to handle crowding: N/A Total officers per unit Day: Unknown Evening: Unknown Midnight: Unknown ---■ Contract method: Multiple bid packages (fast track) Finance method: State general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Door material(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Remote locking only Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to common areas, inmate duress alann, general paging throughout HVAC: Air-conditioning, gas heat, forced air, heat recovery chiller for domestic water preheating Plumbing: Stainless steel, china Furniture:Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas, manual alann stations Windows: Slit Perimeter: Single fence, razor wire on fence(s), perimeter patrols; costs included Inmate security level Maximum: 17% Medium:69% Minimum: 14% Full-time equivalent Administration: Unknown Security: Unknown Programs and treaunent: Unknown Maintenance: Unknown Total: Unknown Current inmate/staff ratio: N/A Contracted services: Unknown Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods, phased construction (fast track) Negative: Slow construction and lengthy building time, high labor costs, difficult site conditions Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Simple construction methods, phased construction (fast track); coordination of design Negative: Weather problems NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction .Connecticut Sandy Hook ,...... (.---- . ....', , w, ~-✓ ....:;. ,J . ..r-· _":_., Nil/National Directory of Corrections Construction 81 Multi-Purpose Criminal Justice Facility Responsible official: Director, Delaware Department of Corrections Contact: Elirabeth Neal, Warden Il, Multi-Purpose Criminal Justice Facility, 1301 East 12th Street, Box 9279, Wilmington, DE 19809, 302-429--7747 Architect: Vitetta Group, 642 North Broad Street, The Wallace Building, Philadelphia, PA 19130, 215-235-3500 Construction Manager: EDIS/CRSS, 1530 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 600, Arlington, VA 22209, 703-528-1300 ~"'i:w®~f"~ffllJ:lll!l!~ -l!liGroundbreaking: December 1990 Finish date: October 1992 Construction time: 22 months Total: $3.0,000,000 Building only: $26,200,000 Final construction cost: Lower Housing area: $19,000,000 Housing per inmate: $39,583 Housing per cell: $79,167 Total per inmate: $62,500 TotalperGSF: $150 Total per NSF: $188.00 Total annual operating costs: Unknown -Structural: Cast-in-place and precast cell, wall and floor panels Exterior walls: Precast panels, CMU block, glass block, metal panel Interior walls: Precast panels, CMU block Exterior surface or facade: Precast concrete, CMUblock Electronic technology systems: CCIV smveillance, staff intercommunication, paging and sound system, duress/fire alann, door controVmonitoring, custom control panels 82 Total GSF: 200,000 Total NSF: 160,000 Corrections GSF: 200,000 Corrections NSF: 160,000 Housing area GSF: 100,000 Housing area NSF: 72,000 GSFper inmate (design): 417 GSFper inmate (cwrent): 858 NSF per inmate (design): 333 NSF per inmate (cwrent): 687 Size of cells: 73 (double) Net/gross square feet: 80% Door material(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) of locks: Remote and manual locking Floor surface: Epoxy Intercom: Unknown HYAC: Forced air Plumbing: China Furniture: Steel, plastic, wood Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas Windows: Security General popuJation Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 480 Donns:O Special popu1ation Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:O Total design: 480 Cwrentpopulation:Februruy1993:938 Perimeter: Building exterior only, single fence, video camera smveillance; costs excluded Inmate security level Maximum:O Medium: 100% Minimum:0 ~r-,-~, B~-- ~\.- -. ,:) f illi\,_, I!\@;\;;;;, • • :W.. C ~/.~ M 'si\t' • Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: 30 Inmates per unit (design): 60 Inmates per unit (cwrent): 60 Management type (design): Direct supervision Management type (current): Direct supervision Means to handle crowding: Second bunk pennanently attached Total officers per unit Day: 1 Evening: 1 Midnight: 1 Contract method: Multiple bid packages (fast track) Finance method: State general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: Limited; precast components, furniture Use of prefabrication: Limited; precast concrete Full-time equivalent Administration: 15 Security: 257 Programs and treatment: 5 Maintenance: 6 Total:278 Cwrent inmate/staff ratio: 3.4:1 Contracted services: Medical, substance abuse treatment, special programs :e£WJ&]t ~ Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Prefabricated components; simple construction methods, phased construction (fast track); less expensive materials Negative: Difficult site conditions Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Prefabricated components; simple construction methods, phased construction (fast track); advanced order of materials Negative: N/A NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Delaware Wilmington ! I ~-~- "• ~o ..I D,I t ..I D,I :z:. i,c N N D,I :Ii! ..I w 1;i ..I z < ::E NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 83 Brevard County Detention Center Responsible official: Sheriff, Brevard County Contact: Commander Harry Sands, Jail Administrator, Brevard County Detention Center, P.O. Box 800, Sharpes, FL 32959-0800, 407-690--1503 Architect: Rosser Justice Systems, 524 West Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30308, 404-876-3800 Construction Manager: N/A ~{111: 124 GSF per inmate (current): 280 NSF per inmate (design): 99 NSF per inmate (current): 224 Siz.e of cells: 4,345 (dorm) Net/gross square feet: 80% 1~fiJi~'7i~ifflWF~n!Wii15~Hilli~ ti:;twdffi~~~lw~~W.a,w_m~~rn~ Groundbreaking:June1989 Finish date: September 1989 Construction time: 4 months Total: $4,300,000 Building only: $4,042,000 Final construction cost: Same Housing area: $2,910,000 Housing per inmate: $6,736 Housing per cell: $363,750 Total per inmate: $9,773 Total per GSF: $78.77 Total per NSF: $98.47 Total annual operating costs: $9,297,300 Structural: Precast concrete cells Exterior walls: Precast panels, cast-in-place concrete Interior walls: Precast panels, cast-in-place concrete, CMU block Exterior surface or facade: Stucco Electronic technology systems: Lighting protection, staff intercommunication, door controVmonitoring General population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:432 Special population Single occupancy: 8 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Total design: 440 Current population: December 1991: 195 llllillllllraat111i111 Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: Unknown Inmates per unit (design): 216 Inmates per unit (current): 25 Management type (design): Remote sUIVeillance Management type (current): Remote surveillance Means to handle crowding: Transfer to another facility Total officers per unit Day: 3 Evening: 3 Midnight: 3 Contract method: Turnkey design-build Finance method: Tax-exempt loan Use of inmate labor: Limited; general cleanup Use of prefabrication: Moderate; precast units 90 Door material(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Motor driven and remote locking Hoor surface: Vinyl tile Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HVAC: Forced air Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas, manual alarm stations Windows: Slit Perimeter. Single fence, razor wire on fence(s); costs included Inmate security level Maximum:0 Medium: 100% Minimum:O illllllf.illillllllllltl!I Full-time equivalent Administration: 24 Security: 105 Programs and treatment: 9 Maintenance: 5 Total: 147 Current inmate/staff ratio: 1.3: l Contracted services: Food Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Prefabricated components; simple construction methods, phased construction (fast track) Negative: N/A Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Prefabricated components; simple construction methods, phased construction (fast track) Negative: N/A NJJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Florida Duval County I 11 II 1! Ii l. 11 I~□ 0 _l 0 □ □ all □ I 1□ □ I □ D ·□ 6 - _.._ D i□ D I-□~ 0 D Li i . NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 91 John E. Goode Pre-Trial Detention Facility Responsible official: Sheriff, Duval County Contact: Michael A. Berg, Deputy Director, John E. Goode Pre-Trial Detention Facility, 500 East Adams Street, Jacksonville, H., 32202-1680, 904--630-2120 Architect: Sverdrup Corporation, 1650 Prudential Drive, Suite 200, Jacksonville, H., 32207, 904-399--8300 Construction Manager: Barton-:Malow/Tompkins-Beckwith, 2055 Wood Street, Suitel04, Sarasota, H., 34237, 813--957-3770 Total GSF: 629,000 Total NSF: Unknown Corrections GSF: 480,000 Corrections NSF: Unknown Housing area GSF: 453,000 Housing area NSF: 331,000 GSF per inmate (design): 209 GSF per inmate (current): 291 NSF per inmate (design): Unknown NSF per inmate (current): Unknown Size of cells: 90 (double), 7,055 (dorm) Net/gross square feet Unknown .....-~•.,•• ~ Groundbreaking: June 1988 Finish date: April 1991 Construction time: 34 months Total: $62,700,000 Building only: Unknown Final construction cost Higher Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: NIA Total per GSF: $99.68 Total per NSF: Unknown Total annual operating costs: $34,500,000 ■BlliWIIIBl:4&11•■~snuctural: C.ast-in-place concrete frame, precast concrete frame and cells Exterior walls: Precast panels, cast-in-place concrete, CMU block, coated insulated wall system Interior walls: Precast panels; cast-in-place concrete; CMU block; precast modular cell components, columns, beams, and hollowcore planks Exterior surlace or facade: Stucco, natural wall, textured and colored concrete, CMU block Electronic technology systems: Lighting protection, CCTV surveillance, staff intercommunication, inmate intercom, paging and sound system, duress/fire alann, door control and monitoring, card access, custom control panels, pneumatic control system 92 General popu1ation Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 1,808 Donns:66 Special population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 121 Donns:6 Total design: 2,297 Current population: July 1992: 1,652 Design: Linear, cells on outside walls; modular/pod Cells per unit Unknown Inmates per unit (design): Unknown Inmates per unit (current): Unknown Management type (design): Remote surveillance Management type (current): Remote surveillance Means to handle crowding: Transfer to another facility Total officers per unit Day:5 Evening: 5 Midnight 4 Contract method: Multiple bid packages Finance method: Local general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Extensive; precast columns and beams, hollow-core floor slab, concrete cell and mechanical chase modules Door material(s): Steel, glass Type(s) of doors: Swinging, sliding Type(s) oflocks: Motor driven and remote locking, manual locking Floor smface: Carpet, epoxy coating, sealed concrete, vinyl tile Intercom: One-way to cells, two-way to common areas HVAC: Includes air-conditioning, heating and air circulation, forced air, and coil airhandling units Plumbing: Stainless steel, china, stainless steel combination unit Furniture: Steel, vinyl/plastic, concrete Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas, manual alarm stations Windows: Security and screens Perimeter: Building exterior only, video camera surveillance Inmate security level Maximum: 16% Medium:64% Minimum: 10% Holding and first appearance housing: 10% Full-time equivalent Administration: 100 Security: 323 Programs and treatment: 22 Maintenance: 4 Total:449 Current inmate/staff ratio: 3.7:1 Contracted services: Medical, food a~~I'~'imi~T~!i ~~~ lb~Jffi Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Includes prefabricated components, phased construction Negative: High labor costs, difficult site conditions, gov. procedures and regulations Factors affecting time schedu1e Positive: Prefabricated components, phased construction, coordination of design Negative: Slow response or delivery from vendor/supplier, gov. procedures and regulations NIJ/NationalDirectory of Corrections Construction ~ ~ ~ .... 5· -~- E ~ / (':> ~ / ~ Q '·, ::i u "' ~ ,· '... / .I' OUTOOM il,CTl\llfV > ' // ~ -'·.V ~ ,I. •,, "' ~ ., "' . ,::J a §. ., '• . ~--~~LL~ ';. ~ ctU.. ;.,",, • • C') g. au. '147 0,1r,YA001,11 l~d WALE ~ ~CN ·•,1 r,i. h CEU. I! Cl~ I ul 4TH FLOOR PLAN 4 r- ,•. u· 32· 0 ~~ < e:..0 \0 vJ n "1 0 § Q.· ~ = Martin Correctional Institution Responsible official: Secretary, Florida Department of Corrections Contact: Richard Kirkland, Superintendent, Martin Correctional Institution, 1150 SW., Allapttah Road, Indiantown, H.. 34956--4397, 407-597-3705 Architect: Rosser White Hobbs Davidson McClellan Kelly Inc., P.O. Box 2343, Savannah, GA 31402, 706--876--3800 Construction Manager: N/A Total GSF: 265,028 Total NSF: 261,521 Corrections GSF: 265,028 Corrections NSF: 261,521 Housing area GSF: Unknown Housing area NSF: Unknown GSFper inmate (design): 445 GSFperinmate(cwrent): 241 NSF per inmate (design): 439 NSF per inmate (current): 238 Size of cells: 70 (single) Net/gross square feet: 99% llmitlJ11IRlll!J11illJ~tiitli: Groru1dbreaking: Unknown Finish date: June 1985 Construction time: Unknown Total: $23,601,642 Building only: $22,916,012 Final construction cost: Lower Housing area: $22,916,012 Housing per inmate: $51,152 Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $39,600 Total per GSF: $89.05 Total per NSF: $90.25 Total annual operating costs: $18,497,819 Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Cast-in-place concrete, CMU block, stucco Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete, CMU block Exterior surface or facade: Stucco Electronic technology systems: Lighting protection, staff intercommunication, paging and soru1d system, duress/fire alarm, door controVmonitoring, custom control panels, perimeter detection/alarm 94 General population Single occupancy: 448 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:0 Special population Single occupancy: 148 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:0 Total design: 596 Current population: February 1993: 1,099 IIIIIB[:ll&lll]lititllilll Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: 112 Inmates per unit (design): 112 Inmates per unit (cwrent): 224 Management type (design): Intermittent surveillance Management type (cwrent): Intermittent surveillance and remote surveillance Means to handle crowding: Transfer to another facility, second bunk permanently attached Total officers per unit Day: 1 Evening: 1 Midnight: I Contract method: Turnkey design-build Finance method: State general revenue Use of inmate labor: Limited; general labor helpers Use of prefabrication: None Doormaterial(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging, sliding Type(s) oflocks: Manual locking, motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Lino/sheet vinyl, carpet, epoxy coating, sealed concrete, vinyl tile Intercom: Two-way to common areas HVAC: Air-conditioning, heating/air circulation, solar heat, steam heat, gas heat Plumbing: Stainless steel, china, stainless steel combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas Windows: Special security and screens Perimeter: Double fence, perimeter patrols and detection/alarm, razor wire on and between fence(s), motion detectors on roof; costs included Inmate security level Maximum: 100% Medium:0 Minimum:0 Full-time equivalent Administration: Unknown Security: Unknown Programs and treatment: Unknown Maintenance: Unknown Total: Unknown Current inmate/staff ratio: Unknown Contracted services: Food Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Phased construction (fast track) Negative: Government procedures and regulations; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Phased construction (fast track) Negative: Government procedures and regulations; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Florida Indiantown ----.. ·-------......... ... ..-·-·-·-·-·-·-· ...... _ ·, ,·! i i i i i i i ! ~ ! ! ! ~ ! i! ·•••••••••••OToOO SITE PLAN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6, 7. 8. 9. 10. 1t HOUSING UNITS HOUSING SUPPORT BUILDING FOOD SERVICE FUTURE EXPANSION INMATE ACTIVITIES MAINTENANCE WAREHOUSE MULTI-SERVICES VISITOR AND CONTROL ADMINISTRATION GENERATOR ......__,ao D 10 •••I 2DG ..........,IJCAli HOUSING- FIRST FLOOR t SALLYPORT CONTROL ROOM 2. 3. OAYROOM 4. 5. 6. TYPICAL CELL LINEN STORAGE MULTI-PURPOSE a 11 1i, 20 ~ ,. I G,uJJttlC $CALE. NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 95 Metro West Detention Center Responsible official: Director, Dade County Department of Corrections Contact: Guy Evans, Captain, Facility Supervisor, Metro West Detention Center, 13850 NW. 41st Street, Miami, FL 33192, 305-597-2620 Architect: Eddie Frances, A.I.A, 1385 Coral Way, Suite 204, Miami, FL 33145, 305-854-4070 Construction Manager: NIA ' ." "' Total GSF: 177,000 Total NSF: 123,900 Corrections GSF: 177,000 Corrections NSF: 123,900 Housing area GSF: 116,820 Housing area NSF: 123,900 GSFperinmate(design): 176 GSF per inmate (current): 186 NSF per inmate (design): 123 NSFperinmate(current): 130 Siz.e of cells: 4,500 (donn) Net/gross square feet: 70% Groundbreaking: April 1991 Finish date: January 1992 Construction time: 8 months Total: $15,200,000 Building only: $15,200,000 Final construction cost Lower Housing area: $15,190,520 Housing per inmate: $15,823 Housing per cell: N/A Total per inmate: 15,139 Total per GSF: 85.88 Total per NSF: 122.68 Total annual operating costs: $41,650,000 -~ilr--Structural: Precast concrete frame Exterior walls: Cast-in-place concrete, CMUblock Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete, CMU block Exterior surface or facade: Stucco, CMU block Electronic technology systems: Lighting protection, CCIV surveillance, staff intercommunication, inmate intercom, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, door control/monitoring, card access, custom control panels, perimeter detection/alarm, satellite/cable, touch screen integrated security system 96 - ·-·· General population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:960 Special population Single occupancy: 2 Double occupancy: 42 Dorms:0 Total design: 1,004 Currentpopulation:June 1992:950 "'lllll"W" '&W!l''&ITMPJllff'~riii!lil"' r~~: ~~filhiR~Jrnffi "'i&i[&llf!iii • C ': _, ~~lift - - ½ ,~3:m -~ ,-;.,,-~%iw.R1~~~iw~i@ffe.'lt Design: Mooular/pod Cells per unit: 1 Inmates per unit (design): 60 Inmates per unit (current): 60 Management type (design): Direct supervision Management type (current): Direct supervision Means to handle crowding: Transfer to another facility Total officers per unit Day: I Evening: I Midnight: 1 Contract methoo: Turnkey design-build Finance methoo: Local general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None =· _ ~,:;filllt1@f2::l/lfuWMT ~' .. - ,'CIB'~ , ~~-- ---= ' - (f~~~~;m;;,,;,=, ' -~-~K~~~..-RW:>i::w.~ Door material(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Manual locking Floor surface: Carpet, sealed concrete, vinyl tile, quany tile lntercom: Two-way to common areas HVAC: Other energy recycle unit, elecnical Plumbing: China Furniture: Wooo, vinyVplastic Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas Windows: Slit, special security, standard Perimeter: Building exterior only, double fence, perimeter patrols and detection/ alarm, razor wire on fence(s), video camera surveillance; costs included Inmate security level Maximum:4% Medium:96% Minimum:0 Full-time equivalent Administration: 9 Security: 245 Programs and treatment: 23 Maintenance: 7 Total:284 Current inmate/staff ratio: 3.5:1 Contracted services: N/A Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods, phased construction (fast track); gooo competition; less expensive materials Negative: Government procedures/ regulations; complex electronic, mechanical, and elecnical systems Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Prefabricated components; simple construction methods, phased construction (fast track); advanced order of materials; coordination of design Negative: Slow response or delivery from vendor/supplier, government procedures/ regulations; complex electronic, mechanical, and elecnical systems NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Florida Dade County (No floorplan available at time of publication) NJJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 97 Palm Beach County Stockade Responsible official: Sheriff, Pahn Beach County Contact: Major Reynolds, Facility Administrator, Palm Beach Coilllty Stockade, 673 West FairgroW1ds Road, P.O. Box 85, Loxahatchee, FL 33409, 407--688-4807 Architect: Rosser Justice Systems, 524 West Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30308, 404-876-3800 Construction Manager: N/A Total GSF: 80,000 Total NSF: 54,000 Corrections GSF: 80,000 Corrections NSF: 54,000 Housing area GSF: 80,000 Housing area NSF: 54,000 GSFperinmate (design): 277 GSFperinmate (current): 313 NSF per inmate (design): 187 NSF per inmate (current): 211 Size of cells: 80 (single), 85 (dorm) Net/gross square feet: 68% r11~ifif',ffl'i~At~&'w!r'ruillfill¾1* ~~~~!£!fillffittr• GroWldbreaking: May 1991 Finish date: July 1992 Construction time: 14 months Total: $8,800,000 Building only: $8,700,000 Final construction cost Higher Housing area: $3,700,000 Housing per inmate: 14,453 Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: 30,450 Total per GSF: 110.00 Total per NSF: 163.00 Total annual operating costs: $14,987,825 Structural: Steel frame, modular metal cells, CMU load-bearing walls Exterior walls: CMU block Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface or facade: CMU block Electronic technology systems: Lighting protection, CCTV SLU"Veillance, staff intercommunication, inmate inten:om, paging and soWld system, duress/fire alann, door controVmonitoring, custom control panels, satellite/cable, metal detection 98 General popu1ation Single occupancy: 16 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:240 Special popu1ation Single occupancy: 13 Double occupancy: 20 Dorms:O Total design: 289 Current population: January 1993: 256 l0 •m:a, r@i~il'i::3.~'i@.=}®3,;.;.,;:m..r, Design: Modular/pod, dormitory Cells per unit: Unknown fumates per unit (design): Unknown Inmates per unit (current): Unknown Management type (design): Direct supervision Management type (current): Direct supervision Means to handle crowding: Transfer to another facility, mattresses on floor Total officers per unit Day:3 Evening: 3 Midnight: 3 - Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: Local general obligation bonds Use of inmate laoor: None Use of prefabrication: None Doormaterial(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Remote locking only Floor surface: Sealed concrete, vinyl tile Inten:om: Two-way to common areas, inmate duress alarm, watch tower system, metal detectors HVAC: Forced air Plumbing: Stainless steel, china Furniture: Steel, vinyl/plastic Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas, manual alarm stations Windows: Slit Perimeter: Single fence, razor wire between fence(s); costs included Inmate security level Maximum:6% Medium:0 Minimum: 94% LIi.= ..'llll.·c%!!!L~~~aL. .'~ .. . fus.... ;.... ~~~~~ <>. Full-time equivalent Administration: Unknown Security: Unknown Programs and treatment: Unknown Maintenance: Unknown Total: Unknown Current inmate/staff ratio: Unknown Contracted services: Unknown Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods, less · expensive materials Negative: Slow construction and lengthy building time Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Simple construction methods, advanced order of materials Negative: Slow response or delivery from vendor/supplie½govemmentprocedures and regulations NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction FOURTH AND FIFTH FLOOR/TYPICAL HOUSING UNIT '-0 \CJ 1. SALLY PORT 2. TYPICAL INMATE HOUSING 3.SHOWER 4. INDOOR RECREATION MULTI-PURPOSE 5. OUTDOOR RECREATION 6. ELECTRICAL ROOM 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. EXAM TREATMENT BARBER DAYROOM TYPICAL INMATE ROOM STORAGE/MECHANICAL Pinellas County Jail Responsible official: Sheriff, Bureau of Detention and Correction, Pinellas County Contact: Major H.B. Wilber, Pinellas County Jail Maximum Security Unit, 14400 49th Street North, Cleaiwater, FL 34622, 813--530--6415 Architect: Watson and Company (out ofbusiness) Construction Manager: Federal Construction Company, 1355 Snell Isle Boulevard NE., St Petersburg, FL 33704, 813--821--8000 ,,,.,'F,- "~-~~ ,":' ci;¥{,:. • ,.....,.....,..~y-~.....;;:i::~&-°~..:.@'TJffif.Wcra:'..lc,7 ,~ ,.c m~ ~'~. lllm-ll_Wjj;~~~ili?,fz: . • Tot.al GSF: 118,844 Total NSF: 89,133 Corrections GSF: 118,844 Corrections NSF: 89,133 Housing area GSF: 85,248 Housing area NSF: 59,674 GSF per inmate (design): 309 GSF per inmate (current): 340 NSF per inmate (design): 225 NSF per inmate (current): 255 Size of cells: 94 (double) Net/gross square feet: 75% 111,J Groundbreaking: December 1985 Finish date: March 1988 Construction time: 27 months Tot.al: $12,450,000 Building only: $12,450,000 Final construction cost: Same Housing area: $9,160,000 Housing per inmate: $23,854 Housing per cell: $47,708 Tot.al per inmate: $31,439 Tot.alperGSF: $104.76 Tot.al per NSF: $139.68 Tot.al annual operating costs: Unknown Structural: Precast concrete frame, precast concrete cells Exterior walls: Precast panels, cast-in-place concrete, CMU block Interior walls: Precast panels, cast-in-place concrete, CMU block Exterior surface or facade: Stucco Electronic technology systems: Lighting protection, ccrv surveillance, staff intercommunication, duress/fire alarm, door controVmonitoring, custom control panels, satellite/cable 100 ~=;;~ General population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 384 Dorms: 0 Special population Single occupancy: 12 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:0 Total design: 396 Current population: April 1993: 350 Design: Unknown Cells per unit: 8 Inmates per unit (design): 16 Inmates per unit (current): Unknown Management type (design): Remote surveillance Management type (current): Remote surveillance Means to handle crowding: Beds in dayroom Total officers per unit Day: 23 Evening: 20 Midnight: 21 Doormaterial(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Sliding Type(s) of locks: Motor driven and remote locking floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: No intercom system HVAC: Steam heat, forced air Plumbing: Stainless steel combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas, manual alarm stations Windows: Slit Perimeter: Single fence, double fence, razor wire on fence(s), towers, perimeter patrols Inmate security level Maximum: 100% Medium:0 Minimum:0 l /........ _' . . ,--"-'·.,-'■ili' '!lB .. . -, _ ~ , ~~Y~'F JW - , ii~Tim. r-m i:w! ....~,~ Full-time equivalent Administration: Unknown Security: Unknown Programs and treannent: Unknown Maintenance: Unknown Tot.al: Unknown Current inmate/staff ratio: Unknown Contracted services: Medical Factors affecting construction costs Positive: N/A Negative: N/A Factors affecting time schedule Positive: N/A Negative: N/A Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: Ad valorem funds, budget allocation Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Florida Pinellas County NIJ/National D~rectory of Corrections Construction 101 Central Correctional Institute Responsible official: Commissioner, Georgia Department of Corrections Contact: Thomas C. Jones, Warden, Central Correctional Institute, 4600 Fulton Mill Road, Macon, GA 31213, 912-471-2909 Architect: IPG, Inc., 2722North Oak Street, Valdosta, GA 31602, 912-242-3557 Construction Manager: N/A Total GSF: 22,575 Total NSF: Unknown Corrections GSF: 22,575 Corrections NSF: Unknown Housing area GSF: 16,870 Housing area NSF: Unknown GSFperinmate (design): 113 GSFperinmate(current): 127 NSF per inmate (design): Unknown NSF per inmate (current): Unknown Size of cells: 3,600 (dorm) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Groundbreaking:April 1989 Finish date: September 1989 Conslruction time: 5 months Total: $2,000,000 Building only: $2,000,000 Final conslruction cost Lower Housing area: $1,625,000 Housing per inmate: $8,125 Housing per cell: $406,250 Total per inmate: $10,000 Total per GSF: $88.59 Total per NSF: Unknown Total annual operating costs: Unknown Structural:Steelframe Exterior walls: Brick Interior walls: CMU block Exterior smface or facade: Brick Electronic technology systems: Staff intercommunication, paging and sound system, duress/fire alann, door controV monitoring General population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:200 Special population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:0 Total design: 200 Current population: June 1992: 178 illl&iBllllilll■lllll.l Design: Dormitory Cells per unit: 1 Inmates per unit (design): 50 Inmates per unit (current): 44 Management type (design): Remote sUIVeillance Management type (current): Direct supervision Means to handle crowding: NIA Total officers per unit Day:7 Evening: 6 Midnight: 5 _..ltiltl Contract method: Multiple bid packages (fast track) Finance method: State general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited; preengineered structure 102 Doormaterial(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Remote locking only Floor smface: Vinyl tile fu.tercom: One-way to cells, two-way to common areas HVAC: Gas heat Plumbing: China Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas, manual alarm stations Windows: Standard Perimeter: Single fence, razor wire on fence(s), perimeter patrols; costs included Inmate security level Maximum:0 Medium:0 Minimum: 100% lll ltt!111l■ftlii1 Full-time equivalent Administration: 5 Security: 50 Programs and treatment: 6 Maintenance: 1 Total: 62 Current inmate/staff ratio: 2. 9: 1 Contracted services: NIA Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Prefabricated components; simple construction methods, phased construction (fast track); good competition; less expensive materials Negative: N/A Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Prefabricated components; simple construction methods, phased construction (fast track); advanced order of materials; coordination of design Negative: N/A NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Georgia Macon 0 >-+--+--- ...J...---F'.::~~.u...-,.._;=c'll----1-7, NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 103 Central Probation Detention Center Responsible official: Commissioner, Georgia Department of Corrections Contact: Ross T. Gearinger, Superintendent, Central Disnict Probation Detention Center, Railroad Street, P.O. Box 190, Cadwell, GA 31009,912-689-4750 Architect: IPG, Inc., 2722 North Oak Street, Valdosta, GA 31602, 912-242-3557 Construction Manager: N/A Total GSF: 31,642 Total NSF: Unknown Corrections GSF: 3 I ,642 Corrections NSF: Unknown Housing area GSF: Unknown Housing area NSF: Unknown GSF per inmate (design): 205 GSF per inmate (current): Unknown NSF per inmate (design): Unknown NSF per inmate (current): Unknown Size of cells: 2,220 (dorm) Net/gross square feet Unknown Doormaterial(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Remote locking only Floor surface: Vinyl tile Intercom: One-way to cells, two-way to common areas HVAC: Air-conditioning, gas heat Plumbing: China Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas, manual alann stations Windows: Standard General population Groundbreaking: Unknown Finish date: August 1990 Construction time: 12 months Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 152 Perimeter: Single fence; costs included Inmate security level Maximum:0 Medium:0 Minimum: 100% Special population Single occupancy: 2 Double occupancy: 0 Total: $2,250,000 Building only: Unknown Final construction cost Lower Housing area: $950,000 Housing per inmate: $6,250 Housing per cell: $237,500 Total per inmate: $14,610 Total per GSF: $71.11 Total per NSF: Unknown Total annual operating costs: Unknown illllllll,1Jllilflllllll Structural:Steelframe Exterior walls: CMU block Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface or facade: CMU block Electronic technology systems: Staff intercommunication, paging and sound system, duress/fire alann, door control/ monitoring 104 Dmrns:O Total design: 154 Current population: Unknown Design: Dormitory Cells per unit: 1 Inmates per unit (design): 38 Inmates per unit (current): Unknown Management type (design): Remote surveillance Management type (current): Unknown Means to handle crowding: Unknown Total officers per unit Day: Unknown Evening: Unknown Midnight Unknown Full-time equivalent Administration: Unknown Security: Unknown Programs and treatment: Unknown Maintenance: Unknown Total: Unknown Current inmate/staff ratio: Unknown Contracted services: Unknown - Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods, good competition Negative: Government procedures and regulations; complex electronic, mechanical, and elecnical systems Factors affecting time schedule Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: State general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Positive: Simple construction methods Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Georgia Cadwell NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 105 Clayton County Correctional Institution Responsible official: Commission Chairman, Clayton County Contact: Mickey Camp, Warden, Clayton County Correctional Institution, 12010 Hastings Bridge Road, Lovejoy, GA 30250, 706-473-5777 Architect: IPG, Inc., 2722 North Oak Street, Valdosta, GA 31602, 912-242-3557 Construction Manager: NIA Total GSF: 33,500 Total NSF: Unknown Corrections GSF: 33,500 Corrections NSF: Unknown Housing area GSF: I8,700 Housing area NSF: Unknown GSF per inmate (design): 540 GSF per inmate (current): 168 NSF per inmate (design): Unknown NSF per inmate (current): Unknown Size of cells: 1,813 (donn) Nel/gross square feet: Unknown Groundbreaking: January 1991 Finish date: March 1992 Construction time: 14 months Total: $2,300,000 Building only: Unknown Final construction cost: Lower Housing area: $1,200,000 Housing per inmate: $21,428 Housing per cell: $300,000 Total per inmate: $8,664 Total per GSF: $67.76 Total per NSF: Unknown Total annual operating costs: $1,899,500 Structural:Steelfrarne Exterior walls: CMU block Interior walls: CMU block Exterior smface or facade: CMU block Electronic technology systems: Staff intercommunication, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, door controV monitoring General population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:246 Special population Single occupancy: 6 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:0 Total design: 252 Current population: June 1992: 200 Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: 1 Inmates per unit (design): 50 Inmates per unit (current): 50 Management type (design): Remote sUNeillance Management type (current): Intermittent and remote surveillance Means to handle crowding: NIA Total officers per unit Day: 1 Evening: 1 Midnight: 1 Door material(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Remote locking only Floor smface: Vinyl tile Intercom: One-way to cells, two-way to common areas HVAC: Gas heat Plumbing: China Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas, manual alann stations Windows: Slit Perimeter: Single fence; costs included Inmate security level Maximum:O Medium:O Minimum: 100% Full-time equivalent Administration: 5 Security: 40 Programs and treatment: 1 Maintenance: 0 Total:46 Current inmate/staff ratio: 4.3: 1 Contracted services: NIA lllllllllllllllr._.. Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods, good competition Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Factors affecting time schedule Positive: NIA Negative: NIA Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: State general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None 106 NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Georgia Clayton County r---------, NJJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 107 Coastal Correctional Institution Responsible official: Commissioner, Georgia Department of Corrections Contact: Patrick Donaldson, Warden, Coastal Correctional Institution, P.O. Box 7150, Garden City, GA 31048-7150, 912-964--9330 Architect: IPG, Inc., 2722 North Oak Street, Valdosta, GA 31602, 912-242-3557 Construction Manager: NIA Total GSF: 22,575 Total NSF: Unknown Corrections GSF: 22,575 Corrections NSF: Unknown Housing area GSF: 16,870 Housing area NSF: Unknown GSFper inmate (design): 113 GSFperinmate (current): 113 NSF per inmate (design): Unknown NSF per inmate (current): Unknown Size of cells: 3,600 (dorm) Net/gross square feet: Unknown 111!!1111Bllilllll1■ Groundbreaking: April 1989 Finish date: August 1989 Construction time: 5 months Total: $2,030,000 Building only: $2,000,000 Final construction cost Unknown Housing area: $1,625,000 Housing per inmate: $8,125 Housing per cell: $406,250 Total per inmate: $10,150 Total perGSF: $89.92 Total per NSF: Unknown Total annual operating costs: $13,500,000 Structural: Steel frame Exterior walls: Brick Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface or facade: Brick Electronic technology systems: Staff intercommunication, paging and sound system, dmess/fire alarm, door controV monitoring General population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:200 Special population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:0 Total design: 200 Current population: July 1992: 200 Design: Dormitory Cells per unit 1 Inmates per unit (design): 50 Inmates per unit (current): 50 Management type (design): Remote surveillance Management type (current): Direct supeivision Means to handle crowding: Transfer to another facility Total officers per unit Day:5 Evening: 4 Midnight: 3 Contract method: Multiple bid packages (fast track) Finance method: State general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited; preengineered structure 108 Door material(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Remote locking only floor surface: Vinyl tile Intercom: One-way to cells, two-way to common areas HVAC: Gas heat Plumbing: China Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas, manual alarm stations Windows: Standard Perimeter: Single fence, razor wire between fence(s), perimeter patrols; costs included Inmate security level Maximum:0 Medium:0 Minimum: 100% Full-time equivalent Administration: 0 Security: 25 Programs and treatment 4 Maintenance: 1 Total: 30 Current inmate/staff ratio: 6.7: 1 Contracted seivices: Medical Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Prefabricated components; simple construction methods, phased construction (fast track); good competition; less expensive materials Negative: NIA Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Prefabricated components; simple cons1ruction methods, phased construction (fast track); advanced order of materials; coordination of design Negative: NIA NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Georgia Garden City NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 109 Georgia Diagnostic and Classification Center Responsible official: Commissioner, Georgia Department of Corrections Contact: Walter Zant, Warden, Georgia Diagnostic and Classification Center, P.O. Box 3877, Jackson, GA 30233, 706--775-3161 Architect: IPG, Inc., 2722North Oak Street, Valdosta, GA 31602, 912-242-3557 Construction Manager: N/A Total GSF: 22,575 Total NSF: Unknown Corrections GSF: 22,575 Corrections NSF: Unknown Housing area GSF: 16,870 Housing area NSF: Unknown GSF per inmate (design): 113 GSFperinmate (current): 113 NSF per inmate (design): Unknown NSF per inmate (current): Unknown Size of cells: 3,600 (donn) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Door material(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Remote locking only Floor surface: Vinyl tile Intercom: One-way to cells, two-way to common areas HVAC: Gas heat Plumbing: China Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas Windows: Standard IIJllllil:~~~ir~ lil§"@lli5lfill"'!W:@1 - 1liillffl1•r1!!lll!l&mi ®ffl_@ :l~lt&$ill$; Groundbreaking:April1989 Finish date: September 1989 Construction time: 5 months Total: $2,108,944 Building only: Unknown Final construction cost: Higher Housing area: $1,625,000 Housing per inmate: $8,125 Housing per cell: NIA Total per inmate: $10,545 Total per GSF: $93.42 Total per NSF: Unknown Total annual operating costs: Unknown Structural:Steelframe Exterior walls: Brick Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface or facade: Brick Electronic technology systems: Staff intercommunication, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, door control/ monitoring General population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Donns:200 Special population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Donns:0 Total design: 200 Current population: July 1992: 200 Design: Dormitory Cells per unit: 1 Inmates per unit (design): 50 Inmates per unit (current): 50 Management type (design): Remote surveillance Management type (current): Remote surveillance Means to handle crowding: Mattresses on floor Total officers per unit Day: 1 Evening: 1 Midnight: 1 Contract method: Multiple bid packages (fast track) Finance method: State general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited; preengineered structure 110 Perimeter: Single fence, razor wire on fence(s), perimeter patrols; costs included Inmate security level Maximum:0 Medium:0 Minimum: 100% Full-time equivalent Administration: 0 Security: 28 Programs and treatment: 6 Maintenance: 0 Total:34 Current inmate/staff ratio: 5.9: 1 Contracted services: Medical, nursing and physician assistants only Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Prefabricated components; simple construction methods, phased construction (fast track); good competition; less expensive materials Negative: N/A Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Prefabricatro components; simple construction methods, phased construction (fast track); advanced order of materials; coordination of design Negative: N/A NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Georgia Jackson -1-' NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 111 Georgia Women's Correctional Institute Responsible official: Commissioner, Georgia Department of Corrections Contact: Mary Esposita, Warden, Georgia Women's Correctional Institute, P.O. Box 218, Hardwick, GA 31034, 912-453-5218 Architect: IPG, Inc., 2722 North Oak Street, Valdosta, GA 31602, 912-242-3557 Construction Manager: N/A Total GSF: 22,575 Total NSF: Unknown Corrections GSF: 22,575 Corrections NSF: Unknown Housing area GSF: 16,870 Housing area NSF: Unknown GSFperinmate (design): 113 GSFperinmate (current): 31 NSF per inmate (design): Unknown NSF per inmate (current): Unknown Size of cells: 3,600 (dorm) Net/gross square feet Unknown - Groundbreaking:Aprill989 Finish date: September 1989 Construction time: 5 months Total: $2,030,000 Building only: $2,000,000 Final construction cost: Lower Housing area: $1,625,000 Housing per inmate: $8,125 Housing per cell: $406,250 Total per inmate: $10,150 Total per GSF: $89.92 Total per NSF: Unknown Total annual operating costs: Unknown Structural:Steelframe Exterior walls: Brick Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface or facade: Brick Electronic technology systems: Staff intercommunication, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, door control/ monitoring General population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:200 Special population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:0 Total design: 200 Current population: April 1993: 722 -- Design: Dormitory Cells per unit: 1 Inmates per unit (design): 50 Inmates per unit (current): Unknown Management type (design): Remote surveillance Management type (current): Direct · supervision Means to handle crowding: Transfer to another facility Total officers per unit Day: 1 Evening: 1 Midnight: 1 Contract method: Multiple bid packages (fast track) Finance method: State general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited; preengineered structure 112 Doorrnaterial(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Remote locking only Floor surface: Vinyl tile Intercom: One-way to cells, two-way to common areas HVAC: Gas heat Plumbing: China Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for dorms and common areas, manual alarm stations Windows: Standard Perimeter: Single fence, razor wire on fence(s), perimeter patrols; costs included Inmate security level Maximum:O Medium:0 Minimum: 100% ~~.~ffe?~L~[ -~~~=~E~t¥lm!,.dl Full-time equivalent Administration: 5 Security: 202 Programs and treatment: 24 Maintenance: 3 Total:234 Current inmate/staff ratio: 3.1: 1 Contracted services: Unknown Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Prefabricated components; simple construction methods, phased construction (fast track); good competition; less expensive materials Negative: N/A Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Prefabricated components; simple construction methods, phased construction (fast track); advanced order of materials; coordination of design Negative: N/A NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Georgia Hardwick NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 113 Glynn County Detention Center Responsible official: Sheriff, Glynn County Contact: Ronald Corbett, Jail Administrator, Glynn County Detention Center, 1812 Newcastle Street, Brunswick, GA 31520, 912-267-5664Architect: Hansen Lind Meyer, 800 North Magnolia Avenue, Suite 1100, Orlando, FL 32803, 407-422-7061 Construction Manager: NIA Total GSF: 86,413 Total NSF: 69,133 Corrections GSF: 86,413 Corrections NSF: 69,133 Housing area GSF: 33,017 Housing area NSF: 23,584 GSFperinmate (design): 302 GSFper inmate (current): 384 NSF per inmate (design): 242 NSF per inmate (current): 307 Size of cells: 96 (single and double) Net/gross square feet: 80% ~~illW®&'.¥1®¥~'¥' ,_ Groundbreaking: Unknown Finish date: April 1989 Construction time: 18 months Total: $9,171,160 Building only: $8,761,158 Final construction cost Lower Housing area: $3,730,000 Housing per inmate: $13,815 Housing per cell: $21,686 Total per inmate: $32,067 TotalperGSF: $106.13 Total per NSF: $132.66 Total annual operating costs: $2,332,902 -Structural: Steel frame, load-bearing masonary Exterior walls: Cast-in-place concrete, CMUblock Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface or facade: Brick Electronic technology systems: Lighting protection, CCTV surveillance, staff intercommunication. inmate intercom, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, door control/monitoring, card access, custom control panels 114 ~~~---~~~- General population Single occupancy: 74 Double occupancy: 196 Dorms:O Special popuJation Single occupancy: 16 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:O Total design: 286 Current population: September 1992: 225 Doormaterial(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) of locks: Sliding, motor driven and remote locking, manual locking Floor surface: Carpet, vinyl tile Intercom: Two-way to cells, audio sound threshold HVAC: Steam heat Plumbing: Stainless steel, china, stainless steel combination unit Furniture: Steel, vinyl/plastic Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas, manual alarm stations Windows: Special security and fixed Perimeter: Building exterior only, video camera surveillance; costs included Inmate security level Maximum: 15% Medium:55% Minimum: 30% ,· :w ;,· ,, ,ffiWllii1', Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: 31 Inmates per unit (design): 64 Inmates per unit (current): 56 Management type (design): Direct supervision Management type (current): Remote surveillance, direct supervision Means to handle crowding: NIA Total officers per unit Day: I Evening: 1 Midnight: 1 Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method Local special, time-limited tax levy Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None ~ 0 " =-,: ~ . · , , - ...... , · ,1rn--1 f®· ·, .. ,L~W"3&~' WJM~ ,.,, , >:< JM!WcW',m,~ · ·. hlTuHt~g@mwrrni Full-time equivalent Administration: 8 Security: 57 Programs and treatment: 1 Maintenance: 1 Total: 67 Current inmate/staff ratio: 3.4:1 Contracted services: Medical, food ' , . " '" lkffl.~ ,, . '°''!L!I ·' ''',fdffe Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods, good competition Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Simple construction methods Negative: Labor problems; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Georgia Glynn County z <( _,J a.. a: i! i~ 0 0 ..J LL Ien a: u::: NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 115 Hays Correctional Institute-Bootcamp Responsible official: Commisioner, Georgia Department of Corrections Contact: John Crawford, Unit Manager, Hays Correctional Institute-Bootcamp, P.O. Box 668, Trion, GA 30753, 706--857-7489 Architect: IPG, Inc., 2722 North Oak Street, Valdosta, GA 31602, 912-242-3557 Construction Manager: NIA Total GSF: 157,450 Total NSF: Unknown Corrections GSF: 157,450 Corrections NSF: Unknown Housing area GSF: 13,780 Housing area NSF: Unknown GSFperinmate (design): 703 GSF per inmate (current): 2,624 NSFperinmate (design): Unknown NSF per inmate (current): Unknown Size of cells: 2,808 (donn) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Groundbreaking: June 1991 Finish date: October 1992 Construction time: 12 months Total: $5,000,000 Building only: $4,700,000 Final construction cost: Lower Housing area: $4,600,000 Housing per inmate: $20,536 Housing per cell: $1,150,000 Total per inmate: $22,321 Total per GSF: $31.76 Total per NSF: Unknown Total annual operating costs: Unknown Structural:Steelframe Exterior walls: Cast-in-place concrete Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete Exterior surface or facade: Natural wall Electronic technology systems: Staff intercommunication, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, door controV monitoring General population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 224 Special population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Total design: 224 Current population: January 1993: 600 ·••1111111Qa11,111,~1~~,1 Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: 1 Inmates per unit (design): 56 Inmates per unit (current): 48 Management type (design): Direct supervision Management type (current): Direct supervision Means to handle crowding: NIA Total officers per unit Day: 3 Evening: 3 Midnight: 2 Contract method: Multiple bid packages (fast track), inmate construction Finance method: State general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: Extensive; everything except structure Use of prefabrication: Extensive; preengineered structure 116 Door material(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Remote locking only Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: One-way to cells and common areas HYAC: Heating/air circulation only Plumbing: China Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas, manual alarm stations Windows: Standard and bars Perimeter: Single fence; costs included Inmate security level Maximum:O Medium:0 Minimum: 100% tlBlllllllllttlllJlltlllll Full-time equivalent Administration: 5 Security: 21 Programs and treatment: 10 Maintenance: 1 Total: 37 Current inmate/staff ratio: 1.6: 1 Contracted services: Medical Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Prefabricated components, simple construction methods, less expensive materials Negative: Government procedures and regulations Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Prefabricated components, simple construction methods Negative: Labor problems, government procedures and regulations, inmate labor N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction Georgia Trion UPPER 1.EVE1. PLAN IT:::::] a::::::] i;::::::::JJ a:::::::J i;::::II II:=,] c::IJ Cil[IC] c:I) IT::::] C]J c:Il ffl F~:='.J~~ ~~ c:::]J i:c.:::l C]Jrr=J C]JII=::J r::3J a:::::i c=Il IJi:::=:J c:Il [L) [=rl i::::::::Il c::Il c::Il c::Il c:::]J r::3J UPPER LEVa PlAN NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 117 Henry County Jail Responsible official: Sheriff, Henry County Contact: Gregory Pope, Major, Herny County Jail, 120 Herny Parlcway, McDonough, GA 30253, 706-954--2236 Architect: IPG, Inc., 2722 North Oak Street, Valdosta, GA 31602, 912-242-3557 Construction Manager: BLI Construction, 3384 Peachtree Road, Suite 713, Atlanta, GA 30326, 706-261-4053 Total GSF: 55,591 Total NSF: Unknown Corrections GSF: 36,881 Corrections NSF: Unknown Housing area GSF: 23,147 Housing area NSF: Unknown GSF per inmate (design): 300 GSF per inmate (current): 505 NSF per inmate (design): Unknown NSF per inmate (current): Unknown Size of cells: 100 (double), 2,300 (dorm) Net/gross square feet: Unknown fillillllliRlll!lfllr■i~ Groundbreaking: August 1990 Finish date: February 1992 · Construction time: 19 months Total: $5,600,000 Building only: $5,340,000 Final construction cost: Higher Housing area: $2,818,000 Housing per inmate: $16,576 Housing per cell: $33,153 Total per inmate: $32,941 Total per GSF: $100.74 Total per NSF: Unknown Total annual operating costs: $3,348,342 Structural: Load-bearing CMU block Exterior walls: CMU block Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete, CMU block Exterior smface or facade: CMU block Electronic technology systems: CCTV surveillance, staff intercommunication, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, door control/monitoring, custom control panels 118 General population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 72 Dorms: 88 Special population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 10 Dorms:4 Total design: 170 Current population: October 1992: 110 Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: Unknown Inmates per unit (design): Unknown Inmates per unit (current): Unknown Management type (design): Remote surveillance Management type (current): Intennittent and remote surveillance Means to handle crowding: NJA Total officers per unit Day:N/A Evening: N/A Midnight: N/A Contract method: Multiple bid packages (fast track) Finance method: Local special, time-limited tax levy Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Doormaterial(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Sliding Type(s) of locks: Motor driven and remote locking Floor smface: Sealed concrete Intercom: One-way to cells, two-way to common areas HVAC: Forced air Plumbing: Stainless steel, stainless steel combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells, sprinklers for cells and common areas, manual alarm stations Windows: Slit Perimeter: Single fence, razor wire on fence(s); costs included Inmate security level Maximum: 48% Medium:38% Minimum: 14% iltlll11Bllllftlillllllll Full-time equivalent Administration: 3 Security: 40 Programs and treatment: 3 Maintenance: 0 Total: 46 Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.4: 1 Contracted services: Unknown lfitriiE~tciiJll-lii Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Coordination of design Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Georgia Henry County NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 119 Homerville Parole Center Responsible official: Commissioner, Georgia Department of Corrections Contact: Jeny Lightsey, Superintendent, Homerville Parole Center, 700 Reddick Road, Homerville, GA 31634, 912-487-3244 Architect: 1PG, Inc., 2722 North Oak Street, Valdosta, GA 31602, 912-242-3557 Construction Manager: N/A Total GSF: 15,745 Total NSF: Unknown Corrections GSF: 15,745 Corrections NSF: Unknown Housing area GSF: 13,780 Housing area NSF: Unknown GSF per inmate (design): 70 GSF per inmate (current): 157 NSF per inmate (design): Unknown NSF per inmate (current): Unknown Size of cells: 2,808 (dorm) Net/gross square feet Unknown Groundbreaking: June 1991 Finish date: May 1992 Cons1ruction time: 12 months Total: $500,000 Building only: $470,000 Final construction cost: Lower Housing area: $460,000 Housing per inmate: $2,054 Housing per cell: $115,000 Total per inmate: $2,232 Total per GSF: $31.76 Total per NSF: Unknown Total annual operating costs: $2,636,940 S1ructural: Steel frame Exterior walls: Cast-in-place concrete Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete Exterior surlace or facade: Natural wall Electronic technology systems: Staff intercommunication, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, door controV monitoring General population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:224 Special population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 • Perimeter: Single fence; costs included Inmate security level Maximum:0 Medium:0 Minimum: 100% Dorms:O Total design: 224 Current population: July 1993: 100 Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: I Inmates per unit (design): 56 Inmates per unit (current): Unknown Management type (design): Direct supervision Management type (current): Direct supervision Means to handle crowding: N/A Total officers per unit Day:3 Evening: 3 Midnight 3 - Contract method: Inmate construction Finance method: State general obligation lxmds Use of inmate labor: Extensive; everything except structure Use of prefabrication: Limited; preengineered structure 120 Doormaterial(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging . Type(s) oflocks: Remote locking only Floor surlace: Sealed concrete Intercom: One-way to cells and common areas HVAC: Heating/air circulation only Plumbing: China Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas, manual alarm stations Windows: Standard and bars Full-time equivalent Administration: 19 Security: 40 Programs and treatment: 10 Maintenance: 2 Total:71 Current inmate/staff ratio: 1.4: 1 Contracted services: Unknown Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Prefabricated components, simple construction methods, less expensive materials Negative: Government procedures and regulations Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Prefabricated components, simple construction methods Negative: Labor problems, government procedures and regulations NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Georgia Homerville UPPER u:vEl.. PINI IT:::::] a::::::] CL:] a=:J [C] CC] a::::] C[l(lC] i;::::::JJ a:::] c:::Il~ "'tir C-::I][C] - mil :;::_.J.l[L~ ~CC] e31rv::-·J ~[C.:::;J r:inrr=J CI) [C] CI)[C] CJ]IT:::::] CIJ. CY] L~ [-=::]] ~ CI] C3] ffl C]J[IC] Cl][IC] C]J a::::J C[l C]J C]J c::]J [CJ r:::::Il [EJ r:::::Il crc::i [CJ CJ] a;::::::] C]J C]J c::::::::iD UPPER L£V8. PIM NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 121 I. W. Davis Probation Detention Center Responsible official: Commisioner, Georgia Department of Corrections Contact: Come Byrd, Director, I.W. Davis Probation Detention Center, Box 250, County Farm Road, P.O. Box 730, Jefferson, GA 30549, 706-367-1732 Architect: IPG, Inc., 2722 Noq:h Oak Street, Valdosta, GA 31602, 912-242-3557 Construction Manager: N/A Total GSF: 31,642 Total NSF: Unknown Corrections GSF: 31,642 Corrections NSF: Unknown Housing area GSF: Unknown Housing area NSF: Unknown GSF per inmate (design): 205 GSF per inmate (current): 911 NSF per inmate (design): Unknown NSF per inmate (current): Unknown Size of cells: 2,220 (dorm) Net/gross square feet: Unknown lllll:4111iflliillllilll Groundbreaking: June 1987 Finish date: January 1990 Construction time: 19 months Total: $2,313,255 Building only: $2,313,255 Final construction cost Lower Housing area: $950,000 Housing per inmate: $6,250 Housing per cell: $237,500 Total per inmate: $15,021 TotalperGSF: $73.10 Total per NSF: Unknown Total annual operating costs: $1,758,718 [dllllll Structural:Steelframe Exterior walls: CMU block futerior walls: CMU block Exterior stuface or facade: CMU block Electronic technology systems: Staff intercommunication, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, door control/ monitoring General population Single occupancy: 0 Doubleoccupancy:0 Dorms: 152 Special population Single occupancy: 2 Double occupancy: 0 Donns:0 Total design: 154 Current population: March 1993: 166 ~'i!