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PLN managing editor participates in panel discussion on criminal justice reform

CCTV, Jan. 1, 2014.
PLN managing editor participates in panel discussion on criminal justice reform - CCTV 2014

(Video at the link below)

Why are Over Two Million Americans Locked up Every Day?

April 24, 2014
The number of Americans behind bars has exploded over the last 40 years. Now after decades of get-tough policies on crime and a so called “war on drugs” there are growing calls for reform.

Former New York City Police Commissioner, Bernard Kerik, has seen America’s criminal justice system from both sides. Mr. Kerik served three years in prison for felony offenses. He joins Anand Naidoo to discuss the need for prison reform after a brief introduction to the issue by CCTV’s John Gilmore.

Continuing the discussion on the staggering number of people locked up in America’s prisons, Anand Naidoo is joined by Joan Petersilia, Co-Director of the Stanford Criminal Justice Center, Grover Norquist, President of Americans for Tax Reform, and Alex Friedmann, Managing Editor of Prison Legal News.

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