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Articles by Dale Chappell

Detroit Cops Who Fabricated Evidence to Wrongfully Convict 14-Year-Old Not on Prosecutor’s Brady List

by Dale Chappell

An officer from the Detroit, Michigan, Police Department who fabricated evidence in order to convict a 14-year-old boy of murders he didn’t commit were not on the list of problem officers that prosecutors shouldn’t call as witnesses. Now the family wants to know why.

Davontae Sanford was ...

Hackers Expose Hundreds of Thousands of Documents Containing Subscriber Info Google Turned Over to Law Enforcement

by Dale Chappell

Hackers dug into servers of a hosting company in Texas used by law enforcement and found that hundreds of thousands of documents from more than 200 agencies contained private user data on Google's customers. The so-called “Blueleaks” documents were verified by cybersecurity experts and were never exposed ...

How the Courts Are Using Compassionate Release to Fix Unfair Sentences

Seventh Circuit: ‘Especially Compelling Justification’ Required for Same Maximum Sentence on Resentencing

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit held on June 19, 2020, that a district court resentencing someone again to the maximum sentence possible and well over double the recommended Guidelines sentencing range (“GSR”) must provide “especially compelling justification” for such a significant increase in ...

Seventh Circuit: Admissions to Pretrial Services Cannot Be Used to Prove Guilt

The case came before the Court after Michael ...

Sixth Circuit: Prosecutor’s Improper Comments and Counsel’s Failure to Object Require New Trial

In 2007, ...

What to Do if You’re Pepper-Sprayed

The most important tip, they say, is not to take a shower — yet. If you do, the pepper spray will run ...

Congress Unsure of Internet Data Collected by Government as PATRIOT Act Heads for Reauthorization

In a letter sent by Oregon Senator Ron Wyden to Acting Director ...

Tenth Circuit Vacates Conviction, Rules Waiver of Trial Counsel Not Knowingly Made

Randy ...

Hawai’i Supreme Court: Dog Sniff Unrelated to Initial Traffic Stop Requires Suppression of Evidence

When Cheri Numazawa called 911 to report ...



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