&Mfik*~-' ;,: · ·•· ·· ID •. " . " .. . · · .. ..,,," . . ~·.-·-,,@¥~@ ~ c / 4 . tJk~~ ~"'~~Lm ~~;:;t.~·~fil~&~)Jfil - Design: Dormitory Cells per unit: 1 Inmates per unit (design): 38 Inmates per unit (current): 41 Management type (design): Remote surveillance Management type (current): Direct supervision Means to handle crowding: N/A Total officers per unit Day: 18 Evening: 7 :Midnight: 6 Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: State general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None 122 Door material(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) of locks: Remote locking only Floor stuface: Vinyl tile Intercom: One-way to cells, two-way to common areas HVAC: Gas heat Plumbing: China Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas, manual alarm stations Windows: Standard Perimeter: Single fence; costs included Inmate security level Maximum:o· Medium:0 Minimum: 100% Full-time equivalent Administration: 8 Security: 31 Programs and treatment: 6 Maintenance: 5 Total:50 Current inmate/staff ratio: 3.3: 1 Contracted services: N/A fllJJIIBII Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods, good competition Negative: Government procedures and regulations; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Simple construction methods Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Georgia Jefferson NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 123 Lowndes County Jail Responsible official: Sheriff, Lowndes County Contact: G. Robert Carter, Sheriff, Lowndes County Jail, 111 Roswell Drive, Valdosta, GA 31601, 912-333--5149 Architect: IPG, fuc., 2722North Oak Street, Valdosta, GA 31602, 912-242-3557 Construction Manager: Alcon Associates, fuc., 201 Baldwin Drive, Albany, GA 31707, 912-432-7411 Total GSF: 56,200 Total NSF: Unknown Corrections GSF: 49,500 Corrections NSF: Unknown Housing area GSF: 42,788 Housing area NSF: Unknown GSFperinmate(design): 151 GSF per inmate (current): Unknown NSF per inmate (design): Unknown NSF per inmate (current): Unknown Size of cells: 90 (double), 420 (donn) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Groundbreaking: Unknown Finish date: June 1992 Construction time: 24 months Total; $5,819,000 Building only: $5,670,000 Final construction cost: Lower Housing area: $4,655,000 Housing per inmate: $14,192 Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $17,905 Total per GSF: $103.54 Total per NSF: Unknown Total annual operating costs: Unknown llflllillllillllllll411 Structural: Precast concrete slabs on CMUblock-bearing walls and steel framing Exterior walls: Cast-in-place concrete, CMU block, EIFS Interior walls: Precast panels, cast-in-place concrete, C:MU block Exterior swface or facade: CMU block. EIFS Electronic technology systems: CCTV surveillance, staff intercommunication, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, door control/monitoring 124 General population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 80 Donns:240 Special population Single occupancy: 4 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:4 Total design: 328 Current population: Unknown Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: 1 fumates per unit (design): 8 fumates per unit (current): Unknown Management type (design): Remote surveillance Management type (current): Unknown Means to handle crowding: Unknown Total officers per unit Day: Unknown Evening: Unknown Midnight: Unknown -~~~~-Jif-~711 ~~~~~~~~k§thY~-~,~ Contract method: Multiple bid packages not fast track Finance method: Local special, time-limited tax levy Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Doormateiial(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Remote locking only Floor swface: Sealed concrete futercom: One-way to cells, two-way to common areas HVAC: Heating/air circulation only, gas heat Plumbing; Stainless steel combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas, manual alarm stations Windows: Slit, special security Perimeter: Double fence, razor wire on fence(s); costs included Inmate security level Maximum: 25% Medium:75% Minimum:0 Full-time equivalent Administration: Unknown Security: Unknown Programs and treatment: Unknown Maintenance: Unknown Total: Unknown Current inmate/staff ratio: Unknown Contracted services: Unknown Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods, less expensive materials Negative: N/A Factors affecting time schedule Positive: N/A Negative: N/A NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Georgia Lowndes County --L....>==-Uu D:U;.nt,i,•..-W (N,i,lm'),.._ "l!lll'f' A.!.lffiO:I lliOMIO"i IBJJ NII/National Directory of Corrections Construction 125 Northeast Probation Detention Center Responsible official: Commissioner, Georgia Department of Corrections Contact: Johnie M. Gannon, Superintendent, Northeast Probation Detention Center, 797 Beasley Street, Blairsville, GA 30512, 706-745-3610 Architect: IPG, Inc., 2722 North Oak Street, Valdosta, GA 31602, 912-242-3557 Construction Manager: Bowen & Watson, Highway17 South, P.O. Box 877, Toccoa, GA 30577, 404-886-3197 Total GSF: 31,642 Total NSF: Unknown Corrections GSF: 31,642 Corrections NSF: Unknown Housing area GSF: Unknown Housing area NSF: Unknown GSF per inmate (design): 205 GSF per inmate (current): 191 NSF per inmate (design): Unknown NSF per inmate (current): Unknown Size of cells: 2,220 (dorm) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Groundbreaking: June 1988 Finish date: J1U1e 1989 Construction time: 12 months Total: $2,100,000 Building only: $2,100,000 Final construction cost: Unknown Housing area: $950,000 Housing per inmate: $6,250 Housing per cell: $237,500 Total per inmate: $13,636 Total per GSF: $66.37 Total per NSF: Unknown Total annual operating costs: $1,675,135 Structural:Steelframe Exterior walls: CMU block Interior walls: C:MU block Exterior surface or facade: CMU block Electronic technology systems: Staff intercommunication, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, door control/ monitoring General population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 152 Special population Single occupancy: 2 Double occupancy: 0 Donns:0 Total design: 154 Current population: October 1992: 166 Design: Dormitory Cells per unit: 1 Inmates per unit (design): 38 Inmates per unit (current): 42 Management type (design): Remote surveillance Management type (current): Remote surveillance, direct supervision Means to handle crowding: Early release Total officers per unit Day:4 Evening:4 Midnight:4 Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: State general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None 126 Doormaterial(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Remote locking only Floor surface: Vinyl tile Intercom: One-way to cells, two-way to common areas HVAC: Gas heat Plumbing: China Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas, manual alarm stations Windows: Standard Perimeter: Single fence; costs included Inmate security level Maximum:0 Medium:0 Minimum:100% rlllil!IBll!!ltillllBflllll Full-time equivalent Administration: 8 Security: 33 Programs and treatment: 6 Maintenance: 5 Total:52 Current inmate/staff ratio: 3.2: 1 Contracted services: NIA Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods, good competition Negative: Government procedures and regulations; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Simple construction methods Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Nil/National Directory of Corrections Construction Georgia Blairsville :::J 18 -- . lsI :!M • Is B N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction 127 Northwest Probation Detention Center Responsible official: Commissioner, Georgia Department of Corrections Contact: Jim Deal, Superintendent, Northwest Probation Detention Center, 1030 West Girard Avenue, Cedartown, GA 30125, 706--749-2300 Architect: IPG, Inc., 2722 North Oak Street, P.O. Box 2007, Valdosta, GA 31602, 912-242-3557 Construction Manager: N/A Total GSF: 31,642 Total NSF: Unknown Corrections GSF: 31,642 Corrections NSF: Unknown Housing area GSF: 12,024 Housing area NSF: Unknown GSF per inmate (design): 205 GSFperinmate (current): 191 NSF per inmate (design): Unknown NSF per inmate (current): Unknown Size of cells: 96 (single), 2,200 (dorm) Net/gross square feet: Unknown ~~~~General population ~~ Groundbreaking:Septemberl989 Finish date: August 1990 Construction time: 12 months Total: $2,250,000 Building only: Unknown Final construction cost: Lower Housing area: $950,000 Housing per inmate: $6,250 Housing per cell: $237,500 Total per inmate: $14,610 Total per GSF: $71. I 1 Total per NSF: Unknown Total annual operating costs: $1,918,998 Structural: Steel frame Exterior walls: CMU block futerior walls: CMU block Exterior sutface or facade: CMU block Electronic technology systems: Staff intercommunication, paging and sound system, duress/fire alann, door control/ monitoring Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 152 Special population Single occupancy: 2 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:O Total design: 154 Current population: January 1993: 166 Design: Dormitory Cells per unit: 1 Inmates per unit (design): 38 fumates per unit (current): 42 Management type (design): Remote surveillance Management type (current): Intermittent surveillance Means to handle crowding: Transfer to another facility Total officers per unit Day:5 Evening: 3 Midnight:5 Door material(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Remote locking only Floor swface: Vinyl tile Intercom: One-way to cells, two-way to common areas HVAC: Gas heat Plumbing: China Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas, manual alann stations Windows: Standard ~~-··· ~~~~w , , Perimeter: Single fence; costs included Inmate security level Maximum:O Medium:O Minimum: 100% foot~ Full-time equivalent Administration: 8 Security: 28 Programs and treatment: 12 Maintenance: 1 Total:49 Current inmate/staff ratio: 3.4: 1 Contracted services: N/A Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods, good competition Negative: Government procedures and regulations; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Simple construction methods Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Contract method: Conventional design-bid.build Finance method: State general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None 128 NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Georgia Cedartown NIJJNational Directory of Corrections Construction 129 Phillips Correctional Institute-Bootcamp Responsible official: Commisioner, Georgia Department of Corrections Contact: Rick Abbott, Warden, Phillips Correctional Institute-Bootcamp, 2989 West Rock Quarry Road, Buford, GA 30518, 706-932-4500 Architect: IPG, Inc., 2722 North Oak Street, Valdosta, GA 31602-2007, 912-242-3557 Construction Manager: N/A Total GSF: 15,745 Total NSF: Unknown Corrections GSF: 15,745 Corrections NSF: Unknown Housing area GSF: 13,780 Housing area NSF: Unknown GSF per inmate (design): 70 GSF per inmate (current): Unknown NSF per inmate (design): Unknown NSF per inmate (current): Unknown Siz.e of cells: 2,808 (dorm) Net/gross square feet: Unknown ff"'iV~~~~~~~,-- Door material(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflock.s: Remote locking only Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: One-way to cells and common areas HVAC: Heating/air circulation only Plumbing: China Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas, manual alarm stations Windows: Standard and bars ~iffl~~~~@$:WillW£I@IDi--wli'mi! 111111111111··.; ~ ·I!i . ·1m·i··mi·ll~ -· ·ruw· ~ . ' ~ Groundbreaking: June 1991 Finish date: May 1992 Construction time: 12 months Total: $500,000 Building only: $470,000 Final construction cost: Lower Housing area: $460,000 Housing per inmate: $2,054 Housing per cell: $115,000 Total per inmate: $2,232 TotalperGSF: $31.76 Total per NSF: Unknown Total annual operating costs: Unknown -~.-··· .... Eli Structural: Steel frame Exterior walls: Cast-in-place concrete Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete Exterior surface or facade: Natural wall Electronic technology systems: Staff intercommunication, paging and sound system, duress/fire alann, door controV monitoring General popuJation Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:224 Special population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:0 Total design: 224 Current population: Unknown Perimeter: Single fence; costs included Inmate security level Maximum:O Medium:0 Minimum: 100% ~~1@~~~ ~-~-.~~ ~~~,.-81i~ Hffiii[ffl"!:fiiB~J&mmHr"'fil'~■~• Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: 1 Inmates per unit (design): 56 Inmates per unit (current): 50 Management type (design): Direct supervision Management type (current): Direct supervision Means to handle crowding: Unknown Total officers per unit Day: 1 Evening: 1 Midnight: 1 ' WN~~~#.ffl~~ ~-mt~~~~ ,Wif'.:zjj:~'"'/W Contract method: Multiple bid packages (fast track), inmate construction Finance method: State general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: Extensive; everything except structure Use of prefabrication: Limited; preengineered structure 130 Full-time equivalent Administration: 100 Security: 319 Programs and treatment 0 Maintenance: 14 Total:433 Current inmate/staff ratio: 1.8:1 Contracted services: Unknown ~~~~ Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Prefabricated components, simple construction methods, less expensive materials Negative: Government procedures and regulations Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Prefabricated components, simple construction methods Negative: Labor problems, government procedures and regulations, inmate labor NII/National Directory of Corrections Construction Georgia Buford UPPER L.EVa. PL!!!:! IT::::J a:::::::::;iC:Yla:::::::] CL:] ;,_::::JJ[C~ C]JQCJ C]J IT:::] ffl lr=:l a:::::J r::::::::::zoa:::::J Cil[CJ CrJ (_~cc:) CIJ[CJ Cil c:JJa:::::J Cil [CJ r:::::]] a:::::J [CJ UPPER LEVEL AM NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 131 Rockdale-Dekalb Probation Detention Center Responsible official: Commissioner, Georgia Department of Corrections Contact: Arnold DePetro, Superintendent, Rockdale-Dekalb Probation Detention Center, 2165 Chambers Drive, Conyers, GA 30207, 706--388--5777 Architect: IPG, Inc., 2722North Oak Street, Valdosta, GA 31602, 912-242-3557 Construction Manager: MG Engineering and Construction, 200 West Park Drive, Suite 300, Peachtree City, GA 30269, 404-487--0343 ,. · > -... Total GSF: 31,642 Total NSF: Unknown Corrections GSF: 31,642 Corrections NSF: Unknown Housing area GSF: Unknown Housing area NSF: Unknown GSFperinmate (design): 205 GSF per inmate (current): 191 NSF per inmate (design): Unknown NSF per inmate (current): Unknown Size of cells: 2,220 (dorm) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Groundbreaking: Unknown Finish date: Unknown Construction time: Unknown Total: $2,250,000 Building only: Unknown Final construction cost: Lower Housing area: $950,000 Housing per inmate: $6,250 Housing per cell: $237,500 Total per inmate: $14,610 Total per GSF: $71.11 Total per NSF: Unknown Total annual operating costs: $1,688,030 BJJ11111JJBi&lllll•lB Structural: Steel frame Exterior walls: CMU block Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface or facade: CMU block Electronic technology systems: Staff intercommunication, paging and sound system, duress/fire alann, door controV monitoring General population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 152 Special population Single occupancy: 2 Double occupancy: 0 DOimS: 0 Total design: 154 Current population: July 1992: 166 Design: Dormitory Cells per ooit: 1 Inmates per unit (design): 38 Inmates per unit (current): 41 Management type (design): Remote surveillance Management type (current): Direct supervision Means to handle crowding: Waiting list and early releases Total officers per unit Day:9 Evening: 8 Midnight: 5 Doormaterial(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Remote locking only Floor surface: Vinyl tile Intercom: One-way to cells, two-way to common areas HYAC: Gas heat Plumbing: China Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas, manual alarm stations Windows: Standard - Perimeter: Single fence; costs included Inmate security level Maximum:O Medium:O Minimum: 100% Full-time equivalent Administration: 11 Security: 36 Programs and treatment: 8 Maintenance: 1 Total:56 Current inmate/staff ratio: 3: 1 Contracted services: Unknown Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods, gocxl competition Negative: Government procedures and regulations; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Simple construction methods Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: State general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None 132 NIJ/NationalDirectory of Corrections Construction Georgia Conyers U! =i IU ill-· • 111 1 !K i • fs ~ NJJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 133 Rogers Correctional Institute Responsible official: Commissioner, Georgia Department of Corrections Contact: Jackie Trim, Warden, Rogers Correctional Institute, Star Route, Box 5300, Reidsville, GA 30453, 912-557-4771 Architect: IPG, Inc., 2722 North Oak Street, Valdosta, GA 31602, 912-242-3557 Construction Manager: N/A Total GSF: 22,575 Total NSF: Unknown Corrections GSF: 22,575 Corrections NSF: Unknown Housing area GSF: 16,870 Housing area NSF: Unknown GSF per inmate (design): 113 GSF per inmate (current): Unknown NSF per inmate (design): Unknown NSF per inmate (current): Unknown Size of cells: 3,600 (donn) Net/gross square feet Unknown lillllf!r!IVAll-ifil11 General population Groundbreaking: April 1989 Finish date: September 1989 Construction time: 5 months Total: $2,030,000 Building only: $2,000,000 Final construction cost: Lower Housing area: $1,625,000 Housing per inmate: $8,125 Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $10,150 Total perGSF: $89.92 Total per NSF: Unknown Total annual operating costs: Unknown llllililllllliwll•~J!II Structural:Steelframe Exterior walls: Brick Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface or facade: Brick Electronic technology systems: Staff intercommunication, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, door control/ monitoring 134 Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 200 Special population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Total design: 200 Current population: Unknown 1111111111111111111111!4 Design: Dormitory Cells per unit: I Inmates per unit (design): 50 Inmates per unit (current): Unknown Management type (design): Remote swveillance Management type (current): Unknown Means to handle crowding: Unknown Total officers per unit Day: Unknown Evening: Unknown Midnight: Unknown Contract method: Multiple bid packages (fast track) Finance method: State general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited; preengineered structure Door material(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Remote locking only Floor surface: Vinyl tile Intercom: One-way to cells, two-way to common areas HYAC: Air-conditioning, gas heat Plumbing: China Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for dorms and common areas, manual alarm stations Windows: Standard Perimeter: Single fence, razor wire on fence(s), perimeter patrols; costs included Inmate security level Maximum:O Medium:O Minimum: 100% Full-time equivalent Administration: Unknown Security: Unknown Programs and treatment: Unknown Maintenance: Unknown Total: Unknown Current inmate/staff ratio: Unknown Contracted services: Unknown -~~~:& Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Prefabricated components; simple construction methods, phased construction (fast track); good competition Negative: N/A Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Prefabricated components; simple construction methods, phased construction (fast track); advanced order of materials Negative: N/A NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Georgia Reidsville --r--' NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 135 Southeast Probation Detention Center Responsible official: Commissioner, Georgia Department of Corrections Contact: Robert E. Williams, Superintendent, Southeast DisnictProbation Detention Center, U.S. Highway 301 North, P.O. Box 869, Claxton, GA 30417, 912-739-1911 Architect: IPG, Inc., 2722 North Oak Street, Valdosta, GA 31602, 912-242-3557 Construction Manager: Music and Worth Construction, Route 6, Box 499, Live Oak, FL 32060, 904-658-1598 Total GSF: 31,642 · Total NSF: Unknown Corrections GSF: 31,642 Corrections NSF: Unknown Housing area GSF: Unknown Housing area NSF: Unknown GSF per inmate (design): 205 GSFperinmate(current): 191 NSF per inmate (design): Unknown NSF per inmate (current): Unknown Size of cells: 2,220 (dorm) Net/gross square feet Unknown Groundbreaking: Unknown Finish date: July 1988 Construction time: Unknown Total: $2,250,000 Building only: Unknown Final construction cost Unknown Housing area: $950,000 Housing per inmate: $6,250 Housing per cell: $237,500 Total per inmate: $14,610 TotalperGSF: $71.11 Total per NSF: Unknown Total annual operating costs: Unknown Structural: Steel frame Exterior walls: CMU block Interior walls: CMU block Exterior smface or facade: CMU block Electronic technology systems: Staff intercommunication, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, door control/ monitoring General population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 152 Special population Single occupancy: 2 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:0 Total design: 154 Current population: November 1992: 166 Design: Dormitory Cells per unit 1 Inmates per unit (design): 38 Inmates per unit (current): 38 Management type (design): Remote surveillance Management type (current): Intermittent surveillance, direct supervision Means to handle crowding: Unknown Total officers per unit Day: 1 Evening: 1 Midnight 1 - - Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: State general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: Limited Use of prefabrication: None 136 Door rnaterial(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Remote locking only Floor surface: Epoxy coating, vinyl tile Intercom: One-way to cells, two-way to common areas HVAC: Gas heat Plumbing: China Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas, manual alarm stations Windows: Standard Perimeter: Single fence; costs included Inmate security level Maximum: 0 Medium:0 Minimum: 100% - Full-time equivalent Administration: 13 Security: 29 Programs and treatment: 6 Maintenance: 1 Total:49 Current inmate/staff ratio: 3.4: 1 Contracted services: Unknown '=,g .. :lill Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods, good competition Negative: Government procedures and regulations; complex electronic, mechanical, and elecnical systems Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Simple construction methods Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and elecnical systems NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Georgia Claxton NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 137 Telfair Correctional Institute-Bootcamp Responsible official: Commissioner, Georgia Department of Corrections Contact: David Thompson, Warden, Telfair Correctional Institute-Bootcamp, P.O. Box 549, Longbridge Road, Helena, GA 31037, 912--868-7721 Architect: IPG, fuc., 2722 North Oak Street, Valdosta. GA 31602, 912-242-3557 Construction Manager: N/A Total GSF: 15,745 Total NSF: Unknown Corrections GSF: 15,745 Corrections NSF: Unknown Housing area GSF: 13,780 Housing area NSF: Unknown GSF per inmate (design): 70 GSF per inmate (current): Unknown NSF per inmate (design): Unknown NSF per inmate (current): Unknown Size of cells: 2,808 (dorm) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Groundbreaking:June1991 Finish date: May 1992 Construction time: 11 months Total: $500,000 Building only: $470,000 Final construction cost: Lower Housing area: $460,000 Housing per inmate: $2,054 Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $2,232 Total per GSF: $31.76 Total per NSF: Unknown Total annual operating costs: Unknown Structural: Steel frame .Exterior walls: Cast-in-place concrete Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete Exterior surface or facade: Natural wall Electronic technology systems: Staff intercommunication, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, door control/ monitoring 138 General population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 224 Special population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:0 Total design: 224 Current population: Unknown Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit 1 fumates per unit (design): 56 fumates per unit (current): Unknown Management type (design): Direct supervision Management type (current): Unknown Means to handle crowding: Unknown Total officers per unit Day: Unknown Evening: Unknown Midnight: Unknown - Contract method: fumate construction Finance method: State general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: Extensive; Everything except the structure Use of prefabrication: Limited; preengineered structure Door material(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Remote locking only Floor surface: Sealed concrete futercom: One-way to cells and common areas HVAC: Heating/air circulation only Plumbing: China Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for dorms and common areas, manual alarm stations Windows: Standard and bars Perimeter: Single fence; costs included Inmate security level Maximum:0 Mediwn:0 Minimum: 100% Full-time equivalent Administration:Unknown Security: Unknown Programs and treatment: Unknown Maintenance: Unknown Total: Unknown Current inmate/staff ratio: Unknown Contracted services: Unknown - Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Prefabricated components, simple construction methods, less expensive materials Negative: Government procedures and regulations Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Prefabricated components, simple construction methods Negative: Labor problems, government procedures and regulations, inmate labor N/J!National Directory of Corrrctions Construction Georgia Helena UPPER LEVEL Pl$! CJ] a::::::] cr::::J rr:=:;i er:~ CI} i:r:::] ~rr=:I L ~ C]][E:;J er::=] - . ~CC] C]J[["-•:i ~i:::c:] c::::Il i::r=J Cil[C] c=]J[C] CJ] [C] CI]~ CI] a::::::i ~ [I=:] C=:Tirr::J DJ :.._ .-11.l a::__.1 L~ lllll ~=:]] ~ CI] CID F~:='.j'S b-_d ~~ Cl..JLl_J C]J c::ilJ c·.1J IJLJ CTI CI]IJLJ UPPER LEVEL Pl.NI NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 139 Treutlen Shock Unit Responsible official: Commissioner, Georgia Department of Corrections Contact: Jim Combs, Warden, Treutlen Shock Unit, P.O. Box 747 Session Street, Soperton, GA 30457, 912-529--6760 Architect: IPG, Inc., 2722North Oak Street, Valdosta, GA 31602, 912-242-3557 Construction Manager: NIA Total GSF: 47;267 Total NSF: 38,625 Corrections GSF: 47,267 Corrections NSF: 38,625 Housing area GSF: 17,500 Housing area NSF: Unknown GSF per inmate (design): 204 GSF per inmate (current): 283 NSF per inmate (design): 166 NSF per inmate (current): 231 Size of cells: 2,262 (dorm) Net/gross square feet: 82% llllf'Alillllltlll■I■ Groundbreaking: November 1989 Finish date: March 1991 Construction time: 17 months Total: $3,400,000 Building only: $3, 190,880 Final construction cost Lower Housing area: $1,265,000 Housing per inmate: $5,548 Housing per cell: $210,833 Total per inmate: $14,655 Total per GSF: $71.93 Total per NSF: $88.03 Total annual operating costs: $2,915,349 Structural:Steelframe Exterior walls: CMU block Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface or facade: CMU block Electronic technology systems: Staff intercommunication, paging and sound system, duress/fire alann, door controV monitoring General population Single occupancy: 0 Doubleoccupancy:0 Donns:228 Special population Single occupancy: 4 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:O Total design: 232 Current population: June 1992: 167 lllill■I Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: 1 Inmates per unit (design): 38 Inmates per unit (current): 38 Management type (design): Remote surveillance Management type (current): Intermittent surveillance Means to handle crowding: NIA Total officers per unit Day:5 Evening: 8 Midnight:4 Door material(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Remote locking only Floor surface: Vinyl tile Intercom: One-way to cells, two-way to common areas INAC: Gas heat Plumbing: China Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas, manual alann stations Windows: Standard Perimeter: Single fence; costs included Inmate security level Maximum:0 Medium:0 Minimum: 100% Full-time equivalent Administration: 9 Security: 49 Programs and treatment 9 Maintenance: 3 Total: 70 Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.4: I Contracted services: N/A Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Good competition, less expensive materials Negative: Difficult site conditions; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Factors affecting time schedule Positive: N/A Negative: N/A Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: State general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None 140 NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Georgia Soperton , , ,:: :: ~ ::·~ d ~;;,:,tn" - - - - .. - - .. ~ t: g ~ "' "' di "' ~ @. (2l, ,~ 1~ 1~ ~~ I· ~ © © di ©. ~ (I) 1~ 1~ dl di © ✓ ✓ / cg @£ l1Afl ~ © NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction . b I 'lo ' ~ 141 U.S. Federal Penitentiary-Atlanta Responsible official: Director, Federal Bureau of Prisons Contact: Fred Stock, Warden, U.S. Federal Penitentiary-Atlanta, 601 McDonough Boulevard SE., Atlanta, GA 30315, 404--622--6241 Architect: Rosser Justice Systems, 524 West Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30308, 404-876-3800 Construction Manager: N/A Total GSF: 134,000 Total NSF: 70,000 Corrections GSF: 134,000 Corrections NSF: 70,000 Housing area GSF: 134,000 Housing area NSF: 70,000 GSFperinmate (design): 315 GSF per imnate (cunent): 71 NSF per inmate (design): 164 NSF per inmate (current): 37 Size of cells: 80 (single) Net/gross square feet: 52% Groundbreaking: November 1986 Finish date: August 1990 Construction time: 45 months Total: $9,600,000 Building only: $9,600,000 Final construction cost Same Housing area: $9,600,000 Housing per inmate: $22,535 Housing per cell: $22,535 Total per inmate: $22,535 Total per GSF: $71.64 Total per NSF: $137.14 Total annual operating costs: Unknown - Structural: Steel frame, cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Cast-in-place concrete, CMUblock Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete, CMU block Exterior swface or facade: Natural wall, stone Electronic technology systems: Lighting protection, ccrv surveillance, staff intercommunication, inmate intercom, duress/fire alann, door controV monitoring, custom control panels, metal detection 142 General popu1ation Single occupancy: 426 Double occupancy: 0 Donns:O Special population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Donns:O Total design: 426 Current population: February 1993: 1,895 Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: 224 Inmates per unit (design): 224 Inmates per unit (current): 288 Management type (design): Direct supervision Management type (current): Direct supervision Means to handle crowding: Bunk beds in cells, transfer to another facility Total officers per unit Day:6 Evening: 6 Midnight: 1 Door material(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Remote locking only Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to common areas, inmate duress alarm, general paging throughout HVAC: Air-conditioning, steam heat Plumbing: China Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas, manual alann stations Windows: Slit Perimeter: Towers; costs excluded Inmate security level Maximum:O Medium: 100% Minimum:O y"' ' ~ - , "'~, K •. . - 1~·m C ., • ~m,~'WA,Tu=~~ • '!&1h11:~,:.; Full~time equivalent Administration: 50 Security: 200 Programs and treatment 85 Maintenance: 39 Total:374 Current inmate/staff ratio: 5.1: 1 Contracted services: Unknown Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods Negative: Difficult site conditions Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Simple construction methods Negative: N/A Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: Federal funds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Georgia Atlanta C IV D.. a, ·-~ -~ C ========-,-:::::== ~-t:, 0 CU -~ :l J: -I -ra -c C ~ e F- Cl NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 143 Ware Correctional Institute Responsible official: Commissioner, Georgia Department of Corrections Contact: Doug Williams, Warden, Ware Correctional Institute, 3620 North Harris Road, Waycross, GA 31501, 912-285-6400 Architect: IPG, Inc., 2722 North Oak Street, Valdosta, GA 31602, 912-242-3557 Construction Manager: N/A Total GSF: 22,575 Total NSF: Unknown Corrections GSF: 22,575 Corrections NSF: Unknown Housing area GSF: 16,870 Housing area NSF: Unknown GSF per inmate (design): 113 GSF per inmate (current): Unknown NSF per inmate (design): Unknown NSF per inmate (current): Unknown Sire of cells: 3,600 (donn) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Groundbreaking: April 1989 Finish date: September 1989 Construction time: 5 months Total: $2,030,000 Building only: $2,000,000 Final construction cost: Lower Housing area: $1,625,000 Housing per inmate: $8,125 Housing per cell: $406,250 Total per inmate: $10,150 Total per GSF: $89.92 Total per NSF: Unknown Total annual operating costs: Unknown Structural:Steelframe Exterior walls: Brick Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface or facade: Brick Electronic technology systems: Staff intercommunication, paging and sound system, duress/fire alann, door control/ monitoring 144 General population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorrns:200 Special population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:0 Total design: 200 Current population: Unknown Design: Donnitory Cells per unit: 1 Inmates per unit (design): 50 Inmates per unit (current): Unknown Management type (design): Remote surveillance Management type (current): Unknown Means to handle crowding: Unknown Total officers per unit Day: Unknown Evening: Unknown Midnight Unknown Contract method: Multiple bid packages (fast track) Finance method: State general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited; preengineered structure Door material(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Remote locking only Floor surface: Vinyl tile Intercom: One-way to cells, two-way to common areas HVAC: Gas heat Plumbing: China Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for dorms and common areas, manual alarm stations Windows: Standard Perimeter: Single fence, razor wire on fence(s), perimeter patrols; costs included Inmate security level Maximum:0 Medium:0 Minimum: 100% Full-time equivalent Administration:Unknown Security: Unknown Programs and treatment: Unknown Maintenance: Unknown Total: Unknown Current inmate/staff ratio: Unknown Contracted services: Unknown ii< 'f~~:::-,_,:" ···cc,; ~~~., ·-~~ ~'7" -~~' ;;;,,,E, ._. Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Prefabricated components; simple construction methods, phased construction (fast track); good competition; less expensive materials Negative: N/A Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Prefabricated components; simple construction methods, phased construction (fast track); advanced order of materials; coordination of design Negative: N/A NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Georgia Waycross NII/National Directory of Corrections Construction 145 Washington Correctional Institution-Boot Camp Responsible official: Commissioner, Georgia Department of Corrections Contact: Rose Renfroe, Warden, Washington Correctional Instirution-Boot Camp, P.O. Box 206, Davisboro, GA'31018, 912-348-5814 Architect: IPG, fuc., 2722 North Oak Street, Valdosta, GA 31602, 912-242-3557 Construction Manager: N/A Total GSF: 15,745 Total NSF: Unknown Corrections GSF: 15,745 Corrections NSF: Unknown Housing area GSF: 13,780 Housing area NSF: Unknown GSF per inmate (design): 70 GSF per inmate (current): 48 NSF per inmate (design): Unknown NSF per inmate (current): Unknown Size of cells: 2,808 (dorm) Net/gross square feet Unknown - Groundbreaking: June 1991 Finish date: May 1992 Construction time: 12 months Total: $500,000 Building only: $470,000 Final construction cost: Lower Housing area: $460,000 Housing per inmate: $2,054 Housing per cell: $115,000 Total per inmate: $2,232 Total perGSF: $31.76 Total per NSF: Unknown Total annual operating costs: $9,999,000 - Structural: Steel frame Exterior walls: Cast-in-place concrete futerior walls: Cast-in-place concrete Exterior surface or facade: Natural wall Electronic technology systems: Staff intercommunication, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, door controV monitoring General population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:224 Special population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Perimeter: Single fence; costs excluded Inmate security level Maximum:0 Medium:0 Minimum: 100% Donns:O Total design: 224 Onrentpopulation: October 1992: 327 Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: 1 Inmates per unit (design): 56 Inmates per unit (current): 96 Management type (design): Direct supervision Management type (current): Direct supervision Means to handle crowding: NIA Total officers per unit Day:2 Evening: 2 Midnight: 2 - Contract method: Multiple bid packages (fast track), inmate construction Finance method: State general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: Extensive; everything except structure Use of prefabrication: Limited; preengineered structure 146 Doormaterial(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Remote locking only Floor surface: Sealed concrete · futercom: One-way to cells and common areas HVAC: Heating/air circulation only Plumbing: China Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas, manual alarm stations Windows: Standard and bars Full-time equivalent Administration: 15 Security: 88 Programs and treatment: 5 I Maintenance: 9 Total: 163 Current inmate/staff ratio: 2: 1 Contracted services: Unknown Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Prefabricated components, simple construction methods, less expensive materials Negative: Government procedures and regulations Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Prefabricated components, simple construction methods Negative: Labor problems, government procedures and regulations NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Georgia Davisboro .,..,. 1110CM ·am UPPER l.£VEl. Pl.AH [IC] [lC] CC] c:::IJcc:] r.=:[]1I:::=:J. [['.:::] QC.1 [C] [C] rv::--:: "'--.YI-'---"'" ~ C]J~ ~-"-!!-'---"'" c:::IJ II::] C]] CI]~ C]J C]J [Cj C]J[Cj Cil CIJ[C::J C]J[LJ CJ] a:::::) CI)[Cj ~ c:::IJ er::] i:t:=J ffl ~ ;:::=..~ ~ F-·ds~ ~~ CI::) [C'l C]J C]J ~ r::Il a:::::) CI)[LJ C]J [Cj C]J C]J C]J .. ··.. UPPER L£YEL Pl.AN Nil/National Directory of Corrections Construction 147 Washington Correctional Institution Responsible official: Commissioner, Georgia Department of Corrections Contact: Chuck Burden, Warden, Washington Correctional Institution P.O. Box 206, Davisboro, GA 31018, 912-348-5814 Architect: Rosser Justice Systems, 524 West Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30308, 404-876-3800 Constructjon Manager: N/A lla~-~~~~21t!Total GSF: 227,000 Total NSF: 148,000 Corrections GSF: 227,000 Corrections NSF: 148,000 Housing area GSF: 123,000 Housing area NSF: 80,000 GSF per inmate (design): 334 GSF per inmate (current): 694 NSF per inmate (design): 218 NSF per inmate (current): 452 Size of cells: 80 (single and double) Net/gross square feet: 65% lll!l!Dlll!IIIRllii&i:tilll Groundbreaking: July 1989 Finish date: August 1991 Construction time: 25 months Total: $18,500,000 Building only: $17,500,000 Final construction cost: Lower Housing area: $10,500,000 Housing per inmate: $15,441 Housing per cell: $21,875 Total per inmate: $27,206 Total per GSF: $81.50 Total per NSF: $125 Total annual operating costs: Unknown ~11tllllJlii~JllllllilJJ Structural: Steel frame, precast concrete cells, load-bearing CMU block Exterior walls: CMU block Interior walls: CMU block, precast cells Exterior swface or facade: CMU block, EIFS Electronic teclmology systems: Lighting protection, CCIV surveillance, staff intercommunication, inmate intercom, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, door control/monitoring, card access, custom control panels, satellite/ cable, watch tower system, metal detection 148 General population Single occupancy: 284 Double occupancy: 392 Dorms:0 Special population Single occupancy: 4 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:O Total design: 680 Current population: October 1992: 327 Door material(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Remote locking only Floor swface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to common areas, inmate duress alarm, general paging throughout HVAC: Heating/air circulation only, gas heat Plumbing: China Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas, manual alarm stations Windows: Operable slit (one light fixed, one light operable) Perimeter: Double fence, razor wire on fence(s); costs included Inmate security level Maximum:0 . Medium: 100% Minimum:0 f l w ~ - ~. .,,mwJH@-Will&ilY.~~I -~~,·--·~m~~@~,:s~,J~m,m; Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: Unknown Inmates per unit (design): Unknown Inmates per unit (current): Unknown Management type (design): Unknown Management type (current): Unknown Means to handle crowding: NIA Total officers per unit Day: Unknown Evening: Unknown Midnight: Unknown filll!i9Jlf~lil!llm111 Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: State general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Extensive Full-time equivalent Administration: Unknown Security: Unknown Programs and treatment: Unknown Maintenance: Unknown Total: Unknown Current inmate/staff ratio: Unknown Contracted services: Unknown BJIIBllil\111111111!111 Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods, less expensive materials Negative: N/A Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Prefabricated components, coordination of design Negative: N/A NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Georgia Davisboro '-. ',_ ..• ' .: ~ ··-·- ·- ·-·-·-·------•--••-• - - --- - ----- .' . , - ~ NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 149 West Central Probation Detention Center Responsible official: Commissioner, Georgia Department of Corrections Contact: Nathaniel Ray, Superintendent, West Central District Probation Detention Center, P.O. Box 589, Zebulon, GA 30295, 706-567--0631 Architect: IPG, Inc., 2722 North Oak Street, Valdosta, GA 31602, 912-242-3557 Construction Manager: Reddick Construction Company, 605 East Main Street, P.O. Box 1029, Thomaston, GA 30286 Total GSF: 31,642 Total NSF: Unknown Corrections GSF: 31,642 Corrections NSF: Unknown Housing area GSF: Unknown Housing area NSF: Unknown GSF per inmate (design): 205 GSFper inmate (current): 196 NSF per inmate (design): Unknown NSF per inmate (current): Unknown Size of cells: 2,220 (dorm) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Groundbreaking: Unknown Finish date: Unknown Construction time: Unknown Total: $2,250,000 Building only: Unknown Final construction cost: Unknown Housing area: $950,000 Housing per inmate: $6,250 Housing per cell: $237,500 Total per inmate: $14,610 Total per GSF: $71.11 Total per NSF: Unknown Total annual operating costs: $1,643,465 Structural:Steelframe Exterior walls: CMU block Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface or facade: CMU block Electronic technology systems: Staff intercommunication, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, door controV monitoring General population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 152 Special population Single occupancy: 2 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:0 Total design: 154 Currentpopulation:JanuaI)'1993: 161 Design: Dormitory Cells per unit: 1 Inmates per unit (design): 38 Inmates per unit (current): 40 Management type (design): Remote surveillance Management type (current): Remote surveillance, direct supervision Means to handle crowding: Admissions control Total officers per unit Day: 10 Evening: 8 Midnight: 6 B::~IillilllL~~~IIIJ Door material(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Remote locking only Floor surface: Vinyl tile Intercom: One-way to cells, two-way to common areas HVAC: Gas heat Plumbing: China Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas, manual alarm stations Windows: Standard Perimeter. Single fence; costs included Inmate security level Maximum:0 Medium:0 Minimum: 100% Full-time equivalent Administration: 6 Security: 32 Programs and treatment: 10 Maintenance: 1 Total:49 Current inmate/staff ratio: 3.3: 1 Contracted services: Unknown Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods, good competition Negative: Government procedures and regulations; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Simple construction methods Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: State general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None 150 NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Georgia Zebulon -~ =i Ill 18 -· I 111 I !11 I • 111 ~ NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 151 Western Probation Detention Center Responsible official: Commissioner, Georgia Department of Corrections Contact: Lee Oxford, Superintendent, Western Probation Detention Center, 1019 Billy Boulevard, P.O. Box 2259, Butler, GA 31006, 912--862-5851 Architect: IPG, Inc., 2722 North Oak Street, Valdosta, GA 31602, 912-242-3557 Construction Manager: N/A Groundbreaking:June1987 Finish date: September 1989 Construction time: 27 months Total: $2,250,000 Building only: $750,000 Final construction cost: Lower Housing area: $950,000 Housing per inmate: $6,250 Housing per cell: $237,500 Total per inmate: $14,610 Total per GSF: $71.11 Total per NSF: Unknown Total annual operating costs: $1,724,568 Structural: Steel frame Exterior walls: CMU block Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface or facade: CMU block Electronic technology systems: Staff intercommunication, paging and sound system, duress/fire alann, door control/ monitoring Total GSF: 31,642 Total NSF: Unknown Corrections GSF: 31,642 Corrections NSF: Unknown Housing area GSF: Unknown Housing area NSF: Unknown GSF per inmate (design): 205 GSF per inmate (current): 301 NSF per inmate (design): Unknown NSF per inmate (current): Unknown Size of cells: 2,220 (donn) Net/gross square feet Unknown Doormaterial(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s)of locks: Remote locking only Floor surface: Vinyl tile Intercom: One-way to cells, two-way to common areas HVAC: Gas heat Plumbing: China Furniture: Steel. Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas Windows: Standard General population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 152 Special population Single occupancy: 2 Doubleoccupancy:0 Dorms:0 Total design: 154 Current population: January 1992: 105 Perimeter: Single fence; costs included Inmate security level Maximum:0 Medium:0 Minimum: 100% -Design: Donnitory Cells per unit 1 fumates per unit (design): 38 Inmates per unit (current): 26 Management type (design): Remote surveillance Management type (cmrent): Remote surveillance, direct supervision Means to handle crowding: N/A Total officers per unit Day:5 Evening: 5 Midnight: 3 ---- -Full-dme equivalent Administration: 6 Security: 33 Programs and treatment: 6 Maintenance: 6 Total:51 Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.1: 1 Contracted services: Medical Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods, good competition Negative: Government procedures and regulations; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Simple construction methods Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: State general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None 152 NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Georgia Butler NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 153 Women's Probation Detention Center Responsible official: Commissioner, Georgia Department of Corrections Contact: Glenn R. Rich, Superintendent, Women's Probation Detention Center, Highway 301 North, P.O. Box 920, Claxton, GA 30417, 912-739--0716 Architect: IPG, Inc., 2722 North Oak Street, Valdosta, GA 31602, 912--242-3557 Construction Manager: Pages, Inc., 410 McIntosh Street, P.O. Box 1240, Vidalia, GA 30474, 912-537-2264 Total GSF: 31,642 Total NSF: Unknown Corrections GSF: 31,642 Corrections NSF: Unknown Housing area GSF: 8,880 Housing area NSF: Unknown GSF per inmate (design): 209 GSFperinmate(current): 191 NSF per inmate (design): Unknown NSF per inmate (current): Unknown Siz.e of cells: 2,220 (dorm) Net/gross square feet: Unknmvn Groundbreaking: November 1990 Finish date: November 1991 Construction time: 12 months Total: $2,750,000 Building only: Unknown Final construction cost Lower Housing area: $950,000 Housing per inmate: $6,250 Housing per cell: $237,500 Total per inmate: $17,857 Total per GSF: $86.91 Total per NSF: Unknown Total annual operating costs: Unknown Structural: Steel frame Exterior walls: CMU block Interior walls: CMU block Exterior swface or facade: CMU block Electronic technology systems: Staff intercommunication, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, door controV monitoring General population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 152 Special population Single occupancy: 2 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:0 Total design: 154 Current population: March 1993: 166 ll!lfl,aaa118]f11fltt411 Design: Dormitory Cells per unit 1 Inmates per unit (design): 38 Inmates per unit (current): 42 Management type (design): Remote surveillance Management type (current): Intermittent and remote surveillance, direct supervision Means to handle crowding: Population cap Total officers per unit Day:4 Evening:4 Midnight:4 Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: State general obligation Door material(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Remote locking only Floor swface: Vinyl tile Intercom: One-way to cells, two-way to common areas HYAC: Gas heat Plumbing: China Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas, manual alarm stations Windows: Standard Perimeter. Single fence; costs included Inmate security level Maximum:0 Medium:0 Minimum: 100% Full-time equivalent Administration: 19 Security: 32 Programs and treatment 4 Maintenance: 1 Total:56 Current inmate/staff ratio: 3: 1 Contracted services: Medical, food Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods, good competition Negative: Government procedures and regulations; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Simple construction methods · Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems bonds Use of inmate laoor: None Use of prefabrication: None 154 NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Georgia Claxton NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 155 .Danville Correctional Center Responsible official: Director, Illinois Department of Corrections Contact: George E. DeTella, Warden, Danville Correctional Center, P.O. Box 4001, Danville, Il..,61834--4001, 217---446--0441 Architect: BLDD Architects, 100 Merchant Street, Suite 200, Decatur, Il., 62523, 217-429-5105 Construction Manager: Illinois Department of Corrections, Capital Programs Unit, 1301 Concordia Court, P.O. Box 19277, Springfield, Il., 62794-9277,217-522-2666 Total GSF: 369,506 Total NSF: Unknown Corrections GSF: 369,506 CorrectionsNSF:Unknown Housing area GSF: 88,953 Housing area NSF: Unknown GSF per inmate (design): 399 GSF per inmate (current): 216 NSF per inmate (design): Unknown NSF per inmate (current): Unknown Size of cells: 60 (single) Net/gross square feet: Unknown !!'mli&Ii1lw!lstWmi~~ ~Tu,,1! tlil.