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QAnon and Some Cops Are Bedfellows

by Douglas Ankney

QAnon is a name associated with bizarre conspiracy theories. One is that a Satanic cabal of high-profile liberal pedophiles is running a worldwide sex ring. Another theory concerns a plot about kidnapped children held in underground tunnels so their blood can be harvested to keep wealthy people alive. But even more disturbing than these theories is the fact that evidence suggests many police officers believe they are true.

While Jason Bandy was a New Haven police officer, he hosted a podcast, For the Love, which covered a range of conspiracies, including QAnon. His podcasts included a claim that adrenochrome is a therapeutic compound acquired from children’s blood. “These elites are torturing these kids,” Bandy said in a March episode of his podcast. “Yes, there’s sex involved. They’re trafficking these children and all these other rituals they do. They are Satanic worshipers. They are Illuminati, deep state, all this.”

Matthew Kunkel and Mark Manicki are police officers in La Salle, Illinois. Both are under investigation after posting photos of themselves wearing vests emblazoned with “Q” at a rally to end the coronavirus lockdowns. Manicki said he was like millions of other people who attempted “to decode the information contained within the Q drops.”

But the difference between police officers and the “millions of others” who believe this rubbish is the officers are government agents authorized to use force, even lethal force, on the public.

And if you actually believed hundreds of children were held captive in underground tunnels to be raped and have their blood stolen, you would be morally compelled to take action to liberate them.

Police officers have a history of being strangely addicted to believing lurid conspiracy theories involving child endangerment. Law enforcement specialist Robert D. Hicks from the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services documented this in the book Pursuit of Satan: The Police and the Occult, how police believed elaborate tales of Satanic abuse at daycare centers in the 1980s. One Virginia investigator claimed that children were bused to an airfield, flown to a ceremonial site for ritual abuse, and then returned to the daycare center in time for the unsuspecting parents to pick them up. In another case, two brothers were arrested on charges of conspiracy to commit murder after allegedly hiring a voodoo priest to cast a death spell on a judge.

Police officers also have a history of using their unchecked power to spread lies, rumors, and fake stories that support their views. In recent years, officers have pushed the false narrative about nonexistent plots to injure them with milkshakes and Frappuccinos. Using that same power, Sergeant Dustin Schultz of the Moore, Oklahoma, Police Department has posted at least two videos in support of QAnon; in one, he implies the grotesque theories are true because celebrities and other powerful people are not speaking out against them.

Jamie Longazel, associate professor at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, is writing a book on the Blue Lives Matter movement. He is of the opinion that QAnon appeals to cops because police are criticized by the left, and QAnon labels the left as “evil pedophile enablers.” Longazel said police officers “sort of operate on myth and fantasy on a day to day basis.” He explains, “At any minute someone is going to do some harm. And there’s this myth that police are the one way to control crime.”



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