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Study: Brazen Cops Posting Racist, Vitriolic Comments on the Internet
Loaded on Sept. 17, 2019
by Edward Lyon
published in Criminal Legal News
October, 2019, page 41
Filed under:
Police Misconduct,
Racial Discrimination,
Racial Profiling.
United States of America.
by Ed Lyon
There is a time-worn, yet usually quite-accurate saying that states: “Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.” Thanks in great part to Philadelphia attorney Emily Baker-White’s efforts as leader of The Plain View Project (“PVP”), a national study of cops’ social media posts, that old adage has taken on ...
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- Killer’s Bold DNA-Based Defense to Get New Mexico Supreme Court Hearing, by Bill Barton
- Study: Brazen Cops Posting Racist, Vitriolic Comments on the Internet, by Edward Lyon
- Chicago PD Creating Files, Background Checks on Citizens Who Speak at Police Disciplinary Meetings, by Dale Chappell
- Kentucky Supreme Court Rules Parole Board’s Revocation Procedures Are Unconstitutional, by Douglas Ankney
- 7th Circuit Announces SORNA Requires Hybrid Approach in Comparing Underlying Conviction to Determine Tier Classification, by Anthony Accurso
- Tenth Circuit Vacates Special Condition of Supervised Release That Gave Probation Officers Discretion to Ban Computer and Internet Usage, by Douglas Ankney
- Arrest for Shouting ‘F—k You’ to Arkansas Trooper Violates First and Fourth Amendments Rights, Eighth Circuit Rules, by Michael Berk
- Michigan Will Pay $1.5 Million to Longest Serving Exonerated Prisoner, by Bill Barton
- MIX13 Reveals Potential Errors in DNA Testing, by Jayson Hawkins
- Ninth Circuit Announces that District Court Cannot Sua Sponte Raise Waiver as Ground to Dismiss Motion for Sentence Reduction, by Douglas Ankney
- First Circuit: Prosecutor Not Entitled to Absolute Immunity When Performing Purely Administrative Duty, by Anthony Accurso
- New North Dakota Law Arrests Cops’ Ability to Seize Property, by Douglas Ankney
- Black Drivers in Missouri 91 Percent More Likely to Be Stopped Than White Drivers, by Bill Barton
- Maryland Court of Appeals: Sentence Imposed on Remand That Is of Equal Maximum Length as Former Sentence but With Longer Term Before Parole Eligibility Is ‘More Severe’, by Douglas Ankney
- Delaware Supreme Court: Where Defendant Competent to Plead ‘Guilty but Mentally Ill,’ He May Revoke Plea Before It Is Accepted, by Anthony Accurso
- First Circuit Rules Appeal Waiver Does Not Relieve Counsel of Duty to Consult About an Appeal, by Dale Chappell
- Fifth Circuit Announces that Categorical Approach Applied to SORNA Doesn’t Permit Circustance-Specific Inquiry Into Offender/Victim Age Differential, by Douglas Ankney
- Seventh Circuit Announces That More Than Psychological Coercion Required to Trigger § 2B3.1(b)(4)(B) Sentencing Enhancement, Disapproving Prior Holdings to the Contrary, by Douglas Ankney
- New Hampshire Supreme Court: State’s Armed Career Criminal Statute Applies Only When Qualifying Convictions Arise From at Least 3 Separate Criminal Episodes, by Douglas Ankney
- U.S. District Court Holds Residual Clause of Federal Three-Strikes Law Unconstitutional, by Dale Chappell
- Genetic Testing Raises Privacy Concerns, by Bill Barton
- Michigan Supreme Court: Reaching Out Door of Home to Retrieve ID Inadequate to Surrender Fourth Amendment Rights, by David Reutter
- Tenth Circuit: No Absolute Immunity for Prosecutor Who Fabricated Evidence, by Douglas Ankney
- The Power of Sheriffs: An Explainer, by Jessica Brand
- Pitfalls of Using Risk Assessment Tools, by Jayson Hawkins
- Eleventh Circuit Holds Time on Appeal Counts When Considering If Sentence Was Imposed Under Residual Clause, by Dale Chappell
- Fourth Circuit Holds Appeal Waiver Does Not Preclude Retroactive ACCA Claim, by Anthony Accurso
- Third Circuit Rules Lower Courts Abused Discretion When They Failed to Conduct Evidentiary Hearing on Brady Claim and on Conflict of Interest Claim, by Douglas Ankney
- Whether State or Federal, Most Convictions Are Overwhelmingly Based on Guilty Pleas, by Edward Lyon
- Minnesota Supreme Court: Even With a Warrant, Forced Anoscopy Is Unreasonable Search, by Douglas Ankney
- 9th Circuit Finds IAC for Failure to Investigate Mitigating Factors During Penalty Phase of Capital Case, by Anthony Accurso
- Oregon Supreme Court Announces State Constitution Prohibits Cops From Digging Through Residents’ Trash Without a Warrant, by Mark Wilson
- SCOTUS Declares Portion of Federal Supervised Release Statute Unconstitutional, by Dale Chappell
- Tracking Phones: Google as a Dragnet for the Police, by Bill Barton
- Who Inflicts the Most Gun Violence in America? The U.S. Government and Its Police Forces, by John W. Whitehead
- Partial Justice, by Christopher Zoukis
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