&o~Jm~ Groundbreaking: April 1983 Finish date: July 1985 Conslruction time: 27 months · Total: $40,500,000 Building only: $34,500,000 Final conslruetion cost Lower Housing area: $14,000,000 Housing per inmate: $15,625 Housing per cell: $15,625 Total per inmate: $43,736 Tot.i.I per GSF: $109.60 Total per NSF: Unknown Total annual operating costs: $17,076,480 Structural: Load-bearing precast panels, steel frame, load-bearing masonry Exterior walls: CMU block, brick Interior walls: C:MU block Exterior surface or facade: Brick Electronic technology systems: Staff intercommunication, inmate intercom, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, door controVmonitoring, custom control panels, perimeter detection/alarm, satellite/cable 156 General population Single occupancy: 8% Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:0 Special population Single occupancy: 30 Doubleoccupancy:0 Dorms:0 Total design: 926 Current population: January 1993: 1,712 Design: Linear, cells on outside walls Cells per unit: 56 Inmates per unit (design): 56 Inmates per unit (current): 112 Management type (design): Intermittent and remote surveillance Management type (current): Intermittent surveillance Means to handle crowding: Bunk beds in cells Total officers per unit Day:3 Evening: 3 Midnight 3 Door material(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Remote locking only Floor surface: Vinyl tile Intercom: One-way to common areas, inmate duress alarm HVAC: Heating/air circulation, hot water Plumbing: Stainless steel .Furniture: Steel, wood Fire protection: Smoke detectors for common areas Windows: Standard and bars, security screens - Perimeter. Double fence, perimeter patrols and detection/alarm, razor wire on and between fence(s), towers; costs included Inmate security level Maximum:3% Medium:97% Minimum:0 Full-time equivalent Administration: 29 Security: 257 Programs and treatment 74 Maintenance: 13 Total:373 Current inmate/staff ratio: 4.6: 1 Contracted services: Unknown Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods Negative: Government procedures and regulations Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Simple construction methods Negative: NIA Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: State general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Illinois Danville (No floorplan available at time of publication) NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 157 Hill Correctional Center Responsible official: Director, Illinois Department of Corrections Contact: Jerry D. Gihnore, Warden, Hill Correctional Center, 600 Linwood Road, P.O. Box 1327, Galesburg, IL 61401, 309-343-4212 Architect: BLDD Architects, 100 Merchant Street, Suite 200, Decatur, IL 62523, 217-429-5105 . Construction Manager: Illinois Department of Corrections, Capital Programs Unit, 1301 Concordia Court, P.O. Box 19277, Springfield, IL 62794-9277,217-522-2666 L....~.~ Total GSF: 380,907 Total NSF: Unknown Corrections GSF: 380,907 Corrections NSF: Unknown Housing area GSF: 88,594 Housing area NSF: Unknown GSFper inmate (design): 411 GSFper inmate (current): 236 NSF per inmate (design): Unknown NSF per inmate (current): Unknown Size of cells: 60 (single) Net/gross square feet: Unknown llilllfill~ll[8lllllfl Groundbreaking: October 1984 Finish date: August 1986 Construction time: 22 months Total: $38,500,000 Building only: $32,500,000 Final construction cost: Lower Housing area: $16,000,000 Housing per inmate: $17,857 Housing per cell: $17,857 Total per inmate: $41,577 Total perGSF: $101.07 Total per NSF: Unknown Total annual operating costs: $16,666,700 Structural: Load-bearing precast panels, steel frame, load-bearing masonry Exterior walls: CMU block, brick Interior walls: Precast panels, cast-in-place concrete, CMU block Exterior swface or facade: Brick Electronic technology systems: Staff intercommunication, inmate intercom, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, door control/monitoring, custom control panels, perimeter detection/alarm, satellite/cable 158 General population Single occupancy: 896 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:O Special population Single occupancy: 30 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:0 Total design: 926 Current population: January 1993: 1,617 Design: Linear, cells on outside walls Cells per unit: 56 Inmates per unit (design): 56 Inmates per unit (current): 112 Management type (design): Intermittent and remote surveillance Management type (current): Intermittent surveillance Means to handle crowding: Bunk beds in cells Total officers per unit Day:3 Evening: 3 Midnight: 2 Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: State general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Doormaterial(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Vinyl tile Intercom: One-way to common areas, inmate duress alarm HV AC: Heating/air circulation, gas heat, forced air Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Steel, wood Fire protection: Smoke detectors for common areas Windows: Standard and bars Perimeter: Double fence, perimeter patrols and detection/alarm, razor wire on and between fence(s), towers; costs included Inmate security level Maximum:3% Medium:97% Minimum:O Full-time equivalent Administration: 85 Security: 227 Programs and treatment: 20 Maintenance: 11 Total: 343 Current inmate/staff ratio: 4.7: 1 Contracted services: Unknown Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods, good competition Negative: Government procedures and regulations Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Simple construction methods Negative: N/A NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Illinois Galesburg (No floorplan available at time of publication) NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 159 Illinois River Correctional Center Responsible official: Director, Illinois Department of Corrections Contact: Rodney Ahitow, Warden, Illinois River Correctional Center, P.O. Box 999, Canton, IL 61520, 309-647-7030 Architect: BLDD, lOOMerchantStreet, Suite 200, Decatur, IL62523, 217-429-5105 Construction Manager: N/A Total GSF: 351,901 Total NSF: Unknown Corrections GSF: 351,901 Corrections NSF: Unknown Housing area GSF: 70,875 Housing area NSF: Unknown GSF per inmate (design): 432 GSFper inmate (cwrent): 272 NSF per inmate (design): Unknown NSF per inmate (cwrent): Unknown Size of cells: 60 (single) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Groundbreaking: April 1988 Finish date: October 1989 Construction time: 18 months Total: $44,000,000 Building only: $33,000,000 Final construction cost: Lower Housing area: $13,370,000 Housing per inmate: $18,365 Housing per cell: $18,365 Total per inmate: $54,054 TotalperGSF: $125.04 Total per NSF: Unknown Total annual operating costs: $15,103,700 Structural: Load-bearing precast panels, steel frame, cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Brick Interior walls: Precast panels, cast-in-place concrete, CMU block Exterior surface or facade: Brick Electronic technology systems: Staff intercommunication, inmate intercom, paging and sound system, duress/fire alann, door control/monitoring, custom control panels, perimeter detection/alann, satellite/cable General population Single occupancy: 728 Double occupancy: 0 Dorrns:O Special population Single occupancy: 86 Double occupancy: 0 Dorrns:O Total design: 814 · Cwrentpopulation: April 1992: 1,295 Design: Linear Cells per unit: 56 Inmates per unit (design): 56 Inmates per unit (current): Unknown Management type (design): Jntennittent and remote surveillance Management type (cwrent): Intennittent and remote surveillance Means to handle crowding: Bunk beds in cell Total officers per unit Day:4 Evening: 4 Midnight: 3 Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: State general obligation Doormaterial(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Epoxy coating Intercom: One-way to common areas, inmate duress alann HVAC: Heating/air circulation, gas heat, forced air Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Steel, wood Fire protection: Smoke detectors for common areas Windows: Standard and bars, security screens Perimeter: Double fence, perimeter patrols and detection/alann, razor wire on and between fence(s), towers; costs included Inmate security level Maximum: 13% Mediwn: 87% Minimum:0 Full-time equivalent Administration: 30 Security: 265 Programs and treatment: 56 Maintenance: 32 Total: 413 Cwrent inmate/staff ratio: 3.1: 1 Contracted services: Medical Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods, good competition Negative: Government procedures and regulations Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Simple construction methods Negative: Government procedures and regulations bonds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None 160 NJJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Illinois Canton (No floorplan available at time of publication) NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 161 McHenry County Government Center Responsible official: Sheriff, McHeruy County Contact: John E. Harrison, Administrator, McHemy County Government Center, 220 North Seminary Avenue, Woodstock, IL 60098, 815-338-2144 Architect: Legat Architects, 24 North Chapel Street, Waukegan, IL 60085, 708--662-3535 Construction Manager: N/A . Total GSF: 204,200 Total NSF: 140,900 Corrections GSF: 78,000 Corrections NSF: 54,600 Housing area GSF: 48,352 Housing area NSF: 29,300 GSF per inmate (design): 392 GSF per inmate (current): 765 NSF per inmate (design): 274 NSF per inmate (current): 535 Size of cells: 74 (single and double) Net/gross square feet: 69% Groundbreaking: July 1990 Finish date: May 1992 Construction time: 21 months Total: $30,600,000 Building only: $29,300,000 Final construction cost: Higher Housing area: $7,090,000 Housing per inmate: $38,533 Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: N/A Total per GSF: $149.85 Total per NSF: $217.18 Total annual operating costs: $2,826,551 ..... ~ Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Cast-in-place concrete, CMU block, brick Interior walls: Precast panels, cast-in-place concrete, CMU block, steel wall panels Exterior surface or facade: Brick Electronic technology systems: CCIV surveillance, staff intercommunication, inmate intercom, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, door conttoV monitoring, custom control panels, satellite/cable 162 Door material(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) of locks: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Epoxy coating Intercom: Two-way to cells HVAC: Forced air Plumbing: Stainless steel, stainless steel combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas, manual alann stations, smoke evacuation system Windows: Special security General popuJation Single occupancy: 120 Double occupancy: 64 Dorms:O Special population Single occupancy: 5 Double occupancy: 10 Donns: 0 Total design: 199 Current population: June 1992: 102 Perimeter: Building exterior only; costs included Inmate security level Maximum: 20% Medium: 80% Minimum:O Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: 16 Inmates per unit (design): 16 Inmates per unit (current): 16 Management type (design): Remote surveillance Management type (current): Remote surveillance Means to handle crowding: Second bunk permanently attached Total officers per unit Day: Unknown Evening: Unknown Midnight: Unknown •!lfil;k-, Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild, multiple bid packages (fast track) Finance method: Local general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited; steel wall panels for plumbing chases Full-time equivalent Administration: 6 Security: 86 Programs and treatment: 0 Maintenance: 2 Total: 94 Current inmate/staff ratio: 1.1: 1 Contracted services: Medical, food Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Prefabricated components, simple construction methods, good competition, complete and accurate construction documents Negative: Difficult site conditions; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Prefabricated components, simple construction meth~, good onsite project management Negative: Slow response or delivery from vendor/supplier, labor problems.weather problems NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Illinois McHenry County Housing Unit Floor Plan 0 B 16 32 Feel ~ NU/National Directory of Corrections Construction 163 Robert H. Babcox Justice Center Responsible official: Sheriff, Lake County Contact: Lawrence C. Lesza, Director of Corrections, Robert H. Babcox Justice Center, 20 South County Street, Waukegan, 1L 60085, 708-360--5760 Architect: Legat Architects, 24 North Chapel Street, Waukegan, 1L 60085, 708--662-3535 Construction Manager: N/A ~~~I~~~~~ Total GSF: 265,008 Total NSF: 253,008 Corrections GSF: 155,598 Corrections NSF: 150,598 Housing area GSF: Unknown Housing area NSF: Unknown GSF per inmate (design): 223 GSF per inmate (current): 358 NSF per inmate (design): 216 NSF per inmate (current): 346 Size of cells: 70.5 (single and double) Net/gross square feet: 95% m- Door material(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Motor driven and remote locking, manual locking Floor surface: Epoxy coating, vinyl tile futercom: Two-way to cells HYAC: Gas heat, forced air. Plumbing: Stainless steel, china, stainless steel combination unit Furniture: Unknown Fire protection: Smoke evacuation plan Windows: Special security ~ __-~™'ifi.i,\t1mW~~mm_. ·~_fi'~"'"=-=:4"""' ■-~,~•~~•~•Jk!IIM "=_ Groundbreaking: November 1986 Finish date: Unknown Construction time: 24 months Total: $30,832,691 Building only: $30,332,000 Final construction cost Higher Housing area: $22,199,538 Housing per inmate: $46,249 Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: NIA Total per GSF: $116.35 Total per NSF: $121.86 Total annual operating costs: $5,076,959 111111Dlllitllllllt:6t& Structural: Steel frame, cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Brick Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete, CMU block, brick Exterior surface or facade: Brick Electronic technology systems: CCTV surveillance, staff intercommunication, inmate intercom, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, door control/ monitoring, custom control panels, satellite/cable 164 General population Single occupancy: 240 Double occupancy: 240 Dorms:0 Special population Single occupancy: 22 Double occupancy: 4 Dorms: 192 Total design: 698 Current population: June 1992: 435 Design: Modular/pod; linear cells on inside Cells per unit: 24 Inmates per unit (design): 24 Inmates per unit (current): 24 Management type (design): Remote surveillance, direct supervision Management type (current): Direct supervision Means to handle crowding: Transfer to another facility, portable 40-bed unit Total officers per unit Day: 1 Evening: 1 Midnight: 1 - Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild, multiple bid packages (fast track) Finance method: Local general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Perimeter: Building exterior only, video camera surveillance; costs included Inmate security level Maximum: 16% Medium:54% Minimum: 30% Full-time equivalent Administration: 9 . Security: 109 Programs and treatment: 7 Maintenance: 2 Total: 127 Current inmate/staff ratio: 3.4: 1 Contracted services: Medical, programs Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods, good competition Negative: Difficult site conditions; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Simple construction methods, advancedorderofmaterials,coordination of design Negative: Weather problems; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Illinois Lake County ~ __J =- = = = __J '-'I-- c..n = = g- = = 2=.LL..J :;2 LL..J __J ~ == § D D ◊ N/J/National Directory of Corrections Construction ◊ 165 Robinson Correctional Center Responsible official: Director, Illinois Department of Corrections Contact: Mary Hardy-Hall, Warden, Robinson Correctional Center, P.O. Box 1000, Robinson, IL62454, 618-546-5659 Architect: Phillip Swager Associates, 3622 North Knoxville Avenue, Peoria, IL 61603, 309-688-9511 Construction Manager: N/A . '~it" , '·······= Total GSF: 204,000 Total NSF: 164,000 Corrections GSF: 204,000 Corrections NSF: 164,000 Housing areaGSF: 79,5% Housing area NSF: 64,000 GSF per inmate (design): 332 GSF per inmate (current): 211 NSF per inmate (design): 267 NSF per inmate (current): 170 Siz.e of cells: 544 (dorm) Net/gross square feet: 80% lllllllli:t11111flwlllft Groundbreaking: October 1989 Finish date: January 1991 Construction time: 15 months Total: $24,600,000 Building only: $12,525,000 Final construction cost Lower Housing area: $5,280,000 Housing per inmate: $8,800 Housing per cell: $88,000 Total per inmate: $40,065 TotalperGSF: $120.59 Total per NSF: $150.00 Total annual operating costs: $12,932,500 Structural: Preengineered buildings Exterior walls: CMU block. brick, metal panel Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface or facade: Brick, metal panel Electronic technology systems: Staff intercommunication, duress/fire alarm, door controVmonitoring, custom control panels 166 General pojm]ation Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:600 Special population Single occupancy: 10 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:4 Total design: 614 Current population: March 1993: 967 lllllll!IB9Brlfltlt1lll1 Design: Linear, cells on outside walls Cells per unit: 1 Inmates per unit (design): 10 Inmates per unit (current): Unknown Management type (design): Intennittent surveillance Management type (current): Intermittent surveillance Means to handle crowding: Bunk beds in cells Total officers per unit Day:2 Evening: 2 Midnight: 2 Contract method: Multiple bid packages (fast track) Finance method: State general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Moderate; rigid frame preengineered structure and siding Door material(s): Hollow metal Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Manual locking Floor surface: Vinyl tile Intercom: No intercom system HVAC: Air-conditioning, forced air Plumbing: China Furniture: Steel, vinyl/plastic Fire protection: Smoke detectors for Dorms and common areas, sprinklers for common areas, manual alarm stations Windows: Fixed Perimeter: Double fence, razor wire on and between fence(s), towers, perimeter patrols; costs included Inmate security level Maximum: 1% Medium:0 Minimum: 99% Full-time equivalent Administration: 26 Security: 219 Programs and treatment: 21 Maintenance: 7 Total:275 Current inmate/staff ratio: 3.5: I Contracted services: Unknown Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Good competition Negative: Slow construction and lengthy building time; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Prefabricated components, phased construction (fast track), coordination of design Negative: Slow response or delivery from vendor/supplie½governmentprocedures and regulations; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Illinois Robinson . . . . II ■ ..... - • ■ - •• - ■ " - •• - •• - • - - - ■ - ■ - - •• - •• - ■ • - ... - ■ BUILDING FUNCTIONS A OUTSIDE ADMIN, RECEPTION/GATE HOUSE SECURITY CONTROL ROLL CALL B MEDICAL SECURITY ADMIN. SEGREGATION C COMM ISARY NEW ADMISSIONS LAUNDRY INSIDE YARD MAINT. 0 DINING/FOOD SERVICE E EDUCATION ACADEMIC VOCATIONAL F FIRING RANGE STO!il'I WATER DETENTION POND G .GREENHOUSE H VEHICLE SALLYPORT GUARDHOUSE L REC YARD TOILET M MUL TIPUPOSE INDOOR REC/GYM SECURITY ADMIN. VISITING p REC YARD SHELTERS R RESIDENCE HOUSING T PERIMETER TOWERS T J l / / / RADIO TOWER V VEHICLE MAINT. INSTITUTIONAL MAINT. INSTITUTlONAL STORAGE w 1 <------ ◄ FOOD SERVICE WAREHOUSE \ \ \ \, 0 WATER TOWER --· ■ - -■- ■ ·-·· - ■ ■-. ■-,--·· -··-··-·. -·· - NII/National Directory of Corrections Construction ■ --· - ~ 167 Taylorville Correctional Center Responsible official: Director, Illinois Depanment of Corrections Contact: Michael Fu:rrie, Warden, Taylorville Correctional Center, P.O. Box 1000, Taylorville, IL 62568, 217--824--4004 · Architect: Phillip Swager Associates, 3622 North Knoxville Avenue, Peoria, IL 61603, 309--688--9511 Construction Manager: N/A Total GSF: 204,000 Total NSF: 164,000 Corrections GSF: Unknown Corrections NSF: Unknown Housing area GSF: 79,596 Housing area NSF: 64,000 GSFperinmate (design): Unknown GSF per inmate (current): Unknown NSF per inmate (design): Unknown NSF per inmate (current): Unknown Size of cells: 544 (dorm) Net/gross square feet: 80% - Groundbreaking: November 1989 Finish date: December 1990 Construction time: 13 months Total: $24,600,000 Building only: $12,525,000 Final construction cost Lower Housing area: $5,280,000 Housing per inmate: $8,800 Housing per cell: $88,00) Total per inmate: $40,065 Total per GSF: $120.60 Total per NSF: $150 Total annual operating costs: Unknown llillliilllll\11111111 Structural: Preengineered Exterior walls: CMU block, brick, metal panel Interior walls: CMU block Exterior smface or facade: Brick, metal panel Electronic technology systems: Staff intercommunication, duress/fire alarm, door control/monitoring, custom control panels 168 Genera] population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:600 Special population Single occupancy: 10 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:4 Total design: 614 Current population: Unknown * Design: Linear, cells on outside walls Cells per unit: 1 Inmates per unit (design): 10 Inmates per unit (current): Unknown Management type (design): Intermittent surveillance Management type (current): Unknown Means to handle crowding: Unknown TotaJ officers per unit Day: Unknown Evening: Unknown Midnight: Unknown Contract method: Multiple bid packages (fast track) Finance method: State general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Moderate; rigid frame preengineered, structure and siding Door material(s): Hollow metal Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Manual locking Floorsmface:Vinyltile Intercom: No intercom system HYAC: Air-conditioning, forced air Plumbing: China Furniture: Steel, vinyl/plastic Fire protection: Smoke detectors for donns and common areas, sprinklers for common areas, manual alarm stations Windows: Fixed Perimeter: Double fence, razor wire on and between fence(s), towers, perimeter patrols; costs included Inmate security level Maximum: 1% Medium:0 Minimum: 99% - Full-time equivalent Administration: Unknown Security: Unknown Programs and treatment: Unknown Maintenance: Unknown Total: Unknown Current inmate/staff ratio: Unknown Contracted services: Unknown Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Good competition Negative: Slow consttuction and lengthy building time; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Prefabricated components, phased construction (fast track), coordination of design Negative: Slow response or delivery from vendor/supplier; government procedures and regulations; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Illinois Taylorville ■ ,.. • - • ■ - • ■ - • ■ - • • - • ■ - • • - 11111 ■ - ■ ■ - Ill ■ ■ ■ - - ■ .. - • ■ - • ■ - a a - ,1111 ■ BUILDING FUNCTIONS A tl.lTSIDE AOMIN. RECEPTION/GATE HOUSE SECURITY CONTRCl. ROLL CILL B IEDICAL SEClRITY AOMIN. SEGREGATION C COt-ttISARY NEW AOMISSittlS LAUNDRY INSIDE YARD HAINT, D DINING/FOO) SERVICE E EDUCATION ACADEMIC VOCATIONAL F FIRING RANGE G GREEtfflUSE H VEHICLE SALLYPORT GlJARDHOOSE L REC YARD TOILET M Mil.TIPlJlOSE \ INDIXIR REC/GYM SEMITY ACHIN. VISITING , RADIO TOWER ►------- / I P REC YARD S1£LTERS I I R RESIDENCE HOUSING I .! T PERIMETER TOWERS V VEHICLE MAINT. INSTlTUTIONAL MAINT. INSTITUTIONAL STORAGf II FOOD SERVICE WAREHOUSE . ·/ • STORM WATER RETENTION POND LOCATION 1•• - •• ...,,. • • / •• ■ ~1 L .. - .... - .. - .. -· . - .. - .. -.: NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 169 Western Illinois Correctional Center Responsible official: Director, Illinois Department of Corrections Contact: William D. O'Sullivan. Warden, Western Illinois Correctional Center, P.O. Box 1000, Mt Sterling, IL 62353, 217-773--4441 Architect: Bradley, Likins, Dillow, Drayton, 100 Merchant Street, #200, Decatur, IL 62523, 217--429-5105 Construction Manager: Illinois Department of Corrections, Capital Programs Unit, 1301 Concordia Court, P.O. Box 19277, Springfield, IL 62794--9277, 217-522-2666 Total GSF: 336,891 Total NSF: Unknown Corrections GSF: 336,891 Corrections NSF: Unknown Housing area GSF: 70,875 Housing area NSF: Unknown GSFper inmate (design): 444 GSF per inmate (current): 263 NSF per inmate (design): Unknown NSF per inmate (current): Unknown Size of cells: 60 (single) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Groundbreaking: October 1987 Finish date: April 1989 Construction time: 18 months Total: $39,500,000 Building only: $33,000,000 Final construction cost: Higher Housing area: $13,370,000 Housing per inmate: $18,365 Housing per cell: $18,365 Total per inmate: $52,111 Total per GSF: $117 .25 Total per NSF: Unknown Total annual operating costs: $16,589,000 ~Strucrural: Load-bearing precast panels, steel frame, cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Brick futerior walls: Precast panels, cast-in-place concrete, CMU block Exterior swface or facade: Brick Electronic technology systems: Staff intercommunication, inmate intercom, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, door control/monitoring, custom control panels, perimeter detection/alarm, satellite/cable 170 - General population Single occupancy: 728 Doubleoccupancy:0 Donns:O Special population Single occupancy: 30 Double occupancy: 0 Donns:0 Total design: 758 Current population: April 1993: 1,282 - Design: Linear, cells on outside walls Cells per unit 224 hunates per unit (design): 224 fumates per unit (current): 403 Management type (design): Intermittent and remote surveillance Management type (current): Intermittent surveillance Means to handle crowding: Bunk beds in cells Total officers per unit Day: Unknown Evening: Unknown Midnight Unknown Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: State general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Doormaterial(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Motor driven and remote locking Floor swface: Epoxy coating Intercom: One-way to common areas, inmate duress alarm HVAC: Heating/air circulation, gas heat, forced air Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Steel, wood Fire protection: Smoke detectors for common areas Windows: Standard and bars, security screens Perimeter: Double fence, perimeter patrols and detection/alarm, razor wire on and between fence(s), towers; costs included hnnate security level Maximum:4% Medium:96% Minimum:0 FuIUime equivalent Administration: 29 Security: 249 Programs and treatment: 31 Maintenance: 13 Total: 322 Current inmate/staff ratio: 4: 1 Contracted services: Unknown -- Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods, good competition Negative: Government procedures and regulations Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Simple construction methods Negative: Government procedures and regulations NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Illinois Mt. Sterling (No floorplan available at time of publication) NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 171 Will County Adult Detention Facility Responsible official: Sheriff, Will County Contact: Martin Nowak, Warden, Will County Adult Detention Facility, 95 South Chicago Street. Joliet. IL 60436, 815-740-5526 Architect: Phillips Swager Associates, 3622 North Knoxville Avenue, Peoria, IL 61603, 309-688-9511 Construction Manager: CRSS Constructors, Inc., 216 16th Street. Suite 1700, Denver, CO 80202, 303--820--5200 Total GSF: 154,562 Total NSF: 96,600 Corrections GSF: 154,562 Corrections NSF: 96,600 Housing area GSF: 103,825 Housing area NSF: 62,295 GSF per inmate (design): 489 GSF per inmate (current): 706 NSF per inmate (design): 306 NSF per inmate (current): 441 Size of cells: 72 (single), 630 (dorm) Net/gross square feet: 63% Groundbreaking:Septemberl987 Finish date: March 1990 Construction time: 28 months Total: $22,900,000 Building only: $19,900,000 Final construction cost: Lower Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $72,468 Total per GSF: $148.16 Total per NSF: $237 .06 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Structural: Steel frame, load-bearing masomy Exterior walls: CMU block Interior walls: CMU block, gypsum board Exterior surface or facade: Split-face block Electronic technology systems: ccrv surveillance, staff intercommunication, inmate intercom, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, door controV monitoring, custom control panels, satellite/cable 172 General population Single occupancy: 276 Doubleoccupancy:O Dorms: 0 Special population Single occupancy: 16 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 24 Total design: 316 Current population: March 1992: 219 Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit 46 Inmates per unit (design): 46 Inmates per unit (current): 25 Management type (design): Direct supervision Management type (current): Direct supervision Means to handle crowding: N/A Total officers per unit Day: 1 Evening: 1 Midnight: 1 Door material(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Remote locking only Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: NIA HVAC: Other energy recycle unit. boiler, chiller, water cooling tower Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Steel, vinyl/plastic Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas, manual al.mm stations Windows: Slit. security glass Perimeter: Video camera surveillance; costs included Inmate security level Maximum: 15% Medium:78% Minimum:8% Full-time equivalent Administration: 14 Security: 99 Programs and treatment: 0 Maintenance: 29 Total: 142 Current inmate/staff ratio: 1.5: 1 Contracted services: Medical, programs RilllilllllililllliBII Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Good competition, local contracting Negative: NIA Factors affecting time schedule Positive: N/A Negative: Weather problems Contract method: Multiple bid packages (fast track) Finance method: Local general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Illinois Will County ----------·-···· ------··- .. ; 1: 1! I! I: I• I: I I: I• , I I: I: l. I' J: / /'·-.... • ;--. )'· ~ ' ,. ;i _u_•, I I , ....... ___ ). __.., = ~ ~ .• ----· ------- : r---- ·: --n-r 1 j j ;-·~ I ~:~-\-;:.::_[· ' • : 11·--·1 .: 1 ,\ I : f---- 'I .,.-~1- t-~-\---_ . ,. . . I .. __i__, l ' - i NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction I I \ 173 Boone County Jail Responsible official: Sheriff, Boone County Contact: Em Hudson, Sheriff, Boone County Jail, 1905 Indianapolis Road, Lebanon, IN 46052, 317-482-1412 Architect: Schenkel Shultz, 3702 Rupp Drive, Fort Wayne, IN 46815, 219--484-9080 Construction Manager: N/A Groundbreaking:May1991 Finish date: June 1992 Construction time: 14 months Total: $7,600,000 Building only: $7,300,000 Final construction cost: Lower Housing area: $3,344,000 Housing per inmate: $20,642 Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $39,175 Total per GSF: $97.44 Total per NSF: $152.00 Total annual operating costs: $330,000 - Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Precast panels, CMU block, brick Interior walls: CMU block Exterior swface or facade: Brick Electronic technology systems: Lighting protection, CCTV surveillance, staff intercommunication, inmate intercom, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, door control/monitoring, card access, custom control panels 174 Total GSF: 78,000 Total NSF: 50,000 Corrections GSF: 78,000 Corrections NSF: 50,000 Housing area GSF: 34,656 Housing area NSF: 25,992 GSF per inmate (design): 402 GSF per inmate (current): 639 NSF per inmate (design): 258 NSF per inmate (current}: 410 Size of cells: Unknown Net/gross square feet: 64% Doormaterial(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) of locks: Motor driven and remote locking Floor swface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to common areas HYAC: Gas heat, forced air Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas Windows: Slit General population Single occupancy: 22 Double occupancy: 140 Donns:0 Special population Single occupancy: 8 Double occupancy: 4 Donns:20 Total design: I 94 Current population: January 1993: 122 Perimeter: Building exterior only, video camera surveillance; costs included Inmate security level Maximum: 52% Medium:43% Minimum: 5% Jffl"fil'~~~~~--if~j) -~l;,wmrnrDesign: Modular/pod Cells per unit: I I Inmates per unit (design): 20 Inmates per unit (current): 13 (average} Management type (design}: Indirect supervision Management type (current): futemrittent and remote surveillance Means to handle crowding: Second bunk permanently attached Total officers per unit Day: 1 Evening: 1 Midnight: I Full-time equivalent Administration: 3 Security: 10 Programs and treatment: 0 Maintenance: 1 Total: 14 Currentinmate/staff ratio: 8.7:1 Contracted services: Unknown Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods, good competition Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Simple construction methods, coordination of design Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: Lease-purchase; local special, time-limited tax levy Use of inmate labor. None Use of prefabrication: None NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Indiana Boone County (No floorplan available at time of publication) NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 175 Gibson County Jail Responsible official: Commissioner, Gibson County Contact: E. Bruce McOellan, Sheriff, Gibson County Jail, 112 E.ast Emerson, Princeton, IN 47670, 812-385-3496 Architect: United Consulting Engineers and Architects, 1625 North Post Road, fudianapolis, IN 46219, 317--895-2585 Construction Manager: N/A Total GSF: 32,300 Total NSF: 23,130 Corrections GSF: 32,300 Corrections NSF: 23,130 Housing area GSF: 23,860 Housing area NSF: 18,500 GSF per inmate (design): 521 GSFperinmate (current): 769 NSF per inmate (design): 373 NSF per inmate (current): 551 Siz.e of cells: 91 (single) Net/gross square feet: 73% Groundbreaking: July 1988 Finish date: July 1989 Construction time: Unknown Total: $2,800,000 Building only: $2,700,000 Final construction cost: Higher Housing area: $2,200,000 Housing per inmate: $48,889 Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $45,161 Total per GSF: $86.70 Total per NSF: $121.05 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Cast-in-place concrete futerior walls: Cast-in-place concrete, CMUblock Exterior smface or facade: Stucco Electronic technology systems: Lighting protection, CCTV surveillance, staff intercommunication, inmate intercom, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, door controVmonitoring, custom control panels, satellite/cable 176 General population Single occupancy: 50 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:O Special population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 12 Total design: 62 Current population: December 1991: 42 Door material(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Carpet, sealed concrete, vinyl tile futercom: Two-way to common areas, inmate duress alarm HVAC: Heating/air circulation, gas heat Plumbing: Stainless steel combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas, manual alarm stations Windows: Slit and special security Perimeter: Building exterior only, video camera surveillance; costs excluded Inmate security level Maximum: 80% Medium:O Minimum: 20% Full-time equivalent Design: Linear, cells on outside walls Cells per unit: 6 Inmates per unit (design): 9 Inmates per unit (current): 6 Management type (design): futennittent surveillance Management type (current): Remote surveillance Means to handle crowding: NIA Administration: 10 Security: 18 Programs and treatment: 1 Maintenance: 2 Total:31 Current inmate/staff ratio: 1.4: 1 Contracted services: N/A Total officers per unit Factors affecting construction costs Day:3 Evening: 2 Midnight: 2 Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: Fixed financing rate Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Positive: Simple construction methods, good competition, less expensive materials, creative use of materials Negative: Difficult site conditions Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Simple construction methods Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems; phasing required to maintain existing facility in operation N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction Indiana Gibson County A- ~ -------~ i: ,....._ 3 '1,,: -~ Ley.a!Jp i::=ii-~ FIRST FWOR PLAN NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction ....... -~~,,!I.I~.,...,.,.... --- ........... 177 Kosciusko County Work Release Responsible official: Sheriff, Kosciusko County Contact: Tom Kitch, Director, Kosciusko County Work Release, 221 West Center, Warsaw, IN 46580, 219--372-2490 Architect: Schenkel Shultz, 3702 Rupp Drive, Fort Wayne, IN 46815, 219--484-9080 Construction Manager: N/A - Groundbreaking: April 1991 Finish date: September 1991 Construction time: 5 months Total: $260,00) Building only: $252,()(X) Final construction cost Lower Housing area: $81,00) Housing per inmate: $1,928.57 Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $6,190 Total per GSF: $23.64 Total per NSF: $31.52 Total annual operating costs: Unknown - Structural: Preexisting Exterior walls: CMU block, brick futerior walls: Stud and gypsum board Exterior swface or facade: Brick Electronic technology systems: CCIV surveillance . . Total GSF: 11,()(X) Total NSF: 8,250 Corrections GSF: 11,()(X) Corrections NSF: 8,250 Housing area GSF: 2,932 Housing area NSF: 2,300 GSF per inmate (design): 262 GSF per inmate (current): 579 NSF per inmate (design): 196 NSF per inmate (current): 434 Size of cells: 109 (double), 214 (donn) Net/gross square feet: 75% Door material(s): Wood Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: No locks Floor swface: Vinyl tile Intercom: Unknown HVAC: Air-conditioning, gas heat. forced air Plumbing; China Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas, manual alann stations Windows: Slit General population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 26 Donns: 16 Special population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy; 0 Perimeter: Building exterior only; costs included Inmate security level Maximum:0 Medium:0 Minimum: 100% Donns:0 Total design: 42 Current population: December 1991: 19 Design: Linear Cells per unit: 17 Inmates per unit (design): 42 Inmates per unit (current): 3 Management type (design): futennittent surveillance Management type (current): futennittent surveillance Means to handle crowding: N/A Total officers per unit Day:3 Evening:2 Midnight: I - Full-time equivalent Administration: 2 Security: 3 Programs and treatment: 1 Maintenance: 0 Total:6 Current inmate/staff ratio: 3.2: 1 Contracted services: N/A Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods, less expensive materials Negative: NIA Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Simple construction methods Negative: Labor problems Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: Local special, time-limited tax levy Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None 178 NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Indiana Kosciusko County (No floorplan available at time of publication) N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction 179 Tippecanoe County Law Enforcement Center Responsible official: Sheriff, Tippecanoe County Contact: David Heath, Sheriff, Tippecanoe County Law Enforcement Center, 2640 Duncan Road, Lafayette, IN 47904, 317-423-9388 Architect: Helhnuth, Obata & Kassabaum, 1831 Chestnut Street, St. Louis, MO 63103, 314-421-2000; James Associates, 8888 Keystone Crossing, Suite 1400, Indianapolis, IN 46240, 317-571--8866 Construction Manager: Guepel DeMars, 1919 North Meridian, Indianapolis, IN 46206, 317-924-9192 Total GSF: 75,410 Total NSF: 53,600 Corrections GSF: 63,440 Corrections NSF: 45,000 Housing area GSF: 44,727 Housing area NSF: 31,756 GSF per inmate (design): 343 GSF per inmate (current): 322 NSF per inmate (design): 243 NSF per inmate (current): 228 Size of cells: Unknown Net/gross square feet: 71 % Blfllllllilfiliifiiliii Groundbreaking: September 1988 Finish date: April 1990 Construction time: 19 months Total: $9,500,000 Building only: $9,090,000 Final construction cost: Unknown Housing area: $5,600,000 Housing per inmate: $31,461 Housing per cell: $39,437 Total per inmate: N/A TotalperGSF: $125.98 Total per NSF: $177 .24 Total annual operating costs: $4,000,000 Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: CMU block Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface or facade: Split face Electronic technology systems: Lighting protection, CCTV surveillance, inmate intercom, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, door control/monitoring, card access, custom control panels, satellite/cable 180 General population Singleoccupancy: 106 Double occupancy: 72 Dorms:0 Special population Single occupancy: 7 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:0 Total design: 185 Current population: April 1993:197 lllillllftCill!1&fliillll Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: 12 Inmates per unit (design): 12 Inmates per unit (current): 12 Management type (design): Remote surveillance Management type (current): Remote surveillance Means to handle crowding: Second bunk pennanentlyattached Total officers per unit Day: 1 Evening: 1 Midnight: 1 Door material(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Remote locking only Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to cells HVAC: Heating/air circulation only, forced air Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for common areas, sprinklers for cells and common areas, manual alarm stations Windows: Slit Perimeter. Building exterior only, single fence, rawr wire on fence(s), video camera surveillance; costs included Inmate security level Maximum:0 Medium:89% Minimum: 11 % Full-time equivalent Administration: 3 Security: 33 Programs and treatment: 0 Maintenance: 2 Total:38 Current inmate/staff ratio: 5.2: 1 Contracted services: Unknown Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Prefabricated components, simple construction methods Negative: Government procedures and regulations, multiple bid packages Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Simple construction methods Negative: NIA Contract method: Multiple bid packages (fast track) Finance method: Bonding through County Jail Building Cmporation Use of inmate labor: Limited; building components Use of prefabrication: Limited; building components Nll!National Directory of Corrections Construction Indiana Tippecanoe County z < -' a.. a: 0 0 -' u. 1- (J) a: u. • I I I I I l ! • __ , ___.._ _JII Nil/National Directory of Corrections Construction 181 El Dorado Correctional Facility Responsible official: Secretary, Kansas Department of Corrections Contact: Michael Nelson, Warden, El Dorado Correctional Facility, P.O. Box 311, Route 3 Box 191, El Dorado, KS 67042, 316--321-7284 Architect: Gossen Livingston Associates, 420 South Emporia, Wichita, KS 67202, 316--265-9367 Construction Manager: N/A Total GSF: 434,255 Total NSF: 282,265 Corrections GSF: 434,255 Corrections NSF: 282,265 Housing area GSF: 203,500 Housing area NSF: 162,800 GSF per inmate (design): 678 GSF per inmate (current): 777 NSF per inmate (design): 441 NSF per inmate (current): 505 Size of cells: 90 (single) Net/gross square feet: 65% IJl\'lilJllrll.-iilflll@~lij Groundbreaking:Februaryl990 Finish date: March 1992 Construction time: 21 months Total: $50,503,049 Building only: Unknown Final construction cost: Higher Housing area: $20,110,000 Housing per inmate: $31,422 Housing per cell: $31,422 Total per inmate: $78,911 Total per GSF: $116.30 Total per NSF: $178.92 Total annual operating costs: $13,783,576 Structural: Steel frame, precast concrete frame Exterior walls: Insulated precast concrete Interior walls: Precast panels, CMU block Exterior surface or facade: Precast concrete Electronic technology systems: Lighting protection, CCTV surveillance, staff intercommunication, inmate intercom, duress/fire alann, door control/monitoring, custom control panels, perimeter detection/alann 182 General population Single occupancy: 640 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:0 Special population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:O Total design: 640 Current population: February 1993: 559 Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: 128 Inmates per unit (design): 128 Inmates per unit (current): 109 Management type (design): Direct supervision Management type (current): Direct supervision Means to handle crowding: NIA Total officers per unit Day:3 Evening: 3 Midnight: 3 lllllitillltflillitfft1fJJl1■ Contract method: Multiple bid packages (fast track) Finance method: State general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: Limited; security fence installation, paving Use of prefabrication: Moderate; housing unit wall structure Door material(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Sliding Type(s) oflocks: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: One-way to cells HVAC: Forced air Plumbing: China, stainless steel combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Sprinklers for cells and common areas Windows: Slit, security glass Perimeter: Double fence, perimeter p;itrols and detection/alarm, razor wire on and between fence(s), towers; costs included Inmate security level Maximum: 100% Medium:0 Minimum:0 Full-time equivalent Administration: 24 Security: 284 Programs and treatment: 102 Maintenance: 44 Total:454 Current inmate/staff ratio: 1.2: 1 Contracted services: Medical ll!WIIIJll_..t, Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Prefabricated components; simple construction methods, phased construction (fast track); good competition, less expensive materials Negative: Difficult site conditions Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Prefabricated components; simple construction methods, phased construction (fast track); advanced order of materials; coordination of design Negative: Government procedures and regulations NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction ~ '.::::i ~ ....~· 0 ;:::: --. ~ ...,.,,_ ti HOU.SUtG .... ......... "' """ - --i Cl) ,-,..i~,~-- t"l c °""..... "' ~ .Q, ("') 0 ~ (1:, ....t"l c5· ;:::: "'n 0 ~ ~- ,, ~-, :) t ~ ....t"l c5· ;:::: Typical Housing Unit Typical Housing Unit First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan ~· ~· Typical Housing Unit Transverse Section ,_. 00 U,l Johnson County Jail Responsible official: Sheriff, Jolmson County Contact: Lany E. Smith, Major,Johnson County Jail, 101 North Kansas Avenue, Olathe, KS 66061, 913-791-1100 Architect: Shaughnessy Fickel and Scott Architects, Inc., 920 Walnut, Kansas City, MO 64106, 816--474--1397 Construction Manager: N/A Total GSF: 142,995 Total NSF: 110,072 Corrections GSF: 135,854 Corrections NSF: 103,612 Housing area GSF: 94,610 Housing area NSF: 72,827 GSF per inmate (design): 522 GSFperinmate (current): 561 NSF per inmate (design): 402 NSF per inmate (current): 432 Size of cells: 71.9 (single) Net/gross square feet: 77% Groundbreaking:April1986 Finish date: August 1988 Construction time: 28 months ~!IL~~~~ ~m@i]~B@w<W~~~- Total: $16,000,000 Building only: $14,275,000 Final construction cost: Higher Housing area: $9,530,065 Housing per inmate: $44,533 Housing per cell: $44,533 Total per inmate: $58,395 Total per GSF: $111.89 Total per NSF: $145.36 Total annual operating costs: $8,439,148 Structural: Steel frame, cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Precast panels, brick Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete, CMU block Exterior surface or facade: Brick Electronic technology systems: CCIV surveillance, staff intercommunication, inmate intercom, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, door control/ monitoring, card access, custom control panels, satellite/cable 184 General population Single occupancy: 214 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special population Single occupancy: 60 Doubleoccupancy:O Dorms:0 Total design: 274 Current population: December 1991: 255 -Design: Modular/pcxl Cells per unit: 48 Inmates per unit (design): 48 Inmates per unit {current): 48 Management type (design): Remote surveillance, direct supervision Management type (current): Direct supervision Means to handle crowding: Beds in dayroom, contract with other jurisdictions Total officers per unit Day: 1 Evening: 1 Midnight: I Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: Local general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Doormaterial(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) of locks: Remote and manual locking Floor surface: Carpet, epoxy coating Intercom: One-way to cells, two-way to common areas HVAC: Forced air Plumbing: China Furniture: Steel, wood, upholstered Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas Windows: Slit ... ' Perimeter: Building exterior only; costs excluded Inmate security level Maximum:4% Medium:92% Minimum:0 Juvenile/medical isolation: 4% Full-time equivalent Administration: 9 Security: 116 Programs and treatment: 19 Maintenance: 6 Total: 150 Currentinmate/staffratio: 1.7:1 Contracted services: N/A Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods, good competition Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Simple construction methods, coordination of design Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Kansas Johnson County I.Jail VisilOr Eleva/Or 2. Inmate/Security Staff Elevatnr 3. Contact Visiting 4. Non-Contact Visiting 5.Janitor Closet 6. Security Staff 7bilet 7. Storage 8.DaySpace 9. Outdoor Exercise IO. Mecbanicol Equipment IL Secured Vestibule 12. Inmate Shower 13. Control Booth TYPICAL INMATE HOUSING MEZZANINE LEVEL JlLiII~ ---, 9 --- ---------.1 --..•.------_(- "" ·~ ·.-,- 8 .. . . . '' ; ' ....,,;-..,__ -'' • ----------~ ti [ : 8 5 • ~ i. r· 5 1, 8 • ~ ·----- -- . . • . --- --- 0 TYPICAL INMATE HOUSING DAY SPACE LEVEL b ~ ,2() 40 NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 185 Lansing Correctional Facility-East Responsible official: Secretary, Kansas Department of Corrections Contact: David R. McKooe, Warden, Lansing Correctional Facility-East, P.O. Box 2, Lansing, KS 60043, 913-727-3235 Architect: Horst, Terrill & Karst Architects, 2900 MacVicar Avenue, Topeka, KS 66611, 913-266--5373 Construction Manager: N/A · Total GSF: 25,840 Total NSF: 21,336 Corrections GSF: 25,840 Corrections NSF: 21,336 Housing area GSF: 20,920 Housing area NSF: 17,102 GSF per inmate (design): 129 GSFper inmate (current): 129 NSF per inmate (design): 107 NSF per inmate (current): 107 Size of cells: 50 (sleeping cubicle) Net/gross square feet: 83% Door material(s): Standard hollow metal Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Electric latch Floor surface: Vinyl tile Intercom: One-way to common areas HVAt: Steam heat Plumbing: China Furniture: Unknown Fire protection: Smoke detectors throughout, manual alarm stations Windows: Standard and screens IIIPiiltillallllJJlr:i11 Grooodbreaking:Jooe1989 Finish date: December 1989 Construction time: 6 months Total: $2,027,100 Building only: $1,482,000 Final construction cost: Lower Housing area: $1,482,000 Housing per inmate: $7,410 Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $10,136 Total per GSF: $78.45 Total per NSF: $95.00 Total annual operating costs: Unknown --4111-111 Structural: Steel frame, masonry bearing walls Exterior walls: CMU block, brick Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface or facade: Brick Electronic technology systems: Staff intercommunication, paging and soood system, duress/fire alarm, door controV monitoring General population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:200 Special population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:O Total design: 200 Current population: June 1992: 200 Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: 50 Inmates per unit (design): 50 Inmates per unit (current): 50 Management type (design): Intennittent surveillance Management type (current): Intennittent surveillance Means to handle crowding: Transfer to another facility Total officers per unit Day:2 Evening: 2 Midnight: 1 - Perimeter: Single fence, razor wire on fence(s), perimeter patrols; costs excluded Inmate security level Maximum:O Medium:O Minimum: 100% Full-time equivalent Administration: 2 Security: 16 Programs and treatment: 0 Maintenance: 0 Total: 18 Current inmate/staff ratio: 11.1: 1 Contracted services: Medical Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple consttuction methods, good competition, less expensive materials Negative: NIA Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Simple construction methods, coordination of design Negative: N/A Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: State institutional building fund Use of inmate labor: Limited; concrete paving Use of prefabrication: None 186 N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction Kansas Lansing , POD TWO (MALE)---- - -- --- -- ------ -- -- ---------~ i POD 1HREE (MAU:/H.C.)-------------------------- DAYSPACE '.'"'~;".'l°"l - -~j---------,-•-- """' I ~POD ONE (MALE)--- - --- -- ------------ ----------~ 200 BED DORMITORY Nll!National Directory of Corrections Construction ... ... 187 Larned Correctional Mental Health Facility Responsible official: Secretary, Kansas Department of Corrections Contact: Harold J. Nye, Warden, Lamed Correctional Mental Health Facility, Box E, Larned, KS 67550--0280, 316--258-6249 Architect: Gossen Livingston, 420 South Emporia, Wichita, KS 67202, 316--265-9367 Construction Manager: N/A Total GSF: 115,885 Total NSF: 81,120 Corrections GSF: 115,885 Corrections NSF: 81,120 Housing area GSF: 49,528 Housing area NSF: 29,015 GSF per inmate (design): 773 GSF per inmate (current): 966 NSF per inmate (design): 541 NSF per inmate (current): 676 Siz.e of cells: 100 (single) Net/gross square feet: 70% Groundbreaking:Februaryl991 Finish date: January 1992 Construction time: 11 months Total: $15,776,829 Building only: $13,709,785 Final construction cost: Higher Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $105,179 TotalperGSF: $136.14 Total per NSF: $194.49 Total annual operating costs: $7,300,310 Structural: Load-bearing precast panels, steel frame, load-bearing masonry Exterior walls: Precast panels, brick, metal panel Interior walls: Precast panels, CMU block Exterior swface or facade: Brick, textured concrete Electronic technology systems: Lighting protection, CCTV surveillance, staff intercommunication, inmate intercom, paging and sound system, duress/fire alann, door controVmonitoring, custom control panels, perimeter detection/alann, lighting in towers 188 General population Single occupancy: 0 Doubleoccupancy:O Dorms:O Special population Single occupancy: 150 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:O Total design: 150 Current population: April 1993: 120 Door material(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) ofloc:ks: Remote locking only floor swface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HVAC: Stearn heat:, forced air Plumbing: Stainless steel combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas, manual alarm stations Windows: Slit Perimeter: Single fence, perimeter patrols and detection/alann, razor wire on fence(s), towers; costs included Inmate security level Maximum: 100% Medium:0 Minimum:O ~-~-~-~.-.