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Articles by Dale Chappell

Second Circuit Holds Government’s Misleading Disclosure of Inculpatory Statement Requires New Trial

by Dale Chappell

The U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit ruled that the Government’s inaccurate pre-trial disclosure under Rule 16(a)(1)(A) of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure to defense counsel, which prompted him not to move to suppress an inculpatory statement made prior to being given his ...

Fifth Circuit Rules Evidence of Counsel’s Dual Representation of Defendant and Codefendant Results in Possible Actual Conflict of Interest Requires Evidentiary Hearing

by Dale Chappell

In a case where the same lawyer represented two codefendants and advised both to plead guilty, with one fingering the other, evidence showing a possible conflict of interest in counsel’s representation required an evidentiary hearing, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit held. ...

Maryland Court of Appeals Holds Valid Prescription Constitutes ‘Verbal Act’ Thus Not Barred From Evidence as Hearsay When Basis for Statutory Defense

by Dale Chappell

The Maryland Court of Appeals held that evidence of a valid prescription constitutes non-hearsay and is admissible as a “verbal act” when being admitted into evidence as the basis of a statutory defense.

In a case where most of the drugs involved those that would be legal ...

Eighth Circuit Finds Child Porn Sentence ‘Substantively Unreasonable’

by Dale Chappell

In a rare move, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit found that a sentence imposed for a violation of probation in a child pornography case was “substantively unreasonable” and that the sentencing court failed to explain why it imposed such a heavy sentence.  ...

Jury Takes Just 9 Minutes to Find Man Who Blared ‘F--k tha Police’ Toward Cops Not Guilty

by Dale Chappell

It took a jury just nine minutes to come back with a verdict of “not guilty” in the trial of a man charged with blaring the 1988 N.W.A. rap song in the direction of police performing a traffic stop at a gas station in Pontiac, Michigan.  ...

Dallas County Judge’s ‘Blank Check’ Warrant Questioned; Case Dismissed

by Dale Chappell 

A Dallas County, Texas, judge who cops said would sign a blank warrant allowing them to do whatever they wanted was called into question by the District Attorney’s Office, which chose to drop the issue. But not before at least one case was dismissed because of ...

Sixth Circuit Holds IAC When Counsel Fails to Warn of Possibility of Deportation as Result of Plea Bargain

by Dale Chappell

In a case where defense counsel, the Government, and the court all dropped the ball and led a 28 U.S.C. § 2255 movant to believe he did not face the possibility of deportation, his guilty plea based on that advice is invalid, the U.S. Court of Appeals ...

Sixth Circuit Rejects Kentucky Supreme Court’s Ruling That Defendant-Lawyers Are Never Without Counsel and Not Entitled to Faretta Hearing

by Dale Chappell

An experienced Kentucky trial attorney who found himself on the wrong end of counsel’s table was granted a new trial by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit after the Kentucky Supreme Court ruled that he wasn’t entitled to the assistance of counsel simply ...

L.A. County Wipes Out Almost $90 Million in Debt for Juvenile Detention Fees

by Dale Chappell

It has been illegal for Los Angeles County to charge juveniles and their families the cost of their incarceration since 2009. But, until recently, the county kept trying to collect nearly $90 million from 52,000 accounts that still owed the $24.00 per day charge for time spent ...

Federal Judge Rules Massachusetts Law Banning Secretly Recording Police in Public Is Unconstitutional

by Dale Chappell

The U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts ruled that secretly recording the police in public is protected by the First Amendment and that a Massachusetts law forbidding such activity is unconstitutional. 

When Boston police arrested Simon Glik for filming the police while they beat ...



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