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Brief article about PLN's censorship lawsuit against ADX Florence

Seattle Times, Jan. 1, 2003.
Brief article about PLN's censorship lawsuit against ADX Florence - Seattle Times 2003

The Seattle Times

December 12, 2003, Friday Fourth Edition

Wardens bar magazines, suit alleges

The Associated Press

DENVER The publishers of a prison inmate-oriented magazine have sued several Colorado prison wardens for allegedly preventing inmates from receiving the publication.

Prison Legal News, a nonprofit group based in Seattle, publishes a monthly journal with articles often written by prisoners. But officials said subscribers at the maximum-security federal prison in Florence sometimes are barred from receiving the magazine in violation of their First Amendment rights.

Prison wardens can prevent certain publications, the suit says, but the group has not been told why its magazines have been rejected.

"PLN primarily reports on legal matters related to prison conditions and prisoner rights, so our position is that what we report is protected speech," Prison Legal News spokesman Hans Sherrer said.

Prison officials could not be reached for comment.

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