· · ... ~ ~· . "·~" ~ , : Design: Linear, cells on outside walls Cells per unit: 30 Inmates per unit (design): 30 Inmates per unit (current): 30 Management type (design): Intennittent and remote surveillance, direct supervision Management type (current): Intennittent and remote surveillance, direct supervision Means to handle crowding: Admissions curtailed Total officers per unit Day: 1 Evening: 1 Midnight: 1 111·· A Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: State general obligation bonds, Federal funds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Moderate; precast wall/roof construction Full-time equivalent Administration: 35 Security: 117 Programs and treatment: 40 Maintenance: 22 Total:214 Current inmate/staff ratio: .6: 1 Contracted services: Medical, food, programs Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods, good competition Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Simple construction methods, coordination of design Negative: Slow response or delivery from vendor/supplier, weather problems; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Kansas Larned (No floorplan available at time of publication) NU/National Directory of Corrections Construction 189 Sedgwick County Adult Local Detention Facility Responsible official: Sheriff, Lake County Contact: Mitch Paige, Detention Division Captain, Sedgwick County Adult Local Detention Facility, 141 West Ehn Street, Wichita, KS 67203, 316-383-7205 Architect: Schaefer, John, Cox, Frey & Associates, 220 Soulh Hillside, Wichita, KS 67211, 316-684--0171 Construction Manager: CRSS Constructors, Inc., 21616th Street Mall, Suite 1700, Denver, CO 80202, 303-820-5200 Total GSF: 202,459 Total NSF: Unknown Corrections GSF: 202,459 Corrections NSF: Unknown Housing area GSF: Unknown Housing area NSF: Unknown GSF per inmate (design): 471 GSF per inmate (current): 526 NSF per inmate (design): Unknown NSF per inmate (current): Unknown Siz.e of cells: 70 (single) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Groundbreaking: October 1987 Finish date: April 1990 Construction time: 30 months Total: $25,700,000 Building only: $20,712,730 Final construction cost Lower Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $59,767 TotalperGSF: $126.94 Total per NSF: Unknown Total annual operating costs: $4,510,584 Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Precast panels Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface or facade: Colored precast Electronic technology systems: CCTV surveillance, staff intercommunication, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, door controVmonitoring, custom control panels General population Single occupancy: 398 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:0 Special population Single occupancy: 12 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:20 Total design: 430 Current population: March 1992: 385 Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: 48 Inmates per unit (design): 48 Inmates per unit (current): 48 Management type (design): Remote surveillance, direct supervision Management type (current): Remote surveillance, direct supervision Means to handle crowding: Transfer to another facility, beds in dayroom Total officers per unit Day: 1 Evening: 1 Midnight: 1 Contract method: Multiple bid packages (fast track) Finance method: Local general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited; precast exterior panels 190 Door rnaterial(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Unknown Floor surface: Continuous resin coating Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HVAC: Hot water Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas, manual alarm stations Windows: Slit Perimeter: Building exterior only, video camera surveillance; costs included Inmate security level Maximum: 23% Medium:69% Minimum:8% Br~SIIJlitlBIIII Full-time equivalent Administration: 5 Security: 113 Programs and treatment: 7 Maintenance: 0 Total: 125 Current inmate/staff ratio: 3.1: 1 Contracted services: Food, medical, dental MIJllllllllJfllllllllil Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods, phased construction (fast track); good competition Negative: Slow construction and lengthy building time; difficult site conditions; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Simple construction methods, phased construction (fast track); advanced order of materials; coordination of design Negative: Slow response or delivery from vendor/supplier; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Nil/National Directory of Corrections Construction Kansas Lake County NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 191 Sedgwick County Work Release Responsible official: Sheriff, Sedgwick-County Contact: Lyman Reese, Administrator, Sedgwick County Work Release, 70 I West Harry Street, Wichita, KS 67213, 316--383-7685 Architect: Wilson-Darnell Associates, 128 North Oliver, Wichita, KS 67208, 316--681-2099 Construction Manager: CRSS Constructors, Inc., P.O. Box 87, Wichita, KS 67201, 316--268-3586 Total GSF: Unknown Total NSF: Unknown Corrections GSF: Unknown Corrections NSF: Unknown Housing area GSF: 23,500 Housing area NSF: Unknown GSF per inmate (design): Unknown GSF per inmate (current): Unknown NSF per inmate (design): Unknown NSF per inmate (current): Unknown Size of cells: 3,156 (pod) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Groundbreaking: September 1987 Finish date: May 1988 Construction time: 9 months Total: $1,531,854 Building only: $1,219,412 Final construction cost: Lower Housing area: $978,300 Housing per inmate: $9,882 Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $15,473 Total per GSF: Unknown Total per NSF: Unknown Total annual operating costs: $624,278 Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Cast-in-place concrete, synthetic plaster Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete, CMU block Exterior smface or facade: Stucco Electronic technology systems: CCTV surveillance, staff intercommunication, inmate intercom, duress/fire alarm, door control/monitoring, custom control panels, perimeter detection/alarm 192 General population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:O Special population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 55 Donns:44 Total design: 99 Current population: March 1992: 59 Design: Linear, cells on outside walls Cells per unit: 5 Inmates per unit (design): 28 Inmates per unit (current): 28 Management type (design): Intennittent surveillance Management type (current): Intermittent surveillance Means to handle crowding: Controlled admittance to program Total officers per unit Day:2 Evening: 3 Midnight: 2 -· Contract method: Multiple bid packages (fast track) Finance method: Unknown Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Doormaterial(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) of locks: Remote locking only Floor surface: Carpet, epoxy coating, sealed concrete, vinyl tile Intercom: Two-way to common areas HVAC: Gas heat, forced air Plumbing: China Furniture: NIA Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas, manual alarm stations Windows: Standard Perimeter: Building exterior only, perimeter detection/alarm, video camera surveillance; costs included Inmate security level Maximum:0 Medium:0 Minimum: 100% Full-time equivalent Administration: 4 Security: 13 Programs and treatment: 0 Maintenance: 0 Total: 17 Current inmate/staff ratio: 3.5: I Contracted services: Food - Factors affecting ronstruction costs Positive: Good competition, less expensive materials Negative: N/A Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Phased construction (fast track), advanced order of materials, coordination of design Negative: N/A NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction ·Kansas Sedgwick County (No floorplan available at time of publication) NU/National Directory of Corrections Construction 193 Shawnee County Adult Detention Facility Responsible official: Kansas Board of Commissioners, Shawnee County Contact: Thomas R. Merkel, Jail Administrator, Shawnee County Adult Detention Facility, 501 Southeast Eighth Street, Topeka, KS 66607, 913--291-5100 Architect: Slemmons Associates, An:hitects, 534 South Kansas Avenue, Suite 1030, Topeka, KS 66603--3432, 913--235-9244 Construction Manager: NIA Total GSF: 124,765 Total NSF: 104,475 Corrections GSF: 124,765 Corrections NSF: 104,475 Housing area GSF: 32,200 Housing area NSF: 14,400 GSF per inmate (design): 627 GSF per inmate (current): 693 NSF per inmate (design): 525 NSF per inmate (current): 580 Size of cells: 80 (single) Net/gross square feet: 84% Groundbreaking:September1985 Finish date: March 1988 Construction time: 29 months Total: $14,407,900 Building only: $14,322,365 Final construction cost: Higher Housing area: $4,385,000 Housing per inmate: $24,361 Housing per cell: $24,361 Total per inmate: $72,402 Total per GSF: $115.48 Total per NSF: $137.91 Total annual operating costs: $3,926,885 Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Cast-in-place concrete, CMU block, brick Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete, CMU block Exterior surface or facade: Brick Electronic technology systems: Lighting protection, CCTV surveillance, staff intercommunication, inmate intercom, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, door controVmonitoring, card access, custom control panels, perimeter detection/alarm, satellite/cable 194 General population Single occupancy: 180 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special population Single occupancy: 19 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:0 Total design: 199 Current population: December 1991: 180 Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: Unknown Inmates per unit (design): Unknown Inmates per unit (current): Unknown Management type (design): Direct supervision Management type (current): Direct supervision Means to handle crowding: Mattresses on floor in gymnasium Total officers per unit Day: 1 Evening: 1 Midnight 1 Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: Local general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Doormaterial(s): Wood Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Remote locking only Floor surface: Carpet, epoxy coating, sealed concrete, vinyl tile Intercom: Two-way to cells, inmate duress alarm HVAC: Gas fire boiler, air-conditioning Plumbing: Stainless steel, stainless steel combination unit Furniture: Steel, wood Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas, manual alarm stations Windows: Special security Perimeter: Building exterior only, perimeter detection/alarm, video camera surveillance, fenced restraining areas for emergencies; costs included Inmate security level Maximum: 20% Medium:80% Minimum:0 Full-time equivalent Administration: 3 Security: 74 Programs and treatment: 23 Maintenance: 10 Total: 110 Current inmate/staff ratio: 1.6: 1 Contracted services: N/A Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple constr. methods, good competition, less expensive materials Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems; gov. requirements Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Simple construction methods, advanced order of materials Negative: Slow response or delivery from vendor/supplier; weather problems; gov. procedures and regulations; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction '' ' FUTURE CORRIDOR--• TO JUDICIAL CENTER .'. '' ◄ T H I R D \0 u, F Stanton County Law Enforcement Center Responsible official: Sheriff, Stanton County Contact: James Garrison, Sheriff, Stanton County Law Enforcement Center, 208 North Chestnut, Johnson, KS 67855, 316-492---6866 Architect: N/A Construction Manager: N/A Total GSF: ll,718 Total NSF: Unknown Corrections GSF: 4,216 Corrections NSF: Unknown Housing area GSF: Unknown Housing area NSF: Unknown GSF per inmate (design): 976 GSFperinmate (current): 1,172 NSF per inmate (design): Unknown NSF per inmate (current): Unknown Size of cells: Unknown Net/gross square feet: Unknown Groundbreaking: Unknown Finish date: July 1991 Construction time: Unknown Total: $260,000 Building only: $200,000 Final construction cost: Higher Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: N/A Total per GSF: $22.19 Total per NSF: $61.67 Total annual operating costs: $363,000 Blfillllt~iilll\1illll Structural: Block, brick Exterior walls: Brick Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface or facade: Unknown Electronic technology systems: ccrv surveillance, staff intercommunication, inmate intercom, duress/fire alann, door control/monitoring General population Single occupancy: 5 Double occupancy: 6 Donns:O Special population Single occupancy: 1 Double occupancy: 0 Donns:0 Total design: 12 Current population: July 1991: 10 Design: Linear, cells on outside walls Cells per unit: 7 Inmates per unit (design): IO Inmates per unit (current): 10 Management type (design): Intermittent surveillance Management type (current): Intermittent surveillance Means to handle crowding: NIA Total officers per unit Day: 1 Evening: 1 Midnight: 1 - ___ Door material(s): Steel Type(s)ofdoors:Swinging,sliding Type(s) oflocks: Remote and manual locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HVAC: Forced air Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas Windows: Special security Perimeter: Double fence, video camera surveillance; costs included Inmate security level Maximum: 12.5% Medium:50% Minimum: 37.5% Full-time equivalent Administration: 2 Security: 7 Programs and treatment: 0 Maintenance: 1 Total: 10 Current inmate/staff ratio: 1: 1 Contracted services: Unknown Factors affecting construction costs Positive: N/A Negative: High labor costs Factors affecting time schedule Positive: N/A Negative: N/A Contract method: Unknown Finance method: Unknown Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None 196 NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Kansas Stanton County (No floorplan available at time of publication) NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 197 Wyandotte County Detention Center Responsible official: Sheriff, Wyandotte County Contact: Captain Dewey W. Bond, Warden, Wyandotte County Detention Center, 710 North Seventh Street. Kansas City, KS 66101, 913-573-2865 Architect: Schlup, Becker & Brennan, Fourth and State Avenue, Suite 900, Gateway II, Kansas City, KS 66101, 913-281-4210 Construction Manager: N/A Total GSF: 229,625 TotalNSF: 197,391 Corrections GSF: 186,077 Corrections NSF: 162,123 Housing area GSF: 140,244 Housing area NSF: 124,944 GSFperinmate (design): 502 GSF per inmate (current): 756 NSF per inmate (design): 437 NSF per inmate (current): 659 Size of cells: 72.1 and 90 (single) Net/gross square feet: 86% Groundbreaking: January 1988 Finish date: March 1990 Construction time: 23 months Total: $26,347,685 Building only: $26,000,000 Final construction cost: Higher Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: N/A Total per GSF: $114.74 Total per NSF: $133.48 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Precast panels, cast-in-place concrete Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete, CMU block Exterior surface or facade: Textured concrete, colored concrete Electronic technology systems: Lighting protection, CCTV surveillance, staff intercommunication, inmate intercom, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, door control/monitoring, card access, custom control panels 198 General population Single occupancy: 338 Double occupancy: 0 Perimeter: Building exterior only; costs included Inmate security level Maximum:6% Medium:94% Minimum:O Dorms:0 Special population Single occupancy: 33 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:0 Total design: 371 Current population: June 1992: 246 111\llftl Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: 44 Inmates per unit (design): 44 Inmates per unit (current): Unknown Management type (design): Direct supervision Management type (current): Direct supervision Means to handle crowding: NIA Total officers per unit Day: 1 Evening: I Midnight: 1 . Door material(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Remote locking only Floor surface: Carpet. sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to cells, inmate duress alarm HVAC: Forced air Plumbing: Stainless steel combination unit Furniture: Steel, vinyl/plastic Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas, manual alarm stations Windows: Special security -~- Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: Bonds by public building coqx>ration Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None lllalllllll11llrlllP& Full-time equivalent Administration: 9 Security: 85 Programs and treatment: 31 Maintenance: 8 Total: 133 Current inmate/staff ratio: 1.8: I Contracted services: Medical Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods, good competition, general contractor involved at early stage Negative: Difficult site conditions; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Simple construction methods, advanced order of materials, coordination of design Negative: Government procedures and regulations; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 1 • Cells 2 • Upper Dayroom 3 - Upper Outdoor Recreation 4 • Visitation 5 • Storage 6 - Classlllcallon Offices 7 • Upper Classlllcallon Dayroom B - Uppar Ma,<lmun Security Dayroom 9 - Upper Admlnlslrallvo Segregellon Dayroom · 10 • Control Booth 11 - Juvenile Upper Outdoor Recreellon 12 • High Risk Boys 13 - Upper Boy's Dayroom 14 • Juvenlle Classroom 15 • Juvenile Vlsllallon 16 - Juvenile Arts and Crafts 17 • Juvenile Offices 18 • Upper Women Dayroom 19 • Upper Trustee Dayroom EE, NORTH 50 FOURTH FLOOR PLAN ..... \0 \0 Carroll County Regional Detention Center Responsible official: Jailer, Carroll County · Contact: David Miles, Jailer, Carroll County Regional Detention Center, 800 Oay Street, Carrollton, KY 41008, 502-732--9499 Architect: CMW, Inc., 326 South Broadway, Lexington, KY 40508, 606-254-6623 Construction Manager: N/A Corrections GSF: 14,000 Corrections NSF: Unknown Housing area GSF: Unknown Housing area NSF: 6,000 GSF per inmate (design): 167 GSF per inmate (current): Unknown NSFperinmate (design): Unknown NSFperinmate (current): Unknown Size of cells: 81 (single), 75 (double), 420(dorm) Net/gross square feet Unknown Groundbreaking: July 1991 Finish date: June 1992 Construction time: 12 months Total: $2,060,000 Building only: $1,874,000 Final construction cost: Lower Housing area: $820,000 Housing per inmate: $10,513 Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $24,524 TotalperGSF: $147 Total per NSF: Unknown Total annual operating costs: Unknown lftW::rn« Structural: Load-bearing precast panels Exterior walls: Precast panels, CMU block, brick Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface or facade: Brick, CMU block Electronic technology systems: CCIV surveillance, staff intercommunication, inmate intercom, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, door controV monitoring, custom control panels 200 General population Single occupancy: 2 Double occupancy: 32 Dorrns:44 Special population Single occupancy: 4 Double occupancy: 2 Doormaterial(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Manual locking, motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Lino/sheet vinyl, sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas, inmate duress alarm HYAC: Rooftop heating and cooling units Plumbing: Stainless steel, stainless steel combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas, manual alann stations Windows: Special security Perimeter: Building exterior only, video camera surveillance; costs included Inmate security level Maximum: 38% Medium:62% Minimum:O Dmms:O Total design: 84 Current population: April 1992: 72 ~· f~~ Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: 7 Inmates per unit (design): 14 Inmates per unit (current): 14 Management type (design): Intennittent surveillance Management type (current): Intermittent surveillance Means to handle crowding: Transfer to another facility Total officers per unit Day:5 Evening:4 Midnight: 3 - Full-time equivalent Administration: 2 Security: 19 Programs and treatment: 3 Maintenance: 0 Total:24 Current inmate/staff ratio: Unknown Contracted services: Unknown Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods, good competition Negative: N/A Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Simple construction methods, coordination of design Negative: N/A Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: State general obligation bonds; local special, time-limited tax levy Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None N/J/National Directory of Corrections Construction Kentucky Carroll County 1- j NJJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 201 Eastern Kentucky Correctional Complex Responsible official: Commissioner, Kentucky Corrections Cabinet Contact: Michael O'Dea III, Warden, Eastern Kentucky Correctional Complex, P.O. Box 636, West Liberty, KY 41472, 606--743-2800 Architect: Daniel, Mann, Johnson & Mendenhall (DMJM), 300 East 42nd Street, New York, NY 10017, 212-983--2400 Construction Manager: GRW Engineers, Inc., 801 Corporate Drive, Lexmgton, KY 40503 Total GSF: 560,036 Total NSF: 360,000 Corrections GSF: 560,036 Corrections NSF: 360,000 Housing area GSF: 235,496 Housing area NSF: 158,788 GSF per inmate (design): 261 GSF per inmate (current): 368 NSF per inmate (design): 168 NSF per inmate (current): 237 Size of cells: 80 (double) Net/gross square feet: 64% ~~~~tffi'fffft',£',fil!lfilif~t =~~Jill&i~aii Groundbreaking: January 1987 Finish date: February 1991 Construction time: 49 months Total: $62,999,219 Building only: $61,499,219 Final construction cost: Lower Housing area: $31,272,640 Housing per inmate: $19,743 Housing per cell: $30,510 Total per inmate: $38,602 Total per GSF: $112.49 Total per NSF: $175.00 Total annual operating costs: $12,999,000 Structural: Steel frame, cast-in-place concrete frame, load-bearing CMU block Exterior walls: CMU block, cementitious exterior system (EIFS) over reinforced CMUblock Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete, CMU block Exterior sutface or facade: Stucco, CMU block Electronic technology systems: Lighting protection, ccrv surveillance, staff intercommunication, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, door control/ monitoring, card access, custom control panels, perimeter detection/alarm, satellite/ cable 202 General population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 2,048 Dorms:48 Special population Single occupancy: 48 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:0 Total design: 2,144 Current population: April 1993: 1,520 & ."w~~-l~ ~-~-~<@mjfflmifuDesign: Linear, cells on outside walls Cells per unit: 128 Inmates per unit (design): 128 Inmates per unit (current): Unknown Management type (design): Remote surveillance Management type (current): Intermittent surveillance Means to handle crowding: Second bunk permanently attached Total officers per unit Day:2 Evening:2 Midnight: 2 Door material(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Remote locking only Floor sutface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Inmate duress alann RVAC: Forced air Plumbing: China Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas Windows: Slit, special security Perimeter: Double fence, perimeter patrols and detection/alarm, razor wire on fence(s), towers; costs included Inmate security level Maximum:4% Medium:92% Minimum:4% Full-time equivalent Administration: 23 Security: 278 Programs and treatment: 30 Maintenance: 31 Total: 389 Current inmate/staff ratio: 3.9: 1 Contracted services: Unknown Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods; less expensive materials Negative: Slow construction and lengthy building time, difficult site conditions Factors affecting time schedule Positive: NIA Negative: NIA Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: State general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Kentucky West Liberty -._. .. /:·-_._·· ··: I ·. 'I I I \ I ' / { I \ / O ' 10 20 FL.FU NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 203 Federal Correctional Institution-Oakdale I Responsible official: Director, Federal Bureau of Prisons Contact: Keith Hall, Warden, Federal Correctional Institution-Oakdale I, P.O. Box 5050, East Whatley Road, Oakdale, LA 71463, 318--335-4070 Architect: Barron, Heinberg & Brocato Architects & Engineers, 1015 Wisteria Street, Alexandria, LA 71301, 318-443--7291 Construction Manager: N/A Total GSF: 317,266 Total NSF: 235,197 Corrections GSF: 317,266 Corrections NSF: 235,197 Housing area GSF: 184,320 Housing area NSF: 57,037 GSF per inmate (design): 438 GSFperinmate (current): 265 NSF per inmate (design): 324 NSF per inmate (current): 196 Siz.e of cells: 75 (single), 164 (double) Net/gross square feet: 74% IIIPJl!lla111Bitlrllllit GroW1dbreaking: August 1984 Finish date: December 1988 Construction time: 52 months Total: $24,059,826 Building only: $20,821,395 Final construction cost: Same Housing area: $12,550,335 Housing per inmate: $38,263 Housing per cell: $25,510 Total per inmate: $33,186 Total per GSF: $75.83 Total per NSF: $102.30 Total annual operating costs: $18,100,000 Structural: Steel frame, cast-in-place concrete frame, precast concrete cells Exterior walls: Precast panels, cast-in-place concrete, CMU block Interior walls: Precast panels, cast-in-place concrete, CMU block Exterior surface or facade: CMU block Electronic technology systems: Lighting protection, CCTV surveillance, staff intercommunication, paging and sound system, duress/fire alann, door control/ monitoring, custom control panels, perimeter detection/alann 204 General population Single occupancy: 328 Double occupancy: 328 Dorms:0 Special population Single occupancy: 69 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Total design: 725 Current population: April 1993: 1,198 Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: 164 Inmates per unit (design): 164 Inmates per unit (current): 225 Management type (design): Direct supervision Management type (current): Direct supervision Means to handle crowding: Transfer to another facility, bunk beds in cells Total officers per unit Day:2 Evening: 2 Midnight: I Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: Federal funds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Moderate; precast concrete cells and wall panels, prefabricated steel framing, preengineered trusses Door material(s): Wood Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Manual locking Floor surface: Epoxy coating, vinyl tile Intercom: Two-way to common areas INAC: Gas heat, air-conditioning Plumbing: China Furniture: Wood Fire protection: Smoke detectors for common areas, sprinklers for cells and common areas, manual alann stations, duct smoke detectors within air-handling units, supervised sprinkler system Windows: Standard and bars Perimeter: Double fence, perimeter patrols and detection/alann, razor wire on and between fence(s), video camera surveillance, observation moWlds for patrol vehicles; costs included Inmate security level Maximum: 11 % Medium: 89% Minimum:0 flliilrAllllllillL. . . Full-time equivalent Administration: 41 Security: 190 Programs and treatment: 50 Maintenance: 24 Total: 305 Current inmate/staff ratio: 3.9: 1 Contracted services: N/A Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Prefabricated components, simple construction methods, good competition, less expensive materials Negative: Difficult site conditions Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Prefabricated components, simple construction methods, coordination of design Negative: Weather problems NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Louisiana Oakdale (No floorplan available at time of publication) NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 205 Federal Detention Center-Oakdale II Responsible official: Director, Federal Bureau of Prisons Contact: Bob Guzik, Warden, Federal Detention Center-Oakdale II, P.O. Box 5060, East Whatley Road, Oakdale, LA 71463, 318-335-4466 Architect: Barron, Heinberg & Brocato Architects & Engineers, 1015 Wisteria Street, Alexandria, LA 71301, 318-443-7291 Construction Manager: N/A Total GSF: 255,548 Total NSF: 199,610 Corrections GSF: 255,548 Corrections NSF: 199,610 Housing area GSF: 133,896 Housing area NSF: 43,113 GSF per inmate (design): 446 GSF per inmate (current): 198 NSF per inmate (design): 348 NSF per inmate (current): 155 Size of cells: 75 (single) Net/gross square feet: 78% -----~ Groundbreaking:September1988 Finish date: September 1991 Construction time: 36 months Total: $23,955,951 Building only: $22,023,451 Final construction cost: Same Housing area: $12,925,000 Housing per inmate: $25,645 Housing per cell: $25,645 Total per inmate: $41,808 Total per GSF: $93.74 Total per NSF: $ 120.01 Total annual operating costs: $13,582,900 Structural: Steel frame, precast concrete cells Exterior walls: Precast panels, cast-in-place concrete, CMU block Interior walls: Precast panels, cast-in-place concrete, CMU block Exterior swface or facade: CMU block Electronic technology systems: Lighting protection, CCTV surveillance, staff intercommunication, paging and sound system, duress/fire alann, door controV monitoring, custom control panels, perimeter detection/alarm 206 .,•• General population Single occupancy: 630 Double occupancy: 0 Dorrns:0 Special population Single occupancy: 69 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Total design: 699 Current population: January 1993: 1,289 Door material(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Manual locking Floor surface: Vinyl tile Intercom: Two-way to common areas HVAC: Gas heat Plumbing: China Furniture: Wood Fire protection: Smoke detectors for common areas, sprinklers for cells and common areas, manual alann stations, duct smoke detectors within air-handling units, sprinkler system Windows: Standard and bars Perimeter. Double fence, perimeter patrols and detection/alann, razor wire on and between fence(s), video camera surveillance; costs included Inmate security level Maximum: 11 % Medium:89% Minimum:0 ~•~!!~~~~-~ ~~~~~,ccWIBt.~,®&llil'ifflmIB!N Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: 168 lnrtlates per unit (design): 168 Inmates per unit (current): 300 Management type (design): Direct supervision Management type (current): Direct supervision . Means to handle crowding: Transfer to another facility, bunk beds in cells Total officers per unit Day:2 Evening:2 Midnight: 1 . . .11 Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: Federal funds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Moderate; precast concrete cells and wall panels, prefabricated steel framing, millwork, doors, preengineered trusses Full-time equivalent Administration: 40 Security: 190 Programs and treatment: 50 Maintenance: 25 Total:305 Current inmate/staff ratio: 4.2: 1 Contracted services: Unknown Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Prefabricated components, good competition, less expensive materials Negative: Difficult site conditions Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Prefabricated components, simple construction methods, coordination of design Negative: Weather problems NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Louisiana Oakdale (No floorplan available at time of publication) NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 207 Orleans Parish Prison Responsible official: Criminal Sheriff, Orleans Parish Contact: Charles C. Foti, Jr., Criminal Sheriff, Orleans Parish Prison, Perdido Street, New Orleans, LA 70119, 504-822--8000 Architect: L. Dow Oliver & Associates, 3131 Harvard Avenue, Suite 201, Metairie, LA 70006, 504--455--7965 Construction Manager: N/A Total GSF: 53,520 Total NSF: 49,920 Corrections GSF: 53,520 Corrections NSF: 49,920 Housing area GSF: Unknown Housing area NSF: Unknown GSF per inmate (design): 101 GSF per inmate (current): Unknown NSF per inmate (design): 94 NSF per inmate (current): Unknown Size of cells: 1,485 (donn) Net/gross square feet: 93% - Groundbreaking: December 1988 Finish date: May 1990 Construction time: 17 months Total: $5,400,000 Building only: $5,200,000 Final construction cost: Unknown Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $10,227 Total per GSF: $101 Total per NSF: $108.17 Total annual operating costs: Unknown - Structural: Precast concrete frame Exterior walls: CMU block Interior walls: CMU block Exterior smface or facade: CMU block Electronic technology systems: Lighting protection, ccrv surveillance, staff intercommunication, inmate intercom, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, custom control panels, satellite/ cable 208 General population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 528 Special population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Total design: 528 Current population: Unknown Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: 1 Inmates per unit (design): 22 Inmates per unit (current): Unknown Management type (design): Remote surveillance Management type (current): Unknown Means to handle crowding: Unknown Total officers per unit Day: Unknown Evening: Unknown Midnight: Unknown - Door material(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Motor driven and remote locking Floor smface: Lino/sheet vinyl, sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to common areas HVAC: Air-conditioning forced air Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for donns and common areas, manual alarm stations Windows: Special security -Perimeter: Double fence, razor wire on and between fence(s), video camera surveillance; costs included Inmate security level Maximum:O Medium: 100% Minimum:0 Full-time equivalent Administration: Unknown Security: Unknown Programs and treatment: Unknown Maintenance: Unknown Total: Unknown Current inmate/staff ratio: Unknown Contracted services: Unknown - Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods Negative: NIA Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Simple construction methods Negative: N/A Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: State and local general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Louisiana Orleans Parish [] [] Il [] IT ~ [] [] [] [] [] [] [] ] IT em NU/National Directory of Corrections Construction R1PI A.AN 209 St. Bernard Jail Complex Responsible official: Sheriff, St. Bernard Parish Contact: Jack Stephens, Sheriff, St Bernard Jail Complex, Paris Road and St Bernard Highway, Chalmette, LA 70043, 504--271-2504 Architect: L. Dow Oliver & Associates, 3131 Harvard Avenue, Suite 201, Metairie, LA 70006, 504-455-7965 Construction Manager: N/A Groundbreaking: December 1990 Finish date: May 1992 Construction time: 17 months Total: $5,900,000 Building only: $5,750,000 Final construction cost Higher Housing area: $4,800,000 Housing per inmate: $21,428 Housing per cell: $47,060 Total per inmate: $20,345 Total per GSF: Unknown Total per NSF: Unknown Total annual operating costs: Unknown Structural: Load-bearing precast panels, cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: CMU block, brick Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete, CMU block Exterior surlace or facade: Brick, CMU block Electronic technology systems: Lighting protection, CCIV surveillance, staff intercommunication, inmate intercom, paging and sound system, door controV monitoring, custom control panels, satellite/cable 210 Total GSF: Unknbwn Total NSF: Unknown Corrections GSF: Unknown Corrections NSF: Unknown Housing area GSF: 35,559 Housing area NSF: 20,765 GSF per inmate (design): Unknown GSF per inmate (current): Unknown NSF per inmate (design): Unknown NSF per inmate (current): Unknown Size of cells: 72 (double), 780 (donn) Net/gross square feet Unknown Doormaterial(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Sliding Type(s) of locks: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surlace: Lino/sheet vinyl, carpet, sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to common areas HVAC: Air-conditioning, forced air Plumbing: Stainless steel, stainless steel combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas, manual alarm stations Windows: Slit, standard and bars General popuJation Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 200 Dorms:24 Special population Single occupancy: 2 Double occupancy: 24 Dorms:40 Total design: 290 Currentpopulation:Unknown •~=®slllllll" ~ ~.'. .~ ' m~~m:< Perimeter: Double fence, razor wire on and between fence(s); costs included Inmate security level Maxnnum: 76% Medium: 10% Minimum: 14% - Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: Unknown Inmates per unit (design): Unknown Inmates per unit (current): Unknown Management type (design): Remote surveillance Management type (current): Unknown Means to handle crowding: Unknown Total officers per unit Day: Unknown Evening:Unknown Midnight Unknown - Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: Local general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Full-time equivalent Administration: Unknown Security: Unknown Programs and treatment: Unknown Maintenance: Unknown Total: Unknown Current inmate/staff ratio: Unknown Contracted services: Unknown Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods Negative: High labor costs, difficult site conditions, weather problems Factors affecting time scheduJe Positive: Simple construction methods Negative: Weather problems N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction l i Louisiana St. Bernard Parish .lMffl..E EN1 ITY r ,Ml ffCI IIY IIDN& BP fUI Nil/National Directory of Corrections Construction 211 Tulane Avenue Facility Responsible official: Criminal Sheriff, Orleans Parish Contact: Charles C. Foti, Jr., Criminal Sheriff, Tulane Avenue Facility, Tulane Avenue, New Orleans, LA 70119, 504-822--8000 Architect: L. Dow Oliver & Associates, 3131 Harvard Avenue, Suite 201, Metairie, LA 70006, 504-455-7965 Construction Manager: NIA Groundbreaking: December 1990 Finish date: December 1991 Construction time: 12 months Total: $2,900,000 Building only: $2,700,000 Final construction cost: Unknown Housing area: $2,400,000 Housing per inmate: $6,452 Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $7,796 Total per GSF: Unknown Total per NSF: Unknown Total annual operating costs: Unknown Structural: Precast concrete frame Exterior walls: Precast panels Interior walls: Precast panels, CMU block, plaster security partitions, steel Exterior surface or facade: Unknown Electronic technology systems: Lighting protection, CCTV surveillance, staff intercommunication, inmate intercom, paging and sound system, duress/fire alann, custom control panels, satellite/ cable 212 Total GSF: Unknown Total NSF: Unknown Corrections GSF: Unknown Corrections NSF: Unknown Housing area GSF: 30,000 Housing area NSF: 25,200 GSFperinmate (design): Unknown GSF per inmate (current): Unknown NSF per inmate (design): Unknown NSF per inmate (current): Unknown Size of cells: 78 (double), 2,400 (dorm) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Door material(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Sliding Type(s) of locks: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Lino/sheet vinyl Intercom: Two-way to common areas HVAC: Air-conditioning, forced air Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas, manual alann stations Windows: Slit, standard and bars General population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: .96 Dorms: 276 Special population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Total design: 372 Current population: Unknown Perimeter: Single fence, razor wire on fence(s), video camera surveillance; costs included Inmate security level Maximum: 26% Medium:0 Minimum: 74% Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: Unknown Inmates per unit (design): Unknown Inmates per unit (current): Unknown Management type (design): Remote surveillance Management type (current): Unknown Means to handle crowding: Unknown Total officers per unit Day: Unknown Evening: Unknown Midnight: Unknown Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: Local general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Full-time equivalent Administration: Unknown Security: Unknown Programs and treatment: Unknown Maintenance: Unknown Total: Unknown Current inmate/staff ratio: Unknown Contracted services: Unknown Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Good competition Negative: Difficult site conditions (work inside existing building) Factors affecting time schedule Positive: N/A Negative: Weather problems, adaptation of existing building Nil/National Directory of Corrections Construction Louisiana Orleans Parish [] u] tr.11.TFUFOSE. Cl san«> ecm NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction pt..AN 213 Androscoggin County Jail Responsible official: County Commissioner, Androscoggin County Contact: John R. Lebel, Jail Administrator, Androscoggin County Jail, 40 Pleasant Street, Box 23, Auburn, ME 04210, 207-784-7361 Architect: WBRC Architect, 44 Central Street, Bangor, ME 04401, 207-947-4511 Construction Manager: N/A Total GSF: 69,800 Total NSF: 59,000 Corrections GSF: 69,800 Corrections NSF: 59,000 Housing area GSF: 35,000 Housing area NSF: 29,000 GSF per inmate (design): 572 GSF per inmate (current): 851 NSF per inmate (design): 484 NSF per inmate (current): 720 Size of cells: 70 (single), 140 (double) Net/gross square feet: 85% Groundbreaking: Unknown Finish date: August 1990 Construction time: Unknown Total: $8,900,000 Building only: $8,000,000 Final construction cost: Lower Housing area: $4,600,000 Housing per inmate: $42,202 Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $72,951 TotalperGSF: $127.51 Total per NSF: $ 150.85 Total annual operating costs: $1,637,841 Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Cast-in-place concrete, CMU block, brick Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface or facade: Brick, CMU . block Electronic technology systems: CCfV surveillance, staff intercommunication, inmate intercom, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, door controV monitoring, custom control panels, perimeter detection/alarm, satellite/cable 214 General population Single occupancy: 65 Double occupancy: 30 Dorms: 14 Special population Singleoccupancy: 13 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Total design: 122 Current population: December 1991: 82 Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit 10 Inmates per unit (design): 10 Inmates per unit (current): IO Management type (design): Intermittent surveillance Management type (current): Intermittent surveillance Means to handle crowding: Beds in classrooms Total officers per unit Day: 10 Evening: Unknown Midnight: 8 !lllflliJ!!Plt@ml~l~!~l~!l~l!t Contract method: Public bid Finance method: Countywide bond issued Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited Door material(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Remote locking only Floor surface: Carpet, epoxy coating, vinyl tile Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HVAC: Forced air Plumbing: Stainless steel, stainless steel combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Sprinklers for common areas, smoke and heat sensing units Windows: Special security Perimeter: Chainlink fence, concrete walls; costs excluded Inmate security level Maximum: 15% Medium:55% Minimum: 30% Full-time equivalent Administration: 3 Security: 40 Programs and treatment: 2 Maintenance: 3 Total:48 Current inmate/staff ratio: 1.7: I Contracted services: Medical lllfiltl:lllllflWl•lii Factors affecting construction costs Positive: N/A Negative: Difficult site conditions; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems; tight urban slope; approved juvenile pod within structure Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Phased construction (fast track) Negative: Phased construction (fast track) NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Maine Androscoggin County "·~ 'l "' -::t=- "" ., .J (ii} NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction SECOND FLOOR 215 Baltimore Pre-Release Unit for Women Responsible official: Commissioner, Maryland Division of Corrections Contact: Barbara Shaw, Facility Administrator, Baltimore Pre-Release Unit for Women, 301 North Calverton Road, Baltimore, MD 21223, 410--566--5747 Architect: May and Holbrook, 901 North Calvert Street, Baltimore, l\1D 21202, 410--752-1554 Construction Manager: NIA Total GSF: 28,234 Total NSF: 16,952 Corrections GSF: 28,234 Corrections NSF: 16,952 Housing area GSF: Unknown Housing area NSF: Unknown GSF per inmate (design): 382 GSF per inmate (current): 392 NSF per inmate (design): 229 NSF per inmate (current): 235 Size of cells: 131 (double) Net/gross square feet: 60% -111111 ,, "" ' 0 , . · - , ; .. · ·, ~ • •r . ~ ,B:~_w:,_l\';l'~$ Groundbreaking: January 1990 Finish date: July 1991 Construction time: 17 months Total: $4,021,000 Building only: $3,866,000 Final construction cost Lower Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $54,338 TotalperGSF: $142.42 Total per NSF: $237 .20 Total annual operating costs: $1,600,000 Structural: Unknown Exterior walls: Unknown Interior walls: Unknown Exterior surface or facade: Unknown Electronic technology systems: Unknown ·~ - General population Single occupancy: 8 Double occupancy: 64 Donns:O Special population Single occupancy; 2 Double occupancy: 0 Donns:O Total design: 74 Current population: April 1993: 72 Design: Unknown Cells per unit: 18 Inmates per unit (design): 36 Inmates per unit (current); 36 Management type (design): Unknown Management type (current): Intermittent smveillance Means to handle crowding: NIA Total officers per unit Day:7 Evening: 5 Midnight 5 Doormaterial(s): Wood Type(s)ofdoors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Manual locking Floor surface: Vinyl tile Intercom: Unknown HYAC: Air-conditioning, gas heat Plumbing: Aluminum Furniture: Fabric, leather Fire protection: Sprinklers for cells and common areas Windows: Standard and screens Perimeter: Costs excluded Inmate security level Maximum:O Medium:0 Minimum: 100% Full-time equivalent Administration: 5 Security: 22 Programs and treatment 2 Maintenance: 1 Total:30 Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.4: 1 Contrac~ services: Medical Factors affecting construction com Positive: N/A Negative: NIA Factors affecting time schedule Positive: N/A Negative: NIA Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: State general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None 216 NU/National Directory of Corrections Construction Maryland Baltimore (No floorplan available at time of publication) NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 217 Central Laundry Facility Responsible official: Commissioner, Maryland Division of Corrections Contact: Marsha Maloff, Warden, Central Laundry Facility, P.O. Box 395, Sykesville, MD 21784, 410--781-4734 Architect: Architectural Technologies, Inc., 8950 Route 108, Suite 218, Columbia, MD 21045, 410--995-4067 Construction Manager: Whiting-Turner Contracting Co., 300 East Joppa Road, Towson, MD 21286, 410--821-1100 ;~:~~A&~.a1tli~:~ -'' Total GSF: 27,551 Total NSF: 23,025 Corrections GSF: 27,551 Corrections NSF: 23,025 Housing area GSF: 27,551 Housing area NSF: 23,025 GSF per inmate (design): 108 GSF per inmate (current): Unknown NSF per inmate (design): 100 NSF per inmate (current): Unknown Size of cells: 1,437.3 (dorm) Net/gross square feet: 84% ~~~~~411~ -~~~~~~m@f Groundbreaking: December 1989 Finish date: June 1990 Construction time: 7 months Total: $3,150,000 Building only: Unknown Final construction cost: Lower Housing area: $3,150,000 Housing per inmate: $12,305 Housing per cell: $393,750 Total per inmate: $12,305 Total per GSF: $114.33 Total per NSF: $136.81 Total annual operating costs: Unknown 11aw••• Structurai:Steelframe,precastroofpanels Exterior walls: Precast panels, CMU block Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete, CMU block, glazed block Exterior surface or facade: CMU block Electronic technology systems: Lighting protection, staff intercommunication, inmate intercom, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, door controV monitoring, custom control panels General population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:256 Special population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:0 Total design: 256 Current population: June 1992: 256 Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: 1 Inmates per unit (design): 32 Inmates per unit (current): 32 Management type (design): Remote surveillance Management type (current): Direct supervision Means to handle crowding: Transfer to another facility Total officers per unit Day: 1 Evening: 2 Midnight:2 -Contract method: Turnkey design-build lfali Finance method: Private-sector funds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Moderate; precast roof panels 218 Door material(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) of locks: Motor driven and remote locking, manual locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HVAC: Heating/air circulation, steam heat, forced air Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas, manual alarm stations Windows: Special security, security screens Perimeter: Building exterior only, double fence, razor wire on and between fence(s); costs included Inmate security level Maximum:0 Medium:0 Minimum: 100% Full-time equivalent Administration: 0 Security: 6 Programs and treatment: 2 Maintenance: 1 Total:9 Current inmate/staff ratio: 28.4: 1 Contracted services: Medical la'IIBiJIIIIL-.Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Prefabricated components, simple construction methods Negative: High labor costs, difficult site conditions Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Prefabricated components, simple construction methods, coordination of design Negative: Weather problems NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Maryland Sykesville ~l .. ~ h .. . Gl ' z,i: .J Q. 1I 1 I I t I a a .J IL , It w :,: a·- - ~ .J © NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 219 Jessup Pre-Release Unit Responsible official: Commissioner, Maryland Division of Corrections Contact: Thomas Corcoran, Warden, Jessup Pre-Release Unit, P.O. Box 536, Jessup, MD 20794--0536, 410--799-1363 Architect: Architectural Technologies, Inc., 8950 Route 108, Suite 218, Columbia, MD 21045, 410--995--4067 Construction Manager: Whiting-Turner Contracting Co., 300 East Joppa Road, Towson, MD 21286, 410--821-1100 Total GSF: 48,768 Total NSF: 40,052 Corrections GSF: 48,768 Corrections NSF: 40,052 Housing area GSF: 12,228 Housing area NSF: 10,158 GSF per inmate (design): 116 GSF per inmate (current): 116 NSF per inmate (design): 95 NSF per inmate (current): 95 Size of cells: 3,571 (dorm) Net/gross square feet: 82% ~~}ffli~~~~~-i®\f.®I ¾~t~'1=-~~dlW~.At¥1iltm Groundbreaking: March 1990 Finish date: July 1990 Construction time: 5 months Total: $6,300,000 Building only: Unknown Final construction cost: Lower Housing area: $1,400,000 Housing per inmate: $3,333 Housing per cell: $233,333 Total per inmate: $15,000 Total per GSF: $129.18 Total per NSF: $157.30 Total annual operating costs: $7,500,000 ■IIIIBlJlllll:illlB! Structural: Steel frame, preengineered building system Exterior walls: Preengineered building system Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete, CMU block, preengineered building system Exterior swface or facade: CMU block, glazed block Electronic technology systems: Lighting protection, staff intercommunication, inmate intercom, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, door controV monitoring, custom control panels 220 General population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Donns:420 Special population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Donns:O Total design: 420 Current population: December 1992: 420 Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: 1 Inmates per unit (design): 70 Inmates per unit (current): 70 Management type (design): Remote surveillance Management type (current): Remote surveillance Means to handle crowding: N/A Total officers per unit Day:2 Evening: 2 Midnight: 2 llr(J,. ~ L~~~,=, Contract method: Turnkey design-build Finance method: Private-sector funds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Extensive; preengineered building system Doormaterial(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) of locks: Motor driven and remote locking, manual locking Floor swface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HVAC: Heating/air circulation, forced air Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas, manual alarm stations Windows: Special security, security screens Perimeter: Building exterior only, single fence, razor wire on fence(s); costs included Inmate security level Maximum:0 Medium:0 Minimum: 100% Full-time equivalent Administration: 14 Security: 98 Programs and treatment 3 Maintenance: 5 Total: 120 Current inmate/staff ratio: 3.5: 1 Contracted services: Medical Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods, phased construction (fast track) Negative: N/A Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Simple construction methods, phased construction (fast track); advanced order of materials; coordination of design Negative: Weather problems NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction I I Maryland Jessup .• i ~· •• -' ·...,,'•~ •' ,, < : Io .; ..," . i_~ ;~ ::t.; v-,. 0 _Ii. ~i ...g ? .. : .. : :a 0 ;;; . ~ ....... ....... ~ ~ -;• . II I -·..... . ·• . ; -. ..... ·i ! ....s,w.L - ·' i © ~ .• -; ,! i -'ii ~ l i'0s e © ~ . . ~ 'i . :J - ©. . . -. a ------- ·= -~ - ., i • - -: -i . f .,. 1 ·, ':"I a .; i. ;_ il ..;, . I ·t -. . -· . . . . -~ N -~ . -. . ·~ ·.; ·: ;I .. •; ·, ~ I ! ''' & I ... I ',_I I I 'I l I I I I I I I I'l I I ' ,. m "' =--< ~ ;;; "'z • <l .. J : 0.. .. a:: ~ 0 .83., "- .: I- .. • a:: ~ "- . 8"' . NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 221 Montgomery County Detention Center Responsible official: Director, Montgomery County Department of Correction and Rehabilitation Contact: Albert Hanulik, Acting Warden, Montgomery County Detention Center, 1307 Seven Locks Road, Rockville, MD 20854, 301-294--1700 Architect: Hellmuth, Obata & Kassabaum, 1110 Vennont Avenue NW., Suite 300, Washington, DC 20005, 202-457-9400 Construction Manager: N/A Total GSF: 46,000 Total NSF: Unknown Corrections GSF: 46,000 Corrections NSF: Unknown Housing area GSF: 43,000 Housing area NSF: 23,650 GSFperinmate(design): 351 GSFperinmate (current): 176 NSF per inmate (design): Unknown NSF per inmate (current): Unknown Size of cells: 90 (single) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Groundbreaking: April 1984 Finish date: July 1986 Construction time: 26 months Total: $5,878,000 Building only: $5,278,000 Final construction cost Higher Housing area: $5,278,000 Housing per inmate: $43,983 Housing per cell: $43,983 Total per inmate: $44,870 TotalperGSF: $127.78 Total per NSF: Unknown Total annual operating costs: Unknown Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Precast panels Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface or facade: Textured concrete Electronic technology systems: CCTV surveillance, staff intercommunication, inmate intercom, paging and sound system, duress/fire alann, door control/ monitoring, custom control panels, perimeter detection/alann 222 General population Single occupancy: 120 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:0 Special population Single occupancy: 11 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:0 Total design: 131 Current population: April 1993: 262 Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: 14 Inmates per unit (design): 14 Inmates per unit (current): 28 Management type (design): Remote surveillance Management type (current): Remote surveillance Means to handle crowding: Second bunk pennanently attached Total officers per unit Day:2 Evening:2 Midnight: 2 Door material(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to common areas HVAC: Steam heat Plumbing: Stainless steel combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for common areas, sprinklers for cells and connnon areas Windows: Special security Perimeter: Building exterior only, single fence, perimeter detection/alarm; costs excluded Inmate security level Maximum:0 Medium: 100% Minimum:0 Full-time equivalent Administration: 3 Security: 38 Programs and treatment: 2 Maintenance: 0 Total:43 Current inmate/staff ratio: 6.1: 1 Contracted services: Medical, commissary Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods Negative: Difficult site conditions Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Simple construction methods Negative: Site conditions lllllLl!lllf&l:elitliJII Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: State and local general obligation bonds, cost shared by local jurisdictions Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Maryland Montgomery County --- - - -- ROOF PUN SECOND MEZZANINE PLAN FIRST MEZZANINE PLAN SECOND FLOOR PLAN NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 223 Montgomery County Detention Center Responsible official: Director, Montgomery County Department of Correction and Rehabilitation Contact: Albert Hanulik, Acting Warden, Montgomery County Detention Center, 1307 Seven Locks Road, Rockville, l'vID 20854, 301-294--1700 Architect: James A Lichty, 9948 West 87, Overland Park, KS 66206, 913-341-2356 Construction Manager: N/A Total GSF: 39,043 Total NSF: 33,427 Corrections GSF: 39,043 Corrections NSF: 33,427 Housing area GSF: 39,043 Housing area NSF: 33,427 GSFperinmate (design): 118 GSFperinmate (current): 145 NSF per inmate (design): 101 NSF per inmate (current): 124 Size of cells: 80 (single), 160 (double) Net/gross square feet: 86% Doormaterial(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Carpet, sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to common areas HYAC: Forced air . Plumbing: Stainless steel, china Furniture: Wood, vinyVplastic Fire protection: Smoke detectors for common areas, sprinklers for cells and common areas, manual alarm stations Windows: Special security JB111lllilllllliBl1111•1 General population Groundbreaking: October 1989 Finish date: July 1990 Construction time: 7 months Total: $6,700,000 Building only: $6,600,000 Final construction cost: Higher Housing area: $6,600,000 Housing per inmate: $22,000 Housing per cell: $44,000 Total per inmate: $20,303 TotalperGSF: $171.61 Total per NSF: $200.44 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Structural: Precast concrete cells Exterior walls: Precast panels Interior walls: Precast panels Exterior sutface or facade: Stucco, textured concrete Electronic technology systems: CCTV surveillance, paging and sound system, door control/monitoring Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 300 Dorms: 0 Special population Single occupancy: 22 Double occupancy: 8 Donns:0 Total design: 330 Current population: February 1993: 270 ~, ' ·ww-· · ~ t ···-·······_·, ·. ,. ,mm~;~i®'&!l -¼l~Jt~wtm~~~1fil -dill :m,m<' . "'·-".;;, •• ·»fud'. '1ilffiif~• - Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: 30 Inmates per unit (design): 60 Inmates per unit (current): 60 Management type (design): Direct supervision Management type (current): Direct supervision Means to handle crowding: Second bunk pennanently attached Total officers per unit Day: 1 Evening: 1 Midnight: 1 lltllllfjl •• Perimeter: Building exterior only, single fence, perimeter detection/alarm; costs excluded Inmate security level Maximum:0 Medium: 100% Minimum:0 Full-time equivalent Administration: 0 Security: 42 Programs and treatment 8 Maintenance: 0 Total: 50 Current inmate/staff ratio: 5.4: I Contracted services: Medical, commissary Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Prefabricated components Negative: N/A Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Prefabricated components, phased construction (fast track) Negative: N/A Contract method: Turnkey design-build Finance method: State and local general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Extensive; precast panels 224 NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Maryland Montgomery County i -l--~--"!11=1=-="""""c=!