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Articles by Jo Ellen Nott

Pennsylvania Clearing the Way for More Clemencies and Commutations in 2022

by Jo Ellen Nott

April is Second Chance Month for those whose lives have been changed by an encounter with the criminal justice system in the United States. The state of Pennsylvania, under the leadership of Lieutenant Governor John Fetterman, is taking a huge step forward in giving prisoners and ...

‘Sentence First; Verdict Afterwards’: Civil Asset Forfeiture Ruins Lives on Basis of Allegations

by Jo Ellen Nott 

The FBI seized almost one million dollars from Carl Nelson and Amy Sterner Nelson in May of 2020 after having shown up the month before to their home in West Seattle to let Carl know he was being investigated for allegedly “depriving Amazon of his honest ...

Rogue Alabama Police Department That Preyed on Motorists Condemned Even by Fellow Cops for Extorting Motorists

by Jo Ellen Nott

In nightmarish tale from Alabama, a small town’s police department lead by a new police chief hell bent on padding his department’s revenue near the state’s capital shook down hundreds of unfortunate motorists in a period of three years. From 2017 to 2020, the revenue from ...

Why Does Florida Maintain a Sex-Offender Registry That’s Only 38.5% Accurate?

by Jo Ellen Nott 

Just when you think you had heard it all regarding Florida’s propensity to questionable money making, yet another case comes along that cloaks itself in moral respectability but has an element of graft. The public sex offense registry kept by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement ...

Killer Cops in Florida Have Their Identity Shielded by Invoking Law Intended to Protect Victims

by Jo Ellen Nott 

The officer who shot a teenager in the back of the neck leaving him paralyzed is having his identity protected by the Miami-Dade Police Department in an overreach of Marsy’s law used by at least half of Florida’s largest law enforcement agencies.

In a 2018 referendum ...

South Florida Sergeant Grabs Fellow Female Cop by the Throat for Stopping Him From Using Excessive Force Against a Handcuffed Suspect

by Jo Ellen Nott

Forty-six-year-old veteran Florida police officer Sergeant Christopher Pullease became unhinged and used inappropriate force on a fellow female cop when, following departmental policy, she tried to prevent him from escalating a situation with a young Black suspect on November 19, 2021. The suspect, 25-year-old Jean Similien, ...

You’re Still Fired, California Appellate Court Tells Cops Who Chased Virtual Pokéman GO Characters Rather Than Help Catch Real Life Suspects During Robbery In Progress

by Jo Ellen Nott

“I don’t want to be his help,” Officer Luis Lozano of the Los Angeles Police Department was recorded saying when a fellow cop requested back-up for a robbery in progress in 2017 at a southwest Los Angeles Macy’s. What Officer Lozano and his partner Officer Eric ...

Excited Delirium: Junk Science Used to Shield Cops Who Brutalize and Kill

by Jo Ellen Nott

As part of the movement to reform policing in a nation shell-shocked by police brutality, oversight groups are starting to focus on the “excited delirium” justification for using lethal force in subduing suspects.

The Minneapolis Police Department is one of the first departments in the nation ...

DC Metro Allows Bad Cops to Stay on the Force

by Jo Ellen Nott 

The Washington D.C. Metropolitan Police Department (“MPD”), some 3,400 officers strong, has rogue characters engaging in criminal misconduct on the clock and off but using the 160-year-old badge as shield for their bad behavior. Reporting from various sources paints a not so pretty picture of domestic ...

Traffic Stops Spiral Out of Control and Motorists Killed by Cops

by Jo Ellen Nott


According to the Council on Foreign Relations, U.S. police killed far more people between 2013 and 2019 than any other wealthy democracy on the planet. Data drawn from the Mapping Police Violence organization show U.S. police officers killed more than 7,500 people during the period ...



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