="'-"'""'"-'=F"-=""""""'=;1 l i if ·1 1 -__o=;=j=a;-=;~=;;=~;=-;=i=--=.i'!'-'rii '. lll--...-r..----.--...--=t=._-=~ , di " I ' ' t l :;: +- ... I NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 225 Patuxent Institution Responsible official: Secretary, Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services Contact: Archie Gee, Warden, Patuxent Institution, P.O. Box 7000, Jessup, :MD 20794, 410--799-3400 Architect: Architectural Technologies, Inc., 8950 Route 108, Suite 218, Columbia, :MD 21045, 410--995--4067 Construction Manager: Whiting-Turner Contracting Co., 300 East Joppa Road, Towson, :MD 21204,410--821-l 100 Total GSF: 13,785 Total NSF: 11,330 Corrections GSF: 13,785 Corrections NSF: 11,330 Housing area GSF: 13,785 Housing area NSF: 11,330 GSF per inmate (design}: 108 GSFperinmate(current): 108 NSF per inmate (design): 89 NSF per inmate (current): 89 Size of cells: 1,676 (donn) Net/gross square feet: 82% IIIIIIW1..Groundbreaking: December 1989 Finish date: June 1990 Construction time: 6 months Total: $1,300,000 Building only: $1,300,000 Final construction cost Lower Housing area: $1,300,000 Housing per inmate: $10,156 Housing per cell: $325,000 Total per inmate: $10,156 Total per GSF: $94.31 Total per NSF: $114.74 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Structural: Steel frame, precast roof panels Exterior walls: CMU block, cavity wall system Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete, CMU block, glazed block Exterior swface or facade: CMU block Electronic technology systems: Lighting protection, staff intercommunication, inmate intercom, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, door controV monitoring, custom control panels 226 Genera1 population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Donns: 124 Special population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Donns:4 Total design: 128 Current population: January 1993: 128 Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: 1 Inmates per unit (design): 32 Inmates per unit (current): 32 Management type (design): Remote surveillance Management type (current): Unknown Means to handle crowding: Unknown Total officers per unit Day: Unknown Evening: Unknown Midnight: Unknown Contract method: Turnkey design-build Finance method: State funded Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Moderate Doormaterial(s): Steel Type(s} of doors: Swinging Type(s) of locks: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HYAC: Heating/air circulation, steam heat, forced air Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for donns and common areas, manual alarm stations Windows: Special security and screens Perimeter: Building exterior only, double fence, razor wire on and between fence(s); costs included Inmate security level Maximum: 100% Medium:0 Minimum:O Full•time equivalent Administration: Unknown Security: Unknown Programs and treatment: Unknown Maintenance: Unknown Total: Unknown Current inmate/staff ratio: Unknown Contracted services: Unknown Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Prefabricated components, simple construction methods Negative: High labor costs Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Prefabricated components, simple construction methods, coordination of design Negative: Weather problems NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction z:,..:..,e'------+---' -- -~L1~1':1_ru. ~ ' ➔-H--1''"''~"---.- . - N OAYROOH J;.L, 'I.ti, 'I I ' ;! ' '''t 1'I 3·'2-BEO #'2 ,. I ,ti I @ I l 3'2-BEO . - - OORH #1 - .... • 3'2-BED .... EXIi<TtMG TUNNF.:L DORM "'3 ... -• I 9;, 1 . i - - - ~ ! I 1 DDRH .#-1: ' Norfolk County Sheriff's Office and Correctional Center Responsible official: Sheriff, Norfolk County Contact: Gifford H. Marshall, Sheriff, Norfolk County Sheriff's Office and Correctional Center, 200 West Street, Dedham, MA 02026, 617-329--0730 Architect: The Architect's Collaborative, 46 Brattle Street, Cambridge, MA 02146, 617--868-4200 Construction Manager: NIA Total GSF: 144,000 Total NSF: Unknown Corrections GSF: 144,000 Corrections NSF: Unknown Housing area GSF: Unknown Housing area NSF: Unknown GSF per inmate (design): 365 GSF per inmate (current): 409 NSF per inmate (design): Unknown NSF per inmate (current): Unknown Size of cells: 70 (single), 120 {double and donn) Net/gross square feet Unknown Groundbreaking: July 1989 Finish date: October 1991 Construction time: 27 months Total: $32,000,000 Building only: $27,800,000 Final construction cost: Lower Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $81,218 Total per GSF: $222.22 Total per NSF: Unknown Total annual operating costs: $15,200,000 Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Precast panels, cast-in-place concrete, brick futerior walls: CMU block, brick Exterior surface or facade: Brick, CMU block Electronic technology systems: Lighting protection, CCIV surveillance, staff intercommunication, inmate intercom, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, door control/monitoring, card access, custom control panels, perimeter detection/alann, satellite/cable 228 General population Single occupancy: 212 Double occupancy: 96 Donns:62 Special population Single occupancy: 23 Double occupancy: 1 Donns:0 Total design: 394 Current population: January 1993: 352 Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: Unknown Inmates per unit (design): Unknown Inmates per unit (current): Unknown Management type (design): Direct supervision Management type (current): Direct supervision Means to handle crowding: Second bunk pennanently attached Total officers per unit Day: 1 Evening: 1 Midnight 1 . w:-C8 ~ > .....,.,..,..,,.,,.,.......... ' w. ~ . • . Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: State general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Moderate; precast concrete exterior panels Door material(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Motor driven and manual locking Floor surface: Lino/sheet vinyl, carpet, vinyl tile futercom: Two-way to cells and common areas, inmate duress alann HYAC: Gas heat Plumbing: Stainless steel, china Furniture: Wood, vinyl Fire protection: Smoke detectors for common areas, sprinklers for cells and comnion areas, manual alann stations Windows: Security with horizontal steel tubes Perimeter: Single fence, perimeter patrols and detection/alann; costs included Inmate security level Maximum: 70% Medium:20% Minimum: 10% Full-time equivalent Administration: 19 Security: 123 Programs and treatment 56 Maintenance: 29 Total: 227 Current inmate/staff ratio: 1.6: 1 Contracted services: Unknown - Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Phased construction (fast track), good competition, less expensive materials Negative: Coordination between agencies Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Simple construction methods, phased construction (fast track}; advanced order of materials; coordination of design Negative: Coordination between agencies NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Massachusetts Norfolk County ,-111:XJ~ 1-<l ,.--········, H \--, :.. , :-' t--1 H 111 i ~=-""--I : D-t i --i I •. ·- :.....•..1:::r"' .. _.: -- ~ - f I>--! ~I___.·. . ...I 8 1-R MMj :::{ -~---·· . ,=:!::;!11::;::r-' -r.-·--> ; : . .. _,;,.___ ,j i"""i l I NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 229 Ionia Maximum Correctional Facility Responsible official: Director, Michigan Department of Corrections Contact: Raymond Toornbs, Warden, Ionia Maximum Correctional Facility, 1576 West Bluewater Highway, Ionia, MI 48846, 616---527-6331 Architect: R.C. Byce & Associates,487 Portage Street, Kalamazoo, MI 49007, 616---381-6170 Construction Manager: Oark Construction Company, 3225 West St Joseph Street, Lansing, MI48917, 517-372-0940 Total GSF: 263,381 Total NSF: Unknown Corrections GSF: 263,381 Corrections NSF: Unknown Housing area GSF: 125,000 Housing area NSF: Unknown GSFperinmate (design): 395 GSF per inmate (current): 450 NSF per inmate (design): Unknown NSF per inmate (current): Unknown Size of cells: 80 (single), 228 (dorm) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Groundbreaking: June 1985 Finish date: May 1987 Construction time: 20 months Total: $34,000,000 Building only: Unknown Final construction cost Same Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $51,051 Total per GSF: $129.09 Total per NSF: Unknown Total annual operating costs: $18,410,663 IIBlllllliillt!ti\llitll Structural: Load-bearing masonry Exterior walls: Brick Interior walls: Precast panels, cast-in-place concrete, CMU block, brick Exterior surtace or facade: Brick Electronic technology systems: Lighting protection, CCIV surveillance, staff intercommunication, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, door control/ monitoring, custom control panels, perimeter detection/alarm, satellite/cable 230 General population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:240 Special population Single occupancy: 426 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:0 Total design: 666 Current population: April 1993: 585 flllll1._llri~l1~1J!l:~!I Design: Linear, cells on outside walls Cells per unit: 80 Inmates per unit (design): 80 Inmates per unit (current): 75 Management type (design): Intermittent sUNeillance Management type (current): Intermittent SUNeillance Means to handle crowding: Bunk beds in cells Total officers per unit Day:6 Evening: 6 Midnight: 3 Contract method: Multiple bid packages (fast track) Finance method: State general funds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Door material(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Sliding Type(s) of locks: Motor driven and remote locking Floorsurface:Terrazo Intercom: One-way to cells, inmate duress alarm HVAC: Heating/air circulation, hot water Plumbing: Stainless steel combination unit Furniture: Steel, concrete Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas Windows: Special security Perimeter: Double fence, perimeter patrols and detection/alarm, razor wire on and between fence(s), towers, video camera surveillance; costs excluded Inmate security level Maximum: 60% Medium:40% Minimum:O Full-time equivalent Administration: 36 Security: 277 Programs and treatment: 38 Maintenance: 9 Total: 360 Current inmate/staff ratio: 1.6: 1 Contracted services: Pest control, garbage Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods, good construction management Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Simple construction methods, phased construction (fast track); coordination of design Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Michigan Ionia z ~ ~_, u.. ...J ~.J a: ;a _, I NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 231 Macomb County Jail Responsible official: Sheriff, Macomb County Contact: Dr. Donald J. Amboyer, Jail Administrator, Macomb County Jail, 43565 Elizabeth Road, Mt Clemens, MI 48043, 313--469-5024 Architect: Hellmuth, Obata & Kassabaum, Inc., 1831 Chestnut Street, St Louis, MO 63103, 314-421-2000; Wakey Associates, 30500 VanDyke Avenue, Suite M-7, Warren, MI 48093, 313--573--4100 Construction Manager: N/A Total GSF: 202,042 Total NSF: Unknown Corrections GSF: 202,042 Corrections NSF: Unknown HousingareaGSF: 167,700 Housing area NSF: Unknown GSF per inmate (design): 225 GSFper inmate (current): 228 NSF per inmate (design): Unknown NSFperinmate (current): Unknown Size of cells: 75 (single) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Groundbreaking: October 1984 Finish date: June 1987 Construction time: 32 months Total: $27,000,000 Building only: Unknown Final construction cost: Unknown Housing area: $22,400,000 Housing per inmate: $25,926 Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $30,033 Total per GSF: $133.64 Total per NSF: Unknown Total annual operating costs: $16,400,000 ·-•--•....a Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Brick Interior walls: Clay-faced tile Exterior surface or facade: Brick Electronic technology systems: CCTV surveillance, inmate intercom, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, door controVmonitoring, custom control panels General population Single occupancy: 216 Double occupancy: 648 Dorms: 0 Special population Single occupancy: 35 Doubleoccupancy:0 Dorms:0 Total design: 899 Current population: February 1993: 885 Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: 18 Inmates per unit (design): 36 Inmates per unit (current): 36 Management type (design): Remote surveillance Management type (current): Intermittent and remote surveillance, direct supervision Means to handle crowding: Mattresses on floor, second bunk permanently attached Total officers per unit Day: Unknown Evening: Unknown Midnight: Unknown ','':"}: -· Doormaterial(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Remote and manual locking Floor surface: Carpet, epoxy coating, sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to cells, two-way to common areas HVAC: Gas heat Plumbing: Stainless steel combination unit Furniture: Steel, vinyl/plastic Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas, manual alarm stations Windows: Special security Perimeter: Video camera surveillance; costs excluded Inmate security level Maximum: 25% Medium:50% Minimum: 25% -· Full-time equivalent Administration: 4 Security: 167 Programs and treatment: 65 Maintenance: 4 Total:240 Current inmate/staff ratio: 3.7: 1 Contracted services: Medical, food Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods Negative: N/A Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Simple construction methods Negative: Weather problems Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: Local general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None 232 NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Michigan Macomb County NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 233 Sergeant William Dickerson Detention Facility Responsible official: Director, Wayne County Contact: Peter Wilson, Sergeant William Dickerson Detention Facility, 3502 Hamtramck Drive, Hamtramck, MI 48211, 313--875-7006 Architect: Hellmuth, Obata & Kassabaum, Inc., 1831 Chestnut Street, St Louis, MO 63103, 314-421-2000 Construction Manager: Barton-Malow, 27777 Franklin Road, Southfield, MI 48034, 313--351-4500 Total GSF: 518,635 Total NSF: 302,306 Corrections GSF: 518,635 Corrections NSF: 302,306 Housing area GSF: Unknown Housing area NSF: Unknown GSFper inmate (design): 585 GSF per inmate (current): 960 NSFperinmate(design): 341 NSF per inmate (current): 560 Size of cells: 70.5 (single), 235 (dorm) Net/gross square feet: 50% Groundbreaking: October 1989 Finish date: September 1991 Construction time: 23 months Total: $54,975,000 Building only: $52,975,000 Final construction cost: Lower Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $62,048 Total per GSF: $106 Total per NSF: $181.85 Total annual operating costs: Unknown 1:1111111 Structural: Precast concrete frame, loadbearing exterior masonry Exterior walls: Brick, precast lintels Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete, CMU block Exterior surface or facade: Brick Electronic technology systems: CCTV surveillance, staff intercommunication, inmate inten:om, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, door controV monitoring, card access, custom control panels, satellite/cable 234 General population Single occupancy: 480 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:360 Special population Single occupancy: 46 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:0 · Total design: 886 Current population: April 1993: 540 Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: 60 Inmates per unit (design): 60 Inmates per unit (current): 60 Management type (design): Direct supervision Management type (current): Direct supervision Means to handle crowding: Transfer to another facility Total officers per unit Day: 1 Evening: 1 Midnight: 1 Contract method: Turnkey design-build Finance method: Local special, time-limited tax levy Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Moderate; prefabricated concrete columns, hollowcore planks, and lintels Doormaterial(s): Wood Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Manual locking Floor surface: Lino/sheet vinyl, carpet, sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to common areas, inmate duress alann HYAC: Gas heat, forced air Plumbing: China, stainless steel combination unit Furniture: Steel, wood, vinyl/plastic Fire protection: Smoke detectors for common areas, manual alann stations Windows: Special security Perimeter: Building exterior only, single fence, video camera surveillance; costs included Inmate security level Maxirnum:5% Medium:27% Minimum: 68% Full-time equivalent Administration: 15 Security: 125 Programs and treatment: 9 Maintenance: 4 Total: 153 Current inmate/staff ratio: 3.5: 1 Contracted services: Unknown Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Prefabricated components; simple construction methods, phased construction (fast track); less expensive materials Negative: N/A Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Simple construction methods, phased construction (fast track); advanced order of materials; coordination of design Negative: N/A NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction ALTERf,/ATIVE WORKFORCE ENTRAr,iCE ~-I 21 PUBLIC ENTRAlllCE -----, -~-J: UNIT TYPE Ill OORMITORV LEVEL ONE 1 Vohlcla Sallypo~ 2IMW•Ptopony 111..obtrf 12 VllllarW,;tlng 21- 31'-.Wolting t3 Adl'lll!llstrlllonO-s 4 Hol<llng 14 Sllff L.ocl<III 1! Tllllnlng ti 11a•c.• Z1 PIOllram 24 Exon:IN 25 Vl< aMoot.,Conlro! 380.n!BlS......S 11 Slt.fl'Oinlng 11FoodS....,. 20 L.auodly il:7~m 28 -111 Ubrory 37 Clorl<lll 30 _.WIHlng 11111-• ! IModlcal 7- • Claosilk:ation Offlc<o 9 l.t>lfi.Puq,cJoe 10 UnlHIP 17 Plllonor Lod<ara 22~ 29 Sto- 31 Nu... 32-Reeord• 33-0ffice• 34 X•Ray S5 Modica! Lab 38fltno11 39 Maln!anan011 40 CommilSal)' 41 Control UNIT TYPE Ill DORMITORY SERlllCE Hennepin County Adult Detention Center Responsible official: Sheriff, Hennepin County Contact: Michael Jalma, Captain, Hennepin County Adult Detention Center, Room 6, 300 South Fourth Street, Minneapolis, MN 55415, 612-348--8358 Architect: Setter Leach & Lindstrom, Inc., 1100 Peavey Building Second Avenue at Eighth Street, Minneapolis, MN 55402-2454, 612-338--8741 Construction Manager: N/A Total GSF: 22,650 Total NSF: Unknown Corrections GSF: 22,650 Corrections NSF: Unknown Housing area GSF: 22,650 Housing area NSF: Unknown GSFper inmate {design): 208 GSF per inmate (current): 184 NSF per inmate (design): Unknown NSF per inmate (current): Unknown Size of cells: 70 (single) Net/gross square feet: Unknown lll\lf Groundbreaking: February 1984 Finish date: July 1987 Construction time: 41 months Total: $3,207,851 Building only: $3,207,851 Final construction cost: Higher Housing area: $2,383,000 Housing per inmate: $21,862 Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $29,430 Total per GSF: $141.63 Total per NSF: Unknown Total annual operating costs: $4,310,124 Structural: Existing concrete/masoruy Exterior walls: Existing stone with new interior CMU block Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface or facade: Existing stone Electronic technology systems: CCTV surveillance, inmate intercom, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, door control/monitoring, custom control panels, satellite/cable lltllltt General population Single occupancy: 81 Double occupancy: 0 Donns:28 Special population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:O Total design: 109 Current population: January 1992: 123 l;~~i!ir~~~--"""'"'vtm"'"""'ffiL~ ~~~~i!itt~~,-~11 Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: 8 Inmates per unit (design): 8 Inmates per unit (current): 8 Management type (design): Intermittent and remote surveillance Management type (current): Intermittent and remote surveillance Means to handle crowding: Transfer to another facility, second bunk pennanently attached Total officers per unit Day:2 Evening:2 Midnight: 1 --~lj Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: Unknown Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None 236 Doormaterial(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Remote locking only Floor surface: Epoxy coating Intercom: Two-way to cells HVAC: Forced air Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas, manual alarm stations Windows: Security screens, standard Perimeter: Building exterior only; costs excluded hnnate security level Maximum: 100% Medium:O Minimum:0 .. .....21~ Full-time equivalent Administration: 1 Security: 20 Programs and treatment: 3 Maintenance: 2 Total: 26 Current inmate/staff ratio: 4.7: 1 Contracted services: Unknown Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Good competition Negative: Slow construction and lengthy building time; difficult site conditions; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems; construction phasing Factors affecting time schedule Positive: N/A Negative: Government procedures and regulations; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems; unexpected delays due to age of building Nil/National Directory of Corrections Construction Minnesota Hennepin County PLAN - 5th FLOOR HCADC QUAD 5 8 BEDS ROTUNDA VISITING Q-UAD 7 SOUTHWEST NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 237 Minnesota Correctional Facility-Shakopee Responsible official: Commissioner, Minnesota Department of Corrections Contact: Connie M. Roehrich, Superintendent, Minnesota Correctional Facility-Shakopee, 1010 West Sixth Avenue, Box 7, Shakopee, ~55379,612-496-4441 Architect: Helhnuth, Obata & Kassabaum, Inc., 1831 Chestnut Street, St Louis, MO 63103, 314-421-2000; BWBR, 400 Sibley Street, Suite 500, St Paul, MN 55101, 612-222-3701 Construction Manager: N/A Total GSF: 107,867 Total NSF: 72,050 Corrections GSF: 107,867 Corrections NSF: 72,050 Housing area GSF: Unknown Housing area NSF: Unknown GSF per inmate (design): 749 GSF per inmate (current): 740 NSF per inmate (design): 500 NSF per inmate (current): 493 Size of cells: 103 (single) Net/gross square feet: 67% 11111:{llil._l'Jlill Groundbreaking: September 1984 Finish date: August 1986 Construction time: 24 months Total: $15,000,000 Building only: Unknown · Final construction cost Lower Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: Unknown Total per GSF: $139.06 Total per NSF: $208.19 Total annual operating costs: $5,747,484 Structural: Unknown Exterior walls: Brick Interior walls: Concrete block, gypsum board, burnished block Exterior surface or facade: Brick Electronic technology systems: Unknown General population Single occupancy: 106 Double occupancy: 0 Donns:0 Special population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:0 Total design: 106 Current population: February 1993: 146 lrllllf&llllllli1Jillll1 Design: Other Cells per unit: Unknown Inmates per unit (design): Unknown Inmates per unit (current): Unknown Management type (design): Remote surveillance Management type (current): Direct supervision Means to handle crowding: Transfer to another facility, bunk beds in "wing lounge" Total officers per unit Day: 1 Evening: 2 Midnight: 1 Door material(s): Wood Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Manual locking floor surface: Oupet, quarry tile Intercom: Unknown HVAC: Multiple fuel energy plant utilizing peat and wood Plumbing: China Furniture: Unknown Fire protection: Unknown Windows: Unknown Perimeter: Single fence, perimeter border created by landscaping; costs included Inmate security level Maximum:0 Medium:0 Minimum: 100% Full-time equivalent Administration: 32 Security: 52 Programs and treatment: 20 Maintenance: 11 Total: 115 Current inmate/staff ratio: 1.3: 1 Contracted services: Medical, food Factors affecting construction costs Positive: N/A Negative: N/A Factors affecting time schedule Positive: N/A Negative: N/A Contract method: Unknown Finance method: Unknown Use of inmate labor: Unknown Use of prefabrication: Unknown 238 NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Minnesota Shakopee .·c: r------------ ::, 7 C: I I ·-.,ca 0 I I cs, I ecs, ,... I I cl I I I I --- - _ _ _ _ _ _ _J • ,- II) ,11 t __ - I I1-■--=- L I l I I N L---------~-~7--........,--'==~ I 1•- - - - - - - - - - - - \ N ,- I I I I I I I 0 IO I , - - - - - - - - - - - - __ J I I LO I N I I I _ _111111 . __ _ . II L ____________ J 0 NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction ... 0 239 Sherburne County Jail Responsible official: Sheriff, Sherburne County Contact: Stephen Daniels, Jail Administrator, Sherburne County Jail, 13880 Highway 10, P.O Box 308, Elk River, MN 55330, 612-241-2500 Architect: Birkeland Architects (out of business) Construction Manager: N/A Total GSF: 133,232 Total NSF: Unknown Corrections GSF: 22,330 Corrections NSF: Unknown Housing area GSF: 22,330 Housing area NSF: Unknown GSFper inmate (design): 447 GSF per inmate (current): 429 NSF per inmate (design): Unknown NSF per inmate (current): Unknown Size of cells: NIA Net/gross square feet: Unknown Groundbreaking: January 1987 Finish date: June 1988 Construction time: 18 months Total: Unknown Building only: Unknown Final construction cost: Unknown Housing area: $2,950,000 Housing per inmate: $59,000 Housing per cell: $59,000 Total per inmate: N/A Total per GSF: Unknown Total per NSF: Unknown Total annual operating costs: Unknown Structural: Load-bearing precast panels, cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Precast panels, cast-in-place concrete, CMU block, brick futerior walls: Precast panels, cast-in-place concrete, CMU block Exterior surface or facade: Brick Electronic technology systems: Lighting protection, ccrv srnveillance, staff intercommunication, paging and sound system, duress/fire alann, door control/ monitoring, card access, custom control panels 240 General population Single occupancy: 50 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:0 Special population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:0 Total design: 50 Current population: January 1992: 52 111111&11&4111,r1r111tfi Design: Linear, cells on outside walls Cells per unit: 4 Inmates per unit (design): 4 fumates per unit (current): 4 Management type (design): futermittent srnveillance Management type (current): Unknown Means to handle crowding: Transfer to another facility Total officers per unit Day:3 Evening: 3 Midnight: 3 lilBJ rEalfi,i Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: Local general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Door material(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging, sliding Type(s) oflocks: Remote locking, manual locking Floor surface: Carpet, epoxy coating, sealed . concrete, vinyl tile Intercom: One-way to cells and common areas, duress voice alarm HVAC: Steam heat, forced air Plumbing: Stainless steel, china Furniture: Steel, vinyl/plastic Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas, manual alann stations Windows: Standard and bars Perimeter: Building exterior only, video camera srnveillance; costs excluded Inmate security level Maximum: 12% Medium:64% Minimum: 24% Full-time equivalent Administration: 2 Security: 17 Programs and treatment: 3 Maintenance: 0 Total:22 Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.4:1 Contracted services: Unknown 1111:-.11DJ11111!~ Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Unknown Negative: Government procedures and regulations Factors affecting time schedule Positive: N/A Negative: Government procedures and regulations NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Minnesota Sherburne County (No floorplan available at time of publication) NJJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 241 Harrison County Jail Responsible official: Sheriff, Harrison County Contact: Rick Gaston, Administrator, Hamson County Jail, 10451 Larkin!. Smith Drive, Gulfport, MS 39503, 601--865-7072 Architect: Rosser Justice Systems, 524 West Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30308, 404--876--3800 Construction Manager: N/A Total GSF: Unknown Total NSF: Unknown Corrections GSF: 204,000 Corrections NSF: 127,000 Housing area GSF: Unknown Housing area NSF: Unknown GSF per inmate (design): 476 GSF per inmate (current): 408 NSF per inmate (design): 296 NSF per inmate (current): 254 Siz.e of cells: 82 (single) Net/gross square feet: 62% Groundbreaking: Unknown Finish date: Unknown Construction time: Unknown Total: $13,000,000 Building only: $12,600,000 Final construction cost: Lower Housing area: $9,000,000 Housing per inmate: $23,438 Housing per cell: $23,438 Total per inmate: N/A Total per GSF: Unknown Total per NSF: Unknown Total annual operating costs: $1,493,258 Structural: Steel frame, cast-in-place concrete frame, load-bearing CMU block Exterior walls: CMU block Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surlace or facade: EIFS Electronic technology systems: Lighting protection, CCTV sUIVeillance, staff intercommunication, inmate intercom, paging and sound system, duress/fire alann, door control/monitoring, card access, custom control panels, perimeter detection/al.arm, satellite/cable 242 General population Single occupancy: 384 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:0 Special population Single occupancy: 5 Double occupancy: 40 Donns:0 Total design: 429 Current population: January 1993: 500 - ~ -~=i! Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: Unknown Inmates per unit (design): Unknown Inmates per unit (current): Unknown Management type (design): Remote SUIVeillance Management type (current): Remote sUIVeillance, direct supervision Means to handle crowding: Transfer to another facility Total officers per unit Day: 16 Evening: 16 Midnight: 16 Contract methcxl: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance methcxl: Local general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Door material(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Remote locking only Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to common areas, inmate duress alann, general paging HVAC: Air-conditioning, gas heat, forced air Plumbing: China Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas, manual alarm stations Windows: Slit Perimeter: Building exterior only, single fence perimeter detection/al.arm; costs included Inmate security level Maximum: 17% Medium:83% Minimum:O Full-time equivalent Administration: 2 Security: 31 Programs and treatment: 4 Maintenance: 1 Total:38 Current inmate/staff ratio: 13.2: 1 Contracted services: Unknown liltFactors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods, good competition, less expensive materials, bidding alternative construction systems Negative: NIA Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Simple construction methods, coordination of design Negative: Slow response or delivery from vendor/supplier NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Mississippi Harrison County N/J/National Directory of Corrections Construction 243 Boone County Jail Responsible official: Sheriff, Boone County Contact: Warren Brewer, Division Commander, Boone County Jail, 2121 County Drive, Columbia, MO 65202, 314-875-1111 Architect: Durrant Architects, Inc., One Cycare Plaza, Dubuque, IA 52001, 319-583-9131 Construction Manager: CRSS Constructors, Inc., 106 North Seventh Street, Columbia, MO 65201, 314-874-2514 Total GSF: 53,476 Total NSF: 39,475 Corrections GSF: 38,252 Corrections NSF: 28,209 Housing area GSF: 31,913 Housing area NSF: 24,367 GSFper inmate (design): 206 GSF per inmate (current): 324 NSF per inmate (design): 152 NSF per inmate (current): 239 Size of cells: 79 (single), 126 (double), 373 (dorm) Net/gross square feet: 74% Groundbreaking: June 1989 Finish date: February 1991 Construction time: 20 months Total: $5,632,381 Building only: $5,447,400 Final construction cost: Higher Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: N/A Total per GSF: $105.32 Total per NSF: $142.68 Total annual operating costs: $1,473,699 lllllifflililtll!llllii Structural: Steel frame Exterior walls: Brick Interior walls: Precast panels, CMU block, metal stud, gypsum board Exterior surface or facade: Brick, CMU block Electronic technology systems: Unknown General population Single occupancy: 60 Double occupancy: 48 Dorms: 19 Special population Single occupancy: 5 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 50 Total design: 186 Current population: May 1992: 118 Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: 20 Inmates per unit (design): Unknown Inmates per unit (current): Unknown Management type (design): Remote surveillance, direct supervision Management type (current): Remote surveillance Means to handle crowding: N/A Total officers per unit Day:2 Evening: 2 Midnight: 2 Contract method: Multiple bid packages (fast track) Finance method: Local special, time-limited tax levy Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited; precast concrete panels 244 Doormaterial(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging, sliding Type(s) of locks: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete · Intercom: Two-way to cells, inmate duress alarm HVAC: Forced air, air to air heat/recovery, direct digital control system Plumbing: Stainless steel combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas, manual alarm stations Windows: Security glass block Perimeter: Double razor wire on and between fence(s), video camera surveillance; costs included Inmate security level Maximum: 16% Medium:21% Minimum: 63% llll&IIIIJIEtlill1i11 Full-time equivalent Administration: 6 Security: 26 Programs and treatment 0 Maintenance: 3 Total:35 Current inmate/staff ratio: 3.4: 1 Contracted services: Medical 1E~-~illllll[_:l'1fllillJ Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods, phased construction (fast track); good competition Negative: N/A Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Simple construction methods; phased construction (fast track); advanced order of materials; coordination of design Negative: NIA N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction Missouri Boone County • ! n .. ii ·... .:; ~. . . . . • ··rrI . . . I i I I • I "ij ,..____., t NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction ••T· ·' ...._ ,· ! ~~·· 245 Fulton Reception and Diagnostic Center . Responsible official: Director, Missouri Department of Corrections Contact: Donald L. Smith, Superintendent, Fulton Reception and Diagnostic Center, P.O. Box 190, State Route 0, Fulton, MO 65251, 314-592-4040 Architect: Hoffman DeMichele, Inc., 710 North Second Street, Suite 200 South, St Louis, MO 63102, 314-621-0700 Construction Manager: CRSS Constructors, Inc., 106 North Seventh Street, Columbia, MO 65201, 314--874-2514 Total GSF: 297,000 Total NSF: 194,000 Corrections GSF: 297,000 Corrections NSF: 194,000 Housing area GSF: 297,000 Housing area NSF: 194,000 GSF per inmate (design): 580 GSF per inmate (current): 280 NSF per inmate (design): 380 NSF per inmate (current): 183 Size of cells: 84 (single) Net/gross square feet: 65% QIIJflll81~~1~~~ll~~-~ffi~I~J~~1 Groundbreaking: September 1984 Finish date: May 1987 Construction time: 24 months Total: $29,094,184 Building only: Unknown Final construction cost Lower Housing area: $18,000,000 Housing per inmate: $35,156 Housing per cell: $35,156 Total per inmate: $56,825 Total per GSF: $97.96 Total per NSF: $149.97 Total annual operating costs: $3,097,710 Structural: Steel frame, cast-in-place concrete frame, load-bearing CMU block Exterior walls: CMU block Interior walls: CMU block Exterior sruface or facade: Brick, CMU block Electronic technology systems: CCTV surveillance, inmate intercom, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, door control/monitoring, satellite/cable, joint domain system, taut wire system, fence disturbance system 246 General population Single occupancy: 512 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:0 Special population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:0 Total design: 512 Current population: December 1992: 1,062 Design: Linear, cells on outside walls Cells per unit: 64 Inmates per unit (design): 64 Inmates per unit (current): 128 Management type (design): Remote surveillance Management type (current): Remote surveillance Means to handle crowding: Transfer to another facility, mattresses on floor, beds in dayroom, second bunk Total officers per unit Day:2 Evening: 2 Midnight: 2 Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: State general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Door material(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Remote locking only Floor sruface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to common areas, inmate duress alarm, general paging throughout HVAC: Heating/air circulation, gas heat Plumbing: China Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas, manual alarm stations Windows: Special security Perimeter: Double fence, perimeter detection/alarm, razor wire on and between fence(s), towers; costs included Inmate security level Maximum: 81 % Medium: 19% Minimum:0 Full-time equivalent Administration: I0 Security: 143 Programs and treatment: 111 Maintenance: I6 Total:270 Current inmate/staff ratio: 3.9: 1 Contracted services: N/A Blllli§i-iiti111iili~ Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods, phased construction (fast track); good competition Negative: High labor costs; difficult site conditions; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Simple construction methods, phased construction (fast track); coordination of design Negative: Slow response or delivery from vendor/supplier; weather problems; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Missouri Fulton NU/National Directory of Corrections Construction 247 Marion County Jail and Law Enforcement Center Responsible official: Presiding Commissioner, Marion County Contact: Dan Campbell, Sheriff, Marion County Jail and Law Enforcement Center, 210 West Lafayette, Pahnyra. MO 63461, 314-769-2077 Architect: Abend Singleton Associates, Inc., 1200 Grand Avenue, Kansas City, MO 64106, 816--221-5011 Construction Manager: N/A Total GSF: 29,700 Total NSF: Unknown Corrections GSF: 24,200 Corrections NSF: Unknown Housing area GSF: 19,500 Housing area NSF: 18,600 GSFperinmate (design): 267 GSF per inmate (current): 733 NSF per inmate (design): Unknown NSF per inmate (current): Unknown Siz.e of cells: 60.7 (single), 115 (double) Net/gross square feet Unknown Groundbreaking: June 1991 Finish date: September 1992 Construction time: 15 months Total: $3,176,000 Building only: $3,075,930 Final construction cost Unknown Housing area: $2,220,000 Housing per inmate: $30,833 Housing per cell: $37,000 Total per inmate: N/A TotalperGSF: $106.94 Total per NSF: Unknown Total annual operating costs: $907,222 Structural: Steel frame, load-bearing masonry walls Exterior walls: CMU block, brick Interior walls: CMU block Exterior swface or facade: Brick, glazed CMU block, split face Electronic technology systems: CCTV surveillance, staff intercommunication, inmate intercom, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, door control/ monitoring, custom control panels General population Single occupancy: 48 Double occupancy: 32 Dorms:0 Special population Single occupancy: 5 Double occupancy: 0 Danns: 5 Total design: 90 Current population: January 1993: 33 Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: Unknown hnnates per unit (design): Unknown Inmates per unit (current): Unknown Management type (design): Remote surveillance Management type (current): Intermittent surveillance Means to handle crowding: N/A Total officers per unit Day:3 Evening: 2 Midnight:2 Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: Local general obligation Door material(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) of locks: Motor driven and remote locking Floor swface: Epoxy coating Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HVAC: Gas heat, forced air . Plwnbing: Stainless steel combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas, manual alarm stations Windows: Slit and special security Perimeter: Building exterior only; costs included Inmate security level Maximwn: 10% Medium:80% Minimwn: 10% Full-time equivalent Administration: 3 Security: 22 Programs and treatment: 3 Maintenance: 1 Total:29 Current inmate/staff ratio: 1.1: 1 Contracted services: Phone Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods, good competition Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Simple construction methods Negative: Weather problems; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems bonds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None 248 NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Missouri Marion County NU/National Directory of Corrections Construction 249 Western Missouri Correctional Center Responsible official: Director, Missouri Department of Corrections Contact: Michael L. Kemna, Superintendent, Western Missouri Correctional Center, Route 5, Box IE, Cameron, MO 64429-0376, 816--632-1390 Architect: Howard, Needles, Tammen & Bergendoff, 1201 Walnut, Kansas City, MO 64106, 816--472-1201 Construction Manager: N/A Total GSF: 462,865 Total NSF: Unknown Corrections GSF: 462,865 Corrections NSF: Unknown Housing area GSF: Unknown Housing area NSF: Unknown GSF per inmate (design): 444 GSF per inmate (current): Unknown NSF per inmate (design): Unknown NSF per inmate (current): Unknown Size of cells: 85,9 (double) Net/gross square feet: Unknown lllllPAilllBlllll111i:lf:i_ll Groundbreaking: January 1987 Finish date: September 1988 Construction time: 20 months Total: $41,901,119 Building only: $33,500,000 Final construction cost: Higher Housing area: $2,000,000 Housing per inmate: $1,012 Housing per cell: $2,000 Total per inmate: $21,215 Total per GSF: $90.52 Total per NSF: Unknown Total annual operating costs: $16,756,917 111111111Ulll&illltl111snuctura1: Steel frame, precast concrete cells, load-bearing CMU block Exterior walls: Precast panels, CMU block Interior walls: Precast panels, CMU block Exterior srnface or facade: Stucco, CMU block, precast walls, colored metal roofs Electronic technology systems: ccrv surveillance, staff intercommunication, inmate intercom, paging and sound system, duress/fire alann, door control/ monitoring, custom control panels, perimeter detection/alann, satellite/cable 250 General population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 2,000 Dorms: 0 Special population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:0 Total design: 2,000 Current population: January 1993: 1,975 ~,~~~~U41Si ~~,iir£~~~'}fulli~W./$;~Wffi,rnm% Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: 100 Inmates per unit (design): 200 Inmates per unit (current): 200 Management type (design): Intermittent and remote surveillance, direct supervision Management type (current): Direct supervision Means to handle crowding: N/A Total officers per unit Day:3 Evening: 3 Midnight: 3 litlii&llllell1111811 Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: Unknown Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited; precast exterior walls Door material(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Remote locking only Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to common areas HVAC: Heating/air circulation, forced air Plumbing: Stainless steel, china Furniture: Unknown Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas Windows: Slit Perimeter: Building exterior only, double fence, perimeter patrols and detection/ alann, razor wire on fence(s), video camera surveillance; costs included Inmate security level Maximum: 30% Medium:70% Minimum:0 ~llEillllltlllfilJIIJII Full-time equivalent Administration: 10 Security: 376 Programs and treatment: 148 Maintenance: 31 Total:565 Current inmate/staff ratio: 3.5:1 Contracted services: Unknown -c-B~in.[@.i.~.•.·~ . /'.fo/~ ±>" @rA1$*.;n.·.1.,·.jj/:·:r· 1 ,MW.~ ~ ' ~~J;g_Mt?iim~<$1il&~2o1tl- Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Prefabricated components, simple construction methods, good competition Negative: N/A Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Simple construction methods, advanced order of materials Negative: Slow response or delivery from vendor/supplier; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Missouri Cameron I . ® ► II! ::, I \ I I l;- u == ::E 0 ::, 0 Z5 w ..J I&. ::& 0 .. z ~6 ::, a:: C, I I I / / I / I I i,. ' . @ z c., m i ' \ \ \ \ '·, :, : ~ \ \ . ·,. '·, ' ·. ··.,\\s:--\ \:_ ,, . ···\ \ I I I \ \ \ \ G NU/National Directory of Corrections Construction 251 Ely State Prison Responsible official: Director, Nevada Department of Prisons Contact: Chuck Wolff, Associate Warden, Ely State Prison, P.O. Box 1989, Ely, NV 89301, 702-289--8800 Architect: Ganthner, Melby, Lee Architects and Planners, 5190 Neil Road, #231, Reno, NV 89502, 702-829--8814 Construction Manager: N/A Total GSF: 387,220 Total NSF: 348,498 Corrections GSF: 387,220 Corrections NSF: 348,498 Housing area GSF: 238,960 Housing area NSF: 215,064 GSFper inmate (design): 384 GSFperinmate (current): Unknown NSF per inmate (design): 346 NSF per inmate (current): Unknown Size of cells: 86 (single and double) Net/gross square feet: 90% Groundbreaking: August 1987 Finish date: December 1990 Construction time: 40 months Total: $52,000,000 Building only: Unknown Final construction cost: Higher Housing area: $25,000,000 Housing per inmate: $24,802 Housing per cell: $31,888 Total per inmate: $51,587 Total per GSF: $134.29 Total per NSF: $149.21 Total annual operating costs: $14,000,000 lliJJIJ!ll!III[~. . Structural: Load-bearing precast panels, steel frame, cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: CMU block Interior walls: Precast panels, cast-in-place concrete, CMU block Exterior surface or facade: Stucco, natural wall, CMU block Electronic technology systems: Lighting protection, CCTV surveillance, staff intercommunication, inmate intercom, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, door control/monitoring, custom control panels, satellite/cable 252 General population Single occupancy: 576 Double occupancy: 384 Danns: 16 Special population Single occupancy: 32 Double occupancy: 0 Donns:0 Total design: 1,008 Current population: Unknown ~'111Rlt111(1fl Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: 96 Inmates per unit (design): 96 Inmates per unit (current): Unknown Management type (design): Remote surveillance Management type (current): Unknown Means to handle crowding: Unknown Total officers per unit Day: Unknown Evening: Unknown Midnight: Unknown ~~~~Sfil'l:"TI®IJ'W ~,~~~~~M@1~i~ Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: State general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Door material(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Sliding Type(s) oflocks: Manual locking, motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to cells HVAC: Air-conditioning, heating/air circulation Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas Windows: Slit ~~-Wilii ---....... _.· ,.,J ~t.m:~ Perimeter: Double fence, razor wire on and between fence(s), towers, perimeter patrols; costs included Inmate security level Maximum: 98% Medium:O Minimum:2% Full-time equivalent Administration: Unknown Security: Unknown Programs and treatment: Unknown Maintenance: Unknown Total: 0 Current inmate/staff ratio: Unknown Contracted services: Unknown ~~•~*~~1!zl ~~~~ Factors affecting construction costs Positive:· Simple construction methods Negative: Slow construction and lengthy building time, high labor costs, difficult site conditions Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Coordination of design Negative: Weather problems NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Nevada Ely NU/National Directory of Corrections Construction 253 Cumberland County Jail Responsible official: Sheriff, Cumberland County Contact: Captain Dennis Flukey, Undersheriff, Cwnberland County Jail, 54 West Broad Street, Bridgeton, NJ 08332, 609-451--8000 Architect: VitettaGroup, 642 North Broad Street, The Wallace Building, Philadelphia, PA 19130, 215-235-3500; K.A. Parsons Associates, 605 Wagner Road, Studio I, Lafayette Hill, PA 19444-2024, 215--828--4193 Construction Manager: N/A Total GSF: Unknown Total NSF: 28,460 Corrections GSF: Unknown Corrections NSF: 28,460 Housing area GSF: 17,024 Housing area NSF: 10,640 GSF per inmate (design): Unknown GSFperimnate(current):Unknown NSF per inmate (design): 285 NSF per inmate (current): 75 Size of cells: 70 (single) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Groundbreaking: Unknown Finish date: January 1988 Construction time: Unknown Total: $6,200,000 Building only: Unknown Final construction cost: Lower Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $62,000 Total per GSF: Unknown Total per NSF: $217 .85 Total annual operating costs: $2,177,000 Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: CMU block, brick Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface or facade: Brick Electronic technology systems: Lighting protection, CCTV surveillance, staff intercommunication, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, door controV monitoring, custom control panels General population Single occupancy: 96 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:0 Special population Single occupancy: 4 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Total design: 100 Current population: October 1992: 380 Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: 96 Inmates per unit (design): 96 Inmates per unit (current): Unknown Management type (design): Remote surveillance, direct supetvision Management type (current): Intennittent surveillance, direct supetvision Means to handle crowding: Bunk beds in cells, mattresses on floor Total officers per unit Day: 17 Evening: 17 Midnight: 15 1111Bllli1illltltlill1!4 Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: Local general obligation bonds, State contribution Use of inmate labor: Limited; painting and site cleaning Use of prefabrication: None 254 Door material(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging, sliding Type(s) oflocks: Remote locking only Floor surface: Sealed concrete, vinyl tile, tile in kitchen futercom: Two-way to common areas, inmate duress alarm HYAC: Air-conditioning, steam heat Plumbing: China, stainless steel combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas, manual alarm stations Windows: Special security Perimeter: Building exterior only, video camera surveillance, razor wire on walls in exercise yard; costs included Inmate security level Maximwn:4% Mediwn:96% Minimum:0% Full-time equivalent Administration: 16 Security: 108 Programs and treatment: 6 · Maintenance: 1 Total: 131 Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.9: 1 Contracted services: Unknown l1Blfll!arlf~111 Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Good competition, good contractor Negative: Difficult site conditions Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Advanced order of materials, coordination of design Negative: Weather problems, political issues NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction New Jersey Cumberland County C: Cll 0:: Ol C: "in :::, 0 I ro u ·a. ~ C: Cll 0:: 2 lf.l a3 > Q) _J Q) C: ·c ro N N Cl) ~ Ol C: ·en ::::i 0 I NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 255 Federal Correctional Institution-Fairton Responsible official: Director, Federal Bureau of Prisons Contact: :Michael Cooksey, Warden, Federal Correctional Institution-Fairton, P.O. Box 280, Highway 698, Fairton, NJ 08320, 609--4-53-1177 Architect: Vitetta Group, 642 North Broad Street, The Wallace Building, Philadelphia, PA 19130, 215-235-3500 Construction Manager: Morse Diesel, 120 Wood Avenue South, Suite 500, Iselin, NJ 08830, 908--494--1800 Total GSF: 340,000 Total NSF: 212,500 Corrections GSF: 340,000 Corrections NSF: 212,500 Housing area GSF: 105,000 Housing area NSF: 88,000 GSF per inmate (design): 340 GSF per inmate (current): 362 NSF per inmate (design): 213 NSF per inmate (current): 227 Size of cells: 80 (single) Net/gross square feet: 62.5% Groundbreaking: October 1987 Finish date: January 1990 Construction time: 27 months Total: $50,700,000 Building only: $43,200,000 Final construction cost: Higher Housing area: $13,800,000 Housing per inmate: $14,375 Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $50,700 Total per GSF: $149.11 Total per NSF: $238.59 Total annual operating costs: $18,200,000 Structural: Load-bearing precast panels, steel frame Exterior walls: CMU block Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface or facade: CMU block Electronic technology systems: Staff intercommunication, inmate in~rcom, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, door controVmonitoring, perimeter detection/alarm 256 General population Single occupancy: 960 Double occupancy: 0 Donns:0 Special population Single occupancy: 40 Double occupancy: 0 Donns:0 Total design: 1,000 Current population: February 1993: 938 Dlll?Bllll!flil~i111i1tk~1 Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: 120 Irunates per unit (design): 120 Irunates per unit (current): Unknown Management type (design): Direct supervision Management type (current): Direct supervision Means to handle crowding: N/A Total officers per unit Day:2 Evening: 2 :Midnight: I liall-~~-· Door material(s): Wood Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Manual locking Floor surface: Vinyl tile Intercom: One-way to cells HV AC: Gas heat Plumbing: China Furniture: Wood Fire protection: Smoke detectors for common areas, sprinklers for cells and common manual alarm stations Windows: Standard and bars areas, Perimeter: Double fence; costs included Inmate security level Maximum:0 Medium:0 :Minimum: 100% Full-time equivalent Administration: 28 Security: 109 Programs and treatment: 42 Maintenance: 24 Total:203 Current inmate/staff ratio: Unknown Contracted services: Unknown - Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods, less expensive materials Negative: High labor costs; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Simple construction methods Negative: Slow response or delivery from vendor/supplier, labor problems Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: Federal funds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction New Jersey Fairton NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 257 Monmouth County Correction Institution Responsible official: Sheriff, Monmouth County Contact: Clifford l Daniels, Warden, Monmouth County Correction Instiwtion, 1 Wateiworlcs Road, Freehold, NJ 07728, 908--431--6524 Architect: Grad Partnership, One Gateway Center, Newarlc, NJ 07102-5388, 201--621-1700 Construction Manager: N/A Total GSF: 26,000 Total NSF: 18,600 Corrections GSF: 26,000 Corrections NSF: I 8,600 Housing area GSF: 26,000 Housing area NSF: 18,600 GSF per inmate (design): 102 GSF per inmate (current): 103 NSF per inmate (design): 73 NSFperinmate (current): 74 Size of cells: 80 (double) Net/gross square feet: 72% 11111181111:allllPJtlil Groundbreaking: March 1983 Finish date: October 1985 Construction time: 31 months Total: $11,000,000 Building only: Unknown Final construction cost Higher Housing area: $6,000,000 Housing per inmate: $23,438 Housing per cell: $46,875 Total per inmate: $42,968 Total perGSF: $423.08 Total per NSF: $591 .40 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Strucwral: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Drivit on concrete Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete, CMU block Exterior surface or facade: Stucco Electronic technology systems: Lighting protection, CCTV surveillance, staff intercommunication, paging and sound system, duress/fire alann, door controV monitoring, custom control panels, perimeter detection/alann 258 General popuJation Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 256 Dorms:O Special popuJation Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Total design: 256 Current population: January 1992: 252 Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: 64 Inmates per unit (design): 128 Inmates per unit (current): 128 Management type (design): Remote surveillance Management type (current): Intermittent surveillance, direct supervision Means to handle crowding: Beds in dayroom Total officers per unit Day: 1 Evening: 1 Midnight: 1 ---.~- Door material(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Remote locking only Floorsurface:Epoxycoating Intercom: Two-way to common areas HVAC: Air-conditioning, forced air Plumbing: Stainless steel combination unit Furniwre: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas Windows: Slit and special security Perimeter: Building exterior only, single · fence; costs excluded Inmate security level Maximum: 100% Medium:O Minimum:O Full-time equivalent Administration: l Security: 30 Programs and treatment: 6 Maintenance: 2 Total:39 Current inmate/staffratio: 6.5: 1 Contracted services: Food Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Good competition Negative: Slow construction and lengthy building time; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Coordination of design Negative: Slow response or delivery from vendor/supplier; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: State and local general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction New Jersey Monmouth County - ~-!...LLLi ~F UJJJJJJ _ _ J.-j--l. _ _ _-lL ;,... . I I~. ---~... ·mrr1 ~ ----r_,I r i •-; ~1 ~ ~, ---1~ t- ' M-.---1 ~im j . I i ,<_ & = ~1 I NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 259 Cattaraugus County Jail Responsible official: Sheriff, Cattaraugus County Contact: Jeny E. Burrell, Sheriff, Cattaraugus County Jail, 301 Court Street, Little Valley, NY 14755, 716-938-9191 Architect: Habiterra Associates, 1279 North Main Street, P.O. Box 609, Jamestown, NY 14702--0609, 716--664-4710 Construction Manager: N/A Total GSF: 57,821 Total NSF: 43,366 Corrections GSF: 33,536 Corrections NSF: 25,152 Housing area GSF: 30,258 Housing area NSF: 8,470 GSF per inmate (design): 438 GSF per inmate (current): Unknown NSF per inmate (design): 328 NSF per inmate (current): Unknown Size of cells: 70 (single) Net/gross square feet: 75% matllllllllllt!Jrfll Groundbreaking: June 1991 Finish date: April 1993 Construction time: 22 months Total: $4,767,230 Building only: $4,651,330 Final construction cost: Higher Housing area: $2,791,000 Housing per inmate: $22,508 Housing per cell: $22,508 Total per inmate: $36,115 Total per GSF: $82.45 Total per NSF: $109.93 Total annual operating costs: Unknown ~~-&m4iliie~~=~=~~ <·": >: Structural: Load-bearing CMU block & 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 0 ~ · ~ - - - Exterior walls: CMU block Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface or facade: Brick Electronic technology systems: CCTV surveillance, staff intercommunication, duress/fire alarm, door controVmonitoring, custom control panels, satellite/cable General population Single occupancy: 124 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:0 Special population Single occupancy: 8 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Total design: 132 Current population: Unknown Dl111!3111L.V,Alllllt Design: Mcxlular/pod Cells per unit 12 Inmates per unit (design): 12 Inmates per unit (current): 12 Management type (design): Direct supeIVision Management type (current): Direct supervision Means to handle crowding: Beds in recreation room Total officers per unit Day: Unknown Evening: Unknown Midnight: Unknown Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance methcxl: Local general obligation bonds, fixed financing rate Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited; precast concrete plank 260 Doormaterial(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Remote locking only Floor surface: Epoxy coating, vinyl tile Intercom: Two-way to common areas HVAC: Heating/air circulation only, gas heat, forced air Plumbing: Stainless steel combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for common areas, sprinklers for cells and common areas, manual alarm stations Windows: Special security Perimeter: Building exterior only; costs included Inmate security level Maximum: 58% Medium:37% Minimum:5% Full-time equivalent Administration: Unknown Security: Unknown Programs and treatment: Unknown Maintenance: Unknown Total: Unknown Current inmate/staff ratio: Unknown Contracted services: Unknown 181 ~,~'F~~ "?cl! Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Good competition, less expensive materials Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Coordination of design Negative: Weather problems; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems NJJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction New York Cattaraugus County MAXIMUM SECURITY 1 EXIST ADDN OUTDOOR EXERCISE EXISTING ADDITION MEDIUM SECURITY NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 261 Genesee County Jail Responsible official: Genesee Sheriff, Genesee County Contact: Robert Stevens, Chief Deputy, Genesee County Jail, 14 West Main Street., P.O. Box 151, Batavia, NY 14020--0I51, 716--343-0911 Architect: Habiterra, 1279 North Main Street P.O. Box 609, Jamestown, NY 14702, 716--664--4710 Construction Manager: N/A Total GSF: 36,556 Total NSF: 26,837 Corrections GSF: 24,967 Corrections NSF: 18,725 Housing area GSF: 15,335 HousingareaNSF: 11,501 GSF per inmate (design): 555 GSF per inmate (current): 454 NSF per inmate (design): 416 NSFperinmate (current): 340 Size of cells: 42 (single), 360 (dorm) Net/gross square feet: 73% Groundbreaking: June 1984 Finish date: January 1987 Construction time: 30 months Total: $3,500,000 Building only: 2,500,000 Final construction cost: Higher Housing area: $1,600,000 Housing per inmate: $35,555 Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: N/A Total per GSF: $95.74 Total per NSF: $130.42 Total annual operating costs: $1,212,279 Structural:Steelframe Exterior walls: CMU block Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface or facade: Brick Electronic technology systems: ccrv surveillance, staff intercommunication, inmate intercom, duress/fire alarm, door controVmonitoring, satellite/cable General population Single occupancy: 30 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 12 Special population Single occupancy: 3 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:0 Total design: 45 Current population: January 1992: 55 IIIE1'1-1rlll1 Design: Linear, cells on outside walls Cells per unit: 1 Inmates per unit (design): 3 Inmates per unit (current): Unknown Management type (design): Intermittent surveillance Management type (current): Intermittent surveillance Means to handle crowding: Transfer to another facility, beds in dayroom Total officers per unit Day:6 Evening: 6 Midnight: 4 Door material(s): Aluminum Type(s) of doors: Sliding Type(s) of locks: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Epoxy coating Intercom: One-way to common areas HVAC: Forced air Plumbing: Stainless steel combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Manual alarm stations Windows: Special security Perimeter: Building exterior only; costs included Inmate security level Maximum: 71 % Medium:29% Minimum:O Full-time equivalent Administration: 2 Security: 21 Programs and treatment: 7 Maintenance: 3 Total:33 Current inmate/staff ratio: 1.7: 1 Contracted services: Medical Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Good competition Negative: Slow construction and lengthy building time Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Simple construction methods Negative: General contractor went bankrupt Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: Local general obligation bonds, fixed financing rate Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited; precast concrete plank flooring 262 NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction New York Genesee Cowity RECREATION MEDIUM SECURITY ADDITION EXISTING MAXIMUM SECURITY SHERIFF"$ DEPARTMENT NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 263 Metro Jefferson Public Safety Building Responsible official: Sheriff, Jefferson County Contact: Donald Newbeny, Sheriff, Metro Jefferson Public Safety Building, 753 City Center Drive West, Watertown, NY 13601, 315-786--2660 . Architect: Robertson Strong Apgar Architects, 1054 James Street, Syracuse, NY 13203, 315--472-7761 Construction Manager: N/A Total GSF: 115,800 Total NSF: 86,500 Corrections GSF: 68,600 Corrections NSF: 48,000 Housing area GSF: 43,700 Housing area NSF: 36,500 GSF per inmate (design): 379 GSF per inmate (current): 418 NSF per inmate (design): 265 NSF per inmate (current}: 293 Size of cells: 80 (single) Nel/gross square feet: 75% Groundbreaking: November 1989 Finish date: Febuacy 1992 Construction time: 26 months Total: $14,000,000 Building only: $14,000,000 Final construction cost: Same Housing area: $7,600,000 Housing per inmate: $46,341 Housing per cell: $46,341 Total per inmate: N/A Total per GSF: $120.90 Total per NSF: $161.85 Total annual operating costs: $1,373,935 Structural: Precast concrete plank on loadbearing CMU block Exterior walls: CMU block Interior walls: CMU block Exterior sUiface or facade: CMU block Electronic technology systems: CCTV surveillance, staff intercommunication, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, door controVmonitoring, custom controlpanels 264 General population Single occupancy: I64 Double occupancy: 0 Danns: 0 Special population Single occupancy: 17 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Total design: 181 Current population: January 1992: 164 Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: 32 fumates per unit (design): 32 fumates per unit (current): 32 Management type (design): Direct supervision Management type (current): Direct supervision Means to handle crowding: N/A Total officers per unit Day:7 Evening: 7 Midnight: 6 Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild, multiple bid packages (fast track) Finance method: Local general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Doormaterial(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Remote locking only Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to common areas HVAC: Gas heat, forced air Plumbing: China, stainless steel combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas, sprinklers for common areas, manual alarm stations Windows: Slit Perimeter: Building exterior only; costs excluded Inmate security level Maximum:O Medium: 100% Minimum:0 Full-time equivalent Administration: 8 Security: 52 Programs and treatment: 7 Maintenance: 4 Total:71 Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.3: 1 Contracted services: Unknown Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods, phased construction (fast track); good competition; less expensive materials Negative: Difficult site conditions; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Phased construction (fast track), advanced order of materials, coordination of design Negative: Slow response or delivery from vendor/supplier Nil/National Directory of Corrections Construction New York Jefferson County z 0 ~ i... · (I) w > :! w z 0 ~ C ...a: 0 z :I Cl C CJ w 2 :::i :::i z ~ z 60:z: u w CJ ,:!~ ~~I OCJ 0 0 I 0 I= •=... en all l 0 d I B d ' C 8~ NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 265 Saratoga County Law Enforcement Center Responsible official: Sheriff, Saratoga County . Contact: James Bowen, Sheriff, Saratoga County Law Enforcement Center, 5010 County Fann Road, Ballston Spa, NY 12020, 518-885-5381 Architect: Rosser Justice Systems, 524 West Peachtree Street, Atlanta. GA 30308, 404-876-3800 Construction Manager: NIA Total GSF: Unknown Total NSF: Unknown Corrections GSF: 104,000 Corrections NSF: 64,000 Housing area GSF: 94,000 Housing area NSF: 54,000 GSF per inmate (design): 619 GSF per inmate (current): Unknown NSF per inmate (design): 381 NSF per inmate (current): Unknown Sizeofcells:Unknown Net/gross square feet: 62% Groundbreaking: October 1986 Finish date: April 1988 Construction time: 19 months Total: $10,000,000 Building only: $9,200,000 Final construction cost: Higher Housing area: $7,000,000 Housing per inmate: $41,667 Housing per cell: $41,667 Total per inmate: NIA Total per GSF: $96.15 Total per NSF: $156.25 Total annual operating costs: Unknown &.aWlilimllillllll Structural: Steel frame, cast-in-place concrete frame, load-bearing CMU block Exterior walls: CMU block Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface or facade: ElFS Electronic technology systems: Lighting protection, ccrv surveillance, staff interconnnunication, inmate intercom, paging and sound system, duress/fire alann, door controVmonitoring, custom control panels, perimeter detection/alann, satellite/cable, metal detection, watch tower system 266 Doormaterial(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Remote locking only Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to connnon areas, inmate duress alann, general paging throughout HVAC: Air-conditioning, gas heat, forced air Plumbing: China Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and connnon areas, manual alarm stations Windows: Slit General population Single occupancy: 168 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:O Special population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Donns:O Total design: 168 Current population: Unknown Perimeter: Building exterior only, double fence, perimeter detection/alarm; costs included Inmate security level Maximum: 38% Medium:62% Minimum:0 Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: Unknown Inmates per unit (design): Unknown Inmates per unit (current): Unknown Management type (design): Remote surveillance Management type (current): Unknown Means to handle crowding: Unknown Full-time equivalent Administration: Unknown Security: Unknown Programs and treatment: Unknown Maintenance: Unknown Total: Unknown Current inmate/staff ratio: Unknown Contracted services: Unknown --Total officers per unit Day: Unknown Evening: Unknown Midnight: Unknown Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: Local general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods, less expensive materials Negative: High labor costs Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Simple construction methods Negative: Labor problems, weather problems NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction New York Saratoga County NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 267 Duplin County Jail Responsible official: Sheriff, Duplin County Contact: Jesse Scott, Sergeant, Duplin County Jail, P.O. Box 206, NC 11 South, Kenansville, NC 28349, 919--296--2150 Architect: Ron Webb (outofbusiness) Construction Manager: N/A Total GSF: 2,400 Total NSF: 2,400 Corrections GSF: 2,400 Corrections NSF: 2,400 Housing area GSF: 2,400 Housing area NSF: 2,400 GSF per inmate (design): 60 GSFperinmate(current}: 160 NSF per inmate (design): 60 NSF per inmate (current): 160 Size of cells: N/A Net/gross square feet: N/A Groundbreaking: September 1989 Finish date: March 1991 Construction time: 18 months Total: $125,000 Building only: $125,000 Final construction cost: Unknown Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $3,125 Total per GSF: $52.08 Total per NSF: $52.08 Total annual operating costs: Unknown ~~M'~~'%"""'"""Mli111 ~,a~mrtrAlli~ Structural:Steelframe Exterior walls: Metal building Interiorwalls:Metal,sheetrock Electronic technology systems: Duress/fire alarm, door controVmonitoring, perimeter detection/alann General population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Donns:40 Special population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:0 Total design: 40 Current population: December 1992: 15 llllll!IUJitilllllllili■r~ Design: Dormitory Cells per unit: 1 Inmates per unit (design): 40 Inmates per unit (current): 15 Management type (design): Direct supervision Management type (current): Remote surveillance Means to handle crowding: NIA Tot.al officers per unit Day: 1 Evening: 1 Midnight: 1 Doormaterial(s): Unknown Type(s) of doors: Unknown Type(s) oflocks: Unknown Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: N/A HVAC: Heating/air circulation, forced air Plumbing: China Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for dorms and common areas Windows: No bars - Perimeter: Single fence, perimeter detection/alarm, razor wire on fence(s); costs included Inmate security level Maximum:0 Medium:O Minimum: 100% Full-time equivalent Administration: 0 Security: 4 Programs and treatment: 0 Maintenance: 0 Total:4 Current inmate/staff ratio: 3.8: I Contracted services: None Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Good competition Negative: N/A Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Simple construction methods Negative: N/A lllllilltl\lllllafall~ Contract method: Turnkey design-build Finance method: County tax Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None 268 NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction North Carolina Duplin County (No floorplan available at time of publication) NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 269 Durham County Jail Annex Responsible official: Sheriff, Durham County Contact: Director Cote, Durham County Jail Annex, 300 East Main Street, Durham, NC 27701, 919-560--0010 Architect: O'Brien Atkins Associates, P.O. Box 12037, Research Triangle Park, NC 27700, 919-941-9000 Construction Manager: Davidson and Jones Construction, P.O. Box 19067, Raleigh, NC 27619, 919-828-6260 Total GSF: 42,()(X) Total NSF: 40,()(X) Corrections GSF: 42,()(X) Corrections NSF: 40,()(X) Housing area GSF: 38,()(X) Housing area NSF: 36,800 GSF per inmate (design): 259 GSF per inmate (current): 359 NSF per inmate (design): 247 NSF per inmate (current): 342 Size of cells: 8,100 (dorm) Net/gross square feet: 95% lttiiil■IIIIIBlllll~iil Groundbreaking: January 1990 Finish date: September 1990 Construction time: 9 months Total: $2,300,()(X) Building only: Unknown Final construction cost: Lower Housing area: $2,()(X),OCK) Housing per inmate: $12,346 Housing per cell: $400,()(X) Total per inmate: $14,198 Total per GSF: $54.76 Total per NSF: $57.50 Total annual operating costs: $3,265,430 - Structural: Preexisting cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: CMU block Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface or facade: Stucco, CMU block Electronic technology systems: Lighting protection, CCTV surveillance, staff intercommunication, duress/fire alann, door controVmonitoring, custom control panels, perimeter detection/alann 270 General population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 162 Special population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:0 Total design: 162 Current population: January 1992: 117 Design: Unknown Cells per unit: 1 Inmates per unit (design): 32 Inmates per unit (current): 32 Management type (design): Direct supervision Management type (current): Direct supervision Means to handle crowding: Transfer to another facility, mattresses on floor Total officers per unit Day: 18 Evening: Unknown Midnight: 18 --•~--~l4'J Door material(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Remote and manual locking Floor surface: Carpet Intercom: Unknown HVAC: Air-conditioning, heating, forced air Plumbing: China Furniture: VinyVplastic Fire protection: Unknown Windows: Special security Perimeter: Costs excluded Inmate security level Maximum: Unknown Medium: Unknown Minimum: Unknown Full-time equivalent Achninistration: 4 Security: 151 Programs and treatment: 7 Maintenance: 1 Total: 163 Current inmate/staff ratio: 1: 1 Contracted services: Medical, food Factors affecting construction costs Positive: NIA Negative: Government procedures and regulations, site conditions Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Simple construction methods, phased construction; coordination of design Negative: NIA Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: Emergency mandate Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction North Carolina Durham County ....____ i .,..; -------- y·- -I \ I I ( I I ;s ' ,_ :~ : .. , I ' I I :~ l ; j ~. ·-· r .... I i L 1M ,- '.J ~ u I ! NJJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 271 Wake County Public Safety Center Responsible official: Sheriff, Wake County Contact: John H. Baker, Jr., Sheriff, Wake County Public Safety Center, Salsbury Street., Raleigh, NC 270J2, 919-856--6900 Architect: O'Brien Atkins Associates,P.O. Box 12037, Re.5eaICh Triangle Park, NC 277W, 919-941-9000 Construction Manager: Davidson and Jones, P.O. Box 19067, Raleigh, NC 27619 Total GSF: 231,060 Total NSF: 176,500 Corrections GSF: 195,600 Corrections NSF: 110,000 Housing area GSF: 114,720 Housing area NSF: 67,860 GSF per inmate (design): 408 GSF per inmate (current): 394 NSF per inmate (design): 229 NSF per inmate (current): 221 Sireofcells: 70(single) Net/gross square feet: 76% Groundbreaking: NIA Finish date: July 1991 Construction time: 42 months Total: $56,000,000 Building only: $41,000,000 Final construction cost: Unknown Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: N/A Total per GSF: $242.36 Total per NSF: $317.28 Total annual operating costs: $8,000,000 Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Precast panels Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface or facade: Textured concrete Electronic technology systems: Lighting protection, CCTV surveillance, staff intercommunication, inmate intercom, paging and sound system, duress/fire alann, door controVmonitoring, card access, custom control panels, satellite/ cable - General population Single occupancy: 456 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:0 Special population Single occupancy: 24 Double occupancy: 0 Door material(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HVAC: Forced air Plwnbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and . sprinklers for cells and common areas, manual alann stations Windows: Special security Perimeter: Building exterior only; costs included Inmate security level Maximwn: 100% Medium:0 Minimwn:0 Donns:O Total design: 480 Current population: January 1993: 497 Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: 24 Inmates per unit (design): 24 Inmates per unit (current): 24 Management type (design): Remote surveillance Management type (current): Direct supervision Means to handle crowding: Transfer to another facility, mattresses on floor Total officers per unit Day:4 Evening: 3 Midnight: 3 llllrlll Contract method: Multiple bid packages Full-time equivalent Administration: 4 Security: 185 Programs and treatment: 28 Maintenance: 2 Total:219 Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.3: 1 Contracted services: Unknown Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods, good competition Negative: Difficult site conditions; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Simple construction methods Negative: N/A (fast track) Finance method: Local general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None 272 NJJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction North Carolina Wake County . • • Doy -- -- --· ·---- ----·· --- -- ..... ~- ·-. -----· ..... --- ..... . l • • Room ••• I ·•. '-·\·· ··.·., OutdoOI" Exerc:lse / i Do, Room • • Ooy i -- ---·. ----•.......... ··-· ......... •. 1 ~ ...... p•--• .. •• ••• ••••• •••••••• ••~ ■ •••••,ii Typical Housing East Fifth-Ninth Levels ~ 0 I 4 Room Floor Plan ~ t NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 32 ----• ,e 273 Grafton Correctional Institution Responsible official: Director, Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction Contact: Carl Anderson, Warden, Grafton Correctional Institution, 2500 South Avon Belden Road, Grafton; OH 44044, 216-748-1161 Architect: Robert P. Madison International, 2930 Euclid Avenue, Oeveland, OH 44115, 216-861--8195 Construction Manager: Heery/Ozanne, 1635 East 25th Street, Oeveland, OH 44114, 216--696-2876 Total GSF: 285,404 Total NSF: 228,370 Corrections GSF: 285,404 Corrections NSF: 228,370 Housing area GSF: 116,480 Housing area NSF: 93,844 GSFperinmate (design): 540 GSF per inmate (current): 294 NSF per inmate (design): 432 NSF per inmate (current): 235 Size of cells: 75 (single) Net/gross square feet 80% Groundbreaking:Mayl986 Finish date: October 1988 Construction time: 29 months Total: $30,000,000 Building only: Unknown Final construction cost: Higher Housing area: $12,000,000 Housing per inmate: $24,194 Housing per cell: $22,727 Total per inmate: $56,818 TotalperGSF: $105.11 Total per NSF: $131.37 Total annual operating costs: $13,500,000 Structural: Steel frame, load-bearing masonry Exterior walls: CMU block, brick, metal roofing Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface or facade: Brick Electronic technology systems: Lighting protection, CCIV surveillance, staff intercommunication, inmate intercom, paging and sound system, duress/fire alann, door control/monitoring, card access, custom control panels, perimeter detection/alarm, satellite/cable 274 General population Single occupancy: 496 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:0 Special population Single occupancy: 32 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:0 Total design: 528 Current population: December 1992: 1,100 Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: 124 Inmates per unit (design): 124 Inmates per unit (current): Unknown Management type (design): Direct supervision Management type (current): Direct supervision Means to handle crowding: Bunk beds in cells, mattresses in gymnasium Total officers per unit Day: 1 Evening: 1 Midnight: 1 - Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: Capital Improvement State House Bill 530 Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Door material(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Unknown Floor surface: Carpet, sealed concrete, vinyl tile Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas, inmate duress alann HVAC: Gas heat, forced air Plumbing: China, stainless steel combination unit Furniture: Steel, wood, vinyl/plastic Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas, manual alarm stations Windows: Standard and bars, security screens Perimeter: Double fence, perimeter patrols and detection/alarm, razor wire on and between fence(s), video camera surveillance; costs included Inmate security level Maximum:O Medium: I 00% Minimum:0 Full-time equivalent Administration: 63 Security: 157 Programs and treatment: 27 Maintenance: 33 Total: 280 Current inmate/staff ratio: 3.9: I Contracted services: N/A Factors affecting construction costs Positive: NIA Negative: N/A Factors affecting time schedule Positive: N/A Negative: NIA NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Ohio Grafton ~ ' /1 '\ I ' f I \ '' ' ' ' NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 275 Lorain Correctional Institution Responsible official: Director, Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction Contact: Teny Collins, Warden, Lorain Correctional Institution, 2075 South Avon Belden Road, Grafton, OH44044, 216--748--1049 Architect: Richard Bowen and Associates, Incorporated, 13000 Shaker Boulevard, Oeveland, OH 44120, 216--491-9300 Construction Manager: Turner Construction, 100 ErieviewTower, Cleveland, OH 44114, 216--522-1180 -- "4.W Total GSF: 348,430 Total NSF: 197,200 Corrections GSF: 348,430 Corrections NSF: 197,200 Housing area GSF: 182,286 Housing area NSF: 107,682 GSF per inmate (design): 173 GSF per inmate (current): 176 NSF per inmate (design): 98 NSFperinmate(current): 100 Size of cells: 35 (double) Net/gross square feet: 57% Eiillaiiul!~ilJIIIIJ Groundbreaking: April 1987 Finish date: April 1990 Construction time: 36 months Total: $40,000,000 Building only: $31,000,000 Final construction cost: Higher Housing area: $18,226,123 Housing per inmate: $9,256 Housing per cell: $24,301 Total per inmate: $19,860 Total per GSF: $114.80 Total per NSF: $202.84 Total annual operating costs: $14,639,193 Structural: Steel frame, load-bearing precast columns, cast concrete Exterior walls: Concrete block with brick overlay Interior walls: Precast columns, concrete block Exterior swface or facade: Brick, stucco Electronic technology systems: Lighting protection, CCIV surveillance, staff intercommunication, paging and sound system, duress/fire alann, door control/ monitoring, custom control panels, perimeter detection/alann, satellite/cable 276 General population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 1,969 Donns:O Special population Single occupancy: 9 Double occupancy: 36 Dorms: 0 Total design: 2,014 Current population: December 1991: 1,976 IIBtJl■JllilillllJlllilli Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: 124 Inmates per unit (design): 248 Inmates per unit (current): 248 Management type (design): Direct supervision Management type (current): Direct supervision Means to handle crowding: Transfer to another facility, bunk beds in cells, beds in dayroom Total officers per unit Day:4 Evening:4 Midnight: 4 ll!ll'IDJIIIBli!tllllli Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: Unknown Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Door material(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) of locks: Remote locking only Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: No intercom system HVAC: Heating/air circulation, gas heat Plumbing: Stainless steel, china Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Sprinklers for cells and common areas Windows: Standard and bars Perimeter: Double fence, perimeter patrols and detection/alarm, razor wire on and between fence(s), video camera surveillance; costs excluded Inmate security level Maximum: 11 % Medium:75% Minimum: 6% Short-tenn holds and medical: 8% Full-time equivalent Administration: 44 Security: 171 Programs and treatment: 42 Maintenance: 14 Total: 271 Current inmate/staff ratio: 7 .3: 1 Contracted services: Medical Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods, phased construction (fast track) Negative: Slow construction and lengthy building time, high labor costs, government procedures and regulations Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Simple construction methods, phased construction (fast track); advanced order of materials; coordination of design Negative: Slow response or delivery from vendor/supplier, labor problems, weather problems, government procedures and regulations, obsolete materials, wmk done out of order NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Ohio Grafton - .. . . . . ·. ... --:-.. J1 ..- ;_~: ••. •.. .......••.. =~11 '\ +: -· · - '_ _:~~:-t\ F<; --:·, -:-~·£::;n;:o'o-:-, "-. ~ ::~~I ._ ·: \ . - >~----itlJ ~: :- ~: _:_: '. D i,1, f · • · · 1 1 ~-----. -- -- ----~----,.._ ______ _ . . . . . . .. ·- . .. ........ ---+___ -+••-L, _________ ,__ - - - - · - · .... "{>,-- - -~-- ------+--• • ·-·---ll ~-- ►-1 1.1·DiJ f . -I l I I •l' ,·E;;lj=="ll l( t~ :-__ 8 I. . I' 1 ' a....- -------------. 1, ~- I _ ~- NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 'r- ----. ____ _,,: i" -_I ~ ik-~l Ij ~ 277 Northwest Ohio Regional Jail Responsible official: Director, Corrections Commission of Northwest Ohio, William County Contact: Jim Dennis, Executive Director, Northwest Ohio Regional Jail, 03151 Road 24.25, Route 1, Box 100-A, Snyker, OH 43557, 419--428---3800 Architect: Rosser Justice Systems, 524 West Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30308, 404--876--3800 Construction Manager: Unknown Total GSF: 178,000 Total NSF: 115,000 Corrections GSF: 178,000 Corrections NSF: 115,000 Housing area GSF: Unknown Housing area NSF: Unknown GSF per inmate (design): 350 GSF per inmate (current): 390 NSF per inmate (design): 226 NSF per inmate (current): 252 Siz.e of cells: 80 (single) Net/gross square feet: 65% Groundbreaking: July 1988 Finish date: November 1990 Construction time: 30 months Total: $15,000,000 Building only: $14,300,000 Final construction cost Higher Housing area: $9,700,000 Housing per inmate: $20,464 Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $29,528 Total per GSF: $84.27 Total per NSF: $130.43 Total annual operating costs: $9,326,109 IJillllill•llllllllJllll!¼fl Structural: Steel frame, cast-in-place concrete frame, modular metal cells, loadbearing CMU block Exterior walls: CMU block Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete, CMU block Exterior surface or facade: Brick, CMU block Electronic technology systems: Lighting protection, CCTV surveillance, staff intercommunication, inmate intercom, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, door controVmonitoring, custom control panels, satellite/cable, remote arraignment court, metal detection, watch tower system 278 General population Single occupancy: 174 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 300 Special population Single occupancy: 14 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 20 Total design: 508 Current population: April 1993: 456 Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: Unknown Inmates per unit (design): Unknown Inmates per unit (current): 45 Management type (design): Direct supervision Management type (current): Direct supervision Means to handle crowding: Administrative release Total officers per unit Day: 1 Evening: 1 Midnight: 1 Contract method: Multiple bid packages (fast track) Finance method: Cost shared by local jurisdictions Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited; hollow-core floor and ceiling panels Doormaterial(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Remote locking only Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: General paging throughout HVAC: Air-conditioning, gas heat, forced air Plumbing: China Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas, manual alann stations Windows: Slit Perimeter: Single fence, razor wire on fence(s), video camera surveillance; costs included Inmate security level Maximum: 10% Medium:26% Minimum: 64% Full-time equivalent Administration: 8 Security: 126 Programs and treatment: 29 Maintenance: 5 Total: 168 Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.7: 1 Contracted services: Medical, mental health Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods Negative:Highlaborcosts Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Prefabricated components; simple construction methods, phased construction (fast track) Negative: Slow response or delivery from vendor/supplier, weather problems NU/National Directory of Corrections Construction Ohio William County NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 279 Warren Correctional Institution Responsible official: Director, Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction Contact: Anthony Brigano, Warden, Warren Correctional Institution, 5787 State Route 63, P.O. Box 120, Lebanon, OH 45036, 513--932-3388 Architect: Lorenz & Williams, Inc., 120 West Third Street, Dayton, OH 45402-1819, 513--223--6500 Construction Manager: N/A Total GSF: 396,795 Total NSF: Unknown Corrections GSF: 396,795 Corrections NSF: Unknown Housing area GSF: 192,381 Housing area NSF: Unknown GSF per inmate (design): 511 GSF per inmate (cwrent): 284 NSF per inmate (design): Unknown NSF per inmate (cwrent): Unknown Siz.e of cells: Unknown Net/gross square feet Unknown Groundbreaking: July 1986 Finish date: August 1989 Construction time: 37 months Total: $33,067,000 Building only: $28,504,095 Final construction cost: Unknown Housing area: $14,465,259 Housing per inmate: $20,724 Housing per cell: $24,110 Total per inmate: $42,612 Total per GSF: $83.34 Total per NSF: Unknown Total annual operating costs: $13,649,879 Structural: Precast concrete frame, CMU block (walls) P.C.C. (floors) Exterior walls: CMU block, brick Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface or facade: Brick Electronic technology systems: Lighting protection, staff intercommunication, duress/fire alarm, door control/monitoring General population Single occupancy: 598 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 100 Special population Single occupancy: 78 Double occupancy: 0 Donns:O Total design: 776 Current population: March 1993: 1,399 Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: 62 Inmates per unit (design): 62 Inmates per unit (cwrent): 124 Management type (design): Direct supervision Management type (current): Direct supervision Means to handle crowding: Bunk beds in cells Total officers per unit Day: 1 Evening: 1 Midnight: 1 Contract method: Multiple prime contracts Finance method: State general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited; precast concrete floors, roofs 280 Doormaterial(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging . Type(s) of locks: Motor driven and remote locking, manual locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete, vinyl tile Intercom: Inmate duress alann HVAC: Heating/air circulation only, gas .heat Plumbing: Stainless steel, china Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas Windows: Standard and bars - Perimeter: Double fence, perimeter patrols and detection/alarm, razor wire on fence(s); costs included Inmate security level Maximum:3% Medium:3% Minimum: 10% Close security: 84% Full-time equivalent Administration: 52 Security: 172 Programs and treatment: 36 Maintenance: 23 Total:283 Current inmate/staff ratio: 4.9: 1 Contracted services: Medical Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods, good competition Negative: Slow construction and lengthy building time, high labor costs Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Simple construction methods Negative: Slow response or delivery from vendor/supplier NU/National Directory of Corrections Construction Ohio Lebanon •• - •• • ♦ • ... . •• . NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction . 281 Federal Correctional Institution-Sheridan Responsible official: Director, Federal Bureau of Prisons Contact: Joe Crabtree, Warden, Federal Correctional Institution-Sheridan, P.O. Box 5001, 27fJ72 Ballston Road, Sheridan, OR 97378, 503-M3-4442 Architect: Zimmer Gunsul Frasca Partnership, 1191 Second Avenue, Suite 800, Seattle, WA 98101, 206--623--9414 Construction Manager: N/A Total GSF: 471,789 Total NSF: 322,414 Corrections GSF: 471,789 Corrections NSF: 322,414 Housing area GSF: Unknown Housing area NSF: Unknown GSF per inmate (design): 359 GSF per inmate (current): 266 NSF per inmate (design): 245 NSF per inmate (current): 182 Size of cells: 77 (single and double) Net/gross square feet 68% Doormaterial(s): Wood Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) of locks: Manual locking Floor surface: Vinyl tile Intercom: N/A HVAC: Air-conditioning, gas heat Plumbing: China Furniture: Wood Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas, sprinklers for common areas, manual alann stations Windows: Standard and bars ·0-,,'. ~~ma_'c, ~~ - Groundbreaking: August 1987 Finish date: June 1989 Construction time: 24 months Total: 51,400,000 Building only: 42,700,000 Final construction cost Lower Housing area: $16,602,989 Housing per inmate: 13,094 Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: 39,058 Total per GSF: 108.95 Total per NSF: 159.42 Total annual operating costs: 19,500,000 Structural: Load-bearing precast panels, steel frame Exterior walls: Precast panels, CMU block Interior walls: Precast panels, CMU block Exterior swface or facade: Natural wall, CMU block, metal panels, wood Electronic technology systems: Paging and SOWld system, duress/fire alarm, door controVmonitoring, custom control panels, perimeter detection/alann 282 General population Single occupancy: 256 . Double occupancy: 512 Donns: 500 Special population Single occupancy: 48 Double occupancy: 0 Donns:0 Totaldesign: 1,316 Current population: May 1993: 1,773 Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: 128 Inmates per unit (design): 192 Inmates per unit (current): 317 Management type (design): Direct supervision Management type (current): Direct supervision Means to handle crowding: BWlk beds in cells, transfer to another facility Total officers per unit Day:2 Evening:2 Midnight: 1 Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: Federal funds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Moderate; precast concrete, inmate cells Perimeter: Double fence, perimeter patrols and detection/alann, razor wire on and between fence(s), video camera surveillance; costs excluded Inmate security level Maximum:0 Medium:75% Minimum: 25% Full.time equivalent Administration: 45 Security: 129 Programs and treatment: 136 Maintenance: 25 Total:335 Current inmate/staff ratio: 5.3: 1 Contracted services: Unknown Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods, good competition, less expensive materials Negative:Highlaborcosts Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Prefabricated components; simple construction methods, phased construction (fast track) Negative: Weather problems; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Oregon Sheridan 0 IO IO N ....0 0 ... Q Q ti: ~ ;: Q ~ ~ NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 283 Marion County Corrections Facility Responsible official: Director, Marion County Department of Corrections Contact: Bill Wasson, Director, Marion County Conections Facility, 3950 Aumsville Highway, Salem, OR 97301, 503-588--8417 Architect: Lescher & Mahoney/DLR Group, 2141 East Camelback Road, Suite 100, Phoenix, AZ 85016, 602-381--8580 Construction Manager: N/A Total GSF: 115,465 Total NSF: 80,825 Conections GSF: 85,964 Conections NSF: 60,174 Housing area GSF: 73,000 Housing area NSF: 51,125 GSFper inmate (design): 451 GSFper inmate (current}: 391 NSF per inmate (design): 316 NSF per inmate (current): 294 Siz.e of cells: 75 (single) Net/gross square feet: 70% Door material(s}: Wood Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) of locks: Remote locking only Floor surface: Vinyl tile Intercom: Two-way to common areas, inmate duress alarm HVAC: Steam heat Plumbing: China Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas, manual alann stations Windows: Slit Groundbreaking: September 1987 Finish date: January 1988 Construction time: 4 months Total: $11,287,000 Building only: $11,177,000 Final construction cost: Lower Housing area: $7,400,000 Housing per inmate: $35,577 Housing per cell: $35,577 Total per inmate: NIA Total per GSF: $97.75 Total per NSF: $139.65 Total annual operating costs: $6,800,000 Structural: Load-bearing masonry with precast roof Exterior walls: CMU block, brick Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface or facade: Brick, CMU block split face Electronic technology systems: Lighting protection, CCIV surveillance, staff intercommunication, inmate intercom, paging and sound system, duress/fire alann, door control/monitoring, custom control panels 284 General population Single occupancy: 208 Double occupancy: 0 Donns: 0 Special population Single occupancy: 48 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:O Total design: 256 Cwrent population: February 1993: 295 Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: 12 Inmates per unit (design): 12 Inmates per unit (current}: Unknown Management type (design): Remote surveillance, direct supervision Management type (current}: Direct supervision Means to handle crowding: Adjust release policies Total officers per unit Day: 1 Evening: 1 Midnight: 1 - Perimeter: Building exterior only; costs included Inmate security level Maximum: 14% Medium:86% Minimum:O Full-time equivalent Administration: 16 Security: 70 Programs and treatment: 12 Maintenance: 2 Total: 100 Current inmate/staff ratio: 3: 1 Contracted services: Unknown Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods Negative: High labor costs Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Simple construction methods Negative: Slow response or delivery from vendor/supplier, labor problems Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: State general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Oregon Marion County z :5 a.. cc 8 • . ~ ( : ' ' :r -, ., . ~ ~ en cc u:: g ~·~ _.:, -. 0. NIJ/ National Directory of Corrections Construction 285 Bucks County Rehabilitation Center Responsible official: Commissioners, Bucks County Prison Board Contact: J. Allen Nesbitt, Director, Bucks County Department of Corrections, Bucks County Rehabilitation Center, 1730 South Easton Road, Doylestown, PA 18901, 215-345-3702 Architect: Vitetta Group, 642 North Broad Street, The Wallace Building, Philadelphia, PA 19130, 215-345-3500 Construction Manager: O'Donnell and Maccarato, Inc., 9 West Court Street, Doylestown, PA 18901, 215-340-2420 Total GSF: 62,230 Total NSF: 49,784 Corrections GSF: 62,230 Corrections NSF: 49,784 Housing area GSF: 34,861 Housing area NSF: 20,916 GSF per inmate (design): 230 GSF per inmate (current): 244 NSF per inmate (design): 184 NSFperinmate (current): 195 Size of cells: 123 (double) Net/gross square feet 80% llfmWl•ll;jji!itiM,;ili&~~~~ Groundbreaking: Unknown Finish date: July 1991 Construction time: Unknown Total: $4,525,050 Building only: Unknown Final construction cost: Lower Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Totalperinmate: $16,636 TotalperGSF: $72.71 Total per NSF: $90.89 Total annual operating costs: $3,247,702 Structural: Load-bearing CMU block Exterior walls: CMU block Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface or facade: CMU block Electronic technology systems: Paging and sound system General population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 270 Dorms: 0 Special population Single occupancy: 2 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Total design: 272 Current population: December 1991: 255 Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: Unknown Inmates per unit (design): Unknown Inmates per unit (current): Unknown Management type (design): Intermittent surveillance, direct supervision Management type (current): Intermittent surveillance Means to handle crowding: NIA Total officers per unit Day: 1 Evening: l Midnight: 1 Door material(s): Wood Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Manual locking Roor surface: Carpet, vinyl tile Intercom: Two-way to common areas, inmate duress alarm HVAC: Forced air Plumbing: China Furniture: Wood, vinyl/plastic Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas, manual alarm stations Windows: Custom hollow metal and security glass Perimeter: Building exterior only, perimeter detection/alarm; costs included Inmate security level Maximum:0 Medium:0 Minimum: 95% Disciplinary: 5% Full-time equivalent Administration: 9 Security: 32 Programs and treatment: 12 Maintenance: 7 Total:60 Current inmate/staff ratio: 4.3: 1 Contracted services: Medical, mental health services, educational instructors IIIIIBllli ■ Factors affecting construction costs Positive: NIA Negative: N/A Factors affecting time schedule Positive: N/A Negative: N/A Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: Local general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Moderate; roof, decks, precast planks 286 NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Pennsylvania Bucks County NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 287 Federal Correctional Institution-McKean Responsible official: Director, Federal Bureau of Prisons Contact: Dennis M. Luther, Warden, Federal Correctional Institution-McKean, P.O. Box 5000, Bradford, PA 16701--0950, 814-362-8900 Architect: Geddes, Brecher, Qualls, Cunningham, 2401 Locust Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103, 215-561-2401 Construction Manager: N/A Total GSF: 492,505 Total NSF: 307,000 Corrections GSF: 492,505 Corrections NSF: 307,000 Housing area GSF: 145,000 Housing area NSF: 87,7(fJ GSF per inmate (design): 474 GSFperinmate (current): 439 NSF per inmate (design): 295 NSF per inmate (current): 273 Size of cells: 77 (single) Net/gross square feet: 62% lllllllJIJ:11111111\lllll Groundbreaking: June 1987 Finish date: October 1989 Construction time: 25 months Total: $50,300,000 Building only: $43,000,000 Final construction cost: Lower Housing area: $15,000,000 Housing per inmate: $15,121 Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $48,365 TotalperGSF: $102.13 Total per NSF: $163.84 Total annual operating costs: $18,900,000 Bllllll1!1111 Structural:Steelframe Exterior walls: CMU block Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface or facade: Natural wall, CMUblock Electronic technology systems: Lighting protection, CCIV surveillance, staff intercommunication, paging and sound system, duress/fire alann, door controV monitoring, perimeter detection/alann, satellite/cable 288 General population Single occupancy: 248 Double occupancy: 496 Donns: 248 Special population Single occupancy: 48 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:0 Total design: 1,040 Current population: April 1993: 1,123 Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: 124 Inmates per unit (design): 124 fumates per unit (current): 248 Management type (design): Direct supervision Management type (current): Direct supervision Means to handle crowding: Bunk beds in cells Total officers per unit Day:2 Evening: 2 Midnight: 2 Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: Federal funds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Door material(s): Wood Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Manual locking Floor surface: Vinyl tile Intercom: N/A HVAC: Air-conditioning, M1HW central boiler Plumbing: China Furniture: Wood Fire protection: Smoke detectors for common areas, sprinklers for cells and common areas, manual alarm stations, smoke detectors in ducts Windows: Standard and bars Perimeter: Double fence, perimeter patrols and detection/alarm, razor wire on arid between fence(s); costs excluded Inmate security level Administrative: 0 High:5% Medium:70% Low:24.4% Minimum: .6% i1lili~filmffi-11fo-"', ,.t<J@~~ ©;,J'i,~•-~~-~~J% C ( ~~- Full-time equivalent Administration: 14 Security: 124 Programs and treatment: 184 Maintenance: 27 Total: 349 Current inmate/staff ratio: 3.2: 1 Contracted services: N/A Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Phased construction (fast track), good competition Negative: Difficult site conditions Factors affecting time schedule Positive: N/A Negative: Labor problems, weather problems Nil/National Directory of Corrections Construction Pennsylvania Bradford (No floorplan available at time of publication) NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 289 Federal Correctional Institution-Schuylkill Responsible official: Director, Federal Bureau of Prisons Contact: George C. Wigen, Warden, Federal Correctional Institution-Schuylkill, P.O. Box 700, Minersville, PA 17954, 717-544--7100 Architect: Benatec Associates, 101 Erford.Road, Camp Hill, PA 17011--8866, 717-763-7391 Construction Manager: N/A Total GSF: 424,300 Total NSF: 265,000 Corrections GSF: 399,411 Corrections NSF: 265,000 Housing area GSF: 120,976 Housing area NSF: 87,760 GSF per inmate (design): 390 GSF per inmate (current): 293 NSF per inmate (design): 243 NSF per inmate (current): 183 Size of cells: 78 (single) Net/gross square feet: 62.5% _ Groundbreaking:Junel989 Finish date: April 1991 Construction time: 23 months Total: $53,904,873 Building only: $44,500,000 Final construction cost: Higher Housing area: $22,800,000 Housing per inmate: $20,000 Housing per cell: $40,000 Total per inmate: $43,612 Total perGSF: $127.04 Total per NSF: $203.41 Total annual operating costs: $16,300,000 Structural:Steelframe Exterior walls: CMU block Interior walls: CMU block Exterior swface or facade: Natural wall, CMU block, metal panel siding Electronic technology systems: Lighting protection, CCTV surveillance, staff intercommunication, paging and sound system, duress/fire alann, door controV . monitoring, perimeter detection/alarm, satellite/cable 290 ..... General population Single occupancy: 248 Double occupancy: 496 Donns:296 Special population Single occupancy: 48 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:O Total design: 1,088 Current population: May 1993: 1,448 Door material(s): Wood Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Manual locking Floor swface: Vinyl tile Intercom: No intercom system HVAC: Heating/air circulation, M1HW central boiler plant Plumbing: China Furniture: Wood Fire protection: Smoke detectors for common areas, sprinklers for cells and common areas, smoke detectors in ducts Windows: Standard and bars Perimeter: Double fence, perimeter patrols and detection/alann, razor wire on and between fence(s); costs excluded Inmate security level High: 2% Medium:52% Low:25% Minimum: 21% ---~~1'fflffl--~~-·. i!!fflllBffllwRH!llliim.WmimlliIIDL~~ Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: 124 Inmates per unit (design}: 186 Inmates per unit (current): 248 Management type (design): Direct supervision Management type (current): Direct supervision Means to handle crowding: N/A Total officers per unit Day:2 Evening: 2 Midnight: 2 - > .. Full-time equivalent Administration: 45 Security: 129 Programs and treatment: 136 Maintenance: 25 Total: 335 Current inmate/staff ratio: 3.2: 1 Contracted services: NIA Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Phased construction (fast track) Negative: Difficult site conditions Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Phased construction (fast track) Negative: Weather problems Contract method: Multiple bid packages (fast track) Finance method: Federal funds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None N/J/National Directory of Corrections Construction · .Pennsylvania Minersville (No floorplan available at time of publication) NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 291 Philadelphia Industrial Correctional Center Responsible official: Commissioner, Philadelphia Prison System Contact: Thomas Shields, Warden, Philadelphia Industrial Correctional Center, 8301 State Road, Philadelphia, PA 19136, 215-335-7104Architect: Jacobs, Wyner, Ehrenfrantz, 1232 Chancellor Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107, 215-985-0900 Construction Manager: Monison-Knudsen Parametric Co., P.O. Box 7808, Boise ID, 83729, 208-386--5000 Total GSF: 280,000 Total NSF: Unknown Corrections GSF: 280,000 Corrections NSF: Unknown Housing area GSF: 126,020 Housing area NSF: 79,586 GSF per inmate (design): 431 GSFperinmate (current): 316 NSF per inmate (design): Unknown NSF per inmate (current): Unknown Size of cells: 70 (single) Net/gross square feet: Unknown IIIIBB!Bilrtllll Groundbreaking: July 1984 Finish date: June 1986 Construction time: 24 months Total: $46,000,000 Building only: $44,500,000 Final construction cost: Higher Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $70,769 TotalperGSF: $164.28 Total per NSF: Unknown Total annual operating costs: Unknown Structural:Steelfrarne Exterior walls: CMU block, brick Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface or facade: Brick, CMU block Electronic technology systems: CCTV surveillance, staff intercommunication, paging and sound system, duress/fire alann, door controVmonitoring, custom control panels, perimeter detection/alann, satellite/cable 292 General population Single occupancy: 600 Double occupancy: 0 Donns:0 Special population Single occupancy: 50 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:0 Total design: 650 Current population: January 1992: 885 Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: 50 Inmates per unit (design): 50 Inmates per unit (current): 70 Management type (design): Direct supervision Management type (current): Direct supervision Means to handle crowding: Second bunk permanently attached Total officers per unit Day:2 Evening: 2 Midnight: 1 tlEllll Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild, multiple bid packages (fast track) Finance method:Lease-purchase through municipal authority via sale bonds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Door material(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) of locks: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Carpet, sealed concrete, vinyl tile Intercom: One-way to common areas, inmate duress alann HVAC: Forced air Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Wood, vinyl/plastic Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas Windows: Slit Perimeter: Building exterior only, double fence, razor wire on fence(s), perimeter patrols; costs included Inmate security level Maximum: 61 % Medium:39% Minimum:0 Full-time equivalent Administration: 9 Security: 290 Programs and treatment: 47 Maintenance: .19 Total:365 Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.4: 1 Contracted services: Medical, equipment service contracts mI:~¥iI~~~~~:,rJ,\!!&WBftF' ~~:t~-~~9~~ Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple const methods, phased const (fast track); less expensive materials Negative: Difficult site conditions; gov. procedures/regulations; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Simple construction methods, phased construction (fast track); coordination of design Negative: Slow response or delivery from vendor/supplier; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Nil/National Directory of Corrections Construction c= ,----r--,,,;✓.,, i '' : -- 7 1 7 ----- ------- , .,,. GROUNO FLOOR 1. Entrance/visitor registration 2. Gym 3. Kitchen 4. Intake t6 v) SECOND FLOOR 5. G. 7. 8. Housing unit Management unit Recreation Industry/shop area 9. Infirmary 10. Administration State Correctional Institution at Waymart Responsible official: Commissioner, Pennsylvania Department of Corrections Contact: Charles H. Zimmennan, Superintendent:, State Correctional Institution at Waymart, Route 6, P.O. Box 256, Waymart, PA 18472, 717-488-2500 Architect: Multiple Construction Manager: N/A Total GSF: 492,206 Total NSF: 435,045 Corrections GSF: 492,206 Corrections NSF: 435,045 Housing area GSF: 200,708 Housing area NSF: 121,320 GSFper inmate (design): 480 GSFperinmate (current): 484 NSF per inmate (design): 424 NSF per inmate (current): 428 Size of cells: 95 (single and double) Nel/gross square feet: 88% ltJlll1ltlfllLWi!llllllllllJ Groundbreaking: Unknown Finish date: October I989 Construction time: Unknown Total: $14,000,000 Building only: Unknown Final construction cost: Higher Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $13,658 Total per GSF: $28.44 Total per NSF: $32.18 Total annual operating costs: $30,837,000 Structural: Modular metal cells Exterior walls: Brick Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete, brick Exterior surface or facade: Brick Electronic technology systems: CCTV srnveillance, staff intercommunication, paging and sound system, duress/fire alann, perimeter detection/alann, satellite/ cable General population Single occupancy: 8 Double occupancy: 160 Dorms: 823 Special population Single occupancy: 14 Double occupancy: 20 Donns:0 Total design: 1,025 Currentpopulation:April 1993: 1,017 Design: Linear, cells on outside walls and building interior Cells per unit: Unknown Inmates per unit (design): Unknown Inmates per unit (current): Unknown Management type (design): Intermittent swveillance, direct supervision Managementtype(current):Intennittent srnveillance, direct supervision Means to handle crowding: Bunk beds in cells, beds in dayroom Total officers per unit Day: 15 Evening: 15 Midnight 13 w"·~?iff) Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: Fixed financing rate Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Moderate; prefabrication of some units 294 Door material(s): Wood, steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Manual locking Floor surface: Lino/sheet vinyl, epoxy coating, sealed concrete, vinyl tile Intercom: Two-way to common areas HVAC: Steam heat:, forced air, electric heat pumps, air-conditioning Plumbing: Stainless steel, china, stainless steel combination unit Furniture: Steel, wood Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for common areas, manual alann stations Windows: Standard and bars, special security and screens Perimeter: Building exterior only, single fence, perimeter patrols and detection/ alann, razor wire on fence(s), video camera srnveillance; costs excluded Inmate security level Maximwn:4% Medium:20% Minimum: 76% ......,.,..... Full-time equivalent Administration: 48 Security: 196 Programs and treatment: 48 Maintenance: 63 Total:355 Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.9: 1 Contracted services: Medical IJiill\\:41 II Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Prefabricated components Negative: Slow construction and lengthy building time, difficult site conditions, quality of materials Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Coordination of design · Negative: N/A NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 01 l\l'MIN BLDG 12 PROPERTY RCX:M 02 CXNI'OOL 13 STORE RCX:M 14 MAIN KITCHEN 15 FSH VISITIOO RCCM 03. OPERATIONS 04 TREA'IMENT 05 A-BLOCK 06 B-BLCCK 07 C-BLOCK 08 D-BLOCK 09 AUDITORitJ-1 10 K-3 DINil'l3 HALL 11 STAFF D!Nlr«; Hl'\LL 16 LAUNDRY 17 GYM 18 E-BLCCK 19 MEDICAL 20 J-BLCCK 21 F-BUX:K 22 G-BUX:K 23 FSH DINI1'G M:JDULE 24 R.H.U. 25 EDOCATIOO BLDG (sarrH) 26 EDUCATIOO BLOO (001ml) 27 FSH l\l'MIN BLOO 28 FSH Q WARD 29 FSH M WARD 0 FSH BB WARD 31 GARAGE 32 33 34 37 GRCUNDS SHOP R/R STATION Z BLDG { Uto::CUPIED) rolERHOUSE 38 SALLY PORT GATE HOOSE HAIN EXEOCISE YARD York County Prison Responsible official: President, York County Commissioners Contact: Richard J. Hahn, Warden, York County Prison, 3400 Concord Road, York, PA 17402, 717-771-9599 Architect: BASCO Associates, 611 West Market Street, York, PA 17404, 717-843--3854 Construction Manager: Quandel, 4309 Lingelstown Road, Suite 114, Hanisburg, PA 17112, 717--657--0909 Total GSF: 146,100 Total NSF: Unknown Corrections GSF: 146,100 Corrections NSF: Unknown Housing area GSF: Unknown Housing area NSF: Unknown GSF per inmate (design): 235 GSF per inmate (current): 239 NSF per inmate (design): Unknown NSF per inmate (current): Unknown Size of cells: 70 (single), 100 (double) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Groundbreaking: November 1990 Finish date: October 1992 Construction time: 23 months Total: $16,085,105 Building only: $15,453,746 Final construction cost: Lower Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $25,860 Total per GSF: $110.10 Total per NSF: Unknown Total annual operating costs: $6,600,000 Structural: Steel frame, precast plank on load-bearing masonry Exterior walls: Precast panels, CMU block Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface or facade: Textured concrete, CMU block Electronic technology systems: CCIV surveillance, staff intercommunication, inmate intercom, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, door control/ monitoring, custom control panels, satellite/cable 296 General population Single occupancy: % Double occupancy: 328 Dorms:0 Special population Single occupancy: 30 Double occupancy: 24 Dorms: 144 Total design: 622 Current population: March 1992: 612 Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: 32 Inmates per unit (design): 64 Inmates per unit (current): 100 Management type (design): Remote surveillance Management type (current): Remote surveillance, direct supervision Means to handle crowding: Beds in dayroom, second bunk permanently attached Total officers per unit Day:3 Evening: 3 Midnight: 3 - Contract method: Multiple bid packages (fast track) Finance method: Local general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited; precast roof plank, concrete floor and wall panels Door material(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Sliding Type(s) of locks: Motor driven and remote locking, manual locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to common areas, inmate duress alarm HVAC: Gas heat, forced air Plumbing: China, stainless steel combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for common areas, manual alarm stations Windows: Special security - Perimeter: Double fence, raz.or wire on fence(s), perimeter patrols; costs included Inmate security level Maximum: 54% Medium:23% Minimum: 23% Full-time equivalent Administration: 11 Security: 179 Programs and treatment: 12 Maintenance: 10 Total:212 Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.9: 1 Contracted services: Medical Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods, good competition Negative: Slow construction and lengthy building time, special security needed to keep part of facility operational Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Simple construction methods, phased construction (fast track); coordination of design Negative: Slow response or delivery from vendor/supplier, special security needed to keep part of facility operational NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Pennsylvania York County NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 297 Bee County Jail Responsible official: Sheriff, Bee County Contact: Robert L. Hom, Sheriff, Bee County Jail, 407 Hillside Drive, Beeville, TX 78102-5300, 512-362-3221 Architect: Di Stefano/Santopetro Architects, Inc., 10260 Westheimer, Suite 390, Houston, TX 77042, 713--953--9032 Construction Manager: N/A Total GSF: 28,800 Total NSF: 23,600 Corrections GSF: 22,000 Corrections NSF: 18,000 Housing area GSF: 22,000 Housing area NSF: 18,000 GSFperinmate (design): 172 GSF per inmate (current): Unknown NSF per inmate (design): 141 NSF per inmate (current): Unknown Size of cells: 58.5 (single), 520 (dorm) Net/gross square feet 82% Groundbreaking: June 1988 Finish date: July 1989 Construction time: 13 months Total: $2,660,000 Building only: $2,575,000 Final construction cost Lower Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: N/A Total per GSF: $92.36 Total per NSF: $112.71 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Structural: Load-bearing precast panels, concrete colunms and steel beams Exterior walls: Precast panels Interior walls: CMU block, steel plate Exterior swface or facade: Textured concrete Electronic technology systems: Lighting protection, CCIV surveillance, staff intercommunication, inmate intercom, duress/fire alarm, door control/monitoring 298 --General population Single occupancy: 34 Double occupancy: 0 Donns:48 Special population Single occupancy: 2 Double occupancy: 0 Donns:44 Total design: 128 Current population: Unknown Design: Linear, cells on building interior Cells per unit Unknown Inmates per unit (design): Unknown Inmates per unit (current): Unknown Management type (design): Intermittent and remote surveillance Management type (current): Unknown Means to handle crowding: Unknown Total officers per unit Day: Unknown Evening: Unknown Midnight Unknown Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Fmance method: Local general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Doormaterial(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Sliding Type(s) of locks: Motor driven and remote locking Floor swface: Epoxy coating, sealed concrete, vinyl tile Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HYAC: Eleclric Plumbing: Stainless steel combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas Windows: Unknown Perimeter: Building exterior only, video camera surveillance; costs included Inmate security level Maximum: 28% Medium:38% Minimum: 34% Full-time equivalent Administration: Unknown Security: Unknown Programs and treatment Unknown Maintenance: Unknown Total: Unknown Current inmate/staff ratio: Unknown Contracted services: Unknown :·m.· - Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods, good competition Negative: Slow construction and lengthy building time; complex electronic, mechanical, and eleclrical systems Factors affecting time schedule Positive: NIA Negative: Slow response or delivery from vendor/supplier, labor problems, weather problems Nil/National Directory of Corrections Construction ~ ~ ....~ ~· -~· el-tctri-,col t:i .·•·,. ("l 3,Q., i ·:?,_,/ ··:··· !IDlly patl '~rii1'l ·... ,. i,~·,, .. \ \ ::\. ~- ("') 0 ;:! . ~ s:: tN:1lt1l11119 room ::\. §' trotil •n1,y tJ;;I ~ '-0 8 ~ (j 4.'C> g ~ ~ e; Caldwell County Jail Responsible official: Sheriff, Caldwell County Contact: Dian Bolton, Jail Administrator, Caldwell County Jail, 202 East San Antonio Street, P.O. Box 422, Lockhart, TX 78644, 512-398-4343 Architect: Di Stefano/Santopetro Architects, 10260 Westheimer, Suite 390, Houston, TX77042, 713--953--9032 Construction Manager: N/A ' Total GSF: 32,500 Total NSF: 31,000 Corrections GSF: 24,500 Corrections NSF: 23,000 Housing area GSF: 24,500 Housing area NSF: 23,000 GSF per inmate (design): 220 GSFperinmate(current): 175 NSF per inmate (design): 209 NSF per inmate (current): 164 Size of cells: 58.5 (single), 492 (dorm) Net/gross square feet: 95% Groundbreaking: April 1989 Finish date: September 1990 Construction time: 17 months Total: $3,000,000 Building only: $2,860,000 Final construction cost: Lower Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: N/A Total per GSF: $92.31 Total per NSF: $96.77 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Structural: Load-bearing precast panels, concrete colwnns and steel beams Exterior walls: Precast panels Interior walls: CMU block, steel plate Exterior surface or facade: Paint, textured concrete Electronic technology systems: Lighting protection, CCIV surveillance, staff intercommunication, inmate intercom, duress/fire alann, door controVmonitoring 300 General population Single occupancy: 50 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:48 Special population Single occupancy: 2 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:48 Total design: 148 Current population: April 1993: 140 mf'Allilfflitit'l/=l~,mf'BWJi[g!ll!lltlfll ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ¾ ' i : 4 f i l @ L ,,-@h&!b Design: Linear, cells on building interior Cells per unit: 1 Inmates per unit (design): 48 Inmates per unit (current): 48 Management type (design): Intermittent and remote surveillance Management type (current): Direct supervision Means to handle crowding: Transfer to another facility Total officers per unit Day: Unknown Evening: Unknown Midnight: Unknown Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: Local general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None ' Doormaterial(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Sliding Type(s) of locks: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete, vinyl tile Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HVAC: Heating/air circulation, electric Plumbing: Stainless steel combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas Windows: Unknown r,~---· ~~-,'~\rn°_~,: .~l , Perimeter: Building exterior only, video camera surveillance; costs included Inmate security level Maximum: 35% Medium:33% Minimum: 32% Full-time equivalent Administration: Unknown Security: Unknown Programs and treatment: Unknown Maintenance: Unknown Total: Unknown Current inmate/staff ratio: Unknown Contracted services: Unknown Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods, good competition Negative: Government procedures and regulations Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Simple construction methods Negative: Slow response or delivery from vendor/supplier, weather problems, government procedures and regulations NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Texas Caldwell County ------.,..~, . ..._ 1 ! 8IDmm 1----tt--t--11-' · ~ BJfil]ffl N/J/National Directory of Corrections Construction 301 Federal Correctional Institution-Three Rivers Responsible official: Director, Federal Bureau of Prisons Contact: Philip Spears, Warden, Federal Correctional Institution-Three Rivers, P.O. Box 4000, Three Rivers, TX 78071, 512-786-3576 Architect: Helhnuth, Obata & Kassabaum, Inc., 6688 North Central Expressway, Suite 700, Dallas, TX 75206, 214-739--6688 Construction Manager: N/A Total GSF: 471,789 Total NSF: 322,414 Corrections GSF: 471,789 Corrections NSF: 322,414 Housing area GSF: Unknown Housing area NSF: Unknown GSFperinmate (design}: 443 GSF per inmate (current): 312 NSF per inmate (design}: 302 NSF per inmate (current): 213 Size of cells: 77 (single and double) Net/gross square feet: 68% ~l,w-~·. ;;;;w~v-; ~LI~ Groundbreaking: Unknown Finish date: June 1990 Construction time: Unknown Total: $54,800,000 Building only: $46,000,000 Final construction cost: Lower Housing area: $14,700,000 Housing per inmate: $14,440 Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $51,407 TotalperGSF: $116.15 Total per NSF: $169.97 Total annual operating costs: $17,300,000 ------11111111 Structural: Steel frame, precast concrete cells Exterior walls: CMU block Interior walls: Precast panels, CMU block Exterior smface or facade: Stucco, CMU block Electtonic technology systems: Lighting protection, CCTV surveillance, staff intercommunication, inmate intercom, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, door control/monitoring, card access, custom control panels, perimeter detection/alarm, satellite/cable 302 ~ ~ ·_ ," r.•···, ' ,. .. . · ~ ·pi • General population Single occupancy: 256 Double occupancy: 512 Dorms: 250 Special population Single occupancy: 48 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:0 Total design: 1,066 Current population: May 1993: 1,513 Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: 128 Inmates per unit (design): 192 Inmates per unit (current): 292 Management type (design): Direct supervision Management type (current): Remote surveillance, direct supervision Means to handle crowding: Transfer to another facility, bunk beds in cells Total officers per unit Day:2 Evening: 1 Midnight: 1 Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: Federal funds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Moderate; cells prefabricated - Door material(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Manual locking Floor smface: Vinyl tile · Intercom: N/A HYAC: Gas heat, forced air Plumbing: China, stainless steel combination unit in special housing Furniture: Steel, wood, vinyl/plastic Fireprotection:Sprinklers Windows: Standard and bars Perimeter: Double fence, perimeter patrols and detection/alann, razor wire on and between fence(s), video camera surveillance; costs excluded Inmate security level Maximum:O Medium:80% Minimum: 20% Full-time equivalent Administration: 45 Security: 129 Programs and treatment: 136 Maintenance: 25 Total:335 Cmrent inmate/staff ratio: 4.5: 1 Contracted services: Unknown - Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Prefab components; simple construction methods, phased construction (fast track); good competition Negative: Slow construction; high labor costs; difficult site conditions; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Prefab components; simple construction methods, phased construction (fast track); advanced order of materials; coordination of design Negative: Slow response or delivery from vendor/supplier; labor problems; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Texas Three Rivers (No floorplan available at time of publication) NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 303 Frio County Jail Responsible official: Sheriff, Frio County Contact: Gabriel DelToro Jr., Sheriff, Frio County Jail, 505 Cedar Street (at Leona Street), Pearsall, TX 78061, 512-334-3311 Architect: Di Stefano/Santopetro Architects, Inc., 10260 Westheimer, #390, Houston, TX 77042, 713-953-9032 Construction Manager: N/A ,, Total GSF: 40,000 Total NSF: 35,700 Corrections GSF: 30,000 Corrections NSF: 27,000 Housing area GSF: 30,000 Housing area NSF: 27,000 GSF per inmate (design): 176 GSF per inmate (cwrent): Unknown NSF per inmate (design): 159 NSF per inmate (cwrent): Unknown Siz.e of cells: 58.5 (single), 383.5 (double), 1,424.5 (dorm) Net/gross square feet: 89% Groundbreaking:Septemberl987 Finish date: June 1988 Construction time: 9 months Total: $3,100,000 Building only: $3,018,000 Final construction cost: Lower Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: N/A Total per GSF: $77 .50 Total per NSF: $86.83 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Structural: Load-bearing precast panels, concrete columns and steel beams Exterior walls: Precast panels Interior walls: CMU block, steel plate Exterior surface or facade: Textured concrete Electronic technology systems: Lighting protection, CCTV surveillance, staff intercommunication, inmate intercom, duress/fire alarm, door control/monitoring 304 General population Single occupancy: 50 Double occupancy: 6 Donns:40 Special population Single occupancy: 2 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:72 Total design: 170 Current population: Unknown ~~~-~rt@~ ~~•~llmigil Design: Linear, cells on building interior Cells per unit: Unknown Inmates per unit (design): Unknown Inmates per unit (cwrent): Unknown Management type (design): Intermittent surveillance Management type (cwrent): Unknown Means to handle crowding: Unknown Total officers per unit Day: Unknown Evening: Unknown Midnight Unknown Door material(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Sliding Type(s) of locks: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Epoxy coating, sealed concrete, vinyl tile Intercom: Unknown HVAC: Electric Plumbing: Stainless steel combination unit Furniture: Unknown Fire protection: Unknown Windows: Unknown Perimeter: Building exterior only, single fence, video camera surveillance; costs included Inmate security level Maximum: 31 % Medium:69% Minimum:0 Full-time equivalent Administration: Unknown Security: Unknown Programs and treatment: Unknown Maintenance: Unknown Total: Unknown Current inmate/staff ratio: Unknown Contracted services: Unknown Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Good competition Negative: N/A Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Simple construction methods, advanced order of materials Negative: N/A Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: Private-sector funds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction Texas Frio County (No floorplan available at time of publication) N/J/National Directory of Corrections Construction 305 Lew Sterrett Justice Center Responsible official: Sheriff, Dallas County Contact: Chuck Fawns, Director, Lew Sterrett Justice Center, Dallas, TX 79202, 214-653-8704 Architect: Vitetta Group, Inc., 642 North Broad Street, The Wallace Building, Philadelphia, PA 19130; HarwoodK. Smith &Partners, 1111 Plazaof AmericaNorth,l.B 307,Dallas, TX75201, 214-969--5599 Construction Manager: N/A TotalGSF: 59,914 Total NSF: 41,931 Corrections GSF: 59,914 Corrections NSF: 41,931 Housing area GSF: 59,914 Housing area NSF: 41,931 GSFperinmate(design): 141 GSF per inmate (current): Unknown NSF per inmate (design): 99 NSF per inmate (current): Unknown Sire of cells: 246 (donn) Net/gross square feet: 70% Groundbreaking: Unknown Finish date: March 1991 Construction time: 24 months Total: Unknown Building only: Unknown Final construction cost: Lower Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: Unknown Total per GSF: Unknown Total per NSF: Unknown Total annual operating costs: Unknown - Structural: Precast concrete Exterior walls: CMU block-filled panels, brick futerior walls: Structural clay tile block units, reinforced CMU block Exterior surface or facade: Brick face Electronic technology systems: ccrv surveillance, staff intercommunication, inmate intercom, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, door controV monitoring, custom control panels, satellite/cable 306 General population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Donns:352 Special population Single occupancy: 13 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 60 Total design: 425 Current population: Unknown Design: Linear, cells on interior walls Cells per unit: 1 Inmates per unit (design): 8 Inmates per unit (current): Unknown Management type (design): Intennittent and remote surveillance Management type (current): futennittent surveillance Means to handle crowding: Mattresses on floor, second bunk pennanently attached Total officers per unit Day: 1 Evening: 1 Midnight: 1 - Contract method: Unknown Finance method: State general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: Limited; demolition and painting Use of prefabrication: None Door material(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Sliding Type(s) oflocks: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Epoxy coating Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas RVAC: Forced air Plumbing: Stainless steel combination unit Furniture: Steel, concrete Fire protection: Smoke detectors for dorms and common areas, manual alarm stations Windows: Slit Perimeter: Building exterior only, perimeter detection/alann, video camera surveillance; costs excluded Inmate security level Maximwn: 100% Medium:0 Minimum:O - Full-time equivalent Administration: Unknown Security: Unknown Programs and treatment: Unknown Maintenance: Unknown Total: Unknown Current inmate/staff ratio: Unknown Contracted services: Unknown Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods, phased construction (fast track); good competition Negative: Difficult site conditions; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Advanced order of materials, coordination of design Negative: Renovation occurred in operational areas NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Texas Dallas County SECOND THROUGH tlNTH FLOORS BUI.DING - A NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 307 Nacogdoches County Law Enforcement Center Responsible official: Sheriff, Nacogdoches County Contact: Jack West, Jail Administrator, Nacogdoches Cmmty Jail, 2306 Douglas Highway, Nacogdoches, TX 75961, 409-560--7783 Architect: Di Stefano/Santopetro Architects, Inc., 10260 Westheimer, Houston,TX 77042, 713-953-9032 Construction Manager: N/A Total GSF: 41,000 Total NSF: 38,000 Corrections GSF: 29,000 Corrections NSF: 27,000 Housing area GSF: 29,000 Housing area NSF: 27,000 GSF per inmate (design): 196 GSF per inmate (current): 220 ·NSF per inmate (design): 182 NSF per inmate (current): 205 Siz.e of cells: 58.5 (single), 533 (dorm) Net/gross square feet: 93% Groundbreaking: November 1988 Finish date: January 1990 Construction time: 13 months Total: $3,999,000 Building only: $3,914,000 Final construction cost: Lower Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: N/A Total per GSF: $97.54 Total per NSF: $105.24 Total annual operating costs: $612,367 Structural: Load-bearing precast panels, concrete columns and steel beams Exterior walls: Precast panels Interior walls: CMU block, steel plate at detention Exterior surface or facade: Textured concrete Electronic technology systems: Lighting protection, CCTV surveillance, staff intercommunication, inmate intercom, duress/fire alarm, door controVmonitoring 308 General population Single occupancy: 50 Double occupancy: 0 Donns:48 Special population Single occupancy: 2 Double occupancy: 0 Donns:48 Total design: 148 Current population: January 1992: 132 Design: Linear, cells on interior of building Cells per unit: 8 Inmates per unit (design): 8 Inmates per unit (current): 8 Management type (design): Intermittent surveillance, direct supervision Management type (current): Intermittent and remote surveillance Means to handle crowding: N/A Total officers per unit Day:4 Evening:4 Midnight: 4 iP.DmU~JiDiijfi~iykl~~~~~~~!IN Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: Local general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Door material(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Sliding Type(s) of locks: Motor driven and remote locking, electromechanical Floor surface: Sealed concn:;te, vinyl tile Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HVAC: Other energy recycle unit, electric Plumbing: Stainless steel combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas Windows: Unknown Perimeter: Building exterior only, video camera surveillance; costs included Inmate security level Maximum: 34% Medium:34% Minimum: 32% Full-time equivalent Administration: Unknown Security: Unknown Programs and treatment: Unknown Maintenance: Unknown Total: Unknown Current inmate/staff ratio: Unknown Contracted services: Medical Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods, good competition Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Simple construction methods Negative: Slow response or delivery from vendor/supplier NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Texas Nacogdoches r ,.O-..UII I i .+-------- ~ f ! j1 I I i I ~I 1..--L I NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 309 Rusk County Sheriff's Department Responsible official: Sheriff, Rusk County Contact: Dale Summers, Lieutenant, Rusk County Sheriff's Department, 210 Charlevoix, Henderson, TX 75652, 903-657-3581 Architect: Creative Environmental Concepts, Inc., 1313 South John Redditt, Lufkin, TX 75901, 409--637--6969 Construction Manager: N/A Groundbreaking: Unknown Finish date: February 1988 Construction time: Unknown Total: $3,040,510 Building only: $2,815,510 Final construction cost: Lower Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: N/A Total per GSF: Unknown Total per NSF: Unknown Total annual operating costs: $382,115 -•■11111,1 Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: CMU block, brick Interior walls: CMU block Exterior stnface or facade: CMU block Electronic technology systems: CCIV surveillance, staff intercommunication, inmate intercom, duress/fire alarm, door control/monitoring, custom control panels, satellite/cable 310 Total GSF: Unknown Total NSF: Unknown Corrections GSF: Unknown Corrections NSF: Unknown Housing area GSF: Unknown Housing area NSF: Unknown GSF per inmate (design): Unknown GSFperinmate (current): Unknown NSF per inmate (design): Unknown NSF per inmate (current): Unknown Size of cells: N/A Net/gross square feet Unknown Door material(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) of locks: Remote locking only Floor stnface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HVAC: Heating/air circulation only Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas, manual alarm stations Windows: Special security General population Single occupancy: 26 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 54 Special population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:O Total design: 80 Current population: February 1993: 80 Perimeter: Building exterior only, perimeter patrols and detection/alann; costs included Inmate security level Maximum: 100% Medium:O Minimum:O Design: Linear, cells on outside walls Cells per unit: 15 Inmates per unit (design): 15 Inmates per unit (current): 15 Management type (design): Intennittent surveillance Management type (current): Intermittent surveillance Means to handle crowding: N/A Total officers per unit Day:3 Evening: 3 Midnight: 3 Full-time equivalent Administration: 1 Security: 12 Programs and treatment: 0 Maintenance: 0 Total: 14 Current inmate/staff ratio: 5.7: 1 Contracted services: N/A BlJIIIJ■RIIIIIBJI Factors affecting construction costs Positive: N/A Negative: N/A Factors affecting time schedule Positive: N/A Negative: N/A Contract method: Unknown Finance method: Unknown Use of inmate labor. Unknown Use of prefabrication: Unknown NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Texas Rusk County (No floorplan available at time of publication) NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 311 Oxbow Jail Facility Responsible official: Sheriff, Salt Lake County Contact: Captain Dan Ipson, Oxbow Jail Facility, 3152 South 1100West, South Salt Lake City, UT 84119, 801-974-7727 Architect: Gillies, Stransky, Brems & Smith Architects, 175 South Main Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84101, 801-521-8600 Construction Manager: N/A Total GSF: 118,455 Total NSF: 97,130 Corrections GSF: 118,455 Corrections NSF: 97,130 Housing area GSF: 83,186 Housing area NSF: 75,878 GSFper inmate (design): 322 GSFper inmate (current): 643 NSF per inmate (design): 264 NSF per inmate (current): 528 Size of cells: Unknown Net/gross square feet: 82% llllll11B-.•1&I Groundbreaking: July 1990 Finish date: October 1991 Construction time: 15 months Total: $9,731,250 Building only: $9,731,250 Final construction cost: Lower Housing area: $6,834,000 Housing per inmate: $18,571 Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $26,443 Total per GSF: $82.15 Total per NSF: $ 100.18 Total annual operating costs: $2,947,335 Structural: Load-bearing CMU block with metal deck and steel joists Exterior walls: CMU block Interior walls: CMU block Exterior stuface or facade: CMU block Electronic technology systems: CCTV surveillance, staff intercommunication, inmate intercom, door control/monitoring, custom control panels, satellite/cable General population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 368 Special population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:0 Total design: 368 Current population: April 1993: 184 Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: 2 Inmates per unit (design): 184 Inmates per unit (current): 184 Management type (design): Remote surveillance, direct supervision Management type (current): Direct supervision Means to handle crowding: Open additional unit Total officers per unit Day: 3 Evening: 3 .-111 Midnight: 2 Door material(s): Polycarbonate Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Remote locking only Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: One-way to cells, two-way to common areas HVAC: Gas heat, forced air Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Steel, vinyl/plastic Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas Windows: Slit ~,I\~•. Perimeter: Building exterior only, video camera surveillance; costs included Inmate security level Maximum:0 Medium:0 Minimum: 100% Full-time equivalent Administration: 3 Security: 34 Programs and treatment: 17 Maintenance: 8 Total:62 Current inmate/staff ratio: 3: 1 Contracted services: N/A Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods, good competition, less expensive materials Negative: Difficult site conditions Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Simple construction methods, coordination of design Negative: N/A Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: Local general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None 312 NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Utah Salt Lake County Iffi NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 313 Clarke-Frederick-Winchester Regional Adult Detention Center Responsible official: County Administrator, Jail Board Chainnan Contact: Darnley R. Hodge, Administrator, Clarke-Frederick-Winchester Regional Adult Detention Center, 1026 Fort Collier Road, Winchester, VA22601, 703--665-6374 Architect: Sherertz Franklin Crawford Shaffner, 305 South Jefferson Street, Roanoke, VA 24011, 703-344--6664 Construction Manager: N/A Total GSF: 99,000 Total NSF: Unknown Corrections GSF: 99,000 Corrections NSF: Unknown Housing area GSF: 62,900 Housing area NSF: Unknown GSF per inmate (design): Unknown GSF per inmate (current): Unknown NSF per inmate (design): Unknown NSF per inmate (current): Unknown Size of cells: N/A Net/gross square feet: Unknown flllilll.rillliJ.tC•11111111t11 Groundbreaking: October 1989 Finish date: March 1991 Construction time: 17 months Total: $15,400,000 Building only: $13,500,000 Final construction cost: Higher Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: Unknown Total per GSF: Unknown Total per NSF: Unknown Total annual operating costs: $3,352,591 Structural: Load-bearing masonry, precast planks Exterior walls: Brick Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface or facade: Brick Electronic technology systems: CCIV surveillance, staff intercommunication, inmate intercom, paging and sound system, duress/fire alann, door controV monitoring, custom control panels 314 General population Single occupancy: 194 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:0 Special population Single occupancy: 34 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 72 Total design: 300 Current population: May 1992: 255 Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit 96 hunates per unit (design): 96 Inmates per unit (current): Unknown Management type (design): Direct supervision Management type (current): Remote surveillance, direct supervision Means to handle crowding: NIA Total officers per unit Day: 1 Evening: 1 Midnight: 1 Door material(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) of locks: Remote locking only Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Unknown HVAC: Forced air Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Concrete Fire protection: Smoke detectors for common areas, sprinklers for cells and common areas, manual alann stations Windows: Slit Perimeter: Building exterior only, video camera surveillance; costs excluded Inmate security level Maximum: 17% Medium:57% Minimum: 13% Other: 13% Full-time equivalent Administration: 9 Security: 73 Programs and treatment: 7 Maintenance: 6 Total:95 Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.7: 1 Contracted services: Medical ~v,m-eyo . . mB,~imf•~-~i ~~:~~~~:r~Y~~ I I I \ , , , ~ ~ ~ • ~ Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods, good competition, less expensive materials Negative: N/A Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Simple construction methods, coordination of design Negative: N/A Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: Cost shared by local jurisdictions Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited; structural planks NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Virginia Winchester -~"'_/,==~,f;-. ~/"' "'';.,,,,,c:,vl'.,,,,. NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 315 Greensville Correctional Center Responsible official: Director, Virginia Department of Corrections Contact: Ellis B. Wright Jr., Chief Warden, Greensville Correctional Center, 901 Corrections Way, Jarratt, VA 23870--9614, 804-535-7000 Architect: Daniel, Mann, Johnson & Mendenhall (DMJM), 300 East42nd Street, New York, NY 10017, 212-983-2400 Construction Manager: Monison Knudson, 2430 Southland Drive, Chester, VA 23831, 804-796-1555 Total GSF: 883,211 Total NSF: 560,000 Corrections GSF: 883,211 Corrections NSF: 560,000 Housing area GSF: 425,736 Housing area NSF: 281,592 GSF per inmate (design): 387 GSFperinmate (current): 359 NSF per inmate (design): 245 NSF per inmate (current): 228 Size of cells: 74.5 (single and double) Net/gross square feet: 63% Groundbreaking: December 1988 Finish date: June 1991 Construction time: 22 months Total: $106,000,000 Building only: Unknown Final construction cost: Higher Housing area: $42,397,596 Housing per inmate: $20,286 Housing per cell: $27,400 Total per inmate: $46,450 Total per GSF: $120.02 Total per NSF: $189.28 Total annual operating costs: $36,016,016 Structural: Load-bearing precast panels, precast concrete frame Exterior walls: Precast panels Interior walls: Precast panels, cast-in-place concrete, CMU block Exterior surface or facade: Natural wall, textured concrete Electronic technology systems: Lighting protection, CCTV surveillance, staff intercommunication, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, door control/ monitoring, card access, custom control panels, perimeter detection/alarm, satellite/ cable 316 General population Single occupancy: 1,006 Double occupancy: 1,084 Dorms:0 Special population Single occupancy: 192 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:0 Total design: 2,282 Current population: April 1993: 2,459 Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: 43 Inmates per unit (design): 58 Inmates per unit (current): 67 Management type (design): Remote surveillance Management type (current): Intermittent and remote surveillance, direct supervision Means to handle crowding: Bunk beds in cells, second bunk permanently attached Total officers per unit Day:4 Evening: 4 Midnight: 4 111111Nilillllill:111WR Doormaterial(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Sliding Type(s) oflocks: Remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Inmate duress alarm HVAC: Heating/air circulation, forced air Plumbing: Stainless steel combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas Windows: Special security and screens Perimeter: Double fence, perimeter patrols and detection/alarm, razor wire on and between fence(s), towers, video camera surveillance; costs included Inmate security level Maximum: 100% Medium:O Minimum:O Full-time equivalent Administration: 65 Security: 673 Programs and treatment: 38 Maintenance: 39 Total: 910 Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.7: 1 Contracted services: Medical Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Prefabricated components; simple construction methods, phased construction (fast track); less expensive materials Negative: Difficult site conditions Factors affecting time schedule Positive: N/A Negative: N/A Contract method: Construction manager/ guaranteed maximum price (GMP) Finance method: State general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Extensive; precast concrete walls and structural tees NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Virginia Jarratt 0 10 20 A......FI....J NU/National Directory of Corrections Construction 317 Keen Mountain Correctional Center Responsible official: Director, Virginia Department of Corrections Contact: Bob Beck, Warden, Keen Mountain Correctional Center, P.O. Box 860, Oakwood, VA 24631, 703-498-7411 Architect: Daniel, Mann, Johnson & Mendenhall (DMJM), 300 East 42nd Street, New Yolk, NY 10017, 212-983-2400 Construction Manager: Fluor Daniel, 100 Fluor Daniel Drive, Greenville, SC 29607-2762, 803-281-4400 Total GSF: 306,414 Total NSF: 205,000 Corrections GSF: 306,414 Corrections NSF: 205,000 Housing area GSF: 141,912 Housing area NSF: 93,864 GSF per inmate (design): 440 GSF per inmate (current): Unknown NSF per inmate (design): 294 NSF per inmate (current): Unknown Size of cells: 74.5 (single and double) Net/gross square feet: 67% Doormaterial(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Sliding Type(s) oflocks: Remote locking only Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to common areas HVAC: Heating/air circulation, forced air Plumbing: China, stainless steel combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas Windows: Special security, security screens Jlri'i1i,illi"'"'7§;,~~i!W;'~~'W!Eg •ilti-ml~~~~•~i Groundbreaking: December 1988 Finish date: Unknown Construction time: 22 months Total: $41,000,000 Building only: Unknown Final construction cost: Unknown Housing area: $14,132,532 Housing per inmate: $20,305 Housing per cell: $27,389 Total per inmate: $58,908 Total per GSF: $133.81 Total per NSF: $200 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Structural: Load-bearing precast panels, precast concrete cells Exterior walls: Precast panels Interior walls: Precast panels, cast-in-place concrete, CMU block Exterior surface or facade: Natural wall, textured concrete Electronic technology systems: Lighting protection, ccrv surveillance, staff intercommunication, paging and sound system, duress/fire alann, door controV monitoring, card access, custom control panels, perimeter detection/alann, satellite/ cable 318 General population Single occupancy: 336 Double occupancy: 360 Dorms:0 Special population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Total design: 696 Current population: Unknown Design: Modular/pod • Cells per unit: 43 Inmates per unit (design): 58 Inmates per unit (current): Unknown Management type (design): Remote surveillance Management type (current): Unknown Means to handle crowding: Unknown Total officers per unit Day: Unknown Evening: Unknown Midnight: Unknown Perimeter: Double fence, perimeter patrols and detection/alarm, razor wire on and between fence(s), towers; costs included Inmate security level Maximum: 100% Medium:0 Minimum:0 Full-time equivalent Administration: Unknown Security: Unknown Programs and treatment: Unknown Maintenance: Unknown Total: Unknown Current inmate/staff ratio: Unknown Contracted services: Unknown Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Prefabricated components, simple construction methods Negative: Difficult site conditions Factors affecting time schedule Positive: N/A Negative: N/A Contract method: Construction Manager/ Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) Finance method: State general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Extensive; precast concrete cells, precast concrete structural tees for roofs and exterior walls NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Virginia Oakwood 0 10 20 FLFLJ NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 319 Lorton Maximum Security Facility Responsible official: Administrator, District of Columbia Department of Corrections Contact: Clarence Cotton, Project Manager, Lorton Maximum Security Facility, Furnace Road, Lorton, VA 22079, 202-939-7198 Architect: N/A Construction Manager: Scotsman Buildings, 8211 Town Center Drive, Baltimore, MD 21236, 410-931--6000 Total GSF: Unknown Total NSF: Unknown Corrections GSF: Unknown Corrections NSF: Unknown Housing area GSF: 22,320 Housing NSF: Unknown GSF per inmate (design): Unknown GSF per inmate (current): Unknown NSF per inmate (design): Unknown NSF per inmate (current): Unknown Size of cells: 3,240 (dorm) Net/gross square feet: Unknown area ffiffi,, Groundbreaking: March 1990 Finish date: September 1990 Construction time: 6 months - \ ' ' Total: $4,100,000 Building only: $2,400,000 Final construction cost: Lower Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $20,500 Total per GSF: Unknown Total per NSF: Unknown Total annual operating costs: $1,188,000 Structural:Steelframe Exterior walls: Steel stud, drywall Interior walls: Steel stud, drywall Exterior sutface or facade: Metal siding Electronic technology systems: ccrv surveillance, staff intercommunication, inmate intercom, paging and sound system, duress/fire alann, door controV monitoring General popuJation Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:200 Special population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:O Total design: 200 Current population: Unknown Design: Dorms Cells per unit: 1 Inmates per unit (design): 50 Inmates per unit (current): 85 Management type (design): Remote surveillance Management type (current}: Remote surveillance Means to handle crowding: Transfer to another facility Total officers per unit Day:4 Evening: 4 Midnight: 2 Contract method: Turnkey design-build Finance method: Cost shared by local jurisdictions Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Extensive; module buildings 320 Door material(s}: Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Remote locking only Floor sutface: Vinyl tile Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HVAC: Forced air Plumbing: China Furniture: Unknown Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for dorms and common areas, manual alarm stations Windows: Standard and bars, security screens Perimeter: Double fence, razor wire on fence(s}, towers, perimeter patrols, video camera surveillance; costs excluded Inmate security level Maximum: 100% Medium:O Minirnum:O ~~~~il~imi:~liiJlr;w • ·•ITT ~~.wa:m<111rom1~1ffl ,L Full-time equivalent Administration: Unknown Security: Unknown Programs and treatment: Unknown Maintenance: Unknown Total: 297 Current inmate/staff ratio: Unknown Contracted services: Unknown I~"· ~ - .. , Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Prefabricated components; simple construction methods, phased construction (fast track}; fast track modular construction Negative: Government procedures and regulations, high labor cost onsite and low labor cost for offsite module production Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Prefabricated components Negative: Government procedures and regulations, lengthy approval time NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Virginia Lorton --------.-,-: s -+: [J I!! 1 I r I --------t---· I!. 1 g Nll!National Directory of Corrections Construction 321 Clallam Bay Correctional Center Responsible official: Secretary, Washington Department of Corrections Contact: Bob Wright, Superintendent, Oallam Bay Correctional Center, HC 63 Box 5000, Clallam Bay, WA 98326--9775, 206--963-3200 Architect: John GrahamAssociates,P.O. Box 521166, Tulsa, OK 74114-1720,404--876-3800 Construction Manager: NIA Total GSF: 127,228 Total NSF: Unknown Corrections GSF: 127,228 Corrections NSF: Unknown Housing area GSF: 66,435 Housing area NSF: 48,915 GSFperinmate (design): 318 GSFperinmate(current): 318 NSF per inmate (design): Unknown NSF per inmate (current): Unknown Size of cells: 88 (single) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Doormaterial(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) of locks: Remote locking only Floor surface: Lino/sheet vinyl, epoxy coating, sealed concrete, vinyl tile Intercom: Two-way to common areas HYAC: Forced air Plumbing: China Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas, manual alann stations Windows: Slit and special security IIIIIJl!il!4-1111flllll Groundbreaking: July 1991 Finish date: February 1993 Construction time: 20 months Total: $13,200,000 Building only: $13,200,000 Final construction cost: Lower Housing area: $6,155,995 Housing per inmate: $15,400 Housingpercell: $15,400 Total per inmate: $33,000 TotalperGSF: $103.75 Total per NSF: Unknown Total annual operating costs: $2,974,236 Structural: Steel frame, load-bearing masonry Exterior walls: CMU block Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete, CMU block Exterior sUiface or facade: Stucco Electronic technology systems: Lighting protection, CCTV surveillance, staff intercommunication, inmate intercom, paging and sound system, duress/fire alann, door control/monitoring, custom control panels 322 General population Single occupancy: 400 Double occupancy: 0 Donns: 0 Special population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Donns:O Total design: 400 Current population: October 1992: 400 Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: 50 Inmates per unit (design): 50 Inmates per unit (current): 50 Management type (design): Direct supervision Management type (current): Direct supervision Means to handle crowding: Transfer to another facility, second bunk permanently attached Total officers per unit Day:7 Evening: 7 Midnight: 7 Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: State general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: Limited; painting, fabrication of cell furniture Use of prefabrication: None Perimeter: Building exterior only, double fence, razor wire on and between fence(s), towers, perimeter patrols; costs included Inmate security level Maximum:O Medium: 100% Minimum:O Full-time equivalent Administration: 14 Security: 111 Programs and treatment: 221 Maintenance: 25 Total: 371 Current inmate/staff ratio: 1. 1:1 Contracted services: Medical, educational programs, water Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods, less expensive materials Negative: Slow construction and lengthy building time, high labor costs, difficult site conditions Factors affecting time schedule Positive: N/A Negative: Labor problems, weather problems N/J!National Direct01y of Corrections Construction Washington Clallam Bay cc 0 0 ..J LL :l: I- CC :::, 0 LL cc 0 0 ..J LL C cc ~ I- NIJ!Nation.al Directory of Corrections Construction 323 Columbia Correctional Institution Responsible official: Secretary, Wisconsin Department of Corrections Contact: Jeff Endicott, Warden, Columbia Correctional Institution, Route 3, Highway 127, P.O. Box 950, Portage, WI53901, 608-742-9100 Architect: Hellmuth, Obata & Kassabaum, 1831 Chestnut Street, St Louis, MO 63103, 314--421-2000 Construction Manager: Potter, Lawson & Pawlowsky, Inc., 15 Ellis Potter Court, Madison, WI 53711, 608-274-2741 Total GSF: 296,600 Total NSF: 207,620 Corrections GSF: 296,600 Corrections NSF: 207,620 Housing area GSF: 176,860 Housing area NSF: 123,800 GSF per inmate (design): 580 GSF per inmate (current): 516 NSF per inmate (design): 406 NSF per inmate (current): 361 Size of cells: 80 (single) Net/gross square feet: 70% Groundbreaking: February 1984 Finish date: May 1986 Construction time: 27 months Total: $30,362,286 Building only: $27,739,014 Final construction cost: Lower Housing area: $18,100,000 Housing per inmate: $40,222 Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $59,417 Total per GSF: $102.37 Total per NSF: $146.24 Total annual operating cost.s: $13,083,358 Structural: Steel frame Exterior walls: CMU block Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete, CMU block Exterior stnface or facade: Brick Electronic technology systems: ccrv surveillance, staff intercommunication, inmate intercom, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, door controV monitoring, custom control panels, perimeter detection/alarm 324 General population Single occupancy: 450 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:0 Special population Single occupancy: 61 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Total design: 511 Current population: April 1993: 575 Design: Linear, cells on outside walls Cells per unit: 50 Inmates per unit (design): 50 Inmates per unit (current}: 62 Management type (design): futermittent surveillance Management type (current): Remote surveillance,directsupervision Means to handle crowding: Second bunk permanently attached Total officers per unit Day:2 Evening:2 Midnight: 1 - Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: State general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Doormaterial(s}: Steel Type(s} of doors: Sliding Type(s} of locks: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to cells HVAC: Gas heat Plumbing: China Furniture: Steel . Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas, manual alarm stations Windows: Slit Perimeter: Double fence, perimeter patrols and detection/alarm, razor wire on and between fence(s}, towers, video camera surveillance; costs included Inmate security level Maximum: 100% Medium:0 Minimum:0 Full-time equivalent · Administration: 12 Security: 218 Programs and treatment: 34 Maintenance: 10 Total:274 Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.1: 1 Contracted services: Medical Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods, good competition, nine identical housing unit.s Negative: Difficult site conditions; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems; long lead time for detention equipment Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Simple construction methods, coordination of design, onsite supervision Negative: Slow response or delivery from vendor/supplier, complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Wisconsin Portage ;t:::: C :::, a> C en ::::, 0 :r: c ~ Q) ~ Q) en o O=-~ .c Cl) -0 (1)0<( ..... co a, +-' C Q) E§ Cl)·- Ol°etj co+-' C <.F.J ~co- -o~2 C ......, ::::, .t:::: C CO C 0 __J:::, 0 ~ U") co a, ·- C Cit :I 0 :c Nil/National Directory of Corrections Construction 325 Milwaukee County Jail and Criminal Justice Facility Responsible official: Sheriff, Milwaukee Cowity Contact: John Logowski, Acting Director, Milwaukee County Jail and Criminal Justice Facility, 949 North Ninth Street, Milwaukee, WI 53213, 414-226--7050 Architect: Venture Architects, 205 West Highland, Milwaukee, WI 53203, 414-271-3359 Construction Manager: CRSS/BOWT, Oscar J. Boldt Construction Company, P.O. Box 8, Waukesha, WI 53188, 414-544-9118 Total GSF: 436,000 Total NSF: Unknown Corrections GSF: 335,000 Corrections NSF: Unknown Housing area GSF: 253,000 Housing area NSF: Unknown GSF per inmate (design): 420 GSF per inmate (current): 447 NSF per inmate (design): Unknown NSF per inmate (current): Unknown Size of cells: 70 (single) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Door material(s): Wood, metal Type(s) of doors: Swinging, sliding Type(s) oflocks: Manual locking Floor smface: Sealed concrete futercom: Two-way to cells HVAC: Hot water, forced air Plumbing: China, stainless steel Furniture: Concrete Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas, manual alann stations Windows: Slit ffif~~Mi~~%WWimF""'"%"'1 ~~~~~~,-•&1 Groundbreaking: November 1989 Finish date: October 1992 Construction time: 36 months Total: $76,843,324 Building only: $75,419,075 Final construction cost: Lower Housing area: $43,763,821 Housing per inmate: $58,222 Housing per cell: $54,842 Total per inmate: N/A Total per GSF: $176.25 Total per NSF: Unknown Total annual operating costs: Unknown Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Precast panels, cast-in-place concrete, stone Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete, CMU block Exterior smface or facade: Textured concrete, stone Electronic technology systems: Lighting protection, CCIV surveillance, staff intercommunication, inmate intercom, paging and sound system, duress/fire alann, door control/monitoring, card access, custom control panels, integrated computerized infonnation system for jail, booking, and court 326 General population Single occupancy: 744 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:0 Special population Single occupancy: 54 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:0 Total design: 798 Current population: March 1993: 750 Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: 48 Inmates per unit (design): 48 Inmates per unit (current): Unknown Management type (design): Remote surveillance, direct supervision Management type (current): Intennittent surveillance Means to handle crowding: Transfer to another facility, release by special master Total officers per unit Day: I Evening: I Midnight: I Contract method: Multiple bid packages (fast track) Finance method: Local general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Extensive Perimeter: Building exterior only; costs excluded Inmate security level Maximum: 100% Medium:0 Minimum:0 Full-time equivalent Administration: 21 · Security: 128 Programs and treatment: 14 Maintenance: 9 Total: 172 Current inmate/staff ratio: 4.4: 1 Contracted services: Food Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Prefabricated components; simple construction methods, phased construction (fast track); good competition, less expensive materials Negative: Difficult site conditions; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Prefabricated components; simple construction methods, phased construction (fast track); advanced order of materials; coordination of design Negative: Weather problems NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction ?;; ~ ~ ::.!. C --~ 1 state Ollender Housing ~ I:::. t:, l") c 2 Protective Cuatody and ~ Trualy Housing .Q, 3 General Housing () 4 High Security and C Diaclplinary Houaing ~ 5 Pod Support (I:, l") ,... -- 6 Floor Control 7 Non-Contact Visiting C ~ ""() 8 Contact Viaitlng C 9 Indoor Exercise ~ ""z; 10 Indoor/Outdoor Exercise ;;:: --,... l") C ~ :a t =-· = ; i t,.,) t-,...} -..J " " . r.tl ~ LEVEL FIVE MAIN Q § '< -· r.tl = Racine Correctional Institution Responsible official: Secretary, Wisconsin Department of Corrections Contact: Oscar Shade, Warden, Racine Correctional Institution, P.O. Box 900, Sturtevant, WI 53177--0900, 414-886-3214 Architect: Venture Architects, 205 West Highland, Milwaukee, WI 53203, 414-271-3359 Construction Manager: NIA Total GSF: 352,500 Total NSF: 188,500 Corrections GSF: 352,500 Corrections NSF: 188,500 Housing area GSF: 193,830 Housing area NSF: 116,300 GSFperinmate (design): 501 GSF per inmate (current): 402 NSF per inmate (design): 268 NSF per inmate (current): 215 Size of cells: 80 (single) Net/gross square feet: 53% Groundbreaking: March 1989 Finish date: April 1991 Construction time: 25 months Total: $53,000,000 Building only: $30,324,241 Final construction cost: Lower Housing area: $25,829,997 Housing per inmate: $39,738 Housing per cell: $39,738 Total per inmate: $75,391 Total per GSF: $150.35 Total per NSF: $281.17 Total annual operating costs: $12,312,734 li!IIIPJlawJiiilllll Structural: Precast concrete frame, loadbearing masonry, brick Exterior walls: CMU block, exterior insulation finish system Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface or facade: Brick, exterior insulation finish system Electronic technology systems: ccrv surveillance, staff intercommunication, inmate intercom, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, door control/ monitoring, card access, custom control panels, perimeter detection/alarm, satellite/ cable 328 General population Single occupancy: 650 Double occupancy: 0 Dorrns:0 Special population Single occupancy: 53 Double occupancy: 0 Dorrns:0 Total design: 703 Current population: April 1993: 877 Doormaterial(s): Wood, steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging, sliding Type(s} oflocks: Remote and manual locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete, vinyl tile Intercom: Two-way to cells HVAC: Heating/air circulation, steam heat, forced air, central plant/hot water Plumbing: Unknown Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas, manual alarm stations Windows: Commercial grade with bars Perimeter: Double fence, perimeter patrols and detection/alarm, razor wire on fence(s), towers; costs excluded Inmate security level Maximum: 36% Medium:58% Minimum:0 Segregation cells: 6% ~~~"lmm~~ r~~~~- Design: Modular/pod Cells per unit: 100 Inmates per unit (design): 100 Inmates per unit (current): 125 Management type (design): Remote surveillance, direct supervision Management type (current): Direct supervision Means to handle crowding: Transfer to another facility, bunk beds in cells, mattresses on floor Total officers per unit Day:2 Evening: 2 Midnight: 2 - Contract method: Conventional design-bidbuild Finance method: State general obligation bonds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Full-time equivalent Administration: 50 Security: 211 Programs and treatment: 30 Maintenance: 20 Total: 311 Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.8: 1 Contracted services: Medical -····. I . ~ ... Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Simple construction methods, good competition, less expensive materials Negative: Difficult site conditions; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Factors affecting time schedule Positive: Simple construction methods, advanced order of materials, coordination of design Negative: Weather problems NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Wisconsin Sturtevant ♦ • . i ! ~ C <II a: 0 - 0 0 !"'"_______ ---- ____ _, _,_. ,. _________ ----- -.! l ~ , i r· :·· r--- i :: ::I ~ .., ~ ii:: ~:;- !ii (- ·,., .. . . .~-·~,--=·,. '-.. ... C ftl a: - Cll C C 0 E X :I GI GI <II ftl al 0 ~ ?: u. :iu - jJJ i:n C GI U) E E :I !! c 'Ei ID NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction ~ 329 Sublette County Jail Responsible official: Sheriff, Sublette County Contact: Robert Sutherland, Jail Administrator, Sublette County Jail, 33 l/2 South Tyler Avenue, Pinedale, WY 82941, 307-367-4378 Architect: Unknown Construction Manager: N/A Total GSF: 4,000 Total NSF: Unknown Corrections GSF: 4,000 Corrections NSF: Unknown Housing area GSF: 4,000 Housing area NSF: Unknown GSFperinmate (design): 182 GSF per inmate (current): 800 NSF per inmate (design): Unknown NSF per inmate (current): Unknown Size of cells: N/A Net/gross square feet Unknown llllllll■lai11111111111 Groundbreaking: Unknown Finish date: January 1985 Construction time: Unknown Total: Unknown Building only: Unknown Final construction cost: Unknown Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: Unknown Total per GSF: Unknown Total per NSF: Unknown Total annual operating costs: $167,857 Structural: Load-bearing precast panels, steel frame, cast-in-place concrete frame, modular metal cells Exterior walls: Precast panels, cast-in-place concrete, CMU block futerior walls: Precast panels, cast-in-place concrete, CMU block Exterior surface or facade: Brick, stucco, textured concrete Electronic technology systems: CCTV surveillance, staff intercommunication, inmate intercom, paging and sound system, duress/fire alarm, satellite/cable 330 General population Single occupancy: 6 Double occupancy: 12 Dorms:4 Special population Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms:O Total design: 22 Current population: January 1992: 5 ll:lllw!tllftol:41Ellllll;lllt; Design: Linear, cells on outside walls and building interior Cells per unit: 3 fumates per unit (design): Unknown fumates per unit (current): Unknown Management type (design): Intermittent surveillance,video Management type (current): Intermittent surveillance Means to handle crowding: N/A Total officers per unit Day:2 Evening: 1 Midnight 1 Doormaterial(s): Steel Type(s) of doors: Swinging Type(s) oflocks: Remote and manual locking Floor surface: Steel futercom: Two-way to cells INAC: Heating/air circulation, gas heat, forced air Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells Windows: Slit, special security Perimeter: Building exterior only; costs included Inmate security level Maximum: 33% Medium:O Minimum: 66% lillillllilh1111t111BIII Full-time equivalent Administration: 1 Security: 5 Programs and treatment: 0 Maintenance: 0 Total: 6 Current inmate/staff ratio: 8 Contracted services: Medical, food ~IIIBI•III ■ Factors affecting construction costs Positive: Prefabricated components Negative: Construction and equipment complications Factors affecting time schedule Positive: N/A Negative: N/A Contract method: Turnkey design-build Finance method: Local general obligation bonds, Federal funds Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Extensive; steel modular system NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Wyoming Sublette County .. -~ -~ ► n· - •t, ......, ~ ,.._ - ~ ~ N V'i il... T C) .., l 1 . ~- . <:< \_ 1 _... ~ (j ~ (.,___ ~~ • (2~ \,\ -~ 0 0 <::") ~ <:, ::...__ a:: l ( ><! 0 - 11 'f "'" I rn ()' "'" ric.o q :1 L() ~J . -- - (\J r<) ~ - - l . .s 1 - rn --~ '~--- ,:_ 2. .r--- Cl) - - I T f ::r\ (' '."'> \.'· --c.- ~, " ·~ ' T - - :a: .,-.--iL- .:, -7' "'=- er:: l -,. OJ 2. 0 --> i....:... t -<- 0) >;:1 0 0 ~ . . - <D - - t ~~ ------0 ,:, ~ ~ ' l.{) "< ~ 0 ' ' " <;_---:, '~ - - l~t!:: r.0 ~ a) l1.,,, l t z .Z ('J . ' .. N ~ L0 ~ \) ~ ~ 2. . NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction - . N 0 ""I {' 0 - (\J ·m - a.. ~ <I a: :r (./'\ w ex: - Ct: <C Li... ~ lu ~ <t:.. • 331 AppendixA Reference: Architects and Construction Managers Architects and construction managers Firm name Abend Singleton Associates, Inc. Alcon Associates, Inc. Architectural Technologies, Inc. Architectural Technologies, Inc. Architectural Technologies, Inc. BASCO Associates BLDD Architects BLDD Architects BLDD Architects BLDD Architects BLI Construction Barron, Heinberg & Brocato Architects &Engineers Barron, Heinberg & Brocato Architects &Engineers Barton-Malow Barton-Malow/fornpkins-Beckwith Benatec Associates Birkeland Architects (out of business) Bowen & Watson CMW,Inc. CRSS/B0WT CRSS Constructors, Inc. CRSS Constructors, Inc. CRSS Constructors, Inc. CRSS Constructors, Inc. CRSS Constructors, Inc. CRSS Constructors, Inc. CRSS Constructors, Inc. Oark Construction Company Creative Environmental Concepts, Inc. Daniel, Mann, Johnson & Mendenhall (DMJM) Daniel, Mann, Johnson & Mendenhall (DMJM) Daniel, Mann, Johnson & Mendenhall (DMJM) Daniel, Mann, Johnson & Mendenhall (DMJM) Davidson and Jones Construction Davidson and Jones Construction Di Stefano/Santopetro Architects, Inc. Di Stefano/Santopetro Architects, Inc. Di Stefano/Santopetro Architects, Inc. Di Stefano/Santopetro Architects, Inc. Durrant Architects, Inc. Dworsky Associates EDIS/CRSS E. George Wynn-Architect E. George Wynn-Architect Eddie Frances, A.I.A. Ellerbe Becket, Inc. Federal Construction Company Hour Daniel Reference Facility name Facility type Marion County Jail and Law Enforcement Center Lowndes County Jail Central Lam1dry Facility Jessup Pre-Release Unit Patuxent Institution York County Prison Danville Correctional Center Hill Correctional Center Illinois River Correctional Center Western Illinois Correctional Center Herny County Jail County complex County jail State prison State prison State prison County jail State prison State prison State prison State prison County jail 248 124 218 220 226 296 156 158 Federal Correctional Institution-Oakdale I Federal prison 204 Federal Detention Center-Oakdale II Sergeant William Dickerson Detention Facility John E. Goode Pre-Trial Detention Facility Federal Correctional Institution-Schuylkill Sherburne County Jail Northeast Probation Detention Center Carroll County Regional Detention Center Milwaukee County Jail and Criminal Justice Facility Arapahoe County Justice Center Boone County Jail Denver Reception and Diagnostic Center Fulton Reception and Diagnostic Center Sedgwick County Adult Local Detention Facility Sedgwick County Work Release Will County Adult Detention Facility Ionia Maximum Correctional Facility Rusk County Sheriffs Department Arapahoe County Justice Center Eastern Kentucky Correctional Complex Greensville Correctional Center Keen Mountain Correctional Center Durham County Jail Annex Wake County Public Safety Center Bee County Jail Caldwell County Jail Frio County Jail Nacogdoches County Law Enforcement Center Boone County Jail Santa Oara County Main Jail Multi-Purpose Criminal Justice Facility Alamosa County Detention Center Huerfano County Law Enforcement Center Metro West Detention Center Metropolitan Detention Center-Los Angeles Pinellas County Jail Keen Mountain Correctional Center Federal detention/jail County jail County and city complex Federal prison Com1ty complex State prison Regional jail County complex Jail complex Jail complex State prison State prison County jail County jail County jail State prison County complex County complex State prison State prison State prison County jail County complex County complex County complex County complex County complex County jail County complex State prison County complex County complex County jail Federal detention/jail County jail State prison 206 234 NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Page 160 170 118 92 290 240 126 200 326 64 174 68 246 190 192 172 230 310 64 202 316 318 270 272 298 300 304 308 244 54 82 62 70 96 50 100 318 335 Architects and construction managers (continued) Reference Firm name Facility name Facility type G.E. Johnson Construction Boulder County Jail Mesa County Detention Facility Eastern Kentucky Correctional Complex Ely State Prison Federal Correctional lnstitu.tion-McKean Oxbow Jail Facility El Dorado Correctional Facility Lamed Correctional Mental Health Facility Monmouth County Correction Institution Tippecanoe County Law Enforcement Center Mesa County Detention Facility Cattaraugus County Jail Genesee County Jail Glynn County Detention Center Genesis Unit 200 Bed Correctional Facility Grafton Correctional fustitution West Valley Detention Center Columbia Correctional Institution Federal Correctional fustitution-Three Rivers James I. Montgomery Correctional Center Macomb County Jail Minnesota Correctional Facility-Shakopee Montgomery County Detention Center Sergeant William Dickerson Detention Facility Tippecanoe County Law Enforcement Center Wake County Public Safety Center Fulton Reception and Diagnostic Center Denver Reception and Diagnostic Center Lansing Correctional Facility-Fast Western Missouri Correctional Center Pueblo County Detention Facility-Work Release Central Correctional Institute Central Probation Detention Center Clayton County Correctional Institution Coastal Correctional fustitution Georgia Diagnostic and Classification Center Georgia Women's Correctional fustitute Hays Correctional Institute-Boot Camp Henry County Jail Homerville Parole Center I.W. Davis Probation Detention Center Lowndes County Jail Northeast Probation Detention Center Northwest Probation Detention Center Phillips Correctional fustitute---Boot Camp Rockdale-Dekalb Probation Detention Center Rogers Correctional Institute Southeast Probation Detention Center Telfair Correctional Jnstitu.te-Boot Camp Treutlen Shock Unit County jail County complex State prison State prison Federal prison County jail State prison State prison County jail County complex County complex County jail County complex County complex County jail State prison County jail State prison Federal prison County jail County jail State prison County jail County jail County complex County jail State prison State prison State prison State prison County jail State prison State prison County jail State prison State prison State prison State prison County jail State prison State prison County jail State prison State prison State prison State prison State prison State prison State prison State prison G.E. Johnson Construction GRW Engineers, fuc. Ganthner, Melby, Lee Architects & Planners Geddes, Brecher, Qualls, Cunningham Gillies, Stransky, Brems & Smith Architects Gossen Livingston Associates Gossen Livingston Associates Grad Partnership Guepel DeMars H.D.R., fuc. ·Habiterra Associates Habiterra Associates Hansen Lind Meyer Hansen Lind Meyer Heery/Oz.anne Heery-Vanir Hellmuth, Obata & Kassabaum, fuc. Hellmuth, Obata & Kassabaum, fuc. Hellmuth, Obata & Kassabaum, Inc. Hellmuth, Obata & Kassabaum, fuc. Hellmuth, Obata & Kassabaum, Inc. Hellmuth, Obata & Kassabaum, Inc. Hellmuth, Obata & Kassabaum, Inc. Hellmuth, Obata & Kassabaum, Inc. Hellmuth, Obata & Kassabaum, Inc. Hoffinan De.Michele, Inc. Hoover, Berg, Desmond Horst, Terrill & Karst Architects Howard, Needles, Tammen & Bergendoff Hurtig, Gardner & Froilich Architects, Inc. IPG,fuc. IPG,Inc. IPG,Inc. IPG,fuc. IPG,fuc. IPG,Jnc. IPG,Jnc. IPG,fuc. IPG,Inc. IPG,Inc. , IPG,Jnc. IPG,Jnc. IPG,Inc. IPG,fuc. IPG,fuc. IPG, Inc. IPG,Inc. IPG,Jnc. IPG,Jnc. 336 Page 66 72 202 252 288 312 182 188 258 180 72 260 262 114 86 274 60 324 302 90 232 238 222 234 180 272 246 68 186 250 74 102 104 106 108 110 112 116 118 120 122 124 126 128 130 132 134 136 138 140 NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Architects and construction managers (continued) Reference Firm name Facility name Facility type IPG,Inc. IPG,Inc. IP:G,Inc. IPG,Inc. IPG,Inc. Illinois Department of Corrections, Capital Programs Unit Illinois Department of Corrections, Capital Programs Unit lliinois Department of Corrections, Capital Program Unit Jack Jennings and Sons Jacobs, Wyner, Ehrenfrantz James A Lichty James Associates John Graham Associates JWandSons KA Parsons Associates KA. Parsons Associates Larry Zimmer-Architect L. Dow Oliver & Associates L. Dow Oliver & Associates L. Dow Oliver & Associates Legat Architects Legat Architects Lescher & Mahoney/ DIR Group Lescher & Mahoney Lorenz & Williams, Inc. MG Engineering and Construction MZA May and Holbrook Morris Diesel Morrison-Knudson Parametric Co. Morrison-Knudsen Parametric Co. Multiple architects Music and Worth Construction No Architect No Architect No Architect O'Brien Atkins Associates O'Brien Atkins Associates O'Brien Kreitzberg O'Brien Kreitzberg O'Donnell and Maccarato, Inc. Pages,Inc. Patrick Sullivan Associates Phillips Swager Associates Phillips Swager Associates Phillips Swager Associates Potter, Lawson & Pawlowsky, Inc. Ware Correctional Instimte Washington Correctional Instimtion-Boot Camp West Central Probation Detention Center Western Probation Detention Center Women's Probation Detention Center State prison State prison State prison State prison State prison 146 150 152 154 Danville Correctional Center State prison 156 Hill Correctional Center State prison 158 Western Illinois Correctional Center Genesis Unit 200 Bed Correctional Facility Philadelphia Industrial Correctional Center Montgomery County Detention Center Tippecanoe County Law Enforcement Center Clallam Bay Correctional Center Alameda City Police Department and Jail Cumberland County Jail Lew Sterrett Justice Center Saguache County Jail Orleans Parish Prison St. Bernard Jail Complex Tulane Avenue Facility McHenry County Government Center Robert H. Babcox Justice Center Marion County Corrections Facility Boulder County Jail Warren Correctional Institution Rockdale-Dekalb Probation Detention Center ECI: Leo Chesney Women's Center Baltimore Pre-Release Unit for Women Federal Correctional Institution-Fairton Greensville Correctional Center Philadelphia Industrial Correctional Center State Correctional Institution at Waymart Southeast Probation Detention Center Lerdo Pre-Trial Lorton Maximum Security Facility Stanton County Law Enforcement Center Durham County Jail Annex Wake County Public Safety Center Santa Clara County Main Jail Stanislaus County Public Safety Center Bucks County Rehabilitation Center Women's Probation Detention Center South County Detention Facility Robinson Correctional Center Taylorville Correctional Center Will County Adult Detention Facility Columbia Correctional Institution State prison County jail City jail County jail County complex State prison City complex County jail County jail County jail County and city jail County jail County and city jail County complex County complex County complex County jail State prison State prison State prison (privately operated) State prison Federal prison State prison City jail State prison State prison County jail State prison County complex County complex County complex County complex County jail County jail State prison County andcity jail State prison State prison County jail State prison 170 86 ~92 224 180 322 38 254 306 76 208 210 212 162 NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Page 144 164 284 66 280 132 44 216 256 316 292 294 136 4S 320 196 270 272 54 58 286 154 56 166 168 172 324 337 Architects and construction managers (continued} Reference Page Firm name Facility name Facility type Quandel RC. Byce & Associates Ranon & Partners, Inc. Reddick Construction Company Richard Bowen and Associates Robert P. Madison futernational Robertson Strong Apgar Architects Ron Webb (out of business) Rosser Justice Systems Rosser Justice Systems Rosser Justice Systems Rosser Justice Systems Rosser Justice Systems Rosser Justice Systems Rosser Justice Systems Rosser Justice Systems Rosser Justice Systems Rosser Justice Systems Rosser White Hobbs Davidson McClellan Kelly,Inc. SMP(The Design Partnership SJ. Amorroso Construction Company Schaefer, John, Cox, Frey & Asssociates Schenkel Shultz Schenkel Shultz Schlup, Becker & Brennan Scotsman Buildings Setter Leach & Lindstrom, Inc. Shaughnessy Fickel and Scott Architects, Inc. Sherertz Franklin Crawford Shaffner York County Prison Ionia Maximum Correctional Facility Hillsborough County Orient Road Jail West Central Probation Detention Center Lorain Correctional Institution Grafton Correctional Institution Metro Jefferson Public Safety Building Duplin County Jail Brevard County Detention Center Garner Correctional Institution Harrison County Jail Naval Consolidated Brig Miramar Northwest Ohio Regional Jail Palm Beach County Stockade Saratoga County Law Enforcement Center U.S. Federal Penitentimy-Atlanta Washington Correctional Institution West Valley Detention Center County jail State prison County jail State prison State prison State prison County complex County jail County jail State prison County complex Regional jail (military) Regional jail County jail County complex Federal prison State prison County jail Martin Correctional Institution Stanislaus County Public Safety Center South County Detention Facility Sedgwick County Adult Local Detention Facility Boone County Jail Kosciusko County Work Release Wyandotte County Detention Center Lorton Maximum Security Facility Hennepin County Adult Detention Center Johnson County Jail Clruke-Frederick-Winchester Regional Adult Detention Center Shawnee County Adult Detention Facility Alexander Cybulski Correctional Institution John E. Goode Pre-Trial Detention Facility Norfolk County Sheriffs Office and Correctional Center James I. Montgomery Correctional Center Alameda County Jail Garner Correctional Institution Lorain Correctional Institution Gibson County Jail Butte County Minimum Security Facility Sublette County Jail Alameda City Police Department and Jail Alameda County Jail Milwaukee County Jail and Criminal Justice Facility Racine Correctional Institution Bucks County Rehabilitation Center Cumberland County Jail Federal Correctional Institution-Fairton State prison County jail County and city jail County jail County jail County jail County complex State prison County jail County jail 94 58 56 190 174 178 198 320 236 Regional jail County jail State prison County and city complex 314 194 78 92 County jail County jail County jail State prison State prison County jail County jail County jail ,City complex County jail County complex State prison County jail County jail Federal prison 228 90 Slemmons Associates, Architects Stecker, LaBau, Arneill, McManus Architects Sverdrup Corporation The Architect's Collaborative The Haskell Company Turner Construction Turner Construction Turner Construction United Consulting Engineers and Architects Unknown Unknown VEN Architects VBN Architects Venture Architects Venture Architects Vitetta Group Vitetta Group Vitetta Group 338 296 230 88 150 276 274 264 268 84 80 242 52 278 98 266 142 148 60 184 40 80 276 176 42 330 38 40 326 328 286 254 256 NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Architects and construction managers (continued) Reference Firm name Facility name Facility type VitettaGroup Vitetta Group WBRC Lew Sterrett Justice Center Multi-Purpose Criminal Justice Facility Androscoggin County Jail Federal Detention Center-Dublin Pinellas County Jail Central Laundry Facility Jessup Pre-Release Unit Patuxent Institution Sedgwick County Work Release Varner Unit Federal Correctional Institution-Sheridan County jail State prison County jail Federal detention/jail County jail State prison State prison State prison County jail State prison Federal prison WRO Architects Watson and Company (out of business) Whiting-Turner Contracting Co. Whiting-Turner Contracting Co. Whiting-Turner Contracting Co. Wilson-Darnell Associates Wittenberg, Delany, and Davidson Zimmwe Gunsul Frasca Partnership NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Page 306 82 214 46 100 218 220 226 192 36 282 339 j / AppendixB Data Base Proftle Information \ Data Base Profile Information Each facility profile appearing in this directory provides 91 pieces of information. listed below is the full range of data supplied by the architects and facility administrators for each facility. The data are maintained on the Construction Information Exchange data base. This information is available on diskette and in hardcopy printout to meet individual needs. Time frames (e.g., bid, groundbreaking, and completion dates} General population capacity (e.g., double cell capacity and size, dorm capacity and size} Special housing capacity (e.g., single cell capacity and size, dorm capacity and size) Facility Total design capacity (e.g., cells, inmates) County Single cell percentage Jurisdiction official Special population percentage Facility official Architectural firm Number of cells (cells allocated for specific inmate populations, such as females, drug offenders, and illegal aliens) Additional architectural firm Percentage crowded Private organization (facility owned/managed by private-sector organization) Current population (e.g., date, inmate capacity) Category (e.g., new construction, expansion, conversion) Means to handle crowding (e.g., transfer to another facility, bunk beds) Facility type (e.g., jail, prison, complex-use) Total costs (e.g., construction, per inmate, per GSF) Facility complex use (e.g., law enforcement, courts) Final construction cost Commitment type (e.g., pretrial, sentenced) Building costs (e.g., total, per cell, per NSF) Jurisdiction level (e.g., Federal, State, county) Site acquisition cost Building(s) configuration (e.g., integrated structure, campus style, highrise) Unusual site/offsite cost Furnishing and equipment cost Facility location (e.g., rural, urban, suburb) Housing costs (e.g., housing area, per inmate) Amount ofland Land for future construction Operating costs-corrections (e.g., total, staff, food, medical) Included spaces (e.g., housing, support services, programming) Operating costs-law enforcement (e.g., total, staff, supplies/equipment) Excluded spaces (e.g., housing, support services, programming) Operating costs-court (e.g., total, staff, transportation) Cost per inmate per year NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 343 Cost per inmate per day Positive cost factors (e.g., phased construction, less expensive materials and hardware) Gross square feet (e.g., total, corrections, courts) Net square feet (e.g., total, corrections, law enforcement) NSF/GSF percentage Housing gross square feet Housing net square feet Housing space percentage GSF per inmate (e.g., design, current) NSF per inmate (e.g., housing design) Housing design (e.g., modular/pod, linear) Housing unit composition (e.g., cells and inmates per housing unit) Management type-design (e.g., direct supervision, intermittent or remote surveillance) Management type---current (e.g., direct supervision, intermittent or remote surveillance) Security levels (maximum, medium, minimum, other} Perimeter security (e.g., building exterior, razor wire on fence(s), perimeter detection/alarm) Electronic technology systems (e.g., CCTV surveillance, custom control panels, door control/monitoring systems) Closed circuit television (e.g., bond/arraignment hearings, inmate surveillance) Construction materials (construction materials for the interior, exterior, structural, and surface/facade of building, such as CMU block, precast panels, steel frame, precast concrete cells, brick, textured concrete) Cell furnishings, finishes, and fixtures (e.g., sliding, remote-locking steel doors, stainless steel plumbing, airconditioning, gas heat, sealed concrete floors, special security windows, wooden furniture, two-way intercom system to cells and common areas, smoke detectors in cells and common areas) 344 Negative cost factors (e.g., high labor costs, government procedures (regulations and "red tape")) Positive time factors (e.g., prefabricated components, coordination of design [between construction manager and owner]) Negative time factors (e.g., weather problems; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems) Contract method (e.g., conventional design-bid-build, multiple bid packages/fast track) Finance method (e.g., State and local general obligation bonds, lease purchase, fixed financing rate, Federal funds, private-sector funds) Use of inmate labor (e.g., extensive, moderate, limited, explanation) Use of prefabrication (e.g., extensive, moderate, limited, explanation) Contract services (e.g., medical, transportation) Staffing-design (number of administrative, security, maintenance, program, and treatment staff) Staffing---current (number of administrative, security, maintenance, program, and treatment staff) Staffing adequacy Number of inmates per staff (inmates per security, program, treatment, and total staff) Officers per housing unit (e.g., day, evening, midnight) General contractor Construction manager Structural engineer Government official NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Law Enforcement Complex Total courtrooms Facility official Courtrooms shared with corrections Building(s) configuration (e.g., clusters, courtyard, integrated structure) Gross square feet (e.g., male lockup/holding, average courtroom, administrative offices) Included spaces (e.g., lockup/holding, administration, training, communications/dispatch, processing/in take) Net square feet (e.g., female lockup/holding, juvenile lockup/holding, average courtroom) Gross square feet (e.g., lockup/holding, administration, sallyport, firing range) Detainee transportation to and from courthouse (e.g., skybridge, vehicle, officer(s) escort) Net square feet (e.g., lockup/holding, training facility, roll call room, administration) Detainee movement within courthouse (e.g., separate elevator/stairwell, same elevator/stairwell) Lockup/holding area total cells Separate security entrance/exit Lockup/holding area average daily number of detainees Types of courthouse security systems (e.g., court officers/ deputies, bullet-proof shielding, panic buttons, CCTV surveillance) Special housing cells (e.g., total, medical, suicidal, isolation) Detainee management-special housing (e.g., CCTV surveiUance, intermittent surveillance) Types of courthouse security personnel (e.g., bailiffs, deputy sheriffs, private police) Courtroom lockup/holding space Detainee management-lockup/holding area (e.g., intercom system, CCTV surveillance) Separate juvenile lockup/holding Number of hours prior to transport Separate female lockup/holding Secure area for juvenile offenders Lockup/holding area cells (e.g., juvenile, male, female) Number of staff-lockup/holding area Lockup/holding area average daily detainees (e.g., juvenile, male, female) Types of security systems-lockup/holding area (e.g., detainee duress alarm, card access, metal detector(s)) Types of lockup/holding security personnel (e.g., deputy sheriffs, local police, U.S. marshals) Courts Complex Number oflockup/holding officers (e.g., juvenile, male, female) Facility official Types of lockup/holding security systems (e.g., intercom systems, high security glazing, door controVmonitoring systems) Facility type (e.g., criminal, district, circuit, juvenile) Building(s) configuration (e.g., highrise, integrated structure,courtyard) NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 345 AppendixC Additional Resources i I i Additional Resources Publications The following publications are available through ND's Construction Information Exchange. Construction Bulletin Series Acquiring New Prison Sites: The Federal Experience. 1987. 4 pp. NCJ 106784. Free. This bulletin explains how the Federal prison system chooses and acquires sites for new prisons. California Tests New Construction Concepts. 1986. 12 pp. NCJ 101593. Free. In an attempt to ease prison crowding, California has initiated an expansion plan using two advanced construction techniques. Construction Options: A California Case Study. 1992. 8 pp. NCJ 136079. Free. This case study demonstrates how Santa Clara County (California), pressed by the court in inmate litigation, assessed alternative construction methods and assembled its own building system that met the criteria of quality, economy, and rapid construction. Cost Savings in New Generation Jails: The Direct Supervision Approach. 1988. 8 pp. NCJ 105288. Free. To resolve crowding in jails, many local governments are now considering "new generation" jails with an innovative management method known as direct supervision. Florida Sets Example With Use of Concrete Modules. 1986. 8 pp. NCJ 100125. Free. A construction technique using prefabricated concrete cell modules has enabled Florida to open a new 336-bed unit for the prison at Raiford in only 8 months and at a cost of about $16,000 per cell. From Arizona to South Carolina: Transfer of a Prison Design Model. 1990. 8 pp. NCJ 114915. Free. Prison officials in South Carolina adapted plans prepared for a Federal prison in Arizona, thereby eliminating several costly and time-consuming steps required by the conventional approach to prison construction. Nil/National Directory of Corrections Construction Inmates Build Prisons in South Carolina. 1987. 12 pp. NCJ 106783. Free. Use of inmates for construction of correctional facilities will decrease the cost of building and at the same time provide incentives and training to develop skills. Jail Construction in California. 1990. 12 pp. NCJ 125097. Free. California's program to fund construction of county jails is an attempt to address the problems of crowding and deterioration of facilities that are faced by corrections authorities nationwide. Maine Jails: Progress Through Partnerships. 1987. 8 pp. NCJ 104918. Free. This summary of Maine's successful efforts to improve its jails focuses on State, county, and local planning; jail design; fostering public support for jail improvements; and State jail standards and inspection. New Construction Methods for Correctional Facilities. 1986. 8 pp. NCJ 100121. Free. After reviewing the problems of prison and jail crowding as well as the high cost of prison construction, this bulletin presents case studies of cost-effective prison construction and describes ND's technical assistance services for prison construction. Ohio's New Approach to Prison and Jail Financing. 1986. 12 pp. NCJ 102093. Free. Ohio's innovative method for financing prison construction-the leasing of prison facilities by the Department of Rehabilitation and Correction and the use of securities with a variable interest rate-offers advantages worthy of consideration by other States planning prison construction. Oklahoma Prison Expansion Saves Time and Money. 1987. 6 pp. NCJ 105290. Free. Oklahoma achieved rapid and inexpensive prison construction by expanding an existing institution with a minimum security housing unit of 90 cells, using the design of a previous project and prefabricated construction. 349 Stopping Escapes: Perimeter Security. 1987. 12 pp. NCJ 104600. Free. Based on a 1984 Bureau of Justice Statistics survey of 903 State correctional facilities, this report compares types of prison perimeter security, with particular attention to New York State's procedure for selecting the appropriate type of perimeter security for each prison, and provides guidelines for selecting perimeter security. Other Publications and Reports Building On Experience (Model program description). 1987. 70 pp. NCJ 103869. $8.40 (U.S.), $9.10 (Canada), $12.50 (other). This case study describes how Ohio has exploited the potential of new approaches in construction, design, and financing to build a prison that was not only less expensive to construct than a traditional design, but is expected to realize long-term savings because of innovative management and financing methods. Correctional Facility Design and Management (Issues and Practices). 1985. 128 pp. NCJ 096969. $9.90 (U.S.), $11.55 (Canada), $15.60 (other). This publication discusses a 1-year study of correctional facilities construction in 15 States and outlines the practices and processes used in the planning, design, and construction of the facilities. Development of a Test Method To Evaluate Penetrating Resistance of High Security Glazing. 1986. 240 pp. NCJ 104868. $5.20 (U.S.), $5.20 (Canada), $7.10 (other). This report describes the development of a test method to evaluate the penetration resistance of glazing materials (used as a barrier material in correctional facilities) subjected to a simultaneous attack of mechanical impact with a sharp-pointed tool and heat application. Federal Surplus Real Property Transfer Program (Fact sheet). 1992. 1 p. LT000045. Free. The purpose of the Federal Surplus Real Property Transfer Program is to transfer or convey to State and local governments, at no cost, surplus real property determined by the Attorney General to be required for correctional facility use. Through this program, correctional facility capacity is enhanced so that programs and projects may be provided for the care and rehabilitation of incarcerated criminal offenders. 350 Additional Readings These additional readings reflect a representative sample of citations available from the NIJ,INCJRS literature collection on corrections construction. Planning and Design "Architecture and Design: Solutions to Crowding." Corrections Today, vol. SO, no. 2 (April 1988). 199 pp. American Correctional Association, 8025 Laurel Lakes Court, Laurel, :MD 20707. NCJRS availability: Interlibrary loan. NCJ 110579. Twenty-three articles discuss various aspects of building correctional facilities quickly and efficiently, without sacrificing quality, to help relieve prison crowding rapidly and without excessive costs. Comparison of "Direct" and "Indirect" Supervision Correctional Facilities, Final Report. 1989. 107 pp. Jay Farbstein and Associates, Inc., San Obispo, CA 93401. National Institute of Corrections, Prison Division, Washington, DC 20534. NCJRS availability: Interlibrary loan. NCJ 120820. Data from a mail survey and case studies of direct and indirect supervision jails and prisons formed the basis of a comparison of the two approaches in terms of their costs, staff impacts, safety and security, behavior in relationship to the physical environment, design issues, and overcrowding. Correctional Facility Planning and Design, Second Edition. J. Farbstein. 1986. 396 pp. Van Nostrand Reinhold, 135 West 50th Street, New York, NY 10020. NCJRS availability: Interlibrary loan. NCJ 104227. These step-by-step guidelines give local officials detailed information on planning new jail construction or making major renovations to existing facilities. Design Considerations in the Building of Women's Prisons. S.V. Carp and J.A. Davis. 104 pp. National Institute of Corrections, Washington, DC 20534. NCJRS availability: Interlibrary loan, copy reproduction, and microfiche. NCJ 131813. Issues specific to the design of a correctional facility for women are discussed with emphasis on the need to support programming that recognizes and addresses female offenders' roles as parents, their histories of abuse, and their involvement with crime because of their distorted perceptions of their relationships with men. NII/National Directory of Corrections Construction Design, Equipment, Construction and Other Blunders in Detention and Correctional Facilities. J.R. Rowan. 1990. 14 pp. Juvenile and Criminal Justice International, Inc., Roseville, MN 55113. NCJRS availability: Interlibrary loan and microfiche. NCJ 123655. This study consists of interviews and onsite surveys at correctional facilities at the State and local level to determine the extent to which faulty facility design and construction have threatened operations and life-safety. Design Resource File: A Guide to Information/or Architects Designing Justice Facilities. 1988. 115 pp. American Institute of Architects, Washington, DC 20006. NCJRS availability: Interlibrary loan. NCJ 118733. This guide provides resources to assist in the design of criminal justice facilities, a glossary of corrections terminology, and an outline for courtroom planning. The planning and design of law enforcement, judicial, and correctional facilities are described. "Designing Tomorrow's Jails." J.T. Potter. American Jails, vol. 4, no. 3 (September/October 1990). 8 pp. American Jail Association, 1000 Day Road, Suite 100, Hagerstown, MD 21740. NCJRS availability: Interlibrary loan. NCJ 132389. The advantages and disadvantages of three types of jail designs (linear intermittent supervision, podular indirect supervision, and podular direct supervision) are discussed regarding new construction. Federal Prisons: Revised Design Standards Could Save Expansion Funds. 1991. 18 pp. U.S. General Accounting Office, Document Handling and Information Services Facility, P.O. Box 6015, Gaithersburg, MD 20877. NCJRS availability: Interlibrary loan. NO 129936. Federal prison crowding and plans for expanding correctional facilities were studied with emphasis on whether the Federal Bureau of Prisons is using reasonable and cost-effective measures of capacity in determining the extent of crowding and the need for additional facilities. Guidelines for Reducing the Liability for Inmate Suicide. R. Atlas. 1987. 31 pp. Atlas and Associates, 600 Northeast 36th Street, Suite 1522, Miami, FL 33137. NCJRS availability: Interlibrary loan. NO 107383. This manual examines prior research on suicides in jails and lockups, explores the responsibilities of the supervising agency, discusses several case studies, and presents architectural and management strategies to reduce the desire and opportunity to commit suicide. N/J/National Directory of Corrections Construction Jails: Reform and the New Generation Philosophy. L.L. Zupan. 1991. 196 pp. National Institute of Corrections. Anderson Publishing Company, 2035 Reading Road, Cincinnati, OH 45202. NCJRS availability: Interlibrary loan. NO 126941. The evaluations presented focus on how the ''new generation" (podular/direct supervision) jail philosophy is implemented in jail architectural design and inmate management style and how the philosophy affects the quality of institutional life for inmates and staff. More For Less: Jail Construction Cost Management Handbook 1987. 161 pp. Kitchell CEM, Sacramento;CA 95816. NCJRS availability: Interlibrary loan. NCJ 127977. This handbook is designed to assist California's local governments in designing and constructing cost-effective jails. Prison Expansion: Program to Identify DOD Property for Prison Use Could Be Improved. 1990. 44 pp. U.S. General Accounting Office, General Government Division, Washington, DC 20548. NCJRS availability: Interlibrary loan and microfiche. NCJ 128034. An analysis of actions taken by Federal agencies to ensure that military property is considered for conversion to minimum security prisons as an alternative to new prison construction found that as of September 1990 no military property had been identified that will be converted to prison use. Small Jail Design Guide: A Planning and Design Resource for Local Facilities of Up to 50 Beds. 1988. 440 pp. National Institute of Corrections, Jail Division, Boulder, CO 80301. NCJRS availability: Interlibrary loan. NCJ 114582. This manual uses the results of a survey of 255 jails of 50 beds or fewer as the basis of a discussion of the operational and design issues that must be addressed for each functional component of a small jail. What Is the Future of the "New Generation Jail" in California? C.S. Koehler. 1987. 134 pp. California Commission on Peace Officers Standards and Training Center for Executive Development, 1601 Alhambra Boulevard, Sacramento, CA 95816. NCJRS availability: Interlibrary loan and microfiche. NO I 11021. This paper surveys new jail construction in California to ascertain the impact of the "new generation" jail technology on the future of corrections. 351 Siting and Community Impact Economic and Fiscal Impacts of a State Prison Near Wasco, Kern County. LL. Parks, E.M. Lofting, and C.E. Davis. Comparative Analysis ofProperty Values in the Vicinity of New Correctional Facilities at the Oshkosh Correctional Institution and Its Relationship to the Proposed Racine Correctional Institution. 1987. 12 pp. Howard, Needles, 1988. 80 pp. Engineering-Economics Associates, Inc., Berkeley, CA 94707. California Department of Corrections, Sacramento, CA 95814. NCJRS availability: Interlibrary loan. NCJ 115503. This study evaluated the economic and fiscal impacts of a proposed State prison facility near Wasco in Kem County, California. Tammen, and Bergendoff, 1127 West Park Place, Milwaukee, WI 53224. NCJRS availability: Interlibrary loan. NCJ 114940. This study of the potential effects on surrounding neighborhood property values of the construction of a new prison at the St. Bonaventure site in Sturtevant (Wisconsin) uses an appropriate parallel case for comparison. Economic and Fiscal Impacts of a State Prison at Dela,w, Kern County. L.L. Parks, E.M. Lofting, and C.E. Davis. 1988. 105 pp. Engineering-Economics Associates, Inc., Berkeley, CA 94707. California Department of Corrections, Sacramento, CA 95814. NCJRS availability: Interlibrary loan. NCJ 115504. This study evaluated the economic and fiscal impacts of a proposed State prison for men near Delano in Kem County, California. Economic and Fiscal Impacts of a State Prison in Madera County. L.L. Parks and E.M. Lofting. 1987. 66 pp. Engineering-Economics Associates, Inc., Berkeley, CA 94707. California Department of Corrections, Sacramento, CA 95814. NCJRS availability: Interlibrary loan. NO 115508. This study evaluated the economic and fiscal impacts of a proposed State prison for women to be constructed between Madera City and Chowchilla in Madera County, California. "Effects of Prison Siting Practices on Community Status Arrangements: A Framework Applied to the Siting of California State Prisons." J.D. Krause. 1992. 29 pp. Crime and Delinquency, vol. 38, no. 1, special issue (January 1992). NCJRS availability: Interlibrary loan. NCJ 135968. This article contends that positive relations between prison facilities and the community promote the quality of life of correctional staff, inmates being reintegrated, and noncorrectional community members. 352 Impact of Correctional Facilities on Land Values and Public Policy. K.S. Abrams and W. Lyons. 1987. 600 pp. Rorida International University, FAV-FIU, Joint Center for Environmental and Urban Problems, North Miami, FL 33181. National Institute of Corrections, Washington, DC 20534. NCJRS availability: Interlibrary loan. NO 127852. This study investigated the popularly held notions that the presence of a correctional facility in a community creates a risk to public safety, lowers nearby property values, and reduces the community's quality of life. Impacts of a New Prison on a Small Town: Twice Blessed or Double Whammy? K.A. Carlson. 1990. 282 pp. Clallam County Sheriff's Department, Port Angeles, WA 98362. National Institute of Justice, Washington, DC 20531. NCJRS availability: Interlibrary loan, microfiche, and copy reproduction. NCJ 128309. The initial impacts of a new medium-security prison on a small, rural Washington community were analyzed during a period starting in August 1985 just before the completion of construction through September 1989. Prison Impacts: A Review of the Research. K.A. Carlson. 1989. 23 pp. Peninsula College, Port Angeles, WA 98362. National Institute of Justice, Washington DC 20531. NCJRS availability: Interlibrary loan and microfiche. NO 120517. This review of the research on the impact of a prison on the community in which it is located concludes that the community and prison sizes, the prison's location in relation to inmate and employee origins, and four other factors all influence the direction of the impacts. State Environmental Quality Review: Notice of Completion of Final Environmental Impact Statement. 1987. 11 pp. New York State Department of Correctional Services, Division of Program Planning, Research and Evaluation, Albany, NY 12226. NCJRS availability: Interlibrary loan. ·No 108460. This final report describes the environmental impact of a proposed 700-bed, medium-security correctional facility to be built on an 81.3-acre site in Ogdensburg, New York. NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction l Department of Defense, Washington, DC 20301. Bureau of Prisons and Bureau of Justice Assistance, Washington, DC. NCJRS availability: Interlibrary loan. NCJ 124375. This manual summarizes the ways in which Federal, State, and local governments have acquired 14 former military properties and used them as 19 separate correctional facilities. Prison Financing and Construction Plan, State of Texas. R. Scott. 1987. 48 pp. Texas Criminal Justice Division, P.O. Box 13084, Austin, TX 78711. NCJRS availability: Interlibrary loan, copy reproduction, and microfiche. NCJ 112057. From 1980 to 1986, total admissions to Texas prisons rose by 122.8 percent, while prison capacity increased by only 51.5 percent. Ruiz-mandated depopulation agreements will reduce capacity further in 1987-1989. Finance Methods Standards Approaches/or Capital Cost Avoidance in State Correctional Facility Construction. S.A. Carter. 1987. 15 pp. Carter- Goble Associates, Inc., Columbia, SC 29201. National Conference of State Legislatures. NCJRS availability: Interlibrary loan. NCJ 127870. State legislatures should evaluate every feasible means of avoiding excessive capital costs for new correctional facilities, while providing safe and humane institutions that meet constitutionally mandated requirements. Correctional Standards Review and Evaluation. 1991. 114 pp. American Correctional Association, 8025 Laurel Lakes Court, Laurel, MD 20707. National Institute of Justice. NCJRS availability: Interlibrary loan, copy reproduction, and microfiche. NCJ 131239. This final report on the review and evaluations of revised National Correctional Standards and Accreditation includes the first draft and camera-ready copy of a study of the cost implications of the third edition. Constructing Correctional Facilities: ls There a Role/or the Private Sector? 1987. 60 pp. Brookings Institution, 1775 Standards for Building Materials, Equipment, and Systems Used in Detention and Correctional Facilities. R.D. Dikkers Massachusetts Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20036. NCJRS availability: Interlibrary loan. NCJ 111104. Conference proceedings. and S.C. Reeder. 1987. 105 pp. U.S. Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, Center for Building Technology, Washington,DC 20534. National Institute of Corrections, Washington, DC 20534. NCJRS availability: Interlibrary loan. NCI 127937. This study develops guidelines, tests methods, and sets technical bases for standards that can assist in the selection, application, and maintenance of building materials, equipment, and systems for use in detention and correctional facilities. Using Former Military Installations as Correctional Facilities. 1990. 66 pp. Office of Economic Adjusnnent, U.S. Dollars and Sense: Cost-Cutting Strategies for Correctional Facilities in the 90' sand Beyond. D.N. Sandberg. 1990. 35 pp. American Institute of Architects, Committee on Architecture for Justice, Washington, DC 20006. NCJRS availability: Interlibrary loan. NCJ 128843. A 1990 conference sponsored by the American Institute of Architects Committee on Architecture for Justice brought architects, officials of State and Federal corrections agencies, and planners together to discuss the current and future needs of correctional systems and strategies for increasing the cost-effectiveness of correctional facilities. "Lease/Purchase Option Solves Financial Dilemmas." M. Scott and M. Gotschall. Corrections Today, vol. 51, no. 2 (April 1989). 3 pp. American Correctional Association, 8025 Laurel Lakes Court, Laurel, MD 20707. NCJRS availability: Interlibrary loan. NCJ 129554. Lease/purchase has emerged as an attractive alternative for corrections agencies as well as municipal issuers with important financing needs. NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Standards Sketchbook: Cost Implications of Third Edition Standards for Adult Correctional Institutions. 1990. 80 pp. Community Resource Services, Inc., Kents Hill, ME 04349. NCJRS availability: Interlibrary loan and microfiche. NCJ 127478. These drawings, tables, and accompanying text describe the differences between the second and third editions of the American Correctional Association's standards for adult correctional institutions, illustrate the design implications of both sets of standards, and portray the range of practice that might be possible under the old and new standards. 353 Technical Criteria for Detention and Correctional Facilities. 241 pp. Alberta Public Works, Supply and Service Capital Development, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, T6G 5A9. NORS availability: Interlibrary loan. NCJ 125834. This report represents minimum standards for security in· the design and construction of detention and correctional facilities in Alberta, Canada. Explanation of Availability NCJRS Document Loan Program. Documents in the collection are available through interlibrary loan for a transaction fee of $4.50 per document ($5.00 U.S. funds for Canadian borrowers). NCJRS lends documents only to other libraries. To initiate a document loan, contact your local public library or agency library. Include full title(s) and NCJ number(s) on a standard four-part ALA form. Libraries exempt from the interlibrary loan fee include Federal libraries, State and local criminal justice libraries, and members of the Criminal Justice Information Exchange Group. NCJRS Microfiche Program. Selected documents in the collection are available from NCJRS on microfiche. Micro.fiche documents may be purchased for $2.00 per title. NCJRS Copy Reproduction. NCJRS will photocopy documents with no copyright restrictions on a cost-recovery basis ($5.00 a document, 10 cents per page). For further assistance, contact the Construction Information Exchange: NlJ/NORS, Box 6000, Rockville, MD 20850; 800--851-3420. *U.S. G.P.0.:1993-342-496:84297 354 . NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction NIJ's Construction Information Exchange . • • Bringing corrections officials fresh insight to help plan, finance, design, and build prisons and jails As a result of an extensive data-gathering effort, NIJ's Construction Information Exchange (CIE) has for the first time collected information on: ■ Secure areas of facilities that have law enforcement or court components within them. ■ Facilities serving special inmate populations such as drug offenders, females, elderly inmates, and inmates who are HIV positive. ■ Facilities using closed-circuit television, perimeter detection/alarm(s). satellite or cable communication, paging or sound systems, and other systems using advanced technologies. ■ Land acquisition costs, equipment and furnishing purchases, site development and acreage, financing methods, and location-specific information. Corrections officials! This is only a fraction of the information available through the Exchange. CIE 's services and resources can also help you: Access up-to-date and cost-oriented data. Updated regularly, the Construction Data Base now includes information on more than 500 facilities nationwide. The full array of data supplied by the architects and facility administrators for each completed and operational prison and jail is included, ranging from design concepts, construction costs, and financing methods to staffing levels, cell capacity, inmate profiles, and operational costs. Selected information from the data base is available in book form, with floorplans, in the National Directory of Corrections Construction. Benefit from the experiences and approaches of other corrections officials. The Construction Reference and Referral Service has specialists who can locate answers to your questions or refer you to knowledgeable sources. The specialists also link coordinators of corrections conferences to resources helpful in planning and publicizing events. Learn how to save construction time and money. Construction Bulletins highlight critical corrections issues and provide case studies of selected construction projects. The Bulletins describe new time- and cost-saving building techniques, creative partnerships, and financing methods. To tap into this unique network for corrections information, call 800-851-3420 or write to Construction Information Exchange, National Institute of Justice/NCJRS, Box 6000, Rockville, MD 20850. U.S. Department of !ustice Office of Justice Programs National Institute ofJustice BULK RATE POSTAQE&FEESPAID. DOJ/ND Permit No. G-91 J Washington, D.C. 20531 Official Business Penalty for Private Use $300 NCJ 142525